My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 30, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 16

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 16. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 16 - Preston

Bob couldn't wait to talk to Owen. He wanted to get started as soon as possible on the house renovations. And then check out the hotel and see if it had an attic that would work for a sunroom with a jacuzzi and pool.

Both Bob and Graham were pleased with the Grand Opening and the hotel already being full on the first day. They couldn't wait to spend some time with Anthony and Roland. That big cock of Anthony's was making Bob's ass itch. He needed the big cock way up his ass.

They worked out with Dave and Holden. Ate breakfast and Margaret told them she was really impressed with the hotel. She had heard of the hotel as a young girl, but her parents couldn't afford to stay in the hotel. She was glad it was open again and they were doing so well.

They finished breakfast and lined up and each gave Margaret a kiss on the cheek. Then left for work.

Bob got to work a few minutes early and his office phone started ringing. Bob didn't know the number. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello Bob, this is Owen calling. Travis had told me to call you. You had some home renovations you would like done."

"That's right Owen. I don't know what your schedule is like today. But I could meet you at the Main Street Diner around 11:30 for lunch and we could talk more about what my ideas are."

"11:30 will work for me. I'll see you at the diner."

The morning went well and I told Shirley I was leaving a half hour early for lunch. I had an important meeting. Even though I had extra patients, taking yesterday off for the Grand Opening, I still wanted to have this luncheon meeting with Owen. I called Graham, and he told me he wouldn't be able to make lunch today. I told him I was meeting with Owen and I would give him all the details when we got home from work.

I took off walking to the diner. I sat at my favorite table. It wasn't busy yet and I didn't see anyone that I thought would be Owen. A few of the regulars came in. I had been to the diner enough times to know some of the regulars. A few of them had been to the clinic. I saw a car parked in the front and a little older gentleman got out. He was quite handsome and had a little gray on the sides of his head. He looked to be about five feet ten or eleven inches tall, and probably about one hundred and seventy five pounds. He looked to be in good shape and was carrying a laptop.

He walked in and I got up and "I asked him if he was Owen?" "He said he was." He took a seat at the table and I waved Millie over. He had coffee and we both ordered the lunch special. He asked me if I could explain with more detail exactly what I wanted done at the house. I told him about making the study and library into one big room. The attic covered the whole top floor of the house and was big. I was thinking of making that into a tropical sunroom/solarium. Maybe have a room made for massage. Also, I need the pool redone and landscaping. Owen told me that unfortunately his company doesn't do outside work, only patios and covered patios. Owen liked my ideas and said he would need to look at the house before he could start. He asked when would be a good time. I told him after five when I finished work. As far as a day, today would work or any day this week as long as I knew ahead of time. Owen said today after five would work for him and he could come over to the house and look at the areas I wanted renovated. I told him I was also thinking of having a tropical sunroom/solarium with a jacuzzi and pool done in the attic at the hotel. Also a massage and spa area off the pool area. And a built in tiki bar or something that would look tropical. He again said he wanted to start with the house first. He had four crews and once they start in the house then he would have time to check the hotel and see what the possibilities were. he said they could do inside pools and jacuzzis. Our lunch came and we ate. I gave Owen the directions to my house and told him to use the speaker at the gate so I could open it for him. We got up, shook hands and we took off in our separate directions.

While I was walking back to the clinic, my cell phone rang. It was Sam. "Hi Sam, just walking back to the clinic after lunch. What's happening?"

"I had an idea on having a hotel airport shuttle that could pick up guests and take them around town for shopping and eating."

"Sam, your a miracle worker. That's best idea yet. Just go ahead with it. What size are you looking at?"

"I was thinking of a twelve seater with plenty of space in the back for luggage and wheel chair accessibility. Have the hotel name, phone number and web site decaled onto the van. I have a friend that runs a dealership and he owes me a favor. I will be able to get a good price."

"All I can say Sam, is that your a blessing. You've made this hotel a success and Graham and I can never thank you enough. Just go ahead with the van and we will be anxious to see it. I will tell Graham tonight when he gets home from work."

What a guy that Sam. I will need to give Anthony and Roland a special present when they come over for getting Sam to work at the hotel. I know Anthony Roland and Sam have had a big part in getting the hotel full right from the start at the Grand Opening.

I made it back to the clinic. Was just getting ready for my first afternoon patient when my cell phone rang. It was Graham. "Hi babe, what a nice surprise. Didn't expect a call from you."

"Hi love. Just wanted you to know I'll be home later tonight. I'm having a busy day with meetings."

"Thanks for the call. I'll hold dinner for us till you get home. I have some good news for you. But I won't tell you till this evening. Love you."

"Love you to babe. Can't wait till this evening to hear the good news. I need to leave and get ready for another meeting. See you later. Love you."

My afternoon went well. One man was brought in from the mill. With a few cuts and lacerations from wood chips flying out of the grinder. It made me think of Brody. I got the man mended and he would be back in two days for a follow up check up and see how everything was healing. That finished my day and I was finally on my way home.

I was anxious to meet with Owen and see what he thought about my ideas. I got changed into some sweats. I didn't think it would be a good idea to greet Owen at the door naked. I wouldn't mind, but I wasn't sure if he would like that. I grabbed a beer and read the paper outside on a lounger. In a few minutes I heard the speaker. It was Owen and I let him in. He was driving a large truck with his company logo on the side. I set my beer down on the kitchen island and opened the door for Owen. We shook hands and he walked in. He was looking just as hot as earlier. I didn't want to stare, but it was hard keeping my eyes off of him. I asked him if he would like a beer before we got started. He said sure, he was finished with work for the day. We went out to the patio and talked a bit and drank our beer. He asked me if he could have a tour of the old Mason house before I showed him the areas I would like renovated. I showed him around the house. He was impressed and told me I had been taking good care of the house. I told Owen I had a housekeeper and she knew how to clean the maghogany. I then finished by showing Owen the library and study. He told me that would be an easy fix. He asked me what kind of doors I would like going into the room. Wood sliding doors, glass doors, veneer. I told him I hadn't really thought about that. I asked him what he would recommend. He said that a door that matched the doors already in the house would probably look best. He then asked me if I wanted more windows. I told him I like lots of light coming in so he made a note to add more windows. Not floor to ceiling, but in keeping with the rest of the house. I then showed Owen to the attic. Turned on the lights for the stairs and we went into the attic. Owen checked the flooring, measured the space. Then we went downstairs and he started showing me some ideas on his laptop. I liked all of Owen's ideas and it was hard to decide. Owen told me the floor was in very good condition considering the age of the house. He said they would just refinish the floor and bring it back to it's original glory. He said the trunks would make some nice decorative pieces. They were empty and easy to move now. The university theater company was glad to have the clothes donated. As far as the keepsakes, I had reboxed them and they were sitting on a shelf in my closet, I hadn't decided yet, what I wanted to do with them. Maybe Owen would have some ideas. Make an area where the keepsakes could be displayed.

We went back downstairs and had another beer on the patio. Graham hadn't come home yet. I didn't expect him for at least another hour. I asked Owen how soon he thought they would get started. He told me he would call in an order for supplies for getting started. He would have two crews working in the house. One crew would work in the study and library room. The other crew would work on the attic. He said that when the crew finished with the library and study they would work with the crew in the attic. Owen told me that when they were working steady in the attic then we could check out the hotel and see what the possibilities there would be. I noticed Owen kind of squirming around on his lounger and adjusting himself. He looked like he had a hardon in his work pants. He apologized and said he was sitting on his balls and it was hurting like crazy. I knew what he meant. That is a painful experience. I asked Owen when they started if they would start early in the day. He told me they would. I then told Owen I would let my housekeeper know so she could let the crews in. She would fix them lunch and give them beverages while they were working. Owen told me thank you. That it wasn't necessary to feed the crew. I told him nonsense. I appreciate having these two projects done and it's the least I can do. We finished our beer. Owen got up and I could definitely see a nice bulge in his pants. He told me he and the crews would be here between seven and eight tomorrow morning to get started. I thanked him and he left.

My lover still hadn't arrived. It was just after six thirty and he didn't think he would get home until seven or just after. I went back out to the patio. It was turning into a nice evening. The weather was pleasant. I read over the paper. The local paper was still publishing articles about the hotel and the foreseen impact it would have on the town and the economy. I was skimming through the rest of the paper and I got a call on my cell phone. It was Anthony. "Hi Anthony, how's everything at the hotel?"

"Everything is going well at the hotel. Sam has everything undercontrol. Everyone I've talked to is very impressed with the hotel and they are enjoying the menu the chef has. They've went to a few of the local high end stores and were very impressed with the variety. They guests said the merchants would have their purchases mailed to their mailing address. Sam told me there will a new van coming tomorrow to be used as a shuttle to and from the airport and take guests shopping and eating out. Roland and I were planning on coming over for a little whiie if your going to be home."

"I'm not planning on going anywhere. I'm waiting on Graham to get home and then we'll eat dinner together. Your welcome to come any time. Be nice to see you guys."

I just finished the call with Anthony when I heard the kitchen door. There came my lover. I walked over and gave him a big hug and kiss. "Why don't you get changed babe. While I get our dinner ready. Anthony and Roland are coming over."

"Ok, it will feel good to get out of these clothes. I'll be back down in a flash."

Graham wasn't joking. It seemed like less than a minute and he was back downstairs in all his naked glory. I finished getting the breakfast nook ready and we ate and talked. I told Graham about Sam's idea for a hotel shuttle. He told me that was a great idea. He told me he didn't know what we'd do without Sam. Graham also told me he had received a few calls from some of the local business people thanking him for opening the hotel and referring the guests to their stores.

We finished our dinner and Graham opened the gate for Anthony and Roland. They came in, in a big stretch limousine. The chaffeur opened the door and Anthony and Roland got out. They were dressed casually. I was glad about that. They walked up to the door and Graham and I greeted them. As they got in we got into a group hug and kiss, and they started shedding their clothes. They both looked just as hot as I remembered.

We went outside on the patio and moved some loungers together. I still hadn't ordered any double loungers like we had in the Bahamas. I needed to get about four of those double loungers. Graham went in and got us a round of beer. Anthony and Roland told us how great the hotel looked and they liked how the front was redone, the parking lot and the covered parking lot and walkway. They also told us how much the guests were liking the hotel and some of the high end stores they had shopped at. Most were eating in the hotel. The chef was preparing some very good gourmet meals and they enjoyed eating in the hotel. Overall, Anthony and Roland hadn't heard any negative comments about the hotel. Sam had also hired more staff. As busy as the hotel was, the extra staff was helping a lot.

"That's excellent news," we both said. "I know you and Roland and Sam had a lot to do with the hotel getting off to a good start."

"We might have had a little to do with it. We just wanted to see you guys make a success and a go of this magnificent hotel."

Soon Anthony and Roland got up and stripped each other. That was almost as good as watching the male strippers. They slowly and seductively took each other's clothes off. When they got to their boxers, they were both tenting them. Anthony's big cock was almost sticking out a leg opening. Roland had a nice bulge going on in his boxers. They slowly pulled each other's boxers down and kicked them off. They took a seat next to us on the loungers. We got into some serious kissing and making out. We thought we should take this to the bedroom, where we would have more room.

We led each other upstairs to the bedroom by holding each other's cocks. It was pretty hot. We got in the bedroom and Graham paired off with Roland and I paired off with Anthony. I wanted to deep throat Anthony's big cock and have him fuck me. I sucked Anthony and got him rock hard and wet. He was fingering my hole and shoving lube in. Soon I straddled Anthony and eased down over his big cock. Soon he was humping up into my hole as I was riding his cock. I heard Graham and Roland moaning and grunting and I knew they were getting it on. Soon Anthony started panting and moaning loud. I felt his cock harden in my hole. It felt like it grew two inches. His continual rubbing over my prostate brought me over the edge and I bent down so he could suck out a nice sized load. Anthony started flooding my ass with one of his massive loads. Soon we were all laying back on the bed, panting and regaining our normal breathing. Graham ran downstairs and got us another beer. We just laid there enjoying our hot sex. We then paired off with the other partner and did it all over again.

We finished our beer and went into the shower. We all fit. I couldn't wait until Travis and Brody got the new shower system installed. We washed each other and jerked each other off. It took awhile and we didn't produce much cum. That was our third time cumming in just a short period of time. Pretty good for Anthony being in his forties and Graham and I in our thirties and Roland in his late twenties. We dried each other off. Anthony and Roland said they needed to get dressed and leave. They were hosting a dinner party at the hotel and wanted to be back before the scheduled time.

We walked downstairs with our arms around each other. Good thing the stairs are wide. Anthony and Roland got dressed and I told them I needed to give them a thank you present. Then they remembered. They dropped their dress pants and boxers and I kissed their cocks and gave a couple of quick sucks. We then got into a group hug and kiss and we saw Anthony and Roland leave in the limousine for the hotel.

Graham and I were getting tired and we went upstairs to the bedroom and watched tv in bed. We had an arm around each other and watched the evening news and then a good movie. I set the alarm set so we would get up early for our morning work out. We fell asleep with the lights on dim in the bedroom and the tv still going.

We woke up, I turned the lights off and the tv. We went downstairs looking kind of rough from our evening having sex. Dave and Holden were on the treadmills getting warmed up. I could watch their cocks and balls bouncing around all day. Graham and I got our jocks on and we got in a good work out. Graham and I felt much better after working out. We took a shower, fooled around a little in the shower. Nothing hot and heavy, just a quick jerk to get everyone off. We dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. I told Margaret their would be a construction crew coming today with materials and they may get started working in the house and the foreman's name is Owen We ate our breakfast said our goodbyes and left for work.

I got to work and was getting organized in my office when my cell phone rang. It was the secretary of the university president. She asked me if I could come to the university Wednesday for a special ceremony honoring Graham and myself for our donation for a scholarship fund. I asked her what time. She asked me what time would work the best for me and Graham. I told her, ideally after work which would be just after five. However, if that was too late, we could meet at the university around noon. She told me that the president could work out the ceremony around our schedule and if five was the best time, then she would schedule the ceremony for five thirty Wednesday. I told her that was perfect and asked her if we should come to the president's office. She said that would be best and looked forward to seeing Graham and I Wednesday after work.

I still had a few minutes before my first patient and thought I'd give Graham a call and let him know about the ceremony on Wednesday. I picked up my cell phone and called Graham. "Hi babe, what a nice surprise. What's up?"

"I just got a call from the university president's secretary and the president is having a ceremony honoring us for our donation to the scholarship fund. It will be at five thirty this Wednesday."

"Ok, I have it wrote down in my scheduling book. I'll meet you at the university after work. Are we meeting at the university president's office?"

"Yes, the secretary told me that would be best."

"Ok babe, thanks for the call. I need to run now for a meeting. See you at lunch."

"See you at lunch time. Love you."

"Love you too. Ciao."

My morning went fast. I was busy and a couple of the patients took more time than usual. I walked over to the diner and Graham wasn't there yet. I thought I'd call the house while I waited for Graham and see if Owen and his crew had arrived and delivered supplies for the remodeling. "Hi Margaret, I was wondering if Owen and his crew had arrived and delivered materials?"

"Yes to both of your questions. They are busy now removing the wall between the two rooms. They are also installing new windows. They look larger than the former ones. They work fast and do good work. I made them a snack and brought them a refreshment."

"That's good news. Sounds like they are working fast and doing good work."

"They are doing very good work and yes they are fast. Owen told me they would work until six. He was hoping you'd be back from work before they left for the day."

"If my afternoon goes as well as the morning, I should be home just after five."

"Ok, I'll tell Owen."

I saw Graham walk in. He took a seat and I told him what Margaret had told me. Millie came over and started being her regular flirty self. We ordered our coffee and Graham had the special. I had soup and a sandwich. Millie pretended like she had slipped on the floor and Graham was up like a flash to help her. She just melted in his arms. Looking up at him and batting her eyelids. Graham got red in the face and Millie was laughing as she walked back to the kitchen. She brought our lunch out and leaned over close to Graham. He couldn't help but notice her big tits. I had to say something. "I hope your not getting a hardon with all the attention Millie is giving you?"

"I only get a hardon for you. Millie always catches me off guard. I should be getting used to her by now."

"Just ribbing you babe. I know you'll have a hardon for me later."

We ate our lunch and headed back to work. My afternoon went by like a breeze and I was on my way home. I couldn't wait to talk to Owen and see what they accomplished.

I drove in and saw Owen's large truck parked on the side parking by the garage. I walked into the kitchen and I could hear constuction work going on. Millie said they were getting close to finishing for the day. Owen was over there and she pointed in the direction. I walked over and I couldn't believe how much they had done in one day. There were new windows installed. Bigger than the older ones. The dividing wall between the two rooms was out and it made a much bigger space, just like I wanted. I saw Owen and walked over to him. "You guys got a lot done today Owen."

"Yeah, it's been going pretty smooth. The house is in excellent condition so we didn't have to replace any of the wood. All we have left tomorrow is to finish off where we took out the dividing wall and put in a new door. Then I have another crew coming and we will be starting on the attic. That will take longer. I have a crane coming in so it might block some of your garage depending on how we can lift materials into the attic. We will remove the ceiling of the attic first and then start removing parts of the walls. I want to try to have as much glass as possible. Parts of the roof will be able to be retracted by a remote cooling system. We will also put in a humidity control system for the plants. Also, section a part off for the massage room. Once the roof is removed the crane will come in to start lifting materials into the attic. Once we have a good start on the attic. Then we can go to the hotel and check out the attic there and see what possibilities it has."

"You have everything under control and it seems to be going along well."

"This is my job. I've been doing it for a few years and I've learned alot along the way."

"It shows Owen, everything looks better than I could have imagined. What do think about the stairs going to the attic. They seem kind of narrow and steep?"

"I had noticed that when we went to the attic. I'll take a closer look at the stairs tomorrow and see what possibilities there might be there. Do you want me to go ahead and make changes to the stairs, or do you want me to discuss the changes with you first?"

"You know better than me Owen. I trust your judgement. Just go with what you think would work the best."

"We are finishing now for the day. We'll be here earlier tomorrow, probably around seven. I want to get an early start, in case we run into any problems in the attic."

"Thanks again Owen. I'm very pleased with what I've seen so far. I can't wait to see this finished room and the attic when it's completed. I know it's going to be something really special."

We shook hands and Owen and his crew left for the day. They had just left and Graham came in. I showed him what they had done today. He couldn't believe how fast they worked and what good work they did. I didn't mention the attic. I was going to try to keep that a surprise as long as I could. Margaret told us goodbye and left for the day. We went upstairs and stripped down and went back downstairs to look at what had been done in the study/library room. I almost slipped and told Graham they would be starting on the attic tomorow, but I caught myself just in time.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. We kept going back to the library and study and looking at how much different it was going to be and how much larger. I told Graham that I was surprised that they hadn't noticed the secret compartment in the wall between the two rooms. I wonder if anything shows on the floor where the stairs went down to the tunnel. We walked back in and looked at where the wall used to be. The floor looked normal like nothing had ever been there. We thought the FBI agents must of covered where the the stairs used to be. You couldn't tell anything was ever there.

We ate dinner and watched the news and read the newspaper. Watched some sports and went to bed. We made love for a couple of hours until we were so exhausted we fell right to sleep. I didn't set the alarm. I had called Dave and Holden and told them we were taking a couple of days off from working out, we had a lot on our plate and we needed to sleep in. They were a little disappointed, but understood.

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. We ate lunch together. Millie was flirting with Graham again and I told her I felt I was being left out. That was the wrong thing to say. Soon she was flaunting herself all over me. I told Graham I was going to swing by the hotel after work and see how everything was going. I really wanted to see if there was anny issues with the attic and how the condition of it was.

The rest of day went well and I told Shirley and Janice bye and left. I drove straight to the hotel and parked in the hotel parking lot. I was able to find a parking space. It was pretty full, which I liked to see. I walked to the front entrance under the sidewalk covering. Went in and saw Sam behind the reception desk. There were a few people milling around in the lobby. I saw the banquet room being set up for something. Some guests were in the dining room, probably eating an early dinner. I walked over to Sam and asked him, "how's everything at the hotel?"

"Couldn't be better. We're booked full till the end of the month. We're getting the banquet room set up for a Lion's Club meeting. I was wondering if you could talk to your contractor and maybe have some sliding doors installed where we could section off a space for meetings or open the whole room when there is a big party?"

"We will be coming over soon and I will be sure to mention that to him. Sounds like everything is going well at the hotel. Have you heard anything on the shuttle van?"

"We've already received the shuttle van and it's out right now taking people shopping. Later it will be going to the airport to pick up some new guests and taking other's to dinner at Milo's Supper Club and the Italian Restaurant in the Mall. If we continue to stay full, we may need another van. I'll let you know if that happens."

"How are you doing Sam? You aren't working yourself too hard?"

"Nothing to worry about Bob, like I told you earlier this is the easiest hotel I've worked at. Everything fell into place very easily and it's running like a charm. The guests are happy and staff are happy. That's all you need to run a successful hotel."

"I just get concerned that your pushing yourself too much and might get run down."

"Nothing to worry about. I'm doing fine. I come and go as I please. If anything arises they need my help, they know how to contact me. I've been checking on the new house and it's coming along fast."

"That's good news Sam, I'm sure your anxious to get moved into your new house?"

"I'm a patient man, and I know once they start the inside work, that it will go much slower. All the walls and roof and garage are prefab so that goes faster."

"I'll have to drive by and see how it looks. I need to get going now. I want to talk to Owen, the contractor, before he leaves for the day."

I left and felt pleased with how Sam was making the hotel a success. I realized on my way home I hadn't checked to see if there was an attic and the condition of it. I would do that tomorrow during lunch.

I got home and Owen's truck was still parked in the entrance. I walked in and Margaret had left for the day. I walked over to the library/study room. They had finished and it looked amazing. Better than I could have imagined. I know Graham will like it too. I walked to the attic. I saw the stair lights turned on and heard talking in the attic. I walked in and spotted Owen. He asked me if I had looked at my new library/study room. I told him I had and it was amazing. He said that they were starting to slowly remove parts of the roof. The crane would be coming in tomorrow to remove parts of the roof and start moving in materials. They would put a few large tarps on the roof to keep out any rain if we get any and any curious animals that might find their way in. Owen also told me again that the attic was in excellent condition and didn't see any structural damage that would need replacing. That was good to hear. He also had made plans for the workers to follow. Where the massage room would go and the humidifying system. Also, they would be making changes to the stairs coming to the attic. Owen then told me he would be able on Thursday to go to the hotel and check out the attic. I left as they were getting ready to leave for the day.

I wished them all a good day. Graham was running late. I got myself comfortable. I would get dinner ready when Graham got home and then we could eat together. I grabbed a beer and turned on the news and started reading the daily paper. My cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number. It was one of the high end businesses calling and thanking me for opening the hotel and directing guests to their store. They told me that we would have a major discount any time we wanted to shop at their store. I finished that call and soon had a few more similar calls. Milo's and the Italian Restaurant called and said that anytime we wanted to eat at their establishments it was on the house, just to be sure to call first and make reservations. I couldn't believe that. I received another call from Travis and asked if he could come over tomorrow night to check out our shower system and make sure he had everything ordered and ready for installation on the weekend. I told him to come over and we'd be glad to show him where we want the shower system installed.

I heard Graham's car and heard the garage door close. Soon he walked into the kitchen. I told him to get himself comfortable and I would get dinner ready for us. He came back downstairs in a flash. My hot hunky lover was looking just as good as ever. We ate dinner in the breakfast nook. Graham had taken another look at our new room and he liked it alot. He said it looked like it was always like that, it fit the house well. I agreed with him. Travis called and said he would be coming over Thursday evening to check on the shower installation. He wanted to be sure he had everything he needed. I think he probably wanted to check out some pipes while he was here. That got a chuckle from Graham. "Remember babe, we have the donation ceremony at the university tomorrow after work."

"Yes mother, I won't forget."

"You better not or might have to paddle your behind."

"Mmmmm. That could be fun."

"Your bad. You know that?"

"Yes, that's why I need to be paddled."

I just laughed with Graham. We finished dinner and went out to the patio to relax and talk.

Reggie was planning a barbeque for the weekend. He wanted to invite Jarvis and Jennifer. He thought it was time they came out to their wives. Deb thought the barbeque was a good idea. Her and Jennifer could come out to their husbands. Reggie had called Jarvis and he said they were all set for the barbeque. Enjoy the weather and good friends. Reggie told Jarvis his mother and father-in-law would take the kids for the weekend. So in case they decided to stay over, we wouldn't have to worry about the kids. Jarvis asked if they should bring anything. Reggie said, "just your hot body." That got a chuckle from Jarvis. "See you around the middle of the day on Saturday." Deb had called Jennifer and they were excited about the barbeque. They were planning on how they were going to come out to their husbands. Since Jarvis and Jennifer had a big pool. That would be the perfect place to strut their stuff in front of their husbands.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. Went downstairs and watched a movie. We rearranged the furniture in the new study/library room which made the room look bigger. Definitely be using this room off and on. Good place to work and read. The office space would come in handy for both Graham and myself. Graham found a good movie and he started it when I brought down our beers. We watched the movie to the end. We sat together fondling each other and kissing while we had watched the movie. We were both getting sleepy and decided to call it a day.

We crawled into bed and we got into a hot sixty nine. I got out some lube from the night stand. We liked to finger each other's holes when we sucked. Graham was getting really good and could deep throat me without gagging. We both got a good rhythm going sucking and fingering our hot tight holes. When we got close to cumming we backed off and Graham slid his rock hard cock into my waiting hole. I squeezed and pulled his oock in. It filled me good. He was working his cock in and out of me. It felt wonderful. My lover was truly a good lover. As I got close to cumming, Graham speeded up his fucking. He wanted to cum at the same time. That was a wonderful feeling when we both came at the same time. Graham bent down and started sucking my cock and soon we both were shooting out big loads. Graham's in my ass and mine in his mouth. We kissed and tasted our cum. That finished us pretty good and we went right to sleep.

We slept in a few minutes longer. It was nice feeling our warm bodies touching. It was soothing and relaxing. We finally decided we had been in bed long enough. I heard Graham getting the shower running and he motioned to me to join him in the shower. He didn't have to ask me twice. I was soon in the shower. I see he had his buddy positioned on the shower seat. His buddy was an inch longer than mine. It looked a lot like Cal. We washed each other and the took turns sitting and bouncing on the big dildo. We sucked each other while we bounced up and down on the dildo. We said we should buy a double headed dildo and then we could fuck each other at the same time. After some satisfying sex in the shower, we dried off, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Margaret was admiring the new room. She told us it was sure a nice addition to the house. The room looked like it had already been here. We agreed with Margaret and told her we planned on using the room a lot. We ate breakfast out on the patio. It looked like another nice day. Unfortunately, being inside with work, we wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Breakfast was delicious as always. I told Graham I would make reservations at Milo's for dinner. Then we could go to the porn shop and see what they have for dildos. I reminded him we had the ceremony after work at the university. We finished breakfast, kissed and said our goodbyes and went to work.

The day went well. We had lunch at the diner and agreed to meet at the university after work.

I finished just at five and started my drive over to the univeristy. Graham had called me and said he was on his way. I arrived at the administration building parking lot and pulled in. Graham parked right along side me. We walked up to the building and walked to the university president's office. The secretary was waiting for us and told the president we were here. The president walked out of his office, all smiles, and told us to follow him. We left the administration building and started walking down a sidewalk. I knew where we were going, but I didn't say anything to Graham. We entered the School of Medicine and walked to the main lecture room. If I remember correctly, that lecture room could hold about three hundred students. When we walked in the room was full and everyone in attendance stood up and applauded as we entered and made our way to the front of the lecture room. The department chair of the medical school was present, along with the medical school board members. There was other administration present in the audience and I assumed the rest were medical students.

We all stood behind the university president and he walked to the podium and made introductions of the department chair and the medical board members. He also introduced the other administration that was present in the audience. Then he said our two most important guests are here. He then introduced Graham and myself. We received another standing ovation. I had told Graham that I would make a short speech, since I had attended this medical school and university. I walked up to the podium and told the audience who I was. That I was a former alumni of the medical department and university. I then went on to explain why Graham and I wanted to set up this scholarship fund. I finished my short speech to another round of applause. When I finished the university president then walked back to the podium and told the audience that two students that were present, were to receive the first scholarships and have their medical education paid for one hundred percent. That brought another round of applause. The president mentioned the two students names and had them come forward. The two students looked stunned, but were very grateful for the scholarships. They both told the audience that they wouldn't have been able to continue in medical school if he hadn't been for these very generous scholarships. We all shook hands. We handed each one the scholarship information with a personal check made out to each one that would cover the rest of their medical education. They had started to tear up, so we concluded and the president gave some closing remarks and the ceremony was over. Everyone in attendance made a line and walked to the front to shake everyone's hands. The department chair of the medical school told the students in attendance that classes would be starting in about ten minutes. That brought a chuckle from everyone. The president and the medical board personally thanked us for this wonderful opportunity for needy students going into medical school. They told Graham and myself that they planned on giving four scholarships at the beginning of each school year. They also said with the announcement of the scholarship funds, their enrollment in medical school had increased by over fifty percent. I was personally glad to hear that. We all shook hands and the president led us out of the lecture hall and we made our way back to the administration building. He thanked us again and then we said our goodbyes and left.

We decided to each drive to Milo's. We didn't want to go home and then change to one car. We left the university and headed out to Milo's. Traffic was light so we made good time. We arrived and parked next to each other. The parking lot was about half full. We walked up to the door and Martin opened the door for us. The owner, who I had never met and the chef were also there. They greeted us like we were royalty and Martin seated us at a special reserved table. He told us the chef was preparing something special for us. We ordered a scotch and water on the rocks while we waited for our dinner. The owner came over and thanked us for directing hotel guests to his restaurant. He told us it has boosted his clientele by fifty percent and he has been interviewed by a leading fine dining magazine. He told us again that we would always have a special reserved table and our dinners would be on the house. We thanked him and he walked back and talked to Martin.

Soon Martin came out with two large trays. The chef had prepared an elaborate seafood assortment half fixed thermidor and the other half with a butter dipping dish for Graham. Finished with a fresh garden salad and Martin brought out a bottle of chilled white wine to compliment our dinner. The seafood was the best I had ever eaten. Graham was thoroughly enjoying it. He was eating like it was his last meal. I told him to slow down and enjoy the dinner. We somehow managed to eat all the seafood and our salad. We sipped on our wine which was very good. I needed to remember the name of he wine. Something I would like to have at home. Martin came over and asked us if everything was ok and we told him it was excellent. He then asked us if we would like dessert. We told him no. We had no room for dessert.

The owner came back over to our table. He asked us if everything was ok. We told him the dinner was delicious and that we were going to be leaving. We got up and shook hands and he told us not to be strangers, we were always welcome. We thanked him and left.

I drove out of the parking lot and drove down, maybe a mile. I think it's less to The Big One, it was now called The Bigger One. It was definitely bigger and it looked like it was busy. This new store must have been at least twice the size of the old one. The paved parking lot was nice. When it rains, it used to have a lot of holes and was very muddy. We got out of my SUV and walked up to the store and walked in. The front had the counter register videos and magazines, behind it was an office. Their was a hallway, I assumed went to booths. I saw a line of men in the hallway waiting for something. I asked the owner where he kept his toys. He said to look up in the hallway and I saw a sign that said toys. Graham and I walked into the room. It was packed with almost everything imaginable. We saw a section that had dildos, we looked and finally found three that were double headed. We looked them over and decided on one that started small and got bigger and thicker as you went down the length. We walked back out and took it to the counter and I paid for it and we left.

Graham was like a little kid with a new toy. He took the dildo out of the packaging and was looking it closely over. I thought I saw a big bulge in his pants. He said, "I should take my pants and underwear down and try out this new dildo."

I looked at him, "your kidding, right?"

"No, I'm serious."

"Can't you wait until we get home?"

"I suppose. I'll wait."

He put the dildo back into the packaging.

We made it home and Graham couldn't get upstairs fast enough to strip. I followed him and I got out the lube. The packaging had some diagrams on how to use the dildo. This was something new for me and I was glad they had some instructions. I lubed up Graham's hole and then one head of the dildo. Graham lubed my hole and then the other head of the dildo. We needed to lay so that our balls and cocks were together. I eased the head into Graham's hole. I had to move back a little bit to make room for the other head of the dildo. Graham eased the other head into my hole. Soon we had the whole dildo inside us and our balls were rubbing together. It was pretty hot and arousing. We jerked each other off and worked back and forth on the dildo. We were both starting to sweat and groan. We started going faster and faster and pumped out big loads. We pulled the dildo out and licked each other off. We kissed, took a shower to clean off ourselves and the dildo. And went downstairs and out on the patio. Graham brought us a couple of beers and we relaxed with our loungers tight together.

We talked a little about the ceremony and were wondering when they would start the construction of the stadium.

We went downstairs and watched a movie. It was getting late and we were tired. We went to bed. Kissed and cuddled together and fell asleep.

We slept in for a little while. I had told Holden and Dave that we were taking a few days off from working out. This was going to be another busy week with lots going on. We soon heard a loud noise and scraping. We didn't know what it was. We put on some shorts and tshirts and went downstairs to see what was making all the noise. Margaret was getting our breakfast ready. She said she had opened the gate for Owen and a large crane was coming in. Graham looked at me and I told him that I wanted Owen to cut some of the tree limbs that were getting close to the house and garage. He told me he had a crane that could take care of that. That seemed to satisfy Graham, I was glad. We went back upstairs, took a shower and sucked each other. Dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I saw Owen so I went outside to talk to him and he told me that they would remove the attic roof today and start lifting in materials into the attic to start the sunroom/solarium. He said they might be able to put all the materials they needed into the attic and the crane might be gone when we got home from work. I was hoping so, but I didn't say anything to Owen.

We finished our breakfast. Thanked Margaret. We kissed and hugged in the garage and went to work. I called the hotel before my first patient arrived. I told Sam I was going to be over at lunch time. I would appreciate if he could have the chef fix a light lunch for me. Sam told me no problem and would look forward to seeing me at lunch time. I called Graham and told him I wouldn't be able to make lunch today, I had some things I needed to get done. I wanted to see if the hotel had an attic and what the condition of it was. Owen and I would be coming later to check it out. I would have Graham show Travis and Brody where the new shower installation was going and would try to get back as soon as I could after work.

My day was going well and soon I was driving over to the hotel for lunch and to check the attic. I pulled into the back in the parking lot. It looked like they had started valet parking. I would have to ask Sam about that. I walked in and saw Sam talking to a couple in the lobby. Sam saw me and walked over. "It looks like you've started valet parking?"

"Yes, today is our first day and it's working out well. Our guests like the service very much."

"That's good. Anything else new happening?"

"Well, yes. I have another new shuttle van coming tomorrow. We have the demand and it's needed."

"You know, both Graham and I trust your judgement, if we need another shuttle van, we need another shuttle van."

"As busy as we stay. One van will pretty much be going back and forth to the airport. The other van will take guests shopping and to lunch and dinner, and site seeing."

"I didn't realize there was any site seeing in this small town."

"You'd be surprised Bob. Once this hotel opened, new businesses and tourist sites have started springing up."

"The main reason for my lunch visit is to see if the hotel has an attic and if it does, I have an idea for it."

"I did find a set of stairs that go up, I would assume, to the attic. Follow me, and I'll show you where the stairs are."

I followed Sam on the floor with the bedrooms. We walked to the end and there was a set of stairs. It looked a little like the stairs in my house that go to the attic. There was a light switch. I flipped the switch and the lights came on to light the stairs. I walked up and tried the door handle. It was unlocked. I walked in and Sam followed me. I found a switch by the door on the inside and tried it. A couple of lights came on. It looked like there were more, but the bulbs were probably burned out over time. I asked Sam if he had a flashlight and light bulbs. He said he'd be right back with some light bulbs and a flashlight. I started looking around. There was some light coming in from the windows, but the windows were small and didn't let in much light. What I could see with my limited visibility looked good. The attic covered the whole top floor. It was huge, that was what I was hoping for. There would be plenty of room for a spa, jacuzzi and a pool. It was just a matter of the condition of the floor and the wood. I heard the door and Sam came in with a couple of packages of light bulbs and a flashlight. He started shining the flashlight around and I replaced the burned out light bulbs. That made everything more clear. The floor looked in good condition to me, but Owen would be a better judge of that. "This looks in pretty good condition Sam."

"Yes, it does Bob. It doesn't look like there's been any water damage and the wood seems to be in very good condition. What's your plans for the attic?"

"I'm not going to say right now. I'm going to bring my contractor and have him take a look around here first and then we'll discuss my ideas for the attic."

"Right now, I'm hungry and ready for lunch."

We left the attic and I walked down to the dining room. All the staff knew who I was and my lunch was brought out as soon as I was seated. I had coffee with lunch. I had soup sandwich and a salad. That was plenty and I was full when I finished. I thanked my waiter and told Sam I'd be back after work with my contractor.

On my way back to the clinic I called Graham and told him I was taking Owen with me to the hotel. Travis and Brody would be coming over to check on the installation for the new shower system. Graham told me not to worry. He would mention to Travis and Brody what we had discussed.

When I got back to the clinic, I told Shirley I was leaving a half hour early. The afternoon zipped right along and soon I was saying goodbye to Janice and Shirley. I headed straight home. I could see the crane from the street and Owen's truck was parked in the front inside. I walked in and could hear noise in the attic. Margaret told me they had been working all day in the attic and using the crane to haul in supplies. I walked up to the attic. I couldn't believe the ceiling was gone. It also looked like they were starting to take down parts of the walls. One side of the attic was full of building supplies and many pieces of glass were propped up along one side. I saw Owen and walked over to him. He told me taking out the ceiling and roof was a breeze. They had already started removing parts of the wall for floor to ceiling glass windows. Owen also said that they would finish with the crane tomorrow. Anything else in supplies they could take through the house to the attic. He also showed me his plans for the stairs going to the attic, it was a great idea. They would be wide and not as steep. I asked Owen if he could go to the hotel and check out the attic. He said to give him a couple of minutes. He had some last minute instructions for the crew and then they would be leaving. I asked Margaret to stay until all the crew had left. She told me she would, she still had a few things to finish doing.

Soon Owen was in my SUV and we made the quick trip to the hotel. I parked in front and we walked in. I introduced Owen to Sam and we all went to the attic. We went up the stairs and Owen told me his idea for the stairs in the house would work here too. We went in the attic and I flipped the light switch. Sam must have had someone replace all the light bulbs. The attic was well lit. Owen had his own flashlight with him and he started inspecting the structure and condition of the wood. After about twenty minutes he came back to us and said everything looked in good condition and was sound. He said everything I wanted to do would work. He would need to do a bit more checking on the floor structure to see where the best location for the jacuzzi and pool. He said the spa wouldn't be a problem, that could go anywhere as well as the tiki bar. He told me he would be back tomorrow to give the attic a better check and he had a crew that would be able to start on the attic. He told us that once they started work in the attic, it could be quite noisy at times. They would use sound proofing material while they worked in the attic to try to keep the noise down to a tolerable level, but that we might want to mention the construction work going on and the occasional high noise level. We would finish no later than six in the evening but would start work early around seven in the morning.

Sam said he would have some signs made and the construction would be mentioned on the hotel website and in the local newspaper. So there wouldn't be any surprises for the guests. Owen said that was all he could do for today, but would be here early with a crew tomorrow morning. I told Sam bye and let the guests know about the construction.

I took Owen back to the house and he took off in his truck. I saw Travis' work truck parked by the garage. I had to do some maneuvering around the crane to park in the garage. I walked into the kitchen but didn't see anybody. I figured they must be upstairs checking out the shower. As I got closer to our bedroom I could hear Graham moaning and a lot of grunting and panting. I opened the bedroom door and Graham was on his back being fucked by Travis while Brody was shoving his big fat cock down Graham's throat. I walked in and the guys waved me onto the bed. They were just cumming in Graham when I had walked in. They got off Graham and I licked them clean. My cock was rock hard. I laid down on the bed and Graham took my cock in one quick gulp. Travis and Brody were getting regenerated for another round of sex. Graham moved around and we got into a hot sixty nine. Travis and Brody were already hard again. And Brody started fucking Graham while Travis started fucking me. This was really hot, the first we had been in a sixty nine and got fucked at the same time. Finally we all came. Travis and Brody in just a short time. We laid back on the bed and relaxed. We got up and went downstairs to the patio. I took some beers out of the patio frig and we enjoyed a cold beer after our hot sex.

Travis said they would be back Saturday to do the shower installation. It would probably take both Saturday and Sunday to finish. I told them they could stay here. They liked that idea. Graham told them he would be gone. He had a wedding to go to on Saturday. A college friend and he was going to be best man. He told us to think about him on the weekend and he would miss not being here. I told him not to worry, I was sure Travis and Brody would take good care of me. That got a chuckle from everybody. We finished our beer and Travis and Brody said they needed to leave. Another busy day tomorrow at work for them. Their clothes were in the living room and so they put their clothes on and it was time to give them their goodbye thank you. They dropped their jeans and boxers and I gave them each a kiss and suck on their cocks. We got into a group hug and kiss and they were on their way.

Graham told me the crane was still here. I told him that Owen had said it should be moved out tomorrow. They had a few more limbs to cut and then they would be done. He looked at me kind of suspiciously, but I didn't say anything else. I told Graham what Sam had said about ordering another van and the need for a second one. He said everything was running smoothly at the hotel.

We drank another beer watched some tv and went to bed. We spent a good two hours making love and finally we got so tired we just nodded off.

We got up a little later. It was nice sleeping in, but we both agreed we needed to start working out and get back on our regular schedule. Graham was taking his overnight bag and a garment bag for his suit he was wearing at the wedding. He was leaving after work and heading to the hotel for the wedding. The wedding would be at a church that was close to the hotel. The wedding reception was at the hotel Graham was staying at.

We got up and showered. We jerked and then sucked each other off in the shower. That was pretty hot and fun. We dried each other off and got dressed. Went downstairs and ate breakfast. Said goodbye to Margaret and we hugged and kissed in the garage. I told Graham to be careful and call me when he arrived at the hotel. We told each other how much we loved each other and left for work.

I had an email from the university president, thanking us again for the scholarship fund. Enrollment in the medical school had increased significantly and the first two scholarship recipients were excelling in their studies and were very grateful for the scholarships. They could now concentrate on their studies and not have to worry about how they were going to pay for their education.

Graham and I met for lunch. He said he might leave work early and get a head start on the traffic. He didn't have anything urgent that needed his attention. His staff could handle the rest of the day. I told him I liked that idea and getting an edge on the traffic was a good idea. I told him I would be working all day. I had some patient catching up I needed to do and reports I needed to finish. Shirley and Janice would work a half day. The clinic would be quiet and I could get the rest of my work done.

Millie was having a busy day. So she didn't have time to flirt with us. Graham looked kind of relieved. We had our regular black coffee and the special. It was meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a vegetable. It was pretty good. Almost as good as my mother's meatloaf. Graham, of course, had dessert. Apple pie with ice cream. I told him starting next week we need to start working out, looking at his big plate of dessert. He got a little embarrassed and I told him nothing to worry about. We finished our lunch and we left the diner. On our way out, I told him again to be careful with his long drive and call me when he got to the hotel. We then went our different directions. Me back to work and Graham to the hotel.

I finished my last patient right around one. That gave me plenty of time to work on reports and send information to the hospital. Janice would have some test results to be picked up for me on Monday. I finished just after four. That would give me time to go to the hotel and see what Owen had to say about a pool and jacuzzi in the attic. Also, I wanted to see how far they got at the house today.

I checked the clinic, making sure everything was turned off and locked and I left for the hotel. As I arrived at the hotel, I saw a shuttle dropping off guests from the airport. The other shuttle was parked right behind it. I could see a crane sticking up on the back of the hotel. It must have been parked in the parking lot. I walked in after the last guests. The doorman had opened the door for the guests and for me. Porters were there to take the guests luggage to their rooms. I didn't see Sam so I walked over to the reception/reservation desk and he was in his office. I walked into his office and he looked up. "Bob, good to see you."

"You too, looks like the hotel is staying busy?"

"Just the regular things going on, guests leaving and new guests arriving. Everything is running like clockwork. The staff is working like a well oiled team. All the staff are comfortable with what their doing. Once the attic is finished, I will need to hire more staff. Masseurs for the spa, a couple of bartenders for the tiki bar and someone to maintain the pool and jacuzzi and a couple of cleaners and a gardener for the plants. Owen said he knew of a very reliable company that could take care of servicing the pool and jacuzzi."

"As always, your right on top of everything. How's the noise with the work being done in the attic?"

"What do you hear?"


"Owen and his crew started today and I don't know what they are doing or using, but I haven't heard anything that sounds like construction going on. The guests are aware of work being down in the attic. But I haven't received any complaints of too much noise."

"That's great, the less noise the better. Is Owen in the attic?"

"He is."

"I'm going to go to the attic and see what he has to say about my ideas for the attic."

"Ok Bob, I need to stay here. There are more guests arriving and I want to be here to greet them to the hotel."

I left Sam's office and walked upstairs to the attic. Being on the floor with the bedrooms, I didn't hear anything. I opened the attic door and there were men working all over the place. I saw Owen towards one of the back corners talking to a couple of his workers. He saw me and walked over. "Well, Bob, everything is going very smoothly."

"Will you and your crew be able to do everything we talked about. I am concerned about the pool and jacuzzi. The weight and if the floor can support a pool and jacuzzi?"

"Actually, after I did some closer checking. There is at least a yards space between the floor and the ceiling to the bedrooms. We are already in the process of adding more support in that space for a pool and jacuzzi. Part of the jacuzzi and pool will be raised up off the floor, but with some architectural finesse it will look like it was always here."

"We then walked over to a little portable table and Owen showed me the plans. I couldn't believe how good it looked. When finished, it would be exactly what I had envisioned and I knew probably even better than the images in my mind. Also, he had the plans for changing the stairs and lighting going to the attic. It looked almost exactly as what was being done at the house."

"This is fantastic Owen. How's the work going?"

"Everything is going well. With the hotel in good condition. It makes our work easier. As you can see we have the roof already removed. We are now in the process of removing walls and putting in the glass roof and glass walls. Another part of the crew is working on the extra support in the floor for the jacuzzi and pool. And we already have the spa area sectioned off."

"How have you managed to reduce the noise to almost nothing?"

"We are using this sound proofing material. We have it spread out all over the floor, like you can see. And I haven't heard any complaints from Sam, so I assume the noise is at a tolerable level."

"You can't hear anything downstairs. Sam said there hasn't been any complaints."

"Well Owen, I want to get to the house and see what progress they made today."

"Your going to be suprised Bob, I'm not going to tell you anything. I want you to see it. Just remember that what you see at your house is going to be a larger version here at the hotel with a few more added features."

I left Owen to get back to work and walked back downstairs. The lobby was busy. I saw the other shuttle loading guests to go sight seeing and shopping. I told Sam I was pleased with what had already been accomplished. I was leaving now for my house and see what they accomplished today. Sam told me they were already working on the inside of his house. The outside was finished. I told him I would have to drive by and see how it was looking.

I got in my SUV and drove home. I didn't see the crane. They must have all the supplies delivered. Maybe that was the same crane I saw at the hotel. I walked in and Margaret was just on her way out. "Bob, your not going to believe how your attic looks. The workers showed me around when I took them sandwiches and beverages."

Margaret left and I was was getting anxious and excited to look at the attic. I walked upstairs and then up the stairs to the attic. The stairs were finished and more lighting had been added. It was much easier now walking to the attic. Better lighting and the stairs weren't steep like they were before. I opened the door and walked into the attic. The glass walls were up. Actually, floor to ceiling windows. The high glass arched roof was installed. One of the crew members told me they were finishing the remote control on the glass ceiling. He then showed me the room for massage. It was perfect, spacious and plenty of room for two massage tables. The tiki bar was being installed. The crew member told me tomorrow they would start on refinishing the floor and bring out the natural wood color. Then they would install the humidifying system, call a couple of interior designers and order the furniture and plants.

I told him it looked wonderful. I couldn't wait now to see the final product. He told me they would be working through the weekend and if they stayed on schedule, they should be finished in about four days.

They left for the day and said they would be back tomorrow morning around seven to continue. I waited till they left and went back to the attic. It was looking good. They sure worked fast and did good work. Owen had a great group of workers. The tiki bar was going to be perfect. Just like you see in the Bahamas. I was anxious to see what the floors would look like. I wanted to talk to the person about furniture. I wanted four double loungers for my patio. They didn't have much left to do. Once the furniture was in and the plants, it would be perfect.

I went back downstairs and stripped down and warmed myself some dinner. It seemed strange and quiet without Graham. I ate dinner in the living room and watched the news. Nothing much of interest on. I had just finished my dinner when my phone rang, it was Graham. "Hi babe, did you make it to the hotel ok?"

"Yeah, just had some dinner in the dining room and was getting settled into my room. I made good time and leaving early I missed the heavy traffic. I'll give you a video call later and we can have some hot sex."

"Glad you called and you missed the heavy traffic. Everything is ok around here. The crane is gone finally. Look forward to our video call later. Love you."

"Love you too. I'll call back soon."

After I finished the call with Graham, I started thinking about having an open house. I would like everyone to see the changes to the house, especially the sunroom/solarium. I wish Owen did outdoor pools and landscaping. They do such good work, I know they could make the back yard look spectacular. I'll have to ask Owen if he knows of a good landscaper that also works on outdoor pools.

I finished watching the news and put my dishes and the rest of the dinner away. I ran upstairs and got the lube and a towel, I wanted to be ready when Graham called. I started reading through the paper. The local paper was still running small articles about the hotel. Explaining the impact it has had to the town and community in just the short time it's been open. The article mentioned some of the changes that had been made at the hotel. It said there was construction underway, but at this time they didn't have any details. The article mentioned the two shuttle vans, the paved hotel parking that was covered. The covered sidewalk from the parking lot to the hotel entrance. The enlarged front entrance with a pull up parking lane, and valet parking.

I finished reading the paper and flipped through the channels. I found a game that had already started. I went out to the kitchen and got myself a beer. I just got back and sat down on the couch when Graham called. He did a video call like he promised. He was on his bed, naked and jerking his cock while he talked to me. "Your looking just as hot and sexy as ever."

"Your not looking too bad yourself." I moved my phone around so he could see my hardon.

I saw Graham spit on his hand and use it as lube to jerk his cock. I could see he had a couple of fingers in his ass.

I opened the lube and shoved some in my hole with a finger. Then lubed a couple of fingers and eased them in, being sure to rub and work my prostate. My cock was leaking like crazy. "Wish you were here to suck out my precum."

"Me too, or in a sixty nine sucking out each other's precum and fingering each other's holes."

"I miss you so much babe."

"I know, I miss you too. It's not the same being here by myself."

"I have the same feeling. We are never gone from each other very much and it seems strange. The house is so quiet and not the same without you."

"I wish I was feeling that hot body of yours right now all over. Getting you hot and horny for me."

"I'm hot and horny here for you. See how much I'm leaking." I moved the phone so Graham could see my precum running down the side of my cock."

"You look like your ready to fuck me."

"Either fuck your mouth or your hole."

"Let's jerk and cum together babe."

We started matching each other stroke for stroke and soon we were moaning and gasping as we shot out big loads hitting our chests and abs. "I wish I was licking and sucking out those last drops of cum."

"Me too. Your cum always tastes so good."

"That was pretty hot babe. But not the same without you here. Does Nash know your at the hotel?"

"Yeah, I called him to let him know I had arrived. He said he might come over later and we could have a couple drinks here at the hotel bar and lounge. He said he would call first so I would know he was coming over."

"I'm glad your there safe and sound. Let me know how the wedding goes and the reception. Then I can tell you about the shower installation, maybe even have a few pictures of the completed installation."

"Ok babe, love you and miss you a lot."

"Love you too and miss you. Enjoy yourself and have a good time and then you can tell me all about it when you get home."

I didn't do much the rest of the evening. I was hoping Travis would call and say he and Brody were coming over to get an early start in the morning and stay overnight, but that didn't happen. I was getting tired and decided to watch tv in bed and then go to sleep. I found a fairly good movie and watched that and fell asleep with the tv and light on.

Here it was Saturday morning. I crawled out of bed and went downstairs and fixed myself some breakfast. I started to get a lot of food out and then remembered I was fixing breakfast for just myself. I didn't feel like working out, even though I knew I should. My breakfast dishes filled the dishwasher and I got that going. I was just going to go upstairs and shower when I heard the speaker at the gate. It was Travis. I let him in, I saw Brody with him. They got out and unloaded some supplies. I opened the door for them and I helped them with some of the supplies for the installation of the new shower system. We hauled everything upstairs in the bedroom next to the bathroom. Travis asked me if I wanted to take my morning shower before they started and would have to turn the water off for awhile? I told him I would, but I would make it a quick shower. I walked in and got the water running and soon I was joined by Travis and Brody. We had a good time getting into three ways. We sucked and fucked until we were all sated and I don't think we could have cum another drop. We dried each other off and I showed Travis where to turn off the water. I left him and Brody to do their thing.

Reggie and Deb were getting things ready for the barbeque they were having for Jarvis and Jennifer. They were looking forward to it. Reggie checked the grill and made sure it was clean and ready for barbequing. Deb was busy getting a couple of salads ready. It looked like a nice day. The sun was out and it wasn't too hot. Just a nice warm comfortable temperature. Reggie skimmed some leaves off the pool and it was ready. Deb's parents had already taken the kids for the weekend. So the adults had the house to themselves. Deb was looking forward to her and Jennifer's plan for coming out to their husbands when they were in the pool. Reggie and Jarvis had worked out a plan on how they were going to come out to their wives. When they had drinks, they would say cheers, and then kiss in front of their wives.

Graham was busy getting ready for the wedding. He had overslept so he had to rush around to get to the church for the wedding. He took a quick shower and jerked off in the shower, hoping his hardon would go down. He didn't need an erection right now. He got out of the shower, dried off and laid his suit and accessories on the bed. He still had a little time before he needed to be to the church. He got dressed and looked at himself in the mirror. Everything looked good and his hardon was only a semi now, so he wasn't bulging his suit pants obscenely. He splashed on some cologne, checked himself one more time in the mirror. He thought he looked pretty good and walked out of the hotel to the church. The church was on the next block from the hotel, so he didn't have far to walk.

As Graham got closer to the church he could hear organ music playing. He checked his watch and it was still over thirty minutes before the wedding. He walked into the church and to the room just off the front. That was being used for the wedding party. He saw Nash and walked over and they talked for a bit. Nash introduced Graham to his parents and his in-laws. They were still waiting on a couple of bridemaids and groomsmen. He peeked into the church and it was beautifully decorated with flowers. People were already seated and waiting for the wedding ceremony. More guests were still arriving.

I could hear Travis and Brody upstairs working in the shower. They were busy removing the old shower system. It was taking longer than they had planned. It was getting close to lunch time and I thought I'd see if they were ready to take a break and have some lunch. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and could hear some cursing. That wasn't a good sign. I was hoping this would be a quick and easy job for them. I poked my head in and asked them if they were ready for a break and have some lunch and beer. Travis looked up scowling. As soon as we get this pipe disconnected. It's being stubborn. I used some special rust remover and lubricant. I have to wait a couple of minutes and then try removing the pipe again. Once this pipe is out, we'll be ready for lunch. Both Travis and Brody were sweating and then they started wrenching on the pipe. I heard some loud squeaks and grinding and soon the I heard the pipe give way. They both said finally. I had brought them some cleaning rags from the garage and they were wiping themselves off. I told them to get comfortable and the patio frig was loaded with beer.

I went to the kitchen and made sandwiches. I saw Travis and Brody walk out to the patio naked. They sure looked good. I was glad I had finished the sandwiches so I could get out to the patio and take in the view. Graham and I needed to get with Travis and Brody more often. I put a little patio table close to us and set the sandwiches on the the little table. I grabbed myself a beer. Travis told me with the pipe finally removed, their work would go faster now, but still wouldn't finish till tomorrow. I told them when they weren't working on a weekend, to plan and spend the weekend with Graham and me. They said they had missed coming over and spending time with us. I told them that I thought they got hotter every time they were here. They just smiled. They chugged down their first beer and had a second one. Once they finished the sandwiches they got up with their big cocks and balls swaying back and forth and said they were going to lay out the new shower assembly and start the installation. Brody told me they could put a plug on the pipe so that the water could be turned back on when they finished for the day. I let them get back to work. I was wondering how the wedding was going and if Graham would stay in the hotel overnight, or decide to drive home after the wedding. I knew he would call me when the wedding finished.

Reggie and Deb were waiting on Jarvis and Jennifer. They had called and told Reggie they were on their way. Reggie could feel a hardon starting in his shorts thinking of what he and Jarvis were going to do. Deb was getting hot and her pussy was getting wet thinking about Jennifer coming over and what they were going to do in the pool. Soon they heard a car pull in. It was Jarvis' SUV. They got out and walked up to the house. They had a couple bags of something. Jarvis and Deb opened the door for them and the men kissed the girls and the men shook hands, giving each other a wink. They set the bags on the kitchen counter. They had brought a big potato salad and baked beans that needed to be warmed. Deb and Jennifer told Reggie and Jarvis they were going to get changed and use the pool while they grilled the food.

Reggie and Jarvis looked at each other and couldn't wait to kiss in front of the girls when they had a beer. The girls couldn't wait to get into the bedroom to change and have a quickie before they went to the pool. They were out of their clothes in a flash and were fingering their vaginas and clits. They were moaning and gasping and came fast. They cleaned each other off and helped each other get into their bikinis and walked out to the back yard. Walked sexy by the guys as they walked into the pool. Reggie got Jarvis a cold beer from the cooler. Soon the guys saw Deb and Jennifer start taking off their bikinis and they moved together and started kissing and making out. That was the cue for the guys to drink a sip of beer and then kiss. The girls were just as astonished as the guys were. Finally they all burst out laughing. Jarvis said, "we knew about you girls when we were at the hotel. You were on the other side of the wall from us and we heard everything."

Deb said, "the same happened to us. We heard everything you guys were saying."

"Well I guess this breaks the ice. We might as well get naked like our girls. I'm going to put an apron on, I don't want to burn anything."

Soon the girls were getting it on in the pool and the guys were getting it on by the grill. It was good that Reggie and Deb had a high security wall going around their yard. Nobody could see in. They didn't have any close neighbors, but better not to take any unnecessary chances. Once they came out to each other. It was like a big burden had been lifted off their shoulders and they could do what they wanted. The girls still loved their men, as the men still loved their girls. However, now they didn't have to hide their feelings for their best friends. The atmosphere was more relaxed and everybody was comfortable. Soon Reggie told the girls the food was ready from the grill. They said they would get the table ready.

The two late bridesmaids and groomsmen finally arrived. The wedding was almost ready to begin. We got into position. I was standing next to Nash. The wedding march started and the flower girl started down the aisle throwing out rose petals. Then the ring bearer who was having a hard time walking. His pants kept coming down and he was trying to hold the pillow with the rings and keep pulling up his pants. Finally his mother helped him and he made it to the front with the rings. Then everyone in attendance stood and the bride started walking in with her father. She was beautiful. Nash did all right. She wore a white satin wedding dress with hand sewn pearls. Her face was partially covered with a veil. Her train took four girls to carry. She made he way to the front. Nash looked very handsome waiting for his soon to be bride. They were going to make a very dashing couple. The service went without a hitch. Soon they said their vows and they were married. Everyone applauded as they left the church. A limousine was waiting for them to take them to the reception at the hotel. We all started filing out of the church. I thought I'd give Bob a call while I walked back to the hotel.

While Bob was waiting for Travis and Brody to finish for the day, he got a call on his cell phone. He thought it was probably Graham. When he looked closer he didn't recognize the number. He was wondering if he should answer or not. He finally said, "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello Bob, Preston here."

Bob was thinking to himself. Who's Preston. The name sounded vaguely familiar. "Hello Preston, please forgive me, but I don't remember you."

"I'm not surprised. We only came in contact a couple of times when we played college football. I was a quarterback for your biggest rival."

"I seem to remember now. How can I help you?"

"I'm going to be in your area next week on business. I thought I'd drop by and get better acquainted."

"Ok, you have my cell phone number and now I'll save yours on my phone. Give me a call when your in the area and maybe we can have lunch together."

"That sounds good Bob, look forward to seeing you next week."

That was a strange call. I wonder how he got my phone number. I'll have to ask him if we meet next week.

Graham walked over to the hotel and walked into the large room for the wedding reception. It was a room full of strangers for Graham. He remembered Nash's parents and his in-laws, otherwise, he didn't know anyone there. He thought he'd stay for an hour or two and then drive home. Graham walked out of the room into the hallways and called Bob. "Hi babe, how's everything around the house?"

"Everything is going well. Travis and Brody are busy installing the new shower system. Sam says everything is running smoothly at the hotel. How's the wedding reception?"

"The wedding reception is boring. It's a room full of strangers for me. I think I'm only going to stay for an hour, maybe two and then drive home. Just make my presence known."

"You know best babe. If you want to stay and come home tomorrow, that's fine."

"No, when I decide to leave I'll call and let you know."

That didn't sound like a very good wedding reception. I hope Graham does leave early. It will be nice to have him back home.

I heard the workers coming downstairs. Luckily, I had some shorts and a tshirt to put on. They told me they did as much as they could for today. The floor is all refinished, but it needs to dry overnight and will be ready tomorrow. The tiki bar is finished as well as the massage room. We finished the installation of the retractable glass roof and the humidifying system. Furniture will be arriving tomorrow and plants will be arriving Monday. Monday is looking like our last day on this job. Then we will go to the hotel and help the crew working their. That's a bigger job. I thanked the workers and they left for the day.

I stripped back out of my clothes after they left and was curious. So I walked to the attic stairs and went up and opened the door and peeked in. The floors looked like new flooring. They had a rich walnut color and looked very nice. I could barely make out the tiki bar, but what I could see, it looked like just what I wanted. I saw the doors installed for the spa/massage room. The smell was pretty strong with whatever they had used for the refinishing. I couldn't wait to see the finished product.

Everyone enjoyed the barbeque. The guys had stripped down like the girls. The girls sat together and Reggie and Jarvis sat together eating the delicious food. The girls cleared the table and told the guys they would be back a little later. Reggie and Jarvis knew what they were going to do. Reggie got beer for both of them and they walked down to the pool and moved a couple of loungers together. They started making out and soon were in a hot and heavy sixy nine draining each other's loads. The girls could see the guys from the the bedroom window and watched them making out and having sex made them hot and horny. Soon they were sprawled out on the bed eating each other out, playing with their tits and using Jennifer's strap on. After about an hour of their hot sex, they just relaxed on the bed. Reggie and Jarvis relaxed on the loungers. They were sure glad how everything had worked out. Jarvis told Reggie that he and Jennifer planned to stay overnight if that was ok. Reggie told Jarvis he was hoping so. The girls wanted to spend more time together and as well you and me.

Graham was totally bored. He really felt like an outsider at the wedding reception. He caught Nash's attention and told him he was going to be leaving. He had a long drive home. Nash thanked Graham for coming and being his best man. Graham left the reception room and walked up to his hotel room. He changed clothes and got everything packed. He gave Bob a call. "Hey, babe. I just finished packing and I'm going to check out of the hotel and will be driving back. Not sure how long it will take. It depends on the traffic."

"The reception was that bad?"

"It was awful. I felt like an outsider. The people weren't friendly and didn't include me in their conservations. I told Nash I was leaving and had a long drive home. He thanked me for coming to the wedding and being his best man."

"Ok babe, take your time and give me a progress report. Like to hear your voice and know that everything is ok."

"I will babe. When I take a rest stop, I'll give you a call."

That sounded like a pretty dull party. I heard Travis and Brody in the upstairs bedroom. I took a walk up and they were leaving the bedroom. They told me they finished as much as they were going to do for today. They had plugged the shower system and the water was turned back on. They said they needed a shower to get cleaned off. I told them their was a shower in the other master bedroom and a large shower downstairs in the locker room. We agreed to use the shower in the locker room. I had towels down their. We walked downstairs. They had stripped off their clothes in the living room. I got the water to a good temperature and we all walked in. I enjoyed washing Travis and then Brody. I liked feeling their muscular bodies and of course those nice big cocks and balls. We were soon all hard in the shower. Travis leaned against the wall and I backed my hole up to his big lathered cock. I eased back onto his cock. He put his arms around my chest and pulled me tight into him. Brody got down between my legs and started giving me one of his great blow jobs. Both Travis and I were horny and it didn't take us long to cum. My hole swallowed all of Travis' big load and Brody took mine down his throat in one big gulp. Then Brody leaned against the shower wall and we took care of him. Then I leaned against the shower wall and they took care of me. We were drained after our sexual escapade and were hungry.

We went upstairs. Brody and Travis went out to the patio. I told them I was going to order a couple of pizzas. There was beer in the patio frig. I threw Travis' and Brody's clothes in the clothes washer, they were smelly and sweaty. I told them it would be about twenty five minutes before the pizza arrived.

We talked while lounging. They said they had been very busy and working every weekend on different small jobs. I told them they did good work and I'm sure the word was getting around. I heard the speaker and told them the pizza had arrived. They didn't need to get dressed, the delivery person couldn't see them from the front door. I through on my shorts and tshirt and pressed the gate button. I saw a kid on a motorcycle with a bin in the back for pizzas and the name of the pizza shop. He walked up. He looked to be college age. Not too bad. Kind of reminded me of Cotton. "Hello, I have two large supreme pizzas for Bob."

"I'm Bob. Thanks for the quick delivery. I paid him and gave him a tip."

I saw him looking me over and I gave him a smile. I saw a bulge start in his shorts. He thanked me for the tip and said he better get going. He had a couple more deliveries. I told him he was welcome to make deliveries here as often as he wanted. He seemed to get my drift and told me he might come back later.

I opened the gate and saw him leave.

I took the pizzas out to the patio and sat them on a couple of small patio tables by the loungers. Beer and pizza tasted pretty good. Travis asked me what took so long. I told him the pizza boy was pretty hunky and I was doing some subtle flirting with him. I said he might come back later after his last delivery. I told him he was welcome to make a delivery here as often as he wanted. Travis and Brody laughed about that. We ate our pizza with a couple more beers. We decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. We managed to squeeze into one oversized theater chair. The skin to skin body contact felt pretty good. The movie was ok. We were making a better movie. We started making out when I heard my cell phone ring. I got up and ran upstairs, it was Graham. "Hi babe, I'm at a rest stop about and hour and half away. Traffic has really sucked. I needed to take a break and walk around. Filled my travel mug with coffee and I'm getting ready to start back."

"Thanks for calling. Looking forward to you being here. We're watching a movie downstairs. Travis and Brody are staying overnight."

"Don't start anything till I get there."

"I can't make any promises on that. But there's always room for one more."

I ended the call when I heard the speaker. I walked over and said, "this is Bob."

"Hello Bob, this is the pizza delivery boy. Thought I'd come back for and make a delivery."

I opened the gate and he came in driving a car. I assumed it was his and he had finished his work for the day.

I hadn't put any clothes on and I didn't think I'd need any. He parked and walked up to the door and I opened it for him. His eyes got wide when he saw me greeting him naked. He walked in and told me his name was Mitch. He had different shorts and shirt on. I saw a very noticable bulge in the front of his shorts. I told him to get comfortable and I would introduce him to a couple of good friends in the movie room. I watched him strip down and he didn't seem to mind. He had a nice compact muscular body. He was probably around five nine or ten, one hundred and sixy pounds. Light brown hair. A little tuft of hair between his pecs, nicely trimmed pubes. He was semi hard and was about seven inches. I was wondering how big he got when he was fully hard. He had two nice sized balls hanging down. He didn't have much body hair. We walked downstairs and Travis and Brody were busy in a sixty nine. I coughed and they looked up. I told them this is Mitch. He was the guy that delivered the pizzas. I then introduced Mitch to Travis and Brody. When he saw them sucking I noticed his cock spring up hard and he looked to be a good nine inches and thick and uncut. He was one of the few guys that have been here that was uncut.

Brody and Mitch moved to a theater chair. Travis and I in another chair. Brody was big when he was hard. He was a perfect eight inches and thick. Mitch was definitely bigger than Brody. They started making out as did Travis and me. We didn't watch much of the movie. I saw Brody trying to deep throat Mitch. It took him a couple of times before his big cock was buried in his throat. I took Travis' big cock down my throat. Soon there was a lot of moaning and gasping and soon we were gulping down a couple of big loads. We then switched and I was with Brody and Travis was with Mitch. We repeated our deep throating. Then we took a break and watched the movie to the end. I thought I heard some noise upstairs. I told the guys I would be right back. I got upstairs and Graham was standing in the kitchen. He saw my big wet cock and knew something was happening. "It looks like you started without me?"

I walked over and gave him a big hug and kiss. I helped him with his bags upstairs and stripped him down. He put his clothes away and we walked down to the movie room. The guys were busy in a three way with Mitch being the one in the middle. When they finished I introduced Graham to Mitch. The movie ended and we were getting tired. Graham was tired after his long drive. I brought up a round of beer for all us in the bedroom and we snuggled and cuddled together and fell asleep.

I woke up first, I thought I heard a noise. I got quietly out of bed and put on some shorts and tshirt. I saw the crew arriving to work in the attic. They apologized for waking me. I told them not to worry about it. They said the floor was dry and furniture would soon be arriving. I thought I'd wait and let the guys sleep in. Maybe, the furniture would be delivered and they would be in the attic for the day without Graham knowing. I heard a big truck. I walked downstairs and they had started hauling in furniture to the attic. Lots of wicker, bamboo and rattan furniture. Also, it looked like lamps and some other accessories. With the full crew and two moving men. They soon had all the furniture unloaded and in the attic. The foreman of the crew said they had plans that Owen had left. So they knew where to place the furniture. He said the floor was dry. That was their biggest concern.

I walked back into the bedroom and the guys were starting to stir. I saw a few tents in the sheet. It looked like Graham was getting serviced by three of them. Good that would keep them busy for awhile. I told them I was going downstairs to fix breakfast. I knew once they started work in the attic they wouldn't be coming downstairs. Soon the guys started coming downstairs for breakfast. I decided to eat in the dining room. We hardly ever use the dining room. Usually the patio or the breakfast nook. I just felt like the dining room. I set the food on the table and it was set for all five of us. They sat down and soon the food was all gone. Mitch said he was sorry he would eat and run but he needed to get home. Travis and Brody wanted to finish the shower installation. So that left Graham and myself. I told Graham I wanted to head over to the hotel for awhile. I really wanted to get Graham out of the house. Probably drive by Sam's new house and see how it was coming along. I told Graham I would be back in a minute and to get dressed, we would be heading out soon. I walked up to the attic and talked to the foreman. He told me it would take them until noon or a little later to get everything in place and then they would leave and be back early Monday morning for the plants. I told them we would be leaving for awhile. He said not to worry, they would let themselves out when they finished. I talked to Travis and Brody and told them we would be leaving for awhile. They said the same thing. Not to worry and they would let themselves out when they finished.

The guys left and I gave them my special thank you present. Mitch liked that and we had his cell phone number and he had ours. He said he would definitely be back. We told him we hoped so. After the guys left. We got changed and I told Graham I had something I wanted to show him at the hotel. Being Sunday, I was hoping Owen was there. I wanted to ask him if he knew anybody that redid outdoor pools and landscaping. I pulled by the front of the hotel. It looked busy. One of the shuttles was leaving and another was pulling up to the entrance. Graham just watched fascinated. We got out and walked in. The lobby was busy as well as the dining room. I could see from the lobby they were getting the banquet room set up for something. It looked like there were sliding doors to partition off part of the banquet room for meetings or small parties. I needed to ask Sam about that. I saw him but he looked busy so I would ask him after I took Graham up to the attic.

Graham and I walked upstairs where the rooms were located. We walked to the end and I could see the stairs and lighting had been redone. Very similar to the house. We walked up the stairs and I opened the door to the attic. The crews were busy working. The new glass ceiling was in as well as the glass walls. Part of the crew was working on tiles and ceramic around the jacuzzi and pool, it was looking good and already starting to get that tropical feel. The tiki bar was in, as well as the rooms for the spa and massage. The floor looked like it had been restored. I saw Owen in one of the back corners talking to a few of his workers. They were looking at his plans and he was pointing out things to them. They took off and got back to work. We walked over to Owen and I introduced him to Graham. Owen told us they were working on the retractable system for the ceiling and installing the humidifying system. Owen almost slipped and was going to say, just like in your house. He knew I didn't want Graham to know about the house, it was to be a surprise. I told him it was looking good. He said the pool and jacuzzi would be finished tomorrow and then they would be ready to start organizing the furniture. I asked Owen if he knew of anyone that redid outdoor pools and landscaping. He gave me two names and phone numbers. One was a Marv, but Owen wasn't sure if he still was in business. The other one was Zane and he knew that Zane was very famous and they redid pools and landscaping. I thanked Owen and told him I would probably stop by after work to check on the progress.

We went back downstairs. I wanted to talk to Sam. It looked like the lobby was clearing out. It wasn't as busy as it had been. We walked over to the reservation desk and Sam was in his office. Graham and I walked in. Sam got up and shook our hands told us to take a seat. He knew I had something I wanted to ask. "So what's on your mind Bob? I can tell you have something you to ask."

"I see sliding doors have been installed in the banquet room."

"Yes, I had Owen have them installed. They are working out great. We can section off the banquet room now for meetings and small parties. And it still gives us plenty of room if we have another larger party going on at the same time. We already have two conventions booked and the possiblity of another one."

"That's terrific. It sounds like the hotel is meeting the communities needs?"

"It is, but we are also getting many guests from long distances. They like the quietness of being in a small town and away from photographers and their fans. They also like the amenities that we can offer. The brochure we put in each room has been working out well. And many guests are starting to use the shuttles rather than their drivers and limousines. Once the attic is finished, I'm sure we will get booked even further ahead. That is going to be a great addition to the hotel. The guests are really going to like it."

We said our goodbyes to Sam and we left. I wanted to drive by and see his new house. As we got close to Sam's house it was looking like the outside was finished. It was a big house. I wondered why he would want such a big house living by himself. Maybe he expected a lot of friends and family staying. I parked in front of the house. There was trucks parked on the street. Graham and I walked up to the house and went inside. Workers were all over the place, laying tile, installing cabinets, finishing plumbing and electrical outlets and internet connections. A man walked over and asked us who we were. We told him and he said they were finishing the inside plumbing and electrical connections. Soon all the rooms would be finished and furniture would be arriving. Then a landscaping and pool company was coming in to the yard and put in a high security wall around the property. I asked the man if he knew the name of the landscaping and pool company. He had to think for a couple of minutes and then said, I think the name is Zane Landscaping and Pools. I thanked the man for letting us look around and Graham and I left.

Both Graham and I were surprised with the size of Sam's house. But we thought he was probably used to living in big houses and it might not even seem big to him. I told Graham that Owen had mentioned Zane to me and I was going to talk to him about having our pool redone with new landscaping.

We got home and I saw the trucks gone. I was glad I didn't want Graham knowing what was happening in the attic. It would soon be finished and then I could surprise him. I could start working on my list of people I wanted to invite to our Open House and coming out party. I told Graham to make himself comfortable and I would join him in just a minute. I quickly went to the stairs and up to the attic. When I opened the door, it looked amazing. The furniture was in and it looked perfect. I saw some fancy chains with hooks hanging from the ceiling, I assumed for plants. I looked in the massage room and that was all set up with two massage table, shelves for oil and a small oil heater. They were two tanning booths for Graham and I. I needed to do some more research on the tanning booths. I didn't want us getting skin cancer. The tiki bar was done and they had included a small frig and a dispensing machine. Their was also a blender for mixed drinks and an ice machine. Everything had been carefully planned. I loved it and I knew Graham would too. It was looking more like the Bahamas. With the plants tomorrow that would put the finishing touches on.

I went into the bedroom but didn't see Graham. I walked into the bathroom and he was looking at the new shower system. "This is perfect babe. Just like what we had used."

"Yes, they sure did good work. I told Travis and Brody not to be strangers and they were welcome anytime."

"That's good. I miss them not being around."

"I told them any weekend they weren't working to call first and then come over."

"Good idea babe. What do you want to do for dinner?"

"How about if I call and make reservations at the Italian Restaurant?"

"Sounds perfect. You call and I'll grab us a couple of beers to enjoy on the patio."

I gave the restaurant a call and made reservations for seven. That would give us some time together and relax. I walked out to the patio and told Graham our reservation was for seven. He handed me a beer and I sat down next to him. I told Graham I had mentioned to Owen to order four double loungers for the patio. He liked that idea and maybe four more for a total of eight. He said our group of friends is growing and the extra loungers will be needed. I told him I would talk to Owen tomorrow and tell him to order four more. We sipped our beer and just felt good being together without anybody else. Graham told me what a disaster the wedding reception was, but he was glad for Nash. Nash had seemed pleased with the wedding and reception, as well as his bride. I was glad when I was leaving. It wasn't one of the worst experiences of my life, but it was close. I laughed with Graham.

I told Graham about Preston calling. Graham vaguely remembered Preston like me. He played for a rival team so we didn't have much contact with him. We agreed we'd meet with him at lunch at the Main Street Diner. I checked the time and told Graham we should probably start getting ready for dinner. We finished our beer and got up and went upstairs to take a quick shower and get dressed for dinner.

Reggie and Jarvis cleaned the grill. The girls had put the leftover food away and were upstairs in the master bedroom. The guys went upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. They were already hard in anticipation of what was going to happen. They made out for over a hour and were getting so hot and horny for each other they had to cum. They moved around into a sixy nine sucked each other fast and furiously. They didn't want to cum so they backed off. Reggie got on his back lifted his legs and Jarvis lubed his throbbing cock and shoved it into Reggie's waiting hole. Reggie was like Bob and could pull Jarvis' cock into his hole. It felt good. It had been a long time since they had fucked. Jarvis was hot for Reggie and it didn't take him long to cum. Once he came they relaxed for a bit then Jarvis got on his back and Reggie took over. It also didn't take Reggie long to cum and soon he was filling Jarvis' hot hole with his big hot load. They felt satisfied and just laid together on the bed holding each other until their breathing returned to normal. They got up and walked back out to the pool. The girls were there sunbathing. They sure looked good naked. They didn't see the guys, they were on their stomachs sunning their backs. The guys coughed and the girls turned and looked at them. "Did you guys have fun?"

"We sure did, how about you gals"

"We did too. We were wondering if you wanted to switch partners for awhile and have some fun?"

We looked at each other. "We said sure, it should be fun. We want to swim for a bit and then we can hook up with the other partner."

We finished getting dressed and we went in Graham's sports car to the Italian Restaurant. We found a parking spot close to the restaurant. We walked up to the front doors and a waiter opened the doors for us. We were escorted to a private dining room, that I didn't even know existed. The waiter told us the chef was making something special for us. The manager of the restaurant came into our private dining room and told us he appreciated the business they were getting from guests at the hotel. Our meal would be on the house and any time we made reservations our meals would be on the house. It's the least we can do for the increased business you've given us. We are considering opening another Italian Restaurant we handle the high volume we're receiving. Again thank you very much and enjoy your meal. Soon two waiters brought in our dinner. I had no idea what it was. All I knew was that it was some traditional Italian meal. The waiters also brought a chilled bottle of white wine in a wine bucket. They poured us each a glass of wine. I knew there was seafood in our dinner and it was in a very good sauce. I thought it was an Alfredo sauce, but I'm not a chef and really had no idea. We just knew the meal was extraordinary. We sipped on our wine after finishing our dinner. Graham had dessert. I'm still amazed how he can put the food away and not gain a pound. We finished and one of the waiters opened our private dining room door. He led us to the front entrance. The manager was there and again thanked us and looked forward to our next reservation at the restaurant.

We left and went back home. We stripped out of our clothes and decided to put jocks on. We hadn't done that for awhile. It gets us really hot and horny, but a good sexual workout would work off our big dinner. I flipped through the channels. Nothing good on the sports channels, so I found a movie we hadn't seen. We watched the movie while we cuddled together on the couch. I felt Graham's big bulge pressed up against my ass. It made my bulge grow feeling that. I soon heard Graham deep breathing and I knew he was sleeping. All that food he ate, I wasn't surprised he was sleeping. I didn't move and just watched the movie. Soon I felt him stirring and we decided to head to bed. We got to bed and started rubbing our bulges together. It didn't take long and we were soon out of our jocks. We made love for over an hour and then fucked each other to big orgasms. We felt relaxed and satisfied and went right to sleep.

I had heard from Holden and he told me that Dave wasn't feeling well and they would hold off on working out. Holden told me he would call when Dave was feeling better. I told Holden that he should make an appointment for Dave so I could check him out and see if his cold was serious. We slept in for a bit. I turned my phone off and saw a message from Owen. It said they would be starting later in the house. The delivery company for the plants and trees was running late. I texted him back not to worry and would let Margaret know they would be coming later with the plants and trees. Graham got up and we showered. We sucked each other off in the shower and our hardons went down. We got dressed and went down for breakfast.

We ate breakfast and left for work. I couldn't wait for the day to end and see the finished attic in the house and then go over to the hotel and see the attic there.

My morning went well and soon Graham and I were having lunch together. I hadn't heard from Preston, so maybe there was a change in his plans. Graham told me he would be a few minutes late. He had a late afternoon meeting. I was thinking that I was glad. I thought the workers would be gone and the attic would be finished before he got home. We finished our lunch, paid Millie and left for work.

I got back to my office and my office phone rang. Shirley told me it was the university calling. I was wondering what they wanted. "Hello this is Bob."

"Hi Bob, this is the university president. I was wondering how Friday was looking for you and if you could make it over to the university after lunch. Say around one?"

"I should be able to. I don't have anything scheduled for Friday afternoon."

"Perfect. We are going to do groundbreaking for the new sports stadium and would like you and Graham to be their. Just come to my office first and then we can all walk over to where the ceremony will be held."

"Ok, I'll tell Graham when he gets home from work. And I'll call if there is any change of plans."

My afternoon went fast. Mainly giving lab results to patients. Before I left I asked Shirley if there was an appointment for Dave. She checked her computer and said a Dave had an appointment for tomorrow after lunch. I thanked her and went home.

As I got home. I saw a note that Margaret had left and so had the workers. They told her they had finished and was hoping I would like the finished product. I ran up the stairs, stripped out of my clothes and ran up the attic stairs. I bolted up the stairs and opened the door. I couldn't believe what I saw. It looked like a tropical paradise. Orchids were in hanging baskets. There were potted palm trees. It looked like potted banana plants. Miniature orange lemon apple and tangerine trees. A wide variety of tropical plants, that I had no idea what their names were. Vines and it looked like a couple of flower beds with another variety of flowers. It smelled great from the flowers and a couple of the minature oranges were blooming. I check out the massage room and the shelves were stocked and the tables were ready for massages. The tiki bar was perfect. I saw a note on the bar from Owen. It said he had stocked the bar and had a person that would tend to the plants. Courtesy of his company. I walked around and our favorite beer was in the frig. All different kinds of hard liquor and mixes were there. A blender for making drinks and an ice maker.

It was hard taking everything in. I knew Graham was going to love his room. It was light and airy. It felt like I was back in the Bahamas. Just what I had wanted. I knew I probably missed a few things. But I wanted to be downstairs when Graham got home.

I went out to the patio and was having a beer. Just relaxing and anxiously waiting for my lover. I heard the kitchen door open and Graham walked in. He was only about twenty minutes late. I walked over and gave him a big hug and kiss. "How was your meeting babe?"

"The usual, we did land a new client out of the meeting, so it was worth it going a few minutes late. Let's go upstairs and get you changed and then I have a surprise for you."

Graham gave me a look. He was like a little kid when he had surprises. He ran up the stairs, faster than me. He stipped down fast and I helped him put his clothes away.

"Ok, close your eyes and I would lead you where we are going."

He did as I asked. And I put an arm around him so we walked side by side down the hall to the attic stairs. He was keeping his eyes closed. I helped him up the stairs. I opened the attic door and flipped the switch by the inside by the door. The lights came on and with all the glass, the room was fully illuminated. I helped him into the attic and I closed the door. "Ok, on three you can open your eyes. One, two, three."

He opened his eyes and just stared all around the attic. Looking at the glass ceiling and wall and taking in all the tropical plants and the rattan and wicker furniture. "Surprise babe. I hope you like it. I wanted to bring a bit of the Bahamas back to the house for you."

Graham lifted me up and twirled me around, kissing me. "This is a total surprise. Now I know what the crane was parked outside. This is fantastic."

I then showed Graham the massage room and the tiki bar. He said this was perfect. It sure did seem like he was in the Bahamas.

Graham didn't want to leave the room. I told him to stay up here and I would bring our dinner. Then I wanted to go to the hotel and see how the attic was coming along there.

While I was downstairs, Graham walked around taking in everything. He saw a humidifying system. And the control for the retractable windows. The smell was what was really tropical. It smelled wonderful with all the tropical plants and flowers. Soon I made it upstairs with our dinner. I set it on one of the larger round tables. We pulled a couple of chairs close to the table. I grabbed us a couple of cold beers from the frig at the tiki bar. Here's our first meal in our new room. Graham said the guys are going to go crazy when they see this room. I also noticed something I hadn't seen before, there was a sound system installed. I mentioned that to Graham. We finished our dinner and we went back downstairs and lounged out on the patio. We wanted to relax a bit before we went to the hotel.

End of Chapter 16 - Preston

Chapter 17 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 17

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