My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Feb 6, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 12

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 12. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 12 - Logan

We got home Saturday afternoon. It was nice to have another day to relax before returning to work. We talked about the vacation and the great time we had. Especially meeting Kendrick. That made our time go faster. We hope that he is traveling in the area and will be able to visit soon. Would like to stay in contact with him. Overall, we enjoyed our vacation a lot. We looked at the photos we took and remembered some of the places we visited. The limousine driver along with Kendrick really knew some great places regular tourists don't see or don't even know exit. And we were already planning our next vacation there.

I had forgotten to get the daily paper. I put some shorts on and walked out to the entrance. The paper boy was getting better throwing the paper in. It was almost on the front step. Rather than on the roof of the garage or hung up in a branch in a tree. I picked it up and heard thunder. Looked up and the sky was black and storm clouds were moving in fast. It was bright and sunny when we arrived home.

I walked back in and asked Graham if he wanted a beer with me. He said sure. He was really engrossed watching a football game. I came back with two beers for us and the newspaper under my arm. I opened the paper and on the front page was a photo of a major prison fight at the maximum security prison. The article said one prisoner was dead and another was seriously injured. I told Graham and he grabbed the paper from me and looked at the picture and read the article. Graham only told me you will want to read the article. I read the article under the photo. It said that a prison gang had ganged up on Butch and his buddies when they were exercising in the yard. They got into a major fight and the leader of the gang stabbed Butch when the gang members were huddled around so the guards couldn't see. One of Butch's beefy buddies tried to break up the fight and was cut on his arms and legs. Once the exercise time was over, the guards saw Butch laying on the ground in a pool of blood. The other prisoner was sitting on the ground trying to stop the bleeding on his arms and legs. Butch was dead when they took him to the infirmary and the doctor treated the prisoners cuts and he was lead back to solitary confinement.

Butch knew things weren't looking good for him and his buddies. They stuck together when they showered and today was the first day to be in the yard after breakfast. They talked when they ate breakfast and tried to plan some strategy when they exercised. The best they could do was stick together close in a group and hopefully nothing would happen. However, that wasn't the case. When they got to the yard the gang was wating for them. A couple of the gang members tried to break up Butch and his buddies. That didn't work so a few more gang members came over and managed to get two of Butch's buddies away. The leader of the gang came in while they struggled a bit and the rest of the gang huddled around while the gang leader stabbed Butch and his buddy that was trying to defend Butch. The guards knew what was going on, but they were talking and joking and pretended like they didn't see anything. Butch slumped down on the dirt and bleed to death. His buddy was in bad shape but got to the infirmary in time for the doctor to patch him.

The warden had told the captain of the guards what he wanted done in the yard when Butch and his buddies were there exercising. The guard told the warden it would be taken care of. The captain of the guards knew that one of the guards talked to the leader of the gang and could get everything easily arranged.

The warden was pleased when the captain of the guards came back to give the news to the warden. The warden told the captain that it would be easy now to get rid of the three buddies of Butch's. The captain agreed with the warden and left his office.

Bob told Graham, "I'm not surprised. You hear about this happening all the time. I'm not really sad to hear about his death. I know that's not good for a doctor to say, but the kind of person that Butch was, he got what he deserved."

"I agree babe," said Graham. "He was a scum bag that deserved to die. He was nothing but trouble."

The guys drank their beer and had another while they watched the game. They sat together on the couch cuddled together really absorbed in the game.

The phone rang startling both of them. It was Reggie calling. "Hi bro, how's it going?"

"Just calling to see how you and Graham liked the party."

"The party was awesome. We were tired after we got home."

"I bet, I was too. Wanted to thank you for the entertainment. It was a big success."

"I thought everyone would like the male strippers."

"They sure did. While we're talking, How was your vacation?"

"It was better than we could have anticipated. The brochures didn't do it justice. It was much better. We met a great guy there that is a good friend of the owner. The owner told us when we checked out that if we booked another travel package to let him know and he would cover half the cost. There would be no extra charges at the hotel."

"That's really cool bro. Your one of the luckiest persons that I know. That would never happen to me. Unfortunately, it's a gay hotel and I will probably never go there."

"You and Deb are happily married. You have two great kids. So a family friendly vacation would be perfect for you."

"Your probably right. Have to play that by ear. Really busy again on this new construction job. It's taking up all my time. Long hours and really tired when I get home."

"Don't overdue it bro. That's a good way to lower your resistance and get really sick. I have a good foreman, so I will be able to start leaving early."

"Heard anymore from Jarvis and Jennifer about the wedding?"

"Not a thing. As far as I know everything is set to go. Just think in two weeks my best friend will be married."

"I know. I remember when it was just two weeks until you and Deb got married. Jarvis was your best man. Now you will be his best man."

"That's cool isn't it?"

"Sure is bro. Well, I'll let you go. Just wanted to check in on my bro and make sure he was ok and enjoyed himself."

"No worries here. Like I said, Graham and I had great time at the party. And our vacation was over the top."

Graham knew that I was talking to Reggie. He asked me if Reggie had any more information on Jarvis and Jennifer's wedding. I told him no that as far as Reggie knew everything was good and was ready. Graham said, "at least it's a couple of weeks ahead. We've had enough going on for awhile. It will be nice to just have time to be together. Just the two of us."

"I agree lover. Hopefully no phone calls of anybody coming over and just some quality time together."

I heard it thunder. Was wondering if we were in for a rain storm. Graham and I had lost interest in the game. I didn't feel like cooking and asked Graham if we should go to the Italian restaurant in the mall for dinner. He thought that was a good idea. I told Graham I would call and make reservations. They may be busy on a Saturday night. I called the restaurant and made reservations for two. I asked the person if they were busy. She said it was steady and it was good that I made reservations. I made reservations for eight. It was only seven now and the mall wasn't that far from here. So it would give us a little time before we had to get ready. I asked Graham to put the weather channel on and see if we were in for a rain storm. The weatherman said a strong storm front was moving into the area. Didn't expect rain until close to midnight.

They thought it was time they got their lazy butts up and took a shower, dressed and then it would be time to leave. Bob heard something hitting the glass doors to the patio. He turned a light on and it was rain hitting the glass. It looked like it was windy. He told Graham. They decided they would still go to the restaurant since it wasn't that far. They wouldn't have to be in the rain, just drive in it. The mall had underground parking so they wouldn't get wet.

They took a quick shower. Kissing and hugging and washing each each other. They dried off, both with semis. They got dressed in some sporty casual clothes. Splashed on some cologne and headed out to the restaurant. It was raining but not hard. The wind made it seem like it was raining harder than it was. They arrived at the mall and parked underground. Thank God for underground parking. We got out of my SUV and walked to the Italian restaurant. The mall was busy and wouldn't close till ten. It didn't matter because the restaurant was facing the street with it's own entrance there. We walked up to the restaurant and the host asked if we had reservations. We gave the name and he took us to our table. He told us our waiter would be here shortly. The restaurant wasn't very busy. A lot of people were probably getting home early with the rain. The waiter came and we ordered a scotch and water and ordered the special. We would have wine with our meal.

Logan was a professional writer. He lived next door to Dave and his family. He had recently moved in. He had been house searching and was looking for an area that was more remote and isolated. He bought the house as soon as he was shown it by the real estate agent. It was prefect and just what he was looking for. He wanted to live more isolated and quiet. It helped him with his writing. Logan was pretty much of a loner and wasn't into socializing very much. He was always concentrating on his writing and coming up with new story ideas. He liked writing murder mysteries, but he also wrote for a couple of magazines and sometimes would write an editorial in the local newspaper. His love was writing his murder mysteries. He was a well known author and his books were always on the best seller list.

Logan was intrigued by the recent murder at the maximum security prison. He didn't know why. But he thought a story idea might exist. He had called the country sheriff and identified himself. The sheriff was familiar with Logan's writing and had read a couple of his murder mysteries. Even though the sheriff didn't look like a man that would enjoy sitting down and reading a book. He really enjoyed the way Logan wrote and was always eager to read his next book when it came out. The sheriff told Logan pretty much everything he knew about the murder. The prison gang, how the captain of the guards and the warden had planned the murder. He didn't feel afraid of giving Logan all the details and he didn't think the captain or the warden would find out that he was sharing confidential information about the murder. Logan thanked the sheriff for all the information. Logan was recording the call so he would have all the details for a possible story and not forget anything.

Logan was surprised that the sheriff would disclose that kind of information. He usually had to sign release papers and other documents to just get a simple statement. He was also surprised that the sheriff read his books. It pleased him, but he was till taken back when the sheriff told him about reading his books. Logan listened to the call a couple of times and started writing out a story outline. He thought he could make a good story out of this information.

Logan also thought that he should probably get acquainted with his neighbors and maybe have a small party. He liked to barbeque and got compliments on everything that he grilled. He would put together a list of friends family and neighbors. Nothing too big, maybe a dozen people at the most if they all showed.

The waiter brought an ice bucket with their wine chilling and set it on the side of their table. He cleared their drinks. He came back with a large tray with their dinners. Both Bob and Graham looked at each other. They didn't think they had ordered this much food. The waiter told them it was compliments of the house. The owner/cook of the restaurant had been a patient of Bob's and was very satisfied with Bob and this was a way of showing his appreciation. They both told the waiter to tell the owner/cook they appreciated the wonderful meal. They ate and ate until they were stuffed. The food was so good they both agreed they needed to come here more often. Milo's was a bit far to drive and both Bob and Graham weren't ready to be that close to the bombing of the Big One. The wine was a good compliment to their meal. They managed to drink the bottle of wine, but couldn't finish all of their dinner, it was just too much food. "They asked the waiter if the owner would be offended if they had the rest of their dinner packaged so they could take it home?"

The waiter told them, "the owner would be offended if you didn't take the rest of your dinner home. He had made it special for you two."

The waiter cleared their dinner and soon came back with a large package containing the rest of the dinner. Bob and Graham sipped on their wine. Looking at each other and enjoying the company and companionship of the other person. Any body looking at them could tell they were in love, just by looking at their eyes and the way they looked at each other. They soon finished their wine. They asked the waiter if they could give their compliments to the owner/cook. The waiter told them to follow him. They followed the waiter to the door that led to the kitchen. The waiter went in and soon this big Italian looking man came out. "Hi Bob, the waiter told me you really enjoyed your dinner."

"Yes, we both did and wanted to personally thank for a wonderful meal."

"It's my pleasure Bob. After the great care you gave me at your clinic, it was the least I could do. They shook hands and the owner went back to the kitchen."

Bob and Graham left the restaurant. They almost held hands when they left and remembered they weren't in the Bahamas anymore. They needed to be careful in public.

It was raining hard. But it looked like the wind had let up a bit. If it wasn't windy when they got back to the house, they could sit out on the patio. The patio was covered but the sides were open allowing the wind to blow the rain in. It was a slow drive back to the house. At least they didn't have far to go. They made it back ok. Maybe saw a handful of cars when they were driving home. Parked in the garage, disarmed the alarm system from the garage and went into the kitchen.

Everything looked ok, Bob walked over to the patio doors and the wind wasn't blowin. Good, they could sit out on the patio. When I have the pool and backyard redone, I'm going to have walls put on the part of the patio that's covered, Sliding doors that make a wall would be good. They could be opened when the weather is nice. It wasn't cold out. Even with the rain it was warm and humid.

The guys went upstairs and stripped out of their clothes and went back outside on the patio. Bob mentioned to Graham they need to buy some double loungers like they had in the Bahamas. They were comfortable and would work out good when they have parties. Graham grabbed a couple of beers from the patio frig and they moved a couple of loungers together and hugged and kissed and sipped on their beer.

Butches buddies were really sweating it. Butch had been killed and another one of their buddies was stabbed and cut. They were wondering who was next to be killed. They weren't looking forward to showering with everyone and their next time in the yard. At least they wouldn't be in the yard until next month. The warden had said they would get one day per month in the yard. But the shower was daily.

Dave was having a really good weekend with Cal. With his wife gone for over a week the kids stayed with his wifes parents. This gave him plenty of time to spend with Cal. They both were getting along well. They really enjoyed each other's company and they found they had quite a bit in common. Dave liked to bottom and Cal preferred to top, so sexually they were very compatible. They both liked to suck and rim so that was another big turnon. They had pretty much stayed in bed so far only to get up to get something to eat and use the bathroom. They didn't have a lot of sex but when they did. It was very intense and enjoyable for both of them. They watched tv in bed and cuddled close together. Cal found it easy to kiss and hug Dave and enjoy body contact without sex. Kissing and hugging wasn't something Cal really liked. But he sure liked it with Dave. There was something about Dave that really attracted Cal, but he wasn't able to put his finger on it yet. They were both starting to get hard. They had been feeling each other. Dave got down between Cal's legs and started sucking his big balls. Then worked his way up to the head of Cal's cock. Cal cock was growing and Dave liked it in his mouth when it started to get hard. He worked Cal's cock good with his throat muscles. He wanted Cal rock hard when he sat down over his cock. Dave rubbed some of Cal's precum over and in his hole. Then positioned his hole over the head of Cal's cock. He slowly let the head ease into his hole. Damn that big cock filled him up. It felt so good. Dave knew how to position himself so that Cal's cock kept a steady rubbing on his prostate driving him crazy and making him leak. Soon Dave started bouncing up and down on Cal's cock. Cal was moaning and grunting. Dave was stroking his cock and dripping precum on Cal's chest and stomach. Cal told Dave to let him know when he was close to cumming. Cal's big cock was getting Dave close and Cal told Dave to bend down so he could suck his cock when he came. It was a little awkward but Cal managed to get about half of Dave's cock in his mouth. Cal felt his cock stiffening in Dave's hole and knew he was ready to blast out a big load. His balls had been full and they needed release. Soon they both came almost at the same time. What a rush that was. They were both pouring out their cum into each other. This was the third time they had cum today. Dave got off Cal's cock when it started to soften and laid back down on the bed next to Cal. They draped their legs over each other and hugged and went back to watching tv. Dave asked Cal if he wanted a beer. Cal said sure. Dave went to the kitchen and brought back a couple of beers. Cal liked watching Dave naked. Damn he was one hot hunky guy and he was glad he was staying the weekend. Dave handed a beer to Cal and climbed over Cal so their cocks would brush together and laid back down.

Bob enjoyed the rain. He remembered when he and Reggie were kids living at home and how they would play in the rain and run around. There parents would get mad and tell them to come inside, especially if it was lightning, but they didn't care. While he was laying there on the lounger he was thinking of those fun times. Graham was looking at Bob and knew he was off in dreamland. He didn't ask, he just loved looking at Bob.

Bob's phone rang. He didn't recognize the caller. It was someone that didn't use WhatsApp. "This is Bob."

"Hi Bob, this is Kendrick."

"Oh, hi Kendrick. Didn't know it was you calling."

"Hope I didn't call at a bad time?"

"No, not at all. Graham and I are just lounging on the patio watching and listening to the rain."

"Sounds romantic."

"We're sitting in our own loungers. Do you use WhatsApp?"

"No, what's that?"

"It's a free app where you can call anywhere in the world as long as the person you're calling is also using WhatsApp. It's a free download. You just have to make sure your phone is charged."

"I'll have to check that out. Do I get charged for long distance or roaming with WhatsApp?"

"It's free and a great app to have on your phone. Your contacts will automatically move to WhatsApp once you install it and contact them. Just remember it will only work if the person your calling is also using WhatsApp."

"Was calling to see how you and Graham liked the Bahamas?"

"The Bahamas were fantastic. Graham and I have looked at our photos a few times. It was better once we met you."

"That's nice to hear. I'm hoping the next time I'm in the Bahamas you guys will be able to get away and join me."

"If you let us know ahead of time, we can probably work something out. The owner at the hotel told us to let him know the next we book a travel package and he will pay half and give us a primier/deluxe bungalow."

"I told the owner if he didn't. I wouldn't be coming to his hotel anymore."

"Are you in the area Kendrick?"

"No, I wish I was. Just wanted to check in with you guys and was hoping you liked your time in the Bahamas and would want to go again. I guess you already answered that."

"Like we told you. Anytime your in the area, your welcome to stay with us. We have a big house with lots of room."

"I better get going it's getting late where I am with the time change. I'll check out that WhatsApp and maybe the next we talk I will be using it."

"Ok Kendrick. Thanks for calling and it was nice hearing from you."

Kendrick called wanting to know if we liked the Bahamas. I told him we really liked our time there, especially after meeting him and we definitely want to go back again.

Graham said, "that was nice that he called. I didn't think we would hear from him again."

"It was nice. Maybe he will be in the area soon and he can spend some time with us."

The rain was coming down harder and the guys decided to move back into the house. They closed and locked the patio doors and pulled the curtains. Maybe the weatherman was right for a change and the rain storm would keep increasing as it got closer to midnight.

It was still fairly early and Bob told Graham he was going to give Holden a call and see if he was back and if they were going to start working out again. Bob called Holden and waited and waited but no answer. Soon Holden's phone went to message. Bob left a message telling Holden to call him when he got back. Bob told Graham that Holden didn't answer his phone and he left a message.

What Bob and Graham didn't know was that Holden was married and was going through a long drawn out bitter divorce. Holden's wife was an only child and was spoiled since she was born. She got whatever she wanted and she wanted Holden. They had dated in high school and college. Once they both graduated from college they got married. The marriage was shaky from the start. Holden's friends and brothers warned him not to marry her. Some of them had dated her before Holden and told him she was nothing but trouble. Holden was in love with her so they were talking to deaf ears. Once they got married it was constantly one thing after another. She was used to her parents buying her whatever she wanted and she expected Holden to do the same. Holden didn't make the kind of money that her lifestyle warranted. So they were arguing and fighting and she would take off for days and stay with her parents. She knew they would buy her whatever she wanted. Finally Holden had enough and told her he was filing for divorce. So now after many months of lawyer fees and bickering back and forth. The divorce was going to finally be over. Holden needed to pay a large settlement for the divorce to go through. Holden's parents told him not to worry, they would cover all the charges. Holden's parents were just as glad to be rid of her as Holden was. In a special hearing, the judge granted them their divorce on Saturday. Holden and his family sighed a sigh of relief and was glad it was over. When they left the courtroom neither family had anything to say to the other. His exwife was just as arrogant and snotty as ever, but never said anything. Holden and his family went back to their house. Holden noticed he had a missed message from Bob. He would call him tomorrow and tell him he would be back Monday and they could start working out again.

Reggie and Deb were sitting on the couch watching tv. Deb was laying on Reggie's shoulder and chest. It was nice with the kids gone to bed. They were watching a movie Deb wanted to see. It was a chick flick, but Reggie thought he could struggle through it with enough beer. He was thinking about his best friend Jarvis and couldn't wait till after the wedding and they could start hanging out together. Deb was doing the same thing. She couldn't wait until Jennifer got married and they could start hanging out together. The wedding would be in two weekends. It was coming fast and Jennifer and Deb were putting the final touches on the wedding. Jarvis was excited to give Jennifer a family heirloom ring for the wedding. He knew Jennifer would love it. They continued watching the movie and Reggie continued drinking his beer. They would get up early for church tomorrow. They agreed to go to bed when the movie ended.

Hopefully the electricity wouldn't go off again. It had once. It was still raining hard and thundering and lightning. The movie would be ending soon. Reggie was ready to go to bed. He wanted to have a good fuck with Deb. He had been horny all day and all he could think about was sliding his hard cock in and out of her tight wet pussy. Damn, he was getting hard in his shorts. He could hold out till they went to bed.

When Bob and Graham went back in the house, they found a football game starting the third quarter. They thought they would watch it till the end and then go to bed. Bob and Graham agreed they would go to church tomorrow. That would make Bob's parents happy. It had been a few Sundays since he had went to church. They had the bachelor party and then the vacation. So he thought those were good excuses if his mother decided to drill him on why he hadn't been attending church. The game finished and they were both getting sleepy. They took their empties out to the kitchen and threw them in the garbage. They headed to the bedroom arm in arm. Bob pulled back the covers and laid on top. It was still warm and muggy. He didn't like having the air conditioning too high. He could still hear the rain coming down pretty hard. It would thunder and lightning off and on. At least the electricity hadn't went off. If it did he didn't really care. He had a back up generator. Which would take care of the refrigerators. Freezer alarm system, which had it's own battery powered back up source, and security lights and essential inside house lights. The generator would run for six hours at time, then shut off automatically for a half hour and then come back on for another six hours if they were still without electricity.

Graham came out of the bathroom. Damn he looked good. Their working out was really showing. Graham had firmed and toned up nice and was really looking hot. His big thick semi was pretty nice looking too. Graham was smiling as he walked to the bed. He knew Bob was checking him out. "Like what you see?"

"Always babe, your so hot and sexy."

Graham climbed in bed and they started making out, kissing and hugging. And Bob started kissing Graham's ears and neck. Graham liked his neck kissed, it was a hot spot for him. He then kissed down over Graham's meaty pecs and nibbled on his nips. Graham was moaning. Bob licked around Graham's navel and through his treasure trail. Graham's pubes were starting to get a little bushy. It would be manscaping tomorrow morning in the shower. He licked and kissed the base of Graham's cock. Graham's cock was rock hard and throbbing. Bob was sucking out Graham's precum. He cupped Graham's balls started fingering his ass at the same time. Bob slowly worked his throat down and wrapping his throat muscles around that hard shaft. He worked his throat muscles good on his shaft. He looked up and Graham was sleeping. What the heck is this all about. I thought I was doing a good job. Graham's cock stayed hard even asleep. Bob went faster on his cock and fingering his hole. Soon he felt Graham's cock harden and thicken in his throat and he started shooting out long thick ropes of cum down Bob's throat. Bob swallowed it all. And milked out the last drops of cum and licked it off. He gently pulled the covers over both of them and he fell asleep lying next to Graham.

Butches three prison buddies. Weren't sleeping and were having a hard time sleeping. They were thinking about showering tomorrow with the gang members. Yesterday when they showered they weren't bothered by the gang. They didn't know if that was a good sign or if the gang was just waiting for the right opportunity to kill them. Anyhow they kept thinking about tomorrow and what might happen in the shower and they didn't really sleep well.

Logan put the final touches on his outline to his next story. The sheriff in the adjacent county had been very helpful with information. It was enough for Logan to go on. He could put in all the missing information and make a good story out of this. Logan was also thinking about his small party. The more he thought about it, the better he liked the idea. It had been a long time since he had visitors or invited anyone to his house. He would start on his list tomorrow and see what he could come up with. Probably only invite six people and they could bring one friend. That would make twelve people, and that was enough for Logan. He was playing out ideas in his head when he went to bed. Logan always slept in the nude. Something he had done since he was in high school. He lived by himself so who was to mind. He liked the feel of the sheets on his naked body.

Logan wasn't gay and he never had thoughts about other guys when he was in high school or college. He didn't ever really have a close friend when he was growing up. He liked being by himself at an early age. He had one older brother and he moved out of the house after high school when he went to college. They never saw his brother again. No calls, no visits, no nothing. It didn't really bother Logan as much as it did his parents. They were never close.

Logan was a good student in high school and college. He graduated in the top ten in his high school and was in the top five of his college class. He really liked anything related to English, especially writing and reading short stories. He was the editor of his high school newspaper and was a contributing writer to the college newspaper. His first story he wrote in college as an assignment. The professor was so intrigued with his story, he asked Logan if he could talk to a publisher friend and see if he liked his story enough to be publish it. The story was published and Logan still receives royalties from his first book. People still buy it. Since then it he went on and wrote over thirty mystery spy novels. They are a continuing series. The book he's going to write about from the sheriff's information will be a break from his series. It will give him a chance to expand his horizons and see how well it is received. He tries to write two books a year.

Logan was getting tired. He wasn't sure how well he would sleep. When he was thinking of a story, he always had so many ideas swimming in his mind that he had a hard time sleeping. Logan kept a pad of paper and a pen on his nightstand. He would write down his ideas as they popped into his head. Sometimes he would do this off and on all night and maybe get one or two hours of sleep. He finally crawled into bed, turned the lights off. With the heavy rain and everything he was thinking about, he thought he probably wouldn't get much sleep. He closed his eyes and was out like a light.

The prisoners didn't sleep well. They were wondering how many days they had left. They didn't iike the fact that the shower room was rather quiet and then nothing happened. They knew it was matter of time before they would end up like Butch. They heard the whistle and soon the electronic doors opened to their cell block. It was shower time. They wondered if it was a coincidence that the gang members were in the same cell block. They walked out to the front of their cell. Then they went single file to the shower room. There was a place where they placed their prison jumpsuits. They stashed them in the bin and walked to the back of the shower room. They always went to the back. They thought that was the least likely place to be seen with the other prisoner's blocking their view. The room was crowded, but soon it started clearing out and it got very quiet. One of Butch's buddies looked around nobody else was in the shower room. That was strange. Soon he saw the leader of the gang walk into the shower room. He took a shower across from them. Soon three and four and then five more gang members entered the shower room. This wasn't looking good. Then the rest of the gang came in. Their were ten in all with the gang leader. They just kept showering but then Butch's buddies noticed they kept slowly working their wsy closer and closer to where they were. Suddenly the gang member walked over to the three prisoners. They could see a knife in his hand. The two big beefy guys got in front of the other guy. They weren't any match for the gang leader, because soon the whole gang was on them. They didn't have a chance. Everything happened in just a couple of minutes. There were three bodies laying on the shower room floor in blood. The three buddies of Butch had been stabbed to death, just like Butch. In just a couple of minutes the guards took the three bodies to the infirmary and would let the doctor take care of them.

Reggie and Deb woke up. They had overslept. They needed to get the kids up, shower and dressed, have breakfast and head to church. Reggie wasn't happy. He liked fucking when he first woke up in the morning. He always had a big morning woody and it was a great way to get rid of it and a great way to start the day. He was frustrated going around with a big woody. He took a quick shower and tried to think of the worst things he could. That seemed to help a bit. He wasn't bulging like he was. He got dressed and went to the bedrooms to wake the kids and tell them to get ready for church. Deb was busy getting breakfast ready. He gave her a good morning kiss and told her he would finish getting breakfast ready, if she wanted to shower and get dressed. She kissed him back and said she'd get the kids up. Reggie told her he had already done that on his way down to the kitchen.

Deb got up to their bedroom. She showered and was frustrated, but not for the same reason as Reggie. She missed her best friend Jennifer and their good sex together. She got horny in the shower thinking about Jennifer and fingered her pussy until she was panting and cumming like crazy. She cleaned up quick. Got dressed and made sure the kids were ready on her way back down to the kitchen.

When she got to the kitchen the kids were already eating their breakfast. Reggie asked Deb, "you feeling ok hon?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. Why?"

"You looked flushed, like your running a fever. You sure your feeling ok?"

"I'm fine. I had the water a little hotter than I usually do, I looked like a cooked lobster when I got out." That made the kids laugh.

"Ok, just concerned is all."

Reggie and Deb joined the kids and all ate their breakfast together. They piled their dishes into the dishwasher and gave the kitchen a quick cleaning and headed out to church.

The church was packed and they had to sit way to the back. The bishop was there so they knew something special was going to happen. Looking at the bulletin they found out two new priests were to be ordained. Thankfully, the ordination would happen after mass. They were glad about that. It was getting dark and it looked like more storm clouds were moving in. They wanted to go to their favorite restaurant after church. But if it was raining, they would go straight home. Mass finished and sitting in the back, they were some of the first parishioners to leave.

It wasn't raining when they got out of church. It didn't look any worse than when they came to church. They all agreed they would take their chances and go to the restaurant. The restaurant wasn't busy and they easily found a good place to sit. The kids wanted burgers and fries, typical kids. Reggie and Deb had the special. It was ham with sweet potatoes and a vegetable medley, whatever that was. Maybe the vegetables played music or sang. It was a variety of different steamed vegetables. The food was delicious as always. Reggie and Deb came regularly to this restaurant. They finished their meal and everyone ordered strawberry shortcut for dessert. They finished their dessert and Reggie paid the bill and left a nice sized tip for the waitress. They waved good bye to the owner. They got outside and it was misting, but not heavy. As they got closer to home it was raining harder and harder. Luckily they had a remote garage door opener and they could go from the garage into the house. Reggie parked in the garage. They all piled out of the car and went into the mud room. They took their shoes off and went to their bedrooms to change clothes. They usually played board games. So Julie got out a game she liked to play. Bryan checked the sports channels quick and the first game wouldn't start for about an hour. Enough time to play a couple three games and then Reggie and Bryan would watch football. They could hear the wind and hard rain coming down. They wondered if the electricity would go off. They played the three games of the board game and Julie won all three games. She was pretty happy about that. That meant she didn't have to do chores for three days.

Logan woke after a restless night. He tossed and turned and kept writing down ideas for his next story off and on all night. When he finally got up. He looked at his notepad. He had three full pages of notes for his story. That would be plenty for him to start with. He got out of bed and took a quick shower. He was hard but he didn't pay any attention. He always woke up hard. It would go down when he showered. He finished his shower and dried off. Put on some baggy sweats and flip flops and went to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. Just some toast and juice. He wanted to get started right away on his story, while many ideas were fresh in his mind. When he took a break later from his writing, whenever that would be, he would make his list of the people he wanted to invite to his barbeque. Once he got on his computer and started typing. He was like a man possessed. He kept going and going and going. He soon had three chapters done. He never typed this much in a long time and he still felt he needed to do more. He did take a quick break and fixed himself a sandwich and a pot of coffee. Once he finished his sandwich he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen wrote his two neighbors. Dave and Bob. That was a start. The houses were big where they lived with large yards. Two houses barely fit on a city lot. He thought some more and he wanted to invite the county sheriff that had helped him with the information for the story he was working on. He would give his list of invitees some more thought later. He wanted to get back to his story.

Bob and Graham were late getting up. They would have to rush around to get to church on time. Graham showered while Bob started breakfast. Graham showered quick, dried off, dressed and went downstairs to help Bob. Graham told Bob he would finish breakfast so he could shower and get dressed for church. Bob also took a quick shower, dressed and was downstairs in a flash. Graham was just starting to serve breakfast on their plates with a hot cup of coffee. They ate quick and would clean the kitchen when they got back from church. Bob had taken a quick look out the patio doors and it looked dark and bleak outside. Looked like another day of rain showers. They went in Bob's SUV to church. It was misting but at least it wasn't raining. It looked like it could start raining hard any minute. Church was filling when they got there. Bev and John motioned Bob and Graham over to sit with them. Bob sat next to his mother with Graham on the other side of Bob. Bev was glad Bob and Graham were at church. But that was all that she said. Bob thought he would have the twenty questions to answer. Mass started. Father must of been in a hurry, mass ended in less than an hour. Once over, John and Bev invited Bob and Graham to the country club for drinks and lunch. Since they didn't have anything planned, they accepted and Bob followed his parents to the country club.

It was still misting when they drove to the country club. The country club was fairly busy. Since Bob's parents were members they could sit anywhere they wanted. They would have sat outside but with the unpredictable weather they stayed inside.

Bev knew that Robert was gay. She had known for a long time. He dated only a couple of times in high school. His best friends were all male friends from school. He was a good football player and was likeable and easily made friends. Bev was convinced when Graham and Robert sat down and the way they looked at each other. She could tell they were in love. Both John and Bev were supportive of Robert and loved him and didn't care that he was gay. Just to be careful and many people would be critical if they found out. Bev didn't care that Robert hadn't told them. He would tell them when he was ready.

The waiter came over and asked them if they would like something to drink. Graham and Bob ordered a beer. Bev and John both ordered martinis. It had been a long time since Bob had been to the country club. He wasn't a member and he had only been here with his parents. Graham had been here many times. He found it a good place to have business meetings and bring prospective clients. Because of the time they had a brunch buffet set up. The waiter told them they were welcome to go to the buffet when they were ready. They just made small talk. Robert's parents knew Graham well. He was like another son to them. Graham practically lived at their house when the boys were in high school. They would study together, played football together and were pretty much inseparable.

They all talked a little more and finally John said he was hungry and was going to go to the buffet. They all got up and walked to the buffet. There was a big assortment of food. It was almost difficult to decide what to eat there was so much. By the time they finished at the buffet. Bob and Graham's plates were heaped with food. John and Bev were moderate eaters and usually ate a light lunch. Bob knew Graham would eat everything on his plate. Graham was always hungry and could eat and never gain weight. Bob on the other hand easily gained weight and tried to watch his diet. But today he decided to splurge. He did finally manage to eat everything. No way was he eating dessert. He was very full and there was no room for dessert. The others ate apple pie with ice cream.

Soon everyone had finished and John and Bev said they wanted to get home. Bob and Graham told them they wanted to get going to. There was a football game they wanted to watch. They got up and walked to the door. Bob hugged and kissed his mother. Shook hands with his dad. Graham gave Bev a peck on the cheek and shook hands with John and they left to their homes.

Once they finished the divorce hearing and signed the papers. Holden went back with his parents to their house. He finished packing his things and told them he was driving home. He didn't want to hang around town and see things that would remind him of his now ex wife. That had a nice ring to it. It was raining, but not too hard. He would take his time and should still get home before midnight. He hugged his parents and they watched him leave. His parents were glad he divorce was final.

It was raining harder as he got closer and closer to his house. Traffic was light so that helped. He still took his time. He stopped at a rest stop to stretch and get some coffee if they had it. He was feeling pretty good now that the divorce was finally final. He walked inside and saw they had a coffee vending machine. Probably not the best tasting coffee. But should be strong so he wouldn't fall asleep. He walked around a bit inside to stretch his legs. He filled his travel mug when the coffee was finished. He tasted it and it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. He got back in his car and took off. Rain was still steady. It took him quite awhile to get home. It was just after midnight when he pulled into his garage. Took his bag out of the trunk and walked into the kitchen. Everything looked the way he had left it. He threw his bag on the floor and crashed on the bed. He didn't bother taking his clothes off, just his shoes. He was tired and a little stressed after his long drive in the rain. He dozed off right away.

Holden didn't wake up until almost ten Sunday morning. He wasn't a church goer. His ex wife made him go every Sunday. She wanted to show off your new clothes. He didn't think that was a good reason for going to church. He never did go much to church. His parents went regularly and made him and his brother go. They grumbled every Sunday morning when their parents told them it was time to get ready for church. It wasn't that Holden didn't like church. He just didn't believe all the miracles and parables. He remembered his message from Bob and would call him after he ate a little breakfast. They could start getting back to their working out early tomorrow morning before work.

Holden fixed himself a big breakfast. He was good at making breakfast, but his cooking skills went downhill fast when he had to fix lunch and dinner. He was going to drink beer all day and watch sports. He wasn't a big drinker, but not having the wife around anymore was a good reason to celebrate. He was in no hurry to get into the dating scene and was going to enjoy being single again. At least for awhile. He finished his breakfast, put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned off his mess from cooking breakfast. He grabbed a cold beer from the frig and went to the living to check for a good game. He picked up his phone off the coffee table and called Bob.

Bob heard his phone and ran over to it from the kitchen. It was Holden. "Hey Holden you made it back. How was your time with the family?"

"I got back late last night in the rain. And as soon as I hit the bed I was asleep."

"I bet. Driving in heavy rain can be stressful. So your time away went well?"

"Much better than I could have hoped for. Everything turned out great."

"That's good to hear. We going to start working out early in the morning again?"

"That's the main reason I called. I will be over at six tomorrow morning if that works for you two?"

"Sure does. We need to get back to working out. We didn't workout at all on vacation. If you feel like it, come on over for awhile. We're just going to be lazy asses today and watch sports all afternoon and probably into the evening."

"I'll see you guys early tomorrow morning. I think I'll take a raincheck on coming over. I'm still a little tired and it's raining again. If I change my mind I'll call you first so you know I'm coming."

"Ok, if we don't see you till tomorrow morning, thanks for calling and glad everything went well for you."

"Thanks, I'll see you guys tomorrow and tell Graham hi for me."

"Will do. Bye."


"Who was that babe?" asked Graham coming down the stairs.

"That was Holden. He wanted us to know he was back. Everything went well with the family and we are going to start working out again early tomorrow morning."

"The way I eat I need to start working out again."

"You look great babe. Your always look good."

"Would you say that if I had a big beer gut?"

"Probably not, but that won't happen."

"God I love you."

"I love you too."

Bob started flipping through the sports channels and found a college football game just starting. Graham came back from the kitchen with two beers. They sat next to each other with an arm around each other's shoulders. Sipping their beer and watching the kick off to start the game.

Logan was having a hard time coming up with more names for his little party. He thought about putting his publisher on the list. But she and her family lived a long ways and doubted if they would come. He put her name on the list anyhow. He was wondering if he should contact his neighbors for more ideas of whom to invite, but he thought that would be kind of weird since he was having the party. Since he didn't associate with people, it was really making it hard for him to come up with just six names. Maybe he would go back to the gym he had went to a couple of times and see if that personal trainer was still working and see if he wanted to come to his party. He had the name saved on his phone. He knew it started with an "H". What was it, Harry, Henry, no. Let me see. Here it is Holden. He would call him on Monday and see if wanted to come to his little party and he could invite a guest. That is five, I better think of two more. I'm sure my publisher won't come. I wish their were more neighbors to invite. I might still call Bob and Dave and see if they could help me with a couple more invites. I might walk over to Bob's and see if he has any ideas. He has always been friendly when he has seen me. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Then Logan got a brain storm and he thought he would call the associate librarian. He had been helpful when he did a book signing and donated one signed copy of each of his books to the library. He would still walk over to his neighbor and talk to Bob.

Let me check my list. I have my publisher which is very iffy. Bob Dave Holden maybe, librarian and the sheriff in the adjacent county. That's five for sure. I will change my clothes and walk over to Bob's and see if he has any ideas of who else I could invite. Logan changed clothes, locked his house and walked down to Bob's house. He pressed the speaker. "Hello this is Bob, I'll be right there."

Bob was surprised. He and Graham weren't expecting anybody. He put on some shorts and tshirt and walked out to the gate. He saw his neighbor Logan at the gate. "Hi Logan, what's up?"

Bob didn't know Logan that well so he didn't open the gate.

"I'm getting a guest list together for a barbeque I want to have and invite the neighbors. I'm having trouble with invites and was hoping you would be able to help me out."

"We don't really have a lot of neighbors with our houses and yards almost filling a lot."

"I know. I was just hoping you might be able to come up with another name and they could invite a friend."

"How soon are you planning this party?"

"I haven't really set a date. It was just an idea I had floating around in my mind."

"I have a wedding to go to in two weekends. I could ask my brother if he would be interested in coming to your party."

"I'd appreciate it if you could do that. Then let me know if he's interested in coming."

"Ok. I'd be glad to. I'll call you when I get back from the wedding and let you know what he said."

"Thanks Bob. I won't keep you any longer. Thanks for your help and I'll look forward to your call."

Bob watched Logan leave. That was a little strange. I hardly know Logan and he's asking a favor about a possible party he might have.

Bob walked back in and shucked his clothes. Graham asked, "who was that?"

"It was Logan."

"Who's that?"

"He lives on the other side of Dave. He's a professional writer and we've talked a couple of times."

"What did he want?"

"He was planning a little party and was looking for another person to invite and thought I might have an idea."

"That's weird. Someone you hardly know and he's asking for help for a party."

"That's right. I told him I was going to a wedding in a couple of weekends and would ask my brother if he was interested. That seemed to satisfy him and he left."

"Damn strange if you ask me."

"I agree. But he seemed friendly enough.

We went back to watching the game. The game was finishing and it would be about a half hour before the next game started. I told Graham I was going to fix something for dinner. I looked around in the frig and the freezer. I found some lunchmeat for sandwiches and some frozen soup. I started the soup warming while I made sandwiches for us. Ham and cheese sandwiches sounded good and made a pot of coffee. When the soup was about done being warming I put the sandwiches on a plate for us. Poured a cup of coffee for each of us, put the soup in bowls and brought it out to the patio table. Even though it was raining, it wasn't windy so we could eat on the covered patio. We were hungrier than we thought and ate everything. Graham kissed and hugged me and told me how good the food was. I cleared off the table and took the dishes out to the kitchen. Loaded the dishwasher and got it going. Went back to the living room and we snuggled together drinking our coffee and watching the start of the second game.

The second game finished and had went into overtime. We were ready for bed after the game. We went upstairs and crawled into bed. We made out, but no sex. Just feeling Graham next to me and hugging and kissing was enough. We would have to make love tomorrow morning. It's always a nice way of waking up and starting the day. Maybe get into a threeway with Holden.

I woke up first and saw Graham tenting the sheets. I reached over and grabbed his big morning woody. He let out a groan and opened his eyes. "Good morning." "Good morning to you too, don't stop, that feels so good."

Graham reached over and grabbed my hardon and we stroked each other until we came. We hadn't done that in a long time. We got up and cleaned ourselves off and went downstairs to work out. It looked like Holden had just arrived. We all kissed and hugged. And we changed into our work out clothes. We went through our routine of working on the chest and arms. We finished and we were sweating like crazy. We walked into the shower and got cleaned off. It was nice touching Holden's very muscular body. Graham got in on the action too. Soon we were in a hot threeway, sucking and fucking. We took turns until everyone had fucked and been sucked. We dried off and got dressed for work. Holden told us he would need to leave right away and get to work. He would pick up some breakfast on the way to work. We said our good byes and went upstairs. Holden greeted Margaret and left. Margaret was busy finishing breakfast so Graham and I went to the living room. Graham was looking over the morning paper and it looked like an article got his attention. "What's up?"

"Butches gang was killed when they were showering. It seems a prison gang that didn't like Butch and his buddies got their revenge. The guards found three dead bodies lying on the shower room floor."

"Can't say I"m really sorry. After what they did to Drake and the bombing. They got what they deserved."

"I agree one hundred percent." We heard Margaret calling us to breakfast. We gobbled our breakfast down like we were starved. Margaret told us to slow down or we'd get an upset stomach. Good old mother doctor Margaret thinking about us. We finished and kissed Margaret good bye and left for work. We both knew the first day back to work was going to be busy and probably all week with long hours. We drove off and went to work.

Shirley had me booked full. Working in some of the prior appointments when I was on vacation with the regular appointments. She told me if the week went well. I will have examined all the prior appointments and the appointments scheduled for this week. I told Shirley she was a miracle worker and I wouldn't be able to do my job without her. The day went fast with so many patients. I didn't go to the diner for lunch. Graham and I talked for a bit during lunchtime and he said he was really busy and would be home late. I had Shirley order lunch for me and I ate in my office. I examined my last patient and it was going on six. Shirley and Janice had left. I finished some paperwork in my office and then locked the clinic and drove home.

When I got home, Margaret had left for the day. I figured she would be gone, getting home later. Graham wasn't home yet. I'd wait for Graham so we could eat dinner together. I went upstairs and stripped out of my work clothes. Grabbed the paper and found the article that Graham had read to me about Butches gang being killed in the prison. I turned on the tv and watched the evening news. Nothing much of interest. I was thinking of what to do while I waited for Graham.

I thought I would check out the library den and attic, it had been a few months since the investigation finished. It seemed like it had been a few years with everything going on. I walked into the library. It looked the same as always. I could see where the plate had been removed where the button was to go down the stairs to the tunnel. I was glad it wasn't there anymore. I left the library and walked into the den. The den also was the same. Nothing there had been touched. I thought when I had the house remodeled I would have the wall taken out between the library and the den and make it into one larger room. It would make a nice room to relax and watch tv, rather than using the living room or patio all the time.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a flashlight from the junk drawer and a light bulb. Just in case the light was burned out in the attic. I walked to the stairs that went to the attic. Turned the light on so it was easier to see my way. Got to the door and hesitated. Remembering the coffin that had been in the attic and all the pictures and drawings. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It smelled a little musty after being closed for a few months. I tried the light switch and the lights came on. The first thing I noticed was that the attic looked bigger than I remembered. The attic was like another floor in the house. It was large and could be converted into something. What, I didn't know. I could ask the contractor when I have remodeling done for some suggestions. I saw where the pictures and drawings had been on cork board. The cork board was still on the wall. The only things in the attic were three trunks moved to the back wall. I moved one trunk out and sat on the top of another to check and see if I could find anything interesting. The trunks were old and dusty. Oh well, if my ass was dusty, I could have Graham lick the dust off. The first trunk I opened had some very elegant women's clothing. Must of been some of Sir Richard Mason's wifes clothes. I took everything out and at the bottom was a jewelry box. I opened it and it looked like some expensive jewelry was in there. I'm no expert on women's jewelry, I would take it to an ex patient that has a jewelry shop and have him examine the jewelry and see if it had any value. The clothes I wasn't sure about. They were an older fashion. I thought maybe the college theater program would be interested in the clothes or someeone that collected old clothes. I thought I would check with the college first. I put everything back in the trunk except for the jewelry box. I moved the trunk to the side and moved the second trunk out. The second trunk was filled with Sir Richard Mason's clothes. I took everything out but didn't find anything of interest. Thought I would mention his clothes to the director of the theater program at the college. Moved the trunk to the side and moved the last trunk out, sitting on the second trunk. I opened the trunk. It was quite interesting. It had a lot of framed photos of Richard and his wife. It looked like some photos were of relatives. They were all in nice antique looking frames. Found some old newspaper clipping, but it was nothing of interest. There were some awards and trophies. Looked like a lot of memorabilia. And finally I found a small wooden box tucked into a bottom corner. I pulled the box out and opened it. There was a small key in there with a number on a piece of paper. It looked like it might be a securiy box key like they use at banks. I wasn't sure but I would check on that tomorrow at the local bank or give them a call first. That emptied the third trunk. I tried putting everything back in an orderly fashion and kept the small box and key. I took the jewelry box and small box with the key and number, turned off the light and went downstairs.

I put the small boxes on the coffee table in the living room. I wanted Graham to look at the contents and see if he agreed with me about the security box key and if he knew if the jewelry had any value. I soon heard the kitchen door and my man walked in. He looked tired. "You look tired babe."

"I am, it was a long day with many appointments and meetings. But we all got a lot accomplished. Picked up four more new clients. So the long hours was with worth it.

"You ready for a beer?"

"You know it lover."

"Why don't you go change and get comfortable and I'll have a cold beer here waiting for you."

"That's the best offer I've had all day."

Graham went upstairs to change. I started warming dinner. It was just after seven, so it wasn't that late. I took out a chilled glass and filled it with beer for Graham. He likes his beer really cold, as I do. I heard him coming down the stairs. He looked so sexy in all his naked glory. I could just eat him up. He walked into the kitchen and I handed him the beer. We kissed and hugged and he told me he loved me so much. That was nice to hear. I never get tired of him telling me he loves me. Graham told me the best part of his day was coming home and knowing I'd be here. We walked into the the living room while the dinner was warming.

Graham saw the two small wooden boxes on the coffee table. "What are these?" Pointing to the boxes. I told him I was being Sherlock Holmes before he got home. I found the two wooden boxes in trunks in the attic. "Open one of the boxes.."

Drew picked the wooden box closest to him. He opened it and was surprised it was a jewelry box.

"I found the jewelry box in a trunk with some old style elegant women's clohes. I assumed they belong to Sir Richard Mason's wife. The box was at the bottom of the trunk. Take a good look at the jewelry. Do you think it has any value?"

"I'm no expert on jewelry. But it looks expensive to me."

"I'm going to take the jewelry box to the jewelry store. The owner is an ex patient of mine. I'm curious to see what he has to say about the jewelry. Open the other box.

Graham grabbed the other box and opened it. "Any idea what this key is for?"

"If you look at the paper there is a number on it. I'm guessing it's a key and number for a bank security box. The key looks right for something like that. I'm going to call the bank tomorrow and see when I can show them the key and number."

"I think your right babe. I would have never thought about a bank security box. But it seems it could be. Where did you find that box?"

"There were three trunks and this box was stuck in a corner of the third trunk. The trunk had a bunch of keepsakes and I almost missed this little box."

"You have my curiosity now. I'm anxious to hear what you find out."

I brought in our dinner and the soup and sandwiches hit the spot. We drank coffee with our dinner.

I asked Graham to put the weather channel on. I was curious to see how much longer it was going to be raining. I saw Graham flip to the weather channel while I was in the kitchen. I brought the coffee pot and refilled our mugs. "What does the weatherman have to say about this rain?"

"He says there's a front that is hanging in this area and not moving or moving very slow. It looks like we are going to have a least another week of rain."

"Crap. I was hoping we would see some sun soon. At least it hasn't been cold. But it rains hard enough you can't be outside."

"That ok. It gives us more time together. I like the rain and I like making love with you hearing it rain outside."

"I can't argue with that. Making love to you is the best. And loving you is so easy and natural. It's like we were meant for each other."

"We are meant for each other."

Graham changed the channed to the evening news. It was the usual blah blah blah. There wasn't any sports on we wanted to watch. So Graham checked the movie and channels and found a movie we hadn't seen. It was a black and white Sherlock Holmes movie, with the original cast. It was pretty good.

The movie ended and we were tired after our first day back to work and working longer hours. We crawled into bed and made love to each other. We were definitely meant for each other. In just a short time together, we already knew what the other liked and disliked. We could almost read each other's minds.

Reggie and Deb were getting a little frustrated with Jarvis and Jennifer. They had started calling everyday. Checking on if this was ready or if that was ready. Had the flowers been ordered, would they be there on time, etc, etc. etc. It was making Reggie and Deb nervous. There were starting to dread when they called. They understood they wanted everything perfect for their wedding, but they were going overboard with questions and checking and rechecking on everything. Sometimes they would call three or more times in the same day. They were going to stop taking their calls and just let their phones ring. They both loved their best friends, but this was getting out of hand.

Logan was thinking about his party. He wasn't ready to start sending out invitations yet. He wasn't even sure when he wanted to have the barbeque. He needed to decide what he was going to grill and what sides to have with the meal. It would be awhile. Bob had told him he would ask his brother about coming and he could bring a friend. But that wasn't until two weekends away. That was okay. He wasn't in any rush to set the party in motion. He was busy working on his next book. The outline he had made was working out good. He had finished three chapters and was working on the fourth. He wasn't sure how many chapters the story would have, but he was satisfied with what he had accomplished. He had finished the background information on the characters from young kids to adults. And set up how the different characters in the story interacted. He was now ready to start how some of the characters got into minor run ins with the law and how it advanced to more serious arrests. Yes, the book was coming along fine. Sometimes he would write until the wee hours of the morning. He would write like he was obsessed sometimes and couldn't stop.

The days were flying by for Bob and Graham. Working longer hours was keeping them busy. The first week since they returned from vacation had already past and they were in the second week. Bob had finally caught up with the rescheduled clients. Graham had finished all his appointments, now he could dedicate his time to his regular clients and new clients could be handled by his staff. He had hired three more assistants. The bottom floor of his building had the receptionist and a waiting area. The second floor had offices where his assistants worked. The top floor, the third floor had his secretary, a meeting room and his office. Their was also another office that was vacant. That would be filled as soon as Graham decided who he wanted to be his right hand man. He had a couple of options that he was checking out. He would make a decision soon.

Bob was starting to get calls from Reggie every day. He loved his brother with all his heart. But he was getting a little tired of the same conversation every time he called. First Reggie would vent on Bob how Jarvis and Jennifer were driving them crazy about the coming wedding. Then he would ask Bob that for sure he and Graham were coming to the wedding. The time of the wedding, the day and that they should arrive a little early in case they needed some help with last minute things. Reggie asked Bob if he remembered that church the wedding was at. Did he remember how to get there. The reception was at the hotel banquet room. Did he remember how to get to the hotel. And it went on and on and on. Finally Bob would tell Reggie that it was enough. They would be there early for the wedding and stop fretting about it. Bob and Graham told Reggie they would come to his house after work on Friday. That way they would already be there for the early afternoon wedding on Saturday.

The rest of the week went quick. And Bob arrived home before Graham on Friday. While he waited for Graham, he finished packing his overnight bag and took out a suit shirt and tie he wanted to wear for the wedding and put it all in a garment bag. He would wait until Graham got home and would ask him if wanted to eat dinner and then leave or stop somewhere and eat dinner on the way to Reggie's.

Graham was trying to finish and get out of the office. Every time he thought he was ready to leave his phone would ring. Finally the calls stopped and he was out the door. The receptionist would lock the office when she left. She liked to double check the appointments and meetings before work on Monday. She was very efficient and Graham was very pleased with her work.

Graham got home and saw Bob pacing the floor. "What's the matter babe?"

"Nothing much. Was just waiting for my lover to get home. Do you want me warm dinner or should we stop and eat on the way?"

"Makes no difference to me. Whatever you want to do?"

"I'd like to get going and stop somewhere to eat."

"Ok. That sounds perfect. Let me pick out a suit shirt and tie and then I'll be ready to go. I'm going to change into something more casual for the drive.

Soon Bob's SUV was packed and they were on their way. Leaving a little later the traffic wasn't too heavy. However it was raining hard and that would slow them down a bit. Even with the rain they were making good time. The heavy SUV held the road good in the rain. They were getting hungry and saw a restaurant sign and the exit ramp number to take. They pulled off and the large sign for the restaurant helped them find it. They had a quick meal. Had their travel mugs refilled with coffee and were back on the Interstate in less than thirty minutes. It was looking like they would make it to Reggie's just before eleven. That wasn't bad for driving in rain and stopping to eat. Bob told Graham to call Reggie and tell him where they were and thought they would be at his place around eleven. Graham said Reggie would be up and waiting for them. Everyone else would be in bed.

They finally pulled into Reggies. Pretty close to what they predicted. It was just a couple minutes before eleven. Reggie had a big house with a four stall garage like Bob. He saw a garage door open and he pulled in. He was glad he could park in the garage. It was still raining, but not as hard here as at their place. They took their overnight bags out of the SUV and their garment bags and walked into the mud room. Reggie was their to greet them. They all gave each other bro hugs. Reggie asked them, "how was the trip?"

"Not too bad. The heavy rain was the worst. But as we got closer here it wasn't raining as hard. We stopped to get something to eat on the way, or we would probably have been here a little earlier."

"No problem. I usually stay up late and watch movies or sports."

"Where should we put our bags?"

"Follow me."

They followed Reggie. Bob knew his brother's house pretty well. He had been here quite a few times. Reggie led them to one of the guest bedrooms. Bob looked at Reggie. "There won't be a problem with Graham and I in the same bedroom?"

"No worries bro. Nothing to worry about. The family is cool with you and Graham being a couple. We talked about it before you came and Deb already knew. When we talked to the kids they didn't care. They said they have two uncles now. And twice as many presents."

"Thanks Reggie, that's a big relief for me and Graham. We weren't sure how this would work out."

"Your my bro. And Graham is like a brother too. Everything is cool. I'm going to head to bed. And we'll see you guys in the morning."

"Good night bro."

Reggie left them. Bob and Graham looked at each other and started smiling. This worked out better than they thought it would. They thought they would be sleeping in separate bedrooms. They weren't real tired. They got their overnight bags unpacked. Their bedroom was good size with it's own bathroom. It had a walkin closet so it gave them plenty of room for their clothes. They got their suits hung up and along with a few other clothes. They stripped down like they were used to. And laid on the bed. They could hear the rain outside. It sounded like it was raining harder. At least the wedding was inside and so was the reception. The rain wouldn't affect either part of the wedding.

They hugged and kissed facing each other. There dicks were hitting together and starting to get hard. Their making out got pretty hot and heavy and soon they were making love. There love making went on and on. They knew it was getting late. Graham looked at his watch and it was after two thirty. They finished making love one more time and were so exhausted after, they fell right to sleep.

They woke up to someone knocking on their door. "Yeah, said Bob."

"It's Reggie, just wanted you to know breakfast was ready."

"Thanks Reggie. We'll be right there for breakfast. What time is it?"

"It's going on nine thirty. We let you guys sleep in. We thought you'd be tired."

"We'll throw some clothes on and shower after breakfast."

"Wow, babe. We'ver never slept this late. I guess our love making tuckered us out."

"I guess so, but there's nobody I'd rather make love too. I love you more and more every day Graham. I'm so happy your in my life."

"You took the words right out of my mouth. I was so worried when I asked you if I could live with you. I was afraid you'd say no. Then we talked and told each other how much we loved each other from a young age. I knew everything was going to be great between us. And like you said, there's nobody else I'd rather be with. I found my lover and soulmate. I've never been so happy and felt so complete."

"How you could say all of that in one breath?" They both cracked up and put on some shorts and pull overs and went out to eat breakfast.

The smells coming from the kitchen were awesome. Deb was a good cook. They would have to see how she compared to Margaret. "Good morning sleepy heads," said Deb. "Good morning, sorry we're here so late for breakfast."

"No problem, I'm used to this family getting up at all different hours in the morning for breakfast. The only time we all eat together as a family is lunch and dinner and sometimes that doesn't happen with Bryan's baseball practice and games."

Both Bob and Graham gave Deb a peck on the cheek. They kissed Julie on the top of her head and high fived Bryan and sat down for breakfast. They all sat in the breakfast nook. It could seat six adults comfortably.

No mention was made of Bob and Graham sleeping together or them being a couple. That made them feel much better and accepted for who they were without any criticism. Breakfast was delicious and soon they had eaten everything. Deb figured they would all eat a big breakfast and she fixed extra. It was a good thing she did. They finished breakfast and everyone took off to their bedrooms.

Bob told Graham he usually bought something for his niece and nephew. In their haste and with everything that had been going on, he forgot all about it. He was going to ask Reggie and Deb what the kid's would like? Graham told Bob he would go with him and buy something to, since he was an uncle. Bob knew the Mall wasn't that far away and they could find something quick and be back with time to spare before they had to get ready for the wedding. They got dressed in jeans and a nice pull over and walked back out. Bob found his brother and asked him what Bryan would like. Reggie knew better than to argue with his brother. He knew he always brought things for the kids and they had already been asking their mom and dad if uncle Bob had brought them anything. Reggie told Bob he needed a new bat for practice or some new baseball shoes. Bob asked what size shoes and Reggie told him. He asked Reggie if he knew where Deb was, he wanted to ask her what Julie would like. He told Bob she was in the back yard. Bob walked out and asked Deb what Julie would like and she told him anything that she can put in her hair. All her friends are into putting different things in their hair. He thanked Deb and told her he and Graham would be back in a few minutes, they were going to the mall.

Bob and Graham got in the SUV and headed over to the mall. The mall was packed with people. Luckily Bob knew the mall fairly well and knew where to go to find things for the kids. They came to a store for young girls. It had jewelry, stuffed animals and every other assorted item you could think for young girls. The clerk came over and asked Bob and Graham if they would like some help. They had no idea what they were looking for and was glad to have some help. Bob told the girl what they were looking for and that it was a present. The girl showed them what was popular right now with the young girls. They each bought a set of colorful pins, strands of different colored material and something else that they didn't know what it was. The girl gift wrapped the sets. They paid and thanked the clerk for all her help and went to a large sporting goods store. Once in the store Bob knew what he was looking for. He found a good wooden bat that would be perfect for Bryan when he practiced. They went to the baseball shoes and had the clerk help them a little. He told them the shoes he would recommend for the age of Bryan. They had the shoes in Bryan's size and we bought them. We also had Bryan's presents gifted wrapped. However, it was pretty easy to tell he was getting a baseball bat.

We got back to Reggies and looked at the time. Even as busy as the mall was. We got back to the house in less than thirty minutes. Bob hollered out, "where are my favorite niece and nephew?"

He heard two voices, "we are out back with mom."

"Come in here for a minute. I have something I want to show you."

They came running in and Bob handed his present to Julie and Bryan." They were all excited as they unwrapped their present. They thanked Bob and were ready to head back out to their mom. "Hold on. I think uncle Graham has something for you too."

For some reason Graham was a little nervous. He wasn't used to this kind of thing. He handed his presents to Julie and Bryan. They were just as excited when they unwrapped their present. They both said, "your the best uncle Graham. Thank you."

That made Graham smile and he felt good about buying them something.

Bob and Graham heard the kids when they got back outside with their mom. "I told you mom, we would get presents. Even uncle Graham bought us a really cool present."

Deb just shook her head, and was thinking to herself, I'm glad we have only two kids. Any more and we would all be broke.

Bob Reggie and Graham sat in the living for a little while talking. Bob thought it would be a good time to mention Logan's party and see if Reggie wanted to go. Bob explained to Reggie about Logan. Reggie said he would like to go to the party. He would just need to know ahead of time so he could plan on being gone that weekend. Bob told Reggie he thought the party would be soon. Logan was waiting on his call and Reggie's decision. Reggie said that he and Jarvis could come to the party. Bob asked Reggie about Jarvis and Jennifer's honeymoon. Reggie said that they weren't leaving right away. Work was holding them back and they couldn't get a week off for at least two more weeks. Bob told Reggie he would give Logan a call after the wedding and see what he thought about next weekend for the party. Reggie said that would be perfect. Deb would be spending the weekend with Jennifer and they were going shopping and doing girl stuff to help Jennifer get ready for the honeymoon. That would give him and Jarvis time to come down for the party. Deb's parents would take the kids for the weekend. They liked having the grandkids around.

Everyone thought it was time to get ready for the wedding. Bob and Graham went to their bedroom and kissed and hugged and walked into the shower. They made out some more in the shower. Soon they were fucking each other like only lovers do. They thought they better make it a quickie and soon were drying off. They got their suits out of the walk in closet. They decided to dress each other other. Something they liked doing. It gave Bob a chance to kiss and feel his lovers hot body. They were looking good in their suits. They were admiring themselves in the full length mirror on the closet door. They both wore black pin stripe suits with starched white shirts and each had a black tie. They thought they looked pretty sharp.

Reggie was waiting on Deb. Reggie was also wearing a black suit with a black tie. His corsage was two light green carnations. The same color the bridemaids dresses were. "Your looking good guys." Reggie said. "Your looking pretty good yourself."

Soon Deb came out. She looked stunning. She was wearing a light green chiffon floor length bridesmaid dress. Almost exactly the same color as Reggies corsage. The kids were looking good in a suit and a light green dress. Julie was the flower girl and Bryan was the ring bearer. Everyone got in their cars and we drove to the church.

It was misting as we drove to the church. I thought I saw a couple patches of blue sky. I wasn't sure. It had been so long since I had seen blue sky it might just be a fluke. The parking lot was filling as we arrived at the church. They had reserved parking for the wedding party. However, that didn't help me and Graham. We finally found a spot a few cars down from the reserved parking. Reggie helped Deb get out of their car and we all walked up to the church. Reggie and Deb walked around to the back where the bridesmaids and groomsmen were to gather. Bob and I walked in through the front doors to the church. The doors were open. The church looked like a florists shop. It was pretty, but it seemed a little over the top. Must have been Jennifer's parents shelling out the money. We found a place to sit about half way from the the front. The kneeling benches were ready in the front for Jarvis and Jennifer. I didn't know Jarvis and Jennifer were catholic. I don't remember Jarvis ever going to church with us when we were kids.

The church was starting to fill fast now as it got closer to the big event. I knew very few people. Most must have been family. I didn't really know any of Jennifer's family. And Jarvis was always at our house. I didn't even know his parents. But I was glad for them that so many peope were turning out for the wedding. The organist was playing classical music and not regular hymnal music.

Soon the bridesmaids and groomsmen came out and lined up on each side. The organist changed to Ave Maria and the ring bearer came down the aisle and stopped by the groomsmen. Then the flower girl started down the aisle. Throwing out light green rose petals. Then everyone stood as Jennifer approached the aisle with her father. They slowly made their way down the aisle. The priest had walked out to the altar and Jarvis had moved down to see his soon to be bride. Jennifer wasn't stunning like Deb, she was beautiful. She wore a white wedding dress with a long train. The wedding dress was adorned with hand sewn pearls. Her veil was encrusted with diamonds that sparkled in the light. Finally Jennifer and her father made it to the front. Jennifer's father gave Jennifer's hand to Jarvis. They both kneeled on their kneeling benches. The priest walked down in front of them. Deb took Jennifer's bouquet and put a double rosary over Jarvis and Jennifer. I had never seen that done before. The wedding mass started and went without any problems. Soon they were married and left the church to the banquet room at the hotel for the reception with all in attendance applauding as they left the church. There was a stretch limousine waiting to take them to the banquet room. Once they had left the church the groomsmen and bridesmaids left next. Then everyone else in attendance that was going to the banquet room starting leaving. I would guess there were about one hundred people in attendance for the wedding. Could have been a few more.

We made it to the hotel. At least they had a big parking lot. We found a spot to park and ran into the hotel. We were getting our regular rain. We asked at the reservation desk where the banquet room was. One of the porters showed us the way. When we walked in we couldn't believe how big the room was. It was actually two rooms that were interconnected with a sliding door that opened to make one big room. It was beautifully decorarated in different shades of green. There were flower arrangements on each table with different flowers in shades of green. A dark green tablecloth on each table and the chairs had green covers. We were able to get a table fairly close to the front where a microphone was set up. Everyone was waiting for Jennifer and Jarvis to make their entrance. Soon they walked out to every applauding and cheering and took a seat at their designated table. The best man and best lady were seated on one side while the parents of Jarvis were seated on his side and Jennifer's parents were seated on her side. Soon Jennifer's father walked to the microphone and gave a short speech and congratulated the newly weds. Once he finished, Jarvis' father walked to the microphone and gave a short speech and also congratulated the newly weds. Then it was Reggie and Deb's turns to talk. Deb went first and talked about Jennifer and some of the funny things that had happened to them. Deb had everyone laughing. Then it was Reggie's turn and he did the same talking about Jarvis and some of the crazy things they did as kids. Reggie had everyone laughing.

You could see Jennifer showing everyone at their table her wedding ring. It looked beautiful from where we were sitting. The heirloom ring had a five carat diamond in the center, surrounded by old cut emeralds. Jennifer didn't know anything about the ring before the wedding. It was a vision she had that her wedding color should be a pastel green. Her ring sparkled in the light. Soon Reggie went back to the microphone and told everyone that the music was going to start. The newly weds had a favorite piece of music they would dance to first. The father's of the bride and groom would dance with the bride. Once they had finished everyone else was welcome to dance. The lights went down and the music started. Jarvis and Jennifer went to the dance area. A spotlight was shown on them and they started dancing to their favorite piece of music. Everyone clapped when they finished. They were actually pretty good dancers. Then another piece of music started and Jennifer's father danced with her until Jarvis' father cut in and finished the dance with Jennifer. The music changed and soon many couples were dancing. Waiters were going around serving drinks and an announcement was made that the buffet would be ready at eight. It was just after seven so it would be awhile before they served food. The banquet room looked full. There had to be close to a couple hundred people. Every table was occupied. We walked up to the front table and had a chance to congratulate Jarvis and Jennifer. They seemed very happy. And couldn't stop looking at each other. I was thinking how I wished Graham and I could get married. But so far our state didn't allow same sex marriage. Hopefully it will be something we can look forward to and have our big day.

Soon the music stopped and Reggie went to the microphone and said it was time for Jarvis to remove Jennifer's garter. A chair was placed in the center of the dance area where Jennifer would sit. Jarvis was blindfolded and Reggie took the chair. He pulled up a pant leg and put the garter around it. Jennifer was standing next to Reggie so if Jarvis was feeling around he would feel Jennifer and not Reggie. Jarvis was led to the center of the dance area. He was blindfolded and had no idea his best friend was sitting in the chair. Even though he had felt Reggie's legs many times, this wasn't the time or place for him to be feeling Reggie's leg. Soon Jarvis stuck his hand out and Jennifer had her leg there so he knew he was feeling Jennifer's leg. He just needed to reach up and find the garter. They told Jarvis he needed to take the garter off with his teeth. You could hear a lot of snickering and chuckling from the guests. Soon Jarvis had worked his way way up Reggie's leg. They pulled Jarvis' blindfold off and he saw his best friend sitting in chair. He burst out laughing and hit Reggie on the shoulder. Jarvis walked over to Jennifer and gave her a big kiss. Reggie took the garter off and threw out to the guests like a stripper would. They walked back to their table with everyone laughing.

Soon an announcement was made that the buffet was ready. The front table was served first. Then the guests started forming a line at the buffet table and were filling their plates. When we got to the buffet table. Graham and I had never seen so much food. Not even when we ate at buffet's in the Bahamas. There was a small roasted pig. Prime rib, shrimp and lobster. Numerous salads and a whole variety of vegetables. Graham and I had lobster with a good assortment of vegetables. We went back to our table. We saw Jennifer and Jarvis making their rounds to each table and thanking everyone for attending and making their wedding special.

The food was delicious. We found out later that Jennifer's parents had a special chef brought in to work with the hotel chef to make this unique buffet. We could have went for seconds. But we had no room for more food. Many people did go back a second and third time. Graham and I looked at each other and wondered where they could put all the food.

In about an hour everyone had finished eating. The buffet was cleared as well as everyones tables. Then the wedding cake was rolled in. It had five layers. Decorated with light green roses. The cake was really pretty. Looked almost too good to eat. The photographers were there to get pictures of Jennifer and Jarvis cutting the first piece of cake. Soon one of the pastry chefs was there cutting the cake and it was being served to the guests. We had a small piece. It was a butter vanilla flavor and tasted very good.

After everyone had been served cake. The music started again. Soon many people were dancing. It was now after ten thirty. I was starting to get a little tired. I looked at Graham and he looked tired. We decided we would stay a little longer then call it night and go back to Reggie's. It was going on eleven and Jennifer and Jarvis got up and made their way out to clapping and cheering. The guests thought they were leaving on their honeymoon. They didn't know that they were going back to Jarvis' house and would go back to work on Monday. Once Jennifer and Jarvis left a few of the guests started leaving. The parents had left. Deb and Reggie joined us at our table and said they were thinking about leaving. The kids were tired and should be in bed. We told them to just say the word and we would leave too. Deb and Reggie had a few people they wanted to talk to first and then we all would leave.

Once Deb and Reggie finished talking to some acquaintances. They came back to the table with the kids and said they were ready to leave. We joined them. Got in our vehicles and arrived back at Reggie's house. We parked in the garage. The kids were asleep. I helped Reggie, he carried Bryan in and I carried Julie in. We took the kids to their bedrooms and Deb and Reggie took care of them getting their pajamas on and tucked into bed. Once they finished we told Deb and Reggie we were going to bed. It had been a long day and we were tired. They agreed and we all went to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I asked Graham what time it was and it was already nine. Two days where we slept in late. We had never done that before. But then I always set the alarm so we get up early to work out. We put on some shorts and tshirt and walked out to the kitchen. Everyone was kind of dragging around. Even the kids. We sat in the breakfast nook and ate breakfast. We talked about the wedding and the reception. Both Deb and Reggie thought the wedding went well, but were glad it was over and the daily phone calls would stop. We finished eating another delicious breakfast. Reggie mentioned to Graham and I he wanted to talk to us outside. We following him out to the patio. He told me he had talked to Jarvis and he definitely liked the idea of attending Logan's party. He told Reggie to let him know ahead of time so he could plan to be gone that weekend. He would let Jennifer know and then she and Deb could do whatever they were going to do to help Jennifer get ready for the honeymoon. They planned on going to the Grand Caymans for a week.

We walked back in and told Deb and Reggie we would be leaving early. Try to miss the heavy traffic of people returning. Just take our time and eat lunch somewhere on the way back. They both said they understood. The kids would be disappointed, but they would explain to them why you needed to leave early.

We went back to the bedroom. Flopped on the bed for a bit. Hugged and kissed. Got up and showered. More hugging and kissing. No sex, just the closeness was enough for us right now. We packed our overnight bags. Grabbed our suits out of the walkin closet and looked like we were ready to get going. We would see if Deb could fill our travel mugs and then we would be on our way.

We walked out and put our travel mugs on the kitchen island and asked Deb if we could have them filled. She said of course. We took our things out to the SUV and came back in to say our goodbyes. We hugged Deb and Reggie. Kissed Julie on the forehead and high fived Bryan. The kids thanked us again for their presents. We told them the next time we came we would have the presents with us and not have to go to the mall and buy them here. Deb and Reggie thanked us for coming and was hoping we wouldn't be strangers and be back soon. We told them we'd try. We drove off and waved goodbye.

We were making good time on our way home. We were soon coming up to where The Big One used to be. We drove by slow and to our surprise it looked like construction was started. We thought the owner must have got a settlement and decided to rebuild. I asked Graham if we should eat at Milo's. He thought that was a good idea. We hadn't been there for a long time. We pulled in and there was just a handful of cars. I didn't see Martin when we entered. Some other waiter was working and showed us to a table. We ordered a beer while we waited for our dinner. We ordered the special which was some rib eye steak. I told the waiter I wanted mine as lean as possible with very little fat. Our dinner came and it was very good. I had coffee with my dinner and Graham had another beer. We finished. I paid for the dinner and Graham left a tip for the waiter.

We were anxious to get home. The rain was getting tiresome and we both wondered if it would ever stop.

We got home parked in the garage and carried our suits and overnight bags in. We brought our things upstairs to the bedroom and we put everything away. Graham still used one of the dressers and the walkin closet in the other master bedroom. That gave him plenty of room for his things. We both stripped down and went downstairs. I got us a couple of beers while Graham started reading yesterdays paper. I handed him a beer. I told Graham I would call Irving and see if wanted to come as Holden's guest to Logan's party. Then I'd call Logan and tell him Reggie would come to his party. Graham thought that was a good idea about calling Irving. I got my phone and called Irving. "Hi Irving, Bob here."

"Hi Bob, long time since we've talked or seen each other."

"There's been a lot going on and this is the first chance I've had to call. I'm calling to see if you would be interested in going to a party a neighbor is having. We can invite one guest and I thought you could go as Holden's guest. It would be on a weekend, but no date or time has been set yet."

"That sounds good. It would have to be on a weekend I'm not working. If I knew ahead of time I might able to get one of the other bartenders to fill in for me and then I could work in their place later. Who is Holden?"

"Ok. Holden is a personal trainer at the local gym. He also teaches at the local university and is getting a degree in sports physical therapy. He's a really cool guy and easy to get along with."

"That sounds great. Just let me know when this party is taking place and I'll try to work something out to attend."

"Thanks Irving. Maybe we will be seeing you soon. I'll keep in touch and as soon as I have more details I'll pass them on to you."

"Thanks for the call Bob. I need to get to work. Talk to you soon."

I told Graham about our converstion and I told him I better call Logan and see if I can get more details on his party.

I then called Logan. "Hello Logan, this is Bob."

"Oh, hi Bob. How was the wedding?"

"The wedding was great and everything went according to plan. I'm calling to you let you know that my brother would like to attend your party and he will bring a guest."

"That's great news. I can now start planning the party and decide on a date and time."

"As soon as you know when you want to have your party, let me know. Some of the people attending live aways away and need to know in advance so they can plan for that weekend to attend your party."

"Ok Bob. As soon as I have a date set and everything ready here for the party, I'll call you and let you know."

"Thanks again for the invitation to your party and I'll wait on your call."

I told Graham what Logan said.

Logan sat down on his desk chair. He was glad Bob's brother would be coming to his party. That would make enough people. Even if they all didn't show, that would still be enough as far as Logan thought. He just needed now to get everything in motion. It had been a long time since he had a party. He knew he could pull it off with a small group of people. He thought he should have it soon and get it over with. He would put his ideas down on paper and then call Bob and let him know.

End of Chapter 12 - Logan

Chapter 13 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 13

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