My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 18, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 15

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 15. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 15 - Owen

It was nice to relax at home. I was nervous during the auction. I really had nothing to be nervous about. The auction was very well planned and went without any problems. I couldn't believe some of the final bids on the jewelry. I wondered how Anthony and the jewelers meeting would go. I was hoping the jeweler would decide to open the hotel. It really is a gem that needs to be shared with people. According to Anthony, he could probably have some of the clientele from the auction staying at his hotel. Well, time will tell. I expect the jeweler to call me and give me all the details about their conversation.

I didn't know where Graham was. When I did see him, he looked like a chicken with his head cut off. He was in the kitchen then downstairs then outside. "Graham, what are you up to?"

"Nothing babe, just helping getting things put away. I'm so hyped up I need to get rid of this extra energy,"

"If you come over here, I know a better way to get rid of that extra energy."

Graham gave me one of his sexy smirks. He knew what I had on my mind. So he gave me a sexy show giving me an instant erection.

He walked over sexily just as my phone started ringing. Good time for the phone to ring I thought to myself. I picked up the phone and didn't recognize the number. Then I remembered this was the jewelers number. "Hello Bob here."

"I just had an interesting meeting with Anthony. He told me about you giving me ten percent of the auctions profits. You know that wasn't necessary. I have no need for that much money. Then Anthony went on to tell me he thought it would be a good idea of I opened the hotel for business. I told him I would have to think about that. That brings me to the reason I'm calling you. I thought about opening the hotel. I was wondering if you could meet me at the bank tomorrow when you finish work?"

"I can do that. Can you tell me what this is all about. I'd rather tell you at the bank if that is okay?"

"That's fine. I need to go to the bank tomorrow. We can meet and then I can take care of my business."

"Ok. I'll see you at the bank tomorrow then. Bye."


I hadn't said anything to Graham yet about meeting me at the bank after work tomorrow. I wanted us to have a joint account with my profits of the auction. Which would be $19,200,000, ten million of this money I wanted Graham help me to invest. I wanted to keep $9,200,000 in our joint savings account. The other half, $19,200,000 would be donated to charity.

I was busy writing my ideas down in a notepad. I didn't notice Graham standing next to me. He coughed and I saw him. Actually, I saw his half hard cock and balls. I was at the right level. He moved closer and I opened my mouth and took him in. He put a hand behind my hand and soon was humping my mouth. I tried to mumble out that someone was horny. But the words never came out. I played and fondled his balls while I sucked him. He was humping faster and I felt his cock harden and he started blasting out a big load down my throat. He tasted good and I milked out every last drop of cum, licking it off. He went back to whatever he was finishing with a very satisfied look on his face.

It was getting later and Graham asked me if I wanted to watch a movie downstairs. I told him sure, find something good and I'll bring us a couple of beers. I saw him sitting in the theater chair with the movie on pause. He heard me and turned and we kissed. I handed him his beer and he started the movie. I sat down in his lap so his cock was nestled between my balls. That felt good and made me really horny. I managed to get my attention on the movie. But my horniness came back fiercely. I was reaching back and squeezing Graham's nipples. He grabbed my cock and gave me a couple of good long slow strokes. I was leaking. He pulled some of my precum off and lubed his cock and my hole. I slid down his hard shaft until my ass was resting on his pubes. I was facing away from Graham. I started riding his big thick cock. Graham reached around and was stroking me. I told him I was getting close he said he was too and let's try to cum together. We both did cum at the same time. What a rush that was. It's awesome when you cum at the same time as your lover. He rubbed my cum all over my chest and abs. The movie finished. We went upstairs and showered and went to bed. I was a little disappointed I didn't get a call from Anthony or Roland. I set the alarm so we would be up for a good morning work out.

We woke up to the alarm blaring. I turned the annoying alarm off. We slowly made our way downstairs. Holden and Dave had just arrived. It was fun watching everyone strip down and then put their jocks on. We worked out for a hour and a half. We wanted to have some time for another work out in the shower. We stripped our jocks off and got in the shower. We were all rock hard before we even got in the shower. We washed each other other. Then Dave had me lean against the wall and he slid his well lubed cock up my hole. He moved it around inside me and had me moaning and grunting in no time. Holden was under me sucking my cock. They got me so worked up I was soon shooting down Holden's throat. Cumming made my ass constrict on Dave's cock and he was grunting and groaning and filling me up. That was terrific. Then it was Graham's turn. After Graham it was Dave and then finally Holden. We all looked refreshed and ready for the day after our two workouts. We got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was getting the patio table ready for breakfast. It looked like it was going to be a nice day. Our rainy storm front had finally moved out bringing in some nice weather after it. We ate breakfast and told Dave and Holden they needed to come over some evening. It's been awhile since they were here. They asked if it was ok if they brought Cal with them. We told them sure. We finished our breakfast and walked out to the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and we all took off for work.

I was hoping my day would go fast. I wanted to have lunch with Graham. I knew he would have a lot of questions for me. But I will tell him all his questions will be answered when we meet at the bank. As for meeting with jeweler, I'm sure all my quesions will be answered too. The morning went well and soon I was walking to the Main Street Diner for lunch. I saw Graham sitting there at our table. He looked so hot and sexy, I could just eat him all up. I'll do that later. I walked in and I saw him give me a big smile when I walked over and took a seat. "How's your day going babe?" Graham asked me.

"Just a little nervous when I meet with the jeweler at the bank. I don't know what he's going to tell me."

"I know the feeling. I don't know what you are going to tell me."

"All I'm going to tell you is, all your questions will be answered when we meet at the bank." I had everything arranged ahead of time with the bank president. We would meet with him and sign the papers for a joint account. He was happy when I talked to him, that I wanted to put so much money into the bank. I thought I saw dollar signs in his eyes. I'm sure he had plans for doing some investing for the bank, and his pocket book.

I didn't see Millie. I saw the other waitress that wasn't very friendly. She walked over to our table. "What can I get you?" Looking at Graham and me. "We'll have black coffee and the special."

Graham was looking at me, I knew he was going to ask me something. "So, you going to give me a hint what we will be talking about at the bank?"

"Sorry babe, I can't do that. You're going to have to wait until after work and we meet with the bank president."

Graham didn't look happy, but he wasn't mad either. I was glad he dropped the subject. The waitress brought our coffee and practically threw our lunches at us. I was surprised the food didn't slide off the plates into our laps. She left our table right after bringing our lunch. Grumbling about something under her breath. We finished lunch and I told Graham quietly that I loved him. He looked at me and then finally said, I love you too. We paid the cook at the front counter for our lunch, bypassing the waitress. We didn't leave a tip. I was a little peeved at the waitress.

Afternoon went well also. And soon I was driving to the bank. I saw Graham's car parked out in front. I walked in and saw Graham sitting in the bank lobby. I walked over to him and we talked for a bit. The jeweler hadn't arrived yet, I told the receptionist in the lobby that I was supposed to meet with jeweler. She looked at a reception book. "You and the jeweler will be meeting with the bank president. I will tell the jeweler that your here and with the bank president when he arrives."

Graham and I walked to the bank president's office. His secretary told us he was with someone and would be finishing in a just a couple of minutes. Graham and I talked while we waited for the bank president. Soon his office door opened and a distinguished looking man left the office and closed the door. In just a couple of minutes the secretary told us we could go in. The bank president was seated at the meeting table and had a folder with papers. He stood and greeted us and asked us to take a seat. He started by telling me how pleased he was I choose to use the local bank to desposit my earnings from the auction. He then took out a couple of papers from a folder. He looked at Graham and told him that he wanted him to sign this paper. It was a document making him a co-owner of my banking account. Graham looked like he was in a daze. The bank president repeated again what he just said. Graham looked at me and asked me if I was sure and knew what I was doing. I told him I knew exactly what I was doing. It was one of the easiest decisions of my life. Graham pulled the paper over and asked the bank president where he needed to sign. The president showed Graham the two places to sign, and then it would be my turn to sign. Once we signed the papers. The bank president stamped the papers with a seal and signed them making them official. "Congratulations Graham, you just became a multimillionaire," said the bank president.

We stood up to leave and the bank president told us to wait, there was some other business to attend to. He buzzed his secretary on this intercom and asked her if the jeweler had arrived. She told him he just got here and was waiting. He told his secretary that he could come in. The jeweler walked in looking a little nervous but very sure of himself. The bank president asked him to take a seat. The bank president started, "as you well know, the jeweler is the owner of this magnificient hotel where the auction took place. He felt since he was getting up in age. It would be difficult for him to run a hotel and his jewelry store. So he had me draw up a contract where you and Graham will be co-owners of the hotel. All profits will be split fifty fifty. Fifty percent for the jeweler and fifty percent for you two men. When the jeweler passes away. You will then become the sole owners of the hotel." Both Bob and Graham were speechless. They couldn't believe the jeweler wanted them to have his hotel.

The jeweler looked at them. "You were responsible for having that wonderful auction and bringing attention to the hotel and myself. I'm getting more business than I know what to do with. I need two intelligent men to run my hotel and you two were the perfect choice. The bank president has the papers ready to be signed. Once we all sign the papers, he stamps them and signs them, it is official. We will all received copies of the signed papers." The papers were passed around soon everyone had signed them, including the president. He had his secretary make copies for all of us and a copy of co-owner of my bank account for Graham. The secretary brought the papers in and left his office. We all stood up and shook hands and left with our copies of the documents.

It was going on dinner time by the time we finished at the bank. We asked the jeweler if he would like to go to the Italian Restaurant with us and have a celebratory dinner. He thanked us for the invitation, but declined. He said it was a very busy day for him and he was tired. But we could have our special dinner another day. Graham and I thanked the jeweler for his generosity and the also thanked me for my generosity to him. He didn't expect to have almost $5,000,000 deposited in his bank account. We watched the jeweler get in his car and drive back to his store. We got in my SUV and went to the Italian Restaurant.

We found a parking spot. It looked like the restaurant was busy. But many people could be in the mall. We walked into the restaurant and it was busy. Not full, but close. A hostess took us to a booth, that was all that was available. I prefer a table, but they were all full. Once we were seated she told us our waiter would be right with us. We waited for a couple of minutes. Graham still couldn't believe that I had him as a co-signer on my bank account. Our waiter came to our table and introduced himself and asked us if we would like a drink before we ordered. We both ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. And told him we wanted a chilled bottle of champagne with our dinner. He brought our drinks and we talked more. We talked about being the owners of the hotel. We both agreed we should start advertising for help. I wanted to hire as many local people as possible. It would help the economy. Even though we had the big paper mill hiring many people, there were always people looking for work. Graham liked that idea and we needed to talk more to work out the logistics. Also, I told him I wanted him to start thinking about some good opportunities to invest our money. I told him as far as charity donations, I was thinking of donating the bulk of the money to the local university. I was thinking of setting up a scholarship fund for students wanting to study medicine, with the high cost of medical education, a scholarship that would cover all their expenses would be a blessing. Also, I knew the sports program needed to redo the fields and upgrade the locker room and gym. I told Graham that would be a department for a donation. Graham liked my ideas and said to go with it. I told him I would setup a meeting with the president of the university and would want him with me when we discussed our donations to the university. Graham understood the logistics and the paperwork needed for making donations.

The waiter came back to our table, and we ordered our dinner. We also had him bring us another drink. We then just looked at each other like lover's do. I was so much in love with Graham and I could see it in his eyes when he was looking at me. I told him, once everything is taken care of and things are settled down to a normal pace, I think we need to go on vacation again to the Bahamas. I had Kendrick's cell phone number and I'll call him to see if he can join us. Also, I'll call the owner of the hotel. He told me he would give us half off on our next stay and would put us up in one of his deluxe suites.

The waiter brought our meal. We had a chateaubriand for two, even though it was a French dish in an Italian restaurant, we wanted something special for our good fortune. Once the waiter served us our dinner, he brought out our champagne and poured us each a flute of champagne. We both thought the meal was the best we had ever had. We finished our dinner and our waiter cleared our plates and we sipped on our champagne. We finished our champagne and declined dessert. The waiter brought the tab and I paid for the meal and Graham left him a large tip. We got up and left. The hostess opened the door for us and thanked us for dining at the restaurant.

We got home and my cell phone started ringing. I looked at the number and it was the jeweler calling. I wondered what he wanted. Maybe he changed his mind. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob. Was just calling to let you know I'm very happy you and Graham have agreed to be co-owners of the hotel."

"We are very happy and surprised. We have already started making plans to advertise for help. We would like to hire as many local people to work at the hotel as possible."

"That's a wonderful idea. I want to be a silent co-owner. The operation of the hotel and hiring of staff is all up to you two. I'm very busy at the jewelry store after the auction, and I wouldn't have time to run a hotel and work my jewelry store."

"I will tell Graham we have free reins to run the hotel and hire as we see fit. Thanks for calling and I will keep you informed on our progress for opening the hotel."

"Thanks Bob, will look forward to hearing from you."

I told Graham about my conversation with the jeweler. He was glad he was giving us free reins to run the hotel and hire the staff.

Graham turned on the tv and found a good movie. I was reading through the daily paper. On the second page was a a full page spread of the grand opening at the Medical Supply Store. There was a picture of Meyer and the article said he planned the Grand Opening for next Wednesday. I showed Graham the page. Other than that announcement there wssn't much of anything else of interest. I was looking through the classified ads and noticed in the corner, a small box announcing the opening of The Bigger One. That was the name of the new porn shop. I told Graham about that. Laughing he said, "we should go there some evening and check it out."

"I'm game if you are."

"Are you serious?"

"Sure, why not? It's a long ways from here and there wouldn't be anyone there that we know."

Graham thought for a couple of minutes. "Ok, just let me know when you want to go."

I had just finished reading the paper and started watching the movie that Graham had on. Suddenly Graham's phone rang. He told me it was Nash. "Hey Nash, what's up?"

"The bachelor party is planned for next Saturday starting at 1:00pm until whenever. The party will be at the hotel and rooms are reserved for those too drunk to drive and those driving a long distance. I'm hoping you can come."

"I wouldn't miss it Nash. Do you have wedding and reception re-scheduled?"

"The wedding is happening the following Saturday at my fiance's families house. The same arrangements have been made at the hotel."

"Ok, I'll be there. You can count on me. You still going to be my best man?"

"Of course man. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Thanks bud, it will be good to see you."

"You too."

I gave Bob the details and he said he would go if I wanted him to. Of course Bob. Nash has rooms reserved so you can hang out at the hotel while I go to the reception. You can attend the wedding if you want or hang out in the hotel if you want. I'll drive to both events and that way I can drive around and see what's in the town. Maybe I'll find something interesting, when you go to the bachelor party and wedding.

We finished watching the movie and we were both falling asleep. We went upstairs to bed and made love until we were so exhausted we couldn't move. I set the alarm for our early morning work out. We were soon both fast asleep in each other's arms.

The alarm woke us up. We headed downstairs and Dave and Holden were in their jocks. What a nice morning picture they make. We got in a good two hour work out. We washed each other and then got into a circle jerk. That was the only thing we had time for. We got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret had everything ready for us on the patio table. It was nice being able to be outside. Our rain had finally passed and we were getting some great weather. We finished breakfast and Dave and Holden left. I told Graham I was going to leave a few minutes early. I wanted to call the university president and set up a time for us to meet. I was thinking Friday when I work a half day. Graham said that would work for him. I could arrange to work a half day. We went to the garage, kissed and hugged and left for work.

I arrived a few minutes early. I wanted to talk to the university president or at least his secretary and set up a meeting on Friday after lunch. I looked up the university directory and found the president's phone number. I called the number and it rang a couple of times. Finally a pleasant sounding lady answered the phone. "This is the office of the university president, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Dr. Bob and I would like to set up a meeting with the president this Friday after lunch. If that is possible."

"Let me see, I'll check his schedule. What time were thinking about on Friday?"

"I was thinking about one thirty or two."

"His afternoon is open on Friday. Should we schedule the meeting for two?"

"Two is perfect."

"May I ask what the meeting will be about? In case, the president needs to have something prepared or ready for the meeting?"

"The meeting will be about giving a donation to the university."

"Ok, thank you Bob. I will pass the information onto the president and look forward to seeing you at two on Friday. You do know where the president's office is located?"

"Yes, I do. I'll see you on Friday."

That went well. Now I hope my day goes well. I noticed an announcement on my computer in regards to Meyer's Grand Opening. I figured I would see that every day until the day of the Grand Opening. I got changed into my lab coat and started my day.

Graham and I had lunch together and I told him about my phone call to the university president's office. The meeting would be at two on Friday. I told him I would work a half day and he said he would too. We could eat lunch at the Italian Restaurant and then go to the meeting after. We ate our lunch and headed back to work.

When we got home, Margaret had left for the day. We decided to wear jocks rather than going naked. I was wondering how long we would keep our jocks on. Graham told me he wanted to start advertising for help at the hotel and start doing interviews. I asked him if he knew how he wanted to do that. He said, he could do interviews in his office. I told him I could do interviews at the hotel after work. He thought that would work. He would take care of the advertising and see what kind of response we got. We ate dinner, watched tv and went to bed.

When we got to the bedroom. We realized we still had our jocks on. Graham got down between my legs and was licking and sucking over my bulge. Then he used his teeth to slide my jock off. I raised my hips so it was easier for him. Once he had my jock slid down, I was already sticking straight up. He went down on me in one gulp. I shot almost immediately, he had me so hot and horny. I filled his mouth with a nice sized load. Then it was my turn to take care of my lover. I got between Graham's legs and kissed and nibbled in his upper thighs, my nose brushing against his balls in his jock. I started sucking and licking over his big bulge. He was leaking and I started sucking it out through his jock. He started moaning and I started pulling his jock down with my teeth. He lifted his hips and I was able to finish pulling it off. His cock sprang straight up and his big balls were hanging down. I couldn't resist them and took one big ball into my mouth and rolled it around and played with it with my tongue. Then I took the other one and gave it the same treatment. His balls were big and full. I flicked up the back side of his shaft and licked and nibbled on that big vein running down the back side. I made my way up to his pee slit and sucked out his precum. Like Graham had done to me, I took him down in one fast gulp. His cock was lodged in my throat. I started working my throat muscles on the length of his shaft. I felt his balls pull up and soon he was bathing my throat with one of his delicious loads. I swallowed it all. We lay there looking at each other. We kissed and snuggled together and fell asleep.

We woke up the next morning, worked out with Holden and Dave. Ate breakfast and left for work. Graham told me he had fliers ready to start hiring staff for the hotel. He had an assisant that was going to start placing them around town, in different businesses. He told me he would have one placed in my clinic on the bulletin board. Both our phone numbers were on the fliers. We talked more during lunch and I told Graham we had a lot going on. Meyer's Grand Opening tomorrow, Wednesday, meeting with the university president Friday afternoon. The bachelor party on Saturday, hiring for the hotel. Our decisions for investing the money, and the opening of The Bigger One. We both knew we would get through it all. It might take a little time, but that was ok. We definitely wanted to go on vacation once we were through with all those things.

We finished lunch and went back to work. The afternoon went quick, and I just wanted to get home and relax. Graham arrived home at the same time as me. We hugged and kissed in the garage. We greeted Margaret. She was finishing our dinner and getting ready to leave. Once she left, we went upstairs and stripped and put jocks on again. Damn we looked good. Keeping in shape with our almost daily work out was really showing. We weren't body builder material, but we didn't look too shabby either. The jocks made our bulges look big. However our big balls contributed a lot to the size. I noticed I had five missed messages on my phone. I went through them. It was already people interested in working at the hotel. I told Graham and he told me had received six calls at work. I told him I was going to get a notepad and write down the names and phone numbers and we could compare if we had duplicate calls and messages. The five messages I had, Graham had received as calls on his phone, plus he had one more. He would take three and I would take three. We were glad all the calls were local numbers. We were surprised that we had calls already. The fliers had been placed later in the afternoon. The three I called were interested in cooking, house keeping and the reception/reservation desk. Grahams three calls were interested in being porters, cooking and house keeping. We agreed that was a good start for the first day. I had set up my interviews after five at the hotel. Graham set his up to interviewed at work.

I got dinner ready for us. Graham got the patio table set and we ate out there. I had my notepad with me. We hadn't decided on any numbers yet. How many cooks, how many waiters, how many housekeepers, how many porters and doormen, how many at the reception/reservation desk. If we were going to buy a piano and have someone playing music in the lobby and general staff to clean, do set ups in the banquet room and a gardener. We both agreed to start out with a small staff. We didn't even know if we would have anyone staying at the hotel. I did remember Anthony telling me to be sure to call him when we decided to open. He already had a list of people that wanted to stay at the hotel. I was wondering if he and Roland would stay at the hotel. I made a chart in my notepad where I could fillin as we hired people for different positions. We finished our dinner and I took everything back to the kitchen. Graham received a call on another person interested in working at the hotel. He wrote the information down in my notepad. I walked back out with a couple of beers and he was on the phone again. He wrote down the information. "This is great babe. Eight calls on the first day. I hope they are all qualified and we can hire them. This is really going to help the local economy."

"I'm surprised there is this much interest. I wonder if they just want to see the hotel, or if they want to work."

We had a repeat performance in bed with our jocks. We added fucking in place of sucking. We sucked each other hard and then sat down on each other's erections. Felt so good. Graham is getting much better at fucking, he's starting to hit all of my hot spots. Once he cums and fills me. Then he sits down on my me until we shoot out big loads. It's a great way to fall asleep.

Here it was Wednesday morning. I told Shirley I was leaving about a half hour early for lunch. I was going to go to Meyer's Grand Opening. I had four missed calls on my phone. I thought probably they were people interested in working at the hotel. I took my notepad with me and I would call them during lunch.

It was time to leave for the Grand Opening. The Medical Supply Store was on the opposite side of the street, but still on the way to the diner. As I got closer I saw that Meyer had some tables set up outside for people to sit. I walked in and had to shuffle my way around. There was quite a few people. Meyer had products on display on top of the counters. He also had brochures printed with all the medical supplies they had in stock. Along with pictures of the new products. I picked up a brochure. Meyer had iced tea, lemonade and coffee along with appetizers. I took a coffee and one of the appetizers. I talked with him for a couple of minutes. I told him I was impressed with the variety of medical supplies he had. He was more stocked than Alec had been and now had some of the latest and newest supplies available. I told him I had a brochure and would be sure to be adding more supplies to my orders. I told him good luck with his Grand Opening and I was going over to the diner for lunch.

When I arrived at the diner. Graham was there and I saw him busy talking on his phone. I walked over and took a seat. I took out my phone and laid my notepad down on the table. I started calling my missed calls. I wrote the information down in my notepad and passed it over to Graham so he could also write down his information on his calls. We decided we'd each interview each person twice. The person doing the second interview would make the final decision about hiring. Graham had contracts for when we hired our hotel staff. We ate our lunch and I told Graham I would be at the hotel just after five to start my interviews, he told me he would join me and do interviews also. We wanted to try to get a starting staff as soon as possible.

My afternoon dragged on and on and finally I finished my last patient. I drove to the hotel. I had my notepad with me and some contracts for hiring hotel staff. I parked next to Graham's car. I walked in and I saw Graham had a place set up in the dining for interviews and another place set up in the lobby. I saw a few people seated in the lobby. I assumed they were here for interviews. Graham walked over and asked where I wanted to do my interviews, I told him I would use the dining room. We got ready in our areas for interviews. I told my group I was ready to start interviews. I was doing the second interview and would be deciding if any of the candidates would be a good fit for working at the hotel. Graham had a couple of people he would be doing a second interview on and then had others for the first interview. I was very impressed with the the group of second interviews. They came with good working experience. The one man had cooked at two hotels in a neighboring town and at a supper club. I decided to hire him and asked him what other staff he would need to help him. He told me someone that could do desserts, and salad. I asked him if he knew of anybody that might be interested. He told me he would make a few phone calls and hopefully they could come in for an interview. I eventually hired all my second interviewees. One lady was hired to work at the reception/reservation desk. Two ladies were hired as house keepers. That ended my interviews. I walked back out to the lobby. Graham had just finished his interviews. He told me he had hired a man to work as a doorman and porter. Also a very qualified lady to work at the reception/reservation desk. He had hired a handyman, that could do repairs, gardening and anything else that needed taken care of. I menioned to Graham, maybe we should call Travis and Brody and see if they would be interested in working at the hotel. We were getting ready to leave when three more people entered for interviews. I told Graham I would do their interviews, if he wanted to call Travis and Brody. Two of the people had worked with the cook that I hired. They could do desserts and salads. I hired them. The other lady came with years of house keeping experience. I hired her to work in housekeeping. I had their phone numbers on my hiring contracts and had told all the people I hired, I would we calling them as soon as we were ready to open. Graham told me Travis and Brody were definitely interested in working at the hotel. They would be glad to do repairs and handyman work, they said they wouldn't be able to work full time. But part time after work and on weekends as needed. Graham told them that was perfect. Just what we were looking for. Graham and I compared notes. We already had a pretty good staff for starting. I told Graham I would call Anthony when we got home. We just needed to set an opening date and start advertising. I also wanted to ask Anthony if he had anybody in mind that might work as a hotel manager.

We finished at the hotel and locked it and went home. We stripped down. We were hot and sweaty after work and the interviews. Graham said he would get dinner ready and bring me a beer. I went into the living room and called Anthony. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you. Sorry we haven't called back after the auction. As soon as we got back we had another auction to start getting ready for."

"No problem Anthony. I was calling to let you know we have about finished all our hiring for the hotel. We've been able to hire all local people which I'm happy about. It will help the economy. Anyhow, I'm in need of a hotel manager. Do you know of anybody that would be able to do that job?"

"Actually, I do Bob. I have two men in mind. One is retired, but I think he'd come out of retirement when he could move to a small town and get away from the rush and traffic of the city. He's an older gentleman, but has years of experience. The other man is younger and I'd have to convince him of the benefits of moving and working in a small town. I will give you a call as soon as I've had a chance to talk to both of them. Do you know when you'll be opening?"

"Probably next week. Graham is already getting fliers ready to post. He's as excited about the hotel as I am."

"Maybe when I call you back, you'll have a day when you will have your Grand Opening and start being open. I can then contact people I know want to stay in the hotel and use some of it's features, like the banquet room and the dining room."

"I should have a pretty good idea when we will be opening tomorrow. Graham will have all the advertising finalized and be ready for the opening. We were able to get a local web designer do a web site for us. Once I have that I will pass it on to you."

"Thanks for calling Bob. I'm excited for both of you guys. I know you'll have plenty of business. I'll look forward to the information I need when I call you back. Talk to you soon. Bye."


"What did Anthony say babe?" Handing me my beer.

"He told me he knew of a couple of men that might be interested in being a hotel manager. He also wanted a date when we would be opening. He also told me, he people waiting to stay at the hotel and they just needed the go ahead. I told him I would give him the web site when it's up and running."

"That's great news. I was thinking, we need to hire one more porter. Any other people we will put on a list with their qualifications, if and when we need to hire more help."

"You've put a lot of thought into this?"

"It's part of my job I like."

We ate our dinner and watched the news and read the newspaper. Graham checked the sports channels while I cleared our dinner and put everything away. He told me a good game was just starting. It seemed late for a game to just start. Graham said there had been some presidential message on tv and that was why the game was starting later. We watched the game until half-time and went to bed. We were tired from work and everything with the hotel.

We were eating lunch at the diner. It was already Thursday. I got a call from Anthony. He told me the older man was interested in working as the hotel manager. He would fly in tomorrow and would have a rental car. He wanted to meet us and then take a look around the town. I told Anthony, the Grand Opening would be next Wednesday and that would be our first official day open. Graham told me he had everything arranged for the seamstress in town to make uniforms for our hotel staff. Uniforms would be a dark royal red with gold trim. The same colors as in the hotel. The chef had his own uniform and his help also. Graham said he had the announcement starting in the paper tomorrow through Wednesday when we would have the Grand Opening and officially be open. I told Graham I thought I better stay back and not go with him to the bachelor party. I would need to spend time with the older gentleman coming. And we may still have more people coming in to be interviewed. I could tell Graham was disappointed, but he agreed with me.

The rest of the day went by fast. Soon we were eating dinner and watching tv. I had received another call from Anthony and he told me the older man would probably arrive at our house around 3:00pm. Anthony told me he had given him my phone number in case he needed help with directions. We watched a movie and then went to bed.

Here it was Friday already. We had a lot going on today. We worked out with Holden and Dave. Ate breakfast and left for work. We agreed to eat lunch at the Italian Restaurant. The mall was close to the university. So we could take our time eating and not have to rush to the university president's office. Graham and I had talked earlier and I planned on giving all the money for charity to the university but to be used in different areas and departments. I was sure the president would agree. Graham would leave after our meeting with the president for the bachelor party. Nash had told him he had rooms available at the hotel where the party was being held. I would come back to the house and wait on the older man.

My morning went fast. I was glad. We all worked a half day and Shirley told me she would lock the clinic. I got into my SUV and called Graham and told him I was on my way to the Italian Restaurant in the mall. He told me he was finishing up and would be there shortly. I walked into the restaurant and got seated. I ordered a glass of white wine. I didn't want anything too heavy or strong having the meeting with the president in a little while. The waiter had just brought my wine when Graham walked in. He ordered a glass of white wine too. We talked more about the meeting coming up with the president. Even though Graham had attended a different university, he was in favor of what I wanted to do with the charity money. Since the university was just on the edge of town. It was another opportunity to help the community. The university students spent a lot of money in town and at the mall. Who knows, maybe they would be interested in the hotel too. Our waiter came and we ordered our lunch. We kept our lunch light and ordered seafood salads. We had another glass of white wine with our salads. The food was good as always. Graham had dessert while I sipped on my glass of wine. It was already 1:40pm and we thought we probably should pay the bill and make our way over to the university.

Graham followed me since I was familiar with university and I knew where the office building was located. Luckily we were able to find parking spots close to the office building. We walked into the building. The offices were located in one of the older buildings, but the university kept everything up well. The building had that school smell. There was something about being in the university and it's distinctive smell. We took the elevator to the third floor where the dean's offices were and the president's office. We walked into the waiting area of the president's office. The president still had the same secretary when I was attending. She recognized me and said, "Hi, Bob. It's nice to see you. It's been a long time. The president is in a meeting with the dean's of the university. They should finish soon. Their meetings tend to run long.

"That's ok. We got here a few minutes early." I then introduced the secretary to the Graham. Just then the meeting room door opened and I saw the dean's walking out. I greeted them and we talked for a couple of minutes. The president was the last one to leave the meeting room. He greeted me and Graham and told us to follow him into his office.

We sat at a small meeting table in his office. "So gentlemen, what brings you to me office. My secretary didn't give me any hints or suggestions what this meeting would be about."

"Well, as you know. I did my undergraduate studies here. Then entered medical school. Did my internship and residency at the local hospital. What we want to do is to give something back to the university for the great educations they give here."

"Well thank you for your compliments Bob, however, I don't remember Graham being a student here at the university."

"Your correct he didn't attend this university. But since he is a co-signer on my bank accounts, he needed to attend this meeting."

"You definitely have me curious Bob, what is it you want to do?"

"Graham and I talked about this a lot and he is in total agreement with me. As you may know there was a jewelry auction at the hotel. All I can tell you is that the jewelry belonged to me, and I made a lot of money at the auction. What I want to do is donate half the profits to the university."

"That's very generous of you Bob. What are we talking about $1,000, $5,0000, $10,000?"

"We're talking about "19,200,000."

"I thought the university president was going to pass out. Of course, your kidding, right Bob?"

"No, actually I'm quite serious."

"Well, that is a lot of money. Are you sure you know what your doing?"

"Yes sir. I'm very sure. We would like to donate a part of the money to the sports department. I know they need to redo their fields and update the locker rooms and gym. The bulk of the money I would like to donate to the medical school. We would like to set up a scholarship fund for students that can't afford the high cost of a medical education."

"I see you men have thought about this. This is quite generous of you Bob. I will have to have a meeting with the board of directors of the university and the medical school. We have forms that we keep on file for donations. As you may know or may not know, all donations are tax deductible."

"Yes, I'm aware of that," said Graham. The president then called his secretary and told her to bring in two donation forms. She came in with two forms and handed them to the president. "As far as donating to the sports department, I can tell you that we have been kicking around the idea of building a stadium where all our sports could be played. We have raised $5,000,000, but we've looking for matching funds. With your donation we could see that dream come true. And then for setting up a scholarship fund for medical students, that's a wonderful idea and something I'm sure the medical school would support one hundred percent. Like I told you, I will need to have a university directors meeting and a meeting of the directors of the medical school. In the meantime, I would like you and Graham to fill out these two donation forms. One form will be for the sports department, and the second form will be for the medical school. I would appreciate if you can have these forms filled out and brought back to my secretary as soon as possible. As soon as I have the forms, then I can have the two meetings. It's possible one or both of you will need to attend the meetings."

"That's not a problem for us. We can fill out these forms and get them back to you on Monday. Do you foresee any problems with our donation to the university?"

"I don't see a problem. It's just that we've never received a donation for this amount of money. I can assure you that your names will figure prominently when we name the stadium and set up the scholarship fund. The directors will talk about the logistics of the money donated and how you want to donate it. They will decide how much should go to the sports department and how much should be donated to the medical school. That's why one or both of you should be present. Also, is your bank aware of your decision to donate this amount of money?"

"Yes the bank is. We have two accounts set up. One account is money for donations and another account is for investing and savings. Well, you men have done your business and seem to have everything in place." The university president then gave us his personal cell phone number, and we gave him ours. He wanted to know when we brought the donation forms and he would call us when the director meetings would take place. He shook our hands and walked out of the office with us."

I had the forms for the donations. I told Graham I would fill them out and then take a picture on my cell phone and send it to him to make sure I had everything filled out correctly. Graham told me depending on how the bachelor party went. He might come home tomorrow night. I told him if he had a lot to drink, it would be better to stay at the hotel and drive home the next day. He said it just depended on how he felt. We found a rather secluded place to hug and kiss and then Graham headed out to the hotel for the bachelor party tomorrow, and I drove home with the forms. It was already 2:45pm and the older man hadn't called. I was wondering if he was already at the gate waiting for me.

As I got closer to home. I didn't see a car waiting for me. I was kind of glad. Hopefully, it would give me a few minutes to look at the forms and start filling them out before he arrived. I pulled in and parked in the garage. It felt strange coming into the house and being by myself. I missed Graham a lot. I still needed to visit Drake's grave, but it would have to wait until we had everything going at the hotel.

Logan had seen the advertising for the Grand Opening of the hotel in town. This wasn't somthing he liked to attend and be around so many people, but he thought the hotel might give him some ides on his story he was writing. He wouldn't have to stay long. Just a quick in and out and that should give him some ideas. He would go with his notepad.

I just got in the house and was looking around. Something didn't seem right. I checked around some more. I missed Graham and that's what didn't seem right. I knew he would call me once he arrived at the hotel. I went into the living and turned on the tv. Not much on that interested me. I started looking at the daily paper when I heard the speaker. "Hello, is Bob there?"

"This is Bob, I'll open the gate for you and just park on the side parking by the garage. I saw a man get out and walk up to the front door. He didn't look very old for someone being retired. I opened the door and we greeted each other. And we walked into the living room. I looked at him kind of strange. "Is everything ok Bob? Your giving me a strange look."

"Everything is fine. I was wondering where your luggage was?"

"I have my luggage and garment bags in the car. I wasn't sure where I would be staying and I didn't want to impose on you."

"Your not imposing at all. I thought you'd be staying here. I don't know what your living plans are?"

"I'd like a tour of the town and then maybe end at the hotel. If you have a real estate office, I'd be looking to rent or buy a house."


"Would like something to drink before we head out?"

"Just a glass of water would be fine."

"I think we'll head to the real estate office, before they close and see what they have available."

He finished his water and we got in my SUV and headed out for the real estate office. "This is a small town. It's my first time being in a town of this size. What's the population?"

"Last census we were just over 10,000 residents in town. I'm not sure of the total population when they include the rural areas."

I pulled up to the real estate office. I saw lights on so I knew they were still open. I was hoping the man that had sold me the Mason house was working. He was and we walked over to his desk. We shook hands and I introduced the man to the real estate agent. I told them I would go for a walk while they talked.

I came back a little while later. It looked like I timed it just right. They were getting up and the agent told me he had two places to show the older man. I asked them if it was okay if I tagged along. I was curious to see what was available. They both said sure that I was welcome to go with them. I sat in the back of the agent's car while the older man and agent sat in the front. The first house they went too, was a refurb. It looked nice from the outside. They went in first and I followed. The house looked nice. Whomever had done the renovations did an excellent job. It was a three bedroom house with a large yard and covered patio. The older man said he would like to look at the other house before he made a decision. We drove to a new development area. I didn't even know this existed. We went into a model house to get an idea of the layout and size. The agent said they would construct the house to the owners specifications. They had many options and addons to look at. The owner asked the agent how long it would take to have a house built from the construction company. He said, depending on the addons it could be four to six months. He asked if the lot was included in the price of the house. The agent said it was. The older man said that was the way he wanted to go. He asked the agent when he could speak with the contractor for the houses. The agent told him he could set that up for Monday. Let's go back to the office and we can start the paperwork. This will be a temporary contract until you've talked to the construction boss and settle on the addons and the final cost. The older man asked if there were any rooms available or houses to rent while he waits on his new house. The agent said there are rooms available above the diner, however, I do have one house that's available for renting. We took off again in the agent's car and looked at the rental house. It was furnished and in good condition. The owner liked it very much. He asked the agent if he would be able to rent it until his house was finished. The agent said the owners of the house were out of the country on business and told him they would be gone for at least six to eight months. So we went back to the agents office and the older man signed a monthly rental contract on the house. I heard him say his name was Sam. The agent handed Sam the keys and now he had a rental house.

We left the office and I drove the older Sam around town a little more and finally we ended up in front of the hotel. Sam said it looked quite impressive from the outside. Bob said, "wait until you see the inside." Sam couldn't believe what he saw. The hotel was spacious. He couldn't believe how big the banquet room was and dining room. We then went upstairs so he could see a master bedroom and one of the smaller guest rooms. He said that I really had a gem here and that it shouldn't be any problem on keeping this hotel occupied as well as having many events scheduled for the banquet room. I then asked Sam how old he was. He told me was sixty two and retired, but Anthony can be very persuasive and I thought this might be something I'd be interested in. I was right.

Sam, even though he didn't look like he was in sixties more in his forties started telling me about his background in the hotel work. He came from a wealthy family. His parents owned a chain of luxury hotels. Once they passed away. The older man inherited the hotels. Since he was already getting older, it was more than he wanted to handle so he sold the chain for a large amount of money. He had started as a houseboy when he was young until he graduated from high school. Then he studied hotel management in college and earned his degree. He then worked alongside his father learning all the goings on of a hotel and how it runs. He then worked for many years as the general hotel manager for the chain of hotels. He liked the work, but not the traveling. When this opportunity came along, with Anthony's help, it sounded liked the perfect job for me. So that's my story. I told him I was impressed and asked him if he would like to go for dinner and drive his car to his rental house.

He said that would be nice. We drove over to the mall and ate at the Italian Restaurant. Sam apologized and said he didn't eat a big dinner. He would just have a seafood salad with a glass of white wine. I ordered the seafood special, one of my favorites. Had my shrimp and lobster prepared thermidor. We drank a glass of white wine while we waited for dinner. I asked Sam what he thought about our little town. He said he didn't know what to expect. But he was pleasantly surprised and thought he could get the hotel going without much problem. I told him we had advertising out for the Grand Opening next Wednesday, There were fliers in all the businesses and a spread each day in the daily paper. He asked if we had anything on television or the internet. I told him we didn't do any advertising on the television, but we did have a local man that has designed our web site and will keep it updated for us. He said that was good. He told me he had alot of contacts and with what he saw at the hotel he knew they would be most impressed. Our dinner arrived. Sam liked his salad and asked me how I could eat so much food. I told him I was a few years younger and that I have a gym and locker room in my house that I used faithfully. He said, "no wonder you can eat so much food. I could to when I was younger."

We ate our dinner and I paid and left a tip. We decided to go back to my house and then the Sam would follow me. Since he wasn't sure how to get to the rental house. He said it would take him a couple of days to get acquainted with the town. I told him no problem. He followed me and soon we pulled into the driveway of his rental house. It had a large two stall garage. I helped him with his luggage and garment bags. We made it up to the front door and he unlocked it and found a light switch. He walked down the hallway, I assumed where the bedrooms were. He asked me if I would help him lug everything into the master bedroom. We finished that and he thanked me and said he was going to put his clothes away. And check the house after. Watch a little tv and go to bed. He thanked me for all of my help and I told him if there was anything else I could do, to give me a call.

I was anxious to get back home and see if Graham would be calling. He should be getting to the hotel soon. I just got inside and my cell phone rang. It was Graham. It was good to hear his voice. I told him how much I missed him and he told me the same. He said the hotel was nice, but ours was much better. He said he was tired after the long drive and the traffic was heavy almost the whole way. I told him good night and I would think about him. I told him about the older man Sam, arriving and already getting settled into a rental house. He's going to have a new house built. I told Graham how impressed he was with the hotel and that he came with many years of hotel experience. We said our good nights and disconnected.

Anthony was correct. This hotel would rival any fine hotel in New York City. I know I can keep this hotel full for Bob and his companion. That reminds me, I didn't see his companion. This went faster than I thought it would. It will be nice having a new house built to my specifications. Let's take a look around this house. Furnishings are ok, they will do for the time being. Appliances are a little dated. But at least all the essentials are here. Dishes, baking dishes and there's a grill for barbequeing on the patio. Everything that I need.

Since it wasn't late, Graham thought he'd hang around in the lobby after he got settled into his room. He'd just sit and watch, and maybe pick up a few tips for when they start running their hotel. He had a received a few calls he would pass onto Bob. More people interested in working at the hotel. It would be good to hear Bob's voice. He missed him a lot. This was the first time they had been separated.

Graham got settled into his room and walked back to the lobby. He took a seat kind of in the middle. So he could observe the reservation counter and how the doorman and porters worked. He watched to see if their was a hotel manager. He wanted to call Bob first and pass on the names and numbers and talk to his lover. Graham called Bob. "Hi babe, did you get settled in your room?"

"Yeah, I'm in the lobby, just observing the reception desk and the doorman and porters."

"That's a great idea. Since owning a hotel is a new experience for us, you might pick up a few tips. Sure good to hear your voice. Just laying here naked on the couch thinking about you."

"Wish I was naked there with you. I have some names and telephone numbers of people that are interested in working at our hotel. They need to be interviewed and then added to our waiting list if they seem like good candidates."

Graham gave me the names and phone numbers and I checked it against the ones I had received and two names were duplicated. I told Graham I would try to get them interviewed tomorrow if it worked out. We talked awhile longer and said our goodnights. I watched a little television and then went to bed. It was time to give buddy a good workout.

I got buddy out of his hiding place in the closet. I got out my lube and towel. I lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole working the lube around good. Then I lubed buddy real good, my eight inch dildo. I shoved buddy in and worked the dildo good back and forth over my prostate. I was leaking like crazy. I used my precum to stroke my cock. I started humping on the dildo while I stroked my cock. It felt pretty good, but not as good as Graham. I was soon panting and sweating and started shooting out all over my chest. A little hit my face and the rest ran down the side of my hand. I used the towel to wipe myself off and the dildo. I put the dildo in the shower to use tomorrow morning. I was tired after my little work out, and went to sleep.

I woke up a little tired. Had a restless sleep. Not used to sleeping my myself. I'll fix myself some breakfast and then shower and head over to the hotel to do the interviews.

Jarvis and Jennifer got home from their honeymoon. They had a good time, but were both anxious to get back and start spending some time with their best friends. Jarvis told Jennifer he was going to the grocery store to pick up some things they needed. Actually, Jarvis had called Reggie earlier and they were going to get together at a hotel on the outside of town. Jarvis kissed Jennifer goodbye and told her it would take awhile because he's not familiar with the grocery store and he wanted to go to the new grocery store that had just opened.

Jennifer was glad Jarvis was leaving, it would give her time to get with her best friend Deb. Jennifer picked up the phone and called Deb. "Hi Jennifer, when did you guys get back from your honeymoon?'

"A few hours ago. Jarvis is gone to the grocery store and will be gone for awhile. I was wondering if you wanted to get together?"

"Sure, Reggie is gone. I think he's going to his new construction job. He didn't say. We could go to the hotel on the outside of town. Nobody would see us there."

"That sounds perfect Deb, should I pick you up or do you want to drive yourself?"

"You can swing by and pick me up. I'll leave a note for Reggie, so he knows I'll be back later."

"Ok, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Don't get take too long. I'm already getting wet thinking about us being together."

"Keep your panties on, at least until I get there. Be there in a few minutes."

Jarvis pulled up in the back of the hotel. He knew his car wouldn't be spotted their and nobody would know he was there. He called Reggie and told him the room number. And that the room was on the back side of the hotel. Jarvis walked in. Nothing fancy, but they weren't there for a convention, just a fun hook up with two good friends. Jarvis took his shirt off and shoes while he waited for Reggie. Soon he heard the door open and Reggie walked in. Jarvis could see a big bulge in the front of Reggie's jeans. "Looks like somebody missed me?"

"you know it bro. I was checking the calendar every day waiting for you to get back." Reggie closed and locked the door. He took his shoes off and crawled in next to Jarvis. They kissed and hugged. Showing each other how much they missed each other. Jarvis took off Reggie's shirt and sucked and nibbled on his pecs and nips. Reggie was already moaning. Jarvis unbuckled Reggie's jeans and slid them down with his underwear. Reggie finished kicking off his jeans and underwear. His thick seven and a half inches was sticking straight up. Jarvis licked and sucked on his Reggie's navel and through his pubes. Then took Reggie's cock down his throat in one quick gulp. Reggie's precum tasted really good. He didn't want Reggie to cum quick so he backed off and laid back on the bed. Reggie then unbuckled Jarvis' cargo shorts. He slid them down and off with Jarvis' boxers. Jarvis' fat seven inches was sticking up and waiting for Reggie. Reggie licked and kissed down over Jarvis' abs and licked and sucked on his navel. Then licked through Jarvis' pubes and around the base of his cock. Reggie licked up the back side of Jarvis' cock and licked his precum off. Jarvis had the best tasting precum. He slowly sucked Jarvis down his throat. Wrapping his throat muscles around Jarvis' cock. Jarvis was moaning and gasping it felt so good. Soon they moved around into a sixty nine and started working on each other's hard shafts. They licked a couple of fingers and worked them into each other's holes. They would fuck later, there was no hurry. As they got closer and closer their sucking got faster and faster and soon they were blasting big loads into each other's mouths and throats. They pulled their fingers out and just cuddled up close together. Kissing passionately. Reggie had brought some lube and set it on one of the night tables. They just laid together, cuddling and rubbing their cocks together.

Jennifer pulled into Deb's driveway. Deb was waiting and was out the door in a flash when she saw Jennifer pull in. Deb got in and Jennifer leaned over and they had a quick kiss. Didn't want the neighbors seeing them kissing. Jennifer pulled out and they headed to the hotel. They talked about the honeymoon and where they went. They said they should talk to their husbands about the four of them going somewhere on vacation. Deb had a hand down Jennifer's shorts while she was driving. Jennifer didn't wear any panties and it was easy for Deb to find her clit and give it a good workout. Jennifer was doing the same to Deb. They saw the hotel coming up on the right side and thought they better cool it, till they got in their room. Jennifer pulled up in front and told Deb to wait for her. Jennifer asked the receptionist if they had any rooms available on the back side of the hotel. She told Jennifer, unfortunately they were all full. They had only one room left down the far side of the front of the building. Jennifer paid for the room and took the room key. She told Deb about only one room left. Jennifer parked and they walked into the room. Little did the girls know, but their husbands were in the room directly on the other side of their room. They were soon stripped down naked and kissing and sucking on each other's tits. They were so horny for each other, they soon found themselves in a sixty nine munching on each other's vaginas and sucking and nibbling on their clits. Jennifer had brought a strap on they would use later. They weren't in a hurry. They had a lot of days to make up for.

Bob got his lazy ass out of bed and walked downstairs and made some breakfast. He didn't have to be to the hotel until around ten, so he had time. He decided not to workout. He might do that later when he got back. He finished breakfast and put everything away. He walked over to the patio doors and looked outside. It was sunny and looked like a nice day. He walked upstairs to take a shower. He saw buddy laying on the shower seat. He got the water adjusted and took a long hot steamy shower. It felt good and relaxed his muscles. He lathered up buddy and fastened it to the shower seat. He stuck a couple of fingers up his hole and worked them around stretching his hole. He then lowered his ass down on the dildo. His ass lips slowly opened and he felt his ass muscles pulling on the dildo. Soon the dildo was all the way up his hole. It filled him pretty good. Bob started moving up and down on the dildo. He was leaned back on the shower seat and he grabbed his hardon and started stroking. Working up and down on the dildo and while he jerked off. He was geting really hot and horny. He started picking up the speed. Soon he shot out hitting his hair and face and chest. The rest was running down the side of his hand. He wished Graham was in the shower with him to clean him off. Bob licked his cum off his hand. He preferred Graham's cum, but his would do. He got off the dildo and rinsed off. He cleaned the dildo off and dried off. He put his buddy away in it's hiding place. He got dressed and thought he would get to the hotel a few minutes early.

When Bob pulled up in front of the hotel there was a large S-Class Mercedes Benz. He was wondering who owned that. I hadn't seen it around town. The hotel was open. Bob walked in and saw Sam walking around. He was coming from the banquet room. He told me he had a place set up for interviews in the banquet room. I thanked him. He said there were four people in there waiting. I told Sam I was expecting a couple more people and he could send then into the banquet room. I asked Sam if he knew who owned the large S-Class Mercedes Benz parked in front of the hotel. He said it belonged to him. Sam said he also had a Mercedes Benz GLS SUV. He had just brought them and took his rental back.

I walked into the banquet room and noticed Sam had a table set up with beverages and sandwiches. I was positioned in the middle of the back wall. The interviewees were seated close to the buffet table on the side wall. I noticed Sam had a list of the names of the interviewees. I had brought my notepad and checked the names. These were four of the six I was expecting. I called the name of the first person on my list. The interviews went well. And I added them all to my waiting list. I told the interviewees that as we got busier they would be called and see if they were still interested in working at the hotel. At the moment I didn't know how long that would be. I finished the interviews. The other two interviewees had come in while I was interviewing. They all had good backgrounds and definitely people we would hire when the time was right.

I talked to Sam for awhile. He was getting his office ready and organized. He already talked to the workers we had hired. He said he was planning on having a meeting with them next Tuesday. The day before the Grand Opening. Sam also told me he had guests visiting on Wednesday, Grand Opening day, they would probably be staying. He told me he had talked to the chef and everything was ordered for the kitchen. The chef and his crew would start work on Tuesday and have everything ready for the Grand Opening on Wednesday. Sam and the chef had already worked out a menu that was being printed. The rooms would be freshened on Tuesday and ready for the Grand Opening. Sam asked me if the co-owner would be coming to the Grand Opening. I told him I didn't know, but I thought so. I told Sam I would give him a call and make sure he knew about the Grand Opening.

I told Sam bye and thanked him for everything he had done. I got into my SUV and my phone rang. It was Graham. "Hi babe, how's everything going? Did you do the interview?"

"The interviews went great, they are all on the waiting list. Sam is getting all the last minute details done for the Grand Opening, Wednesday. How is the bachelor party going?"

"People are arriving. I know maybe a handful of people. I asked Nash about the people here. He said most are co-workers and friends."

"How many people is Nash expecting?"

"I've heard anywhere from twenty to thirty people. It looks like maybe twenty people are here now."

"Remember babe, if you drink. I want you to stay in the hotel and not try driving home. I miss you. But I don't want to miss you for the wrong reason."

"I'll be careful babe. Nothing to worry about. I haven't had anything to drink yet. Probably only one or two drinks. If it stays like this. I will leave early. It's really boring. Nothing like Jarvis' bachelor party. We need those male strippers here to liven this place up."

"Be careful. And let me know how the party goes."

"I will. I'll let you know if I leave early."

I took off for home. While I was driving home I was thinking about the vacant lot behind the hotel. I was wondering if the lot belonged to the city and if it was for sale. It would be good to buy and use as a parking lot for the hotel. We could fence it in so it was protected and have a guard at night. If business goes well at the hotel, we could use it for valet parking. I'll have to talk to Graham about that and maybe mention it to Sam. Also, once the hotel is operating to capacity and is running well, I need to talk to Travis and see about getting the house remodeled and the backyard. I'm thinking of putting in a sunroom/solarium in the attic. Have it done tropical like when we were in the Bahamas, be a nice surprise for Graham.

I got home and got out of my clothes. I read the daily paper and watched the early news. Both the newspaper and the television said about the same things. I turned off the tv and went out to the patio. I walked around and checked out the pool area, formulating ideas in my mind of what I would like. I want the whole backyard and pool area redone. Have a waterfall and grotto added and a jacuzzi. New plants and trees and it should look pretty good. Once the house is done I'll have an open house and invite friends and family. It will be a good time to come out to everyone. It's been long enough. Now that I have my soulmate and love of my life, I think's it's time I make that announcement.

I walked back inside and checked the sports channels. Found a game that was just starting the third quarter. Grabbed a beer and relaxed on the couch watching the game. Soon my phone rang. It was Dave. "Hi Dave, what's up?"

"Not much yet. Was wondering if you and Graham wanted some company?"

"Of course. your always welcome. Is it okay if Holden comes too?"

"The more that come the better. Can't wait to see you guys cum?"

"Ha, ha, funny Bob. We'll be there in a few minutes. We'll bring some beer and snacks."

"Ok, I'll be waiting and ready."

I just hung up with Dave and my phone rang again, it was Graham. "Hi babe, how's the bachelor party?"

"It's as boring as hell. I told Nash I wasn't feeling well and was going to head home, but it'd be back for sure next weekend for the wedding."

"How you feeling? Did you have a lot to drink?"

"Nothing to worry about, I just had one beer. Just got everything into my car and I'm heading out for home."

"Ok babe, can't wait for you to get here. Dave called and he and Holden are coming over. So we will have a little party when you get here. Maybe they will stay overnight and have an all night party. Take your time and don't hurry to get home. Can't wait to feel your body and kiss you and make love to you. Miss you babe."

"How can I take my time when you tell me things like that. I won't rush getting home. Be nice to hang out with Dave and Holden. Hope they decide to spend the night. See you soon babe."

"Love you you and take your time."

"Yes mother. Love you too. Bye."

Just that quick conversation with Graham and I was already hard. I heard the gate and saw Dave and Holden walking into the front yard. It looked like Dave was carrying beer and Holden had a grocery bag of something. I opened the door for them in my naked glory. They both of course noticed my hardon. I noticed bulges in their jeans. They walked in and put the beer and grocery bag on the kitchen island. We hugged and kissed and they got comfortable while I got us a beer. They had brought pretzels and a couple cans of mixed nuts. It all tastes good with beer. I thought I'd splurge. Hopefully we would have a good work out together and burn off the junk food calories. I handed the guys a beer and they went out to the patio. I put the snacks in a couple of dishes and carried them out and put them on a couple of small patio tables between the loungers. We moved the loungers together with the snacks on the end. They wanted me in the middle and they were on each side of me. We got into a group kiss and hug. It felt good to be with the guys. We hadn't worked out for a few days and I missed them not being around. We got into a circle jerk, but we wanted to hold off cumming so we stopped jerking for a couple of minutes and then moved around into a circle suck. I had Holden's big cock in my face. I sucked him down like it was my buddy. My buddy and Holden were exactly the same size. Holden started moaning when I wrapped my throat muscles around his hard shaft. We soon were all making sucking and slurping sounds and started shooting down each other's throats. The salty sweet taste of cum made us thirsty and we downed our beers. Dave got up and got us another round of beers. I grabbed the snacks and set them down between us.

Jarvis told Reggie to be quiet for a minute he wanted to hear what was going on, on the other side of the wall between their two rooms. Jarvis said, "that sure sounded like Jennifer on the other side of this wall."

"Are you sure Jarvis?" They both put their ears to the wall to hear better. They heard Jennifer, "oh Deb that feels so good. I think your tongue gets bigger and longer everytime."

"Holy shit Jarvis your right. I think it's our two wives in that bedroom on the other side of this wall. Let's listen a bit more to be sure."

"Did you bring your strap on Jennifer?"

"Sure did hon. I brought the big one, the one you like. I wonder what our husbands are doing? They would shit their pants if they knew what we were doing."

"You got that right Deb. Jarvis would go nuts if he knew we were both lesbians and have been lovers for many years."

"Reggie would too. He would go ballistic if he found out about us. Get the strap on on. I want to feel that big cock sliding in and out of my hot wet pussy."

Jarvis and Reggie looked at each other and started laughing. Their wives had been lovers probably as long as they had. They wondered if they should knock on the door or let them be and do their own thing. They decided to get louder and see if they heard them fooling around. They decided to get louder and see if their wives heard them. Jarvis started. "Reggie shove that big hard cock down my throat. I want to deep throat you and play with your balls."

"How does that feel?"

"Perfect, move around so I can stroke you and make you cum."

The girls suddenly got quiet. "Did you hear that Deb?"

"It sounded like Jarvis on the other side of this wall. Let's get quiet and put our ears up to the wall and listen."

"God I love you Jarvis. Your big cock gets me so hot and horny."

They were smiling at each other. They knew their wives were listening on the other side. "Your the best lover Jarvis. We've been fooling around since we were kids."

Deb and Jennifer looked at each other and started laughing. "Do you believe that Jennifer. Our husbands have been fooling around probably almost as long as we have. Do you think we should knock on their door?"

"No I have a better idea. The next time we are all together. You and me can start making out and see what our guys do."

"That's a good idea. Maybe they will get turned on and start making out together too."

I heard the kitchen door and Graham walked in with his overnight bag. He didn't look tired. I walked over and hugged and kissed him. He hugged and kissed me back. I told him to go upstairs and get comfortable and I'd have a cold beer waiting for him. I watched Graham walk upstairs. He looked sexier every time.

Graham quickly put his clothes away and stripped down. He walked back downstairs and out to the patio. Holden had an empty lounger ready for Graham. They kissed and hugged and then Dave walked over and the three kissed and hugged some more. We decided to put on our jocks. We'd see how long we could keep them on. I went downstairs and grabbed our jocks out of our lockers. Of course I had to sniff their jocks. Damn they smelt good. Not too strong, just a good mix of sweat and cum. We helped each other put on our jocks. We made a pretty good looking group of men. Nice big bulges in our jock pouches. We started rubbing over each other's bulges, watching them get bigger and bigger. We soon started sucking the outline of our cocks through our jocks and we were leaking. We got on our knees and moved close together so our bulges were rubbing together. We couldn't take it any longer and we started removing each other's jocks with our teeth. By the time our jocks were off, we were all hard and dripping. We moved around into a group suck making us all pant and gasp as we got closer and closer. Soon we started shooting out our loads into each other's mouth and swallowing down some big loads. We decided to continue our love making upstairs in the bedroom. We closed and locked the patio doors. I grabbed us another beer and we all walked up to our bedroom.

Reggie and Jarvis were formulating a plan. They thought the next time they were all together. They thought they would start making out and see what their girls would do. Maybe they could work out some weekend where they could all get together at at swingers retreat or a nudist camp or if they were more daring a gay resort. They decided they had had enough and got dressed. They kissed and hugged and gropped each other a couple of times and took off for home in their separate cars. They agreed to stay in touch and work out their plan.

Jennifer and Deb had had enough. They were worn out after using the strap on on each other and hearing their guys in the other bedroom. They had decided to mention to them about the four of them going away for the weekend. Maybe a swingers retreat or if the guys were for it, a gay resort. Where they could all go off and do their own thing. They would wait until the time was right and then talk to their guys about it. They got in the car and Jennifer took Deb home.

Reggie got home and Deb was in the bedroom. He was wondering if she was douching herself. He wondered if she went shopping for more strap ons. She came out when she heard Reggie and they kissed and hugged. She told him she had the kids ready for bed. They curled up together on the couch and watched a movie. Pretending like they didn't know what the other person had been doing.

Jarvis got home and Jennifer was their watching tv. "Hi babe, did you get everything we needed from the grocery store?"

"Yeah hon, everything is here on the kitchen counter."

Jennifer walked out to the kitchen. They hugged and kissed and acted like nothing had happened. They both put the groceries away and snuggled together on the couch watching a movie.

The guys just laid on the bed. With their sides touching. They decided to take a shower and see what comes up. Like they didn't already know. They washed each other and soon got into fucking. They made a train, with Dave fucking Bob. Graham fucking Dave and Holden fucking Graham. Dave reached around and stroked Bob while he fucked him. It made a pretty hot sight watching those guys fuck. Soon they picked up their pace and were shooting their cum home. They all had another big load for a second one. They rinsed off and toweled off and jumped back into bed. They pulled the covers over themselves, snuggled together and fell asleep.

The owner of The Bigger One was pleased with business. He had only been open a few days and business was better than before the explosion. Like he had promised, he gave the construction workers a discount in the porn shop. He had a new college kid working the glory hole and everyone was pleased with his service. The owner was pleased too, he was making more money from the glory hole than before. He still split the profits fifty fifty with the kid. He knew the kid liked getting fucked too. Blowjobs were fifty dollars and a blowjob and fuck was one hundred dollars. The kid had started out one day a week and now was working three days a week and weekends. He had a prostitutes license so everything was legal. It was something the owner had insisted on. The owner didn't want any problems with the police. He knew he wouldn't since a lot of the deputies frequented his shop and liked the services from the kid. He was getting a large range of clients. Many repeaters. He had professionals, college kids and high school kids that were eighteen or older. The new big theater was bringing in a lot of money as well as the private viewing booths. The new expanded toy room was selling well. Overall, he was doing quite well.

The guys woke up and decided they needed to workout after a night of drinking beer and eating snacks. They first paired off into sixty nines and sucked out big morning loads. They put on their jocks and went downstairs to work out. They got into a good work out. They were sweating like crazy by the time they finished working out. They threw their jocks into the laundry bin and walked into the shower. They had fun washing each other. They were sporting big hardons when they finished washing. They took turns sitting on the shower seat while someone sat down over their hardon. Once everyone had fucked and been fucked, they dried off and went upstairs for breakfast. Bob and Graham got breakfast ready for everyone. Of course they couldn't help rubbing their cocks over their butts while they cooked and kissed so it took breakfast a while to get ready. It gave Dave and Holden time to fondle each other and kiss while they waited. Soon they were eating breakfast in the breakfast nook. They devoured breakfast and Dave and Holden needed to leave. They were meeting Cal later and had plans to be together. Holden and Dave got dressed after breakfast and kissed and hugged Graham and Bob. Bob told them he had to give them his special goodbye present. They knew what that was. They both dropped their pants and underwear. Bob kissed their cocks, then they kissed and hugged and were on their way.

Bob and Graham cleaned the kitchen and went into the living room to talk. Graham told Bob how boring the bachelor party was. He had told Nash he wasn't feeling well and wanted to get home, but promised Nash he would be back next Saturday for the wedding and be Nash's best man. Bob then told Graham about the vacant lot behind the hotel and thought it would make a good parking lot for the hotel. Have it fenced in and a guard. As business increased they could use the parking lot for valet parking. Graham liked the idea and told Bob he would check and see who owned the lot and if it was for sale. Then Bob told Graham about his interviews and how all the interviewees were hired and on the waiting list. He told Graham Sam had taken over and was getting menus printed and the chef would be getting food ready for the Open House. Also Sam was having the rooms freshened the day before the Open House and had guests coming for the Open House. Bob told Graham the only other thing he needed to do was call Anthony and give him the day of the Open House. Even though it was Sunday, he thought he'd give Anthony a call and take a chance he would be home.

Bob picked up his phone and called Anthony. He was surprised when Anthony answered on the second ring. "Hi Bob, how are you and Graham?"

"We're great. How about you and Roland?"

"We're great too. Just finished a big auction and have a few days until we leave for the next one."

"First I want to thank you for suggesting Sam. He's working out perfect. It's easy to tell he's been in the hotel business for a long time. Second we are having our Open House next Wednesday and wanted you and Roland to know."

"That's good news. I knew you'd be impressed with Sam, he's quite a guy. Thanks for the heads up on the Open House. I will be sure to mention it to some people that I know that are interested in staying at the hotel. Some of them should be able to make it for the Open House. Have you decided on prices for the rooms?"

"Sam suggested, since we are in a small town and some of the locals might want to stay in the hotel, not to make the prices too high. Sam said the master bedrooms should be $1600 a night and the smaller guest bedrooms $800 a night. He thought as business increased and we got a good idea of our clientele, we could discuss changing the room prices."

"That seems a little low for the quality of the hotel, but I understand Sam's reasoning about being in a small town. My clientele will be surprised at the room prices. Are there some high quality stores where they can shop and eat if they don't want to eat all their meals at the hotel."

"There are some fine dining places and a few high end stores spread out in town and in the Mall. I will have Sam print some brochures that will be placed in the rooms."

"Excellent idea Bob. I just wish Roland and I could attend your Open House. But we will surprise you and show up soon. I better go now we have dinner reservations. Nice talking to you Bob and let me know how your Open House goes."

"Thanks Anthony and a thank you to Roland for all your help. I will be sure to let you know how our Open House went."

"Sounded like your conversation with Anthony went well?" said Graham.

"Very well babe. I better make two more phone calls to Sam and the jeweler. Listen in so you know what's going on."

Bob called Sam first. "Hi Bob, what's up?"

"I just got off the phone with Anthony. He suggested that some of clientele he is suggesting to stay at the hotel would like a guide of high end stores and dining places. I told Anthony I would talk to you and have some brochures printed and placed in the rooms. I will send you a list of places I would recommend and let you take it from there."

"That's an excellent idea Bob. I know some of the clientele I will be contacting would appreciate that information. Send me a list of places as soon as you can and I take it from there and get the brochures in the rooms on Tuesday before the Open House."

"Ok. Graham and I will work on a list and send it to you in just a few minutes."

I saw Graham busy writing down names of business and dining establishments. I then called the jeweler. "Hi Bob, how is everything going?"

"Everything is going great. The hotel manager has a lot of experience and has been very helpful. I'm just calling to remind you that the Grand Opening at the hotel is next Wednesday and we would like you to be there."

"I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for anything. What time do you plan to start?"

"We'll be opening at ten in the morning. If you could get there a few minutes before ten, that would be perfect."

"Ok Bob, I'll see you around a quarter to ten next Wednesday."

I sat next to Graham and we worked on the list of high end business to send to Sam. I got out an old phone book and started looking through it. I started writing down names of businesses. We thought we had finished and compared notes. We put all the businesses into one list. There were more businesses than I realized. I took a picture of our list and sent it to Sam with a message.

In less than a minute Sam replied and thanked me for the list. He said he already had connections and the brochures would be ready for the rooms and the reception desk.

Graham fixed dinner for us. He was turning into a good cook and he seemed to enjoy cooking which was ok with me. We ate outside on the patio table. It was a nice evening. Now with all our sun, it was starting to get dry. Who would have thought with all the rain we had received. After we ate dinner, I went around and set the timers on the automatic sprinkling system. We decided to watch a movie downstairs. Graham got it set up while I brought us a couple of beers and some of the snacks that were left over. We talked while we watched a good movie. I told Graham that once the hotel was up and running smoothly and staying booked, I wanted to start the house and patio renovations. I told him about my ideas downstairs. I didn't mention the attic, I wanted that to be a surprise. I told Graham I would talk to Travis, he seemed to have connections with some good contractors. I would still have him and Brody install one of those fabulous shower systems in our master shower. Graham liked my ideas. He told me he would check on the vacant lot behind the hotel. Our movie finished and we decided it was time for bed. We crawled into bed. No play time. We had had enough work out for one day. We cuddled and fell to sleep.

Monday morning already. We got up early and went downstairs and worked out with Dave and Holden. We had a good work out in the shower. We ate breakfast. Margaret had fixed french toast with bacon and sausage, it was really good. I think between the four us we ate almost a loaf of bread. I was stuffed when I finished. We thanked Margaret for a wonderful breakfast and we all headed out.

I got to work and was getting ready in my office for my first patient when my phone rang. It was the university president calling and asked me if I could come by his office after work and sign the finalized copies on the donations to the university. I asked him if Graham needed to be present. He said as long as one of us was present that would be okay for me to sign for Graham. I told him it would be just after five. I called Graham quick and told him about my call and that I would sign the papers for both of us. He reminded to be sure to read over the papers before I signed them and that they had agreed to how we wanted the money donated. I told him not to worry and I would be sure we had copies of the signed documents for our records.

The day went fast. Graham and I ate lunch together. Graham told me the vacant lot behind the hotel was privately owned and the owner wanted to sell it. Graham said it was a steal for $5,000. The owner of the vacant lot wanted to get rid of it. And was glad we were buying it. He said the purchase would be finalized this afternoon and he would check on a contractor to resurface the lot. Fence it in and stripe it for parking. Graham said he would talk to the web site programmer and have hotel parking added to our web site and the brochure. I told Graham to mention to the programmer to include information on high end stores and restaurants. We finished our lunch and headed back to work.

The afternoon went fast and I was soon driving to the university to talk to the president. I pulled in where the office building was located. I walked in the building and the president's secretary was there to greet me and I was being treated like a VIP. I waited while she told the president I was here. She opened the door and I walked into the president's office. He was all smiles and we sat at his meeting table. He told me the board of directors were in favor of the way I wanted to donate the money to the university. He opened a folder and took out some papers for me to sign. I read them over carefully, like Graham had said to do. I signed both Graham's and my names on the documents. The president then gave me my copies of the documents. The president told me there would be dedication ceremonies for the new stadium and for the scholarship fund. The president thanked me, we shook hands and I left his office.

I got home and Graham hadn't arrived yet. I thought I'd give Sam a call and see how everything was progressing at the hotel. I called Sam. "Hi Bob, what's up?"

"I was just calling to see how everything was going."

"Everything is going perfect Bob. I have everything under control. Graham is here if you want to talk to him. He has a contractor working on the vacant lot and it should be finished for parking tomorrow morning."

"That sounds good. I don't want to bother Graham we can talk when he gets home. Has our web designer been made aware of the changes?"

"Yes. Everything is taken care of. We have started getting reservations from some very influential people on the web site."

"That's fantastic, I can't wait until Wednesday. I'll let you get back to work."

I drove home and waited for Graham. When Graham got home I got dinner ready. We ate and talked out on the patio. I showed Graham the copies of the donation documents. He said everything looked in order and what we had agreed on. Graham asked me if I thought we should have a roof on the parking lot for inclimate weather. I told him that was a good idea and maybe we should have the front changed so that cars can pull up with an overhang for protection. Graham said he would talk to the contractor tomorrow and see if that was possible. We might need permission from the city to change the front of the hotel. I'll check on it tomorrow.

We were tired and a little stressed from everything going on. Hopefully, it would settle down after the Grand Opening. We went to bed. We kissed and cuddled together.

We woke up to the alarm blaring. I turned the annoying alarm and we went downstairs to work out. Dave and Holden were already warming up on the treadmills in their jocks. I liked watching their balls and cocks jiggling back and forth. Graham and I got changed and we got in a good work out. We had a good fucking in the shower. We ate our breakfast and left for work.

Graham and I ate lunch and talked about tomorrow, the Grand Opening. We thought we should drive by the hotel after work and make sure everything was a go for tomorrow. No last minute details that we forgot about. I doubted it. Sam seemed to have everything under control and many things we hadn't even thought of.

Afternoon went quick and soon I was driving to the hotel. As I got closer I saw a turnin to the hotel that was covered. The contractor did a fantastic job. I wanted to see what the parking lot looked like. I saw Graham's car parked on the other side. I got out and checked out the new entrance. It sure made the hotel look classy. It was done in the same style as the hotel with the same kind of materials. I saw the sidewalk was covered walking to the parking lot. The parking lot was big. It was covered and striped. I noticed a guard walking around. I walked back to the front and walked inside. Everything looked like it was ready for tomorrow. I noticed a couple of small enclosed desk areas. They were setup for wi-fi and computers. I saw some of the staff walking around and looking like they were doing things for Sam. I hadn't seen Graham. I saw him standing in the banquet room talking to a man. I walked in and I was introduced to the the contractor. I told him what a great job he had done. He left and Graham and I talked for a bit. Sam walked over and asked us what we thought. We told him it was much better than we expected. It looks like it's a go for tomorrow. Sam said the news channel would be here at ten tomorrow and we should get here a bit early to get ready for the interview. Sam said guests would start arriving around noon. He said only one room was left and they were already starting to get booked ahead. Sam said he had two wedding receptions scheduled for the banquet room. We told Sam we were going to leave and let him take care of the last minute finishing touches and would see him tomorrow morning around nine thirty.

Both Graham and I had taken Wednesday off from work. Shirley and Janice said they would try to make it to the Open House. Margaret and Millie said they would come for a few minutes too. I knew many business owners would come to the Open House, especially those that would be affected by the hotel. I was glad for them and was glad that the hotel would help the local economy.

Graham and I got home almost at the same time. We were really impressed with the changes to the hotel. And everything that Sam had done in such a short time. We were getting excited about the Grand Opening tomorrow. We knew the hotel was going to do good. We could feel it. With Sam and Anthony's help, we couldn't go wrong. I had told Dave and Holden we wouldn't be working out tomorrow morning. Graham and I went to the patio. We couldn't stop talking about the hotel and the Grand Opening. We went over and over everything. We didn't want anything left out.

We warmed our dinner and watched the news. Read over the newspaper and checked our feature on the front page of the Grand Opening. Read the article a couple of times. It was still hard for us to believe we were having the Grand Opening tomorrow. We finished our dinner and I cleaned off the coffee table. I brought us a couple of beers and we laid together on the couch and watched a good football game. I felt Graham's cock hardening between my ass cheeks. I started squeezing my cheeks on his hardon and rubbing my crack up and down on his cock. He held me tighter to him. He licked a couple of fingers and worked them into my hole rubbing over my prostate and making me moan. His cock was leaking. He pulled his fingers out and rubbed his precum over my hole. He worked it in with a finger. Soon I felt his thick head going into my hole. He was so gentle and passionate, it felt wonderful. My ass muscles soon grabbed his cock and pulled it in. He was such a good lover. He started fucking me with long slow strokes. Everytime he pulled out to the head his cock rubbed over my prostate. It felt so good, I wish this could last all night. However, I knew when Graham was getting close he would go faster and faster. I felt his cock harden and thicken in my ass. I heard him grunting and could feel some sweat dripping down on me. He started picking up his pace and was soon flooding my ass with a huge load. Graham must have been really horny and turned on. I turned and we kissed. I told Graham to leave his cock in my ass, it felt so good. We stayed that way on the couch until the game finished.

We reluctantly got off the couch when the game finished and went upstairs to bed. I told Graham to make himself comfortable in bed and I had a surprise for him. I got buddy out of the closet. I knew Graham would get really horny when he saw buddy. I walked out of the walk in closet with buddy in my hand. Graham got a big smile on his face. I got the lube out of the night stand. I crawled in beside Graham. I gave him a long passionate kiss. Then started kissing his ears and neck. Worked my way down his chest and around his navel and his hard abs. Licked and kissed tbrough his pubes and around the base of his hard rigid shaft. I kissed and nibbled the vein up the back side of his cock to the head. I licked the precum off the head and sucked out more that was oozing out. I lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. I found his prostate and started rubbing my fingers over it. I pulled my fingers out and lubed the dildo. I sucked his hard shaft down in one slow gulp. He was groaning and moaning. I eased the dildo into his hole and saw his hole take it all. I started working the dildo in and out in a slow fucking motion. Sucking his cock in rhythm with the dildo. Graham started squirming around on the bed and I knew he was really getting into it. I was working the dildo back and forth over his prostate. It was driving Graham crazy, soon, his cock got super hard and thickened in my throat and he started pumping out one of his delicious loads bathing my throat. His ass lips were swollen and puffy after he came. I couldn't resist bending down and rimming his ass and hole. He was so hot I couldn't resist. He laid back panting. We kissed and hugged and snuggled together and fell asleep.

Here it was Wednesday morning. It was nice sleeping in after our night of making love. We just laid in bed being lazy. We could smell breakfast coming from the kitchen. We knew Margaret was busy. We got out of bed and showered and jerked each other off to ease our morning hardons. We dried off. Graham turned on his shower and ruffled his bed so it looked like he had slept there and used the shower. We dressed in some sweats since it was still early and went downstairs to eat breakfast. We greeted Margaret and I told her we would eat out on the patio. I grabbed the newspaper from the front entrance and the front page had a big photo of the lobby of the hotel with an article giving the history of the hotel and mentioned the co-owners. The article went on to explain the Open House would start at ten until six in the afternoon. Everyone was welcome to attend the Open House and enjoy this spectacular landmark in our town. I showed Graham the article and he snatched it out of my hands and read it over. We finished breakfast and went upstairs to get dressed. We didn't dress in suits but dress shirts and dress pants with a classy belt and shoes. We splashed on some cologne and were ready for the Grand Opening. Margaret told us we looked as handsome as always and would be over later to see the hotel.

We told Margaret bye and she wished us a good day. We got in my SUV and drove over to the hotel. As I got closer I saw a lot of cars around the hotel. I saw the tv van parked close to the entrance. It was just going on nine thirty. I thought it was early for the tv crew. We walked into the hotel and saw that the tv crew was getting set up and ready for interviews. Sam was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I saw the staff getting ready for the tv crew. We walked around a bit to relax and look at the hotel one more time before the interview. I saw the jeweler upstairs and he was coming down the stairs. There were two large tables in the banquet room set up with appetizers and another with different refreshments all natural. It looked amazing. It was sparsely decorated. The hotel didn't need much for decorations. It could stand on it's own.

The jeweler joined us as it approached ten. We did our interviews and they went well. Sam then took the camerman and reporter around to show them the hotel. We walked into the banquet room and grabbed a couple of appetizers and refreshment. The chef had done an excellent job. We couldn't wait to see who our first guests were going to be. The camera crew and reporter thanked us for the interview and said the Grand Opening would be featured on the evening news. We went outside and noticed that signs had been put up for hotel parking. We walked to the parking lot and talked to the guard for a couple of minutes. It looked good having the parking lot covered and a sidewalk to the front of the hotel. Graham and I talked about the possiblity of an entrance in the back for guests. It was something we were going to mention to Sam and get his input. Some of the local business men and women started coming in. Most of them ran high end stores and were looking forward to serving our guests at the hotel. They thanked us for opening the hotel and boosting their business. We told them it was our pleasure and our idea to help the economy of the town and surrounding areas that would be affected.

We were talking in the lobby and I saw a large black Mercedes limousine pull into the entrance. I saw the chaffeur walk around and open the door, a lady got out very elegantly dressed and a man, I assumed was her husband. The doorman opened the door for them and they walked in. You could tell they were wealthy just by their mannerisms. They smelled money. Graham and I walked over and introduced ourselves. They told us they had attended the auction and were waiting for the hotel to open. Anthony had told them about the Grand Opening today. I walked them over to the reception desk and Sam took over. We thanked them for coming on our Grand Opening day and wished them a great stay at the hotel. The chaffeur had brought in their luggage and it took two porters to take their luggage to their room. Once they left to their room Sam told us the man had a chain of high end clothing stores in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Paris and Rome. There were staying in one of the master suites. Soon another limousine parked in front. The chaffeur got out and opened the door. I couldn't believe it. It was Anthony and Roland. They walked in. "We thought we would surprise you. We wouldn't miss your Grand Opening."

"You definitely surprised us. We're so glad your here. You are going to be staying at our house?"

"No, we are staying in one of the master suites. We have a limousine and driver with us. We will come over later once everything settles down and we get settled into our room. The hotel is looking good and I like the changes that have been made. You are going to do quite well."

"We can't thank you and Roland enough for all of your help. Sam has been a godsend. He has taken over like he had always worked at this hotel."

"That's good to hear. Sam has many years of hotel experience. I had to do a little arm twisting, but he soon agreed to work here."

"We're glad to have him here. Why don't you guys get settled into your room and then we can chat some more."

Anthony and Roland went with the porter to their room. In the meantime three more guests had arrived. They were local families that wanted to spend a couple of days in the hotel and not have to travel miles for a short get away. Sam told us there were more guests coming. But wouldn't be arrving till later after they finished work and their jets were ready for them. Sam told us he was receiving more and more reservations. We were full for a month ahead and two more parties were booked for the banquet room. Sam told us this was the easiet hotel he had ever worked at, and was glad he came out of retirement to work here. He said his house was already half done and coudn't wait to move into his new house, It was going on a quarter to six and we told Sam we were going to head home. If he needed anything to be sure to give us a call.

We were glad to get home and relax. It had been a good stressful day. We couldn't believe how fast the hotel was filling up. We wanted to watch the evening news and the interview. See what the reporter had to say about the hotel. A little later Sam called and told us the hotel was full. There were a few more locals that had come to the Grand Opening. Overall, everyone had a favorable impression of the hotel.

I told Graham about my plans for some house renovations. He agreed with me one hundred percent I didn't tell Graham about my plans for the attic. That was going to be a surprise to my lover. I was also thinking that might be a good idea for the hotel if it had an attic. Maybe even add a jacuzzi or a jacuzzi pool combination. Would have to see what the contractor thought. I needed to call Travis and get his input.

I asked Gtaham to get us a couple of beers and I was going to call Travis and get his input on a good contractor.

"Hi Bob, good to hear from you. It's been awhile since we've talked. What can I help you with."

"Well, I'm finally ready to do some home renovations. I would like you to redo the shower in my master bedroom. The shower system with all the shower heads. Also. I have some ideas for some rooms I would like changed and an idea for the attic. And I need the backyard redone. The pool and landscapng."

"Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. As far as a new shower system. Brody and I can do that this coming weekend. As far as your house renovations, I will talk to Owen, he is the best that I know. I'm not sure if he does outside work, but you can discuss that with him once I've talked to him first. I will give you a call back once I've talked to him."

"Thanks Travis, I knew I could count on you. Hope to see you and Brody soon. You guys don't need to be strangers."

"Thanks Bob. I'll make some calls and get back to you soon. I know Brody and I look forward to seeing you guys soon."

End of Chapter 15 - Owen

Chapter 16 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 16

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