My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 3, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 14

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 14. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 14 - Nash

Bob was tired and wasn't tired. He had a lot of things going around in his mind. It was looking like a busy week coming up. He needed to contact the international auction house and start getting that in motion. He also wanted to meet the new owner of the Medical Supply Store and I think he's having an open house soon.

Bob was horny and wanted some hot love making with Graham. He heard Graham snoring so he knew that wasn't going to happen. The only time Graham snored was when he was really tired. Bob knew Graham wouldn't wake up until the alarm went off. He needed to get off. He knew he could jerk off in bed and Graham would never wake up. Bob grabbed the lube and a box of tissues. He started thinking about the hot guys that were here over the weekend. That got Bob really hard and leaking. Bob played with his big balls and that really got his cum churning in his balls. He soon blasted out a big load into the tissues. He didn't want his cum going all over the bedding and himself. That made him tired and seemed to ease his mind. Bob soon drifted off to sleep.

They woke up to the alarm going off. They slept well. They had been tired after all the sexual activity. They were glad that Kendrick could make it and he fit in well with all the guys. They were wondering if Holden was already here and if Dave also came for a morning work out.

Bob and Graham walked downstairs to the locker room. Their bottom jaws almost fell to the floor. Holden and Dave were waiting for them in their jocks. They looked so hot. And they sure filled out their jocks nice. They said, "is everything ok?"

"Everything's perfect. You guys fill out your jocks to the max."

"Maybe you and Graham need some help getting into your jocks?"

"We'll take all the help we can get."

Dave and Holden came over and helped us with our jocks. Soon we were as hard as they were. We hugged and kissed and rubbed our bulges together. "Maybe we should forget about the weights and have a different kind of work out," I said. They smiled and liked that idea. Soon we were stripping each other out of our jocks. I got down on my knees and took turns sucking Graham, then Holden and then Dave. They were leaking and tasting good. They had an arm around each other to stay close together. While I sucked one of them I would jerk another one. They would hump my hand. I could tell Dave was getting close so I went faster sucking him and he rewarded me with a big morning load. He sat down on the changing bench panting and gasping for air. Both Graham and Holden were getting close. I was going to save my lover for last. So I went down hard and fast on Holden and he started shooting one of his famous big loads down my throat. Graham moved over and I fingered him while I sucked his cock down my throat. I worked his cock good with my throat muscles and I soon had him moaning and grunting. He jerked and shook and shot a nice size load down my throat. The three guys looked at me and and I was thinking they were planning on how to get me off. We went into the shower to wash. Soon I felt Holden behind me rubbing his fat head up and down over my hole. He was really getting me horny. Graham got in front and started sucking my cock. Dave was jerking off Graham and Graham was jerking Dave. Soon I felt Holden shove his big fat cock in my hole. My hole grabbed his cock and pulled it in. Graham started sucking me fast and was already getting me close. I soon filled Graham's mouth with my morning load. When I came it made my hole constrict on Holden's cock and he shot a load way up my hole. His big thick shaft had given my prostate a good work out. We rinsed the cum off and dried each other off. We helped each other get dressed and we were talking. I asked Dave how Cal was. He said Cal was busy helping investigators. Something to do with the former owner of the Medical Supply Store. I asked him if he meant Alec. He said he thought that was the name Cal had mentioned.

Interesting I thought. I would take an order over to the store and talk to the new owner, Meyer. Maybe he knew something about what was going on with Alec and why he was being investigated. Then I'd give Cal a call tonight after work and see if he could share some information with me.

We were all dressed and looking pretty handsome and ready for work. We went upstairs and Margaret set out breakfast in the breakfast nook. Margaret asked us, "who's this handsome young man?"

I told her, "this is Dave, he and his wife bought Drake and Pete's house. He wanted to know how hard it would be to slide into our work out routine."

Dave said, "I think I'm a good fit to ease into their work out routine."

I thought Holden and Graham were going to spit their food across the kitchen. Dave said, "nice to meet you Margaret and your breakfast is delicious."

"Thank you Dave. I think you'll fit into their work out routine."

"I seemed to be a good fit for the first time. It should get easier to slide right in to the rest of the work out."

Holden and Graham went out to the garage. I could hear them laughing. Dave and I finished our breakfast and walked into the garage. "How could you guys say that with a straight face?"

"It wasn't hard." Holden and Graham lost it again.

"Come on guys it's time for work. Glad you made it Dave and I do hope you'll want to continue working out with us."

"You can count on it. I've needed to start working out again. And this is really convenient."

We all took off in our separate directions for work.

I purposely got to work a few minutes early. I wanted to start checking for a phone number for the international auction house and start to get the ball rolling for the auction. I will walk by the Medical Supply Store when I go for lunch and see if I can talk to Meyer and give him my order. I'm going to ask him about Alec.

Jancie and Shirley were already at the clinic. I greeted them and went to my office. I closed the door. I wanted privacy while I checked online for a number or how to contact the international auction house. I found two phone numbers, one was for New York and the other number for London. I wrote them both down and would call during my lunch time.

The morning went quick and I rechecked my order for the Medical Supply Store. I told Shirley I would take it with me. I wanted to get acquainted with the new owner of the Medical Supply Store. Also, I wanted to get back a few minutes early and call the New York number for the auction house. I took my order with me and left the clinic for lunch. The Medical Supply Store was on the way to the diner. I saw a big sign on the front window announcing a Grand Opening coming soon. I walked in and saw a younger man behind the counter. He looked to be close to Graham and my age. The man said, "hello, may I help you?"

"Hello, "I'm Dr. Bob and I run the medical clinic."

"Nice to meet you Bob. I'm Meyer." We shook hands. "How can I help you?"

"I have an order here that I hope you can fill for me."

He took my order and looked it over. "No problem Bob, I have everything in stock and will have this ready for pick up the middle of the afternoon, probably around three."

I told him I was going for lunch. He said he was busy now and wouldn't we able to join us. I invited him over after work and he accepted my invitation. I told him where I lived and gave him directions. Told him to press the speaker button and I would unlock the gate. I left his store and walked to the diner.

I got to the diner before Graham. I sat at my favorite table. I was thinking about Meyer. He seemed like a nice guy. Was glad he could fill my order today, some things we were quite low on. I was glad he accepted my invitation to come over after work. It would give me a chance to maybe get some information on Alec. I was still going to call Cal and see if he could share any information. I saw Graham walk in. He sat across from me. "How's your day going babe?"

"Going great. Work is finally starting to ease up a bit. All my new hires are working out perfect. We make a good team. We are still getting some new clients."

"That's terrific. I knew you would do a good job. I stopped by the Medical Supply Store and dropped off an order. The owner, Meyer, seems like a nice man. I invited him over after work. He looks like he's close to our age. Did see a little gray on the sides so he may look younger than he actually is."

"Did you order lunch yet?"

"No, in fact I haven't seen Millie or any waitress."

We waited a couple of minutes and still no waitress. I walked up to the counter and rang the bell. The cook came out. "How can I help you?"

"I didn't see Millie and we were ready to order lunch."

"Millie got a call about some family emergency and had to leave. I tried calling another waitress to fill in but she never answered her phone. So I'm short handed. What would like for lunch?"

"There's two of us and we both would like the special. Is it okay if I pour us a couple cups of coffee?"

"Sure, go head. I'll bring your lunch out in a couple of minutes."

I went back to the table with coffee for Graham and myself. "Where's Millie?"

"The cook said she got a call about a family emergency and had to leave. He tried calling a back up waitress, but she never answered her phone. So he's busy waiting tables and cooking. He said he would bring lunch out in a couple of minutes."

"I hope everything is ok with Millie and her family."

The cook brought our lunch out. It was very good as usual. We ate like it was our last meal. I didn't realize I was that hungry. We finished lunch and we both needed to get back to work. Graham left and I paid the cook and gave him a good tip for his help and being short handed. He thanked me and I walked back to the clinic.

I got back a few minutes early and sat down at my desk. I wanted to call the auction house. I picked up my phone and called the auction house in New York. It rang a few times and finally a lady answered the phone. "Hello, this is the auction house, how may I help you?"

She had a British accent. "Hello, I'm calling about having some jewelry I and finding out if it would be worth having an auction?"

"There are a few priliminary procedures we need to go through first." She asked me where I was located and I told her. She then asked, "do you have any photos of the jewelry you could send. That would give us a better idea if it's something we would do an auction on?"

"Yes, I have photos of the jewelry." She then gave me an online address I could use to send the photos. "I just sent you the photos."

"Thank you. I just received them. Looks like some very interesting pieces of jewelry. A team of our jewelry experts will review the photos and I should be getting back in touch with in a two business days."

"Thank you and look forward to hearing back from you in a couple of days."

I was wondering if I should call the bank president, in case they sent a couple of their jewelry experts and wanted to look first hand at the jewelry. I would prefer if it was done in the bank. I still had some time. I picked up my phone and called the bank presidents direct line.

"Hello Bob. I hope this won't take too long? I have an important meeting coming up soon."

"I was wondering if the international auction house sends a couple of jewelry experts, could they do their inspection in the bank where the safe deposit boxes are?"

"Of course Bob, that wouldn't be a problem. Just let me know ahead of time and we will have the room reserved for you."

"Thank you. And as soon as I have more information, I'll let you know."

That's good two phone calls out of the way. Now it's just a waiting game to see if they will be interested in doing a jewelry auction. The afternoon went fast and soon I was on my way home. I was anxious to talk to Meyer, mainly to find out if he knew anything about why Alec sold his store.

Margaret was finishing when I got home. She was getting dinner in microwave containers and putting them in the frig. "How was your day Margaret?"

"The usual, nothing new or different."

"You sound like your getting bored?"

"Oh no Bob, nothing like that. I like working her for you. This job has been a godsend for me and I wouldn't give this up for anything."

"That's good to hear Margaret. You had me worried there for a couple of minutes."

"Nothing to worry about Bob. You've been very good to me and I appreciate you helping my niece get hired and now working as Graham's secretary."

Margaret finished and we said our good byes. I went upstairs and stripped down. I was wondering where Graham was. I remembered to have some clothes to put on when Meyer came over. I soon heard the kitchen door and there was my handsome sexy man walking in with a large flower arrangement. I walked over and gave him a kiss and hug. "Who are the flowers for babe?"

"They are for the most special man in my life." Graham handed me the flowers and I read the card."

For the kindest warmest sexiest man in my life. With all my love, Graham.

"Wow I still don't know what the occasion is, but I love the thought whatever it is."

"It's our four month anniversay babe. I had to show you how much I love you and appreciate the warmest kindest man that I love with all my heart."

"Come here you sexy devil." Graham walked over and I gave him the longest most passionate kiss I could." We both had to stop for air. "This is really thoughtful and I love you more every day." With that, "I told Graham to head upstairs and get stripped down, but to bring some clothes to change into, Meyer was coming over after work."

Bob thought about what he told Graham. He wasn't being very thoughtful. Graham remembered their anniversary and he had forgotten about it. I will go upstairs and make it up to Graham. Meyer hadn't called on the speaker so he thought they'd have time before he came. Bob went quietly up the stairs. The bedroom door was open. They usually left it open when it was just the two of them. He heard Graham talking on his phone. It sounded like he was talking to another guy. Bob thought it was probably work related. He got closer to the door, where Graham couldn't see him. He heard Graham, "no, he doesn't know anything about you. How soon do you need me there? That won't be a problem. I can make up an excuse and get away."

Bob was shocked. Was Graham turning into another Alec and just using him. Bob went back downstairs and sat out on the patio. He just sat on a lounger playing those words over and over again in his mind. How could Graham say those things. They were childhood friends. Maybe this was all an act so he could have a place to stay. Bob wondered how long that had been going on. He would definitely confront Graham about what he heard when Meyer leaves.

Bob heard the speaker. He put his clothes on quick. Some tight jeans and pull over with some flip flops. He pushed the button. "Hi Bob. Meyer here, can you let me in?" Bob pushed the button and Meyer drove in. Meyer had a nice looking SUV. It looked like a Navigator, close to the same year as his. He watched Meyer park in front of the garage and walk up to the front door. Meyer couldn't believe how big Bob's house was, at least from the outside. Meyer pressed the doorbell. And he heard footsteps. Bob opened the door and welcomed Meyer inside. "Hi Meyer, good to see you. Let's sit outside on the patio. Would you like anything to drink?"

"I'll have whatever your having. I was going to have a beer. Is that ok?"

"A beer is fine. Thanks."

Graham still hadn't come downstairs. He must have had a lot to say to that guy he was talking with. He can stay up there as long as he wants. That's fine with me. Meyer had been talking to Bob. "Sorry Meyer, I got distracted. What did you say?"

"I asked you how long you have lived here? This is a big house."

"I've been here close to a year already. Time really flies by. I liked the house as soon as the realtor showed it to me. My childhood friend lives here with me. But we have different work schedules and different work, so we don't see each other much." I was bending the truth. But I didn't want him to suspect anything about Graham and myself.

"How about yourself Meyer? What brings you to this town?"

"I had been working with a friend at his Medical Supply Store in the neighboring state and I was looking for an opportunity to open my own store. I saw a listing that the Medical Supply Store here in town was for sale so I thought I'd jump on the opportunity. I got a good deal on the store and the owner seemed eager to sell."

I saw Graham wandering around in the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer. He saw us out on the patio and ran back upstairs. He was naked and was probably putting some clothes on. Or talking some more to his friend. Either way I didn't really care what he did.

"Did Alec give you any reasons for selling?"

"Not really. Actually it was kind of strange. He seemed like he was in a hurry to get out of this area. He had the paper work ready and I signed it and within three days I was the new owner of the Medical Supply Store."

"That is strange. As far as I know, Alec had a good business going and was making money. I know he had made some enemies, but I don't think it was his reason for moving on."

"Yeah, looking over his records and client database. His business was doing quite well."

"In the few days you've been here. Do think this is where you will settle?"

"I sure of it. This is just what I've been looking for. I wanted to get out of my area. I was married three times and divorced three times and a change of scenery was long overdue. I'm not looking for another relationship. I've pretty much given up on women. Maybe I'll look for a man." He started laughing and I laughed with him. "Well Bob, I don't want to take up your whole evening. It's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope you can make it to my Open House and appreciate your business."

"Been nice meeting you Meyer. I like to patronize the local businesses as much as I can. It's great having the Medical Supply Store here. It sure helps me out a lot, and it always seems well stocked with everything I need."

We got up and walked to the door. We shook hands and I told Meyer he was welcome anytime. Just to be sure to call first. I opened the gate and waved good bye.

Now it was time to confront Graham and find out what's going on. He hadn't come back downstairs after he saw me and Meyer talking on the patio. I walked upstairs. Hopefully, loud enough so he could hear me. The bedroom door was open and he was busy talking on his phone again. "When your finished talking with boyfriend, I want to talk to you downstairs, out on the patio." I left and he was going to tell me something, but I was already out the door and going down the stairs to the patio. I grabbed myself another beer and relaxed on a lounger.

I thought he'd run after me and follow me downstairs. Of course, that didn't happen. Obviously, his call was more important than me. I was fuming and rehearsing everything I was going to tell him when he got out here. I saw him grab another beer from the frig and walked out onto the patio and sat down next to me. I didn't say anything for a few minutes. Neither did Graham. Just when I was going to say something so did he. Graham said, "you go first."

"First I thought I meant something to you Graham. You bring flowers for our anniversary. Maybe that was just a cover. I hear you upstairs in MY bedroom talking to your boyfriend or lover or whatever. Second, you've been using me and I don't like that. I had enough of that with Alec and I was glad when I heard he sold his business and had left town. Third, I'm hoping that is what you decide to do. At least leave my house so I don't have to be around you and just get out of my life."

I looked at Graham. His face was beet red with anger. I had never seen him angry before and I wasn't sure I liked it. "First, the guy you heard me talking to was Nash. You don't know about Nash. Nash was my college roommate and we played college football together. Second, he called to tell me he was getting married and wanted to know if I would be his best man, yes he is marrying a nice gal. They met in college and had agreed they would wait on marriage until they graduated and were settled in their work. Third, he called back to tell me when they were planning the wedding and would let me know when rehearsals would start. Fourth, he knew that we were childhood friends and that I had been trying to find you. Fifth, he would get tired of me talking about you all the time."

I just sat there stunned. I didn't know what to say. "Why did you tell him that you don't know anything about me?"

"That's not what I said. I told him you don't know anything about Nash. I had forgotten about Nash after we graduated. We went our separate ways and I was lucky to be able to find you. I think. I'm not so sure now. I think I should probably pack up my stuff and get a hotel room until I can find an apartment." With that said. He got up off his lounger and I watched him walk upstairs.

I didn't say anything and I watched him get up and go upstairs. I was thinking what I should say now. I was really a jerk and had jumped to conclusions. I wasn't sure there was any mending to this situation. Graham was clearly very mad at me and maybe I should just give him some time and space and then maybe we can work things out. I stayed downstairs for a little while. Finally I got up and made the hardest walk of my life. Going upstairs to OUR bedroom.

I got close to the bedroom. The door was open. I heard crying. I looked in and Graham was laying on the bed, face down and sobbing. I couldn't take it to see him like that. I kicked off my flip flops and crawled in next to him and hugged him tight. He turned and looked at me. "I thought you hated me. You thought I was a cheater and going behind your back with another man."

"No babe. I was the one in the wrong. I jumped to conclusions and made up my mind on what I thought was going on. When I heard you talking to another man, I was so jealous that I had to make conclusions fast. And they were definitely the wrong conclusions. I know it's asking a lot, but I hope sometime you will be able to forrgive me."

Graham surprised me. "Of course I forgive you. I thought you'd want me to leave and never see me again. Your my soulmate lover and best friend. I could never leave you, if you want me to stay."

Then I started crying. Graham surprised me again. He hugged me back and kissed me and we laid there together in each other's arms. Not saying anything, but feeling the comfort being held by each other.

Finally after what seemed like hours. Graham said, "I'm sorry for not telling you about Nash."

"I'm sorry for over reacting and jumping to conclusions."

Then we started laughing. "You know babe," I told Graham, "this is our first argument and disagreement."

Graham said, "I hope it's our first and our last."

We just laid there for awhile longer talking about how foolish we were both were. Soon our stomachs started rumbling. "You know we never ate dinner," I told Graham.

We stripped down and went downstairs and both of us got dinner ready. We decided to eat in the kitchen at the island. It was raining out and we didn't feel like eating outside. Graham asked me how Meyer was. I told him he was very pleasant and I told him he was welcome any time. Just to call first. He reminded me about the Grand Opening coming up. I told Graham I had called an international auction house with an office in New York. I had sent them photos of the jewelry and was told they would contact me in two days, which would be this Wednesday. I then called the bank to see if they could look at the jewelry in the safe deposit box room and I was told that wouldn't be a problem.

After dinner we curled up together on the couch and watched a movie. It felt good to have my Graham back. It felt so good having him cuddled up with me and holding me tight to him while we watched the movie. The movie ended and we were both beat. Monday's were always tiring days after the weekend. We walked together arm in arm to the bedroom. We got in bed and laid on our sides facing each other. We held each other tight kissing. Our cocks were rubbing together and felt good. That was the way we fell asleep. I could hear the rain hitting the windows. The alarm was set for 6:00am.

We woke up to the alarm going off. I shut off that annoying sound. We got up and slowly made our way downstairs to work out. Holden and Dave had just arrived. We all put on our jocks and controlled ourselves not to have sex yet, at least. We warmed up on the treadmills and then Graham and Holden started doing their reps with the free weights. Working on their arms and chest. They looked hot as they worked out. Dave and I kept up a good jog on the treadmills till they finished with the weights. Once they finished Dave and I took over on the free weights. I wanted to work on my legs and Dave worked on his chest and back. Once we finished our work out we all headed into the shower. We washed each other getting each other hard and horny. We did all the combinations of threeways that we could. We were drained and rinsed off our cum. We dried off and got dressed. We each dressed ourselves. We didn't have time for any more sex. Both Dave and Holden thanked us again for the weekend get together. They said they wanted to get together with us during the week after work and said they would call first. Graham and I told them again, they were welcome any time.

We headed upstairs and had breakfast out on the patio table. It was raining as usual, but it was warm and comfortable. No wind so the rain didn't bother us. After breakfast we thanked Margaret. We all kissed and hugged in the garage and left for work.

Driving to work, I thought I'd give Cal a call and see if he could share any information about Alec and selling his store to Meyer. Also, I wanted to eat lunch at the diner and see how Millie was. I was hoping she was doing ok.

As soon I got to the clinic. I closed my office door and called Cal. I was surprised when he answered right away. "Hi Bob, surprised to hear from you this early."

"I had a few minutes before I start work. I was wondering if you could share any information about Alec and why he sold his store. I knew Alec briefly and I might be able to shed some information on his character."

"You probably heard at the weekend get together that he's under investigation. I know I can trust you. How about if I come over after work and we can talk. I'll probably be a little later around seven or seven thirty."

"That will work Cal. Look forward to seeing you this evening and having a good talk."

"Ok. See you later. Bye."


That sounded like he might have some interesting information on Alec. Now I will see how it goes with Millie at lunch time. It was getting close to lunch time and I thought I'd give Graham a call and see if he wanted to meet me at the diner. "Hi babe, what's up?"

"Was wondering if we were going to have lunch together?"

"I wouldn't miss it. See you at noon."

After our misunderstanding we seemed to be closer than we were before. I was really loving Graham and he was loving me to. We shared everything together. And were just happily in love.

It was lunch time and I walked over to the diner. I saw my table empty from the front window. I walked in and took a seat. Graham hadn't arrived yet. I saw Millie waiting on another table. I was glad to see her at work. She spotted me and walked over. "How you doing Millie and how's your family?"

"I'm doing fine tall dark and handsome. A favorite aunt of mine passed away and I had to go to her funeral."

"That's too bad. How old was she? Did she have any medical issues?"

"She was 92. She had diabetes which she treated her own way. Also, a little high blood pressure."

"What was the cause of death?"

"She went into a diabetic coma and never recovered."

"That's too bad. Hopefully she didn't suffer too much?"

"From what I understand, she passed quickly without much discomfort."

"You seem pretty chipper. I'm glad to see you back at work. I think the cook really missed you?"

"He gave me kiss and hug when I got back. I didn't think the old fart cared about me."

"I think he cares more about you than you think. He talked about you all the time when Graham and I came for lunch."

"So where is the other tall dark and handsome?"

"Graham is probably busy. He should be here any minute."

"Can I get you anything while you wait on him?"

"I'll take a black coffee."

Graham came in and took a seat across from Bob. "Having a busy day babe?"

"My meeting went a little longer than I planned."

"Millie was wondering where the other tall dark and handsome man was?"

Graham laughed and Millie came back to the table. "There you are, I've been waiting for you." Millie was back to her regular flirtatious self. "What would you like handsome?"

"I'll take a black coffee and the special. With a side of Millie."

"Your wish is my command. At least somebody appreciates me." Millie gave me a scowl.

Graham and I talked while we waiting for our lunch. I told Graham that I had called Cal. Cal was coming over after work, probably a little later around seven or seven thirty. It sounded like he had some information about Alec. I told him I had some information to, that might help in the investigation.

Millie brought our lunch, making sure to bend down low so we could get a good view of her tits. We ate our lunch quickly. I paid for lunch and Graham left a tip for Millie. We gave Millie a wink when we left the diner.

The afternoon went quick. I was glad for that. I wanted to get home and talk with Cal. I was interested to see why Alec sold his store and under what circumstances.

Margaret was busy in the kitchen when I got home. I greeted her and took the newspaper off the kitchen island and went to the living room to read it. It was raining harder and windy. So I couldn't go out on the patio. Nothing much of interest in the newpaper. There was a big spread about the new owner of the Medical Supply Store. The new owner was planning a Grand Opening soon. Meyer was a nice man. In the short time that we met, he was pleasant and had a great personality. I'm sure he will do well with the store. I turned on the news and it was saying pretty much the same thing as the newpaper. Margaret told me bye and she left for the day.

I heard Graham come in. I walked over and we hugged and kissed. I followed him upstairs to our bedroom. I helped him out of his clothes. I liked rubbing his bulge through his boxers and seeing them tent. Reaching up a leg opening and playing with his balls. We started making out and soon we were on the bed. I slid off Graham's boxers and his big hardon sprang out. I deep throated him to his balls. I lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. I found his prostate and started giving it a good workout. He was moaning and I started sucking him harder and faster. With the stimulation to his prostate he couldn't hold out for very long and soon was bathing my throat with a nice warm load. I swallowed it all and squeezed out the last drops of cum and licked it off. He looked at me and smiled. "That was fantastic babe. Now it's your turn." I was really horny for Graham. He sucked me slow. Just on my thick head and then licking the sides of my shaft. He was driving me crazy, it felt so good. He cupped my balls and started fingering my hole, as he slowly went down all the way on my cock. He got a good rhythm going, fingering my ass and sucking my cock. One of his big fingers rubbed my prostate and I started shooting. I filled Graham's mouth and I heard him swallow a couple of times. We just laid there after our after glow. Getting our breathing back to normal.

"I'm hungry. How about you?" I knew that was a dumb thing to ask Graham. He was always hungry.

"I could eat a horse. I'm starved."

We went down to the kitchen and worked together getting dinner ready. Graham made a salad. We ate at the breakfast nook. We could look out the windows and watch the rain. We didn't say much. We just smiled at each other. I could see the love in Graham's eyes and that was all I needed. We finished dinner. Cleaned off the dishes and put the leftovers away. The dishwasher was full so I got that running. We went back to the living room and cuddled together. It always felt good to have Graham hold me in his big strong arms. We watched a game show that comes on after the news. We were both pretty dumb and couldn't answer any of the puzzles. I got up and grabbed us a couple of beers and came back. Handed one to Graham and we got back to cuddling.

I heard the doorbell and jumped up. It startled both of us. We were concentrating on the game show. I went to the door and it was Cal. He came in all wet. I asked him if he wanted to take his clothes off and I could throw them in the dryer. Cal thought that was a good idea. I helped him out of his clothes. Graham came over and we hugged and kissed, even though I knew Cal didn't like doing the hugging and kissing stuff much. But he had said before he didn't mind with just us. We walked into the living room and Graham got Cal a beer. He was out of uniform and off duty so he could drink beer. Cal looked just as good as ever. His big soft cock was hanging over his big balls.

Graham and I couldn't stop staring at his big cock. "You like what you see?"

"Always." We said together.

"Maybe we can have a little fun after we get through with business."

"Who's going first?" I asked Cal.

Cal told me to go first. I told him how we had met and how Alec had given me a business card with his name and phone number on the back. We went out a few times for dinner and The In and Out Bar. We had sex a couple of times, till I realized I was being used and he was just a player. I would see him with other guys and I knew he wasn't someone I wanted to be with anymore. I told him that I didn't want to see him anymore and he could start being with the other guys. He didn't like that very much, but he didn't press the issue. We remained friends and would see each other in passing, but nothing else would happen.

Cal said he knew that Alec was a player, however there were more serious issues also going on. It seemed Alec was in debt up to his eyeballs. And the men you saw Alec with were his clients that paid him for having sex. Alec was trying to get enough money by having sex to pay off his debt. He sold the store, hoping to make a good profit so he could cancel his debt and get relocated a long ways away from here. Also, since he was so far in debt. He was behind in his insurance payments and that pretty much wiped out any profits he made from selling the store. As far as I know, he's pretty destitute and living with relatives. They live about four states away. there is still more investigation going on to see if Alec was involved in anything more illegal than his prostitution. He won't be charged for illegal prostitution, but if he comes back to this state, he will be arrested. That's all I know at this time.

"I think it's play time", said Cal. We agreed and went up to the bedroom.

We got on the bed with Cal in the middle. Graham started kissing and making out with Cal. I got between Cal's legs and started sucking on his big balls and then his hard shaft working up to his thick mushroom head. He was leaking and I licked his precum off, but it kept oozing out. I wanted to get Cal rock hard and leaking like a faucet. i knew Cal liked to fuck and I wanted to get him primed and ready. I sucked his cock down. He was definitely a mouthful. Cal is just over nine inches and thick. I felt his cock get rock hard and he was leaking like crazy. I moved around and pulled some of his precum off and lubed my hole. I slowly slid down over his big hard cock. Cal's cock could reach places in my hole that nobody else could. He knew how to continually rub my prostate. I started bouncing up and down on his big thick cock. It really filled me up, but felt wonderful. I heard Cal groaning and grunting and I knew he wouldn't hold out much longer. I felt his cock harden and soon long thick ropes of cum were shooting way up inside me. I squeezed his cock with my ass muscles getting every last drop of his load. I eased off his cock and laid back down on the side of him. Now it was Graham's turn. Graham had been fucked, not a lot, and not by a cock the size of Cal's. Graham moved around and pulled some of Cal's cum and precum off his cock and used it to lube his hole. He moved over Cal's cock and eased down. I thought Graham's eyes were going to pop out of his head. Graham kept going down on Cal's cock until it was all up his hole. Graham just sat there for a minute adjusting to the size. Soon Graham started bouncing up and down on Cal's cock. I knew Graham's hole was tight and it would make Cal cum fast. I was right. Soon Cal was grunting and I could see his cock harden. I knew Graham was getting filled with one of Cal's big loads. Graham got off Cal's cock and laid back down on the side of Cal. We just laid there for a bit, regaining our normal breathing. Finally Cal said, "you guys never got off. Why don't you get into a sixty nine and I'll finger your holes while you suck each other." We agreed and moved around into a sixty nine. Cal wanted to see us in a sixty nine. We soon got into sucking each other off. I felt a couple of Cal's fat fingers work into my hole and rub my prostate. I looked around and saw he was doing the same to Graham. Graham was already moaning and grunting and I knew he would shoot soon. I wanted to cum with him at the same time. So I tried to sync with Graham. Graham came first and I came just after. We shot big loads. Not bad for our second time in just a short period of time. Cal pulled his fingers out and we licked them off. Cal thought he probably should be going.

We went downstairs and the dryer had finished. I took Cal's clothes out of the dryer. He put them on and said he wanted to head by his office before he went home. He asked us if it would be okay if he and Dave came over sometime. I told him sure anytime. Just call first. We watched Cal leave. We didn't do any kissing or hugging when he left. I think Cal liked that.

We went downstairs and watched a movie. We fell asleep half way through the movie. When we woke up, I turned off the player and we went to bed. I spooned Graham and we went right to sleep. I think all the sex tired us out

I woke up to the phone ringing. I was wondering who would be calling so early. It was Holden. "Hi Bob, sorry if I woke you. It's just that I won't be able to work out this morning and I wanted you to know early, so you weren't looking for me. I should be able to, tomorrow morning."

"No problem Holden, thanks for the call. Do you know if Dave will be coming to work out?"

"I don't."

"Ok. Thanks for the call."

"Who was that love?"

"That was Holden, just letting us know early he wouldn't be able to work out this morning. He didn't know if Dave was coming."

"I'll run downstairs and see if Dave is here. If I don't come back right away, you know that Dave is here. If I come back right away, don't lose that morning hardon."

I crawled out of bed and ran down to the locker room. Nobody was there. Good, I thought. I didn't really want to work out today. I'm anxious to hear from the international auction house today. I ran back upstairs before Margaret got here to start her day. "Nobody there babe." I saw the sheet tenting where Graham was. I crawled under the sheet and took Graham's big morning hardon down my throat in one fast gulp. I heard him moan. I played with his balls and fingered his hole while I deep throated him. Soon he was humping in my mouth and filling my throat with a big morning load. I crawled out from under the sheet and Graham gave me a big kiss. I'm sure he tasted his cum. We laid there for a a few minutes. There was no rush. I told Graham earlier that I didn't want to work out this morning. I was nervous and anxious about hearing from the auction house today. We crawled out of bed and went to the shower. We washed each other and Graham had me bend over. He lathered his cock with some soap and shoved it up my hole. My hole grabbed his cock and pulled him in. It wasn't as good as Cal, but I wasn't going to complain. This is my lover and he's getting better and better at fucking. Practice makes perfect. I pushed back against him to get all of his thick cock. He soon grunted and filled my hole with a second big load. I liked feeling his balls slapping my ass when he fucked me. We dried off and we dressed ourselves. We didn't want to be going around in front of Margaret with big bulges in our dress pants.

Margaret as humming and looked like she was finishing breakfast. I went downstairs first. I didn't want Graham and I coming downstairs together. I didn't want her to think that we were sleeping together, even though we were. "Good morning Margaret, something smells delicious."

"I made your favorite omelette. Will Graham be eating breakfast?"

"I'm sure he will. I heard the shower running in the other bedroom."

Soon Graham came downstairs. "Good morning Margaret." His hair was still wet. I knew he had run the shower in the other master bedroom and messed up the bedding to make it look like he slept in it. I was sitting at the breakfast nook. Graham joined me and Margaret brought our breakfast. It was so good. I think it tasted better than the last time.

"Margaret these omelettes get better every time." Graham agreed with me.

"Thank you Bob and Graham."

We finished our breakfast which didn't take long. We told Margaret bye and went to the garage. We hugged and kissed in the garage and took off for work. I told Graham I wasn't sure if I would be going for lunch today. It depended on what time the auction house called. He said if he didn't hear from me, he knew I was busy talking with them and wouldn't make it for lunch.

I got to work and Shirley looked frazzled. She's always composed and in control, so I knew something was up. "What's the matter Shirley, you look nervous and jittery."

"There's an international auction house that's been calling and calling and I keep telling them you haven't arrived to work yet."

"When they call again, let me know, even if I'm with a patient."

That seemed to calm her down and she went back to her regular work.

Soon the phone rang again and Shirley transferred the call to my office. Luckily my first patient hadn't arrived yet. I told Janice to tell the first patient I'd be with him in just a few minutes when he arrived. "Hello this is Dr. Bob, how may I help you?"

The person identified herself as the same lady I had talked with before. She told me she was going to transfer me to the head of their jewelry division. I waited for about a minute, they had some awful music playing. Then I heard a man identify himself as the head of their jewelry division. "Well Bob, I will make this short. The photos of the jewelry you sent are some of the most intricate and well crafted jewelry I have ever seen and I've been doing this job for over 20 years. I would like to know if my assistant and myself could fly out and have a closer look at this jewelry and do our own appraisal? We definitely would be interested in doing an auction for you."

We talked for a few more minutes on the phone. Working out all the details about flying here. I told him their wasn't really a four or five star hotel close to town. They would be welcome to stay at my house. I have a big Victorian style house that would easily and comfortably fit you and your assistant. He told me that was quite gracious of me. I told him to let me know his flight schedule and I could be at the airport to pick them up. I also asked him if he would like the jeweler present when they appraised the pieces. He thought that was a good idea. He would like to meet the jeweler that did such exquiste and detailed work. He told me he would try to get a flight out tomorrow and then return back to his office on Friday to finalize the preparations for the auction. I thanked him and told him to keep me informed so I would have everything ready.

I still hadn't heard if my first patient arrived. I called the bank president quick and informed him about what I was told from the auction house. He told me to let him know as soon I had all the details.

That went quick and much faster than I had planned. Janice peeked her head in my office and told me that my first patient was in the exam room. The morning went quick. My head was spinning with everything I had heard from the auction house. I was just going to call Graham and tell him to meet me for lunch, when my office phone rang. It was the head of the jewelry division calling me back. They would arrive tomorrow, Thursday, and leave on Friday. I thanked him and told him I would be at the airport waiting for them. I then called the bank president back and gave him all the details. I still had time for lunch and I called Graham and he said he was at the diner. I told him I would be there in a couple of minutes. I took my cell phone with me, I wanted to talk to the jeweler during lunch.

I arrived at the diner and saw Graham sitting there drinking coffee. I walked in and took a seat across from him. I told him about my conversation with the head of the jewelry division at the auction house. I told Graham I needed to call the jeweler. Tell Millie I will take a black coffee and I want the special. I called the jeweler. "Hello Bob, good to hear from you?"

I told the jeweler about my conversation with the auction house and that they would like him to be present tomorrow when they did the appraisal. They also wanted to meet you. He told me he would close his store so he could be at the bank to meet the appraisers.

Graham and I didn't say much while we ate our lunch. I knew he would have some questions when we got home from work. We ate our lunch and went back to work.

The owner of The Big One was pretty happy with the progress of his new porn shop. The workers were putting on the finishing touches. It looked pretty good. They would hang the new sign today, The Bigger One. The pay projectors were installed in the booths. The projector for the theater room was done. They had a little outside painting today, with the plastic tent over the building, they would finish the painting even with the rain. The whole cost wasn't as much as he thought it would be, even having a bigger shop built. It would give him some extra money to put into savings. It looked like he would be able to open this weekend. The last thing was the paving. The pavers told him if it was just misting they would be able to lay the asphalt and it looked like they would be able to do that today. It would be set enough to be able to open on the weekend. The workers had asked the owner if they would get a discount in his shop. He told them for the awesome job they did, he would give them a whole month free of charge. The owner had their names on a list. They thanked him and told him they would be regular customers, at least for a month.

The owner of the jewelry shop was pretty happy after he talked with Bob. He was interested to see what the professional jewelry appraisers would appraise his jewelry. He didn't want any publicity, he was old and he didn't need any more consignment jobs. He lived comfortably and had made a lot of money over the years, especially from Sir Richard Mason. As far as attending the auction, if they had one, he didn't think that would happen.

My afternoon went quick. I was glad for that. I was still processing everything the auction house had told me. We would go to the bank at three. That would give them time to get settled into a couple of the guest rooms. I had called Margaret and told her I would be having two very important guests staying Thursday and Friday and to have the two adjoining guest rooms ready for them. I had told Shirley earlier that I would be taking Thursday and Friday off, I had some very important business to take of. She told me it wouldn't be a problem rescheduling my appointments and I talked with Janice and she would be able to attend to a few of my patients. Janice was an RN and DNP so she could do some of the general doctoring practices, she would call me if she ran into a problem and needed my help. I told the ladies bye and I would see them on Monday.

I arrived home and Graham was already there. I was pleasantly surprised to see him. "Your home early."

"Finished everything and came home."

Margaret was finishing our dinner and getting ready to leave. We both told her goodbye. "Should we go out for dinner for change?"

"Good idea babe. Any ideas where we should go?"

"How about the Italian Restaurant in the Mall. I don't feel like going all the way to Milo's."

"Italian sounds good."

"I'll call and make reservations." I called the restaurant and we were all set for six thirty. I didn't feel like eating later. "I told Graham I made reservations for six thirty." I don't know where he went. I heard him holler down from upstairs, "ok. Don't you need to get changed?"

Graham was right. I should take a quick shower and change clothes. I went upstairs and Graham was lying naked on the bed with a big hardon. It was already after five thirty. "This has to be a quicky babe, I want to shower and then put on some dressy casual clothes for dinner."

I crawled in next to Graham and we moved around into a sixty nine. Soon we were both humping each other's mouths and moaning. We both shot out at almost the same time. We swallowed each other's loads and ran into the shower. We washed each other quick. Dried off and helped each other get dressed. Our boxers were tented and a big bulge showed in our dress pants. Hopefully, it would go down before we got to the Mall.

Graham wanted to drive which was fine with me. We got to the restaurant and were shown to our table. It was towards the back with just candle light. It made a nice romantic atomosphere. We ordered a drink and I proceeded to tell Graham about my conversation with the head jewelry appraiser for the auction house. He was surprised they were coming right away. I told him I hoped it was because they thought the jewelry had value and would make for a good auction. Graham thought so, since they were coming so soon. Graham asked me if I wanted him to take the next two days off from work. I told him no, I appreciate the thought, but right now everything is in the preliminary stages. Have to wait and see what happens tomorrow. We ordered our dinner. It was delicious and a nice change from Margaret's dinners. Nothing against Margaret, but we were ready for a change in our diet. Graham paid for dinner and I left the tip.

On our way home I told Graham the appraisers would be staying at the house. They would be in the two guest bedrooms that are adjoined. Since they would be appraising the jewelry at the bank, it just seemed the logical thing to do. The closet hotel was many miles away and they would have to rent a car. I was thinking of making reservations at Milo's tomorrow night for all of us. Graham agreed with my decisions and he thought Milo's would be a perfect place for dinner and relax.

Little did Bob and Graham know, but the head appraiser was a closeted gay. Only a handful of people knew he was gay. It would ruin his career if too many people found out. The co-owners of the auction house knew he was gay and didn't have a problem with it. He kept it quiet and was one of the world's best jewelry appraisers and they felt lucky to have him working for them. Any time he hired a new assistant, one of the requirments was that they spend the night with him. He hadn't hired many assistants. The one he had now was pretty hot muscular and well hung, all the requirements he wanted in an assistant. He wasn't too bad himself. In his early forties with a great career. Worked out when he got the chance. Tall muscular and moderately hung. After talking with Bob, he wondered what he looked like. He had a nice deep voice and was offering his house to them. Would be interesting to see what the sleeping arrangements would be. He would find out tomorrow.

We got home from the restaurant. Stripped down and I grabbed Graham and me a couple of beers. It was raining when we went to the restaurant and it looked like it was raining or misting outside. We laid together on the couch watching tv. We found a good movie that was about half way through. It was pretty good and we both enjoyed the movie. We downed our beer pretty fast. Graham went to the kitchen and brought us back a couple more. I told Graham I would call Holden and Dave and tell them no working out till Saturday. We watched the late night news and then went to bed.

We were tired when we crawled into bed. But as soon as our heads hit the pillow we were wide awake. I told Graham, "I know what will tire us out."

Graham gave me a smile. He knew what I was thinking.

We started making out and soon it turned to love making. We were making love for over an hour. Finally we were exhausted and I snuggled up with Graham and we fell asleep.

Here it was Thursday morning. We would need to hurry around. I needed to be at the aiport by ten. They were scheduled to arrive at ten thirty. It's a couple hours drive to the airport. Graham needed to get to his office early. He had an early morning meeting with a prospective client. We smelled breakfast coming from downstairs. It was nice getting up a little later and being able to sleep in a bit. Of course we had our good morning love making. We both jumped in the shower, washed each other, dried off and got dressed. I wore dress clothes, like I wear to work. Graham was looking as handsome as ever in a business suit. We went downstairs and talked to Margaret for a few minutes while she finished our breakfast. I looked out the patio doors and it was cloudy. Looked like it could be misting. We ate in the breakfast nook. I told Margaret I would be going to the airport to pick up two very important gentlemen that would staying here. Margaret told me she had the two adjoining bedrooms ready and freshened for the guests. We finished our breakfast and told Margaret goodbye. Graham and I hugged and kissed in the garage and left for our separate ways.

Traffic wasn't too heavy going to the airport. I made pretty good time. I arrived at the airport. Parked in the short term parking lot and walked into the airport. Looked at my watch and it was one minute after after ten. I checked the flight schedules and noticed the flight arriving from New York was on schedule. They would be arriving at ten twenty. I walked over to a restaurant and ordered a coffee to go. I drank my coffee and walked around the airport for a bit. It had been a long time since I had been here. The coffee wasn't very good and I dumped the rest of it in a garbage bin and walked down to baggage claim. I checked the schedule to find which carousel their flight would use. I found an empty bench and took a seat. It was fun watching the hustle and bustle in the airport. I'm a people watcher and it was fun watching them. Soon I heard the speaker that the flight from New York had arrived. I realized I didn't have their names, or a good description of what they looked like. I thought I'd look for two men in suits walking together, and hopefully that would be them.

I saw passengers arriving at baggage claim. I thought I saw them, but wasn't sure. Two men smartly dressed were walking down the ramp to baggage claim. I thought I would question them, "Excuse me, are you gentlemen from the international auction house"

They looked a little surprised. "Yes, we are, may we help you?"

"I'm sorry I didn't get your names or descriptions. I'm Dr. Bob and we had talked on the phone."

They both smiled. "Dr. Bob, it's our pleasure to meet you. I'm Anthony and my assistant is Roland." We shook hands and walked to the carousel. We talked while we waited for their bags. They were impeccably dressed. They looked like they were wearing Armani suits. They said they had a good flight. Soon the alarm sounded and the red light flashed and luggage starting coming down the carousel. We waited a few minutes and soon they had their small overnight bags. They were carrying suit bags. I told them to wait outside and I'd bring my car around. I pulled up in front of them and helped them put their bags in the back and hang up their suits on the clothing bar. We got in. Anthony sat up front with me and Roland in the back seat. We took off for my house.

I told them I had the meeting set up at the bank for three this afternoon. I thought that would give them time to get settled in and relax before we went to the bank. I asked them if they wanted to stop for lunch. They said they ate breakfast and lunch on the plane and were full. I told them if they changed their mind to let me know and we could stop for lunch.

Both men were good looking. Anthony looked older than Roland. I thought Anthony was close to Cal and Travis' age. Roland looked closer to Graham and my age. I thought I noticed a big bulge in Anthony's pants. But I could have been imagining that. It was just a quick glance. I asked them if they had ever been in this area before. They both said it was their first time. But they liked the scenery. We passed The Big One and I noticed that the construction of the new store looked completed. We drove by Milo's. There was maybe a handful of cars in the parking lot. They always got busy later in the day. Soon we were approaching town and I pressed the button on my visor and the gate opened. Anthony said, "quite an impressive looking house Dr. Bob. Maybe we could auction it for you?"

"Thanks, but I'm not interested in selling."

I pulled into the garage. I helped Anthony and Roland with their overnight bags and they took their suits. We walked into the kitchen and Margaret was their getting dinner ready. "Hello Margaret, this is Anthony and the other gentleman is Roland."

"Hello gentlemen nice to meet you. I'm Margaret and I do the housework for Bob."

"Nice to meet you Margaret." They both said.

I took them upstairs to their bedrooms while they were looking around. I told them they had adjoining bedrooms and I would leave them to get settled in and they could come back downstairs when they were ready. They both thanked me and told me they would be down shortly.

Anthony loved Bob's house. He was hoping he could get a tour after he got settled in. He liked the fact that he and Roland had adjoining bedrooms. They wouldn't need the second bedroom, but it was good for appearance. They got their clothes put away and suits hung up. They changed into some dressy casual clothes for the appraisal later. Once they finished they hugged and kissed before going back downstairs.

They made their way downstairs. Anthony told Bob that he was impressed with his house with the little that he saw. He asked Bob if he could get a tour of his house. Bob told Anthony and Roland their was one other guest bedroom on their side. And two master bedrooms on the other side of the hallway. He told them he occupied one master bedroom and his childhood friend that was living with him, occupied the other master bedroom. That's why they were put into adjoining guest bedrooms. Both Anthony and Roland told Bob they were very comfortable in their bedrooms. Bob continued the tour. He showed them the kitchen and breakfast nook. Living room and outdoor patio. They went downstairs and Bob showded them the locker room and gym. The game room and theater room. They both were taken back with the locker room and gym. They told Bob they might want to use the gym tomorrow morning if that was ok. He told them it would be fine. He told them he and his best friend might join them. Anthony told Bob that he had quite a house. He liked the large rooms and the magohany wood gave the house a nice warm feeling.

They walked back upstairs and Bob asked them if they would like something to drink. They all agreed a scotch and water on the rocks would be good. Bob fixed their drinks and asked them to follow him. He showed them the library and study. They walked back to the patio. They went out on the patio. It was warm and humid and misting. They sat for a bit on the loungers until it was time to go to the bank.

Bob called the jeweler and told him they were leaving for the bank. Bob told Anthony and Roland he called the jeweler and he would meet them at the bank. Bob also called the bank president and told him they were leaving now for the bank.

Anthony liked the small town. He told me this was the first time he had ever been in a small town. He told me it had a nice feel to it. And might be a good place for their auction. We arrived at the bank. I thought I saw the bank president looking out one of the front windows for us. We got out of the SUV and walked up to the bank. I opened the door for the gentlemen and we walked to the bank president's office. The secretary welcomed us and told us we could go in. The bank president got up from the chair and walked over and we shook hands and I introduced Anthony and Roland to the bank president. He told us to follow him. He took us to where the safe deposit boxes were kept. I saw Anthony take out a towel he had with him and he and Roland put on white cloth gloves. They had a loop attached to glasses with them and some papers. I assumed the papers were for reference. I took out my key and opened the box. Slid it out and placed it on the table in front of Anthony.

It looked liked Anthony's hands were shaking as he carefully opened the top of the safe deposit box. He took the papers out, which were copies of the appraisal from the jeweler. That reminded me, I wondered where the jeweler was. Anthony laid the papers to the side and started carefully taking out the pieces of jewelry and laying them on the the cloth. I thought I saw a look of surprise on his and Roland's faces. Soon he had all twenty five pieces laid out and grouped together. "This is quite a collection you have Bob."

We heard the door and the jeweler walked in and took a seat by me. I told Anthony and Roland that this was jeweler that was responsible for making this fine jewelry. They both greeted the jeweler and told us that they would start.

Anthony started with the rings. "I want to tell you," talking directly to the jeweler, "this is some of the finest handcrafted jewelry I have ever seen. Where did you learn to craft such fine jewelry?"

The jeweler looked a little embarrased. "I started as an apprentice working for Cartier and when I wasn't needed anymore by them I worked for Tiffany and Company."

"Well you definitely learned a lot from both of those fine companies. But just looking at the rings. I see you have your own personal style for making jewelry. It's not Cartier or Tiffany, nor is it a combination of their work. It's completely your own style and I must add again, it's remarkable workmanship. You definitely need to be complimented for such outstanding work."

The jeweler was beet red. He wasn't used to having his work complimented and especially not by one of the world's best jewelry appraisers. "To get back to these rings. Looking at the papers. I see you appraised them at $200,000 each. I think you were right on the money for the appraisal of the rings. But as you probably know, when they come up for auction, anything is possible. If two buyers want the rings, they would get into a bidding war and the sky is the limit at what the final price would be."

"Next are the six bracelets, two were appraised at $100,000 each and four were appraised at $140,000 each. First, they are made with 18 carat gold. Very fine Italian enameling, set with gem stones. I feel the appraisal is a little low on the six bracelets, I would estimate all the bracelets to be $1,000,000. Next are the chokers. These chokers are most unusual, being solid gemstones set on 18 carat gold filigree. You were smart using filigree so that the chokers wouldn't be heavy with all the gem stones. Again, I feel the appraisal is a little low on the chokers and I would appraise the four at $2,000,000. Now for the necklace and earring sets, there are twelve sets. The gold necklace and earrings, being 18 carat gold and so finely crafted would have a value of $1,000,000. All the others after looking them over carefully I feel are appraised correctly. "This is quite a collection of jewelry you have Bob, and fortunate to be the owner of it. Now our next piece of business, is planning the auction. I need to tell you up front that our fee is ten percent of the total profits. We take care of security, setting up the venue and contacting a special group of clientele. We also take care of security for the invited clientele and housing. I would like to have the auction here in town. It would generate a lot of attention to the town and I think it would be good for business. However, a venue and housing here, I see as a problem." The jeweler intertupted and told Anthony that he had bought a hotel that used to exist in town. He has never opened it to the public and it has just sat for many years not being used. I think with a little work to the hotel it would work out perfect for the auction and for housing the clientele. It also has a large banquet room that would work for the auction. We could go there and take a look if your interested.

Anthony carefully put the jewelry back in the safe deposit cloth wrapping the jewelry in the fine cloth. He put appraisal papers back on top, closed the lid to the box and pushed it over to Bob. Bob secured the safe deposit box in it's slot and locked it in place. "Should we take a look at the hotel?"

"Certainly said Anthony."

They got up, thanked the bank president and left the bank. The hotel was a few blocks from the bank. So they all got into Bob's SUV and the jeweler gave Bob directions to the hotel. They pulled up in front. The sign was still hanging on the side of the hotel. It looked to be in good condition. The jeweler got out and they huddled around him while he unlocked the hotel. He wasn't sure if it still had electricity or if he had had it turned off. He tried the switch at the entrance and the lights came on in the foyer/reception area. Everything was dusty, but looked to be in very good condition. There was a lobby well furnished and decorated. A door lead off to the right of the lobby. This was the banquet room. It was quite large considering the size of the hotel. It looked like it could hold at least one hundred people maybe a few more. Anthony said he liked what he had seen so far. Then then took the stairs to the upper floor. This florr had the bedrooms. They looked carefully at the bedrooms. There four master sized bedrooms in each corner with their own bathroom very nicely decorated with canopy beds. Their were six bedrooms on each side of the hall. There were three ajoining bedrooms on each side with their own bathroom. Anthony was very impressed and he told everyone this would work perfect for the auction if it was okay with the jeweler. The jeweler told them he would be glad to have the auction here, and told Anthony he would have another set of keys made for him.

On the drive back to the jewelry store. Anthony told the jeweler he would have a crew come that works for the auction house to get the hotel cleaned and ready for the auction. They have their own displays and provide all the chairs and display cases for the jewelry. Anthony told us that they would be able to have the hotel ready in a week. They would take care of the advertising and contacting a special list of clientele that would be interested in this quality of jewelry. Bob asked Anthony if it would be okay to have the auction announced in the their daily paper. Anthony thought not, because this would be an exclusive auction and only a select group of people would be able to bid on this jewelry. He thought it was better if it was not made available to the public. Anthony went on to explain that some of the clientele would be royalty, and they might attend the auction or send representatives or do bidding by phone. Anthony told Bob that the photos he had sent earlier of the jewelry, would work perfect in the brochure they send to their clientele.

They dropped the jeweler off at his store and both Anthony and Roland thanked him for the use of the hotel and especially for his fine jewelry.

I told Anthony and Roland we would go to a very fine Italian Restaurant for lunch. As we were driving to the restaurant. Anthony told me once they left tomorrow they would get back in touch with me to let me know the time and day for the auction. Anthony and Roland said they would be very busy the next few days getting everything in place for the auction. They would work through the weekend and probably call me on the weekend with the details. Once they received the go ahead on the hotel, then it's just a matter of a day or two until the auction will happen. Bob mentioned to Anthony that his father knew of some people that would be interested in attending the auction and maybe they could go by his office after lunch and talk with him. Anthony thought that was a good idea, and if they had some local people attending the auction, it would be good for the town.

They arrived at the restaurant. Anthony and Roland liked the restaurant very much. They ordered a bottle of wine and a drink before ordering their meal. Bob gave his dad a call and told him about the appraisers being here from the international auction house and they would like to meet with him after lunch if he was available. John told Bob that he would be sure to have some time available. They ate a very delicious lunch. Bob paid and left a tip, much to the chagrin of Anthony who thought they should have paid.

They left the restaurant drove to Bob's dads office building. Just before they arrived, Bob got a call on his cell phone. It was the jeweler telling Bob he had the set of keys ready for Anthony. Bob told Anthony and said they would go by the jewelers after they met with his dad. They walked in the large, impressive office building to Bob's dad office. The secretary greeted them and told Anthony and Roland they could go in. She told Bob he wanted to talk with them privately.

What Bob didn't know was that Anthony was a friend of his dad's and had attended some jewelry auctions in the past. That's how Bob's mom had come by some very fine jewelry for presents on her birthday, anniversary and Christmas. Anthony remembered John when he entered the office. They shook hands and talked like old friends for a few minutes. Then they got down to business. He told Anthony that he wanted to attend the auction and gave Anthony the names of two other people that he knew that would be interested in the auction. Anthony put the names and numbers in his cell phone. They talked a bit longer and then said their goodbyes.

Bob looked a little confused when Anthony and Roland left his dad's office. Anthony told Bob he would explain when they went to the jewelers for the keys to the hotel. They got in the SUV and started talking. Anthony told Bob that he knew his father and that his father had attended some of their jewelry auctions. Anthony wasn't sure if he should mention John going to this auction, but told Bob that his father had given him a couple of names of people that would be interested in the auction.

They arrived at the jewelers. Both Anthony and Roland wanted to go inside and see the jewelers store. They entered and the jeweler was glad to see them. Anthony looked around. He couldn't believe how small the store was, but then he remembered this was a small town and probably not a lot of demand for jewelry. They went to the back and saw the jewelers small working area, but was impressed how well equipped it was. It was obvious with anyone with knowledge of jewelry, that the jeweler knew what he was doing. The jeweler handed Anthony the set of keys and told him he checked them and they all worked. He also told Anthony that the water was working and eletricity would be on. They thanked the jeweler and Bob said it was time to go home and relax for awhile. It had already felt like they had put in an eight hour shift.

Graham thought he should give Bob a call and see how his day was going, but wasn't sure if they were in the middle of business and didn't want to be interrupted. So Graham held off and would call a little later.

Nash was pretty happy after he had talked with Graham. He had wanted Graham to be his best man at his wedding and he was really glad when Graham agreed. However, since they talked, Nash found out he wouldn't be getting his bonus from work for about three to four weeks. Which was going to set back their wedding. he wasn't happy about that. He needed that money for the wedding, and needless to say, his soon to be wife wasn't happy either. They would have to change their wedding date and reception. They both had a lot of calling to do to make the changes. He knew the bachelor party was still going on as planned. It was just the wedding that was set back.

When they got home from the jewelers. They all looked tired. Margaret told Bob that she needed to leave early. She had everything finished and really needed to leave. Bob told her, like many times before, that she didn't need his permission to leave early. She knew better than Bob what needed to be done daily and if she said she had her work done, that was good enough for Bob. He told her bye and would see her tomorrow morning. Bob told Anthony and Roland that his cleaning lady had to leave early. He was going upstairs and put on some shorts and tshirt and get comfortable. They both said they would get comfortable too and be back down in a couple of minutes. Bob put on some gym shorts. He thought he would go commando. He was getting vibes from Anthony and he thought Anthony would like seeing him in some loose gym shorts with no underwear. A tight tshirt that would show off his muscles.

He got back downstairs before Anthony and Roland and he thought he should give Milo's a call and make dinner reservations. Martin answered and Bob told him he needed a table reserved for four. Martin told him not to worry and asked Bob for what time. Bob told him he thought seven would be a good time. Just as they finished their call, he saw Anthony and Roland come downstairs. They looked pretty good. Roland was really muscled and it showed through his tshirt and his legs were well developed. Anthony was muscular but not as firm as Roland. He still looked pretty good. I noticed the front of their shorts bulging. I think my hunch is correct. They told Bob, "this feels much better, nice to be able to be comfortable and relax." We all sat in the living on the couch.

Bob asked them if they would like something to drink. They said a cold beer would taste pretty good. I went to the kitchen and grabbed beers for us and handed them a beer. I could see up a leg opening of Roland. His cock looked pretty long and thick soft. It was nestled on top of a couple of big balls. I think he saw me look and shifted his position so I could see more up his leg opening. Anthony was talking to me and pretending like he didn't know what was going on. I sat on the other side of Anthony and I noticed his shorts were tented more. I could feel my cock starting to stir in my shorts. Finally Anthony talked and said when he was home by himself, he always went around naked. I thought that was a rather bold statement to make. Roland then said, when he stayed at Anthony's he went around naked too. I thought what the heck. I go around here naked too when it's just me and my childhood friend. He goes around naked too. Anthony then said, "then why don't we all get naked and be really comfortable."

"If you sure, it's okay with me."

We all stood up and like little kids, on the the count of three we dropped our shorts and took our shirts off. One, two, three and we were all naked. Roland looked pretty ripped. He had a trace of a treasure trail down to some thick pubes. His cock looked to be about four or five inches soft and thick over two big balls. Anthony was hairier. He had hair on his chest and pecs and a nice treasure trail down to his black pubes. His cock looked like it was pretty big. It was a good six or seven inches soft, thick and also laying over a couple of big balls. We all took a good look at each other and seemed to like what we saw. I was going to get up and get us another beer when my phone rang and scared the crap out of me. It was Graham. "Hi babe, where are you?"

I walked out to the kitchen for some privacy. "I'm home, we have everything finished for today and I have dinner reservations made at Milo's. I will fill you in on what transpired when you get home. You won't believe what's happening right now."

"Why what's going on?"

"We are all sitting here naked. We need one more person here to make this complete."

"I'll get there as soon as I can. Should finish a bit early today. Are those guys pretty hot?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that when you get here. I better get back with our guests. They will wonder what's happened to me. Love and can't wait for you to get home."

I took beers back to the living room and saw Anthony and Roland feeling each other up. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"Not at all. We needed to find something to do to occupy our time. Were you talking to your friend?"

"Yes, he told me he would get home a bit early. He asked me what you guys looked like. I told him he would find out when he got here."

Meyer was putting the final touches on his Grand Opening. He was getting a very positive response from the town and community for his Grand Opening. He was glad he had the opporunity to buy the store from Alec. From what he had been hearing. Most of the town people were glad that Alec had left. Oh well, that was his problem, all the better for me. He would display many new items he had in stock and was planning on having some snacks and coffee and tea. So far he had contacted ten different businesses. Had sent out emails and posted fliers around town. He expected a good turn out.

Bob told the guys he wanted to wait for Graham to arrive and then they could head upstairs and have fun in comfort on a large bed. They just kept making out and kissing. Finally Bob heard Graham. He walked into the kitchen and gave him a hug and kiss and told him he loved him. Graham was pleasantly surprised to see everyone naked. Anthony and Roland looked pretty hot. He was already starting to get hard in his boxers. They all went upstairs to Bob and Graham's bedroom. Anthony and Roland laid on the bed and watched Bob strip Graham. The way they looked and touched each other, you could easily tell they were in love. This was something Anthony wished that he had, but with his work and traveling most of the time, it was almost impossible to have a long term relationship. Roland was going on two years working for the auction house and that was the longest Anthony had ever been with anyone. It was just after five so they had some time to have some fun before they needed to get ready for dinner and go to Milo's.

Anthony and Roland were already making out. They got hot and horny watching Bob strip Graham. Bob and Graham joined Anthony and Roland on the bed. Bob got down between Anthony's legs and started sucking on his big balls. He could see his big cock starting to harden. Graham lubed his ass and Anthony's big cock. It looked completely hard. Anthony said he was just over ten inches. I started licking around Anthony's hole and I saw his hole open and close wanted something inside it. Roland had straddled Anthony's chest and was sticking his hard cock into his mouth. Roland looked to be about six inches, but thick. It would make a big mouthful. I started sticking my tongue into Anthony's hole and I felt his hole pull on my tongue. That got me instantly hard. I lubed my cock and stuck a couple of lubed fingers in Anthony's hole and he felt stretched. I eased my cock in and started giving him a few slow thrusts. My cock easily slid in and soon I felt my shaft rubbing over his prostate. I heard Roland groan and I knew he was shooting into Anthony's mouth. Graham was sweating and groaning and grunting on Anthony's big thick cock. I couldn't believe Graham was able to take that monster. Soon Anthony was pulling and constricting on my cock. That brought me over the edge and I was filling him with a big load. I pulled out and laid by Roland. We watched my lover bounce on Anthony's cock. I saw Anthony's cock stiffen and swell and heard him groan loud. I knew he was shooting way up Graham's hole. We lay back on the bed. Panting and sweating until we regained our normal breathing.

I told the guys we better shower and get dressed for dinner I had made reservations at very nice supper club. We all got into the shower and washed each other off. We all got hard feeling each other's cocks and balls. I jerked off Anthony while Roland and Graham got us into a circle jerk. I couldn't believe how big and thick Anthony's cock was. I could barely fit my hand around it. I was jerking him fast and his balls were bouncing up and down and around. Soon I heard him grunt, I got down on my knees and took his big cock down as far as I could in my throat and felt a big load flooding my mouth and throat. Anthony said he needed that. He felt drained now. We dried each other other off. Anthony and Roland went to their bedrooms to get dressed. Graham and I dressed each other in some classy dress clothes. We both looked pretty sharp. We walked out into the hall and Anthony and Roland came out. Also, very smartly dressed. We didn't wear suits, but we were dressed in some very nice dress clothes. "Looks like we are ready for dinner."

They all said they were hungry after our sexual workout. We got into my SUV. Anthony sat in the front with me, and Graham and Roland sat behind us. Reservations were for seven and we were leaving just after six. So we should get there a few minutes early, depending on the traffic. It wasn't raining or misting but you could see that it was cloudy. Looking like it could rain any second. We made pretty good time to Milo's. We arrived at six forty five. So we had a few extra minutes, I didn't think Martin would mind if we were a little early. We got out of the SUV, I locked it and we walked up to the front doors of the Supper Club. Martin was there and opened the doors for us and greeted us to Milo's. I introduced Anthony and Roland to Martin and he took us to our table. We had a table towards the back were it was dimly lit. There was a nice candle arrangement on our table. Martin lit the candles for us. And asked us if we would like a drink before we ordered. We all ordered a scotch and water on the rocks.

Martin came over and asked us if we were ready to order. We all ordered the seafood special. It was lobster and shrimp. I had eaten it here before and it was very good. Anthony checked the wine list and ordered a bottle of white wine to compliment our dinner. We all had another drink before Martin brought our dinner. Anthony liked Milo's very much. He said Milo's would rival any fine restaurant he has dined at. He was sure the dinner would be just as fine as the restaurant. Soon we saw Martin come out with a small folding table. He had our salads with an elegant salad dressing server. We all had fresh ground pepper on our salads. The salads were fresh and crisp and the assortment of different dressings finished the salads off nicely. We all ate most of our salad. Martin cleared off our salads and brought out our dinners. The seafood was arranged on large fine porcelain platters. Everyone had drawn butter with their seafood. I was the only one that had mine prepared thermidor. It was delicious and melted in my mouth. Anthony and Roland were enjoying their dinner very much. Anthony said the chef sure knew how to prepare seafood to perfection. We ate our meal, enjoying each bite. We took our time, we wanted this fine food to last for awhile. Finally we finished our dinner and told Martin we would like an after dinner drink. Martin brought over the tab and I had him put it on my account and left a very generous tip. We all told Martin to give the chef our compliments. The dinner was outstanding. We got up and left.

I thought I saw a lit sign at The Big One. I hadn't been back there since I bought my buddy. My eight inch thick dildo. Since Graham and I have been together, I haven't used buddy. I'll have to mention buddy to Graham and see if wants some kinky action. I pulled out of the parking lot and we talked about our dinner and Milo's and then the conversation changed to the upcoming auction. I asked Anthony if I would be able to go in the hotel while it was being prepared for the auction. Anthony told me that wouldn't be a problem. He would tell his crew to expect me to show up a few times. Anthony also went on to explain that he was stunned at the quality of the jewelry and that it came from such a small town and the town had such a fine jeweler. He told me he knew from experience that I would be making a lot of money on the jewerly, probably much more than the appraisal prices from him and the jeweler. Anthony said he expected almost every piece of jewelry to be in a bidding war. I asked Anthony if the jewelry would all be sold in one lot, or if it would be auctioned piece by piece. He said the jewelry would auctioned piece by piece. If someone wanted all the bracelets, they could make a bid, but it would have to meet the appraisal price for the bracelets collectively or higher. Anthony said he doubted that would happen. Since each piece of jewelery was unique on it's own, it would be highly rare for a grouping to be bid on.

After all our talking, I hadn't realized we were already in town. And on the street to our house. I pushed the button on my visor and the gate opened, I drove into the garage and had everything locked. We all got out of the SUV and walked into the kitchen. I just realized that Anthony and I had done all the talking coming back from Milo's. I wondered what Graham and Roland were doing all that time. I did notice big bulges on the front of their pants. "Well gentlemen, I think I'm going to get comfortable and find us a good movie to watch in the theater room downstairs."

They all liked that idea and we went to our bedrooms to get comfortable. Soon we were all going downstairs to watch a movie. I told Graham to go ahead find a movie everybody wanted to watch. I would be down shortly with beers for everyone. I heard them talking as they walked downstairs to the movie room. I found the coldest beers in the frig and some chilled glasses. I poured our beer into the chilled glasses and took everything down on a tray. Graham was waiting for me. He had a movie on pause. He started the movie as everyone took a cold glass of beer off the tray. Graham and I sat together in one of the theater chairs. And Anthony and Roland sat in another. Soon we were all making out and not really watching much of the movie. Then I said, "switch." And Anthony moved in with me and Graham moved in with Roland. Graham was a good kisser, but I think Anthony was better. We kissed and started making out. Feeling each other's hard cocks and playing with each other's balls. We were soon leaking and I took Anthony's cock down to his balls. I couldn't get enough of his big cock. I didn't think of myself as a size queen, but I sure did like his big cock. I played with his balls and started fingering his hole. His eyes got wide and told me he was going to cum. Damn what a big load, I swallowed and swallowed quickly to get it all. He was breathing hard, but he was soon between my legs and deep throating me and fingering my hole. He cupped my balls with his big hand and fingered me at the same time. I soon was filling his throat with a big load. We were satisfied and went back to watching the movie and the show that Graham and Roland were giving us. They were on the floor in a hot sixty nine fingering each other and slurping and sucking each other like crazy. Soon they both shot and humped each other's mouths until they were drained and fell back on the floor exhausted. I said, "switch." Soon Roland was with me and Anthony was with Graham. We didn't really have any more orgasms. We just did a lot of making out. We were all pretty well drained. The movie ended and we decided it was time for bed. We invited Anthony and Roland to sleep with us. they graciously declined saying, they had a long flight fairly early in the morning and should get some sleep. They weren't sure how much sleep they would get if we were all together in the same bed. We hugged and kissed and went to our bedrooms. Graham and I got into bed and were out like a light. Guess we were more tired than we thought. I had set the alarm early to give us plenty of time to have breakfast and be to the airport on time. Graham had taken Friday off and thought I'd like having the company after we saw Anthony and Roland off at the airport.

Friday morning came fast. It seemed like Graham and I had just went to bed. We felt rested. I had called Margaret yesterday and asked her if she could start an hour earlier and then leave an hour earlier. I told her about Anthony and Roland's flight and would like to have breakfast ready early. Being the way Margaret was, it was almost like I was insulting her to start work early. She told me as many times as she had left early, she was happy to start early and get done early. We put on some sweats and went down for breakfast, we hadn't showered yet. Anthony and Roland were already in the breakfast nook talking with Margaret. Anthony and Roland were already dressed and looked ready to go. We walked into the breakfast nook and talked for a bit till Margaret had our breakfast ready. I told Anthony I would look forward to his call this weekend. And was anxious to see how the hotel would look once his crew was finished. We ate our breakfast and told Anthony and Roland we needed to shower and dress and then we would be ready to take them to the airport. They told us they still had a few last minute items to pack and then they would ready to go. Graham and I took a quick shower together. We had the shower running in the other master bedroom for appearance. We turned the showers off, dried each other off and got dressed. It didn't take long. We wore just some sporty casual clothes. Anthony and Roland were back in business suits and were looking as hot and handsome as ever. We made our way downstairs and Anthony and Roland were waiting for us in the living room. They thanked Margaret for everything and we left for the airport. I wanted to take a good look when we drove hy The Big One and see if they were back in business.

Starting out to the airport the traffic was light. The Big One was back in business. The new store looked much bigger than the last one, I chuckled to myself when I ready the sign, The Bigger One, I was wondering how big the dildo's were now. Anthony and Roland thanked us for a wonderful time and were hoping they could stay again with us when we had the auction. I told them of course, I just assumed you would stay with us. Once we got onto the interstate, the traffic was pretty heavy. We made fairly good time and arrived at the airport about two and a half hours before their departure. I left Anthony Roland and Graham off in front and I got my SUV parked. I joined them back inside the airport and Anthony and Roland were in the security line to get checked in. We watched them until they cleared security and then they took off to their terminal and gate to board their plane. We waved as we watched them walk out of sight. Then Graham and I walked back to the SUV and we took off for home. We were talking about Anthony and Roland and wished they lived closer. They were very friendly and you could tell Anthony had been in the jewelry business for a long time. He was fast thorough and efficient. He really knew his stuff. I was looking forward to his call this weekend. Both Graham and I missed them, even though we had really only met for a day and a few hours.

It was going on noon and our stomachs started rumbling. We wondered where we were going to eat. I didn't really want to eat lunch at Milo's, they would be open. But they serve more of a brunch at this time of day. We remembered there was a small restaurant at the junction of Highway 6 and 8. Highway 6 was our turnoff to go home. We thought we'd give that a shot and at least get our stomach's full. We had never ate there.

We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. There were a few cars and a couple of semi trucks. Truck stops are notorious for good food and big portions. We walked in and everyone stared at us. Obviously we weren't regulars of the restaurant. We found a booth and sat down. The restaurant wasn't very fancy. It looked more like a mom and pop's place. But usually they have good home cooking. A waitress came over. She looked high school age. Asked us if we would like coffee and menus. We told her yes on both counts. She brought our coffee and menus. We looked them over. I decided to have roast chicken with stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn. Graham thought that sounded good and ordered the same thing. The waitress told us that was the special of the day. We drank our coffee and talked about the auction and Anthony and Roland. I told Graham I hoped he didn't feel left out with everything going on. It's just that everything is going so quick. Graham told me, not to worry about him. He was behind me one hundred percent. He told me this was my ball game and he would just hang back and give me support and help as I needed it. I whispered to him that I loved him. He whispered back the same thing. The waitress came out with our lunch. My eyes almost bugged out. She asked me if everything was ok. I told her everything was fine, I just didn't expect such a big order. She said that we had some of the smaller portions. My plate looked like it had half a chicken on it. The mashed potatoes and stuffing were heaped up on the plate. How they found room for the corn, I don't know. Graham's plate looked the same as mine. However, Graham being a big eater, I'm sure he would eat it all. The lunch was delicious and I managed to eat almost all of the food. Graham of course cleaned his plate and ordered apple pie with ice cream. I was full and passed on dessert. I had another cup of coffee while I watched Graham eat his dessert. Just shaking my head. Graham finished his dessert. I had the waitress bring our tab. Our bill was what I had paid as a tip at Milo's last night at dinner. We each left the waitress a tip and she thanked us. She probably never received that much in tips.

We made it home and walked into the kitchen. Margaret looked busy. She was glad to see us. She said the land line phone had been ringing and Cal had called a couple of times. I was wondering what he wanted. I would call him back after I got changed. We went upstairs and changed into some sweats. We went out on the patio. It was misting but it was comfortable on the loungers on the covered part of the patio. I gave Cal a call. "Hi Cal, Margaret said you called a couple of times."

"Yes, I have some information I thought you would like."

"And what's the information?"

"Our buddy Alec decided to come back into the state. He was wearing some disguise, but driving the same car. Not too smart. He was picked up by a highway patrol. He's in the county jail where he was arrested. The sheriff from that county contacted me and wanted to to have verification that it was Alec. I told him it was Alec. He told me good, that's all he needed to know. He ahd called the federal authorities. He was waiting on them. And he would be sent to federal prison."

"Thanks Cal, you just made my day. I'm glad to hear he will go to federal prison. Do you think he will go to the prison where Butch and his buddies were?"

"That's a good question. My guess is yes. Since he was living in this area. He would most likely go to the federal prison in this area."

"Let me know if he goes to the prison here. I liked to visit him during visiting hours."

"I'll do that. I better leave and get back to work. I'll call you one of these days and come over in the evening to visit."

"Graham and I would like that. Don't wait too long to come over. You know your always welcome."

"I'll try to get over soon. Hopefully my work will ease up a bit and then I can get over to see you guys."

"Ok Cal. Thanks for calling and we look forward to seeing you soon."

"Did I hear you mention Alec babe?" Graham asked.

"Yes, Cal told me came back into the state and was arrested by a highway patrol. He's in a county jail and the sheriff of that county is waiting on federal officials to take him to a federal prison."

"Do you think he will go to the federal prison in this area. Cal said he thought so. Since he was working and living in this area."

Graham and I told Margaret bye when she was ready to leave. After our big lunch we weren't hungry. Probably just fix some snacks later or make dinner into bite size pieces. We watched tv and watched a college football game that was getting ready to start. We watched the game and when it got to halftime we went to the kitchen and fixed a plate of dinner snacks. Graham grabbed a couple of beers for us and I brought our snacks in. We looked at each other and realized we had clothes on. We hadn't stripped down after Margaret left. We stripped each other and then drank beer, watched the game and ate our dinner snacks. After eating we laid together on the couch watching the rest of the game. Once the game finished we cleaned the living room of dinner. Went upstairs to bed. We make love for a couple of hours and slowly drifted off to sleep. I didn't set the alarm. It would be nice to sleep in. I had told Holden and Dave we wouldn't be working out till Monday, I had changed it from tomorrow Saturday to Monday. I thought we'd like the rest and have some time for ourselves.

We woke up Saturday morning. I was wondering all night if Anthony would call today. I didn't expect him to call until tomorrow. We went downstairs together and fixed breakfast together. Graham asked me if he thought Anthony would call today. I told I didn't think so. I thought probably tomorrow. I liked watching Graham helping me with breakfast. I could just look at him all day. I think I know every inch of his body pretty well. We ate a big breakfast, showered and just lounged around all day. It was nice, just the two of us. We didn't really talk a lot. We enjoyed the skin to skin contact and being alone together. We watched tv, ate lunch and dinner. Watched some sports and went to bed. Didn't really do anything special all day. We decided we would go to church tomorrow at the early service.

The alarm went off Sunday morning. Early service is at seven. It was just six now so we had time to eat breakfast, shower and dress for church. I fixed breakfast for us. Graham was being a lazy ass this morning. I rattled a couple of pans and told him breakfast was ready. He looked so cute rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes as he walked downstairs. I had everything ready in the breakfast nook. We ate breakfast and I asked Graham if he would get the shower ready and I'd be right up. I wanted to clean the kitchen and put everything away. I finished in the kitchen and walked upstairs and into the shower. Graham was in the shower sitting on the shower bench. He was slowly jerking off with his eyes closed. He was moaning. He didn't hear me come into the shower. I slapped his hand away and he looked surprised. I grabbed his hard cock and started stroking it while I sucked on the head. He leaned back and spread his legs. I picked up speed and soon he was humping my mouth and shooting out one of his big delicious morning loads. I swallowed it all. We finished washing each other, Dried each other off, dressed and were ready for church. Graham wanted to drive so we went in his car. It had been awhile since I had ridden in his car. It's sporty and low to the ground. It felt real low after always being in my SUV.

We made it to church. Parked and went in. It was a few minutes before service would start. We greeted people we knew. I saw my parents sitting in the middle, but there wasn't any space to sit close to them. We sat on the opposite side and waited for the service to begin. The service was just the same as always, except for the sermon, which was about the evils of the flesh. The priest didn't put a lot of details into his sermon, but it was easy to tell it was directed to gays and lesbians. Once service ended we bolted out. The sermon had me a little riled and I didn't feel like greeting the priest or anybody else for that matter. Graham knew I was upset and he didn't say anything.

We got home and stripped down. Finally Graham said, "did the priest's sermon upset you babe?"

I just looked straight ahead for a couple of minutes. I was still pretty upset and I didn't want to be mad at Graham. Finally I said, "I don't understand the priest, he does counseling for young gay boys and girls, then he gives a sermon about the evils of the flesh. Sure it upset me babe. He's not being fair to the people he's trying to help."

"Well, we know our lifestyle isn't still accepted much. But I think with time it will continue to get better."

"I guess your right. I still am mad at the priest for giving that sermon."

We went to the living room. Graham said he was going to do some grilling for lunch. He told me to just relax and he was going to do everything for lunch. I laid back on the arm of the couch and watched tv while Graham was bustling around getting lunch ready. I picked up my phone to see if I had any missed calls. Then I realized I had turned it off during service and hadn't turned it back on. I turned it on and I had two missed calls from Anthony.

Once my phone was ready, I called Anthony. "Hi Bob, thanks for returning my call."

"Sorry, I had turned my phone off during church and forgot to turn it back on."

"That's ok Bob. Just wanted you to know that the workers will arrive starting tonight and the rest tomorrow morning. I had two big trailers moved in front of the hotel. One trailer will be for sleeping and the other will be for food. I talked to the local sheriff and he told me there was no problem keeping the trailers parked in front of the hotel. I told the foreman of the workers about you visiting. So he knows your name and I gave him a good description of you."

"I hope you didn't give too much of a detailed description of me. I do like some things kept private." That made Anthony laugh. "No worries there Bob. that's all our secret."

"That was fast Anthony. Will the foreman be able to give me details about the progress and should the jeweler be present, since he owns the hotel?"

"No, I have everything worked out with the jeweler. The foreman and his crew have been working for me for many years. They are quick and efficient. The will be able to give updates on their progress and answer any questions you might have. Once the rest of the crew arrives early tomorrow morning. They will begin their work. I would wait until Tuesday to talk to the foreman."

"I can't beleieve how fast this is going."

"Well Bob, like I told you. I've been in the business for over twenty years and I learned a lot over the years and met many people. I have a good contact list and these workers are excellent at what they do."

"I can't wait to see them in action. And talk to the foreman. Thanks for everything Anthony and look foward to seeing you again soon. Tell Roland hi for me, I mean from us.

"Hey babe, I heard you talking to Anthony is everything ok?"

"Everything is perfect love. The workers will start tomorrow on the hotel. Anthony has everything worked out. I will be able to talk to the foreman and get updates on their progress."

"That's terrific. It's easy to tell that Anthony has been doing this for a long time."

"I feel lazy. Will you get me a beer? And whatever your grilling smells awesome." I watched Graham walk back to the kitchen, his tight ass wiggling back and forth. I need to fill that ass later. Maybe that would be a good time to mention buddy to him.

Lunch was delicious. Graham grilled barbeque beef ribs. With a mixture of different grilled vegetables. He also fixed his special barbeque sauce. It smelled delicious. Also a fresh salad with buns that he warmed in the grill. This was more like dinner than lunch. But I wasn't complaining. I was good at grilling, but Graham was a master griller. I knew everything would taste great. We ate out on the patio table. It was cloudy out, but not raining or misting. It was warm, but pleasant sitting in the part of the patio that was covered. We ate our lunch. I complimented Graham on everything. It was really over the top and I appreciated the time and thought he put into cooking this for me. We drank beer with lunch and we had a lot of left overs. I helped Graham get the leftovers put away, and he told me to go back to the living room and he would finish the rest. I ate more than I usually do, but the food was so good I had to splurge. I went back to the living room and watched some more sports.

The big meal made me tired and I must have dozed off. I felt a great sensation. I didn't know if I was dreaming or half awake. It felt like I was hard and something wet and warm was on my cock. I opened my eyes and I wasn't dreaming. Graham was between my legs giving me a sensational blow job. I told him that it felt great, but maybe it was time to try out buddy. He gave me a puzzled look and I told him that buddy was a dildo I had bought from The Big One before he had moved in with me. He got a smile on his face and told me he had a dildo too. We both went upstairs and got our buddies. We compared them. Graham's was larger than mine. His looked to be about nine inches and thick. Mine was eight inches and thick. We had brought the lube with us and lubed each other's dildo's and started working them in our holes. The dildo's got us instantly hard and soon we were moaning and humping on the dildo's. We moved around into a sixty nine so we could keep going with the dildo's. It only took us about two minutes sucking and we were blasting out big loads.

The rest of the day we watched sports. Graham fixed his delicious lunch into appetizers and we had just a light dinner. We were tired after the game finished and we went to bed. I set the alarm. I thought we needed to get back to working out tomorrow morning. We ate a lot of food and drank a lot of beer. We needed to work that off.

The alarm woke us up. It seemed like the alarm went off earlier every day. I shut the alarm off. We kissed and hugged and got out of bed. We made our way downstairs and Holden and Dave were there in their jocks waiting for us. I could look at them in their jocks every day waiting for us. Damn they filled their jocks out nice. Graham and I got into our jocks and we all started working out. We decided a hour and a half was long enough. We were sweating and stripped off our jocks. We all got into the shower. It was a little tight, but that made it more enjoyable. We washed each other other and soon got into a group fuck. That was fun and we all took each other's big loads. We were drained and satisfied and decided to get out of the shower. We dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was just finishing getting everything ready in the breakfast nook. We ate our breakfast, thanked Margaret and walked out to the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and we departed our separate ways.

I told Graham to look and see if the trailers had been moved in. His office building was only a block away from the hotel. He told me he would and we could talk it about during lunch.

I got to work and my morning flew by. I called Graham and told him I was leaving for lunch. He told me he would meet me at the diner in a couple of minutes. I walked down to the diner, just as Graham was pulling in. We walked in together into the diner. The diner was busy. But we managed to find a table. Not my favorite one, but it was close. Graham told me there two huge trailers parked in front of the hotel, but that was all he knew. I told him I would drive by after work, just to look, but I wouldn't stop until tomorrow and to talk to the foreman. Millie came sauntering over in a sultry sexy way. I warned Graham. He was sitting where he couldn't see Millie. Millie said. "how are my two hot hunks doing?"

"Graham and I looked at each other."

Millie said, "looks like we have a couple of comedians here."

"We're just giving you a bad time Millie. We'll take a couple of coffees and the special you have posted."

"Ok gentleman. Have it your way."

Once Millie left, we both cracked up. "Millie sure is something else." "I agree, but I wouldn't want her any other way."

Millie came back with our coffee and lunch order. She made sure to lean down low by Graham so he could get a good view of tits. I thought Graham better look out or he might get knocked out. Milie apologized for not having more time to talk with us. But she said she was really busy. I told her to bring our tab when she had time.

Lunch was good. But nothing compared to Graham's and I told Graham that. He quietly told me he loved me. I told him I loved him too. Millie brought our tab, we paid and left. I reminded Graham again that I was going to drive by the hotel and then go home.

The afternoon went fast and soon it was time to leave. I told Janice and Shirley bye and got in my SUV. I was anxious to drive by the hotel, I didn't expect to see much, but I just felt it was something I wanted to do. I drove to the street that passed in front of the hotel. There were the two big trailers. The outside facade looked different. It looked like maybe it was painted, but it was stone and I didn't think they would repaint stone. Then I realized they must have sand blasted the outside. It looked really nice and welcoming. The sign had been cleaned and, I didn't know if they would use the sign or not. I turned around and could see people busy through the windows.

I got home and I saw Graham's car in the garage. I was glad he was here. I walked into the kitchen and talked to Margaret for a couple of minutes. She was just finishing dinner and told me she would be leaving soon. I didn't see Graham. Margaret told me he was still upstairs. I went into the living and read the paper. Not much of interest in the paper. Even the sports page wasn't that interesting. Margaret told me she was leaving and we said our goodbyes. Graham still hadn't come downstairs and I was wondering what was going on. I went upstairs and heard him on the phone. It sounded like he was talking to Nash. I stripped down and laid on the bed watching and listening. It sounded like Nash had to change the dates of the wedding and reception. Graham and Nash finished their call. "Everything ok babe?"

"Yes and no, the bachelor party is still a go. Nash has had to change the day back on the wedding and reception. It's a bonus from work he was counting on, is going to be late. He wasn't happy, but he said he and his future wife were getting everything rescheduled. They were disappointed, but at least they would still have the wedding and the reception."

"Things happen. I was glad Jarvis and Jennifer's wedding went without a hitch. It was touch and go for them for a while."

"I went by the hotel and saw the two big trailers. It looked like the workers had sand blasted the front of the hotel. It looked clean and fresh. Also, I thought they had cleaned the outside sign. I could see people working through the windows. I'm going to talk to the foreman tomorrow and see how everything is going.

"I saw the trailers like I told you at lunch. But didn't notice the front or the sign. I'll check it out tomorrow when I go to work."

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. Ate a little dinner, watched a movie on tv and went to bed. I set the alarm early for another good work out tomorrow morning.

Tuesday was just like any other day. It went by quickly and I was glad. I wanted to get over to the hotel and talk to the foreman and see how their progress was going and what the schedule looks like. I told Shirley and Janice bye and I was out in my SUV in a flash. I drove over to the hotel. I had to park almost a block away, because of the two big trailers parked in the front. I walked to the front doors of the hotel and walked in. Soon a middle aged man came over and asked me who I was. I told him I was Bob and that Anthony was supposed to have mentioned me to the foreman. "Well I'm the foreman, and nice to meet you Bob. As you can see we've been busy."

"How is the work going?"

"Well, we're ahead of schedule if we even really had a schedule. I added an electrician, plumber and wood working expert. According to those three men. Everything is in good working order and nothing needs to be replaced. As far as the furnishings, everything is in good condition and usuable. Our biggest job is cleaning. After the hotel sitting vacant for a few years. It has accumulated a shit pile of dust and dirt. The kitchen is finished and in working order. The banquet room will be finished today. I understand from my crew that they will finish the master bedrooms today. Then the quest bedrooms on each side of the hall will be left. If we keep going like we are. We should be finished by Thursday. My first impression was this was going to be a major job. But it hasn't turned out that way. Actually, it's turning into one of our easiest jobs."

"Is Anthony aware of your progress?"

"Yes, I keep him informed when we finish each day. I'm sure he will be getting in touch with you soon, as fast as this is going."

"Thank you for all the information. Is it possible to have a look around?"

"I would prefer if you can came back tomorrow, I can show you around then. Right now I have my crew scattered throughout the hotel and I don't want to get in their way."

"I understand. I'll come back tomorrow and am anxious to see how this hotel once looked."

I arrived home and Margaret had left for the day. I figured she would be gone since I arrived a little later. I saw Graham out on a lounger on the patio drinking a beer. I peeked my head in the patio. Gave him a kiss and told him I loved. He told me loved me too. I told him I'd be right back and if he would please get me beer. I went upstairs quick and stripped. Felt good to get out of my work clothes. I went down to the patio and sat by my lover. He handed me my beer. "I then told Graham that I talked with the foreman at the hotel and they were ahead of schedule. Everything was in good working order. Their biggest job was cleaning and according to the foreman they would be finished this Thursday. I'm anxious to see what the inside looks like tomorrow."

"Maybe you'll hear from Anthony yet today." said Graham.

"I'm kind of expecting a call from him."

Graham and I got dinner ready together. We filled our plates in the kitchen, grabbed another beer and ate out on the patio. It looked like some patches of blue sky. I thought maybe the weather was playing tricks on me. I asked Graham and he said it looked like some patches of blue sky to him too. I told him let's go in and watch the weather and see if we are going to get a break in the weather. We had finished dinner and took our plates to the kitchen. We sat together on the couch and watched the weather. According to the weatherman, our storm front was moving out and we were going to get a few days of nice sunny weather. No rain. That called for another beer. Graham and I went back out to the patio and sipped on our beer.

I heard my phone ring. It was Anthony. I told Graham. "Hi Anthony, do you have an update for me?"

"I have some very good news for you Bob. I just got off the phone with my foreman and he told me they were way ahead of schedule and thought they would finish this Thursday. If they finish Thursday, then I'll be coming to hold the auction. All of my exclusive clientele is just waiting for my phone call. The auction brochures are ready to be printed once I have a day and time. I will have a setup crew with me and one of our best auctioneers. I'm thinking of having the auction this Saturday. I will arrive on Friday so I can oversee the setup and make sure everything is to my satisfaction. All you will need to do is have our guest rooms ready at your house for Roland and myself. And be sure when I let you know the day and time for sure, that the jeweler will be attending. He will a guest of honor. The weekend is a good time for an auction. Most of my clientele are available and less stressed on the the weekends."

"That's wonderful news Anthony. I just never thought it would go this fast."

"Honestly, I didn't either Bob. I will call you tomorrow around this same time and give you the details. Hopefully, the auction will be a go for Saturday."

"Thanks again Anthony for the wonderful news. We look forward to seeing you and Roland."

"It sounds like the auction is going along pretty fast?" said Graham.

"It sure is. Much faster than I would have thought. It's possible the auction will take place this coming Saturday."

"That was quick. You going to be ready?"

"Yes definitely. I'm anxious to see how the auction turns out."

Bob was getting excited now. He felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. They drank one more beer and then they called it a night.

They woke up before the alarm. Bob turned it off. Bob reached over and felt Graham's big morning hardon. He let out a groan when Bob grasped his hard cock. Bob slow stroked Graham's cock a few times. He pulled the sheet down and looked at Graham's perfect naked body. It made him want him even more. Bob sucked down on Graham's cock until he was shooting down his throat. He squeezed out the last drops of Graham's load and licked it off. They crawled out of bed and went downstairs. Holden and Dave were there in their jocks waiting. Bob and Graham quickly put their jocks on. They got in a good work out. There was no fooling around in the shower. Holden and Dave were a little disappointed, but at least they got a good work out in. We all dressed, went upstairs and had breakfast and took off in different directions for work.

On his way to work. Bob was thinking he would go by the jewelers and talk with him and see if he wanted to go to the hotel after work and see their progress. Bob's morning went fast and soon he was walking to the diner to have lunch with Graham. He left a few minutes early for lunch, he wanted to talk to the jeweler. He walked into the jewelry shop and the owner was at one of the counters. "Hi Bob, what brings you in today?"

"Hi, I was wondering if you would like to go with to the hotel after work. The crew is getting close to finishing and I thought you might like to see their progress."

The jeweler hemmed and hawed around and finally said, "I guess that would be okay. Do you know what time you would be coming by?"

Bob thought it was a little strange, that the jeweler would be excited to see his hotel and not so hesitant. "I would be here just after five when I finish work. You seem a little reluctant to see the hotel?"

"Well, you see I bought the hotel for my wife as an investment. I thought it would be something she would like to own and operate. A week after I bought the hotel, she died from a massive heart attack. Needless to say I lost interest in the hotel and that's why it's sat these many years untouched."

"I'm sorry to hear that. If it would bring back painful memories, maybe I should go by myself?"

"No it's okay Bob. I'll manage okay. The more I think about it, the more I'm ready to see it. I'll be ready to go with you at five."

"Great. I don't think you'll be disappointed when you see it. I'll be by just after five."

That was too bad about the jeweler's wife. I walked into the diner and Graham was there. I told him about my conversation with the jeweler. He was glad the jeweler agreed to see the hotel, he thought it might bring some closure to his loss. We ate our lunch, had a little word play with Millie and left back to work. I reminded Graham, I would be getting home later, since I would be going to the hotel.

My afternoon dragged and I kept looking at the clock. I finally finished my last patient and was anxious to leave. Janice and Shirley gave me a strange look. I told them I had an important appointment I needed to get to. I left and drove to the jewelry store and was able to park in front. The jeweler must have seen me pull up. He walked out and closed and locked his store and got in. I drove the three blocks to the hotel. I could see the sign lit. It looked really good and just like it belonged there. The jeweler didn't say anything. I found a parking spot about a half a block away and we walked to the hotel. The jeweler said, "the front looks different." "I told him that I thought they sand blasted the bricks."

We got to the front doors and walked in. I was amazed. The hotel looked terrific. They had finished in the foyer, lobby and reception area. I thought the jeweler was going to faint. I helped steady him and got him seated in a chair. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting this. I never realized how beautiful this hotel was. I'm ready to see more."

I helped him up. I didn't see the foreman around and I didn't want to start wandering around without him knowing we were here. I heard a shout from the upstairs landing. The foreman was looking over the railing and told us he would be down in just a minute. Once he joined us I introduced him to the jeweler. "What do you think so far?"

The jeweler said, "I'm flabbergasted, I never expected anything like this. The hotel is beautiful. When I bought it, it was old and dusty and dirty and it was left that way."

"Well I think you both are going to be surprised at what I show you. You really have quite a hotel here. This is just as luxurious as any fine hotel in New York City."

We followed the foreman to the banquet room. Everything had been cleaned and polished and it looked brand new. It had been brought back to it's former glory. The room was spacious and very tastefully decorated. We then followed the foreman upstairs to one of the master bedrooms. It was decorated in lush deep blue brocade and was spectacular. The foreman told us each bedroom was decorated in a different color. The bathroom was large and well designed. He told us all the master bedrooms had the same layout. There was a sitting area. Large desk, canopy bed with two nightstands large dresser and walkin closet. He then took us to one of the guest bedrooms that was finished. It also was very elegant and well designed with a good layout. It was a bit smaller than the master bedroom. But still of a good size. We checked the bathroom between the two ajoining bedrooms and it was spacious and again well designed with top of the line furnishings. Finally the foreman took us to the kitchen. All the stainless steel was shiny and looked brand new. All top of the line appliances, industrial size. Lastly the foreman told us they would finish later today. He would call Anthony and everything would be ready to proceed for the auction. The jeweler looked stunned and could hardly talk. We thanked the foreman for their excellent work and were now looking forward to the auction.

We walked back to the SUV and got in. The jeweler finally said, "I never realized I had bought such a jem. The hotel is magnificent and I just might decide to hire a manager and staff and keep the hotel open after the auction." I told him I thought that would be an excellent idea. I was sure the auction would draw a lot of attention to the town and especially his hotel and I thought he wouldn't have any trouble keeping it full of guests.

I dropped the jeweler off back at his store. I drove to our house, parked in the garage. Graham's car with there like I thought it would be and walked into the kitchen. Something smelled really good. I saw Graham in just an apron. He looked so hot. I could look at that perfect ass all day. He heard me and walked over and we kissed and hugged and told each other how much we loved each other. Graham told me had dinner almost ready. I told him I would go upstairs and strip down and be back in a couple of minutes. I walked down the stairs with Graham watching me. You could see the lust and love in his eyes. He told me I got hotter and sexier every day.

There was actually some sun out. We ate out on the patio. Supper was delicious. I told Graham about the jeweler and his wife passing. Then told him all about the hotel and how beautiful it was. It would be perfect for the auction. We were just finishing dinner when my phone rang. It was Anthony calling. I told Graham it was Anthony. I relaxed on a lounger. "Hello Anthony. You have just got off the phone with the foreman?"

"I did. He told me you and the jeweler were at the hotel looking it over."

"Anthony, you won't believe it. The hotel is spectacular and perfect for the auction. Everything the foreman showed us was over the top. Furnished in high quality furniture, appliances, accessories, and I could go on and on. The foreman told us the hotel would rival any fine hotel in New York City.

"You may not believe this Bob. But I knew the hotel had great potential and knew once my crew did their work, it would be brought back to it's original glory. Like I told you, I've been in this business for many years and I knew we had a jem with that hotel."

"What will happen now?"

"I already have the ball rolling for the auction this Saturday. The brochures are being printed as we speak. Roland and I will be arriving tomorrow with the set up crew. The trailers will be left for the set up crew and then will be moved out Friday night to get ready for the clientele to arrive and start the auction. All the clientele should be arriving Friday evening, there may be a few that will arrive Saturday morning. I have the auction set to begin at 2:00pm. Giving the clientele time to have some lunch before the auction begins. I will expect both you and the jeweler to attend. You will be guests of honor and will have special seating once the auction starts."

"I just can't believe this is actually happening. And happening so quick. We look forward to seeing both you and Roland. The jeweler and I will definitely be attending the auction. Something neither one of us wants to miss."

"Well Bob. I still have a few things left to finish here before flying out tomorrow. You don't need to pick us up at the airport. We have limousines reserved for the clientele and ourselves. The security have their own vehicles and will arrive with us. I better get back to work. See you tomorrow at the hotel when you finish work."

I told Graham about our conversation. He told me he would like to go to the hotel tomorrow with me after work. I told him I wouldn't want it any other way. We were in this together and I could use all the support he could give me.

We didn't do much for the rest of the evening. We ate dinner, watched some tv and then went to bed. We had a good hour of love making and then fell asleep.

We worked out with Holden and Dave and ate breakfast. After Holden and Dave left. I told Margaret to get the same two guest bedrooms ready. The same two men would be here tonight. She asked me if everything was ready for the auction. I told her it would be now, with Anthony and Roland coming. I told her the auction was scheduled for 2:00pm on Saturday. We told Margaret bye and left for work.

The day couldn't go fast enough for me. My head was swimming with everything that was going on. I had to ask Janice for help a couple of times. I told her I had a lot on my mind.

Graham and I ate lunch together. He asked me how my day was going. I told him my head was swimming with so much happening in such a short period of time. I told him I had to have Janice help me a couple of times. He reassured me and told me the day would soon be over and then we'd be at the hotel soon. Graham could always make me feel better when I got into one of my funks and this was no exception. I was so fortunate to have Graham in my life.

The day finally ended and I called Graham and told him I was going to the hotel. He told me he would meet me their. I pulled up and saw Graham park on the other side of the street from me. Their were a couple of limousines parked close to the hotel. I knew that Anthony and Roland were at the hotel. Graham and I walked in together. There was an elaborate easel and table set up announcing the auction. Brochures of the items for auction were on the table, along with numbers the bidders would use. We walked into the lobby and the furniture had been rearranged to give more space for gathering and talking. I led Graham to the banquet room. Anthony's crew had already been busy. Display cases were set up along one side of the wall. The auctioneers podium was in position on a raised platform. It looked like the sound system was ready. Very nice looking chairs were arranged in front of the podium, arranged in six rows with an aisle between the chairs. A little ways behind the chairs were five more chairs. I assumed for Anthony, Roland, the jeweler, Graham and myself. I still hadn't seen Anthony or Roland. We walked out of the banquet room and over to the kitchen. Their was a chef and his assistants cooking. Probably getting lunch ready for tomorrow. I saw the formal dining room set up very elegantly. The dining room could easily hold 50 people. And it looked like it could be extended to make room for more people. We walked out of the dining room and almost bumped into Anthony and Roland. "What do you think Bob?"

"All I can say is awesome. This hotel looks fantastic and it definitely looks like it's ready for an auction. How many people do you expect?"

"If everybody shows, we should have right around 50 people. Some may opt out to do telephone bidding, so we might have a few less in attendance. The hotel can't house that many people."

"Don't worry Bob, everything is worked out. Many of the bidders will leave as soon as the auction is over. They will have their private jets at the airport waiting for them. I figure maybe half of the bidders will stay overnight and leave Sunday. That's what usually happens. We will just have to wait and see. But don't worry about it. These things always have a way of working out."

"I didn't see a table for bidders to call in."

"That's the last thing we are working on. It will be ready shortly. Otherwise, everything is ready. Tomorrow Roland and I will take one last run through the hotel to make sure we didn't miss anything and then it will be a matter of waiting until Saturday. Saturday morning I will have you take the jewelry to the hotel. I will have a couple of security men accompany you. Security will start tomorrow night and be in place once the bidders start arriving. Some will have their own security with them. Don't be alarmed when the auction starts if you see as many security guards as you do bidders."

"We will be coming back later. I want to make sure the phone system is installed and ready to go. I have the chef making something for Roland and myself and the setup crew to eat. We look forward to spending time with you and Graham, giving us a wink."

"All I can say is everything looks fantastic. You've done a wonderful job. Graham and I will be ready to greet you and Roland when you get to our house, giving them wink."

We left so they could get back to the finishing touches. When we got home, Graham looked at me and said "that hotel is something else. Who would of thought something like that was in this small town. I wonder who the previous owners were. Anthony and Roland sure know what they are doing. You must be pretty happy babe?"

"Come here and let me show you how happy I am." With that said. We spent the next two hours making out.

We ate dinner and just relaxed on the couch together watching tv, waiting for Anthony and Roland to arrive. Soon Bob heard the speaker and Bob told Anthony that he would open the gate. A big black limousine came in. I saw the chaffeur open the back door and Anthony and Roland got out. Dressed in very classy business suits. The suits had to be tailored made by a leading designer. The chaffeur left and I saw Anthony and Roland walk up to the front door. I opened the door for them. They set their overnight bags down with they suit bags and we hugged and kissed. Graham was right here with me. We helped them up to the two guest rooms taking their bags for them. We left them to change and get comfortable and put their things away.

Soon they came down naked and sporting semi's. Anthony looked even bigger than what I remembered, if that was possible. We had cold beer waiting for them in chilled glasses. We all sat together on the couch sipping on our beer. Anthony spoke first, "everythings ready for your auction Bob. I'm very pleased how everything turned out. The setup crew have a six person phone bank ready to go. We think the phones are going to be busy during the auction. Some of the clientele like to be kept anonymous and prefer using the phone to bid, or they have a representative bidding on the phone for them. I think you'll be surprised when you see some of the clientele Saturday. That's enough for now about the auction. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes, just one. Will there be anything published in our local paper about the auction?"

"Good question Bob. Like you know the clientele that will be bidding are a very select, wealthy group of people and they don't like publicity. Also, we don't want public attention to the auction. This is a closed private auction. The only thing that will be published will be once the auction is over. Stating there was a private auction held at the local hotel. No names will be given and the nature of the auction will not be mentioned. We would also appreciate once the auction is over, you don't do any interviews or speak to the local newspaper."

"Ok. That answers my question. I think it's time for some fun, unless you guys are tired after flying in and working the rest of the day?"

"How could we be tired being welcomed into a home with two hot hunky men."

We tried to move around into a four way on the couch, but it just didn't work. We headed up to our bedroom. I knew Anthony liked fucking. He was built for fucking like Travis and Cal. Roland went first and Anthony fucked him while Graham fed him his cock. I jerked off Roland while Anthony jerked me off. We all really got into it. And we were moaning and grunting and groaning and sweating until we came. Roland I know was filled. We then moved around with me next. Then Graham was the guy down and sandwiched. Anthony went last and I had the honors of fucking him. His ass pulled on my cock and milked it and he had me shooting fast. We lay back exhausted, but sated.

Once our breathing returned to normal we went back downstairs and outside on the patio. It was a nice warm clear evening. Graham got another round of beer from us from the patio frig. The beer had been in there for many days and was icy cold. We didn't say a whole lot. It was just nice to reflect and relax. Finally I saw Anthony start yawning and I thought it was time we all headed to bed. Everyone agreed and we went to our separate bedroom. Of course we knew Anthony and Roland would sleep together. Like they knew Graham and I would sleep together.

I had called Holden and Dave and told them we would have to pass on working out till Monday. I had some things come up. Graham and I cuddled up in bed, making out and finally making love to each other. How we managed to cum another time, I don't know. But we sure did. It was so nice feeling my lover's warm body against mine and that was the way we fell asleep.

Woke up early Friday morning. I told Graham I was going to work a half day today. He told me he would do the same. It was already after seven. Nice to sleep in an extra hour. We showered and dressed and went down for breakfast. Anthony and Roland were already sitting at the breakfast nook talking to Margaret. They were laughing about something. "Are we interrupting anything."

"Nothing at all. We were just wondering when you would get your sorry asses down here for breakfast." I saw Margaret give a smirk. I told Margaret she could work a half day if she wanted. She told me she would take me up on that. It would be nice to have a long weekend. She told me she would have dinner ready for four for tonight. We finished our breakfast and headed out to the garage. Anthony told us that we were invited to the hotel at seven tonight for dinner. He had alredy instructed the chef what to fix and to fix enough for four. I asked Anthony if some of the clientele would be arrving. He told that wouldn't be a problem. Had staff that would help the guests when they arrived. Graham and I saw the limousine waiting for Anthony and Roland. We let them leave first and them we took off to our work.

When I got to the clinic I told Shirley we were all working a half day and would close at noon. She seemed to have a pleased look on her face. I called Graham and asked him if he wanted to meet me at the Italian Restaurant for lunch at noon. He told me he would be there waiting for me.

Working a half day the time went fast. I had Shirley lock for me and I left for the Italian Restaurant. I found a parking spot close ot the restaurant. I saw Graham's car so I knew he was here. I walked in and he waved me over. "How did you like working a half day?" I asked Graham."

"I could get used to this."

"I know what you mean. My morning went fast. I could get used to this real easy too."

We ordered the lunch special. It was excellent as always. We both drank a couple of glasses of wine. Graham asked me if I was nervous. I told him I felt more anxious not knowing what to expect. He understood. But he told me I couldn't have anybody better than Anthony and Roland. I agreed with him. I'd just be glad now when it's all over. We finished our lunch and I told Graham I was going straight home and just relax before meeting Anthony and Roland tonight for dinner at the hotel. Graham told me he had one stop to make and then he'd be right home. We got up and left.

I got home and Margaret was just finishing. She thanked me again for letting her work a half day. I told her she should do this more often on Fridays. She asked me if I was trying to get rid of her. I told her of course not. That I appreciate everything she does. She thanked me and then left for the day. I went upstairs and stripped down. My boxers were really tented when I took them off. I didn't know I was that turned on. I don't know what brought that on.

I heard Graham at the kitchen door. It sounded like he was fumbling around trying to open the door. I walked over and opened the door for him. I couldn't see him. All I saw was a very large, beautiful red rose arrangement. "Oh my god Graham, the flowers are beautiful. What's the occasion?"

"Nothing really. It was just something I wanted to do for the most special person in my life." I kissed him and told him how much I loved him. I set the flowers on the coffee table in the living room. Graham went upstairs and got changed. He was back in a flash. The flowers smelled so good. They were just beautiful. Graham came back and we just laid together on the couch. It felt comforting feeling his warm body pressed up against me.

We must have dozed off for a few hours. When I looked outside it was already getting dusk. I looked at the kitchen clock and it was six on the dot. Graham was awake and looking at me. I told him the time and we thought we should shower and start getting ready for dinner at the hotel. I asked Graham if we should wear suits. He told me we probably should. Both Anthony and Roland would be wearing suits and some of the clientele would be arriving for the auction.

We jumped in the shower and tried to control ourselves as much as possible. We settled for a good jerk off session. We tried to cum at the same time, but it didn't happen. We rinsed off. We dried each other off. And we both picked up some really classy black pin stripe suits. We dressed and we looked at each other in the floor length mirror. We looked like we were ready for dinner at the hotel. I told Graham I would drive. I pulled up and it looked like some of the clientele was arriving. There were limousines coming and going. We made our way into the hotel and a few people were talking in the lobby. The ladies were very elegantly dressed in long gowns and the men were wearing very expensive suits. Anthony spotted us and led us to the dining room. He told me that he didn't want to introduce me to the bidders until the auction tomorrow. He said he and Roland would be with us in just a few minutes. A man came in and asked us if we would like something to drink. We both ordered a scotch and water on the rocks.

Anthony and Roland entered and sat down close to us. The waiter brought in a standing rib roast with a special dipping sauce. The chef had some delicious sides prepared. Then the waiter brought a bottle of red wine to have with our dinner. The food was excellent. Anthony said he had the chef and help flown in special for this auction. I ate all my food and was stuffed, but it was so delicious I had to splurge. I passed on dessert. Of course, Graham ate dessert. It looked delicious. Some kind of fruit assortment with a pudding and whipped cream. Graham told me later he could have ate two desserts they were so good. I just shook my head. Anthony told us he would like us to leave. He wanted to surprise us tomorrow at the auction and he wanted to introduce me to the clientele. He had a limousine waiting to take us home. He said he and Roland would arrive back to the house in about an hour or an hour and a half. We told them we'd be up and waiting for them.

Anthony and Roland came back in about in an hour. They looked tired. They went upstairs and stripped down and came back down and sat with us on the couch. "You guys looked beat."

"I'm tired and I'm sure Roland is too." Roland shook his head yes. "About half of the bidders have arrived and are enjoying the hotel. They had asked Anthony how he was able to find a gem like this. He told them he had some connections. He didn't want to give out names until tomorrow."

I went out to the kitchen and grabbed us all a cold beer. When I got back the guys were already in a circle jerk. "You have room for one more?"

"Yeah right here," said Anthony." Jerking off was about all we could handle. We were tired, but hyped up for tomorrow. I didn't know if I would even sleep tonight. We finished our beer and went up to the bedrooms. I was physically tired. But my mind was working and turning over possible scenarios I could think of. Finally Graham held me and made slow passionate love to me. That relaxed me and soon we were asleep in each other's arms."

Here it was Saturday morning. The big day. I didn't see Graham. I could smell breakfast. I looked at the clock and it was approaching seven thirty. I felt rested and ready for today. I splashed some water on my face and went downstairs. Everybody was already there. Graham and Roland were making breakfast. When they saw me we all got into a group hug and kiss. Anthony asked me, "you ready for today?"

"I told him I was and was ready to see how they day played out."

Anthony said, "perfect. I'm sure the day will hold many surprises. Of course, all good ones."

We ate breakfast together. Talking more about the day. I told Anthony that I would be at the bank this morning. I also told Anthony that the bank was open Saturday mornings until noon. He told me I wouldn't need to go their until at least eleven. He would have a limousine here with two guards. Anthony said they needed to shower and get dressed and leave. The rest of the invitees should be arriving. Those not attending would probably be using the phone system. Graham and I stayed in the breakfast nook and talked some more about the day. Soon we saw Anthony and Roland come downstairs. Damn they looked good in their suits. But they looked better in their birthday suits. We kissed and hugged and they told me not to worry. Everything would go according to plan and probably a few surprises thrown in. He told me the auctioneer that would be working the auction, was the best they had. He would know many of the people bidding at the auction and it go very professionally. I told Anthony I didn't doubt his judgement and I was ready. We watched them get into the waiting limousine and they left.

Graham and I finished our breakfast. I grabbed the paper by the front door. We went to the living room and we read it through, section by section. No mention of the auction, like I figured. It was going on ten thirty. So we got up and showered together. We fucked each other in the shower making it a quicky. Cleaned off. Got dressed in new suits we had specially made for the auction. We admired each other in the mirror. You could see Graham's muscles through his suit. Damn, he looked fine. We went downstairs, but the limousine hadn't arrived yet. We sat in the living not really saying much, waiting on the limousine. I was starting to get nervous. I didn't know why, I was sure everything would go smoothly. Soon I heard the speaker and opened the gate. A big black stretch limousine pulled in. We went out and the chaffeur opened the door for us. One security guard was sitting in the front. Another was sitting in the back with us. There was a built in bar and I asked Graham if he wanted anything. He said no and I didn't have anything either. I gave the chaffeur the directions to the bank and soon we were pulling up. The guards got out with me and we walked to the room with the safe deposit boxes. I had a small safe that Anthony had given me to transfer the jewelry. I had the jewelry in the small safe and we left the bank. We when went to pick up the jeweler whom I had called earlier and would be waiting for us. He saw the limousine pull up and he came out. He was dressed in a very nice suit. The chaffeur opened the door and he got into the back with us. The back of the limousine had three banks of seats around the sides. It would easily hold eight people. We then went to the hotel. Since this was a small town, it didn't take us long to arrive. One of guards had called ahead to Anthony and told him we just arrived. I saw Anthony come out of the hotel with four more guards. The chaffeur opened the door and we all got out. I was escorted with the six guards and Anthony. We all walked into the lobby and I was escorted privately to the banquet room. It was empty and one of the guards started opening up the display cases and Anthony carefully placed the jewelry into each case until we finished. There was a guard at each display case. Anthony had a headphone walkie talkie and alerted someone that we were finished. We left and went to the dining room for lunch. I heard some talking and shuffling around and the bidders were being escorted into the banquet room to view the jewelry and compare it to the auction brochures.

The lunch was delicious and was prepared especially for us. Again, I ate too much, but every bite was worth it. We took our time eating and Anthony and Roland looked relaxed like this was something they did every day. Which was probably partly true. I looked nervous and Anthony could tell. "Relax Bob, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the auction. Everything is under control."

"I know Anthony. It's just that I've never been to a part of this kind of auction and it's making me nervous. Maybe you should drink another glass of wine to calm your nerves."

I accepted his offer and did feel a bit more relaxed. We just sat in the dining room waiting until it got close to two. Soon Anthony got up and told us it was time to head into the banquet room. We followed him in. The bidders were seated and were talking. Graham was lead to one of the five chairs in the back and he took a seat. The auctioneer was at the podium and the six operators were at the phones. Everything looked ready to go. We followed Anthony to the front. The auctioneer moved to the back of the platform and Anthony walked up to the microphone. He started by welcoming everyone to this very special auction. He introduced his assisant Roland. Then he said he had two very important people to introduce. First was the jeweler, he received an applause and a standing ovation. I thought I saw him brush some tears away. Then he introduced me as the person who had this fine jewelry that was being auctioned today. Again there was a lot of applause and a standing ovation. Then Anthony told everyone in attendance that it was time for the auction to begin. As we walked to the chairs in the back. I noticed my father seated as one of the bidders, I also saw many dignitaries and people dressed in some type of royal attire.

The auctioneer walked back up to the podium. He also greeted everyone in attendance and asked if the phones were ready. A gentleman smartly dressed was holding a silver tray with a linen cloth on it. The auctioneer told the bidders they would start with the rings first. Since they were the cheapest. That got a chuckle from the bidders. The guard opened the case with the rings and they were placed carefully on the linen cloth. The gentleman then started walking by the bidders so they could get a better look at the rings. Many were comparing them to the pictures in the brochure. I knew my dad would bid on the rings and probably the bracelets. Rings and bracelets were something my mother liked.

The auctioneer started with the emerald ring. Do I have an opening bid of $250,000. My dad's card went up. Soon another card and then another. Someone was also bidding by phone. The bidding on the ring was finally between my dad and the phone bidder. Finally the bidding reached $500,000 and my dad had outbid the phone bidder. The emerald ring was now my dad's to give to mom. Next was the saphhire ring. It looked like their was a lot of interest in the sapphire ring. The auctioneer again started at $250,000. My dad's card went up right away. Followed by five more bidders and two phone bidders. There was a lot of interest for this ring. The bidding went on and went on. Finally it was narrowed down to two bidders my dad and a woman. The bidding was already at $600,000. My dad said $750,000 and the sapphire ring was his. Last was the ruby ring. The ruby was rare Burmese ruby, just under seven carats. The auctioneer started at $300,000. Five cards went up immediately. I noticed my dad holding back, I hadn't seen him bid yet. The bidding started slowing down with just three bidders. The bid was at $600,000. My dad raised his card and said $750,000. The ruby ring was now my dad's. He now had three rings in his posession.

Next were the bracelets. There were six of them. My dad outbid on three of the bracelets, for a total of $900,000. The other three were on a bidding war and total they fetched $1,200,000. After the bracelets the auctioneer went to the chokers. These were solid gemstone chokers on 18 carat gold. The first was the ruby choker. The final winning bid was $950,000. Next was the emerald choker. That one was outbid at $750,000. The sapphire choker went for a whopping $1,500,000. Last was the diamond choker. It was stunning and sparkled in the the light. It seemed the bidders were waiting for this choker. Almost every started out on the bid. It finally narrowed down to two phone bidders going back and forth in a bidding war. The diamond choker was finally outbid at $2,500,000.

The jeweler looked stunned. He couldn't believe the prices his jewelry was fetching. Now what everyone was waiting for. The necklace and earring sets. The first was the two sapphire and earring sets. There was a lot of activity, with the phones included. They finally were sold at $3,000,000 each by different bidders. Next were the two ruby sets. The bidding stopped at $2,500,000 each. Both were bid on by the same bidders. The emerald sets also had a lot of interest and the bidding continued and continued and finally until two bidders were left and they stopped $3,000,000 per set. "Now for the high point of the auction," said the auctioneer. First will be the yellow diamond set followed by the rose diamond set. Again there was a lot of bidding on the sets. Once the bidding finished on the yellow diamond, it ended up at an extraordinary $7,500,000. Now ladies and gentlemen you know rose diamonds are very rare. I'll start the bidding at $5,000,000. Finally a phone bidder outbid two bidders on the floor for another outstanding bid of $9,000,000. Anthony nudged me and told me he knew the person that did the phone bid was royalty from the French Riviera. Lastly, but certainly not least will were our final two pieces of jewelry. The 18 carat gold set and the platinum set. Let's start with gold set at $700,000. There was a lot of interest in the gold set. The bidding finished at $2,000,000. As you all know, platinum has increased in value many times over in the just the past few months. Let's end this auction on a good note. The bidding started at $2,000,000 and the last bidder got the platinum set for $3,500,000. Anthony the jeweler and myself had been keeping a total and we compared notes. We all came up with the same total, $48,800,000. I had already made arrangements with Anthony to have ten percent of the profits to also go to the jewelers bank account. Anthony would also receive ten percent as their auction fee.

Once the bidding had finished, all the bidders and phone helpers stood up and turned to us and applauded. Anthony told us he had a limousine waiting for us to take us home. The jeweler passed on coming to our house. He told us he was way past his bed time. Anthony told us he and Roland would come to the house later. They had a lot to do to wrap up this auction.

We got home and stripped down. I was exhausted. I couldn't believe the prices bid on the jewelry. I remember Anthony saying, there would be a lot of surprises. He wasn't kidding. Both Graham and I chugged a beer down and grabbed another one. We went out on the patio to relax and reflect on the auction. It was turning into a beautiful late afternoon and evening. The auction finished around five thirty and we got home at five fortyfive. Graham told me was surprised to see my dad there. I told him my dad had bought some expensive jewelry for mom in the past. She really likes rings and bracelets. I was just wondering who all those people were, maybe we will get some answers from Anthony when they get here. I hope the jeweler decides to keep the hotel open. I think there will be a lot of interest now in people wanted to stay there.

I heard the speaker and I opened for the gate. The limousine with Anthony and Roland came in. We saw them get out and walk up to the house. We opened the door for them. They looked exhausted. We are going to get comfortable and then be right down. I have a lot of information for you. We watched them go upstairs in a few minutes they were back outside on the patio with us. "First Bob, I have to tell you that the bidders were most impressed with the jewelry. They hadn't seen quality like that in a long time. I need to talk to the jeweler tomorrow, Sunday, if that's possible. I have some important business to discuss with him. Also, you probably didn't know, but your dad and I are good friends. Your dad has attended many of our jewelry auctions. I already took out our fee and deposited the jewelers percentage in his bank account. We're ready for a cold beer."

Graham went out and got us all a beer. "All the bidders have left and should be going to their homes on their private jets. My setup crew is back and taking everything down. That will get shipped back tomorrow when we all leave. So, what are your thoughts about the auction?"

"I don't know where to start. I guess all I can say is thank you to both of you for everything." Graham was back and handed us all a chilled glass of beer. "I remember you saying I should expect surprises. I was definitely surprised. Now I need to make my final decisions on charities I will donate half the profits to, and how I will invest my half of the profits. I'm going to rely on Graham to help me. That's more in his line of work."

"I think it's very admirable that you want to donate half the profits to charity. You do know that will close to $20,000,000. I've never seen anyone do that before. They usually invest all their profits."

"There are some places and people that I'm very thankful for and I feel it's my duty to donate a large some of money to them. What were your impressions of the auction, Anthony?"

"There wasn't a lot of surprises for me. Being in the business for so long you almost know what to expect. My biggest surprise was finding this quality of work in a small town. I think once you do your interview with your local paper, your town is going to start getting very busy, especially after I have my talk with the jeweler. I'm ready for another beer. A limousine will be coming over soon with our dinner. I had the chef make something special for our last dinner together and before they cleaned the kitchen and left. All the leftovers and food left in the freezer and frig will also be brought over."

We soon heard the speaker. I told Anthony the food was here, he told us to make ourselves scarce until he finished with them. He had some shorts and tshirt he put one. I opened the gate and we high tailed upstairs until they finished. Soon Anthony gave the all clear and we went downstairs to the kitchen. Graham helped me with the frozen food, putting it in the large freezer in the garage. The rest we made room in the kitchen frig. Anthony showed us what should be warmed for dinner. Graham and Roland took care of that. Anthony and I went back out to the patio. I could tell Anthony had something on his mind. Once we were outside on the loungers, Anthony looked over at me, "Bob, Roland and I were talking and we're going to miss you guys very much. Is there any chance if we happen to pass close to this area we could spend a couple days with you guys?"

"Anthony, I hope it's more than just a couple of days. Let me know ahead of time and we can have a party with some of our friends that like to have have fun. You and Roland are always welcome in our house. Can you tell me honestly, what your thoughts are about the auction. I knew you had more on your mind than what you told us earlier."

"Bob, your very perceptive. The auction went pretty much as I thought it would. However, it had made some possibilities for some very wealthy and influential people to make a big impact on this town. They would like me to talk seriously with the jeweler about opening the hotel. This would be a good place for them to unwind in a small town and away from everyone. They also have many ideas of jobs on consignment for the jeweler. They hope he will be interested. They couldn't believe, like they said, the quality of the jewelry and how he was able to acquire such rare gem stones. That's what I will talk with the jeweler about tomorrow, when we leave. We will have to leave early. I need to check the hotel one last time to make sure everything is back in order. I know with talking to Roland, it's been our pleasure meeting you and Graham and the jeweler. Do you have the jeweler's phone number, Bob?"

"I do." I gave Anthony the phone number and he was going to call the jeweler now before it got too late. I heard Anthony talking with jeweler and finally he ended his call. "Everything is set for tomorrow morning for a meeting at the hotel. I feel he'll agree to everything. Do you want me to tell him about keeping the hotel open?"

"Yes, please. I'll him about the money that you put into his bank account?"

'm sure I'll get a call from him once you two finish your business."

I heard Graham and Roland telling us that dinner was ready. They had everything ready in the breakfast nook. It looked like some kind of seafood. It was an assortment of seafood. Mine was fixed thermidor and in butter and garlic for the other guys. It was so good, it just melted in your mouth. Anthony had brought a bottle of white wine they had chilled. We drank the wine with the meal. We went back to the living room and all cuddled together and watched a movie to the end. We were tired after the auction and movie and decided to call it a night. We went to our separate bedrooms and soon drifted off to sleep.

We woke up early. I smelled breakfast. Graham and I crawled out of bed and went downstairs. Roland had breakfast ready and was just waiting on us. We ate a filling breakfast. Anthony and Roland said they needed to finish getting ready to leave. They would pick up the jeweler and meet at the hotel. Anthony and Roland would check to make sure everything was back to normal at the hotel. Then they would leave. It didn't take them long and soon they were coming down the stairs wearing sport casual clothes with they overnight bags and garment bags. I let the limousine in and we hugged and kissed and we watched them from the window get in the limousine. We waved to them. I don't know if they saw us with the dark tinted windows. I was hoping the meeting would go well with the jeweler. Both Graham and I had Anthony and Roland's private numbers.

They had only been gone for a couple of minutes and we already missed them. I was glad the auction was over. Now I had more work to do with the charities and investing.

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

End of Chapter 14 - Nash

Chapter 15 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer jeweler Nash Anthony Roland

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 15

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