My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Apr 11, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 17

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 17. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 17 - Quinton

We finished our dinner, got dressed and I drove us over to the hotel. Graham was still all excited and couldn't stop talking about the new attic. He was wondering what the hotel attic would look like. I pulled up close to the entrance to the hotel. The two shuttles were parked in the front. We walked in and Sam told us he couldn't wait for us to see the progress in the attic. We walked upstairs and then up the stairs to the attic and opened the door. A few members of the crew were finishing for the day. The large attic was looking good. The ceramic work was done around the pool and a jacuzzi, it looked very tropical. I saw a room on the opposite side of the pool and I asked one of the workers what the rooms were. He said those were changing rooms and their were showers in there. We checked out the spa and massage rooms. Everything was set up. The tiki bar was done. This attic was close to double he size of ours so the work took longer. But everything was coming together. Some furniture had been moved in. I asked the same man about the humidifying system and it said it worked automatic and shouldn't need any maintenance. He said the rest of the furniture would be delivered tomorrow and then they would start delivering the plants. We thanked him for the information and left. We told Sam we were leaving and really liked how the attic was starting to come together.

Graham couldn't wait to get home and spend some time in the new sunroom. I took a drive by Sam's house. It looked nice from the outside. I could see workers in the back yard working on the pool area. There were lights on in the house and they must be doing more inside work. We didn't get out.

We got got home and Graham practically ran into the house and up to the sunroom. I was glad he really liked it. It did turn out really nice and was perfect. There wasn't anything I wanted changed. I saw Graham's clothes scattered all over the bedroom. I straightened up our clothes and went upstairs to the attic. Graham was walking around taking everything in. He had a beer. I noticed an automatic sprinkling system had come on to water the two sprawling flower beds. I didn't know how they did that. I had seen automatic watering system in yards, but never inside. I also noticed a small meandering around the follow beds. I hadn't noticed that before. I looked closer at the humidifying system and noticed it was also was a temperature control system. I tried the switch for the retractable ceiling glass and it started slowly opening. I stopped it about half way and I heard the temperature control system come on, adjusting the temperature to the ceiling being partly open. It was a quiet system and you could hardly hear it operating. I walked up to Graham and he gave me a long passionate kiss. He told me this was the best present ever. We relaxed in a double lounger. I told Graham I would have to check on a good masseur for our massages. I might be able to get someone from the hospital or they could refer me to someone.

We finished our beer and Graham got up and got us another one from the tiki bar. While Graham went to the bar my phone was ringing. It was Preston. "Hello Preston, how's it going?"

"It's going great. I was wondering if we could meet tomorrow at lunch time at the Main Street Diner?"

"I told Preston we usually arrived at the diner right around noon."

"That's perfect. I'll meet you guys at noon tomorrow."

Graham had come back with my beer. "I told him that was Preston and he was meeting tomorrow at noon at the Main Street Diner." Graham said he still had a hard time remembering Preston. "I told him about being a star quarterback at our rival college. I thought he had been recruited by a professional football team and had played for them. We can get all the details tomorrow."

We finished our beer. We hadn't turned the lights on. Didn't need them on with all the glass. The attic was high enough that nobody could see in. Besides our houses weren't that close. We all had big yards. So going around naked wasn't any problem. Actually, it felt like we were naked outside. I closed the retractable ceiling and we walked around the sunroom again. We really thought we were in the Bahamas.

We went back downstairs, had a snack and ate out on the patio. I told Graham that I had talked to Owen about a contractor that would redo the pool and landscaping. He gave me two names and their phone numbers, Marv and Zane. I mentioned to Graham I was going to call them tomorrow and see about getting scheduled to have the pool area redone. I told Graham I was also thinking about our Open House and whom we should invite and when we should have it. He said he would think about it and give me his ideas.

Jennifer knocked on the door. That was the signal for Jarvis to be with Deb. Jennifer was looking pretty hot. She had her pubes shaved off and her pussy lips were puffy and red. She was must have just had sex with Deb. She crawled in next to me and we started making out. She went down on me and got me rock hard and wet. Then she slowly started easing her pussy down over my hard shaft. God she was hot and tight and wet. My cock slid right in. She started bouncing up and down on my cock while I squeezed and felt her tits. Soon she was moaning and her pussy was contracting on my cock, I knew she was coming. My cock kept rubbing over her clit driving her crazy. She started having multiple orgasms. That brought me over the edge and I shot way up her tight hot pussy. She saw the worried look on my face and said not to worry. She was on the pill. We laid back panting and enjoying our hot sex. We got up and went out to the back yard by the pool. Soon Jarvis and Deb joined us. We paired off with our best friends again. We talked about how great it was having an open relationship. That we didn't have to hide or be secret with our sex with our best friends.

We decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. I told Graham to find a movie and I'd be down soon with a couple of cold beers and some popcorn. I came down and he was still searching for a movie. He found one and got it started. I handed him his beer and he sat on my lap with the bowl of popcorn. I had a hard time not getting hard with Graham's hot ass cheeks nuzzled on my cock. We watched the movie and he would squirm around. I didn't know if he was doing that on purpose or needed to change positions, but it was making me hard. Soon he spread his legs and my cock went up between his balls. He gave out a low moan. He started slowly moving up and down. His balls were around my cock like a glove. What a feeling that was. It was making me rock hard. He then repositioned himself and his hole slid down over my cock. It slid in easy. He must have lubed himself. I don't know when he did that. He turned so we could kiss and I started humping up into his hole. He was pushing back on me to get deeper. Soon we forgot all aboout the movie and he bent over and I started fucking his hole and reached around and jerked him off. I soon came. I shot a big load up his hot tight hole. Graham told me he was getting close. So I turned him around and sucked his throbbing cock down my throat. His cock swelled and he blasted a big load down my throat. His cum tasted so good. We kissed and he sat back in my lap and I hugged him tight to me and we finished watching the movie.

I turned off the theater system and we went upstairs to bed. We were tired after another eventful day. We had to take a quick peak in the attic and then we crawled into bed together. I could never get tired of feeling my lover's warm body in contact with mine. We faced each other and kissed and hugged and that's how we fell asleep.

We woke up a little later. Not working out was starting to have an effect on us. I told Graham we needed to start working out even if Holden and Dave couldn't join us. I mentioned to Graham that I was going to give Holden a call and see if he did massages. Since he did sports therapy and was a a personal trainer. I thought he migh thave massage in his repertoire. Graham liked that idea and thought a massage from Holden could be pretty hot and fun. I agreed with him. We decided to work out when we got home from work and then eat dinner. We showered, dressed and went down for breakfast. Margaret was busy in the kitchen. She said, "I suppose now I have to clean and water plants in the attic?"

"Margaret you sound upset. Is something bothering you?"

"Yes and no, I was wondering if I needed to care for the attic. That's a large room with a lot of cleaning and care of plants. I not a very good gardener."

"No Margaret, nothing to worry about. The humidifying system is also a temperature control system. The bedded plants have an automatic sprinkling system. Owen told me he had a person that would take care of the plants, clean the room and windows. So there's nothing for you to worry about. All you have to do is let the cleaning person in when they come. I don't know yet how often that will be."

"Ok, that sounds better. I like keeping on my regular cleaning schedule without another large room to attend to."

Graham and I looked at each other and grinned when Margaret didn't see us. I told Margaret, "as soon as I know the name and the schedule of the cleaning person for the sunroom I will let you know."

We finished breakfast and I reminded Graham that Preston was meeting us for lunch. We told Margaret goodbye and we kissed and hugged and told each other we loved each other and went to work.

I got to work a couple of minutes early. That gave me time to call Marv and Zane. I tried Marv's number first and the number was no longer inservice. I tried Zane's number. "Hello, this is Zane. How may I help you?"

"Hello Zane, this is Bob. I was referred to you by Owen. I have an outdoor pool that isn't working that I would like to have redone with new landscaping."

"Well, right now, I'm booked full with jobs. I just picked up another job at the new housing project for a Sam. I'll add you to my list. You will be after Sam. But right now that will be quit a few months down the line. I'll call you if I have a change in my schedule, otherwise, I'll call you when your next on my list."

I thanked Zane. I was wishing it could be done soon. It would be nice to have the pool and landscaping done when I have the Open House. That will have to wait. Janice told me my first patient was in the examination room and that broke my concentration. My morning went well. A lot of sick people with colds. Our changeable weather is good for catching colds. Most of the patients don't dress for the weather. I told Shirley and Janice I was leaving for lunch.

I walked to the diner. As I got close I saw my favorite table empty. I didn't see Graham and anyone that I thought might be Preston. I took a seat and Millie came over. The diner wasn't busy, or at least not right now. She asked me where my better half was. I looked around to see where my better half was. "Aren't we the comedian today."

"I don't know what you mean Millie. I'll have a black coffee while I wait for Graham. There is supposed to be another gentleman joining us."

"Well, Mister Smarty Pants, I'll bring your coffee while you wait for your better half."

I saw Millie smiling to herself when she left the table. Soon I saw Graham walk in with a mountain of a man. They walked over to the table and Graham introduced me to Preston. "Hello, Preston, nice to meet you."

"It looks like you know Graham."

Actually, we just met. I was here as a representive of my firm and we needed some investment ideas for this area and it happens that the investment firm is the one that Graham is running."

"That's a coincidence. What is your firm interested in investing in, if you don't mind my asking?"

"We are thinking of building apartment buildings, a strip mall, or possiblly another full size mall, and one or two budget hotels."

"Do you think this small area can handle all of the new investment ideas that you have?"

"Our marketers have been busy canvasing this town and surrounding area. With the new hotel opening downtown, it has generated a lot of business and more people relocating. So the demand is here and we want to get in on that."

"Will two low budget hotels affect the business at the hotel downtown?"

"Not at all. We had a long talk with Sam, who is the hotel manager and the clientele at the budget hotels would be for truck drivers and people passing through and staying one night. The hotel downtown is for a select class of people and they usually stay for a few days."

Preston was pretty impressive. He had to be six feet five or six. He was tall and well built. He was ruggedly handsome with close cut hair. He looked to be about two hundred and fifty or sixty pounds. He was big and carried his weight well. He was muscular and looked to be in good shape. I was thinking to myself if he needed a physical.

I saw Millie walking over to the table and we warned Preston that she liked to flirt, especially with someone new. So to be on his guard. Millie stood next to Preston pressing his boobs on one of his massive arms. "Who's this hot hunk that's joining you today for lunch?"

p>Preston started laughing. I told Millie this was Preston and he was here on business. She said, "I hope he's here for a few days and is a regular here at the diner. I'll be sure to give him special attention."

We all had black coffee and the lunch special. We talked some more and found out that Preston had played for a professional football team after college for five years. He saved a lot of money and was now using his college degree and working for a large major investment company. We talked about our college days and being on rival football teams. We then asked Preston where he was staying. He told us in that fantastic hotel downtown and said he would sure like to meet the owners and congratulate them on such a fine hotel.

Graham and I looked at each other and started laughing. Preston looked at us and asked, "what's so funny?"

"Your looking at the co-owners of the hotel."

Preston looked at us like we were kidding. He said, "your joking right?"

"Not at all." Then I explained to Preston how we became co-owners of the hotel.

He told us, "we have quite an investment their. It's a very fine hotel. How about if I invite you and Graham to the hotel for dinner?"

"I was thinking about inviting you to our house for dinner. We can pick you up from the hotel and drive you to the house. I'll call my housekeeper to make dinner for three."

Preston liked that idea and it would give him a chance to see a little more of the town. I agreed to pick him up at six and bring him to the house for dinner. We finished our lunch and I walked back to work and Preston and Graham left together to go back to Graham's office.

My first afternoon patient was Dave. It wasn't quite one yet so he hadn't arrived. Soon Janice poked her head in my office and told me my one o'clock patient was here. I walked into the exam room and Dave was in a hospital gown. I had told Janice earlier that I would be doing a physical. I checked over his vital signs that Janice had taken for me. He was running a fever. "Hey Dave, what brings you into the clinic today?"

"Well, I haven't been feeling well. Holden told me I needed to see you and he made the appointment for me today."

"You are running a fever. Let me check your throat. I felt under his jaw and upper neck. It was swollen. I got a tongue depressor and his throat was red and irritated. Does it hurt to swallow or when you drink something hot or cold?"

"Not really. But everything I eat has a different taste. Orange juice this morning hurt a little when I drank that."

"You have a throat infection. Have you been taking any over the counter medication?"

"No, nothing. I recommend you take some Tylenol for your fever. Take the Tylenol according to the instructions on the box. Also, drink lots of liquids and get plenty of rest. If you don't start feeling any better in a couple of days, I want you to make an appointment to see me again."

"Looking at your medical records, I see it's been a few years since you've had a physical. That's why your in the hospital gown. I thought we'd better do a physical while your here." I noticed a tent in Dave's hospital gown.

"I want to check your temperature again and see how that fever is." He was still running a fever, but it wasn't as high as it was earlier. "Do you have Tylenol at home and a thermometer?"

"I don't. I don't like taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen. When you leave, I want you to buy a bottle of 500MG Tylenol and a digital thermometer. There will be instructions on the thermometer on how to use it. I went through the basics of his physical. Then I told him to lie back on the examination table. I didn't have to worry about Shirley or Janice coming into the the examination room. They knew not to bother me when I was with a patient, only if I asked them. I have a phone in the examination room and they can call if they need to talk to me.

I moved Dave's gown up and started feeling his lower abodomen on both sides. "Does that hurt?"

"No, he said."

I then went lower and my fingers were brushing his balls. First one side and then the other. He still didn't have any pain. I then had him stand up and he took the gown off and laid it on the examination table. I held one ball and told him to cough and then the other. I told him he didn't have a hernia. After that part of the exam, I saw his cock was hard and sticking straight out. I grabbed his cock and asked him if that hurt. He said no, it felt good. I told him to turn around and bend over. I was going to check his prostate. I lubed a finger and ran it inside his hole and found his nub. It felt big and the more I rubbed it the bigger it got. I could hear Dave grunting and groaning. Your prostate is in good working order. He mumbled, "yeah." I then lubed my cock and eased it into his hole. It slid in easily. I was wondering how much fucking him Holden and Cal were doing. I held his sides and started thrusting in and out. I came inside his hot hole with a big load. I licked off cum that was leaking out. He turned and I took his big fat cock down my throat, he was humping my throat like crazy. He let out a moan and shot a big load down my throat. I licked off his last drops of cum. We didn't kiss, I didn't want to get his cold. I told him he should be feeling a bit better now after his treatment. He told me he felt much better. It was just what he needed. He told me as he was getting dressed that he would probably have to make a follow up appointment. I told him that was a good idea. One more injection and he should feel well.

I reminded him once more to buy 500MG Tylenol and a digital thermometer and make a follow up appointment with Shirley before he left. He left and thanked me, it helped him feel better. I told him my pleasure.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. Not as much fun as Dave. But work is work. I decided to drive to the hotel and check on the progress in he attic. I finished for the day and wrapped things up in my office. I took off for the hotel. I parked in the back parking lot. The front entrance was busy and I didn't want to block the shuttles. I walked around on the sidewalk to the entrance. The lobby was busy, as was the dining room. I had told Preston I would pick him up at six. So that would give me time to go to the attic. I walked up the stairs and into the attic. Wow, what a change. It looked like all the furniture had been moved in. The pool and jacuzzi was operating and the water was crystal clear. With the beautiful tile work, it gave the water a very tropical blue color. Some of the plants and trees had been moved in. I saw a handful of workers and Owen. I walked over and Owen and I talked for a bit. He said they would finish tomorrow. And then it was up to Sam to get this place hopping. I told him I'm sure Sam wouldn't have a hard time getting this place busy with guests. I told Owen this was another great job. It was fantastic and I was sure the guests would like it. I told him I had called Marv but his number was disconnected. I was able to get ahold of Zane, but he was booked a few months ahead, so I would have to wait on my pool and landscaping. Owen told me Zane was always busy, they did such good work they were always in demand.

Owen and his crew and I walked downstairs. They left out the back door and I thanked Owen again for his great work. I started looking for Sam. I finally found him in the banquet room. He walked over and asked me if I had seen the attic. I told I just came from there and had talked with Owen. They would finish tomorrow. Sam said the guests couldn't wait to see the new sunroom/solarium and take part in the amenities it had to offer. Sam told me he already had hired spa specialists that were also masseurs. Bartenders had been hired for the tiki bar and a couple of workers to attend the changing rooms. Owen said he had a couple of people that would take care of the plants, windows, pool and jacuzzi. So it looked like everything was ready to go for tomorrow. The local newspaper was sending over a reporter and cameraman to do an article on the new sunroom. Also he had heard from a famous travel magazine and they wanted to do a feature on the hotel. The web master was going to take pictures tomorrow and add the new sunroom and the amenities to the website. Sam said at the present he was keeping the prices of the rooms the same. But if he saw a surge in reservations with the new sunroom, he may raise the rates a bit. Sam said he was still hearing from local businesses how the hotel has helped their business. The dry cleaners were one of the businesses that called. They had bought a van to shuttle clothes back and forth from the hotel. The caterers called and said their business had increased significantly as well as the local florist. I was glad to hear that. The more the hotel could help local businesses and hire local people to work at the hotel, the better for everybody.

I left Sam to whatever he was doing. I checked my watch and it was going on six. I saw I had a missed call on my phone and a missed message. The call and message were from Graham. He told me Preston was at his office and he would bring him to the house for dinner. I left the hotel and drove home. Graham's car was parked in the garage and I walked into the kitchen. I didn't see Graham or Preston. Dinner was in the frig. They weren't out on the patio. I knew where they were. I talked upstairs to our sunroom. There they were sipping on a drink and talking. "Hi Bob, you finally made it."

"You guys been here long?"

"You guys have quite a house here," said Preston.

"Yeah, it is. The last work to do is the pool outside and landscaping and then everything should be finished."

"Graham showed me around and this is quite a house. Graham's company has decided to work with my company and it looks like it will be a go on the investment ideas I had mentioned to you and Graham. Also, will be building a new elementary school."

"That's fantastic. It will sure help the ecomony. I hope as many local people can be hired as possible to work in those establishments you had mentioned."

"That's our plan. We like to help local communities as much as we can and still get our investments accomplished."

"That's good to hear."

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but are you and Graham partners or a couple?"

"Yes, you could say that. We are soulmates and have finally found the person we were looking for."

"That's what I thought. I could tell by the way you look at each other."

"How about you Preston, you married, have a partner or single and looking?"

"As busy as I've been now with my job, I haven't had time to date or be in a relationship. I'm single, but not looking at the moment."

"I'm not sure what I want. I like both men and women. I was very much in the closet when I played football both in college and professionally. I tend to like men more than women, so I've kept that secret to myself. Your the only people I've told this to."

"We appreciate you sharing your secret with us. It won't go any further than these four walls."

"Should we have some dinner. I'm getting a little hungry."

We went downstairs and Graham and Preston went out on the patio, while I got dinner ready. Margaret had made something with beef. It sure looked and smelled good. I had no idea what it was, but was sure we would like it.

I saw Preston and Graham talking out on the patio. Probably more about the investment ideas. Preston seemed like a pretty nice guy. He was friendly and a good representative for his investment firm. Was curious to see where this evening might lead. We wouldn't pressure Preston to do anything he didn't want to do. Dinner was ready so I got the patio table ready and we ate out on the patio. I finally figured out what Margaret had fixed. When I saw the noodles I knew it was beef stroganoff. I had fixed a salad to go with it. Preston said the beef stroganoff was really good. Preston and Graham ate it all. I had one serving, that was plenty for me. Preston helped Graham and me clear off the table and put everything away. We went back out to the patio, and I grabbed us all a beer.

Graham told Preston that we usually go around the house naked when it's just ourselves. I don't know where that came from. Graham isn't usually that forward and especially with strangers. Preston gave us a smile, and said he did the same when he was at home by himself. He said he wouldn't mind stripping down and getting naked with us. We went into the living and started shedding our clothes. Graham and I kept glancing at Preston. He noticed us looking and it didn't seem to matter. It looked like Preston was bulging the front of his dress pants. If that was a bulge, it was sure big and I wondered what was inside of those briefs of his. I would find out soon. We had our shirts off and shoes and socks. We undid our pants and took them off. We were all bulging our boxers. Preston wore boxers too, but you could easily see the outline of a very large cock. Preston looked like he was chiseled out of stone. He was solid and in excellent shape. He obviously kept up his working out. He wasn't a bodybuilder but he was muscular and it looked good. On three we took off our boxers. Preston had one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen. I had seen some big ones in the locker rooms and when I did physicals. Preston had to be about seven or eight inches soft. His soft cock was as big as mine when I was hard. He asked us, "do you like what you see?"

We were a bit embarrassed, we didn't realize how much we were staring at Preston. His big cock fit his big frame perfect. It didn't look as big as it was, because Preston was a big man. We walked back out to the patio and moved our loungers together. We sipped on our beer and spread out. Our legs were over the next person to us. Our cocks were starting to grow and we were all sporting semis. Preston told us this was the most relaxed he had felt about his sexuality ever. We told him we were glad that he felt this comfortable with us. He told us everytime he was in the area which would be alot now with the investment ideas moving ahead, he would like to stay here with us. We told him he was always welcome. We then moved together in a group kiss. Our hands moving all over Preston's body. I loved the feel of his rock hard muscles. I traced my fingers all over them. Preston's cock continued to grow. He told when me he was fully erect, he was ten inches of thick muscle. It looked like it was getting close to the those ten inches. Just like Anthony.

We decided to move upstairs to the bedroom where we would have more room and be more comfortable. We had Preston in the middle and Graham and I were on each side of him. We kissed some more and Graham started making out with Preston, kissing his neck and pecs and nips. I was kissing and nibbling on his upper thighs. My nose brushing against his big full balls. His cock was bobbing up and down and dripping precum. I moved up and sucked off his precum from his cock a it jerked and twitched. That cock was big and ready for action.

Preston was thinking this was just what he was looking for. Who would have thought a big hunky professional football player was gay. Bob and Graham were giving him just what he had been looking for. He needed to relocate here to this small town, that was soon going to be getting bigger. Maybe his and Graham's investment firms could merge and they could work together. Then he could find someone to share his life with like Bob and Graham. There were new housing developments going up. He needed to check with his corporate office and check on the possibilities of a merger and talk to Graham more about it.

I then went down as far as I could on Preston's big cock. I wasn't able to take it all. It was just too big and thick. But he seemed to enjoy it. He looked down at me and said that was most anybody had been able to take of his cock and it felt great. I started bobbing up and down on his cock. Then licked under his balls and around his hole. Preston told me wasn't ready for that, so I backed off and went back to sucking that big rock hard cock. Graham had straddled Preston's massive chest and Preston was sucking on the head of Graham's cock. I lubed my hole. I wanted to see if I could take all of that big cock of Preston's up my twitching and itching hole. I lubed my hole real good and then Preston's cock. Preston's eyes got wide as I eased my ass lips over the head of his cock. I slowly eased down and down. Damn that cock was big but soon I felt his pubes tickling my ass cheeks. I started riding his big cock. It was bigger than Travis or Cal. About like Anthony. I worked it in my hole so it was continually rubbing on my prostate. I saw all of Graham's cock in Preston's mouth and throat. Preston reached down and started stroking my hard cock. We soon were all in sync. We looked like a well oiled machine sucking and fucking. I felt Preston's cock harden in my ass and he started moaning loud. He started shooting a huge load up my ass. He must have been drained both balls in my ass. Graham was going faster and he soon filled Preston's throat with one of his big loads. I told them I was ready to cum. Graham got off Preston quick and took my cock down his throat and sucked out a nice sized load from me. We laid back panting and gasping. Preston told us this was the first time he felt at ease with his sexuality and this was just what he was looking for.

Preston thought he probably should get back to the hotel. He had his laptop there and he might receive some information from the corporate office. While he was getting dressed he told Graham about his idea of their two investment firms merging here in town and they could work together on the investment ideas. Graham liked Preston's idea, but like Preston, he would need to run the idea by his corporate office. We all kissed and hugged and got into my SUV and we drove Preston to the hotel.

Thursday was pretty uneventful day for me at work. I planned to go to the hotel and see if Owen and his crew had finished. Graham Preston and myself agreed to have lunch at the diner. It was already approaching lunch time and I told Shirley and Janice bye.

I walked over to the diner and I saw Graham's car parked in front. Graham and Preston were sitting at my favorite table. I walked in and joined them. I asked them how their day was going. They told me they were busy working out the logistics of their two investment companies merging here in town. Graham told me his company had wanted to merge with Graham's and this was making the perfect oppportunity to do that. Preston said the same thing about his investment company. Preston said he would need to make a trip back to his corporate office to finalize the merger here in town. Once that was completed he would be relocating here and working in Graham's office building. We told him congratulations and he was welcome to stay with us until he found a place where he wanted to live. Graham told me that he thought the money we wanted to invest should be invested in their investment ideas for the town. We would receive a percentage of the profits for investing in the companies. I told Graham I was in favor of that. Graham knew that anyway I could help the town and economy would be a good idea for me. We had coffee and ate our lunch. I told Graham I was going to the hotel after work to see if Owen and his crew had finished in the attic. Preston wasn't sure, but he thought they may have finished. We left the diner and went back to work.

My afteroon went quickly and I was finishing my last patient. Shirley and Janice had left. I had some reports I wanted to finish and some lab results I wanted to check on. I finished my office work, locked the clinic and drove over to the hotel. I had a valet park my car in the hotel parking lot. I walked in and went straight to the attic. I walked in and it looked like a tropical paradise. They had installed a sound system like we had. It was playing the surf coming in, tropical birds and some very relaxing traditional Polynesian music. It made a nice atmosphere. Guests were already taking advantage of the newly opened room. I noticed the massage and spa rooms were busy. The pool and jacuzzi were being used and the tiki bar looked busy. The room was massive, but it was well laid out. I liked the finished look very much and it looked like everything fit together well. I left and went back down to the lobby. Sam and I talked for a bit and he told me the guests were really enjoying the new sunroom.

I told Sam I was very impressed with the final product. I told him bye and the valet brought my car for me. I gave him a good tip and drove home.

Graham's car was already in the garage. I was wondering if Preston came home with him. I walked into the kitchen and I saw Graham and Preston naked out on the patio. "It looks like two men are comfortable and enjoying themselves."

"We're having a congratulatory beer. Our companies are merged and Preston doesn't have to travel back to his corporatate office. We had a joint conference call and were able to finalize the merger over the phone. So Preston is going to check out of the hotel tomorrow and move his things into our house, till his new house is built. We went over to the housing development where Sam is having his house built. Once Sam's house is finished, they will be starting on Preston's. I made dinner reservations at the Italian Restaurant for seven."

"That's great news Preston." I gave him a kiss and hug. Preston was already getting used to our kissing and hugging. "I'll get changed and join you guys."

It didn't take me long to change. I was soon back on the patio lounger with Graham and Preston. Graham handed me a beer. I shouldn't be drinking so much beer without working out. We need to start working out. The way Graham eats, it's going to catch up with him soon. We finished our beer and went upstairs to our bedroom. As big as Preston was, it was more comfortable for him and gave him more room. He said he wanted to try being fucked. I asked him who he wanted to fuck him for the first time. Preston told me, he would like me to fuck him, but to take it easy, it was his first time. I told him not to worry. I would be as gentle and take it as easy as possible. I got out the lube. I first had Preston pull his ankles back and I put a pillow under his ass to raise him to the right level. I first started rimming him. Licking all around his hairy hole. And licking over it. He was a little sweaty, probably nervous and had a little manly musky smell to his hole. When I started licking over his hole, he said that felt really good. To keep going and not stop. I then started sticking my tongue in and out and he likedd that. I lubed a finger and started easing it in. I told him to relax and push out and he wouldn't feel any discomfort. That seemed to work. Once he was relaxed, I eased my finger in further. No resistance. I then lubed a second finger and started moved it in next to the first finger. I started moving them around, trying to stretch his hole. In the meantime Graham had gotten over Preston's head and was feeding him his cock. I knew Graham was doing that as a diversion. I then lubed a third finger and eased it in. I just held my three fingers in his hole. Then started moving them around. One of my fingers found Preston's prostate. He twitched and moaned when I rubbed over his prostate. He asked what that was, it sure felt good. I told him I found his prostate and he will feel pleasure from now on. I kept rubbing his prostate, feeling it swell and throb. I then eased more lube into his hole with my three fingers. I pulled my fingers out and lubed my cock. I rubbed the head all around. I saw that he had tensed up again. I told to relax and push out. As he pushed out I eased my head into his hole. I just held it there again for a minute, until he relaxed. Then I started easing in, inch by slow inch of my cock into his hole. His hole took it all. I felt his prostate on the side of my cock. And I started rubbing my cock back and forth over it. He was moaning louder and sucking faster on Graham's cock. I told him I was going to cum and asked him if he wanted me to pull out. He said no, it felt too good. Fill me up with a big load. I didn't need anymore encouragement and started picking up my pace. Soon my cock hardened and stiffened in his hole and I pumped out a load into his Preston's hole. He tried to keep it in his hole but some was leaking out. I wiped off my cum. Preston said that was fantastic and felt good. He thanked me for taking my time and making his first fuck a pleasurable experience. I asked Preston if he wanted to shower with us. We got up and went into the shower. I liked the new shower system and I wanted Preston to experience it. He thought our shower was really something else. He had never seen anything like it. We rinsed off and then got into a circle jerk. It took two hands to jerk off Preston. Once we finished, we dried off, got dressed and we took off for the Italaian Restaurant.

We thought Preston would like the Italian Restaurant. It was after six thirty and it wouldn't matter if we got there a little early. We would probably be in a private dining room. I pulled up to the side of the restaurant. It looked like it was busy. We walked up to the front and one of the waiters opened the door for us and took us back to one of the private dining rooms, just like I thought. The same waiter that took us to our table, would be our waiter for our dinner. He asked us if we would like a drink before we ordered. We all had scotch and water on the rocks. The waiter brought us a menu. This menu was different than the regular ones. Everything was gourmet and there wasn't any prices. Preston asked us about the no prices. We told him everytime we came the meals would be on the house. Since the hotel opened, their business had increased significantly and they thought it was the least they could do for their increased business. The waiter came back and asked us if we were ready to order. We decided to have the seafood mix for four. The way Graham and Preston ate, I was hoping the meal for four would be enough. The waiter brought out a bottle of white wine for me to try. I told him it was perfect and to bring a chilled bottle with our meal. Soon our meal came. The platter was huge. The waiter had three smaller plates so we could serve ourselves from the the large platter. He poured us each a flute of white wine. Graham and Preston devoured their dinner. I had one modest serving from the seafood platter, they managed to eat the rest. I just sat and there and watched them eat and eat and eat. Finally they finished and to my amazement didn't have any dessert. We thanked the waiter and told him to thank the owner and chef for another excellent dinner.

We got into the SUV. It sounded liked it was huffing and puffing from our extra weight after a big dinner. We took Preston back to the hotel. I told him to use the shuttle tomorrow to bring his things to the house. We kissed and he got out and walked into the hotel."

I drove back to the house and Graham gave me all the details on the investments and which ones we would be contributing too, and what our percentage of the profits would be. It sounded like a lot of money to me. We had already started making a lot of money from the hotel, our work and now the investments would be on top of that. We thought we should go to the jewelers one of these days and see how he's doing. It's been awhile and we should keep in touch with him.

I pulled into the garage and we walked into the kitchen. We went upstairs and stripped each other and put our jocks on. We thought we needed to have Preston do that too when he started staying here. We couldn't wait to see how hot he would look in just a jock. Graham flipped through the channels and found a movie. I was reading the daily paper. They had a feature on the new solarium/sunroom at the hotel. The photos looked just like the new room. The article explained what the new amenities were. They had also interviewed Owen and wrote a little article about him and his construction work. I was glad the paper did that. Hopefully, when people saw the great work he and his crew had done, it would generate more business for him. I handed the paper to Graham and he read the article over and liked the photos too.

While we watched the movie I told Graham I was starting a list for our Open House and wanted his input on whom to invite. And any other suggestions he had for the open house. I thought we should have it catered and invite as many of the guys as possible and hopefully some of them that lived a long ways away would be able to come.

We finished watching the movie. We were getting tired and went upstairs to bed. We crawled in together with our jocks on. I was wondering how long they would stay on. I didn't have to wait long until Graham was down between my legs pulling my jock off with his teeth. It was so hot. I had an instant erection. Graham sucked me off and fingered my hole at the same time. Then it was my turn. I pulled his jock off with my teeth, sucked him off while I fingered his hole. We were both sated and fell asleep practically laying on top of each other.

Friday arrived. Graham and I got in a short work out before breakfast. We were a little sluggish getting started, but soon got into our workout routine. We felt good after our work out and building up a good sweat. We showered in the locker room, dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. We told Margaret about Preston moving in. He was relocating here to town and we offered him to stay here at the house. Margaret told us she would freshen up one of the guest rooms. We told her Preston was a big man and used to play professional football. So not to be alarmed when she saw the size of him. She just laughed and said she had two brothers that were big, so she didn't think that Preston's size would have much of an impact on her. We thanked Margaret for breakfast and we kissed in the garage and left for work.

We all met for lunch at the diner. Graham and Preston were still finalizing the last of the details on the merger of their two investment companies. Graham was glad he had bought the whole building. The extra office space would work out fine for their merge. Preston was already in the process of hiring his staff and Graham agreed to help him with the hiring process and would check with his staff to see if they knew of some good candidates to work with Preston. I reminded Graham that we had the ceremony coming up in just about an hour at the university. I worked a half day on Fridays as did Graham. I told Graham I was heading to the house to freshen up and change clothes before going to the university. He thought he would do the same. Preston said he would be busy doing interviews and would be back later in the shuttle with his things. We told Preston to call the house before he left to come to our house to let Margaret know, so she could let them in.

Graham took Preston back to the office and I drove home. I went upstairs and took a shower, dressed and told Margaret Preston would call before he came with his things. He would be arriving in a hotel shuttle and to open the gate for the them. She told me she would take care of it. I heard Graham come in and he rushed upstairs to take a quick shower and dress for the ceremony. I told Margaret we had the ceremony for the ground breaking for the new sports stadium at the university. She said, you guys are sure doing wonders for this town and community. It's all you hear people talking about. How great it was with the hotel opening and how it's changed this town. And now with the new investments coming in, this won't be a small town much longer. I don't know what to say Margaret. All Graham and I wanted to do was help the town and the community. It seems we are doing that. Graham came downstairs and we left in my SUV.

We got to the administration buildings parking lot a few minutes early. We thought we'd go straight to the president's office. We walked in and the secretary was pleased to see us. She told us to take a seat and she would let the president know we had arrived. Graham and I had decided to wear casual suits, nothing real formal. We waited just a couple of minutes and the president came out. He shook our hands and we walked with him out to the sports complex. I could see bleachers set up with a podium and a large ribbon stretched across a couple of poles. There was seating behind the podium. The bleachers were full when we walked over to the podium. Everyone in the stands stood up and cheered and applauded when we took our seats. The athletic directors were there and some of the board members and it looked like a couple of students were seated behind the podium also. The president got up and walked to the podium. He gave a short speech and then introduced everyone seated behind him. Graham and I were the last to be introduced, again everyone stood up and applauded and cheered. Graham and I took the podium. We explained our reason for dontating to the sports program. And it was our way of giving back to the university for everything it had given us. Which wasn't entirely true in Graham's case, since he started at the university and then transferred to a different university, but he was ok with everything. After our short speech, the president went to the podium and said the it was time to cut the ribbon and use the gold shovel. I cut the ribbon and Graham used the gold shovel. That officially was the ground breaking for the new stadium. The president said the new stadium would be named in honor of Bob and Graham. Then we sat down and the president told me to get up, he had one more special announcement. It wasn't sports related, but was related to our generous donation to the medical school. Then the president asked Quinton to come up to the podium. The president said that Quinton was the first new certified doctor that had earned a medical school scholarship from Bob and Graham's scholarship fund. We all shook hands. The audience then applauded. That finished the ceremony.

However, the president talked to me aside and asked me if I would mind having lunch with Quinton, Quinton had a few things he wanted to ask me. I told the president sure. I walked over to Quinton and we shook hands again and I congratulated him on his new profession. I told him the president asked me to set up a luncheon together, you had a few things you wanted to ask me. Quinton asked me if tomorrow would be too soon. I told him I didn't think so, I didn't have anything planned for lunch. I told him we could meet at noon at the Main Street Diner. Quinton said that was perfect and was looking forward to talking to me tomorrow and having lunch.

It seemed a little strange, but if the president wanted me to have lunch with Quinton, there had to be a good reason. I told Graham about it when we got back in my SUV. He told me no problem. He and Preston would figure something out for lunch tomorrow.

We got home and just relaxed with a cold beer. I liked Fridays working a half day. I started thinking about whom I wanted to invite to the Open House. We helped Preston take everything up to a guest bedroom. We went into our bedroom and stripped down and put jocks on and checked on Preston. He was just finishing putting away his last articles of clothing. He saw us in jocks and he got out one and we watched him put it on. It took him a couple of minutes to get everything tucked into his jock. He sure looked good. I could just look at Preston all day and never get tired looking at him. We decided to go upstairs to the sunroom. Preston got us beers from the tiki bar. We put the music on. It was the same music as at the hotel. The sound of the surf, tropical bird calls and Polynesian music. It must have been on a loop, because it went continually. We laid on loungers enjoying the sun coming in from the glass ceiling and walls. Preston told us it was just like being outside. I asked the guys if they wanted Chinese for dinner. I didn't feel like warming anything or fixed anything for dinner. The guys liked that idea. I called a place Graham and I had ordered from before. They said it would be about thirty to forty minutes before they would deliver the food. I told them perfect and to press the speaker button and I would open the gate.

I went in the bedroom and grabbed some shorts to put on when they delivered the Chinese food. I went back to the sunroom and I told the guys I was going to call Holden and see if he did massages. While I called Holden, Graham explained to Preston who Holden was. Preston didn't know we had a home gym and locker room. He said he definitely would work out with us every morning. I gave Holden a call. "Hi Bob, what's happening?"

"Not much, I was playing nurse today for Dave."

"Where's his wife? I suppose she's gone again with work?"

"No, didn't Dave tell you the other day at the clinic they are getting a divorce."

"He didn't say anything to me. What happened that they are getting a divorce?"

"Dave's wife had hooked up with another man on her business trips. They plan on getting married once the divorce is final. She also found out that Dave likes men, so that put the final touches on the divorce."

"How is Dave taking this divorce business?"

"He's fine with it. She doesn't want any of his assets. Just that she wants custody of their two kids and he will have custody of his kids one weekend a month."

"How soon will the divorce be final?"

"They meet before the judge this coming week, sign the papers and the divorce is final."

"How is Dave feeling? Is he getting over his cold?"

"He's feeling much better. But wants me to tell you he will be back for a follow up appointment. He feels he still needs another injection."

The brought a smile to my face. "Tell Dave, I'll have a long hard needle ready for his injection."

I could hear Dave laughing. "So was their something specific you wanted to ask me?"

"Actually there is. I just recently had a new sunroom/solarium built where the attic was. I had a massage room added that is stocked and ready to go with two massage tables, and I was wondering if you do massages?"

"I do massages, but not as a profession. I had some training in massage when I took my sports therapy classes. So are you wondering if I would do massages for you and Graham?"

"Your a mind reader. That's exactly why I was calling. I would be glad to. We'll just have to set up a time that works for all of us. Mainly me with my variable work schedule."

"Good, when we start working out next week in the mornings, maybe we can work out a schedule to get massages?"

"That sounds like plan Bob. Well, I need to get back to my patient here. He's starting to get fussy. He might need his diaper changed. I'll check my schedule and let you and Graham know on Monday what times and days would work for me."

"Thanks Holden. You better get back to your patient. Talk to you on Monday."

I told Graham and Preston what Holden had told me. About the divorce and that he did do massages. We told Preston it would probably take Holden all day to do a massage on you. He just laughed about that. I heard the speaker and told the guys I would go down and get our dinner. I put my shorts on, no shirt and flip flops and went down and pressed the button to open the gate. I saw a small delivery van pull in. I didn't think I had ordered that much food. The delivery man said they used the van, when they had a lot of deliveries to make. I paid him and gave him a tip and took all our food up to the solarium on a tray.

I saw Graham and Preston had moved to one of the bigger tables. Graham got some napkins from the bar and small appetizer plates. We filled our plates and indulged on the Chinese food. It was really good. Everyone seemed hungry for Chinese food. I think Graham and Preston would eat anything that was placed in front of them. I ate more than I usually did. The food didn't taste too bad with beer. We ate everything and I took the empty containers down to the kitchen and put them in the trash compactor. After our big dinner we were stuffed and just relaxed and dozed off on our loungers.

We only dozed off for about twenty minutes. I told Preston I was going to show him the locker room and gym. then we could watch a movie in the theater room. Graham came along with us. Preston checked out the exercise equipment and free weights. He said it would work for him and he really liked our set up. The locker room was perfect and he would move some of his gym clothes down in a locker. We showed him the game room and then we went into the theater room. He liked the theater room. Especially the oversized theater chairs. As big as Preston was, the chairs didn't look too big for his size. We had Preston sit down on the chair. Then Graham and I sat on each side on an arm of the chair. Graham found a movie and we started watching it. We couldn't stop staring at Preston's huge bulge in his jock. Graham and I took turns rubbing over that bulge. Preston didn't mind. He didn't say anything, but I could hear him gasp and moan every once in awhile.

Preston was enjoying all the attention from Bob and Graham. This was just what he wanted. Once he got settled into his office with his staff, he was going to start looking for a steady boyfriend. Maybe there would be some opportunities when Bob and Graham had their Open House. But for the time being, this was working out great with Bob and Graham and they were easing Preston into the pleasures of man sex. Preston was like a sponge, absorbing all the attention he was getting and remembering what he liked to be sure to share with his partner when he had one.

Bob and Graham were slowly easing their fingers into the sides of Preston's jock. His cock was getting bigger and bigger. Soon his jock looked like it would tear open. Bob and Graham put a couple of fingers on his each side of Preston's jock, pulling it down. Preston raised his hips to make it easier for them. His big cock sprang out and you could hear it slap his stomach and abs. I started fondling and playing with Preston's big balls while Graham was playing with the head of Preston's cock. We stayed that way playing with Preston's cock and balls, making us hornier and harder in our jocks. The movie was finishing and we decided we were ready for bed. We got up from the theater chair and Preston told Graham and I to stand together. Preston got up from the chair and with his big hands and arms he pulled our jocks down at the same time. We kissed and he put an arm around each of us and we walked upstairs to the bedroom. Once in bed we got Preston into a three way with him on his back. He was starting to like getting fucked and he was getting good at sucking cock. We were getting him ready for the Open House, we knew the guys were going to go crazy when they saw Preston.

We took turns in the three way. That pretty much wiped us out and we went to sleep.

We woke up a little later Saturday morning. We put our jocks back on and went downstairs for a little work out. Preston got into it right away. It took Graham and I a little longer to get into the swing of things. Soon we were all sweating and feeling the burn from a good work out. We showered in the locker room and Preston jerked us off at the same time. Once we came we took turns sucking and fingering Preston's hole. I told Preston and Graham that I had a luncheon coming up at the diner with Quinton. They thought they might go to the office building for awhile and then have lunch at the mall. They laid on the bed playing with each other's cocks while I got dressed. I told them I wasn't sure how long this luncheon would last. So I would come home once we finished. I hugged and kissed Graham and Preston and drove over to the diner.

I didn't know what kind of a car Quinton drove, so I didn't know if he was at the diner. I walked in and it was almost deserted. Millie came over and I asked her where everybody was. She said, "there's a cattle auction going on at the Flying R ranch."

I knew the Flying R ranch was the biggest in the area. They had started adding some horse back riding lessons and gave demonstration on branding and other things they did at the ranch for the tourists. They also gave horse back tours and they had carriage rides. I knew some of our guests were enjoying the ranch and taking part in some of their tours and carriage rides.

"It must draw a lot of people."

"It does, it's something the other ranchers look forward to each year. So what brings you here for lunch on a Saturday?"

"I supposed to be meeting Quinton here for lunch. He's the the first medical graduate from our scholarship fund and he wanted to talk to me. Also, the president from the university had asked to have this luncheon and talk with Quinton."

"Any idea what he wants to ask you?"

"I have no clue Millie. I'll find out when he gets here. I'll take a black coffee while I wait."

Millie left to get me my coffee. I saw a bright red car park in the front. Quinton got out and walked up to the diner. He came in and saw me. I stood up and we shook hands and we sat back down. "So Quinton, I'm curious to what you want to ask me. The university president told me I should have this luncheon with you."

I could tell Quinton was nervous. He regained his composure and said, "first I want to thank you for the scholarship fund. It made my dream come true of always wanting to be a doctor. Now comes the hard part."

Millie brought my coffee and Quinton asked for a black coffee. He hemmed and hawed around for a bit. Then said, "since I finished my internship and residency here at the local hospital, I've really become attached to the area and this town. I specialized in radiology and pediatrics as well as general practice or family medicine."

"So what does this have to do with me?" I was starting to formulate some ideas in my mind.

"That's where the university president and medical directors come into play. They recommended to me that I should talk to you and see if you were interested in having a radiologist and pediatrician working at your clinic."

"To be honest, it's something I've never considered. Both Janice, my DNP and myself are radiologists. Janice takes care of most of the parents that bring in their children."

"It's an interesting proposition. And something I think I would like. It would free Janice up to take care of more of the lab work we would send to the hospital and do a lot of leg work. Take care of our supply orders and some of our reports. The only drawback is that the clinic is small and was designed for one doctor. Why don't we eat our lunch and take a drive over to the clinic and see what possibilities it has for expansion. Let's order lunch and I'm going to make a phone call to a building contractor that I know."

We ordered our lunch and another coffee. While we were waiting I gave Owen a call. "Hi Bob, don't tell me you already have complaints on the two sunrooms we did for you?"

"Hey Owen, nothing like that. How is your schedule looking today?"

"No work scheduled today or tomorrow. What's on your mind?"

"I'm at the diner with a newly certified doctor from the local university. He's interested in joining my practice. However, the clinic is small and designed for one doctor. I was wondering if you could meet us at the clinic in about a half hour and see what kinds of possibilities it might have for expansion and making room for another doctor."

"I could do that Bob. Especially since it's you that's calling and asking for some help. I'll meet you there in thirty minutes."

"Thanks Owen, we'll see you soon."

I explained to Quinton who Owen was and the jobs that he had done for me. Millie brought our lunches and of course she had to check out Quinton and do a little flirting. Quinton was a good looking guy and I'm sure had had plenty of girlfriends. I wasn't going to pursue that conservation with him, at least not right away. We finished our lunch and I told Quinton it was my treat and left Millie a good sized tip. Quinton decided to follow me to the clinic.

We arrived at the clinic which wasn't far from the diner. I saw Owen's truck parked on the side parking lot and he was walking around the outside of the clinic, looking like he was doing some measuring. He saw me pull in and get out and then Quinton. Quinton and I walked over to Owen. I introduced Quinton to Owen. Owen asked me, "how much property do you own here Bob?"

"I own the lot the clinic is on and the lot behind the clinic and the lot to side, since the clinic is located on a corner lot."

"You have plenty of land to work with to expand the size of the clinic and add a nice sized parking lot. Let's go in and have a look around."

"We walked in which came into a small coat room and then the waiting room."

Owen was taking notes as I showed him around the clinic, Quinton followed us. We finished back out in the waiting room. We took a seat and Owen said, "the waiting room would need to be enlarged to accommodate more patients. Also, include a play area for the kids. The reception area looks to be an adequate size. Then change the side of the reception area. Make a hallway with offices on one side for each of the two doctors and your nurse. The other side would have two examination rooms. The radiology room could stay the way it is. There would only be one doctor using it at a time. I'll draw up some plans on my laptop this weekend and maybe we can meet somewhere Sunday and we can look over my ideas."

"How about if we meet at my house. How about around two in the afternoon?"

"Both Owen and Quinton agreed with that. I gave Quinton my address and told him about pressing the speaker button so I could open he gate."

Owen left, leaving Quinton and I to think about what Owen had said. Quinton said, "I guess this means you will be hiring me as a doctor at your clinic?"

"Yes I will Quinton. I was impressed when you had said you liked the area and town and wanted to stay here and give back to the community. Any way I can help the town and the community I'm for that one hundred percent. Welcome Dr. Quinton and it's going to be a pleasure working with you."

We left and went our separate ways. I was wondering if Graham and Preston were home and had finished at the mall. I got home and Graham's car was in the garage. I walked into the kitchen and the guys came over and gave me a kiss and hug. That was the first time for Preston doing that. It seemed he was getting more comfortable with his new sexuality. I was glad for him. Graham said, "how was your luncheon with Quinton?"

"It looks I will be expanding the size of the clinic and hiring another doctor to work with me." I then explained to the guys why I was hiring Quinton and that the three of us, Owen Quinton and myself would meet here tomorrow at two and start looking at Owen's plans for the clinic. Owen and Quinton took a walk through the clinic and Owen jotted down some notes for his design ideas.

"It sounds like you will be going ahead fast with the clinic?"

"I don't want it to take any longer than necessary, and still be able to attend to patients while the work is going on."

"Knowing Owen he and crew won't take very long and soon you will have a bigger clinic."

"I hope so. So are you all settled into Graham's office building, Preston?"

"Yes, and I have my starting staff already hired with Graham's help. We are moving along fast with the merger which is in it's last stages. We are already starting on the investment ideas and are going to try to use as many local contractors as possible. It's possible we may use your brother, Reggie, and have his construction company involved in some of the construction."

"That's terrific. It sounds like everything is moving along nicely for you two guys?"

"What should we do for dinner?"

Graham said, how about taking Preston to Milo's and then take him to the In and Out Bar after. We haven't been to the bar in a long time."

"I like that idea. Do you want me to call Milo's and make reseervations?"

I called Milo's and made reservations for eight. If we got to the In and Out Bar at nine or just after, that would be a good time to get there. The guys told me to join them in the sunroom when I finished my call.

I walked up to the sunroom and Graham had moved three loungers together with me in the middle and a cold beer waiting on the table for me. What would I do without my man, I thought to myself. He's so perfect in everyway. Maybe Preston will get lucky at the In and Out Bar. Irving would be a good match for Preston. They are both very friendly, muscular and like working out. Irving would be a good teacher for Preston in the male sexuality experiences. I hope Irving is still working at the bar. I relaxed in the middle lounger. Soon the guys were all over me. "What's this all about?"

"Bob, you don't realize how nice a person you are. And always helping other people and giving so much back to your hometown and community. We Want you to relax and just enjoy yourself. Close your eyes and enjoy all the sensations that you are going to experience."

I never really thought much about what I did for other people and the town. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Soon the guys were all over me. I couldn't believe how good they were making me feel. They were both making out with me. I knew Preston was between my legs. I felt his stubble on my thighs and balls. Graham didn't have stubble. Graham was kissing me and I recognized his kiss immediately. Soon he was all over my ears neck chest and abs. Preston was eating out my hole. He was getting pretty good at it. He had a big tongue like the size of the rest of him. It felt like a small cock going in and out of my hole. The tip of his tongue was able to touch my prostate. Sending waves of eletricity through my body. The guys were getting me so hot and hard. My cock was oozing out thick streams of precum. I felt Preston lick it off. I felt his huge cock head at the opening to my hole. He had lubed his cock and my hole and it slowly slid in. My ass muscles wrapped around his big shaft and pulled him in. I don't know who was moaning louder, Preston or me. Graham had straddled my chest and was hitting my mouth and lips with his hard cock. I opened my mouth and he slid his cock in and down my throat. Soon I was being fucking at both ends. It was fantastic. The guys were being gentle and more loving than usual. I appreciated the attention they were giving me and how passionate they were. Soon we had a three way orgasm. It was the first for me and Graham and Preston. It was quite a sensation. We collapsed back on our loungers and polished off our beer. It was still early, so I got up between the two guys and got us another round of beer from the tiki bar. I opened some of the retractable ceiling to let in some cool air. It was warm in the room, I don't know if it was from our loving making or just a warm day. I checked the climate control and it was set at seventy two for an inside temperature. It must of been our love making that made us warm. I started feeling some cooler air flowing over my body and the guys said they felt it too. We listened to the relaxing music and nodded off.

They woke up later and it was just after six. They must have been more tired than they thought. Graham was stirring and Preston was awake. I mentioned to Preston that I was going to be having an Open House and it was also going to be my coming out to my family and friends. I told Preston he was welcome to invite friends and relatives. The more the merrier. Preston told me he didn't think it was a good time yet to be coming out to friends and family. He was just starting his new career and didn't want to jeoparize that. He wasn't sure how his family would react to him announcing he was gay. He thought it would be better if he waited, but thanked me for mentioning the Open House to him. Preston told me he would be here for the Open House but in the audience. Graham was awake and listening. He told Preston a little about his family. Some things he had never told me. Graham's parents were glad he was honest with them about being gay. They accepted that fact at first, but then as his parents thought more about it and not having any grandchildren. They pretty much stopped having any contact with Graham. His brother and sister were accepting at first, but changed their mind, probably after they talked with his parents. Graham told Preston he was going to call them, but thought they probably wouldn't come. Graham and his so called friends, pretty much avoided him after he came out as gay. He said moving back here to his hometown was the best decision of his life. Or he would never have found his soulmate and partner for life. Preston thought about what Graham had said, but still felt he needed more time. Both Graham and Bob respected his decision and wouldn't put any pressure on him.

They went downstairs to the patio. Bob closed the retractable ceiling and checked the climate control. It was staying steady at seventy two. They decided to have some ice water and hold off on the beer or drinks. They would indulge later at the In and Out Bar. They went out to the patio. It felt like it was going to be a pleasant evening. No wind, and a comfortable seventy five outside. They sat close together and soon they had wandering hands. Bob and Graham couldn't keep their hands off Preston. Preston loved all the attention to his body. He had worked hard on it and had stayed in good shape. He was just as in shape as when he played professional football. His muscles were tight and hard, all of them. Bob and Graham were feeling Preston's hard pecs and nips. They squeezed and kept rubbing over his hard nips. It was something Preston liked a lot. It was one of his hot spots directly wired to his cock. Graham moved his hand down over Preston's ripped six pack. Feeling the groves and ripples. I started feeling Preston's big full balls. Preston must recharge fast. His balls always looked full. Graham was running his fingers through Preston's pubes and around the bsse of his cock. I kept fondling and rolling Preston's balls around in my hand. Preston was moaning and telling us to hurry, we were driving him crazy and he needed to cum. We picked up our pace as Graham starting stroking Preston's cock and I started fingering his hot tight hole. That took Preston over the edge and he was soon blasting out a big load. Graham bent down and licked it off Preston's chest and abs and then kissed him. I wasn't sure if Preston would kiss Graham back. But he did, getting a taste of his cum. I looked at the clock and told the guys we better shower and rinse off and get dressed for dinner and the club after.

We went into the shower. Preston couldn't stop mentioning how much he liked our shower. We rinsed off and Preston had us stand on each side of him. He grabbed our cocks and jerked us off. With his big hands, it didn't take us long to cum. We dried each other off and got dressed. We admired ourselves in the floor length mirror. We told each other how hot we were.

We got into my SUV and I drove us to Milo's. Milo's was busy. The owner had told us that his business had increased, but I didn't think this much. I was glad for him. I was sure many of the diners were guests at the hotel. We were taken to a private dining room. We had a glass of wine before our dinner. The waiter told us the chef was preparing something special for us. I saw two waiters bring out two large platters. They took the covers off. I had no idea what the food was, neither did Graham nor Preston. It smelled delicious. We served ourselves and the dinner was as good as it smelled. It was some kind of beef that was very tender and a nice assortment of vegetables and a fresh garden salad. Again, I finished eating before Graham and Preston. I was still amazed at how they could eat. I just sat there and watched them. They managed to finish both platters of food. Then they had dessert while I had an after dinner drink. The chef came into our dining room and we thanked him for a very delicious meal. He thanked us again for their increased business and it was always his pleasure making special dinners for us.

We left Milo's just after nine and I drove the short distance to the In and Out Bar. We could hear the music as soon as I found a parking spot. The bar was starting to fill up. They must have something special going on. It doesn't usually fill up this soon and this fast. We walked in and we found a little table towards the back. Many guys were already dancing and the DJ really had the bar rocking.

We ordered beer. I looked around and didn't see Irving. I thought I'd ask one of the waiters if he was still working. And what was going on, that there were so many people early. Thank god they had A/C or this place would be sweltering with this many people. Our table was getting a lot of stares. Actually, they were staring at Preston, they didn't care about Graham or me. One of the waiters came by our table and I stopped. "I don't see Irving, is he still working here?"

"No, he quit over a month ago, to go back to the university and get his degree."

"What's going on that there are so many people here this early?"

"The newlyweds are having their wedding reception here at the bar."

"That explains so many people."

I asked Preston if he mineded if Graham and I danced for a bit. He told us no problem. He was enjoying watching everybody. He said he had never been in a gay bar before and he was just taking everything in. Graham and I got up and we danced to a few pieces of music. Graham was a good dancer, better than me. But he was easy to follow and I did ok. Graham told me I was getting better. We went back to the table, we were sweating. It was warm on the dance floor. I asked Preston if he wanted to dance with Graham. Preston said he wasn't a good dancer and he had never danced with another man. I told him, I wasn't a good dancer either, but it was easy dancing with Graham. Preston told Graham he would give it a shot and see how it goes. They got up and walked out to the dance floor. It looked kind of funny with Graham being shorter and leading Preston dancing.

I noticed a lot of people staring at Preston again. Some were bumping into him on purpose, or taking a feel and grope. Preston didn't seem to mind. I think he was concentrating on his dancing and not paying attention to anybody else. Soon they finished and came back to the table. I asked Preston what he thought. He said it wasn't too bad. But he definitely needed more practice. Preston and Graham were sweating and we ordered another beer. I would probably drink one more beer and that would be my limit, driving.

Graham and Preston were getting hungry. So they asked one of the waiters for a bar menu. After our big dinner, I don't know how they could be hungry again. So they ordered double cheese hamburgers with fries. Graham was going to have to start working out eating that kind of food.

Soon the lights dimmed and the DJ announced that the entertainment would be starting. I thought I had seen one of the male strippers earlier beind the bar, but I wasn't sure. Soon the DJ started some low music with a lot of drums. The spotlight got brighter and one of the strippers appeared moving to the drum beat. The rhythm picked up and soon another stripper appeared and then two more. It looked like it would be just the four dancing. Preston was really engrossed watching the strippers. They were dressed as indians and were gyrating and moving to the drums. Soon all the stage lights came up and they pulled off they calf skin shirts. I think the strippers were more muscular than when we had them perform at the house. These guys were ripped and just as hot as ever. Preston's eyes were glued to the strippers. They then turned their backs to us and pulled off their calf skin leggings. There were just in their g-strings. They had nice firm glutes that moved as they danced. Then then turned and faced us. Damn those guys were hung. I think a couple of them would give Preston a run for his money. Preston kept staring at the strippers. We finished our beer and ordered another. That would be the last beer for me. Soon some of the guys starting making a line and stuffing dollar bills into their g-strings. Some seemed to keep their fingers in the g-string longer than necessary. The strippers didn't seem to mind. Preston started looking agitated and was nervous and sweating. I asked him, "is everything ok Preston. You don't look so good?"

"Yes and no. One of those dancers is a cousin of mine. We grew up like brothers and then he took off and nobody had ever heard from him again. This is the first I've seen him in over five years."

"You going to be ok?"

"Yeah, I would just like to have a chance to talk to him when they finish their show."

"Let me get ahold of our waiter and I'll see if he can give the stripper a message for us."

The waiter came over. Preston asked him, "could you tell Mark that Preston is here in the audience and would like to talk to him after their show."

The waiter had been looking Preston over and said, "it would be my pleasure to tell Mark. They should be finishing soon."

The strippers were really into the music and their g-string pouches were really moving with the music. It looked like a couple of them could loose everything very soon. Soon the lights dimmed and strippers pulled their g-strings off and the lights went dark. Everyone was applauding and cheering. Soon the strippers came back out shirtless and with some tight black pants on that showed off their bulges very nice. We saw the waiter point to our table and one of the bigger strippers walked over. Preston got up and gave Mark a big hug. Their were tears in their eyes and they walked outside to talk.

"Markie I thought I'd never see you again. We were brothers growing up. Why did you leave?"

"It's a long story. I started getting hooked on drugs and alcohol and I couldn't face you or my family anymore and left."

"Where did you go?"

"I went from town to town getting odd jobs to make money for drugs. I hardly ate and was getting really sick. That's when I knew I had to change or I was going to die."

"In one town I was in they were doing auditions for male strippers. I thought what the hell. I have nothing to lose and maybe they would hire me. I went to a local park and rinsed myself in the water fountain. I had a change of clothes with me. So I put them on and walked for an endless number of blocks till I arrived where they were doing the auditons. I was hired on the spot. I still had some musculature and I think my big cock was what really got me hired."

"That's incredible Mark. I'm so glad to see you. What are your plans now?"

"We are going on tour and once that finishes, I will have enough money saved to go to a university and get a degree in business administration. It's something I have always wanted to do."

"Do you have a cell phone?"

"Yeah, he pulled it out of his pants pockets. Here, put my number into your phone."

"I've located here in this town. And am working for an investment firm and I've opened my own office. I'm having a new house built soon."

"That's real nice Preston, how does this affect me?"

"You have my number, call me when you finish your tour. This town has an excellent university and a very good business administration program. You can live with me and go to college here. Once you graduate you can work at my investment firm. I will be sure to keep an opening for you."

"The tears started flowing down Mark's face again. Preston I can't believe this. You would do that for me after I left and never got back in touch with you or anyone?"

"Of course I would. Your my brother and I'm glad I found you. Now let's get your sorry ass back in the bar before they think you left them. All you have to do is finish your tour and my house should be done. Give me a call and I'll make arrangements to have you and your things shipped to my house."

They walked back into the bar. Arm in arm. Mark needed to go back stage and do somethings. I shook hands with Graham and I and walked back stage.

"Preston you look different. Is everything ok?"

"Everything is great. Mark is a cousin/brother to me. I hadn't seen him for five years." Preston then went on to explain why Mark had left and how he/Preston, was going to help him. Graham told Preston that he sounded like Bob, helping family and friends. Graham and I were glad for Preston. It was getting late and we decided to leave. Preston wanted to see if he could talk to Mark for a couple more minutes before we left. We told him sure. We got our waiters attention and he told us he would get Mark for us. Mark came back out and we let Preston and Mark talk in private. We saw them checking phone numbers and then they gave each other long hugs, said a few more things to each other. They had tears running down their faces again and Mark went back stage to do whatever he needed to do.

We left the bar and Preston was very quiet. We didn't say anything to him. We thought it was better not to pry into his personal family business. It was quiet all the way home. We walked into the house and Preston told us he was tired and was going to go to bed. He looked tired. I think finding Mark and catching up, had really tired Preston out. We thought it was a good idea and we went to bed also. We kissed and hugged and snuggled together and went right to sleep.

I woke up before Graham. There was no way I could get out of bed without waking him. He was interwined with me. I tried to move, but it was impossible. Actually, it felt good having Graham wrapped up all around me. Finally I felt him stir. "Good morning sexy."

"Good morning to you too. You can sleep in babe. I'm going downstairs and start some breakfast."

"I'm going to take my time getting up. But as soon as I smell a fresh pot of coffee, I know I'll be downstairs for breakfast."

I decided on eggs, bacon and sausage with toast and pancakes. I started on bacon and sausage, that part of breakfaast first. Then I got the coffee maker going. It smelled pretty good in the kitchen. I heard Preston coming down on the stairs. He still looked sleepy and hadn't fully woken up. He grabbed a cup of coffee. "Good morning," he said.

"Good morning to you too. Did you get any sleep?"

"Not much. Was going over everything after talking to Mark and maybe got a couple hours of sleep."

"Well, you have the rest of the day to relax and sleep."

"I probably will."

Then I heard Graham coming downstairs. I could tell the brewing coffee drew him to the kitchen. I set the table in the breakfast nook, and we all sat down and ate our breakfast. Graham and Preston ate it all. I figured they would. I just had an egg and sausage with a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. The guys went back upstairs, I assumed to shower. I finished cleaning the kitchen and putting everything away. I went upstairs and heard the shower running. I walked in and Graham and Preston were washing each other. I enjoyed watching them, but I wanted in on some of the action to. I walked into the shower and joined them. We had fun using the new shower system. We were hard with some of the shower jets hitting us on our balls and holes. Preston sat down on the shower seat and Graham sat down over his big cock. He faced Preston and they kissed while Graham bounced up and down on Preston's big hardon. Graham's cock was pressed tight to Preston's chest and it was rubbing up and down on Preston's chest as Graham kept bouncing on the that big cock. Soon they both came. Graham's orgasm hit Preston in the face. Graham eased off that big cock and he helped Preston clean his cum off his face. Then it was my turn. I had my back to Preston. I knew it would take Preston longer to cum a second time. Graham got down between my legs and started sucking me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of a big cock up my hole and Graham deep throating my cock. Soon they got me close and I filled Graham's throat. I heard Preston grunting and I felt his load shooting way up my hole. I felt satisfied and I got off Preston. We rinsed our sex off. Dried off each other and went upstairs to the sunroom.

I checked the climate control and it was at a steady seventy two. It didn't feel cold to us. We each took a recliner and just relaxed listening to the background music. I had the daily paper with me. I started reading through the paper. I saw the guys had dozed off. I wasn't suprised about Preston being tired. Graham was probably tired from all the dancing he had done last night. Nothing much of interest in the daily paper. The paper did mention some new construction that would be happening. Graham and Preston's investment firms were responsible for the new contruction projects that would soon be starting. I went to the sports page and they had an article about the new sports stadium and the construction that would be starting soon. The article didn't mention the construction contractor nor did it mention the contractors for the new construction projects. I finished reading the paper and I nodded off. The music was relaxing and I drifted off.

I woke up to a rustling noise. Graham had walked over to the bar and grabbed himself a beer. We went to different loungers away from Preston. We wanted to let him sleep, he needed it. I told Graham I was thinking of having the Open House this coming Saturday, before the new construction jobs get underway and many of the guys won't be able to come. Graham told me he would start calling friends and family tomorrow. I told him I would be doing the same and all of our friends that I could think of.

It was going on lunch time and Graham said he would warm up left overs. We had a kitchen frig full of left overs. He said when he had everything ready, he would bring it up here for us to snack on. I reminded him that Owen and Quinton would be coming at two to go over Owen's plans on the clinic. Graham said he and Preston would stay upstairs while we had our meeting downstairs. I told Graham I was going to use the new study/libarary room. We would have plenty of room in there.

Graham left and went downstairs to get lunch ready. He had just left and I heard and saw Preston stirring. "Have a good nap?"

"Sure did. Feel much better and rested now. What time is it?"

"It's just after twelve noon. Graham is downstairs getting lunch ready for us."

Preston got up from his lounger and walked over to me. He bent down and gave me a long kiss and hugged me with his big arms and hands. "What's that all about?"

"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here. Then going last night to the bar and finding Mark there. I hope I can take care of him as well as you guys are taking care of me."

"You know you don't have to thank me. It was a no brainer for Graham and me having you live here with us. And it's worked out good for you work wise. Everything worked out for you, just like it was supposed to."

"Bob your an amazing person. I hope I can be half as good as you are when Mark and I are living together. And I hope I can find someone like Graham that will want to live and spend the rest of their life with me."

"I can't predict the future. All I can say is, the way everything has been going for you, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't find your Mister Right soon."

I heard the door and opened it for Graham. His hands were full of dishes and food. I helped him set everthing down on one of the larger round tables. He said he had a couple more things to bring and he'd be right back. I couldn't believe the spread of food. I didn't realize we had that many left overs. I asked Preston if he wanted a beer with lunch and said that would taste good. I got him and Graham a beer. I was just going to drink coffee and water. I didn't want a beer breath when I had my meeting in a couple of hours. Graham came back and set down the rest of the food. We all dug in and it tasted good. They drank their beer while I had a cup of coffee. We didn't eat everything and agreed we'd finish it off at dinner time.

I told the guys I'd take everything back downstairs and clean the kitchen. I knew Preston wanted to talk to Graham. I took off downstairs with dishes stacked on top of dishes. I managed to get everything downstairs in one trip.

Preston looked over at Graham. "Graham I want to ask you something?"

"Sure man, you can ask my anything?"

"How did you get so lucky to find someone like Bob? I didn't think any guys like Bob existed?"

Graham explained their background being childhood friends. How they had separated for a few years when Graham went to a different university. How they reconnected when he/Graham came back to his hometown. How he contacted Bob and their friendship came back stronger than ever. Graham also told Preston about Drake, he thought it was something Preston should know. Once Graham finished, he thanked Graham. "Do you think another Bob exists out there for me?"

"Preston, I don't know. All I can tell you I never thought Bob and I would be soulmates and partners for life. I was hoping on us being friends again. I would tell you that the way things have been going for you. I wouldn't be surprised if you found your Bob soon."

Preston was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not laughing at you Graham, but what you told me about finding a Bob, was exactly the same thing Bob told me. Things recently have been going fast and falling in place. The biggest part of my life missing, that I know now after being with you two, is my Bob."

"I wouldn't dwell on it Preston. It will happen when you least expect it. And who knows, the way things are going, it could be very soon."

They heard the door and Bob came back in. "Did you guys have a good talk?"

Preston gave Bob a funny look. "How did you now I wanted to talk to Graham?"

"Just a feeling I had. I hope I didn't come back too soon?"

"No, we just finished before you came back."

"It's going on one thirty and I think I better get ready for my meeting at two. I ordered an appetizer tray and it should be arriving soon. The only thing I ask is if you guys need to come downstairs, please at least put on some shorts. Underwear is optional, I do like watching things bounce and jiggle around."

That brought a smile to their faces. I left back to my bedroom. I took a quick shower. Put on some casual clothes. Walked downstairs to check the new room and make sure it was presentable. I don't know why. I know Margaret keeps everything immaculate. I looked in the room and forgot about the big bureau that went along one whole wall. I moved some of the chairs so we had a grouping of three chairs. I heard the speaker so I walked out and pressed the button. It was the caterers bringing my appetizer tray. The delivery man told me they had made up a special tray for me and their was no charge. I thanked him and gave him a tip for the delivery. He didn't refuse the tip.

The delivery guy had just left when I heard the speaker again. It was Owen followed by Quinton. They parked by the garage and walked in. We shook hands and I led them to the library/study room. Quinton liked the room, how open it was and all the light that came in from the big windows that had been put in. Quinton told Owen that he did very fine work. It looks like the room was always like this. I asked them what they would like to drink. They both said coffee would be fine. I told them I'd be right back. I saw Owen get his laptop set up on the table where we were sitting. I came back with their coffee on a tray and the appetizers. I set it on the table. Owen had been showing Quinton some of his design ideas. I took a seat next to Quinton and watched the slideshow that Owen had ready on his ideas for expanding the clinic.

I liked his ideas. It was easy to tell Owen had been in the construction business for a long time. His ideas were perfect. Quinton agreed. I asked Owen when he could start on the clinic. He told us that he would have materials moved in tomorrow and they would start in the afternoon. He would try not to disturb our work and keep the noise to a minimum. I also asked Owen how long he thought it would take. He said he didn't think any more than four days. Possibly they would be done in three days. That sounded perfect and we told him we could manage our work with the construction going on.

We talked for a bit more. They had a second cup of coffee. Finally it was time to say our goodbyes. I told Owen and Quinton goodbye and I would see Quinton at work tomorrow at eight. And I would see Owen in the afternoon. They thanked me for the coffee and appetizers and they left.

I was anxious to see what Graham and Preston were doing. I went in the bedroom and stripped out of my clothes. It felt good to be out of them. I was used to going around the house naked. I walked upstairs to the sunroom and Graham and Preston were in jocks and talking and drinking beer. "Well, you finally decided to join us?"

"We just finished our meeting. You guys look pretty hot in your jocks."

"We know, that's why we put them on." Grinning.

"I'll be right back." I went to the bedroom and put a jock on and rejoined the guys.

"Now I feel more of a part of the group."

"You look good Bob. I can tell you've been working out. It shows," said Preston.

I grabbed a beer and took a seat next to Preston. "So what were you guys doing while I had my meeting?"

"Not a heck of a lot. We talked more about work and the investments and how smoothly everything was going."

"How soon do you think construction will start on the investments?"

"Hopefully, we can finish getting everything organized early this coming week and start construction by the end of the week. We need to check the bids from the the construction companies and see who we will go with."

"Does that take long?"

"Not really. It's just kind of tedious work that has to be done."

We went downstairs and out on the patio. It was going to be another nice evening. It was funny. After all the rain that we had had for so many days. Now it was getting dry and they had fire warnings out. You had to have a burning permit to use your grill, firepit or burn leaves.

We talked some more and Graham and Preston said they were getting hungry and would warm up the last of the left overs and bring them out to eat. I was supposed to just relax and not bother them. I started thinking of whom I was going to call tomorrow for the Open House this coming Saturday. I had put together a pretty good list and didn't think I had left anybody out. Graham knew who he was going to call. Preston still didn't want to call anybody, not even Mark. Mark would probably be on the road doing their stripping shows and wouldn't be able to come anyway. Even though he was stripping at a gay bar, he wasn't sure if Mark was gay, bi or straight. So he didn't want to impose anything on him until he knew for sure.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. Watched a good college football game. Preston was our game analyzer. He could pick out things that Graham and I hadn't noticed. How one of the teams could improve and on and on. The game ended and we decided to call it a day. We had a busy week coming up and Preston wanted to know if he could sleep with us. We told him of course. He didn't have to ask. Preston helped us out of our jocks. Taking his time and being sure to rub over our cocks and balls. He liked when our cocks sprang out and slapped him on the face. He gave us a few sucks. Then it was our turn to take off Preston's jock. We got on each side of him and used our thumbs to slide his jock down. It got stuck over his big cock so we had to adjust his cock so we could finish sliding his jock off. His big cock flopped out of his jock. We both licked and sucked his balls and then the sides of his big shaft up to the head. We took turns sucking on his big thick head. We crawled into bed with Preston in the middle. We all made love for a few hours until we got so exhausted we couldn't stay awake. We fell asleep with both of us on Preston. He didn't seem to mind.

We woke up to the alarm going off. Graham and Preston were mumbling something. I reminded them we were going to be working out early this morning. We got up and put our jocks back on and headed downstairs to the locker room. Holden was there already getting warmed up on the treadmill. I didn't see Dave. I asked Holden, "where's Dave?"

"He decided not to work out until he had his appointment with you and a got a clean bill of health. I think his appointment is this week."

I noticed Preston checking Holden out. Holden was a pretty hot guy. Muscular and was always in good shape. Tall, dark hair and a really nice guy. We walked into the gym and I saw Holden start staring at Preston. As Preston started getting warmed up on the treadmill next to Holden. Preston looked over at Holden again they smiled at each other and finished their warming up. Graham and I took over on the treadmills after them. Holden and Preston went over to the free weights and started with the dumbbells doing curls. They couldn't stop looking at each other. I looked over at Graham and gave him a wink and nod. Graham did the same back to me. Maybe there would be a connection their. I hoped so, I knew Preston was looking and Holden would be a good guy for him. We all finished our working out and headed to the shower in the locker room. Holden and Preston washed each other as Graham and I washed each other. Holden and Preston couldn't keep their hands off each other. They kissed a couple of times and ended by jerking each other off. That got Graham and I pretty hot watching them and we sucked each other off. We dried each other off and got dressed. Holden told us he would be able to make it over after work to give us massages if we were ready. We told him we would definitely be ready and he should join us for dinner. He said he would be over after work and to the house around six.

We went upstairs and ate a good hearty breakfast. We thanked Margaret and kissed and hugged in the garage. We waited until Preston left and then we asked Holden about Dave and Cal. Holden told us he liked Dave and Cal a lot but he was always the third person and he felt like sometimes he was intruding on them. I asked him if he liked Preston. He said that Preston was a really nice guy and the kind of guy that he likes. He said they exchanged phone numbers and were going to go out later this week for dinner. We told him good luck and we knew that Preston was looking for someone and we wished Holden all the best and hoped that things would work out for him and Preston. We then all left for work.

I got to the clinic and I saw Owen's truck and a couple other trucks from his business. They had supplies stacked up by the side of the clinic. I walked around the side of the clinic and Owen was talking to his men. He saw me and walked over. We have the materials here for your new larger clinic. The people we contract for parking lots will be here this afternoon to get started on making your parking lot bigger and resurfacing the current parking lot. We will get started around three this afternoon. "Also, I appreciate everything you've done to help my company Bob."

"I didn't know I had done anything. Word has gotten around about the good work we do and many of your guests have been recommending my company for jobs. I just got word that we will be doing the construction of the new sports stadium at the university. We had the low bid and the sports board member called me to give me the news."

I congratulated Owen. He said once they had the stadium finished they would be working on some of the new buildings that will be going up. The local investment company had contacted him and wanted his company helping on the new investment buildings. We said our goodbyes and I said I looked forward to seeing him and his crew this afternoon.

I walked into the clinic and told Shirley and Janice about the work that would be starting this afternoon. They didn't seem real happy about the work happening during business hours, but I told them it would only be four days at the most and possibly three. They both gave a sigh of relief when they heard that. We just have to do the best we can to keep everything running smoothly until they finish.

Shirley told me that Dave was scheduled for a follow up appointment after lunch. My morning went well. Nothing out of the ordinary. Graham had called and asked me if I was going for lunch. I told him I was just finishing a couple of things in my office and then I'd be walking over. I finished and left for lunch.

I saw the jewelry store on the other side of the street. I was going to mention to Graham we needed to visit the jeweler. I saw Graham and Preston sitting at my favorite table. I was going to walk sexily up to doors, but thought I better play it cool, I was in public and didn't want anyone getting the wrong impression about me. I walked in and joined Graham and Preston. I told them what Owen had told me about the sports stadium and working on some of the investment buildings. They told me they already knew. They had it all arranged with Owen. They wanted Owen to tell me. We ate the lunch special. Millie was busy so she didn't have time to talk or flirt. Graham and Preston looked relieved about that. I paid for lunch and the guys gave Millie a nice sized tip. We left for work.

As I got close to the clinic I saw a small paver on a flat bed and a group of men looking at the parking lot and talking and pointing. I walked over to them and told them I was Dr. Bob. We all shook hands and I explained to the them what Owen had told me about the parking lot. They already had the parking lot roped off and were unloading the small paver. They told me it would take them about two hours to do the job. To make the parking lot larger, paved and striped. They said they were going to make four reserved places for the staff.

Quinton was starting today, just after lunch time. He had a few last minute details to finish, before he could start work. I was glad we had two exam rooms. Owen was considering a third exam room, would have to wait and see the final results. I walked in and Shirley told me Quinton was here and she has two patients scheduled for him. She wanted him to ease into working at the clinic. I walked back and Quinton was in my office. Since we had only one office for right now, I told him we would have to share it. He was ok with that. He knew it would only be temporary. Janice poked her head in and told me my 1:00pm appointment was in the exam room 1. I knew that would be Dave.

I walked in and he was already in a hospital gown. "So, how you feeling Dave?"

"Excited for my examination."

That made me laugh. "Most patients don't look forward to physical examinations."

"Well, this one will be a bit different. Health wise, I feel fine. No more fever and I went back to work and took a half day off."

"Well, let's get started. Why don't you lie back on the examination table so I can check a few things out." I could see he was already semi hard.

I pulled his gown up and checked his lower abdomen. Then went up and felt under his jaw and the sides of his neck. No swelling. I checked his throat with a tongue depressor and his throat was clear. "Your looking good Dave, much better than when you were here the last time. Why don't you take your gown off, so I can do the rest of your examination. He sat up and removed his gown and placed it on the chair.

"Lie back down and spread your legs."

He did as I asked. I started feeling his balls and big thick cock. I felt it growing in my hand. That's a big turnon for me and I felt myself getting hard. I told him to pull his feet back to his chest. That exposed that nice pink hole with the gaping lips. I lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. He moaned when I found his prostate. I licked and sucked off his precum. I lubed up my hard cock and eased it into his hole. His hole grabbed my cock and pulled me all the way in. I slowly fucked him and bent down and sucked him at the same time. He was moaning louder and wiggling and squirming on the the exam table. Soon I felt his cock swell in my mouth and he shot out a huge load down my throat. Mmmmmm, he tasted pretty good. That made his hole constrict on my cock and I shot a good sized load up his hole. I wiped up the lube and cum running out of his hole. We kissed and I milked out the last drops of his cum and licked it off. He got dressed and said he would be joining us tomorrow working out. He left and I went back to my office.

Quinton was with his first patient in the second exam room. The rest of day went well for Quinton and myself. Janice told me privately that both mothers were very impressed with Quinton and would be sure to tell their friends that there was a pediatrician at the clinic. I had called the daily paper and gave them a report about Quinton and he was starting today at the clinic. I was hoping that would generate a lot of business for Quinton. Owen was having the front sign changed to add Dr. Quinton, pediatrician. Owen and his crew had started right at three and were starting in the waiting room, taking out the walls where it would be expanded and then started down the long wall to increase the size of the exam rooms. That would give him enough room to add a third exam room, put in a hallway with our offices on the other side of the hall. It looked like a good plan on his laptop and I'm sure the final product would be much better. Quinton and I left for the day. He told me he liked his first day on the job and had received some nice compliments from the mothers.

I got home and Graham and Preston hadn't arrived. Margaret told me they were in meetings and wouldn't be home till later. Margaret was getting ready to leave and I told her bye. I stripped down and put a jock on. I thought this would give me a chance to start making calls for the Open House Saturday.

I got my phone and was going to start with those I knew for sure would be able to come. I called my dad's private line and he answered and he said for sure they would come to the Open House. He said mom was busy right now, at the office and he would tell her. I then called Deb and she said for sure they could come on Saturday, she asked if it was okay if Jarvis and Jennifer came. I told her sure. Bring them along. I had already mentioned to Margaret before she left and she said she would be honored to attend the Open House. Millie also told me she would attend, she didn't want to miss out on any hot guys. Owen said he would be coming, but may not be able to stay too long with his men busy on the new stadium they would be starting. I had asked Shirley and Janice before I left and they said they would like to come as long as they could bring their husbands. I told them sure. I called Brody and he said he and Travis wouldn't miss the Open House for anything. I called Cal and he said he could come. I had asked Holden when we worked out and he said he'd be the first one. I had asked Dave at the clinic and he said he would attend for sure. I then called Sam and he said he would be honored to attend. The jeweler said he could come over for awhile. I called Meyer and he said he would like to come over, he had wanted to see what this house looked like on the inside. I then called Brock, Cotton and Fletcher. There wasn't any answer so I left them messages on their phones. Irving answered when I called him and he said he would be glad to come to the Open House. Last one was Kendrick. I gave him a call and his phone rang and rang and finally I heard a sleepy voice answer. "Bob, what a surprise. What's up?"

"I'm having an Open House this coming Saturday and would sure like if you could attend."

"I'll try my hardest to wrap everything up this week and fly in and be there Saturday."

"That's fantastic. I'm glad you will be able to come."

That went well. That makes twenty four guests. Now I'll see what happens when Graham makes his calls. I'll check once more with Preston to see if he has changed his mind.

It was getting close to six and I was wondering how much longer it would be before Graham and Preston got home. Holden was supposed to be here at six for our massages, and he's usually punctual. I heard the speaker, so I knew it wasn't Graham and Preston. It was Holden, I let him in. He liked me in a just a jock. I told Holden that Graham and Preston weren't home yet from work. I told him, why don't we go upstairs. I think he thought my bedroom. But I kept walking and took him up to the sunroom. When he walked in, he couldn't believe what he saw. I told him the sunroom was a present to Graham and I wanted to bring some of the Bahamas into our house. Holden thought the room was amazing. I showed him the massage room and he said it was perfect and it had everything a masseur needed. I grabbed us a couple of beers while we waited for Graham and Preston.

I had left a note downstairs for Graham and Preston that Holden and I were in the sunroom. We drank our beer and it was already going on seven. I was hoping they would make it home soon. I heard a noise and the door opened and Graham and Preston walked in, in their jocks. I kissed and hugged Graham, and Holden kissed and hugged Preston. I liked seeing that. I asked them if they wanted to eat first and then have the massages, or have the massages first and then eat. Graham and Preston said together, they wanted to eat first. We all went back downstairs and I warmed dinner for us while the guys relaxed out on the patio. I was going to ask Owen about having a dumbwaiter put in from the kitchen to the sunroom. It would make it a lot easier to take food and snacks to the sunroom. I motioned for Graham and he came in and helped me get the patio table set and helped me with all the food. We ate our dinner and everyone helped to clear the table and clean the kitchen and load the dishwasher.

We then walked back upstairs to the sunroom for our massages. Graham and I had an arm around each other. Holden and Preston had an arm around each other. Holden said he wanted to do Graham first, me second and Preston last. Preston got a smile on his face. Holden and Graham went into the massage room. Holden had some oriental music going and it seemed to fit for the massage room. He had Graham strip out of his jock and lay on his stomach and put his face in the hole. Holden had the oil warming and started squeezing some out on Graham's back. Graham said that felt good. It was some kind of aromatic oil. Holden started working the oil into Graham's neck and shoulders. Then worked down his back and over his glutes running his hands between his ass cheeks. Then his thighs, calves and feet. Then he had Graham turn over.

While Graham was getting his massage, that left Preston and me. I asked Preston, "have you given any more thought to inviting your friends and family to the Open House Saturday?"

"Yes and no. I'm still against inviting anyone. It's too soon after retiring from professional football and starting a new career. I would like to call some close friends, but I can't take that chance and lose everything I've worked hard for."

"I understand Preston. It's taken me this long for me to finally decide to come out to my friends and family. I'm thirty and I think I'll have the support from friends and family, at least I hope so. I didn't want to sound like I was putting pressure on you."

"I understand Bob, and I appreciate everything you've done for me. But, I don't think this is the right time. Maybe when when new house is finished and Mark is living with me and I've had a good talk with him, maybe then the time will be right. Have to wait and see."

When Graham turned over, his big hardon was sticking straight up. Holden said, "looks like someone likes my massage."

Graham was red in the face. "This massage is awesome. I feel so relaxed and my muscles aren't tense or stiff, except for this one." Pointing to his cock.

Holden then squeezed oil on Graham's chest and abs. Working it in with his strong hands. Graham noticed Holden was naked when he was giving him his massage. That made Graham's cock even harder. Holden stood behind Graham's head and rubbed his hands down Graham's chest and abs that made Holden's cock rub over Graham's forehead and then his nose and lips. Graham flicked his tongue out a few times over the head of Holden's cock. It would twitch and jerk. Holden then massaged Graham's legs and feet, leaving his groin for last. Then he squeezed some warm oil on Graham's cock. Holden started a slow stroke with one hand and a nice ball massage with his other hand. Soon a couple of fingers were working their way into Graham's hole. Holden had leaned over and was deep throating Graham's cock. He was at the right level for Graham to suck his cock. Soon they were both cumming and moaning. Holden sucked out the last drops of Graham's cum and Graham did the same to Holden. That was the end of Graham's massage. He told Graham to send in Bob.

I walked in as Graham came out. Graham looked relaxed and refreshed. He told me I would like it. Holden gave me a massage almost idential to Graham. Except he fucked and sucked me at the end. I liked his big fat eight incher drilling my hole. He filled me up with one of his big loads and sucked a big load out of me. I knew he was anxious to give Preston his message. I already noticed how they were looking at each other and staying close together. I sure hoped it would work out for them. I left and told Preston it was his turn. Preston couldn't stop smiling.

Holden knew Preston got massages being a professional football player. He was hoping he would do as good as the professional masseurs the football leagues used. Preston walked in still smiling. That brought a smile to Holden's face. Preston asked Holden if he wanted to take his jock off. Holden was next to Preston in a flash. He hooked his fingers on the sides of Preston's jock and slowly slid it down. Holden still couldn't believe the size of Preston's cock. When Preston's jock hit his feet, he kicked it off. Holden told Preston to get up on the massage table on his stomach and put his face in the hole. Preston already knew the routine, but he went along with Holden. Holden was a little nervous and sweating. He wanted to give Preston a massage he wouldn't forget. He squeezed some warm oil on Preston's massive back. Holden started working it into Preston's neck and shoulders. Holden liked feeling Preston's muscles and could feel the tightness leaving. Preston was giving out low moans and really enjoying the massage.

Bob asked Graham, "what do you think about Holden and Preston?"

"What do you mean babe?"

"Do you think they have an attraction to each other?"

"I think they might. The way they look at each other and are always staying close together."

"I made my phone calls for the Open House when I got home and was waiting for you and Preston. I got everyone coming except Brock Cotton and Fletcher. They didn't answer their phones, so I left them a message. That makes twenty four people so far. I talked to Preston while you were having your massage and he said he still wasn't ready to come out to friends or family. Maybe when he moved into his new house and was settled in. How about you babe? Have you made any calls yet?"

"No, maybe now would be a good time while Holden and Preston are busy."

Graham picked up his phone and he walked to the far end of the sunroom. I knew he wanted privacy. Graham called his parents first. There was no answer, so he left them a message. He then called his brother and soon as the call went through, Graham heard a click and his brother disconnected. When he called his sister the same thing happened. He tried a couple of cousins and they asked him why he was calling and they didn't want him calling them anymore. He tried a few friends and they all had excuses why they couldn't come. I thought I saw Graham wipe some tears away before he walked back to me. "No luck back babe. My parents weren't home, so I left them a message. Relatives disconnected or told me not to call them anymore. Friends all had excuses why they couldn't come."

I got up and walked over to Graham. I told him to get up. I gave him the most passionate hug and kiss that I could muster. I felt him crying as he laid his head on my shoulder. I felt so sorry for Graham. I knew he was very disappointed. I just held him tight to me. I tried to comfort him the best I could. I told Graham I was the only person he needed and I would always be here for him. He sobbed and told me he knew that, he just wished at least one relative or friend would have agreed to come.

I felt so bad for Graham I didn't know what else I could do. We sat together on a double lounger and I got us a beer. I thought maybe a beer would help him relax a bit.

Soon we heard Preston moaning loud from the massage room. That brought a smile to Graham's face. "I wonder what their up to now?"

Holden had finished massaging all of Preston's muscles. Now he was fingering Preston's hole and jerking him while Preston was sucking on Holden's cock. Holden had Preston pull his feet back exposing his hole. Holden went down on Preston's hole, giving him the best rim job he could. He could see Preston's hole opening and closing, that was the only signal Holden needed. He lubed his cock with massage oil and eased it into Preston's hole. Preston was in heaven. He loved being fucked by Holden, it felt so good and natural with Holden. He was starting to wonder if Holden could be the one. Preston thought he better give it more time and see what Holden was thinking. Holden bent down and started sucking Preston's big cock. It was easy to suck while he fucked him, as big as it was. They got a good rhythm going and soon were blasting out big loads. Once they finished cumming they kissed and hugged like lovers, not just casual friends. They looked at each other in the eyes and they both had an awakening. They were too chicken to say anything to the other person. Wiped off and Holden put everything away. Cleaned off the massage table and it looked ready for the next time. They walked out arm in arm.

Graham was starting to feel better and asked them, "sounds like you had a very fulfilling massage Preston?"

"It was the best massage I've ever had and he bent down and gave Holden a big kiss."

"What should we do for the rest of the evening?"

Holden said he should be going. He had a long busy day tomorrow. Preston looked a little down when Holden said he would be leaving. Holden told Preston he could join him at his house if he wanted. He could follow him in his car to his house. That perked Preston up immediately. We went downstairs while they got dressed and left. We were glad to see them leaving together. Preston knew how to get back through the gate and arm and disarm the alarm system. We weren't concerned they were big boys and could take care of themselves. Actually, I was kind of glad, it would give Graham and me time together which Graham needed right now.

I got Graham another beer, I thought he needed that. We snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie. Just the two of us seemed to relax Graham. We fell asleep on the couch with the tv going and snuggled together. I woke up and looked at the clock, it was two in the morning. I nudged Graham and he was like a zombie following me to the bedroom. We crawled into bed with Graham pressed up tight behind me and his arms wrapped around me. I knew that was his way of getting comfort and I wasn't going to deny that to my lover.

We woke up early and Graham seemed to be in better spirits. We went down to the lockerroom and got changed into jocks. There was no Holden or Preston. We wondered what happened after they got to Holden's house. Pretty soon we heard them coming down the stairs together, laughing and joking. They got changed and we got in a good work out. I could watch Preston working out anytime. He was was like a machine when he worked out. Again, Holden and Preston stayed close together and kept eye contact. We all took a shower together and got into a circle jerk. Preston's big hand on my cock felt pretty good and it didn't me long to cum. Once I shot, it was like a chain reaction and the other guys started cumming. We cleaned our cum off, dried off and got dressed. We went upstairs, Graham and I together, followed by Holden and Preston. Margaret was busy in the kitchen and greeted us when we got to the kitchen. She said she had everything ready for us on the patio table. We walked out and ate one of Margaret's delicious breakfasts. We were running a bit late, so we had to rush around. We all kissed and hugged in the garage and left for work.

When I got to the clinic. I couldn't believe how much they had finished. I walked in through the waiting room and the new walls were up. The waiting room was much larger and I saw an area sectioned off for the kids to play. The walls were in separating the office and the third exam room. Shirley told me they would start again today in the afternoon. Quinton was just as surprised at the progress as me. Quinton asked me if I had seen the parking lot. I told him no. He said it was twice as big and they had put some plants in next to the clinic and on the one side of the sidewalk to the clinic from the parking lot. Our day went well. Quinton had a full schedule and he seemed ready and adapted well.

The rest of the week went fast. The clinic was finished in three days and was amazing. That was the only way I could describe it. It was perfect in every detail. It was nice moving into our new offices. Janice liked having her own office and not to have to share with Shirley. The third exam room was working out well. That gave Janice a place to do her preliminaries for physicals and if Quinton was running behind schedule, she could help out with some of the mother's with their kids. Overall, everyone liked the changes to the clinic. Quinton especially liked the new sign in front with his name, Owen had also included Janice as a DNP and she was pleased.

Owen could now get busy with the new stadium. He had told me he would be using all his men for the stadium. It was a big job and at this time he had no idea how long it would take to complete. Starting materials had been ordered and they planned to begin construction this coming weekend. But Owen promised me he would come to the Open House.

I had everything ordered for the open house. Appetizers and food trays. I had a chef that would get everything ready for us. Waiters and bartenders were also hired. I would have a guard at the gate with a guest list. The gate would be left open until all the guests had arrived and then the guard would close the gate. I also had someone to take coats and hats in the foyer. I couldn't think of anything else. I think I was driving Graham and Preston crazy with questions, that I hadn't forgot anything. They repeatedly told me, everything was taken care of.

Friday came and ended. When I got home, I saw everything had arrived. The caterers had delivered the appetizers and food trays. The liquor had been delivered. I didn't think I needed a DJ, I had surround sound music throughout the house and we could have some quiet relaxing background music. There was a portable microphone for when I made my big announcement. I was really starting to get nervous about that. I wasn't sure how my parents and friends would react to my news.

I looked everything over. I don't know how many times. The guys told me enough is enough and they practically carried me upstairs to the sunroom. Graham fixed me a drink, which he told me I needed to relax. Preston told me everything was perfect. He was actually looking forward to the Open House tomorrow. I could tell Graham had mixed feelings about the Open House. I had hoped he would have some of his friends and relatives attending, but it looked like it wasn't going to happen.

I told the guys I was getting tired. I think I was more tired from stress and nervousness, than anything else. I took off my jock and crawled into bed. Soon I was joined by Preston on one side and Graham on the other side. We got into a group hug and kiss. I knew they were trying to relax me. It was working and soon I was sound asleep.

Saturday, the big day had arrived. We had decided earlier that we weren't going to work out and sleep in. I felt around on the bed and both Preston and Graham were gone. I didn't hear the shower. I put some gym shorts on and walked downstairs. I heard them in the kitchen. They were making breakfast. We ate in the breakfast nook. Once we finished eating we went upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day. Nothing formal. I had told all the invitees to wear soomething casual and comfortable. I got back downstairs just in time for the chef to arrive. He wanted to get an early start. He was going to make some of his own appetizers and start getting trays ready for the servers. The guard arrived next. I gave him the guest list and he knew how to open the gate and keep it open. He took his place at the entrance. The bartenders and waiters were the last to arrive. The bartenders got the bar set up and were getting ready for guests to start arriving. I had told everyone that we would start at noon until whenever.

I saw my brother pull in with Jarvis and Jennifer. They came in and I introduced them to Preston. They liked Preston and I thought Reggie and Jarvis stared and shook hands a little too long. But I didn't think anymore about it. I showed them out to the patio. Since the weather was cooperating, I decided to have the party outside and also use the new sunroom. My mom and dad came next. I told them Reggie and Deb were here and they were out on the patio. They walked out to join them. Soon it was a flood of guests. Margaret and Millie. Shirley and Janice with their husbands. The jeweler and Sam. Then Brody, Travis, Dave, Cal and Holden. Owen pulled in. Irving and Meyer. The only one missing was Kendrick and he said he might be a little late. Nobody had come from Graham's family or Preston's. I was still hoping somebody from Graham's family would show. I saw Graham look towards the front door every once in awhile. I felt really bad for him. I knew this Open House was a real strain for him and I was just as disappointed as he was that nobody was coming from his family. Quinton had told me earlier that he wouldn't be able to attend, his family was having a congratulatory party for him and his friends.

Everyone was mingling and getting along fine. I clinked my glass to get everyone's attention. I could feel myself sweating. I just wanted to get this over with. I stood down by the pool with everyone in front of me in a semi-circle. Graham walked up next to me. I felt better with him close bye. I saw him being strong and trying to not show his disappointment. I started by thanking everyone that came. I have a very important announcement and then we can get on with the Open House. I cleared my throat a couple of times. Took a sip of my drink. As you know I've been back to my hometown now for over nine months. I'm very glad to be back. I was surprised when my childhood friend had contacted me and decided to relocate back here. We regained our friendship after being away to different universities. In fact, our friendship became stronger and stronger. Soon we realized we had feelings that was more than a friendship. What I'm trying to say is that Graham and I are partners. We have found our soulmates and our true love. Yes, we love each other very much and I hope you all here in attendance can accept our relationship. The whole group of guests, applauded and cheered. I saw my dad walk forward to give a short talk. I was wondering what he was going to say. Finally, he said that he and mom had known for a long time that Graham and I were more than just friends. He said they could see it by how we looked at each other and were inseparable. He then went on to say that he was very proud of me and Graham for what we had done for this town and community in such a short time being back. He said he and mom loved me and had accepted a long time ago that I liked men. He said the community supported us and he hoped that we lived a long happy loving life together. Graham and I kissed in front of everyone. Again the group cheered and applauded.

I then told the guests I wanted to show them around the house and a couple of changes that had recently been made. One group followed me and the other half followed Graham. We showed them the changed study/library room. Then went downstairs and showed them the locker room and gym. The game room and theater room. We then both ended our groups in the the new sunroom. Everyone was amazed at the sunroom and the size of it. Most of the guests decided to stay in the sunroom and a few wandered back outside on the patio. Sam took me aside and told me he was going to leave soon, and wanted me to know that when he had his Open House, he had a surprise for me. He left, as well as the jeweler and Owen. Margaret pulled me aside and told me it was about time I came out to everybody. Everyone seemed to know about Graham and me. Shirley and Janice and their husbands, congratulated us and said they had another obligation and thanked us for inviting them. My mom and dad came over. Mom kissed both of her sons. Dad shook our hands and told us again, how proud he was of both of us. That made Graham tear up and he took off to the bedroom. Dad asked me if he had said something wrong. I told him no, Graham was having a hard time with the Open House, since none of his friends or family had come to the Open House. They all shunned him like he had some bad disease. I told dad where Graham was and he was going to have a private chat with him. Mom told me not to worry. Soon I saw Graham and dad coming downstairs, laughing and joking. They told us they needed to leave. They had an important client they were meeting at the country club.

Suddenly I saw the front door open and Kendrick came in. I introduced him around. Meyer walked over and told he was leaving and thanked Graham and me for the invitation. That just left our close group of friends with Reggie and Jarvis and their wives. Irving came over and told Graham and me that he had a surprise for us, but that wouldn't happen till later.

Graham and I looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders. I saw Reggie and Jarvis together but didn't see their wives. I pulled Reggie aside and asked him what was going on. He briefly told me about their open relationship and the girls had taken off for awhile and would be back later. It looked like almost everyone was congregating in the sunroom. I was glad everyone liked the new sunroom. I asked Graham how he was doing. He said he was doing ok. And was glad how accepting everyone was of us. I told him I was surprised myself. But I told Graham that love conquers all. I saw Preston and Holden together. They were talking in a large group with some of our friends. I looked for Kendrick and found him. I told him how glad I was that he could come. He said he wouldn't miss our Open House for anything.

Soon I heard some commotion out on the patio. I saw that a truck had pulled in and something was being unloaded out on the patio. I stuck my head out and couldn't believe it. It was a portable stage and sound system. Irving had invited the strippers to give us a show. That was going to be a big surprise. Irving walked over to me and said surprise. All the guys chipped in and we hired the strippers to give us a show for entertainment. After all you and Graham do for us, it's the least we could do for you guys. They were getting chairs moved in around the stage. Irving told us the show would start at nine thirty and they were giving us a special one hour show.

I wandered around and wondered where most of the guys were. I went up to the sunroom and that's where everybody was hanging out. Kendrick came over to talk to me. "This room is amazing. It's like being back in the Bahamas."

"That was my intention. I had the room done as a surprise present for Graham. I wanted to bring some of the Bahamas back for us."

"Well, you sure did that. The background music really sets a tropical mood and the tiki bar is perfect. All the beautiful tropical plants and trees really set this room off."

"I'm glad you like it. Irving told me the evenings entertainment will start at nine thirty out on the patio."

One of the bartenders walking around the room asked he if I would like a drink. I told him a scotch and water on the rocks. It was twenty minutes after nine and thought I'd find Graham and Kendrick and we could sit together and watch the show.

I found Graham, he had been talking with a group of the guys. I told him the show was going to start soon. I then found Kendrick and asked him if he would like to sit with Graham and me during the show. He agreed.

Everyone had stripped down when it was just us guys. The scenery was nice. So many hot guys, we sure had a good group of friends. Everyone was making there way out to the patio. We had reserved seats in the front middle. The evening was nice. The weather was perfect for being outside. The waiters were busy bringing drinks to our friends. And the servers were busy with appetizers. Soon the stage went dark. Everyone got quiet for the show to begin. I saw Irving get up and walk to the stage. There was some low background music playing. He told everyone that he wanted to have this show for two very important people for everyone that was here. He said Bob and Graham have been the best friends anyone could have. They are kind, generous, not demanding, friendly, good looking, well hung, which got a laugh from everybody in attendance. This is our way of showing our appreciation for letting us be friends with you two. Everyone got up and cheered and applauded us. I thought I saw a tear running down the side of Graham's face. I pulled him into me and gave him a big kiss. "I love you so much babe." "I love you too, and will forever."

Soon Mark stepped out on the stage. He was dressed in a policeman's uniform. He looked really hot. He gave a short speech and thanked Graham and I for letting them perform again here. It was their pleasure to perform for us and he wanted to mention someone special that they were peforming for also, and Mark pointed to Preston. I thought Preston was going to faint. Preston stood and told Mark that he was looking forward to the show and that he appreciated that they were doing this for Graham and me. Preston sat back down and Mark went backstage.

The lights went black again on the stage. Soon a spotlight came on and the music started. Mark came out dancing to the music, then was followed by another stripper, each time a stripper came out the the music increased in volume and the rhythm of the music got stronger. They were the same four as before, that had performed here. But we didn't know Mark at that time. The strippers were really good dancers and had all their moves down to perfection with the music. They pulled each other's shirts off, revealing their very muscular chest, pecs and abs. These guys get more ripped everytime they perform. Then they turned their backs to us gyrating their asses and pulled off their tear away uniform pants. They were all wearing posing straps. Then bent over so you could see there shaved holes and their big baskets were hanging down between their legs in their posing straps. Then they slowly turned and were facing us. God those guys were hung. There bodies were perfect. Anybody that liked muscular good looking men, would be in heaven watching them. Soon they were rubbing and grinding their bodies against each other in time with the music. Their routine was getting hotter and more sexual as it went on. Everyone was mesmerized watching them perform. Then the lights dimmed and they turned with backs to us again. They then bent down to the music and pulled their posing straps off and through them out to the audience. The guys were grabbing the posing straps sniffing them and rubbing them over their cocks and balls. Then they turned and faced us. And got back into their rubbing and grinding. They were getting hard. Then one would lay down on the stage and another would get over him like he was sucking him or fucking him. They weren't really doing it, but they made it look like it was happening. Soon they got back up and in sync and danced until the music ended. That ended the show to a standing ovation.

Everyone was talking about how good the show was. Soon the strippers came out and started mingling with us. They were hot and sweaty after their show, but nobody seemed to mind at all. I saw some of them giving some lap dances and a few going off in groups. Most of us made our way back up to the sunroom. We all had a few more drinks and started drifting off in groups to the bedrooms. I had asked Sam before he left to have a shuttle bring over four roll away beds in case we needed more sleeping space.

Graham Kendrick and myself headed to our bedroom and I closed the door. Everyone knew what a closed door meant.

End of Chapter 17 - Quinton

Chapter 18 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 18

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