My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Apr 19, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 18

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 18. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 18 - Reeve

The party was in full swing. Everyone was going off in groups. I saw Mark join Preston and Holden, so that answered some questions for me. Kendrick was going to be with Graham and Me. Reggie and Jarvis and their wives were in the other master bedroom. Travis Brody Dave and Cal were going to a bedroom. Irving was being joined by the other three strippers. I was sure they would have their doors open and their would be a lot of changes through the night. At least I hoped so.

Graham had handled the Open House better than I thought he would. I still felt bad for him that nobody from his family or friends had come and they had shut him down. I hoped I did a good job of keeping him company and occupied.

I was wondering how all the guys were doing? I'm sure they are having a good time. The strippers will make sure of that. I had seen Preston Holden and Mark go into Preston's bedroom. I was hoping that worked out well. Preston knew Mark pretty well so I was sure they were having fun. Soon I brought my attention back to Graham and Kendrick. I purposely had Graham between Kendrick and myself. I wanted him to know how much I loved him. We started out slow making out. I was kissing Graham and soon his ears and neck. Kendrick was busy kissing and nibbling on Graham's upper inside thighs with his nose brushing against Graham's big balls. I worked down over Graham's pecs and hard nipples. He was moaning and holding the back of my head. I worked down over his washboard abs and licked and kissed his navel, which made him ticklish. I saw that Kendrick was sucking on Graham's balls and fingering his hole. I moved around on Graham so my cock was over his mouth and I was able to go down his rock hard drooling cock. Kendrick had raised Graham's legs up and was giving him a good rim job. We started deep throating each other. I saw Kendrick lube his big cock and ease into Graham's hole. His hole seemed to swallow Kendrick's cock. We all got into a good rhythm and soon we were filling each other with our loads. We lay back exhausted and just reminisced about the Bahamas and how we had brought a little of that tropical experience into the sunroom. We then started planning and talking about another vacation in the Bahamas. We were looking at the celing while we were talking and had our legs draped over each other.

Reggie and Jarvis were busy making out while their wives were right next to them doing the same thing. He made them all hot and horny seeing each other getting off and making out. Reggie and Jarvis got into a hot sixty nine. Their wives watching them followed their lead and did the same thing. After they all came they switched partners and Reggie was with Jennifer and Jarvis was with Deb. They got into some good fucking and sucking. Once they came they switched and they were with their wives doing he same thing to them all over again. Fucking and sucking. They were exhausted after all their hot sex and went back to their best friends and snuggled up and went to sleep. They had kept their bedroom door closed.

That was the way we fell asleep. It sounded like the house was settling down and everyone was tired from sex or was passed out from too much to drink. But the house sounded quiet.

Graham had a restless nights sleep. He kept going over everything in his mind since he had moved in with Bob. Things were ok, but not the way he had hoped. He needed to have a long serious talk with Bob. He was sure Bob was not going to like what he had to say, but he felt he had no other alternative. He woke up before Bob and Kendrick and turned on his side away from them pretending to be asleep. He soon heard Kendrick and then Bob wake up. He heard Bob tell Kendrick to be quiet that I was still asleep. I heard them get out of bed and head to the shower.

Reggie and Jarvis woke up. The wives were already awake and having some morning sex. The guys liked watching them go at it. It always made them hard and horny. Soon them were sucking each other off watching their wives. There were some loud moans and groans when everyone came. The girls told their husbands there were going to stay in the bedroom. They didn't want to be around a bunch of naked men. They would like their breakfast in bed.

Kendrick and Bob had a little fun in the shower sucking and jerking each other other. They dried off. Graham was still asleep so they let him be. They quietly left the bedroom and closed the door and made their way downstairs to the kitchen. They were going to start getting breakfast ready for a large group of naked men. Bob had bought extra groceries for breakfast.

They got the large coffee maker going. Fresh coffee smelled good and they poured themselves a cup. They started the bacon and sausage, making enough for a small army. Soon they started seeing the guys coming downstairs, a few at a time. Some were walking funny. Others complained of sore mouths throats and asses. I saw a lot of red puffy holes walking around. The strippers had come down and were busy in the patio disassembling the stage and sound and lighting equipment and getting it loaded into the truck. They told me on one of their trips to the truck they would have to leave after breakfast. They needed to get back to the bar and have things ready for tomorrow morning. They would be going on tour and they might even leave later today to get to their first engagement. The other guys kept coming downstairs and didn't look any better than the others. They were all hanging out in the patio, lounging around and talking about the Open House and the strip show.

I saw Preston with his arm around Holden and Mark. They were talking and it looked like they were saying their goodbyes. Soon we had breakfast ready and took everything out to the patio table. It was going to be buffet style. God those guys could eat. We already had a second batch of breakfast going. Bacon sausage toast eggs pancakes, they were really scarfing down breakfast. I didn't see Graham, he must have been really tired after last night.

Reggie and Jarvis told me they were taking breakfast upstairs to their wives, they didn't want to be around a bunch of naked men. I just laughed and told them to do what they needed to do. They loaded a big tray with food and I saw them going back upstairs to their bedroom.

Most of the guys were finished eating. I saw the strippers head out to the upstairs bedrooms. They soon came back down dressed and were ready to leave including Mark. We said our goodbyes and I thanked them for another great show. I told them I have a special way of saying thank you and goodbye, they dropped their pants and underwear and I gave each one of their cocks a kiss and suck. Then I kissed each one as they left. I told them Graham thanked them also, that he was still sleeping. I watched them leave. Then I saw Reggie and Jarvis and their wives come down dressed. Reggie said they needed to leave. He had a lot of work to get ready for tomorrow. He had a new investment project here in town and he needed to have everything ready for the move down here. I didn't give Reggie and Jarvis my special thank you and good bye with their wives standing right their with them. I kissed them all and then watched them leave.

Irving Travis and Brody were the next ones to leave. Irving had to work later and Travis and Brody had some supply shopping to do for their next weekend job. I gave them my special thank you and good bye.

Dave and Cal came down. They both said they were leaving. Cal said he needed to do some work in his office and Dave said he might be helping Cal for awhile. I gave them my special thank you and goodbye.

Kendrick came down with his suitcase. He told me Graham was still sleeping. Kendrick said he had an early flight out and the taxi should be here any minute to pick him up. I gave him my special thank you and good bye. We hugged and kissed and promised to keep planning our next trip to the Bahamas. Soon I opened the gate for the taxi and I saw Kendrick leave.

That only left Preston Holden and Graham. Soon I heard Preston and Holden coming down the stairs arm in arm. "Looks like you guys are getting along well?"

"Yeah, things are working out well. We're going to leave and I'm going over to Holden's. I'll be back later." I gave them my special thank you and good bye. Preston liked that and I watched them leave in each their cars.

I thought I better check on Graham. It's not like him to sleep this late. I was hoping he was feeling ok and didn't get sick.

I walked upstairs and quietly open the bedroom door. Graham was still laying on his side. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or crying the way his body was moving up and down. I walked over close to him and I could hear him softly crying. I crawled into bed next to him and put my arms around him. He turned over and he looked terrible. His eyes were red and puffy with tear stains running down his cheeks. He pushed my arms away and managed to say that he needed to talk to me after he showered and dressed, to please leave him and he would be downstairs in a few minutes.

I went away from him in surprised. Graham had never talked like that to me before and I was worried and concerned about what he might have to say. But I gave him his space and left the bedroom and went downstairs wondering what he had to say to me. And he said he was getting dressed. He never got dressed in our house, especially when it was just the two of us.

Finally I saw Graham walking down the stairs. He was dressed in some casual clothes. He didn't look much better. He saw me in the kitchen and asked me if we could talk in my living room. We walked into the living we sat on opposite side chairs facing each other. Graham just stared at me, maybe a minute or a bit longer, finally he started taking, "Bob, I've appreciated everything you've done for me. However, I feel I'm suffocating in your house."

"But Graham."

"No, let me finish, please. Like I said, I appreciate everything you've done for me. But I need some time to myself. All your ideas have been great, but they've been your ideas. I've never had a chance to express my ideas. You would ask what I thought about your projects, but you had already set everything in motion. I've never had a chance to voice my opinions, or if you did ask me what I thought, you already had everything in motion. The only thing I've been able to do on my own is get my investment firm operating and work with Preston on our investment ideas. Otherwise, everything else was your idea and again, and asked me what I thought after the fact. I can't keep going on like this. After the Open House yesterday and not being accepted by my family friends and relatives. I can't take this on top of that. I'm going to go for a long drive now and try to clear my head. I plan to start moving my things out tomorrow. I need time by myself, to see what I really want and where I go from here. I hope you understand what I'm saying. I'll be back later, but not sure if I will want to talk anymore today about this. I'm just anxious to leave and get out there on my own and make my own decisions and plans for myself."

Graham got up and left before I had a chance to say anything. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe what he told me. I thought we had a great relationship and everything was going fine. I guessed wrong. It looks like now he will leave and I don't know if I will ever see him again or if he will want to have any contact with me. I walked out on the patio and sat down on a lounger and started crying. I started thinking about what Graham had said, and to a big degree he was correct. I didn't realize how much I had pushed my ideas on him without his input. I just thought he liked what we were doing to the house and the hotel, I didn't realize he thought it was my ideas without his suggestions or input. The more I thought about everything. The more correct I saw what Graham had said. I had no idea how I could change things around. I thought I would give him space and give him time. Maybe he would come around and we could get back together again.

I started cleaning the house. The guys did a pretty good job of putting trash away and empty bottles. I'm sure the bartenders and waiters helped. I saw Graham's jock laying on the living room floor and picked it up and held it to my nose. It was pure Graham. I was wondering if I'd ever get that chance to smell Graham again and renew our relationship. I went upstairs to put Graham's jock with his things in the dresser drawer. I saw Graham's suitcases packed and the closet had been emptied of his clothes as well his dresser. I laid his jock on top of one of his suitcases. His garment bags were full of his suits. I guess he was serious about moving out.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking at his packed suitcases and started crying again. How could I have been so insensitive to Graham. He was everything I wanted. Yet every project I asked him what he thought, I was actually slowly pushing him away without even asking because I had already made up my mind and he saw that. I was wondering what time he would get back to our house.

Suddenly I heard the front door open and Graham walked in. He looked at me and went upstairs. I asked him if he wanted any help? He just stared at me without saying anything. It took him two trips to get all his suitcases and garment bags loaded into his car. I don't know how he managed to fit everything in his small sports car. The only thing he said before he left was that he left his jock on my bed to remember him by. Then he left out the front door, got in his car and I watched him leave. I just collapsed on the floor in a crying heap. What was going to happen now? I was hoping Preston would get home soon so we could have a talk. Maybe he could give me some suggestions on what to do.

The house was eerily quiet. I hardly remembered what it was like being here by myself, and wondered how I would adjust. Maybe I should see a counselor. I will wait for Preston and see what he says.

When Graham left the first time. He drove around town for awhile trying to clear his mind. He was wondering if he was doing he right thing. He knew he needed time to sort out what he really wanted. Bob had been nice to him in his own way. He checked rooms above the diner and the landlord said he had one apartment left that was a two bedroom. Graham put a deposit down on the apartment and paid the first months rent. The landlord said there was parking in the back and a back entrance to the apartments. This would work until he could find something more permanent. He would check with the new housing development and see if they had any lots left and he could have a new house built and still be close to work. He knew when he returned to Bob's house it would have to be a quick in and out. He knew if he stayed he wouldn't leave and that's not what he wanted right now. He slowly drove back to Bob's house, opened the gate, parked and walked into the front door. He didn't know who looked worse, him or Bob. He didn't say anything to Bob and went upstairs and brought down two suitcases with his garment bags over them. Got them loaded into his car. Walked back in and saw his jock on top of one of the suitcases. He thought he'd leave it for Bob as a reminder of his time he had lived in Bob's house. He grabbed his last two suitcase and told Bob he left his jock on his bed and left for his apartment.

I was still on the floor when I heard Preston come into the kitchen. He saw me on the floor by the living room. He knew I was crying. He walked over and pulled me and asked me, "what's wrong Bob?"

"Graham left and took all his things and I don't know if I will ever see him again."

Preston helped me to the living room and he sat down with me. "Tell me everything that happened." Once Bob had finished Preston just sat there for a couple minutes looking ahead. "Can I suggest something Bob?"

"Of course Preston, I'm looked for all the help I can get."

"I think the best thing to do is to leave Graham alone and give him time and his own space. I'm sure he has a lot of thinking to do, as well as you. If he decides to relocate don't try to stop him. If he wants to stop the joint accounts, give him the signatures he needs. If he mentions any other changes he wants, go along with it without any arguments or hesitation. I've seen similar things happen with some of my teammeates when I was playing professional football. They would get into arguments with their wives or girlfriends and they would leave. But over time they always got back together. I think the same thing will happen with you and Graham. This just happened and time is a good healer. This may be not what you want to hear. I'm just telling you from my own observations."

"Thanks Preston. I don't know if I agree with everything, but I see the reasoning behind it. I'll try to get myself together and just give this time and see what happens."

"That's all you can do Bob. You want anything to eat or drink?"

"Maybe just a snack out on the patio with a cold beer, only if you join me."

"Of course, I'll get something warmed up for us and get you a cold beer and go relax on a lounger. You've had enough stress for one day."

Graham finally got everything hauled into his apartment. It wasn't very roomy, but it was good enough for him. Having two bedrooms gave him plenty of room for all his clothes. He didn't have any furniture, everything had belonged to Bob. The apartment was furnished. Nothing fancy, but it was good enough. Graham was exhausted and laid on his bed and fell asleep. He woke later hungry. The mall was still open, he'd go over and eat something at the food court. He got up and rinsed his face, got in his car and drove over to the mall.

The mall wasn't busy. Sundays were usually a quieter day at the mall. Graham liked that. He walked into the food court and looked around for something he thought would be good. He saw a chinese place and it was a buffet. He picked out what he wanted and took a coffee to drink. Paid the lady and took a seat and ate his meal. It was ok, not great. Nothing like the way Margaret cooked. Why did he think about Margaret and Bob's house. He was trying to get that out of his mind. He finished his meal and put the plastic dishes in the trash and put the tray on top.

He left the mall. He didn't feel like walking around the mall. He drove back to his apartment. The parking slips were covered which Graham liked and they had a guard at night. He went to his apartment and stripped down, crawled into bed and tried to get some sleep. Monday's were always busy at the investment firm.

Preston brought some dinner out to the patio and asked Bob if wanted another beer. He said no, but would like some coffee if there was some. Preston went back to the kitchen and brought a couple of cups of coffee. Bob poked at his plate of food. He wasn't hungry, but knew he should eat something. He took a few bites. Drank his coffee and thanked Preston for bringing out some dinner. Preston put everything away and came back out to the lounger. "How you feeling Bob?"

"Lonely, I miss Graham so much."

"It will be difficult the first few days. But it will get easier. And who knows, you and Graham may be meeting soon and patching up your differences.

"Don't I wish. I don't see that happening."

"Probably not right now, but it will happen. Just wait and see."

"I hope your right. I would do anything to get Graham back."

"You tired and want to go to bed?"

"Yes and no. I'm physically tired, but my mind is working a hundred miles an hour."

"Let's go to bed and see if you can get some sleep."

"You going to sleep with me Preston?"

"Of course. Did you have any doubts?"

"I wasn't sure. I was hoping you would. But didn't know if you wanted to sleep with someone that's a wreck."

"Your not a wreck Bob. You might feel like it. Just remember, that nothing good comes easy. It's going to take some work on both your parts if you guys want to be back together again. You need to give it time. This is just the first day."

They crawled into bed. Bob snuggled into Preston's big body. Preston felt good curled up around him. Bob felt secure and safe and was hoping what Preston said was true. He dozed off and soon Preston was sound asleep.

Graham instinctly reached over for Bob and then remembered he was in his apartment and had left Bob. He was wondering how Bob was doing. He did miss him. But right now he needed his own time and wasn't sure at this time what he wanted to do about Bob.

He turned out his bedside light and tried to sleep. Graham had a lot on his mind and he needed to sort things out. He finally dozed off, waking off and on all night.

Preston woke up before Bob. He wasn't sure if he wanted to wake Bob and see if he wanted to work out. He thought he better. He ruffled Bob a little suddenly he was awake. "What time is it?"

"It's six and I woke you to see if you wanted to work out?"

"I think I better, maybe it will help me feel better."

Preston agreed with Bob and thought it was a good idea to work out. They crawled out of bed. Bob couldn't help but notice Preston's big cock swaying and back and forth. They made their way downstairs to the locker room and Dave and Holden were just putting on their jocks. Preston walked over and gave Holden a long kiss and hug. I was glad to see them getting along. Dave looked over at me and asked, "where's Graham?"

I wasn't sure how to answer him, but thought I'd be truthful. "Graham and I had some disagreements and Graham thought it would be best if he moved out for awhile to think things out."

"Sorry to hear that, I hope you guys can work things out."

"Me to. I think it will just take time."

Preston and me got changed into our jocks. I noticed that Graham's locker was cleaned out. We got warmed up and then get into a good two hour work out. I didn't know if I felt any better or not. I knew a hot shower would feel good. We got in the shower and with the water hot and steamy. We put two shower heads on pulse and that felt good on our muscles. Soon we were all sporting hardons. We got into two four ways and everybody seemed satisfied after that. We dried off and got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. I noticed Preston walk over to Margaret and they were talking out of ears range. I was sure he was telling Margaret about Graham and me. Margaret looked over at me a couple of times while they were talking.

We finished breakfast and Margaret stopped me as I was ready to go into the garage. I walked over and she said, "Preston told me a little of what happened between you and Graham. I'm very sorry to hear that for both of you. I hope you two can work things out. I miss seeing Graham here for breakfast."

"I miss him too. It's going to take time. How long, I have no idea. Thanks for your concern Margaret."

I walked into the garage and we hugged and kissed and all headed out to work.

As I got close I realized how much bigger the clinic looked. It had to be at least double in size, maybe even a bit bigger. It looked really nice from the outside, Owen and his crew had done another great job. I walked into the new rear entrance, I could hear some talking in the front waiting room. I walked into the waiting room and Janice Shirley and Quinton had decorated the front waiting room and told me congratulation and hoped we had a long happy life together. I wasn't happy, but I had to put on a good act. I wasn't ready to tell them about Graham and me falling out and not sure if we were ever getting back together again. I thanked them and told them it was time to get to work. I walked into my office and had many congratulatory emails from friends and family. I wished that would happen to Graham, but I knew it wouldn't.

Graham woke up early and rolled over to snuggle up to Bob. He had to catch himself from almost rolling off the bed. Then he remembered he was by himself in the apartment. He woke up at six, the time they worked out. He just layed back down and rested for another hour. He was tired after another restless night of sleep. He then remembered the gym downtown and he would see about becoming a member He thought Holden might work at that gym, But he could handle that situation about Bob and him easily with Holden. He finally got up and made himself some breakfast. It seemed strange to make his own breakfast and not have Margaret serving him. He could make a pretty good breakfast and he had bought everything he needed and liked. He finished his breakfast, cleaned the dishes and put everything away. Walked into his small shower and washed himself, dried off and got dressed for work. He thought since work was only a few blocks away. He would walk to work and get in a little walking exercise.

Bob's morning was going fast. I was going to stay in for lunch and have Shirley order the special and have it delivered. I wasn't ready to face Graham yet, however I wasn't even sure if he would be going to he at the diner. Just as Bob went into his office his phone rang. It was his dad. "Hi dad, what a surprise."

"Your mom and I were very impressed with your Open House, the changes you and Graham have made and your big announcement. Like I told you at your Open House, both your mom and I already knew. We would like to invite you and Graham to the country club Wednesday for lunch."

I almost choked. "Thanks for the invite and I'll see you Wednesday at noon."

"Good, don't forget to tell Graham."

"I won't. See you Wednesday."

I was thinking about what dad said. All the changes Graham and I made to the house. He should have said, all the changes I made to the house, that I never mentioned to Graham and never got his input on anything I wanted to do. Graham was so right. I don't know how I could have been so stupid.

Preston and I had our regular Monday staff meeting. I was glad Preston never mentioned anything about Bob. We went back to our regular duties. I had a little time and I had some calls I wanted to make. First, I wanted to have my name removed from our joint bank account. I wanted to have my own account and nothing with Bob's name on it. Then I wanted to get my phone number changed. Finally, this might be more difficult especially to explain. I want my name removed from the scholarship fund, the hotel and the new sports stadium that will be under construction soon.

I made my call to the bank and they told me that I could come in and sign the papers when I was ready. I asked them if Bob would have to be present at the same time and they said no. But he would have papers to sign and they would contact him. Changing my phone number was a breeze, that went quick. I called the university president and told him about having my name removed. He was disappointed, but said he would take care of it and also for the new sports stadium. When I talked to the bank president, he said my name would automatically be removed from the hotel when I signed the papers. Good, the only place I had to go after work was the bank.

It was going on lunch time and I buzzed Preston and asked him if we wanted to go to the diner for lunch. I was curious to see if Bob would show up and if he would sit with us. Preston said to give him a couple of minutes and he would be ready. Preston drove us to the diner. I didn't see anybody sitting in Bob's favorite table. We walked in and took his favorite table. Millie came over and took our order. She was sorry she couldn't spend more time, but she was busy in the stockroom. Preston and I talked and I asked Preston if he knew if their were any lots available where he was having his house built. Preston said, "I think there is one lot left, maybe two, why?"

"I want to talk to the contractor and have my house built."

Preston gave me a funny look. "Are you sure that's something you want to do?"

"I'm positively sure. How long do they usually work at the new housing site?"

"I think at least till six maybe later."

"Good, I'll swing by after work and talk with them." I was glad Preston didn't press me anymore about Bob. This was something I wanted to do for myself. If we were to ever getting back together again, I could rent or sell the house. I will go by the bank first and sign my papers and then I will still have time to go to the housing project to talk to the contractor.

Shirley brought my lunch in and it was delicious. We had a staff coffee maker and I had a cup of ccffee with my lunch. I was wondering if Graham and Preston went to the diner for lunch. I wasn't ready for that and I didn't want to have a confrontation with Graham.

I finished my lunch and got ready for my first afternoon patient. The new expanded clinic was working out perfect. Quinton liked having his own office and exam room. I was getting ready when my phone rang. I was wondering who was calling now. I looked at the phone and I knew it was a call from the hopital. "Hello this is Bob, may I help you?"

"Hi Bob, this is the chief of staff at the hospital. I was wondering if you could come by my office when you finish work for the day?"

"Sure, I could be to your office just after five."

"That will work. See you then.

I was wondering what was up with the chief of staff. He had never called me before. I'll be there after work and see what's going on.

The afternoon went well. Quinton pulled me aside and asked my opinion about a patient. We discussed the situation and he agreed with my opinion. We generally reviewed x-rays together. Janice liked having more freedom and being able to work between the hospital and clinic. She still did a lot of our leg work, which I was grateful for. And took care of all of our lab work. I was glad. I didn't want to have to go to the hospital and bump into Ethan or Mark. It was closing time and we all left and went our separate ways.

I just got into my SUV and I got a call from the bank. That surprised me, I was wondering what that was all about. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob, this the president's secretary. He has a couple of forms he would like you to sign if you have time to come by?"

"How much longer will you be at work? I have an appointment to see the chief of staff at the hospital."

"We are here until six, but I can tell the bank president you will be coming later and I know he will wait. I will make sure the guard lets you in, if it's after closing time."

I thanked her and told her I would try to get to the bank as soon as I could.

The hospital wasn't that far from the clinic. One of the advantages of living in a small town. I pulled into the visitor's parking spot and walked in where the chief of staff's office was located. His secretary told me to take a seat and she would let the chief of staff know you were here. I watched her walk into his office and they talked for a couple of minutes. It looked like someone else was in the office with the chief of staff.

Soon the secretary came back out of the office and told me I could go in. I walked in and the chief of staff and another doctor stood up and shook hands with me. We all sat back down. The chief of staff told me the reason for asking me to come in was that Reeve that was sitting next to me, was going to start his internship. And asked me if I would be Reeve's supervising physician for his internship.

I looked at the chief of staff and and then at Reeve. "Isn't an internship for two years."

"Yes it is Bob," said the chief of staff. "However, you would only be supervising a part of his internship and that would be only for one year or less, depending on how fast you felt Reeve was learning and performning."

"What internship training would Reeve be having with me?"

"Reeve needs to have his radiology training, pediatrics and general or family medicine."

"As you probably know, Quinton is working at the clinic as a pedicatrician. Would he be able to do Reeve's training for that part of his education?"

"Yes, as long as you oversee everything that is going on and write out Reeve's reports."

"Ok, I don't see any problem with that. But I'm curious as why we decided on me as one of Reeve's supervisors and trainer?"

"Well, it was quite easy Bob. You were one of our top students here studying medicine. You've been receiving great reviews and your practice is growing and becoming quite famous in this small town."

"That's nice to hear. I would be glad to work with Reeve and have him do part of his internship at the clinic. How soon would his internship start?"

"We're looking at starting next Monday, that will give me time to finish the paperwork. I will have forms for you to use for his internship training. Reeve will bring them with him on Monday. What time do you start work?"

"We start work at eight in the morning and work until five or until we finish the last patient."

Finally we looked at Reeve. He said, "that's perfect and I am glad you are going to do part of my internship training and can't wait to get started on Monday."

We all shook hands and I left the office.

It was just after five thirty. I thought it was later so I could still get to the bank before closing time. At least the bank wasn't too far from the hospital. I pulled into the bank's parking and walked to the bank president's office. I thought I had seen Graham, but I wasn't sure, I was in a hurry and didn't pay that much attention. The secretary told me the president would be with me in a just a moment. The president walked out of his office, I stood and we shook hands, "please come in Bob and take a seat."

"I thought I had signed all the papers before with Graham?"

"You both had. However, Graham has made some changes and now I need signatures on the new forms."

"New forms?"

"Yes, Graham doesn't want a joint account. He wants his own private account."

"Don't we both need to be present to sign the new forms?"

"Under these circumstances, legally no. All I need is both your signatures and then the forms become legal documents of the changes. Graham just signed his forms, you might have seen him on his way out. Also, with him own personal account that also drops him as a joint co-owner of the hotel. That was something he wanted." The president then moved the forms over to me and showed me where I needed to sign.

I was speechless. My hand was shaking and I had a hard time signing the forms. "Is that all?"

"Yes, I just needed your signature on these forms and now the changes are officially complete."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, that completes everything I needed." We stood up and shook hands and I couldn't get out of the bank fast enough.

I couldn't believe what Graham had done. I was starting to realize how serious he was about cutting all ties with our joint assets. I was wondering what other surprises would happen.

Graham and Preston finished their day. They left their office building. Preston drove back to Bob's house and Graham drove to the housing construction site.

Graham parked by the curb. It looked like Sam's house was about finished and they were getting ready to start on Preston's. He got out of his car and walked over to where a group of men were talking. "Is the foreman here, or someone that's in charge of the contruction?" One man excused himself from the group of men and walked over to Graham.

"How can I help you?"

"I was wondering if their were any lots left for construction?"

"I have two lots left that I can show you."

"Yes, I'd like that."

Graham followed the construction boss. The two lots were on the opposite sides of the street facing each other. They both looked to be about the same size. They must have been oversized lots. Or two regular lots that were put together. "Both lots looked the same."

"They are, they're both exactly the same size. What do you think? Something you'd be interested in?"

"Definitely. Do you have the contracts for the lots and houses?"

"I do let's walk over to the trailer and we can start the paperwork."

I thought the trailer would be sweltering, being right out in the open sun. Actually, it was quite comfortable inside. They used their construction generator to have a/c in the trailer. The contruction boss opened a file cabinet and took out a couple of forms. He said, "the first form is for the purchase of the lot, the second form is for the construction of the house. We'll do the lot first and get that approved through your bank, that will give you a couple of days to look over the contract on the house and different house designs to choose from. I will email you a slideshow of the different house designs we offer with pool or without a pool and landscaping. Once we've finished all the houses, this will become a gated community with security guards."

I signed the lot form and put down my bank information. I gave the construction boss my email address and phone number. He said it would take two to three days for the bank approval. Once he had the bank approval we'd go over the house designs and the one I had chosen and then sign the contract for the house and yard work.

I thanked him. We shook hands and I took the contract back to my car and drove to my apartment. I didn't like cooking so I thought I'd order a pizza to be delivered and that would give me time to look over the lot contract and the housing contract and look over the slideshow and start getting some ideas on my new house. The lots were huge, it would give me a big yard. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with all the space, but I knew when I looked at the slideshow, I'd start getting some ideas.

Preston got home before Bob. Margaret was on her way out. Preston said his goodbye to Margaret. He walked into the house and it seemed kind of eerie being the only one home. He started thinking about Bob and Graham. He knew they would eventually get back together. They both seemed pretty stubborn. It was only the second day since Graham left. It would take time for them to realize how much they missed each other and what they had together. Anyhow, Preston went up to his bedroom and stripped down. He was getting used to being naked in the house. It was something he would do when he had his own house.

Soon the kitchen door opened and Bob walked in. He looked exhausted and his mind was miles away. Preston walked over to Bob and gave him a hug and kiss. Bob liked that from Preston, but he missed it more from Graham. "Bob your not looking so good, what don't you get changed and I'll get us a couple of cold beers."

"Huh, what a couple of beers. I'll get changed and be back down."

Bob still couldn't believe what Graham had done with their joint accounts. He wondered what else Graham had done. He stripped out of his clothes and went back downstairs. He knew he was forgetting something, but with Graham leaving he hand't been thinking too straight.

Preston handed Bob a beer and then led Bob out to the patio. He didn't think going to the sunroom right now would be a good idea. They sat on loungers close to each other. Then Bob remembered what he should do. I had forgot to invite Anthony and Roland to the Open House and I need to call Sam, so he doesn't mention the Open House to them, the next time he talks to them. I picked up my cell phone and called Sam. "Hi, Bob, what's up? And thanks for inviting me to your Open House. I'm going to be having one soon.

"I remembered I forgot to invite Anthony and Roland to the Open House, I was hoping when you talked to them next time, not to mention the Open House."

"Sure Bob, I can do that. I thought it was funny they weren't invited, but it wasn't my place to say anything."

"It was just a major slip on my part. How's everything at the hotel?"

"Hotel is running like clock work. Staying full and booked way ahead. The meeting room and banquet room are getting used more and more. The guests are really enjoying the sunroom and all its amenities. No complaints from anyone, just a lot compliments on the hotel."

"That's good to hear. I need to run here, talk to you soon."

I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls or messages. I was hoping there would be something from Graham, nothing.

Preston had watched and listened to me on the phone. He knew that I wished Graham was here, but he knew not to mention Graham. Finally Preston said, "Graham is going to have a new house built in the new housing development."

"That's nice." I didn't really know what Preston expected me to say and I was trying to sound like I wasn't interested. Preston didn't mention Graham anymore and I was glad. Finally he asked me, "what would like to do the rest of the evening?"

"Let's see if there is a good game on and then I'll make dinner reservations later at the Italian Restaurant in the mall."

Preston went to the kitchen and I could hear him rustling around in the frig. I shouldn't rely on Preston to wait on me, after all, he's a house guest and I don't need any pity. I went to the kitchen to see what Preston was doing. He had two cold beers out and was restocking the frig. We took our beers out to the patio. We lounged and drank our beer. I drank just one beer, I didn't want to curb my appetite for dinner later. I needed to start moving on and forget about Graham. But, that wasn't working. All I could think about was how much I missed him. Preston saw me daydreaming. "Missing Graham?"

"More than you can imagine."

"I thought so. Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable on the bed and I'll come up in a couple of minutes to join you?"

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll be waiting for you."

Graham arrived at his apartment. He was anxious to view the slideshow and see what the options were on building a new house. He set the contracts down on the bed, stripped down and put a jock on. He did this almost instinctively. He thought why am I doing this. I'm not living at Bob's house anymore. He took the jock off and got on the bed naked. Took his laptop and booted it. He checked his programs and found the slideshow. He got it started and the homes looked amazing. He definitely wanted a pool and jacuzzi combination. Graham wanted everything on one level. He wasn't sure how many bedrooms and if he wanted a basement or not. He thought if he ever decided to sell or rent the house to a family, a basement might be good to have. He saw one house with a master bedroom and four smaller guest bedrooms. He liked the layout of that house, all the rooms were big. Then he could have a covered patio with a kitchen island, pool and jacuzzi. That was the house he wanted. He shut down his laptop and put it up on the small desk in the apartment.

Graham dozed off. He was more tired than he thought he was. He started dreaming about when he and Bob were kids. How they were good friends and did everything together right through high school. Once they graduated and went to college, Graham had transferred to a different university and then he came back to the his hometown and got reacquainted with Bob and their friendship blossomed into love for each other. Graham kept dreaming and soon he started crying in his sleep. He was dreaming of how much he missed Bob and wished they were still together. Suddenly he woke up. He remembered most of his dream. Did he really miss Bob that much. Maybe he did. But he wasn't ready for any kind of reconciliation with Bob, at least not in the immediate future. Graham's dream had stirred up his feelings for Bob. He needed to do something or go somewhere to get his thoughts off Bob out of his mind.

While Bob was waiting in his bed for Preston. He dozed. The stress of not having Graham and the things he was doing to make their separation permanent had tired him out. He started dreaming of when they were kids, how much fun they had together and then it was hard for Bob when Graham transferred to a different university. He didn'd know if would see his best friend again. Then when Graham had returned to his hometown. They became good friends all over again and eventually lovers. Then he dreamed about how everything went downhill and Graham moving out. Bob started crying in his sleep. He woke up and saw Preston looking at him.

"Sorry, did I wake you Bob?"

"No, I woke up from a dream and saw you standing here."

"A dream about Graham?"

"Yeah. I was just trying to forget all about it."

"Are you sure you want to?"

"What do you mean?"

"Usually when you dream about someone, especially a close friend for a long time, it's because you still miss them."

"I don't know about that. How about if we take a warm shower together. I think you'll feel better after that. Besides I like your shower."

That made Bob smile. He liked the new shower too. He got up out of bed and followed Preston to the shower. Preston got the water running and Bob joined him. They cleaned each other getting hard and horny. Finally Preston pulled Bob back into him as he slowly slid his big cock up Bob's hole. Bob moaned, not from pain, but from pleasure. Preston held Bob tight to him letting the warm water run over their bodies. He kissed Bob's ears and neck and squeezed Bob's hard nips. He saw Bob start stroking his hard cock and buck back and forth. Driving Preston's cock further up his hole and making his stroking go faster. Preston let Bob take over. He didn't have to do anything with Bob's bucking back and forth. Soon he started moaning louder, his cock stiffened in Bob's tight warm hole and he blasted way up his hole. That sent Bob over the edge and he splattered a big load all over the shower wall. They rinsed their cum down the drain. Bob turned and he hugged and kissed Preston and told him how much he needed that.

Preston liked hearing that from Bob. He was hoping he could fill in the gaps left by Graham. They laid back on the bed after their hot shower and Bob looked at the clock. It was going on six. He asked Preston if he would like to go to the Italian Restaurant in the mall. Preston said sure, he had never been there. Bob picked up his cell phone and made reservation for two at six thirty. Preston heard the time and we agreed we should start getting ready for dinner.

Graham checked the time and saw it was going on six. Since he didn't like to cook and wasn't a good cook, he would make reservations at the Italian Restaurant for six thirty. He picked up his cell phone off the bed and called the Italiam Restaurant and made reservations for one at six thirty. He told them he would like one of the private dining rooms. The person answering the phone asked Graham if he would like a table or booth. Graham was a little irritated and told her he would like one of the private dining rooms. She told Graham that she had been informed that your meals were no longer on the house and that the private dining rooms were off limits. He asked her why. She said she was told by the owner, it was because you weren't a co-owner of the hotel any longer. "Fine," said Graham. "I'll take a small table for two at six thirty." "Very good Mr. Graham, we'll see you at six thirty."

Graham was pissed. He wasn't expecting that. He had some shopping he wanted to do at the mall, so he would go to the Italian Restaurant and do his shopping after. The mall stayed open till ten so he would have plenty of time to buy a few things. He got dressed and headed out to the mall. Mumbling and grumbling under his breath.

Bob and Preston checked each other out. They thought they looked pretty good. They decided to go in Bob's SUV. They pulled into a parking spot by the restaurant. That sure looked like Graham's car parked over their. He mentioned it to Preston and he said it was Graham's car. He asked me if I felt ok. I told him sure. We walked to the front door and one of the waiters opened it for us and took us back to one of the private dining rooms. Graham happened to be looking at the menu and didn't notice Bob and Preston come in. He looked out the window while he was waiting to order and he saw Bob's SUV parked close to his car. He wondered when Bob got here.

Preston told Bob he didn't know private dining rooms at restaurants like this existed. Bob explained about being a co-owner of the hotel and how the hotel had helped the ecomony and he had unlimited free dining here at the restaurant and Milo's Supper Club. He told Preston they would go to Milo's on the weekend. And he would see another private dining room. They enjoyed their food. Another dinner prepared especially for Bob by the chef.

Graham was not a happy camper. He understood by not being a co-owner of the hotel he would lose some of his perks, but he didn't think they would take away his free meals here. Graham thought Bob probably brought Preston with him, in his place. Why did he just think that. It was his decision to have a private bank account and not a joint account with Bob. This was another way of not being controlled by Bob and being told what they would do together. Graham still enjoyed his dinner. It was good, but didn't compare to the private dining room.

Bob and Preston enjoyed an excellent dinner prepared by the chef especially for them. Preston had dessert. It made Bob think of Graham, how he always had dessert. Preston was bigger than Graham, so having dessert was no surprise to Bob. Bob had an after dinner drink while Preston ate his dessert. They finished and left a tip for the waiter. The waiter opened the door as they left the restaurant.

Graham was also finishing and had paid for his dinner. He got up and was ready to leave when he saw Bob and Preston going out the door. He went quickly to the door and out to his car. He saw Bob and Preston standing by Bob's SUV. Bob happened to turn and saw Graham looking at him. They stared at each other and looked like they were going to say something, but they both got in their vehicles and left.

Graham was thinking, it looked like Bob wanted to say something to him. Why did I take off right away. Oh well, what would I say to him and what would he want to say to me. After all I was the one that left. Oh well, I don't really care. The less I see of Bob he better

Bob was thinking as he was driving home, that it looked like Graham wanted to say something to him. Why did I take off right away. I would have listened to Graham, I may not have responded, but he seemed in a hurry and took off right away. I guess I did to. Oh well, that's the way it goes. Preston looked over at me. "Why didn't you say something to Graham, he looked like he wanted to talk?"

"I wasn't ready to hear anything from him."

"Come on Bob, you know that's not true. The way you too stared at each other, the attraction is still there. Why don't you start going to the diner and maybe being in public, it will make it easier to talk to each other."

"I don't know if I want to talk to him. The things he said when walked out, I'm not ready to talk to him. If he wants to say something first that might be different."

Preston thought to himself, and it would be easy enough to get Graham to go to the diner, he could always call Bob and see if wanted to meet at the diner for lunch. That's what he would do tomorrow and see what happens. Preston thought he needed to get the ball rolling between Bob and Graham.

Bob and Preston got home and stripped down and put on jocks. Preston looked mighty fine in his jock. I could look at him all day and never get tired. We went downstairs and watched a movie.

Graham drove around to the other side of the mall. The stores he wanted to go to were located close to his entrance. He walked in and walked around finding the stores, made his purchases and left. He got home to his apartment and stripped down. Why did he keep doing that, he wasn't living at Bob's house anymore. He did like being naked and he looked pretty good. He needed go to the gym and pay his membership and get started working out. He put the tv on and watched a movie.

The movie finished and Bob and Preston went up to Bob's bedroom and went to bed. He wanted Preston to snuggle up to him. He just needed some comforting and relaxing and try to get some sleep. He mentioned to Preston that tomorrow he had his luncheon with his parents at the country club, so he wouldn't be going to the diner. Soon they both drifted off to sleep at almost the same time. Bob liked Preston's big cock nestled up between his ass cheeks.

Graham fell asleep with the tv going and his nightstand light on.

Bob woke up with Preston still pressed up behind him. What a nice way to wake up. Bob felt rested. This was the first since Graham had left. He was dreading his luncheon with his parents. But he knew he would have their support and could tell them everything and get their input on what he should do next. That made him feel sad. Graham had no one he could confide in, and he was keeping all this inside and not able to get it out. Soon Bob felt Preston stir and they got up to go downstairs and workout. Bob knew Preston was looking forward to seeing Holden.

Holden and Dave were in their jocks and already warming up on the treadmills. Preston and I put on our jocks and joined them. Holden got off his treadmill and gave Preston a long hug and kiss. Dave and I just watched them smiling. We got in our work out and then showered. Showering was always fun with Dave and Holden. We jerked each other off and then sucked each other. We dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was busy as usual and had breakfast waiting for us. She got the patio table ready and we ate our breakfast outside. It felt a little cooler. I was wondering if our cooler weather was going to start earlier this year. It didn't last long usually only a couple of days. But sometimes it would get cold enough we would get some frost. We ate quick and thanked Margaret for a wonderful breakfast. We hugged and kissed in the garage and left for work.

Graham woke up and was a little disoriented. He still was getting used to living in the apartment. He turned off the tv and the night light. He was going to put on his jock and go downstairs to work out. He really was out of it. I'm in an apartment, not in Bob's house, he kept saying to himself. He was starting to miss Bob more and more, but he felt he needed to stick to his plans. He would meet with the construction boss after work and finalize the plans for his house and yard. Graham took a shower and dried off. He put some boxers on. He didn't want anything getting burned when he made his breakfast. He finished eating breakfast, cleaned his little kitchen and got dressed for work. He would walk to work for the exercise.

He walked out and locked his apartment. The weather seemed a bit cooler this morning. He was wondering if they had a cold front coming in. He would check the weather when he read over the paper at work. He walked into the office building and Preston was already busy in his office. They waved to each other and Graham made his way back to his office.

Bob arrived at the clinic. Everyone was already there, Shirley Janice and Quinton. He walked in through the new back entrance and everyone said their good mornings and started getting ready for another day of work. Quinton poked his head in my office and asked me if I had a couple of minutes. I told him to take a seat. "What's up Quinton, is everything ok?"

"Everything is perfect Bob. That's what I wanted to tell you. I really enjoy working here and the people have been very welcoming and nice to me."

"I'm glad to hear that. I've heard some very nice compliments about how professional you are and how pleased the patients are with you."

"That's nice to hear. Being a new doctor, I wasn't sure what to expect. I just did what I'm trained to do to the best of my ability and I'm glad that I'm being accepted."

"Well Quinton, I think we better get ready for another day."

"Ok Bob, and thanks for sharing that information with me. It means a lot."

"Get out of this office, before I fire you."

Quinton knew I was joking and I could hear him chuckling as he walked back to his office.

The morning went fast for me. And I was leaving a few minutes early for my luncheon with mom and dad. I told Shirley on my way out to order lunch for Quinton and have the diner put it on my tab.

It felt colder out. I hadn't checked the weather in the daily paper. It didn't take long and soon I was making the long entrance drive to the country club. I saw my dad's big S-series Mercedes Benz parked by the front entrance. I parked a couple of places over and walked up the steps to the entrance to the country club. The workers at the club new me, even though I was not a member. I made my way to the dining and could see my parents sitting at a side table that looked out to the golf course.

I walked in. And my mom and dad saw me. I could see my mom talking to my dad. She was telling him that something was wrong. Just by the way I walked and looked and especially when she didn't see Graham with me. I gave my dad a hug and hand shake. I gave mom a peck on the cheek. Right away my mom started, "what's wrong Bob? You know you can tell us anything."

I thought I better get this over with right away. I knew I'd feel better once I told them what happened. I explained everything to mom and dad. They just sat and listened until I finished. Mom being mom was the first to speak when I finished. "Oh Bob, honey, I'm so sorry for you, have you and Graham talked?"

"No Graham has been avoiding me and we haven't talked since he moved out. Preston is staying at my house until his new home is built. So it helps having him around."

My dad was still quiet and hadn't said anything. Finally my dad said, "Bob, after listening to everything you said and the way you explained everything. I think you should work at my firm." That got a chuckle out of me. My dad then went on, "however I think Graham did the right thing by the way you described the circumstances. I think I would have walked out to. I think the best thing right now, is to leave Graham alone and let him settle down and give him time to think. It's going to take Graham some time. He has a lot of things to sort out and decisions to make. Normally, I would ask you if you want me to talk to him, but in this case, I'm not going to do that. I think this is something strickly between the two of you. And something the two of you need to work out."

After my dad's speech, we ate a delicious lunch and we all needed to leave and get back to work. On our way out, my dad took me to the side and told me. "Bob, at your Open House I could see the love you and Graham have for each other. Don't do anything to jeopardize that. Give Graham the space and time he needs. In time, he will reconsider and I'm sure you two will be back together and much stronger the second time around."

"Thanks dad, I needed to hear that."

Dad and I shook hands in the parking lot and I gave my mother another kiss and we left for our respective jobs.

As lunch time approached, Graham was going to walk to the diner and get in some more exercise. Preston was busy with meetings and wouldn't be able to make lunch today. Graham was wondering if Bob would show up. He would take Bob's favorite table and see what happens. He walked in and the diner was quiet. He saw Millie come walking over to the table and was wondering how Millie was going to act today. "Well tall dark and handsome, what can I get you?"

"How about a side of Millie?"

"Aren't we the cute one today. I suppose you think that's pretty funny?"

"Actually, I do. I'll take the special and a black coffee."

"I'll see if we have anything left. I hope it's not burnt."

I heard Millie laughing all the way to the kitchen. Millie was just what I needed today. I had been down all morning. I've started missing Bob more and more every day. It will be good to go to the housing site and get my mind on something else. Millie came out with my lunch and coffee. "Today's your lucky day. Nothing is burnt and I still had some coffee left."

"Thanks Millie. I still love you."

"Don't I wish. Enjoy your lunch. Charmer."

That got a chuckle out of me. I ate my lunch paid and gave Millie a good sized tip and walked back to work.

I left the diner and walked back to my office building. The weather was definitely changing. I needed to check the weather in the paper when I got back to work.

Bev and John talked at the country club after Robert left. Bev being a typical mother was more concerned than John was. But the more she thought about what John had said, the more she agreed with him. He said, "you thinking about Bob?"

"Yes, and what you said. I think your right and I just hope they can work things out."

"I'm sure they will, it will just take time.

Bob got back to the clinic a few minutes late. Shirley told him his first afternoon patient was running a few minutes late. Bob went into his office and checked the weather in the paper. It said a cold front was moving in. At this time it was too early to tell how cold it would get and how long it would last. But it would be close to freezing temperatures. Bob's afternoon appointment arrived and the rest of his afternoon went quick. Quinton was still working with a mother and twin girls. He was running late. I told the ladies bye and left for home.

Graham and Preston were having a busy afternoon. They had meetings with contruction bids on the new investment sites and were also meeting with contractors that were already approved. Owen and Reggie were busy in meetings with Graham and Preston. They weren't sure how long their meetings would last. They took a short break and Preston went back to his office to call Bob. He told Bob about the meetings going on and he wasn't sure how long they would last. Bob reminded Preston that Holden was coming over to give them massages. Preston had forgot about that as busy as he was. He told Bob he would try to get back as soon as possible and tell Holden to wait for him, unless it started getting late.

Reggie Owen and Graham were talking. Reggie and Owen asked Graham how Bob was and that they really enjoyed the Open House. He briefly told them that he had a falling out with Bob after the Open House and he moved out. They both told Graham he had their support and if their was anything they could do, they would be glad to help them get back together. Graham thanked them just as Preston walked back into their meeting room. They all sat back down and got back to business.

Reggie was thinking about Bob and how devastated he must be. He thought when they finished their meeting he would call Deb and tell her what happened with Bob and Graham and stay overnight and come home tomorrow. Owen Graham and Preston were looking at Reggie. "Sorry, guys was just thinking about a few things. I'm back with you now."

They all gave Reggie a funny look and got back to their meeting.

Bob arrived home. It sure felt colder coming home than when he went to work. Margaret was finishing her day when he walked into the kitchen. He told Margaret bye and she left. He noticed she was wearing a sweater coat when she left. He thought he might pull out some warmer clothes for work. He went upstairs and stripped down and put a jock on. The pouch in his jock was nice and full and his big balls were almost hanging out on one side of his jock. He though he'd eat dinner with Holden and Preston. He wasn't that hungry anyhow. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer and turned the tv on to the weather channel. Not much change in the forecast. It showed on the weather map the cold front that was moving in. The weatherman said the front was moving slow and probably be arrived full force for at least three or four days. And they still didn't know how cold it would get and how long the front would stay in the area. The weather finished and it went back to the news. Bob's cell phone rang and it was Sam. "Hi Sam, what's up?"

"Calling to let you know I'm having my Open House this Saturday starting around noon. You don't need to bring anything, just Graham. By the way, can you tell Graham about the Open house, I tried calling him but it said that his phone number was no longer in service."

"Ok, Sam. I'll pass the message on and thanks for the invite."

"My pleasure, after your great Open House, I hope mine comes close to yours. Look forward to seeing both of you at noon on Saturday, and I like I told you, there will be a big surprise for you and Graham.

Bob went back to watching the news. Nothing much of interest on the news. He then started thinking about Graham and wondering how he was doing. Where he was living and how he was getting along. He remembered Preston telling him that Graham was going to have a new house built at the housing project.

Graham and Preston's meeting finally finished. They were able to finalize things quicker than they thought and soon they were all heading out. It was just going on six.

Reggie and Preston went to Bob's house, while Graham went to the housing site to talk to the construction boss.

Graham pulled in and saw Sam's finished house and yard. It looked spectacular, Graham wondered what he would be doing with such a big house and it now looked like they were starting on Preston's house which was going to be big too. Graham saw the construction boss and walked over to him. They talked for a bit and the boss thought Graham wasn't going to make it. Graham told him he was running late with meetings. He asked Graham if he had decided on a house and the kind of yard he wanted. He told him he had. They walked into the air conditioned trailer, which Graham didn't think they needed with the cooler weather. The construction boss booted his laptop and started the slideshow. He told Graham to touch the house he liked and the slideshow would stop. The houses moved by, one by one until the house Graham liked appeared on the screen. He touched the house to stop the slideshow. That's a good choice Graham, it's one of our favorite designs, however, your the first one to use it. Now let's look at what kind of yard you'd like. The boss started the slideshow on the yards with landscaping pools and jacuzzis. Graham touched the one he liked and asked if it could be modified. The boss said sure. They used Zane's landscaping and pool company for the outside work and I could meet with him and go over the changes I would like. The boss said Graham had been approved for the lot and the bank had told the construction boss that Graham was good for any size house he wanted with whatever landscaping he wanted. He asked Graham if he could come back tomorrow to sign the contract on the house and then they could go over what materials and design changes Graham might have for the interior. That finished their short meeting. They stood up and shook hands and Graham left for his apartment and the construction boss went back to talk to his crew working on Preston's house.

Preston and Reggie pulled into Bob's front yard and Preston parked in the garage and Reggie parked by the garage. Bob was still watching tv when he heard the kitchen door. He saw Preston walk in followed by Reggie. He was surprised to see his brother. He walked over and gave them both hugs and kisses which they returned. "Reggie, what a surprise, wasn't expecting to see you."

"Well, we had a meeting today about some of the investment ideas. And when we took a break Preston told me briefly about you and Graham falling out and Graham leaving. I thought you could use some brotherly company and will stay overnight if that's ok?"

"Come on Reggie, you know you don't have to ask me that. My house is your house. I'm really glad to see you."

"Let me make a quick call to Deb and let her know I'm staying over and will give her a short account about you and Graham and I know she'll encourage me to stay."

Reggie walked out onto the patio and made his call to Deb.

Preston looked at Bob. "I hope your not upset I said something to Reggie about you and Graham. I felt I needed to and that you could use your brother here for a short time?"

"Not at all Preston. I'm glad he's here."

"Should we wait for Holden and all eat together, either before massages or after massages?"

"If it goes like last time. I think we'd better eat first and then have our massages."

I heard Holden pull up outside and he parked by Reggie. He was wondering who owned the big truck. He walked in through the front and Preston and I greeted him. Holden and I hugged and kissed and then it was Preston's turn. Of course their hug and kiss lasted much longer until I told them to break for air.

Reggie walked in and said everything was fine with Deb. He saw Holden and walked over and gave him a kiss and hug. Holden remembered Reggie being my brother. How about if one of you guys gets us all beers and I'll get some dinner ready and then we can have our massages after we eat.

Preston with his big hands easily got four beers out of the frig in one hand. He handed one to me and then walked out to the guys and asked them if they wanted their beers on the patio. Reggie said it was getting pretty cool. They decided to go to the sunroom. I hadn't been in the sunroom since Graham left. I wasn't sure how I was going to react when I went up their. Dinner was finished and I managed to get everything on one big tray that I hauled up to the sunroom. I managed to open the door and still hold onto the tray. I walked in and put the tray down on one of the bigger round tables where the guys were sitting. We unloaded the tray and ate our dinner. I didn't look around much. I still wasn't sure about being back in the sunroom. Preston looked at me and asked me, "you doing ok Bob?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. It's just this is the first I've been in the sunroom since Graham left."

"Everyone got quiet after I said that and we ate our dinner in silence."

Finally we finished eating and Holden asked, "who wants their massage first?"

"I told Holden I'd go first."

Holden and I walked into the massage room and Holden got everything ready while I slid my jock off and got postioned on the massage table with everything adjusted.

Preston and Reggie were talking while I got my massage. Reggie asked Preston, "how is my brother doing?"

"I really don't know Reggie, he doesn't talk about it much. He's keeping everything inside. All he's said is he's not presssuring Graham and will give Graham as much time as he needs."

"That sounds like Bob. He would do the same thing when we were kids at home. If something happened, he wouldn't say much of anything and would just let time make it pass. That sounds like what he is doing now."

"Exactly." Preston and Reggie took everything back to the kitchen and straightened the kitchen and put everything away in the frig. On their way back to the sunroom, Reggie stopped in Bob's bedroom and took all his clothes off. Preston couldn't stop admiring Reggie's body. All his construction work must have kept in good shape. He was muscular and hung about the same size a Bob.

"You like what you see Preston?"

"Very much, I think it will be an interesting evening."

Holden's strong hands felt good on my tight muscles. I was tense and stressed with Graham leaving and it had affected my muscles. His hands didn't feel as good as Graham's, but Holden knew what he was doing. The warm oil and how he worked his hands he was getting my neck and shoulder muscles relaxed and it felt wonderful. I could almost go to sleep it was so relaxing. He then worked on my back and lower back. My legs and feet and hands. He then had me turn over and my cock was hard and leaking. I didn't care. I was hoping he would take care of it. He started working on my upper chest. Rubbing my pecs and nips constantly, getting me hot and horny. He rubbed over my stomach and abs. Through my pubes. Leaving my cock and balls for last. He then did my legs and feet slowly rubbing his hands up the inside of my thighs and cupping my balls and rolling them around in his hands with the warm oil. What a sensation that was. As he kept playing with my balls I saw him bend down and soon he took the head of my cock between his warm moist lips. He sucked out my precum. Then started working his way down my hard shaft until he had my cock buried in his throat. His playing with my balls and deep throating my cock, brought me over the edge and I was bathing his throat with a nice sized load. He milked out my last drops of cum and told me to send in Reggie.

As I came out of the massage room, I told Reggie it was his turn. I sat down by Preston. He handed me a nice cold beer which tasted good after the massage. I told Preston about Sam calling and having an Open House this Saturday. He was welcome. And he could mention it to Graham if he wanted. Preston told me he would go with me if that was ok and he would tell Graham tomorrow at work. I thought that should be interesting. I doubted if Graham would go since he wasn't a co-owner of the hotel anymore.

Graham was bored out of his mind. He thought he would drive over to the mall and buy a bigger tv for the living and put the small nineteen inch tv in the living room in his bedroom. At least that would get him out of his apartment for a little while. He could then buy some takeout dinner somewhere. Maybe from the food court in the mall. The chinese place had a good buffet. He got dressed and jumped in his car. He should have worn something warmer. It was cooler than this morning. He put the heat on low in his car and drove over to the mall. He found the store he was looking for and bought a fifty inch smart tv. The salesman helped him get the tv into his car. It barely fit in his sports car. Graham then went back in the mall to the food court and took a styrofoam take out container and loaded it up from the buffet. He also took a black coffee as take out. He paid for it and want went back to his car. He had a beverage holder in the console in his car. His coffee fit in it perfect. He sat his styrofoam food container on the floor so it wouldn't spill. He arrived at his apartment parked in his parking place. He took his food into his apartment and and left the door open so he could haul in the big tv. Graham had quite a time getting the tv out of his car by himself. He finally managed to wedge it out of his car and carry into his apartment. He disconnected the small tv and reconnected it in his bedroom. He took the big tv out of the box and set it on the small entertainment center. Luckily for Graham it fit on the entertainment center. He got it connected and put the batteries in the remote control and he tried it. It worked perfect and it was nice looking at a large image. He stripped down and put a jock on. Grabbed his chinese food and coffee and watched a movie on his new tv.

Reggie liked Holden. Holden was a good looking guy and well muscled. However, nobody could take the place of Jarvis. Reggie got up on the massage table and adjusted himself and was ready for a massage. He had only had one massage in his whole life and that was when he played high school football and pulled a muscle. The sports trainer gave him a massage. He waited on Holden and soon he felt some warm oil on his back. Holden gave him a good massage and Reggie was enjoying it. Maybe enjoying it too much, because when Holden had him turn over, Reggie was sporting a big hardon. Holden started giving Reggie a more erotic massage paying special attention to Reggie's cock balls and hole. Reggie was starting to sweat and was getting really horny from this hot massage. Holden would rub his bulge over Reggie's arms and his head when he massaged Reggie's chest standing behind him. Reggie couldn't control himself any longer and started feeling Holden's bulge through his jock. Holden stopped the massage and slid his jock off. His big thick eight inch cock sprang out. Holden positioned himself so Reggie could stroke him. Holden started working on Reggie's cock and balls, and soon had two fingers up Reggie's hole. Reggie leaned over on his side and took Holden's big cock down his throat. Holden didn't hold back and took Reggie's throbbing hardon down his throat. Soon they were in a hot sixty nine going at it like two animals in heat. Holden kept fingering Reggie's hole and had Reggie blasting down his throat as he did the same to Reggie. They sucked out each other's last gobs of cum. Kissed tasting each other's cum. Reggie thanked Holden for an amazing massage. Holden told Reggie to send in Preston.

Holden was waiting for Preston. He wanted to feel Preston's big cock way up his hole. Holden loved getting fucked by Preston. Preston was everything he was looking for and they already had plans to live together when Preston's house was finished. Holden couldn't wait. His big hunky boyfriend walked into the the massage room and Holden walked over and helped Preston out of his jock. They were kissing as Holden slid Preston's jock down and he kicked it off. Holden was already naked from giving Reggie his massage. He helped Preston up on the massage table and watched Preston adjust his big cock and balls. Holden started by giving Preston a regular massage on his back arms and legs. Then he had Preston turn over and he massaged his chest abs arms and legs. Leaving Preston's cock and balls for last. He got some warm oil in his hands and started massaging Preston's balls. Preston moaned and loved the feel of Holden's hands on his most private parts. Then Holden slicked Preston's big shaft with oil. Holden stuck two oiled fingers up his hole and got his hole well lubed. He then positioned himself over Preston's cock and slowly lowered his ass down on his big ten inch thick cock. He eased down on that big monster cock one inch at a time until he felt Preston's pubes pressed against his ass. Soon he started riding Preston's cock. Preston raised his head and took Holden's cock in his mouth and started sucking him. Holden knew it would take him longer to cum after his sixty nine with Reggie, but he didn't care. He loved how Preston sucked his cock. Holden started going faster and faster on Preston's cock. Preston couldn't hold back any longer and gave out a loud moan and shot way up Holden's hole. Holden's hole kept constricting on his cock driving Preston crazy. Holden's hole was milking his cock. Preston started sucking Holden faster and harder and soon had Holden moaning and panting and shooting a good sized second load in Preston's mouth. After he came, Holden collapsed on top of Preston and Preston wrapped his big arms around Holden. They just laid there until there breathing returned to normal. They got off the massage table, kissed and hugged again, put on their jocks and walked back out to join Bob and Reggie.

Reggie and Bob looked at Preston and Holden. He said, "it sounded like you two had a good massage."

They both got red in the face and said, "it was very fulfilling."

That made everyone laugh. Preston told Bob he was going over to Holden's for awhile and would be back later. Bob said he didn't care if he wanted to stay all night. Reggie was here and he wouldn't have to be by himself. Preston said no, that he would be back later. He expected another busy day at work tomorrow.

Graham was enjoying his new tv and some good chinese food. He was missing Bob more and more every day, but he was still going through with his plans for a new house. Moving into a new house would change his feelings. He just needed to someone to take the place of Bob. He thought about Preston, but knew Preston and Holden were boyfriends, so he knew that wouldn't work. He'd need to give it some thought and see if he could come up with someone. Graham knew he needed to get out more and mabye then he would find a good partner, maybe start going to the In and Out Bar, there were always hot guys there and maybe he'd get lucky. He finished his chinese food and threw the container and his plastic coffee cup in the trash. Went back to watching his movie until it finished. It felt kind of cool in his apartment. He stepped out for just a bit and it was definitely cooler outside, it was cooler than when he went to the mall. Graham was going to check the weather channel when his movie finished.

Bob and Reggie said their goodbyes to Preston and Holden. They hugged and kissed and heard them leave. Reggie looked over at Bob. "Bob, how are you doing? You look like your barely holding together?"

Reggie knew his brother well. They were close growing up and would share everything together. Reggie being the older brother could always tell when something was bothering his brother and they would always work it out. He was hoping he could do that again now with Bob. Bob looked at Reggie and the tears were running down his cheeks. He pulled his brother up and hugged him. "Let it all out Bob, you know I'm always here for you."

The flood gates opened and Bob start sobbing with his head on Reggie's shoulder. Reggie rubbed Bob's back trying to calm him. It was good for Bob to get this out. "You want to sit and have a beer?

Bob just nodded his head yes and sat back down. Reggie went to the tiki bar and brought Bob and himself a beer. "Can you tell me what your feeling?"

Bob took a big swig of his beer. "I just miss him so much. But when I heard he was no longer a co-signer with our bank accounts and wanted a private account. I knew Graham was starting to finalize things and break away."

"Anything else?"

"Preston told me he was having a new house built in the new housing development location. He also has changed his phone number. Reggie, he doesn't want to be with my anymore and it's just really hard to think about it. But it's constanty on my mind."

"What do you want Bob?"

"I want Graham and I to get back together."

"Are they any places where you go that you could have contact with Graham?"

"The only place I can think of is the diner. We used to go there for lunch."

"Have you been back to the diner since Graham left?"


"Maybe you should. At least let him see you. I think you need to take the first step Bob."

"I want to, but I don't know if I can."

"Why, what's so hard about walking into the diner and taking a table. You don't have to sit with him. Just seeing you there will make a difference."

"What do you mean?"

"He will know that your not avoiding him and his leaving doesn't bother you."

"Your right Reggie, I will do that tomorrow. Preston told Graham about Sam's Open House and I might see him there."

Soon Bob and Reggie were talking about old times, when they were kids and how much fun they used to have together. They sipped on another beer. It was going on ten and Preston wasn't back yet. Bob wanted to go downstairs and check the news and weather. They got up and walked down to the living room. Bob put the news on, the weather hadn't started yet.

Graham was thinking about what Preston had told him about Sam's Open House. He liked Sam alot but wasn't sure about going to his Open House since he wasn't a co-owner of the hotel any more. And Bob might be there and he wasn't sure how he would react if he saw Bob. He would have to think about going to the Open House more. He still had a few days. As he was thinking, he remembered how Bob hadn't been to the diner. It seemed strange. Bob went to the diner all the time. Maybe he was glad that I left and he didn't have to see me anymore.

Graham's movie ended and he wanted to check the news and weather. He flipped over to the news and the weather was just starting. The weatherman said the cold front was moving very slow, hardly moving but was headed directly for them. It had been recorded in places of temperatures around freezing. Some places had received freezing rain and other's just a light dusting of snow, which didn't last once the cold front moved out. He was hoping for just cooler weather and no rain or snow. Once the weather finished he turned off the tv and night stand light and went to sleep.

Reggie and Bob watched the news and then the weather came on. They heard Preston come in from the garage door connected to the kitchen. They both looked over at Preston, he looked flushed in the face, with a very satisfied look on his face. Bob and Reggie knew that look. They got up and hugged and kissed Preston. He told them he would be right back down. They told him to hurry they wanted all the details.

Preston came back down in just a couple of minutes in a jock. The guys couldn't stop looking at his huge bulge and those big swinging bouncing balls in his jock. He sat down between them and they looked at him. "What?"

"You going to give us all the details when you and Holden were together?"

"No. That's private, besides I'm sure with a little imagination, you guys can figure out what we did. Holden wanted me to tell you that he will be here Friday for our next massage."

That was diappointing. I wanted to hear all the steamy details when they were together. But that wasn't happening. The weather and news finished and we decided to head to bed. We were all going to sleep together. I was glad, I wasn't ready to sleep by myself yet.

We crawled into bed with Preston in the middle beween Reggie and me. That worked the best, given Preston's size. Reggie started kissing Preston and then his ears and neck. I kissed and nibbled on Preston's upper thighs. My nose kept brushing against his big low hanging balls. Reggie was now kissing and sucking on Preston's hard nips. Reggie was rubbing his hands over Preston's stomach and abs. Tracing all the hills and valleys of his abs with his fingers. I started sucking on one and then other of those big balls. They were big and full. Reggie went down on the head of Preston's big flared head, licking and sucking the precum off as it kept oozing out his slit. I had Preston raise his hips and I put a pillow under him. That gave me good access to his tight pink pucker. I started giving him a good rim job. He was moaning loud. Preston was loud when he was having sex. I saw Reggie trying to take all of Preston's big cock down his throat. I thought to myself, good luck. I was pushing my tongue in and out of Preston's hole. I then lubed my cock with some lube on the night stand and rubbed the head over his hot hole. Preston was starting to get good control over his hole and was able to do some pretty fantastic things when he was getting fucked. I eased more of my cock in. He didn't notice with Reggie still trying to deep throat him. I soon was all the way in Preston's tight hot hole. It squeezed my cock with just the right amount of force, it felt fantastic. Reggie stopped for a moment to get some air and then I saw him in one long gulp take all of Preston's cock. I couldn't believe it. I don't think Preston realized yet that his whole cock was down Reggie's throat. Soon I was fucking at a good pace and Reggie was busy bobbing up and down on that big fat hard shaft. We heard Preston grunting loud and I knew he was ready to cum. Reggie's eyes got as big as saucers when the first shot went down his throat followed by five more. I started cumming in Preston's hole and some cum leaking out. I tried to push it back in with the head of my cock and was pretty successful. We got off Preston and laid back and let him regain his breathing.

Preston looked over at us, you guys haven't cum yet. He told us to lay with with cocks and balls touching and he was going suck us both at the same time. Reggie and I looked at each other. If he thought he could do it, why not. We got ourselves repositioned and I saw Preston lean down and try to get both cock heads in his mouth he had some adjusting to do but he finally got us both into his mouth. My hard cock pressed against Reggie's felt pretty good. Soon Preston was bobbing up and down on our cocks. I couldn't believe he did it and had two big thick cocks in his mouth. You could see his mouth was really stretched. He soon had us moaning and gasping. We rewarded his good effort with two big loads, some cum ran down the sides of our cocks and Preston was right there licking it off. We all felt satisfied after that and we went to sleep.

Thursday was starting out pretty uneventful. We had our morning workout with Holden and Dave. Dave told us he was seriously considering moving in with Cal. We told him good luck and hoped it worked out. Quinton told me between patients that he was really enjoying working at the clinic. Shirley was keeping him booked with patients and he couldn't be happier. It was going on lunch time and I thought I'd walk to the diner. I had brought a light coat with me. The weather was still getting cooler every day. The front hadn't moved in yet, but was getting close. As I got close to the diner I saw Preston's car. I saw Preston sitting at my favorite table and didn't see Graham. However, Graham could be in the bathroom. I walked in and Preston waved me over. I asked him where Graham was and he told me, Graham was tied up with meetings and would be having a late lunch. I took a seat and we ate the special. I had my regular black coffee and Preston opted for some ice tea. The ice tea looked cold, like the weather outside. We finished our lunch and we left back to work. The rest of my day went rather quickly and soon I was back home with Preston. We watched the weather, still not much change, just that it kept getting colder. It was only reaching a high of the upper 40's during the day and we had a few nights of patchy frost.

Friday was about the same. I thought I'd take Reggies advice and go to the diner for lunch again. I walked in but I didn't see Preston or Graham. Millie came over but was all serious. She told me a big order had come in that she had to put away. It wasn't in her job description, but she knew if she wanted to keep her job she better take care of the order. She took my lunch order and I heard her mumbling all the way back to the kitchen. I then saw Preston pull up with Graham. I thought this should be interesting. I was sure they saw me sitting at my favorite table. They must have talked when they saw me. When they came in they walked straight to one of the back tables. Preston was facing me and Graham had his back to me. I could see Preston and he gave me a wink and a thumbs up when Graham wasn't looking. Millie brought my lunch and coffee. I finished and paid her and left for the clinic. At least I had a chance to see Graham. Even if it was only the back of him. He didn't leave when he knew I was at the diner, so maybe that was a good sign.

The afternoon went quick. I had decided to put in a full day on Friday at the clinic. Quinton said he needed to, with his full schedule. I told Shirley and Janice they only needed to work a half day. Quinton could take care of the clinic for a half day. We finished our last patients around the same time, said our goodbyes and left.

I got home and Preston wasn't there yet. Margaret had worked a half day too. I told her she didn't need to work a full day on Friday. She liked having a longer weekend. Holden was supposed to come over a little later for massages. I was wondering if Preston would be home in time. I had already stripped down with just a jock on. I turned on the weather channel and the weatherman said the front was slowly moving into the area. How long it would last, he didn't know. But by the pattern it had made, it looked to be here for at least five to six days. The weatherman also said the temperature would keep dropping. How cold it would get he didn't know.

I heard a car pull in and I was hoping it was Preston getting home. I looked out and it was Holden arriving. He came in and we kissed and hugged. He said Preston had called him and was would be coming home soon. He and Graham had some late meetings with new prospective clients. Holden got stripped down and I left a note on the kitchen island for Preston that we were up in the sunroom. Holden and I walked up to the sunroom and I got ready on the massage table. He giving me a good massage when we heard someone cough. It was Preston. Holden walked over to Preston and they hugged and kissed. I was glad there were getting along so well. Preston asked Holden if he could watch me getting a massage from the other massage table. Holden told him sure. Holden was doing such a good massage again I almost fell asleep. When he did my front he started jerking me off. When he knew I was ready to shoot he bent down and took my cock down his throat as I started erupting. Holden milked out my last drops and we kissed.

Then Holden went over to Preston and started giving him a very sensual and sexual massage. I thought I got a good massage from Holden, it was nothing like what he was giving Preston. Within a couple of minutes of his massage on Preston, he had Preston moaning. Preston's hard cock looked even bigger with Holdens skillful hands. He kept edging Preston and I didn't know how much longer Preston could hold out. Finally the big finale with Holden riding Preston's big cock while Preston sucked off Holden. I gave them a standing ovation when they climaxed. They liked that. We went back downstairs and I got a good game on the tv. We watched till halftime and Holden thought he better get going. I saw that Holden had brought a light coat to wear with our chilly weather. I kissed and hugged Holden and then it was Preston's turn. He whispered something in Holden's ear and they kissed and hugged only like lovers do.

We went back to finish watching the game. My phone rang and it was Reggie. He told me they were getting freezing rain in their town and wasn't sure if it was moving in our direction. Reggie just wanted me to know and let everyone else know that we could wake up to icy conditions. I thanked him for the weather report. Preston heard most of the conversation and once the game finished I turned the channel to the weather. The weatherman didn't say anything of freezing rain, but the said the front was still moving in and expected freezing temperatures. He said that this was only the second time that our area had freezing temperatures. That was a nice record to break. After watching the weather we went to bed.

I asked Preston to snuggle up with me. I told him I felt like I needed some comforting if he didn't mind. He told me no problem, he liked cuddling up to me and wrapping me up in his big arms. And that was the way we fell asleep.

Here it was Saturday morning. It felt cool in the bedroom, but it was nice and toasty snuggled up with Preston and under the covers. I didn't want to get up and wake him. Preston was still sleeping. He looked so content and almost had a smile on his face. I soon felt him stirring and saw him open his eyes. "Good morning."

"Good morning too. Have you been awake long?"

"No, just a couple of minutes. It felt cool in the bedroom, but nice and warm snuggled up with you."

"It does feel cool in here. Let's get up and see what it looks like outside and see what the inside temperature is."

We got up and both put robes on. It did feel cool in the bedroom. We went downstairs and it didn't feel any warmer. I checked the thermostat and it read sixty eight. No wonder it felt cool in the house. I turned the thermostat and set it to seventy two for starters and if that still felt cool, I would turn it up more. First time I had had the heat turned on in the house. I peeked out on the patio and it felt really cold outside. I was definitely wearing a heavy sweater to Sam's Open House. I knew he planned on having it outside. Preston thought he would wear a light jacket and a sweater. He could always take the jacket off if he got too warm. We went into the kitchen and started getting our breakfast ready. I could feel the house starting to get warmer.

Graham woke up freezing. He had just a light blanket on his bed. He put a robe on and checked the temperature in his apartment. It was sixty two. He turned the heat on and set it to seventy four. Graham didn't like cold weather and that was one reason why he had returned to his hometown. He had decided that he would go to Sam's Open House. If Bob was there, so what. There would be plenty of people to meet and socialize with. He crawled back into bed with his robe on and was going to wait till it got warm to get up and fix breakfast.

Sam was busy with the last minute details. He had waiters and bartenders. The hotel chef had made appetizers. Sam paid him out of his pocket for the appetizers. They looked and smelled delicious. He just wished the weather was warmer. He was able to rent some portable patio heaters, but they wouldn't be using the pool at this party, even heated the outside air was too cool for the pool. Otherwise, he thought the house looked pretty good and would be glad to give tours of his big house. He was hoping most of his club members would be able to attend, but he would save that later when his Open House started. He better fix a quick breakfast and make a tour of the house and make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

Bob and Preston's breakfast turned out pretty good. They ate in the breakfast nook so they could look outside and keep an eye on the weather. Their was no freezing rain, but it was cloudy and looked cold and gloomy outside. They finished their breakfast and went up to the bedroom and laid on the bed and watched the weather channel. Not much change from last night's weather. Just that the temperature was continually falling and they expected a hard frost tonight. Nothing was mentioned about freezing rain or snow, thank God. Preston pulled Bob close to him and told, now we can get warmer. They soon were in a hot sixty nine going at it. And blasting out big loads. They definitely felt warmer after that. They laid for awhile longer on the bed and finally decided they had been lazy enough and went into the shower. They took a long hot shower. The warm water felt good. Preston sat down on the shower seat with his big cock sticking up. Bob couldn't resist that big cock and soon was bouncing up and down on it. Preston soon shot out another big load. Preston's cock continually rubbing Bob's prostate and brought Bob over the edge and shot out on the shower wall. They rinsed their sex down the drain. Dried off and decided what they were going to wear to the Open House. The house was getting to a comfortable temperature. It took time for it to warm, being a big house.

They checked the time and they still had some time before they needed to get ready for the Open House. They went downstairs and checked the weather channel. Nothing much had changed. The cold front had moved in and the temperature was staying steady in high thirties to low forties, and in the low thirties at night. They both agreed they would be wearing warmer clothes since Sam planned on having the Open House outside.

Graham crawled out of bed. It was getting warmer in his apartment. It didn't take a small apartment long to warm up. He kept his robe on and fixed some breakfast. He turned on the weather while he finished getting his breakfast ready. Nothing really new on the weather and the cold front had moved in. He was definitely wearing something warm to Sam's Open House. He was having it outside and with the cold weather. He wanted to stay warm. He ate his breakfast and continued watching the weather until it finished.

Some of Sam's friends started arriving. He knew this would be a big surprise for Bob. Sam had started what he called his Over The Hill Club, it was for men that were over sixty years old. Retired widowed and living with a partner. It gave them all a chance to share the pleasure of other men for companionship, but mainly to have a good sexual experience with no pressure or hassles from anyone. Everyone was free to do what they wanted. If somebody said no, that meant no and whatever they were doing would stop. Sam had had a playroom made in the basement for his club. There was a couple of msssage tables, sauna, hot tub sling and assorted dildos, lube and condoms. He wasn't into drugs and neither were his club members. Alcohol usually flowed freely, but no one drank in excess. Sam was wondering what he thought Bob would think of his playroom. Sam kept greeting his guests as they started arriving. He directed them to the outside patio that was all set up and ready for them. The portable lamp post style heaters were going in the open areas and Sam had three floor heaters going. It didn't feel cold out at all. The heaters were doing a terrific job. He noticed some of his guests taking off their coats.

Bob and Preston thought they had been lazy long enough and should start getting ready to go. They put on sporty casual clothes with a sweater over their shirt. They both grabbed a light coat to put on. Checked themselves out in the floor length mirror. They agreed they'd looked ready for the Open House. They climbed into Preston's car and he drove him and Bob to the Open House. Preston was anxious to see if they had started on his house.

As they got closer to the housing development they saw cars parked all over the place. They wondered how many people Sam had invited. Preston found a place to park about a block away from Sam's house. They made their way to Sam's house. Construction had started on Preston's house. The prefab walls were up and it looked like they were finishing the roof today. He didn't want to bother the worker's and let them continue on with their work. They walked up to Sam's front door. His house looked huge. He had a high stone security wall going all around his property. One of the waiters opened the door for them and they walked in. Wow, wow, wow was all they could say. Sam's house was huge. He heard people and the waiter took them out to the patio. Their were groups of people talking and mingling. They didn't recognize anyone. All the guests were older men. Bob figured they must have been acquaintances from his hotel work. It was warm out on the patio and then they noticed the heaters. That was a great idea. Sam always thought of everything. They handed one of the waiters their coats, they didn't need them on the patio. One of the bartenders came over and asked them if they would like something to drink. Bob and Preston ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. Sam saw Bob and Preston and came over. "Well, what do you think?"

"This place is awesome Sam. Are we going to get a tour?"

"Sure, follow me."

Graham thought he had been lazy long enough and looked through his clothes and decided he would wear something casual yet dressy. Put a sweater over his shirt and a light coat. He laid everything out on the bed and got dressed. He checked himself out in a small mirror he had in the bathroom and thought he looked presentable. He walked out, the weather was cold, but no wind. Locked his apartment, got in his car and drove over to Sam's house.

As he got close he saw cars parked all over the place. He finally found a spot. He thought he saw Preston's car, but wasn't sure. A lot of cars looked like Preston's. He got out of his car started walking to Sam's house. As he got closer he couldn't believe how big his house was. It looked like the workers had started on Preston's house. Graham liked the high stone security wall that Sam had around his property. That was something he wanted when they built his house. He walked up to the front door and a waiter opened the door for him. Graham was amazed at the size of Sam's house. He couldn't believe how big it was. He hoped Sam would give him a tour, might give him more ideas when he had his house built. The waiter showed Graham to the patio and he went outside. It was warm, maybe the weather was changing. Then he noticed the heaters spread out around the patio. That was a good idea and they kept the chill off.

Bob and Preston were enjoying their tour of the house. Bob liked the pool waterfall the stone work and jacuzzi. He asked Sam who did the work. He said Zane's company did the work. They walked back in and Sam showed them his master bedroom and four smaller bedrooms. He had two living rooms, one in the front and one in the back. A large formal dining room a large kitchen island with chairs and a small round table to the side of the kitchen. The kitchen was very big and was set up for gourmet cooking. The foyer was large and had a coat hanger and a place for umbrellas. He also had an office with an attached library. Off the kitchen were servant quarters and the washer and dryer was located in that area. Out the side door they entered a large four stall garage. It looked like what Bob had. Bob and Preston saw Sam's two Mercedes Benz vehicles, his SUV and his S-series sedan. They walked back in and Sam told Bob he was going to show them his surprise. They walked downstairs to the basement. The basement looked large, but Bob didn't think it was a full basement. They were two bedrooms downstairs with a small kitchen and dining area. Then they noticed a closed off room. Sam pulled out a key and unlocked the door and turned the light on as they all walked in. Bob and Preston couldn't believe what they saw. There was an area set up for meetings with a podium. But the main attraction were the toys sling sauna and massage tables. Sam then explained about the club he started and all the older men they saw here for the Open House were members of the club. They always liked some younger guys to mix things up.

That finished the tour. They both told Sam he had a fantastic house and they went back out to the patio. Bob saw Graham down by the pool talking with a group of older men. No doubt, some of Sam's club members. Bob and Preston split and started mingling talking with some of the guys. Bob had another drink, he wasn't driving so he thought he'd splurge a bit. The appetizers were really good. Bob joined four men. One was a retired banker, another a retired lawyer, a retired college professor and a semi retired contruction foreman. They were an interesting mix of men and were easy to talk to. Preston had pretty much the same experience. Except that a couple of the men remembered Preston from when he played professional football. They asked Preston if he was going to stay for the party later. He said he wasn't sure sure he had come with another man and wasn't sure what his plans were.

Graham caught a glimpse of Bob talking with a group of men. He kept glancing over at Bob. Finally the guys that he was talking with asked him if he wanted to leave and talk to someone else. He said he wanted to see if Sam would give him a tour of his house and excused himself from the group of men.

Graham walked over to where Sam was talking with a group of men. It was close to where Bob was. Bob saw Graham was coming and was wondering if he was going to say something. But he walked by Bob without any acknowledgement and starting talking with Sam and his group. Sam excused himself from the group and was glad to show his house. He was proud of it. Graham had a lot of questions for Sam and told Sam he would be having a house built here in the development and was looking for ideas. Sam showed him all around and then downstairs and his playroom last. Graham was stunned when he saw Sam's playroom. He had no idea Sam was into that kind of thing. Sam explained to Graham about his club and that's how this room came about. Graham liked the inside sauna and thought he would have a gym and locker room similiar to what Bob has, in place of the toys and it could be an open room and not closed in. They went back upstairs and out to the patio.

Sam used a cordless microphone and get everyones attention and said the meeting would be starting in fifteen minutes. Sam also said that the younger guests were welcome to attend the meeting and the nights festiviities if they so choose.

Bob made his way over to Preston, "what do you think? You want to attend the meeting and take part in the festivities after?"

"I don't know, some of these older men look like vultures ready to pounce on us. I promised Holden I'd spend the day with him tomorrow. How about we attend the meeting and see what the festivities are like and then leave?"

"I like that idea. I agree with you. I've seen some of these older men checking me out and licking their lips. They look like there were going to pounce on me at any minute. I think attending the meeting and then leaving is a good idea."

Graham wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He thought he'd watch Bob and Preston and see what they did and maybe follow their lead. He didn't feel real comfortable around these older men. They were friendly, maybe a little too friendly and he felt like a fresh piece of meat in front of some of them.

Soon everyone started making their way downstairs to the playroom. Bob and Preston stayed towards the back, they didn't want anymore attention on themselves than was necessary. The chairs were filling up. They saw Graham walk in and he also sat towards the back on the opposite side of the aisle. Soon it looked like everyone was in attendance. Sam was doing a count and announced that everyone was here and we even had some young guests to attend our meeting. The older men looked around at Bob Preston and Graham. Then Sam got the meeting started and announced where and when the next meeting would take place. It seemed they had a rotating schedule where they conducted their meetings. Then Sam said let's get this meeting started and finished so we can get on with the fun. That got cheers and applause from the members. Sam then started giving out awards. First for the oldest member in attendance. Another award for longest active member of the club. Then Sam switched awards and started with the member with the biggest cock. The most versatile member. The member with the most stamina. The best cocksucker and the best fucker. The one that could last the longest in the sling. The one that had fucked and the one that had sucked the most members at one party. This was getting the older men aroused and they were squeezing and rubbing their cocks. Sam then asked if anyone had anymore business before he concluded the meeting. Nobody said anything. Soon the men started getting up and shedding their clothes and going off in different group. Some went to the massage table. Others went into the sauna and another eager older man went into the sling and was helped and adjusted so his hole was at the right level. Others still had their clothes on and were talking in groups. Their had to be a least thirty men. Soon some of the men came over to Preston and me and asked us if we were going to stay and party. We didn't think so but we were going to thank Sam for inviting us. I noticed Graham watching us. We walked over to Sam who was naked. Sam was in good shape for his age and he had a horse dick between his legs. I was sure he must have been very popular at their parties. We told him thank you for inviting us, but we were not able to stay for the party. Sam understood and he told us to find our way out and ask one of the waiters for our coats. We got out of their quick, got our coats and walked to Preston's car.

Graham watched Bob and Preston talk to Sam and then leave. He thought he'd do the same. Graham couldn't believe how big Sam's cock was. His was the biggest cock he had ever seen. He got Sam's attention and thanked him for the invitation to the Open House, but he wouldn't be able to stay for the party. Sam thanked him coming and told Graham he could get his coat from one of the waiters upstairs. He went upstairs and got his coat. And went outside. He could Bob and Preston close to Preston's car and then they got in.

Graham was really impressed with Sam's house and he got alot of good idea's looking at the house and talking with Sam. Damn it was cold out. Graham was hoping the cold weather wouldn't last long. As he got to his car he saw Preston and Bob pass him in Preston's car. He thought he saw Preston wave at him, but he was sure Bob wouldn't.

Bob and Preston talked about Sam's house, the playroom and his club. They couldn't believe Sam was into that kind of thing. But you never know everything about everybody. They got home and it was still cloudy and cold. Bob wanted to check the weather while they relaxed. They stripped down in their own privacy and felt much better about that than stripping in front of a bunch of dirty old men.

Graham was glad to get back to his apartment and he wanted to write down his ideas after looking at Sam's house. He liked the idea that when all the houses were built it would be a private gated community with a guard. He thought their was only one lot left to be sold. Graham stipped down and put a jock on. His apartment was nice and warm. Just the way he liked it. He turned on the weather while he jotted down his ideas. The weatherman said the cold front was hanging in the area and not moving. It looked like it was here for awhile and everyone was just going to have to do the best they could with the cold weather. That reminded Graham about the heaters that Sam had. That might be a good idea for his house. But make them a permanent feature of the patio. Graham was surprised about Sam's club and the playroom. He was glad he left. He didn't want to be on exhibit for a bunch of old men, fondling and licking and touching him all over. Yuk. That wasn't for Graham. He should have drove straight to the In and Out Bar after leaving Sam's. It was too late now to drive that far. He didn't feel like it. He just needed someone to spend his evenings with. Evenings were difficult for Graham being by himself. He was realizing how much he really did miss Bob. But Bob had plenty of opportunites to talk to him at the Open House, but never did. But then, the more he thought about it. He had just as many opportunities to talk to Bob too. Graham finished watching the weather and writing down his notes about his house and watched a movie.

Bob and Preston got a beer from the fridge. The house was staying at a comfortable temperature and it felt good going around the house in just their jocks without having the cold shrivel up their balls. They sat together on the couch, sipped on their beer and watched the weather. Pretty much the same forecast. The cold front was hanging in the area and not moving. they weren't forecasting any colder weather, at this time, and had no idea how long the front would be here. Preston flipped through the movie channels and found a movie for them. Nothing good on the sports channels, or at least nothing they wanted to watch.

Reeve was getting excited to start his internship Monday with Dr. Bob. He was glad Bob had accepted to supervise part of his internship. He knew Bob was highly respected by his peers. Even though he had his own clinic in a small town, he was well recognized in the medical community. He had received all his papers from the chief of staff Friday. The chief of staff told Reeve he should be honored to have Dr. Bob doing part of his internship training. Dr. Bob was one of their best medical students and they way he gave back to the community was an inspiration to everyone that knew him. Reeve was going to go to the mall tomorrow, Sunday and treat himself to a good lunch at the Italian Restaurant and then do some clothes shopping after. Something he didn't really like doing. But he wanted to look his best Monday on his first day of internship training.

Graham got tired trying to remember everything he had seen at Sam's house and writing it down. The movie finished and he turned the tv off. He was wondering what he was going to do tomorrow, Sunday. Maybe he would go to church. Something he and Bob did regularly. Maybe he would see Bob at church and he could start a conversation with Bob. He was ready to compromise and maybe start getting something back that he was missing so much, Bob. He turned off the lights and crawled into bed naked. The apartment was staying warm. He put an extra blanket on the bed, just in case he started feeling cold.

Bob and Preston's movie ended. Bob asked Preston what time he was heading over to Holden's for the day? He thought he'd leave just after breakfast. Bob thought he'd go to church. He hadn't been going regularly after Graham left and he should get back in the habit. Hopefully if he went to the early service his parents would be there and he could sit with them. Bob turned off the tv and they went upstairs to bed. Bob just wanted to be held again. He missed Graham so much. He wished there was something he could do to start up a conversation or regain some of things they used to do. It just never seemed to work out. Bob turned off the bedside lamp and they both feel asleep.

Graham woke up later than usual. He must have been more tired than he thought. He still had time to shower, eat breakfast and get dressed for church. And that's what he did in that order. He showered, fixed and ate his breakfast and then got dressed for church. He put a light coat on and walked out to his car. The air felt about the same as yesterday. It was cold out. He was glad he had his coat. He knew the church would be cold. Going to the early service he would still have the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted. He thought he might go over to the housing site and take a look around. See how Preston's house was coming along and look at some of the other houses. At least from the outside he might get more ideas for his own house. That sounded like a good plan of action. He took off for the church.

Bob and Preston worked together in the kitchen getting their breakfast ready. With both of them working together, they soon had it ready. They ate in the breakfast nook. They put everything away after eating. Cleaned the kitchen and went upstairs to take a shower. All the shower jets felt good. Bob made sure they were all turned on. They washed each other and couldn't keep their hands off each other. Soon they were jerking each other off. They both watched each other shoot way out and watching their cum run down the wall and finally into the drain. They dried off and got dressed. Bob put on some nicer clothes for church. Preston put on some nice casual clothes. They both took a light jacket to wear. They walked into the garage and could instantly feel the temperature change. It definitely wasn't any warmer. They kissed and hugged and Preston took off for Holden's and Bob drove to church.

Bob pulled into church a few minutes before the service started. He saw his dad's car. Good, he could sit with them. He thought he saw Graham's car, but he wasn't sure. It was parked quite aways away. He walked into church and saw his parents toward the middle front and he took a seat with him. He didn't see Graham, but Graham saw Bob walk in and sit with his parents. That would take care of his idea of talking to Bob. Maybe when the service ended and he split from his parents they could talk. He'd have to wait and see. Bob's parents were glad to see him. They asked him what his plans were for after church. He told them he didn't have any plans. They invited him to lunch at the country club after service.

Preston arrived at Holden's. Holden was waiting for him naked. Preston got a big smile on his face and they headed straight to the bedroom for a day of making out and love making.

After church Graham wasn't able to get Bob aside to talk to him. Bob stayed with his parents to his car and then he drove off. Graham drove over to the housing project and walked around. The houses were big with big yards. Being outside he couldn't tell much of what the houses looked like inside. But he liked what he saw and how fast they constructed houses. He took off for his apartment. It was cold out and he wanted to get back to where it was warm.

Bob followed his parents over to the Country Club. He was wondering if he would get the one hundred questions from his parents. Actually, they had brunch. It was very good. They had a pleasant time and nothing was mentioned of Graham, much to Bob's relief. They finished their brunch, talked a little longer and then they left.

Bob arrived home to a quiet house. He needed to start getting used to this again. Preston would be moving out as soon as his house was completed. Bob didn't do much for the rest of the day. Watched some sports and drank a couple of beers. Later he went downstairs and worked out by himself. That felt different. There were always other guys here to work out with. He went up to his bedroom and showered. Put some shorts and tshirt on. Went back to watching sports. He was a little hungry so he warmed up some leftovers and ate in the living room. His game finished and he turned on the weather channel. Still the same forecast. The cold front wasn't moving, staying in the area. Temperature was staying steady. Upper thirties during the day and low thirties at night. Preston hadn't come back home yet. He started watching another game. Was getting tired and went to bed.

It felt strange being in his bed by himself. It took him some time before he finally fell asleep.

Graham didn't do much after he got home. Ordered a pizza and chowed down on that with a beer. He watched a couple of good college football games. And then went to bed. He was tired. He didn't know why. He hadn't done anything to make himself tired. He fell right to sleep.

Preston got home late and saw Bob sleeping. He didn't know if should crawl in bed and chance waking Bob or sleep in his own bed. He decided to sleep in his own bed. Holden and him had wonderful sex all day and night and he was exhausted. He stripped down, crawled into bed and fell asleep.

Reeve had a hard time falling asleep. He was anxious for tomorrow and start his internship with Bob at his clinic. He tossed and turned all night and managed a few hours of sleep.

Monday morning and Bob woke up early to go down and work out. He didn't know if Preston had come home or stayed at Holdens. He got downstairs and Preston was already warming up on the treadmill. Preston told Bob that Holden and Dave couldn't make it to work out. They had something going on early with Cal. Bob and Preston got in a good workout. They showered in the locker room. Jerked and sucked each other off. Dried off, dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. They could smell breakfast as soon as they reached the stairs.

Breakfast was delicious as always. They thanked Margaret for a good breakfast. Kissed and hugged in the garage and took off for work. Bob was wondering how his first day with Reeve would go. He had told Shirley to make his patient load light through Wednesday so that Reeve had a chance to get into the routine of the clinic.

Graham got up early. This was his first day going to the gym. He had his gym bag packed so he was ready to leave. It was cold outside. It felt colder than the last couple of days. He pulled into the gym. Showed his membership card at the front desk and went to the lockers to change. There was only a handful of people at this hour at the gym. He did his warmup and got in a good work out. He didn't see Holden around. He showered, dressed and drove to work.

Preston and Graham had their regular staff meeting. It went well there wasn't any issues and soon everyone was busy in the offices.

Bob pulled in and saw a different car parked in the reserved places. He thought it must be Reeve's car. He liked people that were punctual, so this was already starting out well. He walked in and Quinton Shirley Janice and Reeve were talking by Shirley's office. They saw Bob and split for their offices. That left Reeve and Bob. Bob ushered Reeve into his office and they talked for a bit. Then Bob looked over the papers that Reeve had received from the chief of staff at the hospital. Everything was pretty straight forward. The forms listed the things Bob needed to cover with Reeve as they went through the different parts of his internship. Also, a place where Bob would put his comments and check off boxes on Reeve's performance. Going through the papers and getting them organized and going over them with Reeve took most of the morning. It was going on lunch time.

Quinton was able to go with them for lunch. Bob was glad. He wanted Reeve and Quinton to get acquainted. He would have Quinton do a small part of Reeve's internship on pediatrics. They walked to the diner. They had put coats on which felt good with the cold weather and a slight breeze blowing, making it feel colder. As they got closer Bob saw Graham's car. Graham and Preston were sitting at his favorite table. Graham saw Bob walking to the diner with two other men. He vaguely remembered Quinton but didn't know who the other man was. They walked in and walked to a back table. Bob purposely sat so his back was to Graham and Preston, he didn't want to look at Graham. Graham watched them walk to a back table. Graham and Preston finished their lunch and left. Bob and his doctors were busy talking and ran a little late. They finished and Bob noticed that Graham and Preston had left. He was glad they were gone and he wouldn't have to see Graham.

They walked back to the clinic and Bob had his first afternoon patient. He explained that he had an intern in training and if it was ok if the intern observed him while he examined the patient. The patient said that was fine and soon Reeve was introduced to the patient and Reeve sat at the desk and observed Bob with the patient. Once they had finished, Bob told Reeve he would observe him with the next patient, and Reeve would do the examination and treat the patient. They were only able to do two patients in the afternoon. They had forms to fill out after each patient and Bob needed to record his observations of Reeve and check the appropriate boxes on Reeve's performance. They finished in the office and were ready to leave. Reeve said he was going to stay behind if that was ok. He and Quinton were going to a restaurant after work. Bob smiled to himself when he left. He was glad they were going to get better acquainted. Working together it would make for a better environment.

Bob got home and saw Preston watching tv in the living room. Bob didn't see Margaret so he walked over and they hugged and kissed. Preston said Margaret was finishing upstairs and would soon be leaving. Bob took a seat in a chair in the living and watched the news with Preston. Margaret soon came downstairs and told them she was leaving for the day. They all said their goodbyes and in a flash Bob and Preston were naked and cuddled together on the couch. There wasn't much of interest on the news. The weather hadn't changed. So they decided to warm their dinner and eat upstairs in the sunroom. All the glass, even with the cold weather kept the room at a comfortable temperature. they enjoyed their dinner, eating in the sunroom. It was cloudy and gloomy like it had been since the cold front moved in. But that didn't dampen their spirits.

Quinton and Reeve went to the food court at the mall. That was in their budget. They couldn't afford the Italian Restaurant, they both had steep student debts to pay off. However, as busy as Quinton was, he was making good money and would soon have his school debts paid off. Bob and Quinton had agreed they would split the expenses of operating the clinic, split the payment of Janice and Shirley's wages fifty fifty. That was working out fine. Reeve on the other hand. Would be glad when his internship was done and he started his residency. He would make a little money when he started his residency. They had a good time at the food court and then walked around the mall for awhile after they finished eating. They were close to the same age, in their late twenties and struck up a friendship immediately. They exchanged phone numbers and promised each other they would try to get together after work as often as they could.

Graham got home and looked like another boring evening after work. He decided to go to the mall and walk around for awhile and eat at the food court. He got changed and drove over to the mall. He walked around, ate at the chinese stand in the food court and went home. Graham watched the news and weather and movie and fell asleep. Still no contact with Bob, he thought maybe he would say something at the diner. But no such luck. Bob was with two other men.

Bob and Preston took the dishes and leftovers downstairs and went into the living room and watched a movie. They were tired after the movie and went to bed. Preston snuggled up to Bob, just the way Bob liked it and they fell asleep.

Bob and Preston woke up later. They had planned not to work out. They walked into the shower and got all the jets going. Washed each other and then Preston sat down on the shower seat with his big hardon sticking straight up. Bob loved that big hard cock way up his hole, massaging his prostate. Bob soon lowered himself down on Preston's cock and started bouncing up and down. Preston had reached around and was stroking Bob. Soon they both shot out big loads. Preston filling Bob's hole and Bob's cum hitting the wall and running down the drain. They rinsed off, dried each other off, got dressed and went down for breakfast. Bob noticed that Margaret had a slight limp and he asked her what happened. She said they had freezing rain last night and she fell once coming to work. Bob took a look at her leg. It was swollen, but nothing was broken. Bob got some ice and put it on the swelling. That seemed to ease the swelling immediately and Margaret said she already felt better. She said she would put ice on her leg a couple more times during the day. She told us to be careful. There was a layer of ice over everything.

They finished breakfast and Bob told Margaret to take it easy today and be sure to put ice on her leg. They walked into the garage, kissed and hugged and left work. Margaret was correct. There was a layer of ice over everything. It looked kind of pretty with the light reflecting off it. But it made for dangerous driving conditions. Bob took his time going to work and leaving a lot of distance between vehicles. They were giving driving advice on the radio. Bob figured he would have a busy day with falls, sprains and broken bones with this ice layer. Bob noticed many cars that had spun out on the ice. A few fender benders and one car that had flipped over. The paramedics were already their so he didn't have to stop. He finally made it to the clinic. He was the first to arrive. He got out of his SUV and had to catch his balance a couple of times or he would have fallen. He unlocked the clinic and went in.

Graham was running late and wasn't even able to get to the gym to work out. He showered dressed and fixed himself a quick breakfast. It looked different outside when he looked out making breakfast. It looked like their was ice crystals in the air. He saw all this sparkling and twinkling. He finished his breakfast and left the dishes in the sink. He would wash them when he got home. He needed to get going. He walked out and almost fell, catching his balance. Holy crap, everything is covered with ice. At least his parking area was covered so there wasn't any ice on his car. He pulled out a little fast and skidded a bit. He would have to ease up on the gas. He pulled out on the street that went to his office building. He didn't see a large delivery truck that was skidding down the street. The driver of the delivery truck was starting his first day of work. He had never driven on ice and wasn't prepared for this driving condition. He had given the truck too much gas and then needed to make a quick stop and that's when he starting skidding and sliding down the street. There was nothing he could do until his truck came to a stop. He saw a car pull out, he honked the horn, but it seemed the driver didn't hear him or see him. The impact sounded like a bomb going off. He hit Graham's little sports car going around thirty miles an hour. But the size of the truck made the impact that much worse. Graham didn't know what had happened, all he knew was that his car was flipping over and there had been something big that hit his driver's side. Luckily Graham had his seatbelt on.

Once the truck came to a stop and the car stopped sliding down the street. Then the accident could be assessed. Their was one minor dent to the front bumper of the truck. The truck was heavy duty, so it could take an impact without any resistance. The car was another story. It was a small sports car. It looked like a tiny box after the accident. Once the truck stopped, the driver immediately dailed 911. He felt ok. Just shaken up and was concerned about the driver in the car. He out of his truck and could see a blood trail going down the street from the car. He heard sirens and soon saw flashing lights. Paramedics arrived and soon two of Cal's deputies arrived. The paramedics walked carefully to the car on the ice. They looked at each other and thought it would be a miracle if the driver of the car was alive.

They could see the driver. It looked like he was boxed in with the car pressed around him on all sides. One of the paramedics asked his name. There was no response. The female paramedic, with smaller hands was able to reach in and check Graham for a pulse and if he was breathing. She said he had a pulse and his breathing was swallow. They needed to get him to emergency as soon as possible. They didn't know how much time he had left.

The deputies were busy talking to the driver of the truck. They wanted all the details. They told him if the driver of the car was dead or if hedied later, he would be charged with manslaughter. The driver was devastated and broke down crying. One of paramedics came over and asked the deputies if they had the jaws of life. One did in his trunk and got it out. That was the only way they could get Graham out of his totaled car. They eventually managed to cut off the door and enough of the frame so they could pull Graham out. They had to be careful in case of broken bones. On three they pulled Graham out and laid him the gurney, slid it into the ambulance and they were on their way to the ER.

The deputies finished with the driver. They wanted to really make him realize how serious this accident was. But they knew that his story was probably correct and they realistically wouldn't be able to charge him. They told him to go ahead and finish his work day. They would contact his delivery company if they needed to talk to him anymore.

The driver didn't know if he should be relieved or concerned about still having a job.

The ambulance arrived at the ER. There were nurses ready for the ambulance. They took Graham out and took him as fast they could to the emergency room. Doctors started examing Graham. First they did x-rays and an MRI. The results showed multiple factures. No damage luckily to Graham's spinal column. However, he had went into a coma. Probably his body reacting to the accident and shutting down so it could repair itself. The doctors were glad and not glad for the coma. They would have put him in a medically induced coma, but now they didn't have to. His breathing was still shallow and he barely had a pulse. They put Graham on life support immedidately. Gave him some intravenous medicine to ease the pain.

Now they needed to call his next of kin. This was always a difficult thing to do. The head nurse for the surgical floor told the doctors she would take care of it. They were able to retrieve Graham's wallet and had all his insurance information. The nurse found out where he worked. She didn't see any pictures in his wallet of children a wife or any close relatives. She did see a business card where he worked and she thought that would be a good place to start.

She called Graham's office building and Graham's secretary answered. "Hello, this is the office of Graham. How may I help you?"

"This is the hospital calling is there someone that I can talk to concerning Graham?"

"His business partner is here and I could connect you to him. He's available right now and not in any meetings."

"Yes, please connect me to Graham's business partner."

Graham's secretary buzzed Preston told him the hospital was on line one and would like to talk to him. "Hello, this is Preston, how may I help you?"

The head nurse was swooning when she heard Preston's deep voice. She controlled herself and identified herself. She told Preston, "Graham has been in a serious car accident and is in critical condition and in intensive care. We need to contact his next of kin and I was hoping you could help me."

Preston couldn't believe what he just heard. He managed to control himself and was wondering what he should tell the nurse. He was wondering if their was some kind of privacy clause in the hospital where personal information would not be released. He asked the nurse, "before I give you any information about Graham's family, does the hospital have any kind of privacy clause where personal information on a patient is not released?"

The nurse said, "yes, the hospital has a very strict privacy policy and any personal information you give me will not be released to any other sources."

"Ok, good. I hope that is the case. I have some information to tell you that I know Graham wouldn't like to be shared with anyone else." Then Preston went on, "Graham came out to his family a few years ago. Once he told them of his sexual orientation, they disowned him and practically kicked him out of the family house. His brother and sister have nothing to do with Graham. There is only one person that Graham has been close to and then he walked out on that person."

"Thank you for sharing the information Preston. Could you give me the name and phone number of the person that was close to Graham. That person would become Graham's next of kin if the person agrees. Again, the name and phone number will be held in strict confidence."

Preston's mind was working a hundred miles an hour. He was hoping he was doing the right thing. He wasn't sure about giving out Bob's name. But then Preston remembered Bob's Open House where he came out to family and friends and wasn't hesitant. "Ok, I'll give you the name and phone number with reservations. Graham was close to Dr. Bob and then Preston gave the nurse Bob's personal cell phone number."

"Thank you Preston, I know this was difficult for you. Please believe me, that this personal information will not be shared with anyone else. I now have a difficult call to make to Dr. Bob."

Preston asked the nurse, "would you like me to call Bob and pass on the information."

"I would appreciate that. Bob will probably want to come to the hospital right away. Tell Bob that Graham is in ICU and that he will only be able to visit for two minutes at a time. Also, tell Bob that there will be a form for him to fill out at the nurse's station on the ICU floor, to be Graham's next of kin."

"I will do that, and don't be surprised if Bob is there in a few minutes."

"I won't be surprised. I would be surprised if he didn't come right away. Thank you Preston for the information and good luck with your call to Bob."

Preston couldn't believe it. Graham in a serious car accident and in ICU. Preston drank a glass of water and picked up his cell phone. He speed dialed Bob.

End of Chapter 18 - Reeve

Chapter 19 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 19

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