My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Feb 19, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 13

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 13. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 13 - Meyer

I gave Graham a look. "What?" he said.

"I know I'm forgetting somebody to invite to Logan's party. He told me only up to twelve people invited. I know there's somebody I'm leaving out. I know, I need to call Travis and Brody. And on a whim, I might call Kendrick."

"I knew you'd remember. It's just that we haven't had any parties for awhile and it's easy to forget somebody."

"Your right as usual. Why don't you grab us a couple of beers while I make some phone calls."

I was just going to pick up my phone when it rang. I didn't recognize the number. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob. This is Logan. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time?"

"No Logan I was just going to make a call when the phone rang. It startled me for a moment. So what's up?"

"I was doing some planning here and thought next Saturday would be a good day for the barbeque. The weather forecast says it will be warm and sunny. That should make good conditions for the little party."

"That sound perfect Logan. What time do you want us to arrive?"

"Around one would be good."

"Would you like us to bring something?"

"No, I think I have all the bases covered I hope. If not, I can run quick to the store and buy whatever is missing."

"Thank for the information Logan and now I can call everybody and to let them know. This should give them plenty of time to plan for next Saturday.

"Who was that?"

"That was Logan and he said he would like to have his barbeque next Saturday. If I call everybody now that should give them plenty of time to plan for next Saturday."

"You want me to help with calls. Sure babe, it will go faster with both of us calling. I'll call Travis Brody and Kendrick. You can call the rest."

Graham wrote the other names down so he wouldn't forget anybody and he started calling.

I called Travis first. "Hi Bob, I thought you forgot about me."

"No, I've had a lot going on and haven't had time to call anybody. I'm calling because a neighbor of mine is having a barbeque this coming Saturday and he wanted me to invite people. It's supposed to start about one in the afternoon. Do you think you would be able to make it?"

"That's perfect. I don't have any jobs planned for next weekend. I was wondering what I would do. Should I bring anything. You can bring beer that we can keep here at the house and drink when we get back from the barbeque. Do you want to talk to Brody or do you want me to mention the barbeque to him?"

"Put him on. I haven't talked to him for awhile either."

"Hi Bob, I heard you talking to Travis. We will both be going to the barbeque. And we will bring beer. We going to be spending the weekend with you at your place?"

"Sure, Graham and I don't have anything else going on. You know you and Travis are always welcome."

"Great, can't wait to see you guys and go to the barbeque."

That went well. That's makes two more going to the party. I'll try Kendrick and see what he's up to. I then called Kendrick. "Bob, I cant believe your calling me. I was just going to give you a call. I guess we were on the same frequency."

"You go ahead first and tell me what's going on."

"I'm going to be traveling close to your area and was wondering if you had room for a next weekend guest?"

"Of course Kendrick. The reason I was going to call you, a neighbor is having a barbeque next Saturday at one in the afternoon and he asked me to invite people to come. This will work out great. When do you plan to arrive?"

"Friday evening if that works. My flight arrives later and then I'll get a rental and drive to your place. I'll get a rental that has GPS."

"Do you have the directions that we gave you when we left the Bahamas?"

"I do. Why don't you give them to me again so I can verify that I have the correct directions."

I gave Kendrick the directions. "That's exactly what I have copied down. I'll put that in the GPS and I shouldn't have any problem finding your house. I have your phone number if I get lost."

"Ok Kendrick, Graham and I can't wait to see you next Friday evening."

"Everyone I called can make it to the party and want to stay with us after the party for the rest of the weekend. How did you do babe?"

"The same love. Everyone I called can make it and also want to stay with us for the remainder of the weekend."

"That makes twelve people, counting us, if nobody backs out at the last moment. I don't think that will happen."

"I should call Logan back and let him know that everyone will be able to make it and it will be twelve people exactly. Thirteen counting Logan."

I called Logan back. "What's up Bob?"

"Graham and I called everybody and they can make it next Saturday. That will make twelve invitees exactly. Thirteen counting you."

"Thanks for calling me back so soon. That helps me a lot. And now I know how much to buy and prepare. I look forward to seeing everybody next Saturday."

Logan in the meantime had called his publisher. He trought it was the right thing to do to invite her and her husband to the barbeque. She politely declined and said it was just too far for them to travel, but thanked Logan for thinking of her and wanting to invite her and her husband.

Logan wasn't really looking forward to the barbeque. He hadn't had a party in years. It really wasn't something he liked. He would do it and then he wouldn't have to have a party again. Besides having the party would take him away from working on his next book. He was really going to town on this book. He kept coming up with new ideas and everything was falling into place nicely. In just a few days he had already written six chapters and was half way through chapter seven. He wasn't sure how many chapers this book would have. The way ideas kept popping into his head, it might end up being two volumes or one long book. Time would tell.

Reggie was glad to receive the news on the party. He had called Jarvis and they both would come and stay overnight at Bob's house. It would give them time to be together.

Deb was glad to get the news that Reggie would be gone next weekend. It would give her time with her best friend Jennifer and they would have time for them to be together. They would do some shopping for Jennifer's honeymoon and then spend the rest of the time together having fun like they used to do.

The owner of The Big One finally got his settlement on a new building. He had met with the contractor and construction was started for his new porn shop. The insurance company wanted him to use the same name. The owner wasn't sure if he wanted to do that. After the bombing he thought it would discourage his former customers from coming. He would have to give that some thought. He was making this porn shop bigger and would have a security guard when he closed for the day. He was going to have two movie theaters which he didn't have in the old porn shop. One theater would play straight movies while the other theater would play gay movies. He was going to have two rows of six booths on each side of the aisle. The customers would be able to select what kind of movie they wanted to watch. One booth on each side would have a glory hole. He was hoping he could get that going again. It was a good money maker. Also he was making the front bigger. His past customers wanted a bigger selection of toys and more movies to buy. He had plenty of money from his settlement. He wasn't going to cut corners. He was going all out on this porn shop. He was also going to have a bigger office and a larger bathroom for himself. The cement slab had already been poured and framing would start as soon as the cement had a chance to set and harden. He noticed the construction crew would water the cement every day. He asked them why they did that. They told him it would make the cement harder.

While Graham and Bob were watching tv. Bob starting thinking about the two wooden boxes. He was wondering if should call Cal before he had the jewelry checked my a jeweler and took the safe deposit key to the bank. He asked Graham for his opinion. Graham thought it was a good idea to call Cal in case anything of the key or jewelry was mentioned in the investigation. It was getting later and Bob thought Cal should be home unless he was with Dave. Bob called Cal's number. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you. How's it going?"

"It's going well thanks. The reason I'm calling is because I found a box of women's jewelry at the bottom of a trunk in the attic. And another box that looks like it has a safe deposit key. I was wondering if these things were mentioned in the investigation?"

"I know that the FBI agents checked the trunks. I don't remember anything mentioned about jewelry or a key."

"So would it be okay if I had the jewelry appraised and see if the key is a safe deposit box key?"

"I don't see why not. Go ahead and let me know what you find out, I'm curious to know."

"Ok Cal thanks. If I don't see you before next Saturday, we'll see you then."

"It sounds like Cal said to go ahead and have the jewelry checked and the safe deposit key?"

"That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I'll take the jewelry with me tomorrow. The downtown stores stay open late on Mondays."

The guys were starting to get tired and decided to call it a night. They went upstairs to bed. Bob set the alarm early so they could workout with Holden. They went to bed a little early. They wanted to make love. They were both horny and needed each other. Bob started kissing Graham's ears and then his neck. Bob licked the light hair on Graham's pecs. He licked and nibbled on his hard nips. Then kissed down his treasure trail and through his thick pubes. Manscaping tomorrow morning in the shower. Lifted Graham's cock and licked and sucked on his big balls. Taking one at a time and rolling them around in his mouth. That made Graham moan and squirm around. He then licked between his balls up the back of his shaft to the head. Graham was leaking and Bob licked the precum off then slowly started taking his cock down his throat. Graham was already moaning and grunting. He knew he couldn't hold off long. The way Bob was deep throating his cock, he soon felt his cum churning in his balls and working it's way up. Soon he was shooting down Bob's throat. He kept pumping out his big load. Bob swallowed and swallowed and managed to take it all. Then it was Bob's turn to cum. Graham knew all of Bob's hot spots and he was working them over good. He knew Bob liked his prostate played with when he sucked him. Graham lubed a couple of fingers and worked them into Bob's hole. Soon he was rubbing Bob's prostate and could see his cock twitching and throbbing. Graham went down on Bob in one long suck until his nose was in Bob's pubes. The way Graham was working his prostate, he soon was shooting out a load down Graham's throat. Graham held it in his mouth and then swallowed it all at once. They kissed after tasting each other's cum. They slept on their side's with Graham spooning Bob. Soon the hard rain and their love making made them fall asleep.

The alarm woke Bob and Graham. They had slept well. They were still a little tired after the wedding, the reception and the long drive home last night and then finishing it off with an hour of love making made them sleep like babies. They got up and relieved their bladders. Their cocks sticking out. They hoped Holden was in the mood for some sex. They were both raring to go again. They went down to the locker room and Holden was there waiting for them in all his naked glory. "Thought I was going to have to wake you guys up?"

"What do mean? We're here at our regular time."

Bob said, "I think I should buy us all jocks for working out. That would be hot."

Graham and Holden agreed with Bob. "I think I'll buy some today after work at the mall."

They all put on sweats and did about a hour and a half workout. They felt good and were sweating. They stripped out of their sweats and walked into the shower. They cleaned each other off which made them all horny. Soon they were sticking out. They got in a three way with Holden being fucked by Graham and Bob feeding his cock to Holden and jerking him off. Soon they all erupted and Holden's cum was flying all over. Graham pumped a big load up Holden's ass while Bob dumped a big load down Holden's throat. They were all satisfied washed themselves off. Dried each other off and got dressed.

They went upstairs and Margaret was ready to dish out breakfast. "Smells delicious as always Margaret," they all said. She just smiled and finished filling their plates and pouring coffee and juice. They finished their breakfast and Holden took off for work. Bob told Graham he'd be right back. Bob had forgot the jewelry box. He ran upstairs and came back down right away with the jewelry box in his hands. He told Margaret he would tell her all about it later. Bob and Graham left for work.

Bob got to work a few minutes early and was getting organized in his office. Shirley asked him if he could come up front she wanted to talk to him for a couple of minutes. Bob was wondering if something was wrong, she never called him up front to the waiting room. He walked into her office. "What's up, Shirley?"

"I just wanted you to know that the Medical Supply Store has a new owner and I thought when the next order was ready to be sent you might want to introduce yourself and talk to the new owner."

"Thanks Shirley, I'll do that when I have the next order ready. What happened to Alec?" Not that he really cared.

"All I know is that he sold his store and there's a new owner. I don't have any details. Maybe when you talk to the new owner you can find out more."

"I will the next time I go there. I better get ready for my first patient."

Bob looked at the jewelry box on his desk. He was hoping his day would go fast. He was anxious to find out about the jewelry. He would call the jewlery store during lunch and see about meeting with the jeweler after work.

Bob was excited about the jewelry. It reminded him when he was young. Reggie and him would go exploring, hoping to find some pirates treasure. He didn't think it was pirates treasure in the jewelry box, but maybe the next best thing. He couldn't wait to find out.

His morning was dragging by. He kept looking at his watch and was making Janice nervous. "Bob, what's the matter with you. Your checking your watch every five minutes."

"Sorry Janice have an important phone call to make at lunch time."

"It's almost lunch time. Why don't you take your lunch now and I can finish with this patient."

"Thanks Janice, I'll do that."

Bob went back to his office and sat down. He pulled the jewelry box close and opened it. This sure looks like expensive jewelry to me. Bob closed the box and looked up the jewelry store number and called the store. "Hello, this is the jewelry store. May I help you?" Bob told the man answering the phone that he had some jewelry he would like him to examine and was wondering if he could come by the store around six after work.

The store owner said, "sure come by and we'll have a looky at your jewelry. I won't be going anywhere."

"Ok I'll be by right around six."

Shirley brought in his lunch he had her order. He ate his lunch and washed it down with coffee. He thought he'd give Graham a quick call. He knew Graham was as curious about the jewelry as he was. "Hi babe, what a nice surprise."

"I just called the jewelry store and talked to a man, I assume he's the owner. I'm taking the jewelry there when I finish work, probably around six or a little later. I'll let you know what I find out when you get home from work. How's your day going?"

"Day is going great. I will be working late too. My assitants are keeping me busy, but that ok, it's good work. I'm booked full of appointments and business luncheon meetings the rest of the week."

"Don't work too hard, I don't want you tired when you get home. I have a few ideas for us."

"Oh you do, do you? I wonder what those ideas are?"

"You'll have to wait until you get home to find out. Bye love. I better get back to work."

"Me too. Can't wait to find out those ideas later. Bye love."

Bob's afternoon dragged for him. He was nervous and excited about going to the jewelry store. He kept focused and soon he was finishing his last patient. Good it was only five thirty. That would give him plenty of time to get his paperwork done and get to the jewelry store at six. Bob finished his work. Locked the office, had the box tucked under his arm and drove over to the jewelry store. He felt his heartbeat pick up as he got closer and closer to the store.

Bob parked and walked into the jewelry store. Bob didn't look at his watch, if he would have, it was one minute after six. There was a man behind one of the counters. "Hello young man, how can I help you?"

The man behind the counter was an older gentleman. Bob guessed probably in his sixties. "I called earlier about some jewelry I wanted you to take a look at."

Bob put the jewelry box on the counter. The man opened the box and a big smile spread across his face. "I know this jewelry. How did you happen to have it in your possession?"

"I bought the Mason house. I found three trunks in the attic and this jewelry box was at the very bottom of a trunk of some very elegant women's clothing."

"I'm not surprised. This jewelry belonged to Elizabeth. Sir Richard's wife. This jewelry was made on special order for her by Sir Richard. He would have special pieces made for her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day and Christmas. Most of the pieces I had to order special gems to make them. I didn't keep this kind of jewelry in my store."

"I believe you asked me if the jewelry had any value. Let me take all the pieces out so I can get a good look at all of them." He gently laid the pieces down on a cloth. There were fifteen pieces in all. There were three rings, two bracelets and the rest were necklace and earring sets. Let me get my ledger where I would have a record of these pieces.

The old man could go pretty fast. He was soon back with his ledger. "I made these pieces many years ago. So the value will have increased significantly since they were made."

"I understand that. I was just wondering if the pieces had any value or if this was all costume jewelry?"

"The man started smiling and soon was laughing. Sonny, this is not costume jewelry. This is some of the finest jewelry you would find anywhere. I found the three rings. I made them all in the same year, 1962 and the value of the rings are all similar. They were $50,000 each. One was diamonds with a large ruby in the center. The second was made the same except it had an emerald in the center. The third ring also was made similar and had a large yellow stone in the center. Bob wasn't familiar with the yellow stone. The man told him it was a rare topaz. The other pieces will take me longer to find in the ledger. Do you want to leave the pieces so I can look them up?"

"I don't think so. Do you have a cell phone?"

"The man gave him a funny look. Yes I do. Can I see it, please?"

Bob found what he was looking for and took photos of the remaining pieces. He showed the man how to find the photos on his phone and asked the man if he could come back around the same time tomorrow?"

"The man said, yes please come back tomorrow. I will have the original prices paid by Sir Richard and what the value of all the pieces are today."

Bob thanked the man and took his jewelry box and left telling him he would be back right around six again."

The store owner couldn't believe it. He remembered every one of those pieces of jewelry. How long it took him to make each piece and how happy Sir Richard was when he would him call and tell him he had a piece finished. Some of the gems were hard to find, but with a lot of calls and building up contacts over the years he was always able to get what Sir Richard wanted. He was curious what today's prices on his jewelry would fetch. He would use his buyers guide to help. If he had to work late he would. He liked the young man that brought the jewelry in and liked it more that he had fifteen pieces of some of his finest work.

Bob got home and Margaret was gone for the day. He set the jewelry box down on the living room coffee table. He wanted to take a closer look at the jewelry. He went upstairs first and stripped down. Then grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch. He had brought a kitchen towel to place the jewelry on. He took out the three rings. They were pretty, but that was about as much as he knew about them. He then laid the two bracelets on the towel. They looked like they were made of gold with some kind of enameling with gem stones set in to the pattern of enameling. I wonder what these two beauties are worth? Then he set out the necklaces with matching earrings. Again they looked nice, but he had no idea of their value. He would wait till Graham got home and he could look at the jewelry. Maybe he had a better idea of the value.

Bob turned on the news while he was waiting for Graham. Finally the kitchen door opened and in walked Graham. Bob walked over and they kissed and hugged. Bob walked with Graham upstairs and watched Graham strip down. He could watch Graham all day and never get tired of looking at him. Their working out was really showing. They both had trimmed and firmed up nicely. No fat on either one of these guys. They ate healthy. Their only vice was drinking beer and an occasional drink. Bob wanted to devour Graham. He looked so hot and sexy. He would wait till later. They went downstairs and Bob told Graham he would warm dinner. He had the jewelry laid out on the coffee table and wanted Graham to look at it and see what he thought.

While Bob was getting dinner ready. Graham sat down on the couch and picked up each piece of jewelry and looked at it carefully. "This is really some good craftmanship." He told Bob.

"The jeweler said it was his best work and took him a lot of time to complete each piece."

"Did he give you a value on the jewelry?"

"Just the rings. Cost Sir Richard $50,000 per ring in 1962."

"I wonder what they are worth now?"

"The jeweler said he would know tomorrow. I took photos on his cell phone for the other pieces. He told me he would have the current value of all the pieces tomorrow when I return."

"There's a lot of diamonds and gold. The rest of the pieces should be worth as much as the rings. I'm curious to know the current value of this jewelry."

"Me too. Dinner is ready babe."

They ate dinner at the kitchen island. They talked about their day and how busy they have been. They also talked about the party this Saturday and was looking forward to seeing all the guys. Then having them stay the rest of the weekend.

Bob told Graham he would order appetizers and a couple of the large assorted dinner trays. Graham told Bob that was a good idea. The guys could really eat. And after a few beers they would be even more hungry. Bob didn't tell the guys to bring anything. He knew most of them would bring beer.

Logan had started planning his party for Saturday. He had decided on beef ribs with his special barbeque sauce. Steak and grilled vegetables. He would provide beer. After talking with Bob he found out that was what most everyone drank that was attending. He was going to have a table with some of his books signed and the guests could take them. Free of charge. He still wasn't happy with having the party. He was doing it more out of necessity. As far as music, he had a built in sound system with speakers for the outside patio. Hopefully the weather would be nice like the weatherman was forecasting. It had still been raining every day. He wouldn't be happy if he had to have the party inside. He told Bob he didn't use his swimming pool and it was drained and covered. However he had a large jacuzzi next to the pool that could easily hold eight people and they would be welcome to use it. He couldn't think of anything else. That was enough anyway. Now it was just a matter of waiting until Saturday. He could get back to writing his book. With all of his ideas, he didn't want to stray too long from his writing.

The owner of The Big One went every day to the construction site. He liked checking the progress. With all the rain they have been receiving it had slowed construction down a lot. When he drove up, he noticed a giant tent covering the construction. A portable shed for holding building supplies and a trailer for the men to stay in. He walked out and into the covering. He couldn't believe his eyes. The framing was done and this was definitely going to be big. It looked to be over twice as big as The Big One. He was really impressed how fast these guys worked. He noticed the cement had been poured for the theater with large steps going down to the screen. No doubt the seats would be installed on those large steps. It looked like it could hold maybe sixty people. The booths were framed and were a bit larger than the old ones. His office was bigger and his bathroom was also going to have a shower. Yes, things were moving along nicely. He wanted to talk to the boss and find out how much longer he thought it would be until opening. He walked around some more and talked to some of the workers. He finally found the boss in one of the corners talking to a group of workers. He saw the owner and walked over. "How's it looking?"

"Much better than I thought. You guys have accomplished a lot in a just a few days."

"I have a good crew and we all work together well. I figure a couple more weeks and we should be putting the finishing touches on."

"That's good to hear. I'm getting antsy about opening."

"I can understand that. Have you thought about a new name for your store? I need to get the sign ordered so it's here when we are ready to install it."

"I've given the name some thought. I thought about using the old name, but I thought it might keep customers away. What I came up with something close with just a minor change. What I would like for the sign to read is, The Bigger One."

The construction boss liked that idea. "That's a good idea. It's close to the old name, but just a bit different. That should work out well for you."

"I hope so. I'm going to go. I just wanted to see how everything was coming along. It sure looks good."

"Thanks. Is there any chance my boys and myself could get a discount if we bought something from your store or used the booths or theater?"

"The owner was taken back a bit. I didn't think you guys would be interested in a store like this. But sure, I would give you a discount."

"Thanks, I'll let the boys know. They've been bugging me to find out. I better get back to work and see how the crew is doing."

"Ok, Keep up the good work and I'll be back in a couple of days to see how it's coming along."

I turned on the weather. See what the weatherman was forecasting. It looked like the rain was supposed to stop this weekend and then another storm front was moving in and probably rain starting next Monday. "Looks like we might get a couple of days without rain." I told Graham."

"What?" Graham was busy reading the newspaper. "I said it looks like we might have a weekend without rain coming up."

"I hope so. Getting tired of this rain every day. No rain this weekend will make Logan happy. He plans to have his party outside, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, that's what Logan told me. He mentioned that his jacuzzi would be available for everyone to use and I'm sure his barbeque is outside. He probably has a patio. All the homes in this area seem to have outdoor patios and swimming pools. He will be happy if it doesn't rain."

It was Monday night and Graham found a game just starting. I grabbed us a couple of beers and we laid on our sides watching tv. Graham was behind me and I felt his cock rubbing my ass. He put an arm around me and kissed my cheek. We just stayed like that watching the game. Working our longer hours made us tired earlier. Once the game finished we went to bed. I was ready for some hot love making with my man. Graham was ready too. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were feeling each other all over and were getting hotter and hornier. Soon we were kissing and hugging, rubbing our big leaking boners together. We were moaning and grinding together. I told Graham to stop or I would cum all over him. He quickly moved down and took my cock in his mouth and sucked me to completion. It felt good shooting down my lover's throat. I then went down on Graham fondling his balls and sucking out a big load. We lay there gasping for air. I set the alarm. I pulled the covers over us and we snuggled up together and fell asleep.

They both woke up before the alarm went off. Bob turned the alarm off. Maybe they would be in the locker room before Holden this morning. They kissed and hugged and climbed out of bed. Their dicks were pointing the way as they walked down to the locker room. Holden wasn't there yet. Bob had picked up some jocks for them all to wear. They tried theirs on and Graham looked as hot as ever. The jock framed his ass perfectly. And contained his big cock and balls. Graham was looking at Bob and couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a hot lover and soul mate. The jock fit Bob perfect and was able to hold his big balls. You could see the outline of his cock through the jock. Bob laid Holden's jock on the changing bench. They heard him come down the stairs. All he could do was stare at the two hot guys in jocks. "Yours is lying on the bench. We can't wait to see how you look in it." Holden quickly changed into the jock. His cock was about an inch bigger than Graham and Bob and the jock held everything in place. With Holden's muscles, the jock made him look like an underwear model. They went through their work out. Took a shower together sucking and fucking each other. Hung their jocks in their lockers and got dressed.

They went upstairs and ate breakfast. Margaret noticed a change in both Bob and Graham. Their morning workouts were starting to show results. She could see their muscles through their clothes. She couldn't do that before. They looked more fit than before. They sure made a striking couple. She knew they were more than just good friends. The way they looked at each other was pure love. Good for Bob, and good for Graham, she thought. They ate their breakfast and told Margaret bye. And left.

Bob and Graham gave Holden a good bye kiss and hug. And reminded him again about the party Saturday and the available jacuzzi. Bob and Graham hugged and kissed and got in their cars and left for work. Bob had the jewelry box with him. He thought he'd take just in case the jewler wanted to take another look. He was really wondering what today's prices would be on the jewelry. He knew he would have to have the jewelry insured, but he needed to find out what the appraisal would be first.

Bob's morning went fast. He had finally finished the extra patients from when he and Graham were on vacation. He thought he'd give Graham a call and see if they could meet for lunch. He was in his office and picked up his cell phone. "Hi babe. Was wondering if you could get away for lunch?"

"You bet babe. I'm going to be ready for a break. I'll tell my secretary I'll be gone for lunch and meet you there."

They both arrived at the diner at the same time. Bob opened the door for Graham. Graham gave Bob a wink and mouthed, I love you.

They sat at Bob's favorite table. They talked about work until Millie came over. "What do the two hottest men in the diner want for lunch?"

"You sure you don't have us confused with two other guys?"

"Bob, do you see me wearing glasses?"

"No, can't say I do."<

"Ok then. I know two hot guys when I see them."

"That must mean we have the hottest waitress." I thought Graham was going to choke on his coffee.

"You got that right honey. Now what would you two like for lunch?" Tapping her finger on the table.

"What's the special today Millie?"

"Me." That got a chuckle out of both Bob and Graham.

"We have spaghetti and meatballs and tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich."

"Both sound good. What you having Graham?"

"I think I'll have the spaghetti and meatballs."

Bob was deciding. Millie was getting impatient.

"Ok hot stuff, what you going to order for lunch?"

Graham almost spit his coffee out.

"I'll have the same as Graham. Spaghetti and meatballs. Could we get our coffee refilled?"

"For sure. I'll be right back."

Graham was laughing at me. "What's so funny?"

"The way you and Millie talk."

"This goes on all the time. You should see Millie when she really starts flirting. She will bend down and lean over so you get a good view of her tits."

Millie brought their lunch. "Would like to stay and talk more, but as you can see we are getting busy."

I told Graham about going to the jewelry store after work. Told him I would probably finish at regular time today. Graham told me he would be working late. We finished our lunch, paid Millie and gave her a tip. She blew kisses at us when we left the diner.

The jeweler had been busy going through his ledger. He found twenty five pieces in total that Sir Richard had commissioned him to make. Bob had only brought in fifteen pieces, he was wondering where the other ten pieces were. Anyhow, the pieces had been made earlier. Some as early as 1956. He was surprised how much his pieces had increased in value, but there were one of a kind pieces and irreplaceable. He knew the doctor would be pleased and would mention to the doctor about the ten other pieces.

Bob got back to the clinic and was busy all afternoon with patients. He finally was examining his last patient and was glad to be done. He was anxious to get over to the jeweler's store and find out what the jeweler found out about the fifteen pieces of jewelry. He told Janice and Shirley good bye with the jewelry box under his arm.

He pulled up to the jewelers store. Took out the jewelry box and walked up the stairs to the jewelry store. He walked in and didn't see the owner. He rang the bell on the counter and jeweler walked out from the back. "Hello Bob, wasn't expecting you till later."

"I finished early today and thought I come right over after work." Bob placed the jewelry box on the counter.

"Well, I have some very good news for you. Being that the pieces of jewelry I made for Sir Richard are one of a kind, and hand crafted, they have increased in value significantly. More than I expected. So let's get started."

The jeweler carefully places all fifteen pieces on a cloth on the counter. "If you remember the rings were made in 1962 and had a value at that time of $50,000 each. The closest I can come up with for a current market price on each ring is around $200,000."

"Are you sure?" Bob was flabbergasted.

"Yes, like I said, they are one of a kind pieces, they can't be replaced and are hand crafted. All those things increase the value along with the age of the pieces."

"Not let's go to the bracelets. They were crafted in 1957 and had a value at the time of $20,000 each. They are 18 carat gold with an Italian enamel set with gem stones. Today's market value is $100,000 for each bracelet. I'm saving the best for last."

"Now for the necklace and earring sets. There are 10 sets. Two with sapphires, emeralds, rubies, yellow diamonds, and rose diamonds. Your probably don't know this, but the two sapphire sets were set in platinum. The value of the two sapphire sets is $1,000,000 each. The emeralds and rubies are set in 18 carat gold and there value also is $1,000,000 for each set. Now the yellow diamond set is in a market all by it's self. Yellow diamonds are extremely hard to find and especialy the size of these stones. The value of the yellow diamond sets is $2,500,000 each. And now the two rose diamond sets. Rose diamonds are even more rare than yellow diamonds. The value of the two rose diamond sets is $3,000,000 each. This gives a total of $17,800,000 for these fifteen pieces. After double checking my ledger. I found I had made twenty five pieces for Sir Richard. There are ten pieces somewhere. You might want to do some more checking and see if you find the missing ten pieces."

p>Bob was stunned. He was wondering why this jewelry box was at the bottom of a trunk with the value of these pieces. They should have been in a safe or safe deposit box. The jeweler mentioned to Bob he should get the pieces insured and put in a safe place as soon as possible. Bob was shaking. He couldn't believe what he was told. "Are you sure about the value of this jewlery?"

"I'm just as shocked and stunned as you are. I had no idea my jewelry would have that kind of value."

Bob thanked the jeweler profusely. Carefully put the jewelry back in the box with a signed piece of paper from the jeweler on the top.

Bob drove home quick. He knew if he hurried he could get to the bank before it closed. He grabbed the other box with the safe deposit key and headed to the bank. Bob made it just in time. He wanted to talk to the bank president. His family knew the president well, he was a member of his parents country club. The secretary told him to wait a couple of minutes and then the president could see him.

The secretary told Bob he could go into the office. He walked into the bank president's office. "Hello Bob, it's nice to see you. What brings you to the bank today?"

"I have something I'd like you to look at and tell me if you know anything about this." Bob set the box with the safe deposit key on the president's desk."

The bank president took the box and pulled the box over close and opened it. A look of surprise crossed the bank president's face. "How did you come by this Bob?"

"As you probably know I bought the Mason house. When I was in the attic I found this box at the bottom of a trunk with family keepsakes. I assumed it was a bank deposit key and the paper is the number of the safe deposit box. I also assumed that the safe desposit box was in this bank."

"I remember giving this to Sir Richard. Your right on both counts. This is a safe deposit box key and the safe deposit box is in this bank."

"Let's go to where the safe deposit boxes are and since your the owner of the Mason house, your also the owner of this safe deposit box." The men got up and left the office. The bank president told his secretary he would be back in a few minutes.

"Do you know what is in the safe depostit box?"

"No I don't. The bank just issues the safe deposit boxes and collects the fee. The contents are strictly confidential. All I can do is take you where the safe deposit boxes are and show you your safe deposit box, then I will leave and give you privacy. Just so you know, there is a camera in the room for security purposes only."

Bob followed the bank president. He didn't realize the bank was as big as it was. They went down a flight of stairs and the president opened a door and you could see all the safe deposit boxes lined up in rows. There was quite a few and it looked like there was space for adding more. The bank president showed Bob where his safe deposit box was located and told him when he finished to press the button by the door and that would alert security that you were finished and then they would lock the door when you left.

Bob was nervous and excited. He still couldn't believe he was a multi-millionaire from fifteen pieces of jewelry. However he knew it would be almost impossible to sell the jewelry unless he held a very private auction to a select group of people. He took the key to the safe deposit box and opened it. He pulled the box out and set it on the table. He pulled the chair up and and opened the top of the box. He saw a lot of papers. He carefully took each paper out and laid it down flat placing one piece of paper on top the of the other. He would go through the papers once he had them all stacked. Other than a lot of papers he didn't find the missing pieces of jewelry. He was wondering where they could be. Then he remembered when he bought the house he was shown where the safe was in the den and given the combination. He would have to check that when he got home. He started with the first paper. It was a receipt for one of the rings made from the jeweler. Filing through the papers, they were all the same. Each paper was a different receipt for a different piece of jewelry. He had twenty five receipts. He went back through the receipts to find out what the other ten pieces of jewelry were. The missing pieces were more bracelets, chokers and two more necklace and earrings sets made out of gold and silver. There was room in the security box for the jewelry box. Bob put the jewelry box in first and then put the papers on top of the box. He slid the box into it's slot and locked it. He pushed the button and left the bank. He thought he'd give his dad a call when he got home and find out who to contact to have the jewelry insured.

Bob got home before Graham. He stripped down and got himself a beer. He had to remember where he put the combination for the safe. He thought he put it in the nightstand next to his bed. He went back upstairs and emptied the drawer. There was the piece of paper. He needed to take better care of that. He went back downstairs. Turned on the news and drank his beer. Once he finished his beer he walked into the den. Opened the part of the cabintry that concealed the safe. He put in the code and opened the safe door. The safe wasn't big but it was deep. He needed a flashlight to see all the way inside. He went to his junk drawer in the kitchen and took out a flashlight. He walked back to the den. There were three shelves in the safe. The top shelf didn't have anything. Bob then shined the flashlight into the middle shelf. He didn't see anything. Then the checked the bottom shelf. He looked like there was a door on the side of the safe with a latch. He laid the flashlight down on the bottom shelf. And reached to flip the latch. It was hard to get to, finally he heard the latch snap open. He shined the flashlight in and saw a little wooden box. He had to stretch and could barely get his fingers on the box. He managed to wiggle the box out. He set the box on the floor. Closed the door with the latch. And closed the safe and made sure he closed it securely. He didn't know why he cared. There was nothing in the safe. He carried the little box to the living room and sat it on the coffee table. He got himself another beer. Thought it would calm his nerves and relax him a bit. He was really hyped up. He opened the box. There was the other pieces of jewelry. He ran to the kitchen and got a towel. He spread the towel out on the coffee table, and carefully removed each piece of jewelry, placing it on the towel. These were the ten missing pieces.

Bob knew what he would do with all this jewelry. He would contact a famous international auction house and auction the jewelry. He would donate half the money to different charites. The other half he would invest. He would talk to Graham since he runs a consulting firm and get his advice on investing the other half of the money. First he needed to take the other ten pieces to the jeweler and get the pieces appraised. He still had a hard time believing the value of the jewelry. He would make sure the jeweler was present when he had the auction. The jeweler needed to get recognition for his fantastic work. And Bob thought with the auction and the recognition it would generate a lot of business for the jeweler. He would need to talk to the jeweler about his idea and see what he thought.

Bob waited on Graham. They would eat dinner together. It was getting later. He hoped everything was ok. If there was a problem Graham would call. He always kept Bob informed of what was going on. Bob finally heard the garage door close and a very tired Graham walked into the kitchen. Bob was right there to give his lover a kiss and hug. "You look tired babe."

"I'm ok. This last meeting took longer than expected. But I landed the client so the extra hours were worth it."

"Why don't you get changed love and I'll have a cold beer waiting for you, while I get dinner warmed."

Graham hurried back downstairs. He was anxious to hear what Bob found out about the jewelry. He walked into the kitchen. Bob was getting the kitchen island set and dinner was ready. "What did you find out about the jewelry babe?"

"You better sit down before I tell you." Graham took a seat and looked at Bob.

"Ok. The jeweler told me for the fifteen pieces that he appraised. The total came to $17,800,000."

Graham didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. He just stared at Bob. "Your joking right?"

"No. I'm dead serious. I couldn't believe it either. The jeweler told me he had done a total of twenty five pieces. I found the other ten pieces here in the safe. I'll have them appraised tomorrow."

"Holy cow Bob, that's a lot of money. Any plans on what your going to do with the jewelry?"

"First, I need to get the other ten pieces appraised. Then I'm going to call a famous international auction house and have all the pieces auctioned to a select audience. Half the money raised will go to different charities and the other half I will invest, with help from my lover."

"That's a fantastic idea. I doubt you could sell them privately, being one of a kind pieces."

"Exactly. When the auction is ready to go, I want the jeweler there so he gets the recognition he deserves, and maybe it will give him more specialty business."

"You've been thinking about this babe."

"I have. I need to talk to my dad to find out how to get the jewelry insured until the auction."

Meyer was a little older. In the age range of Cal and Travis. He was a distinguished looking man. Looking much younger than his actual age. Meyer looked close to Bob and Graham's age. Except for a little gray on the sides. He was tall, dark hair, not very muscular. He had slacked off from working out over the last few years. He did notice there was a gym in town. He might start attending again if his work permitted. Meyer had been married three times and divorced three times. He wasn't looking for any kind of relationship or the dating scene. Maybe he should consider men. Ha, ha, that would be the day. He liked women, it just never seemed to work out. He had had enough of women. He was glad to be able to buy the medical supply store from Alec. It seemed strange to Meyer that Alec would want to sell. He had a good business and was making money. Alec didn't give a lot of details about why he was selling, just that he was ready to move on. Meyer could tell that Alec was holding back information. Meyer was planning to have a Grand Opening. Invite regular customers and maybe gain some new ones. The hospital, EMT's, fire department, police department and three clinics ordered regularly from the medical supply store. He wanted to get the business from schools too. Once he had a date set for the Grand Opening he would put up some fliers and call the regular customers. Business was going well, but he had only taken over for a week. Meyer wanted to get settled in and then plan his Grand Opening. Probably in a month, he thought that would give him plenty of time to get settled into his house and get into a work routine.

All the guys were anxious for the party Saturday. They were looking forward to being at Bob's and Graham's house. They weren't sure about Logan. But a free barbeque, what the heck. And the barbeque was early. That would still give them plenty of time to party at Bob's house.

The owner of The Big One was pleased with the construction. Once they put the plastic tent over the work site, they were able to go much faster. All the framing was finished. They had the walls done and the roof. They were working on the inside now. The office and bathroom were close to being finished. The booths were done and only needed to install the video equipment. Chairs were being installed in the theater room. The shelving was being completed in the front. Yes, everything was moving along nicely. Talking with the construction boss, it looked like another week and they should be finished. The owner also wanted to have the lot paved. With all the rain they would have to wait on that.

Bob and Graham watched tv and ate their dinner. They snuggled up together on the couch so their cocks could rug together. Something they both liked. Graham flipped through the channels and found a good movie. They talked some more while watching the movie. Graham knew of a lot of potential places for Bob to invest his money. He still had a hard time believing the value of the jewelry, and ten more pieces yet to be appraised. He never thought he'd live with a millionaire, but he was glad it was Bob, his lover and soulmate. He was happy for Bob. Bob worked hard and deserved this. Graham wondered what other mysteries was in this house. They watched the movie and were tired after. They went up to the bedroom and crawled into bed.

Bob was feeling horny and he hoped Graham was too. He wanted to have some hot love making with his lover. He started kissing and feeling Graham all over. Graham was really enjoying this. Bob was such a great lover. Graham put his hands behind his head and spread out for Bob. Bob kissed Graham's ears and neck and worked down over his pecs. Licking and kissing his nips until they got hard. Then he nibbled on Graham's hard nips. He knew this was a very sensitive place for Graham. Graham was moaning and enjoying his lover. Bob then licked down Graham's treasure trail. Kissing around Graham's navel and kissing over those hard abs. Bob saw Graham's big erection sticking straight up and waiting for him. He licked through Graham's pubes and around the the base of his thick hard cock. He lifted his cock and sucked on his balls. Taking one in and rolling it around with his tongue and then the other one. Sucking and pulling on his sac. Then Bob licked up the back side of Graham's shaft and kissing and nibbling on the big vein running down the back side. He licked and kissed up to the thick flared leaking head. Bob swirled his tongue around the head, licking off all of Graham's sweet sticky precum. He then engulfed Graham's thick head sucking out more precum. Graham was really leaking and Bob loved it. He knew his lover was really turned on. Bob slowly opened his mouth and took Graham's big thick shaft in opening his throat until he felt his pubes tickling his nose. Graham was grunting and thrashing around on the bed. Bob got off his cock for a minute and licked a couple of fingers. He eased his fingers into Graham's hole and rubbed back and forth over his prostate. Then went back to deep throating Graham's big throbbing cock. Bob worked his throat muscles on Graham's shaft while rubbing his prostate. Graham couldn't take it any longer and soon blasted out a big load down Bob's throat. His ass pulling Bob's fingers as he came. He collapsed back on the bed. Panting and gasping for air. "Oh my god babe, that was fantastic. You get better every time."

"Just want my lover to be satisfied."

"I'm definitely satisfied. Now I need to satisfy my lover."

Bob could hardly wait. He knew Graham was a really great lover and would really get him hot and horny. Graham leaned over and started kissing Bob. He then kissed Bob's ears and neck. He knew that really got Bob going. He then licked and kissed over Bob's pecs and nips and down his treasure trail which didn't really exist. He licked around Bob's navel and over his hard abs. Bob didn't have a treasure trail so Graham licked through his trimmed pubes. He moved around and lifted Bob's legs and started giving Bob a good rim job. Licking back and forth over his hole and then sticking his tongue in. Graham could eat Bob for hours, but he knew Bob couldn't take that and would cum right away. He laid Bob's legs back down with him in between them. He leaned down and started nibbling on Bob's upper thighs. He knew Bob really liked that. Licking up to Bob's balls and then back down. Then he did his other thigh. Graham then sucked on Bob's balls. They were big so he could only suck one at a time. He also knew that Bob loved his balls sucked. He sucked one and rolled it around with his tongue and then the other one. Bob's big shaft was sticking straight up and leaking like crazy. Graham started licking all the precum off. He loved the taste of Bob's precum. Then he licked a couple of fingers and worked them into Bob's hole finding his prostate and started giving it a good workout. Graham engulfed Bob's big engorged cock and sucked him right down to his balls. Bob thought he was going to pass out, it felt so good. Graham started bobbing up and down on Bob's cock while contiually working his big fingers over his prostate. Bob was moaning and panting and getting closer and closer. Soon he shot out a big load, coating Graham's throat with ropes after ropes of hot cum. He laid back panting and gasping for air. "I can say the same thing babe. You get better every time."

Graham gave Bob a big smile they cuddled up together and fell asleep right away.

They woke up to the alarm going off. "Do we have to get up babe?" Gtaham asked.

"Yes we do, we need to work out with Holden. We don't want beer bellies with all the beer we drink."

They kissed and hugged and dragged their sorry asses out of bed. Graham knew Bob was right. They do drink a lot of beer and it felt good staying in shape. They made their way down to the locker room. Holden was there and had just finished putting on his jock. The guys couldn't stop staring at him. He looked really good. He filled the pouch good. He looked like he might be hard in his jock. Bob and Graham opened their lockers and put their jocks on. Wearing a jock made Bob horny. That was one reason why he wanted everyone wearing a jock when they worked out. Also, everyone looked really good in their jocks. They went through their work out routine in about a hour and a half. They stripped out of their sweaty jocks and hung them up in their lockers. They went into the shower and started cleaning each other. It didn't take long until they were hard. It was Graham's turn to be fucked and sucked. Holden got in position and eased his big fat cock into Graham's hole. Bob was leaning against the shower wall and Graham started sucking Bob's cock. The hot action got them all pretty excited and soon Holden was groaning and filled Graham's hole with a big morning load. Bob pumped his big load down Graham's throat. Graham told them he was ready to cum. Bob and Holden took turns sucking out Graham's load. They finished cleaning each other. Dried each other off and were already sporting semis. They got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was just finishing breakfast when they got upstairs. They all said their hellos and good mornings to Margaret. She set the food in the breakfast nook. The guys filled their plates and ate a good hearty breakfast. They were running a bit late and needed to rush off to work. They said goodbye to Margaret. Holden was the first to leave. Bob and Graham hugged and kissed in the garage. Bob had the box of jewlery under his arm and they took off for work.

Bob got to work a couple of minutes early. He wanted to call the jeweler and let him know he found the other ten pieces of jewelry and would stop by his store around five. He picked up his phone and the jeweler answered. "Hell Bob. Good to hear from you."

"I found the other ten pieces of jewelry and wanted to stop by around five if that works for you?"

"Five will work Bob and I'm excited to see the other pieces of jewelry. I will recheck them in my ledger and will have the recent appraisals ready."

"Ok. Thanks. I'll see you at five. I need to get my day started here."

Bob was anxious to find out what these other ten pieces were worth. He would call Graham when it was close to lunch time and see if he wanted to go to lunch.

Bob's morning was going quickly. He was glad when the day would be over and he go to the jewelry store. He picked up his cell phone and called Graham. "Hi babe, you ready for a lunch break?"

"You know it lover. I need a break. I'm going to drive over now to the Main Street Diner."

"Meet you there in a couple of minutes." Bob told Shirley he was going for lunch and would be back at one for his first afternoon patient.

Bob saw Graham sitting at their favorite table. Bob walked in and sat down across from Graham. "How's your day going love?"

"Busy, but not hectic like it has been. Everything just seems comfortable today at work. "How's your day going?"

"Nothing major, just the regular cough sniff and sniffle. Most of the physicals are done now. With this rain, getting a lot of patients with head colds."

Millie walked over but wasn't her usual jovial flirtatious self. Bob asked, "what's wrong Millie you look under the weather?"

"I'm feeling ok. I think it's this daily rain that's getting me down. I would like to see some sunshine."

"We all would Millie. Weatherman is saying a break in the weather this coming weekend. I hope so. We all need it."

Millie took our order and brought over a couple cups of hot black coffee. Graham and I talked some more while we were waiting for our lunch. I told Graham I would take the jewelry over to the jeweler after work. So I might be later getting home. He told me no problem, he would have dinner ready for us when I got home. He said he was long overdue to warm dinner for us. He also told me he would have a cold beer waiting for me.

Millie brought our lunch and went back to the kitchen. "Do you think there's something more bothering Millie, babe?" I asked Graham.

"I think so. I think she's hiding something. But I don't think we should pry into her personal business. She will tell us when she's ready."

"I feel the same way." We ate our lunch, told each other how much we loved each other and went back to work.

The afternoon went rather quickly for Bob. This rain was giving Bob alot of patients with colds. Young, old and middle aged people were coming in. The local drug store should be happy with all the business he was giving them. A lot of patients just needed to rest and drink a lot of liquids. Take some Tylenol if they had a fever. Wasn't really much Bob could do for the common cold. However, if it was serious, they could give a vaccination or prescribe medication to take. He was getting the whole range of people with colds, from serious to just the sniffles. He finally finished his last patient just before five. He told Janice and Shirley bye, took the little wooden box and dashed over to the jewelry store.

The jeweler saw Bob pull up in front of his store. He got out his ledger and put a cloth on the counter. He took the appraisal list off his desk and put it with the ledger. Bob walked in and greeted the jeweler and set the little wooden box on the counter. The jeweler opened the box and smiled when he saw more pieces he had made. He carefully laid the pieces on the cloth, grouping simlilar pieces together. There were four more bracelets, four ladies chokers, one gold necklace with matching earrings and one platinum set with matching earrings. The jeweler told Bob when he checked his ledger that he had made these pieces in the early fifties.

"Let's see Bob. Let's start with the bracelets, the bracelets were made from 1954-56 there are three gold bracelets and one made of platinum. The three gold bracelets are similar to the ones you had brought in earlier. They are 18 carat gold with Italian enameling and set with gem stones. They have a similar current market value of $100,000 each. However the platinum bracelet, is in a class all by itself. The value for platinum has skyrocketed since this bracelet was made. It has a current market value of $250,000. The chokers are a bit different because they have rows of gemstones making them solid gemstones. The gemstones were set in gold for the chokers. The chokers were all made in 1956. Combined they have a total value of $1,500,000 or $375,000 each. The gold necklace with matching earrings was made in 1953. The gold is 18 carat as well as the earrings. It has a current market value of $750,000. The platinum has increased in value signifantly from when the necklace and earrings set was made in 1952. The market value for this set is $2,500,000. So that makes a total of $5,150,000 for these ten pieces. All twenty five pieces comes to $23,100,000. "I'm astonded Bob. This is just mind blowing. I never thought my jewelry would bring this kind of price. Any idea what your going to do with the jewelry."

"Yes, as soon as I leave here I'm going to put the jewelry in my bank safe deposit box with the other jewelry. Then I'm going to call my dad and see about getting the jewelry insured. Then sometime next week I'm going to contact a famous international auction house and have the jewelry auctioned. Half the proceeds from the auction will go to charity. The other half I will invest. Ten percent of the profits will go to you. When I have the auction, I want you present. I want you to get the recognition you deserve for making such exquisite jewelry. With the people attending the auction, I'm sure it will generate more business for you."

"Bob, I don't know what to say. I don't need any money. Just seeing all those twenty five pieces of jewelry made me very happy and satisfied. It was nice that all the pieces were back together. Having an auction with me present, isn't necessary. I get all the business I need. I'm an old man. My wife died many years ago. I have no need for more money. But thank you for the offer."

"I still want you present at the auction. If you still don't want any money for your pieces or any more consignment business it will be mentioned at the auction. Please give it some thought and I will let you know when and where the auction will be taking place."

"Thank you Bob. I will give it some thought and would like to be present at the auction."

Bob left the jewelry store and went to the bank. He put the little box of jewelry in his safe deposit box and left for home.

Graham was already home. Bob walked into the kitchen and Graham gave him a big hug and kiss. "How's my lover?"

"Very well. Just returning from the jewelry store."

"What did you find out? Do the "other ten pieces have as much value as the first fifteen?"

"Let's sit in the living room. The ten pieces have a current value of $5,300,000. Making a total of all twenty five pieces at $23,100,000."

"Holy crab babe, that's a lot of money. What do you plan to do now?"

"I told the jeweler about my plans for an auction and that I wanted him to attend the auction. I told him I would give him ten percent of the total profits made on the auction. He said he wasn't interested in any money. I put the other box in the safe deposit box. So all the jewelry right now is in the safe deposit box. I'm going to call my dad and see about having the jewelry insured until I have the auction."

"You seem to have everything in place. How soon do you plan to have the auction?"

"I'm not calling the international auction house till next week. Then it will depend on them when the auction will happen. They will need to see the jewelry and make their own appraisals for the auction. Then they will contact a specific group of people that would be interested in buying the jewelry. I don't know how long that will all take. I'm hoping not too long. I'm going upstairs and change out of these work clothes and I'll be right back. I want to call dad."

"I'll get dinner warmed and have a cold beer here for you."

"I'll be right back."

Bob came back in just a couple of minutes. I liked watching his cock and balls swinging back and forth. God I love him. He's so hot and sexy.

I went into the living room. Graham brought my beer and gave my lover a long passionate kiss. That felt good. Something I needed. I picked up my phone and called my dad. "Hi Robert, what a nice surprise. You hardly ever call me."

"I know how busy you are dad and I don't like to interrupt you in meetings and business luncheons and dinners. In fact, I hope I called at a good time for you?"

"Just remember this Robert. You can call my anytime. I always have time to talk to my sons."

"Thanks dad, that's nice to hear. I am calling for a specific reason."

"Go head and I'll see if I can help."

"I recently found two jewelry boxes in the house. I took the jewelry to the local jeweler to see if the jewelry had any value. The jewler was surprised to see the jewelry. He told me he had made all of these pieces on consignment for Sir Richard Mason for presents to his wife. The pieces are hand crafted and one of a kind pieces. He looked the pieces up in his ledger and then did an appraisal of the jewelry, twenty five pieces, at current market price. The total is $23,100,000."

"Robert are you joking?"

"No dad. I'm dead serious. I was stunned and flabbergasted when I heard the value of the jewelry."

"Where is the jewelry now?"

"I have it in a safe deposit box in the bank."

"That's good. Do you have the jewelry insured?"

"No. That's why I was calling you. To see if you could help me out. Who I should call and how much I should insure the jewelry for?"

"Let me take care of this for you. Tell me again the total current value of the jewelry?"

"Ok. The total value is $23,100,000."

"Even though the jewelry is one of a kind and hand crafted, I think it should be insured for $50,000,000, even though it can't be replaced. I will take care of getting it insured and pay the fee. All you will need to do is sign the insurance form which I will have ready for you here in my office. I should be able to get this done for you tomorrow and you can come by my office to sign the form. It will be nice to see you."

"Good. Then I'll tell you my plans and what I want to do with the jewelry and see what you think. Will see you tomorrow dad after work. Should be by your office around five. Bye, love you."

"Love you too son. Look forward to hearing your plans for the jewelry."

Graham asked Bob where he wanted to eat. "Let's eat out on the patio table. It's not raining very hard and it would be nice to be outside." Bob let Graham get everything ready. "You want a beer with dinner? Sure babe. Bring one for yourself too."

They ate outside. It was peaceful with just a very light rain coming down. Bob was ready to relax. He had been around enough people for one day. Graham even noticed a difference in Bob. "You look very relaxed babe."

"I am. It's so peaceful out here."

Graham walked over and gave Bob a big kiss. "I love you more every day."

"Love you babe. I'm so glad we are together."

They finished dinner and relaxed in the living room on the couch laying together and watching the news. Graham then found a good game starting after the news. They watched the game. Not really saying much. They didn't need to. It was just enough feeling the warmth of the other person and just laying together, it was becoming something they were starting to do regularly.

The game finished and they were tired after a busy day. They made their way upstairs to the bedrom, with an arm around each other. When they got into bed. They kissed and hugged and made out for awhile. That was very satisfying for both of them. Bob set the alarm and they drifted off to sleep with Graham spooning Bob.

They woke with the alarm going off. They had slept well. They jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to the locker room. Having a race to see who could get there first. Holden was there and looked at them like they were crazy. He already had his jock on and was looking really hot. Bob and Graham got on each side of Holden. They started rubbing their hands all over Holden. He closed his eyes and enjoyed them touching and rubbing him all over. They rubbed and squeezed Holden's big bulge in his jock. Graham got behind Holden and spread his cheeks and started eating him out. Holden was moaning and gasping. Bob had pulled Holden's jock down and off and was sucking his big balls. Bob worked his way up to the big mushroom head and opened wide and took it all in. Graham had slicked his cock with spit and was shoving his head into Holden's hole. Bob started deep throating Holden. His big cock was way down Bob's throat. Graham's cock found Holden's prostate and started giving it a good workout. Holden was squirming and thrashing around, he was lost in sexual bliss. Bob felt Holden's cock harden and thicken in his throat and felt six big spurts coat his throat. Bob was feeling Holden's balls as he came. Bob could hear Graham grunting and knew he was filling Holden up with a big morning load. "Did you like your workout this morning Holden?" Bob asked.

"It was the best. Hope it's this good this weekend at the party."

"If nothing happens at the party. It sure will when we all come back to the house. It's going to be one big orgy all weekend."

"That's what I wanted to hear. I'm looking forward to meeting all the guys and having lots of fun."

"Your going to fit in perfect Holden, The guys are going to love you."

The guys still had plenty of time before they needed to head upstairs for breakfast. They took their sexual workout to the shower. Each one took a turn being in the middle getting fucked and sucking a big cock. They were exhausted after cumming so many times. They let the warm water run over them and relax there muscles. All of their muscles. Finally they stepped out and dried each other off. Helping each other get dressed for work. They couldn't believe they were semi hard after cumming so many times in a short period of time. They were dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret was humming while finishing breakfast. Bob told Margaret they would eat out on the patio table. It was misting, but warm and humid. Margaret soon had everything ready. The guys devoured the food quickly. They were hungry after their morning work out. They walked back into the kitchen. Thanked Margaret for a wonderful breakfast and they all left for work.

The day went quick for Bob. Shirley keeps him booked full with patients every day. Lowering his fees increased his business by at least eighty percent, probably closer to ninety percent. Being a true and faithful doctor, he wanted to help as many people as possible. Shirley kept reminding him they needed to stop taking new patients, but Bob wouldn't hear of it. Bob and Graham had lunch together. Millie seemed to be in better spirits. Bob reminded Graham he would be going by his father's office to sign the insurance papers on the jewelry. So he would probably get home later. The rest of the day went without a hitch and Bob was on his way to his father's office.

Bob arrived at his father's office building. Parked and went in. He walked through the front hall with offices on each side. His father's office was to the back and on the second floor. He walked up the stairs to his father's office. His father's secretary greeted Bob and told him it would just be a couple of minutes and then he would be able to see you. Bob heard the intercom and his father speaking to his secretary. The secretary told Bob he could go in now. Bob walked into his father's office. The office hadn't changed much. It had teak wood throughout. His father had a large desk and there was a meeting area to the front left. Take a seat Robert. His father came around from his desk and shook hands and hugged his son. He took a seat next to Robert. "So tell me more how you came upon the jewelry."

"I was doing some investigating in the house. I went up to the attic and found three trunks that were in a back corner. The first trunk I opened had some elegant women's clothing. At the very bottom of the trunk was a small wooden box. When I opened the box, it was full of women's jewelry. That was the first fifteen pieces of jewelry. The second trunk had men's clothing. The third trunk had family keepsakes with a small box wedged into the bottom of the trunk. The box had a safe deposit key with a number that I assumed was the number of the safe deposit box. The next day I called the local jeweler and told him I had some jewelry I would like him to appraise. The jeweler was surprised to see the jewelry which he had made on special order by Sir Richard Mason. The last ten pieces of jewelry I found in the safe in the house. There was a compartment on the side of one of the shelves and a box with the other ten pieces of jewelry inside. All the jewelry is in the bank, in the safe deposit box."

"That's quite a story and quite a find." John pulled a folder closer to them on his desk. "I have the insurance papers here for you to sign. The original copy will go back to the insurance copy and you will have a copy for your records." John showed Robert where to sign on both copies. Robert signed the papers and John handed Robert his copy. Looking closer, he noticed the fee was $50,000 for a $50,000,000 insurance value of the jewelry for one year.

"Dad you spent a lot of money for this insurance. I need to pay you for this."

"No Robert, just consider it an early Christmas present. I'm curious to know, what your plans are for the jewelry."

"I would like to have an exclusive auction for the jewelry. Half the proceeds I would give to charity and the other half I would invest."

"That's a great plan Robert. I already know some people that collect rare and one of a kind jewelry that would be interested. Let me know when you have everything ready for the auction and I will contact these people that I know."

"Well dad, thankss for your help. And I will let you know when I have everything in place for the auction. I'm sure your busy day isn't over yet?"

"Unfortunately no, I have a meeting coming up shortly. Good to see you Robert and keep me informed."

"Good to see you to dad." Bob left and drove home.

When he got home Graham was waiting for him. "How did it go with your dad?"

"It went great. I have my signed copy of the insurance for the jewelry. My dad paid the fee. He wouldn't let me pay him back. He took the insurance out for one year. I told him about my plans to have an auction. He thought that was an excellent idea, and knew people that would be interested in attending the auction."

The guys ate dinner, watched a movie downstairs and drank a couple of beers and went to bed.

The next morning they worked out with Holden. They all wore their jocks, looking as hot as ever. They told Holden he was welcome to come over anytime he wanted after work. He told them he would take them up on their offer. He just didn't want to impose. They told him it wouldn't be any imposition and just call first and them come over. They had a good round of sex in the shower after their work out. They dressed and went upstairs to have breakfast. Finished breakfast and they all went there different ways to work.

Bob got to work and noticed a flyer on their bulletin board in the waiting room. The new owner of the medical supply store was having a Grand Opening in a couple of weeks and everyone was welcome. Shirley told Bob that the owner, Meyer, had been in and asked if he could put up a flyer. Bob told Shirley that was fine. Bob got back to his office and noticed he had an email from the new store owner. Personally inviting him to the Grand Opening. He would go. He might be going their before the Grand Opening. He was close to having another order ready and he wanted to meet the new owner and maybe find out what happened to Alec. His day went quickly and soon Bob was on his way home.

It was nice to get home at a regular time. He was planning in his mind how he wanted to set up the auction. He would call an internationally famous auction house next week. Graham wasn't home yet. Margaret had left for the day. Bob went upstairs and changed out of his work clothes. He always felt good to go around naked. He liked the feel of no clothes and the freedom. He went back downstairs and checked to see what Margaret had fixed for dinner. He grabbed a cold beer and went to the living room to watch the news. It was going on six and Graham hadn't come home yet. He wasn't concerned, sometimes Graham had a last minute meeting or calls he needed to make. Bob had only been sitting for a couple of minutes when his phone rang. He thought it was probably Graham calling. It was Dave. "Hi Dave, what a nice surprise. I thought you had forgotten about us?"

"No, I would never forgot about you guys. Was wondering if you'd like some company? The wife is gone again as usual and the kids are staying overnight with friends."

"Sure, you know your always welcome. I'll have a cold beer waiting for you." Bob was surprised to get a call from Dave. He thought he was spending most of his time with Cal. It would be nice to see him and talk. Bob just finished talking to Dave when his phone rang again. This is probably Graham now. Nope, it was Holden. "Hi Holden, what's up?"

"I thought I'd take you and Graham's offer and come over if it's a good time?"

"Sure come on over. Dave is coming over too, so you we can have a little party."

That was nice. Be good to have a couple of the guys here. It will give Holden and Dave a chance to get better acquainted. It was going on six thirty and still no Graham. Bob thought if he wasn't back by seven, he would give him a call.

Bob heard the kitchen door and he knew Graham was home. Graham walked in and Dave was right behind. I was a little surprised to see Dave with Graham. Graham saw the look on my face and said, "Dave had just come to the gate when I arrived, so he came in with me." I gave Dave a hug and kiss and then a special hug and kiss for my lover. "Dave, why don't you go in the living room and make yourself comfortable. I'll bring in a beer in just a minute." Graham said he had a last minute meeting and that's what kept him. I told him to go upstairs and get changed and I would have dinner ready when he came down. I warmed the dinner and brought in a beer to Dave. He had stripped down and his cock was sticking straight out. I told Dave I was getting dinner ready and I'd be back in just a minute. Told him to turn on the tv and find something he wanted to watch while he was waiting on us. Graham came back downstairs and pressed up behind me, feeling his warm thick cock on my ass cheek. I turned and gave him a long passionate kiss. "Why don't you join Dave in the living room and I'll bring in our dinner. I had a cold beer for Graham. I drank coffee with my dinner. I brought three plates. I had fixed the dinner as a snack so we could chow away and watch tv. Dave thanked us for dinner. We finished and I cleaned off the coffee table. I then ran upstairs and got a towel and a tube of lube and ran back down to the living room. Graham and Dave were kissing and feeling each other up. "Is there any room there for one more?"

"You bet babe." Graham said and they made room for me. We got into a threeway making out, it was really hot. We already had Dave moaning and gasping for air. Dave moved up on the towel and I got between Dave's legs and started sucking on his big balls. Taking one in my mouth and rolling it around with my tongue and sucking on it and then the other. Graham straddled Dave and was feeding Dave his cock. I started lubing my cock and getting ready to shove it in when I heard the speaker. "Keep going you guys, that must be Holden." "Hey Holden, hold on and I'll open the gate for you." Holden walked in and I gave him a hug and kiss. "I see you guys got started before I got here." "We're getting warmed up, now we can really start the action now that your here." We decided to move to the bedroom where there is more room. I got back between Dave's legs and Graham started feeding Dave his cock again. Holden started sucking Dave's big fat eight incher. I reached over and started stroking Holden's rock hard cock. We all got a good rhythm going. I was the first to shoot up Dave's hot tight hole. I heard Graham grunt and gasp and knew he was shooting down Dave's throat. Holden started stiffiningg and was ready to blast, I quickly moved over and took him in my mouth taking his big load down my throat. Dave was grunting and ready to shoot and Graham went down on him and took his big load. We all laid back on top of each other. Panting and regaining our normal breathing. "Damn that was hot," said Dave. I hope the weekend is the same. We all agreed with Dave. Graham and I got up and left Dave and Holden on the bed. I think you guys need a chance to get to know each other better. Graham and I went downstairs leaving the guys upstairs in our bedroom. "What do you think about those two babe," I asked Graham. "What do you mean?"

"Do you think they might hook up and become better friends?"

"I don't know. What about Dave and Cal?"

"I never asked Dave, but maybe they would like a threeway?"

"You mean like you me and Drake?"

"Exactly." "It's possible, just have to wait and see. I'm sure Cal would like Holden. Holden has the same kind of personality as Cotton. In fact, they are both alike in many ways."

Dave and Holden finally came back downstairs. They looked tired and flushed. We both knew what they were doing. "It looks like you guys got better acquainted?"

"You could say that. I called Cal and he's anxious to meet Holden."

"That's good news. In a couple of days you will all be together."

Holden said, "We're going to leave and go back to Dave's house. Thanks for having us and looking forward to Saturday and the rest of the weekend."

"We are too. You guys have fun and thanks for coming over."

We watched them leave in Holden's car. We waved goodbye and they were gone. "Well babe what do you want to do for the rest of the evening?" "Let's see if there's some sports on and watch a good game." That's exactly what the guys did. Once the game finished they went to bed and slept like two babies.

Here it was. Friday morning. The guys were wondering if Holden would be here to work out this morning. They both ran downstairs and put their jocks on. Holden wasn't there yet. Of course as they worked out and got hot and sweaty. It was really turning them on. Making their jocks bulge even more. Finally they couldn't take it any longer. They were feeling over each other's hot sweaty bodies. Rubbing and squeezing each other's bulges. They stripped each other's jocks off and went in the shower. They washed each other, paying special attention to their cocks balls and holes. They were almost steaming they were so hot cleaning each other. They turned the water off and get into a sixty nine on the shower room floor. They were so horny they almost erupted immediately. It felt good to feel each other's cocks so big and hard and shooting down their throats. They fingered each other as they shot their loads. They rinsed off. Dried off and sat on the changing bench for a couple of minutes. Holden never showed. They didn't think he would. Finally their breathing returned to normal and they dressed each other. That took time. At least their bulges weren't too noticeable in their dress pants. They walked upstairs and Margaret had breakfast ready for them. Bob told Margaret he was having a get together over the weekend and would be ordering appetizers and a couple of large dinner trays that would be delivered in the afternoon. Margaret told Bob she would take care of it. They finished breakfast and each gave Margaret a peck on the cheek as they went to the garage to leave for work. They hugged and kissed in the garage and left for work.

Bob was hoping his day would go fast. He noticed that it wasn't raining or misting when he went to work. Maybe the weatherman would be correct for a change and they would have a change in the weather for the weekend. He was looking forward to seeing his brother tonight. He thought Reggie and Jarvis would come later. Kendrick would probably come before them. Just have to wait and see. I better get focused on work and get this day over. Most of his patients had colds. There was a couple of physicals and that was his day. He met Graham for lunch and they were talking about Logan's party and then having all the guys for the rest of the weekend. Bob called the caterers when he first got to work and Margaret had called and told him they had already delivered his order and it was paid for. Janice and Shirley had already left. They leave early on Fridays if there isn't any emergency or pressing matter to deal with. Bob locked his office right at five and drove home.

Graham wasn't home yet. His car wasn't in the garage. Margaret had left when he got in the house. He saw his order on the kitchen island. He might try some of the appetizers for dinner. He went upstairs and stripped down. Went back downstairs and got a beer and turned on the tv. He watched the news till it finished. Just as it was finishing it mentioned the new owner of the Medical Supply Store and showed his picture. The news mentioned that he was planning a Grand Opening, but at this time a day or time hadn't been set. Meyer looked like a pleasant enough man. He looked to be about Cal and Travis' age. He heard the kitchen door and Graham walked in. He walked over to his lover and they kissed and hugged. "What do you want for dinner babe? We have appetizers and two large dinner trays or whatever Margaret fixed." Graham was thinking for a couple of minutes and decided to try some of the appetizers and dinner tray. "Good, I was hoping you'd say that. Get changed babe and I'll have our dinner ready for us when you come back down."

Bob made a couple of plates for Graham and himself. Warmed them in the microwave and was ready just as Graham came downstairs. Bob grabbed a couple of beers and they ate in the living room, watching the weather. They were forecasting a nice weekend, but another storm front was supposed to move in by Monday. Bob heard the speaker and pressed the button. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hey Bob, Kendrick here, could you open the gate?"

Bob pressed the button and the gate opened and Kendrick drove in. He parked in the front of the garage, took out an overnight bag and walked up to the front door. Kendrick was looking just as hot as ever. Maybe even more so if that was possible. Bob opened the door and Kendrick took in all of Bob's nakedness. "Looking good Bob."

"Not as good as you." They kissed and hugged when he got inside. Graham walked over and kissed and hugged Kendrick. They took Kendrick up to their bedroom and helped him unpack. They helped Kendrick get undressed. By the time they finished stripped Kendrick he was hard as a rock. "This is a nice welcome," said Kendrick. "We want you to feel comfortable."

They went downstairs and asked Kendrick if he wanted a beer. They went out on the patio. It wasn't raining or misting, but was cloudy. It was warm and a comfortable temperature. They lounged on the patio and sipped on their beer. They talked about their time in the Bahamas and that they were eager to get back again. But knew it would be awhile before that happened. Kendrick told Bob he really liked his house and wanted a tour. They got up and went upstairs and Bob showed Kendrick the bedrooms. Then the kitchen, dining room and breakfast nook. He showed Kendrick the library and the den. They went downstairs and Bob showed Kendrick the game room. The locker room and gym, and theater room. Kendrick was blown away with the locker room and gym. He said maybe we can try out the gym tomorrow morning before we go to the party. Bob and Graham agreed with him.

They heard the speaker. Bob went over and pressed the button. "Hey bro, it's Reggie. Would you let us in?"

Bob pressed the button and the gate opened. Reggie parked over on the side of the garage. He watched as his brother and Jarvis got out of his SUV. They took out their overnight bags and a couple cases of beer. Bob, Graham and Kenrick went out and helped Reggie and Jarvis with the beer. They hugged and kissed and Bob introduced Kendrick to his brother and best friend. Reggie said, "you guys look comfortable. We'll join you once we get settled in." Bob took his brother and Jarvis upstairs to the second master bedroom. They asked Bob who the hot guy was. He told them his name was Kendrick and they had met him on vacation in the Bahamas. He told Reggie and Jarvis that Kendrick was in his bedroom with Graham. But they might want to switch off. See how the night went. Reggie and Jarvis helped each other strip down. They were both sporting hardons. They walked back downstairs and went out to the patio. Graham and Kendrick had just finished putting the rest of the beer in the patio frig. They grabbed some loungers and moved them all together.

It was starting to get dark out. Graham happened to look up and told everyone to look up in the sky. We could see stars and the moon wss peeking out around a cloud. We decided to go in. The guys wanted to go to the game room and then watch a movie after. I told them to go ahead and I would bring some snacks down. I heard them joking and laughing as they went downstairs. Knowing my brother, I think he and Jarvis wanted to get to know Kendrick better. I was taking my time. I was a little melancholy and sad. I was missing Drake. Going to the party tomorrow and then having a good group of guys here was something Drake always liked and enjoyed. I heard Graham come into the kitchen. He looked over at me, "everything ok babe?"

"Sorry I was thinking about Drake and how much he liked parties and groups of guys getting together."

Graham walked over and put his arms around me and hugged me tight to him. I needed that. I started feeling a little better. "Thanks love, I'm feeling better now." Graham helped with the rest of the snacks and we fixed a couple of small trays. I got a little cooler of beers and took that downstairs while Graham brought the two small snack trays. The guys were having fun playing pool and pinball machines. I was thinking I needed to get a small frig for beer. There was no place to keep beer in the game room or theater room.

Reggie and Jarvis were getting quite friendly with Kendrick. I thought he might be spending the night with them. They had a pretty good movie going and Graham and I got really involved in the movie. The other three were busy making out and getting really hot and heavy. I was glad to see Kendrick enjoying himself. I don't think Kendrick ever got soft once he was naked. I didn't know how he could stay hard for so long. Graham and I were cuddled together watching the movie until it finished. We all agreed we were getting tired and it was time for bed. Reggie Jarvis and Kendrick went into the second master bedroom. They hugged and kissed us good night. I was wondering how much sleep they would get. Graham and I were fondling each other's hardons and were starting to moan. We soon pushed the covers back and got into a sixty nine. Sucking and fingering each other. It didn't take us long until we were shooting out our loads.

We could hear the other three in the other bedroom. They weren't very quiet. Reggie and Jarvis had Kendrick in the middle while Reggie fucked Kendrick and Jarvis fed Kendrick his throbbing cock. The sound coming from the other bedroom was making us horny. Soon we were in a hot sixty nine sucking and slurping on each other's hardons again. We were going to try to cum when they did. We slowed down a bit and just fingered each other's holes. We soon heard loud moaning and grunting and gasping. We knew they were cumming. We went back down on each other and soon we were joining them in groaning and grunting. Suddenly it got quiet. They must have fallen asleep. We soon did to.

We woke up early. I didn't set the alarm. "Should we work out babe?"

"Let's see what the other guys want to do."

I knocked on the other bedroom door. "You guys want to work out this morning?"

I heard mumbling and grumbling and finally Reggie told me they would pass on working out. He said they thought we would get enough work out when everyone was here. Graham and I agreed with Reggie and we would wait till later. I went downstairs and started getting breakfast ready. Soon the guys started trickling downstairs. Everyone one looked tired and a litte grumpy. I asked them if they got any sleep last night. They said a little, but they got in a good work out. I chuckled to myself. They asked me if I wanted any help and told them I was almost finished.

We decided to eat out on the patio table. I thought I was seeing things. The sun was out and only a couple of clouds in the sky. Graham helped me and soon we were all seated and eating a hearty breakfast. We needed our vitamins to be ready for a good work out later. We finished breakfast and all the guys helped clear the table and load the dishwasher.

We decided to shower and get ready for the party later. The shower felt good. It felt better having Graham making out with me in the shower. We sucked and fucked and had a good time in the shower. We stayed hard but who was complaining. We got dressed in some casual clothes. Cargo shorts, a dressy pullover and some nicer sandals. We went downstairs. The other guys were outside drinking beer and joking and laughing. I was glad to see my brother and Jarvis together and enjoying Kendrick. Graham went out to talk to the guys. I went into the kitchen to see how our beer supply was. Reggie came in and we had a chance to talk for a couple of minutes. "Glad to see you and Jarvis are back together."

"Thanks bro. It's been working out well. Jarvis and I get together and Jennifer and Deb have their time together. How about you and Graham?"

"I'm glad Graham is in my life. He came back here at the perfect time. I was still mourning Drake and was pretty down. He was the boost that I needed to get me out of my slump. I still have feelings for Drake and I always will, but Graham is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better lover, companion and soul mate."

"I'm happy for you bro. Jarvis and I have renewed our friendship. We have been making up for lost time. This party and weekend get together came at the perfect time for us."

"Did you hear something Reg?"

"Now that you mention it yes. I think it was speaker at the gate." I pressed the buttom. "Does anybody live here and can let us in?"

It was Dave, hold on and I'll open the gate. I saw Cal's big SUV come in, it looked like there was three guys in his car.

He parked on the side of the garage and Cal Dave and Holden got out. I was thinking alright Holden, good for you. They brought three cases of beer and their overnight bags. I greeted them at the door. We kissed and hugged and I got Graham's attention. "Yeah babe, what's up?"

"Could you help the guys and show them to one of the guest bedroom? There's somebody else coming in right after them and it looks like another car after that one. It was Travis and Brody. They parked on the side of the garage also. Behind them was another SUV that I didn't recognize. They parked by Travis and Brody. It was the sheriff from the adjacent county with Irving. That got my attention. I'll have some questions there. I was wondering how they knew each other. They all brought another two cases of beer. I greeted the guys at the door. We kissed and hugged, and I introduced them to each other. I had them put their cases of beer in the kitchen and had them follow me upstairs to the other two guest bedrooms. I told them to come down when they were ready and comfortable. They got my message and gave me a smile.

It was going on eleven so we had time before the party at one. Everyone was naked and mingled and seemed to be getting along well. It sounded liked they were talking about their sleeping arrangements tonight and how they needed to get better acquainted. I was thinking we'd get better acquainted before we went to bed.

I went back to the kitchen and stocked the kitchen frig with beer. As much as it could hold. I stocked the garage frig. Checked the patio frig and refilled it. There was still beer left over and that filled a couple of big coolers. My ice machine was working overtime, but managed to get the rest of the beer on ice. I told the guys to use the beer from the coolers first. I checked the appetizers and dinner trays and they were full. That should be enough for the guys. I went back out to the patio and started mingled and talking with the guys. It looked like it was going to be a good group and everyone was laughing and joking and seemed to be having a good time. I was thinking about giving Logan a call and see if it was okay if we brought a cooler of beer.

Logan was putting the last minute touches on his party. He had his sound system going. He wasn't sure what kind of music everyone would like, but they could make requests when they got here. The meat and vegetables were ready for the grill and the snacks were ready for setting out. The tables were in place. He thought everything looked ready. He was startled when his phone rang. He recognized the number as Bob's. "Hi Bob, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, nothing to be alarmed about Logan. We will be there at one. I was wondering if it was okay if we brought a big cooler of beer?"

"Oh yeah, sure. If that's what everyone likes drinking, that's fine. See you at one."

"Good, see you soon."

We lounged around and talked on the patio. Time was slipping by and soon the guys went upstairs to put some clothes on for the party. They followed our lead and put on shorts and a nice dress shirt with deck shoes or sandals. Six guys piled into my SUV and six piled into Cal's SUV. We had the two largest vehicles. They put a big cooler of beer in the back of Cal's SUV. I led the way so they would know where to go. It wasn't far, but a bit far to walk and carry a big cooler. We got out of he SUV's.

Logan saw us and welcomed us inside. He had a table set up when we walked in with a large grouping of his books. He had signed them and told us they were a present for coming to the party. We were free to take all we wanted. Cal was really surprised. He was a big fan of Logan's books. I hard time visualizing Cal curled up on his couch reading a book. He took all the books he hadn't read. We all took a couple of books and thanked Logan. We followed Logan out to his patio. His back yard was good size and we saw the jacuzzi going. It looked pretty inviting. Logan had music going. Wasn't too bad, but I thought I might make some suggestions. Logan was busy at the grill and I asked him if he wanted a cold beer. He told me he didn't drink much, but he would take a cold beer. I brought him a beer and asked him if their was anything I could do to help. He said he had everything under control.

Logan was surprised when the guys came in. He was looking for wives and girlfriends. He was surprised to see only guys. We all grabbed a beer from the cooler. Logan had some snacks placed around on different little tables. We ate some snacks and drank beer. Some of the guys were antsy to get into the hot tub. They asked Logan if it was okay. He told them sure, that's why he had it running.

The weather was nice for a change. It was sunny and warm. Perfect weather for an outdoor barbeque and party. A few of the guys walked down to the jacuzzi. Cal Brody Travis Kendrick Holden and Irving. There were pool chairs by the jacuzzi. The guys started stripping down and soon were relaxing in the jacuzzi. I didn't know if Logan noticed, but the guys were naked in the jacuzzi. I didn't see any hands above the water. Did see a lot of smiles on their faces. The guys were toning it down. I think they weren't sure what Logan would think if they started kissing and hugging and making out. I'm sure they were hard under the water.

Logan announced that the food was ready. He pulled out some salads and placed them on his patio table. He had grilled vegetables and he had the table set for a buffet. There were towels on some of the pool chairs. The guys walked out. They were all hard and dried off. They wrapped their towels around their waist and walked up to the buffet. Everyone loaded their plates and sat down around the tables that were placed in the yard. Logan joined me Graham Reggie and Jarvis. We told him everything was delicious. Logan thanked us all for coming again. Logan didn't talk much. He was pretty quiet. I asked him if everything was ok. He said perfect. It's just that isn't too much for socializing. He spends most of his time writing and getting ideas for more stories. We told him we wouldn't stay too long and he could get back to his routine. That brought a smile to Logan's face.

Some of the guys went back into the jacuzzi. Logan saw that they were naked, but didn't say anything. We finished a very delicious meal and helped Logan get everything cleaned and put away. He grabbed a lounger as we did and drank another beer. I told Logan he was lucky that it was a nice day. He agreed and was glad we had a break in the rain. It was already going on four and there really wasn't much to do. Logan wasn't much for conversation. So we agreed we would leave. We thanked Logan for the barbeque and piled into the two SUV's and went back to my house. Some of the guys were going to kiss and hug Logan and then realized at the last minute that he probably wouldn't like that.

Logan sighed a big sigh of relief. He was glad the party was over, and they didn't stay very long. He couldn't believe some of the guests were naked in his jacuzzi. He was wondering if they were all gay. He didn't really care one way or the other. He was just glad everyone was gone. Now he wouldn't have to have a party for a long time. Maybe never. Logan wanted to get back to his book. He had two more pages of ideas that he wanted to incorporate into his story.

Once we got home and had the cooler unloaded and on the patio, we were stripped in seconds. It felt much better to be out of these clothes. We all grabbed a beer and relaxed on the loungers. Some of us had to double up, but that made it more enjoyable. Soon Cal moved his lounger out in the front center. He reclined the lounger as far back as it would go. Some of us knew what this meant. Cal loved to fuck and he was ready to fuck all of us. I told the new guys what was going on. We formed a line with Dave first followed by Holden Kendrick Irving Travis Brody Sheriff from the adjacent county Reggie Jarvis Graham and I went last. Cal looked like he was in heaven. Dave eased his hole down on Cal's leaking cock and soon was bouncing up and down on Cal. It didn't take Cal long to cum. Dave got off and straddled Cal, feeding him his cock. As the list got shorter it was taking Cal longer and longer to cum. But the time it got to my turn. It took Cal over forty five minutes to cum. But nobody was complaining. I loved Cal's big cock up my hole. Cal moved his lounger back and we relaxed enjoying the weather and a good fuck and blow job.

The guys got up. They thought they had enough sun and went downstairs to the game room. I told Graham I would get some appetizers ready and a couple of small trays ready with the dinner trays. I would be downstairs shortly. He asked me if I wanted any help. We kissed and I told him I had everything under control. Just grab a beer for me and I'll drink it downstairs. I got some trays ready and took them downstairs. The guys were hungry. I figured they would be. After a few beers and a few hours after the party, we were all hungry again. The guys were having fun in the game room. They were playing pool, foosball and pinball. I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie when they finished? They told me sure. I went to the theater room and found a movie I thought we'd all like. I told them I had a movie ready when they were. They trickled into the theater room and we all sat doubled up on the theater chairs. It was the first time I had this many guys in the room. Almost all the chairs were being used. I still had three chairs not being used. We watched the movie to the end. I refilled the trays once and we had two more rounds of beer. We were getting sleepy. I saw some of the guys nodding off towards the end of the movie.

We agreed it was time for bed. Kendrick mentioned to me that he would like to sleep with me and Graham. I told him sure. We'd look forward to him sleeping with us. Cal and the sheriff from the other county seemed to be quite friendly. The other guys paired or tripled off to the bedrooms. I saw Travis and Brody going in the bedroom with Reggie and Jarvis. I'm sure there would be a lot of moving around to different bedrooms tonight.

Graham and I didn't leave our bedroom door open. So the guys knew we didn't want any visitors. Kendrick would be enough. He told us he had missed us after our good time in the Bahamas. We got Kendrick in the middle with me and Graham on each side of him. We kissed long and hard. Graham and I sucked on Kendrick's big balls. Then kissing and licking his big thick shaft. He was moaning and I saw he had his eyes closed. I rimmed him while Graham deep throated his big cock. I grabbed the lube off the nightstand and lubed up my cock and slid it in. It went in pretty easy. Then his ass grabbed my cock and started pulling me in all the way. I could feel his prostate being rubbed by my shaft. He started stiffening and hardening and I knew he was shooting down Graham's throat. Graham was gulping, taking his big load. I felt my balls tighten up and soon I shot way up Kendrick's hole. He had a very satisfied look on his face. Once we regained our normal breathing, Kendrick sucked Graham and fingered his hole till he shot. Then Kendrick did me. He was really good at sucking cock and had me shooting in no time. We fell asleep after that.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I was wondering who was making breakfast. I didn't see Kendrick or Graham. I didn't hear the shower going. I crawled out of bed and walked downstairs. Reggie and Jarvis were making breakfast. The rest of the guys were slowly making their way downstairs to the kitchen. We filled our plates and some ate out on the patio table and some of us ate at the breakfast nook. Everyone looked like they had a busy night. Reggie told me he and Jarvis would be leaving after breakfast. They had a long drive and wanted to be back before the wives returned. I told them I understood and hoped they had a good time. They both said they had a great time and were already looking forward to the next get together. We all ate breakfast and then went upstairs to shower. Reggie and Jarvis poked their heads in and told us they were ready to leave. I dried off quick and followed them outside. They had already said their goodbyes to the other guys. I told them I give a special goodbye present. They needed to drop their pants and underwear. They gave me a funny look, but they did it. I gave their cocks a kiss and then gave each of them a kiss and hug and thanked them for coming. I watched them leave.

The sheriff from the adjacent county was the next to leave. He told us he had a great time and was glad to see his good buddy Cal. He liked our goodbye present and told us to be sure to remember him at our next get together. We thanked him for coming and watched him leave.

Kendrick was next. He wanted to get back to his motel. His flight was leaving early tomorrow morning. And he told us he was bushed after so much sex. He said this was a first for him having this much sex in such a short period of time. But he told us he had a really good time. And when we planned our next party to be sure to call him in advance so he could come. Kendrick also liked our goodbye present. It was hard watching him leave. Graham and I really liked Kendrick. Nothing against the other guys. But we just felt more of a connection with Kendrick.

Travis Brody and Irving left next. They were tired and wanted to get rested before work tomorrow. They also thanked us for the get together and to be sure to include them in the next one. They already knew our goodbye present and had their pants and underwear around their ankles. We group hugged and kissed and we watched them leave.

It was getting close to lunch time and Cal Dave and Holden told us they would stay for lunch and then they would need to leave. We finished off the rest of the appetizers and dinner trays. Of course we had a couple of beers to wash it down. We ate out on the patio. It was sunny, but we could see some dark rain clouds moving in. It looked like the weatherman nailed this weather on the head. They do get it right once in awhile. We were getting horny and soon we got into a group suck. We all blasted out at almost the same time. That was an extraordinary feeling. They hated to get up and get dressed and leave. Holden told us he would be here early tomorrow morning for a work out. Dave heard us and asked if he could join in. We told him sure. We have plenty of room. We gave them our special goodbye present and we watched the last of the guys leave.

We got a call from Cal, thanking us for another great get together. He wanted us to be sure to let him know when we would have the next one. He also thanked us for having his good buddy from the adjacent county here. He said they had a chance to catch up on good times in more ways than one. We thanked Cal for his call and we relaxed on the couch.

Graham and I were tired. The weekend went fast but it was fun. I was thinking about this coming week and calling the international auction house and taking an order over to Meyer and meeting him.

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

End of Chapter 13 - Meyer

Chapter 14 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer jeweler>

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 14

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