My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jan 31, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 11

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 11. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 11 - Kendrick

The owner of The Big One got on his phone and called the sheriff and told him what had happened. The sheriff told him they would be there in a few minutes and with FBI agents since it was probably the federal prisoners that did this. The owner couldn't believe everything was gone and he was survived. He started looking for the money canister. All you could see was parts of bodies. There was still some smoke in the air. Pieces of wood and many damaged cars, including his. He didn't know how he was going to get home. He kept looking but the canister could be anywhere. He finally saw something red stuck up in one of the trees. He walked closer and it was the money canister lodged in the branches of a tree. He looked for a stick or long piece of wood. He found something he thought would work and was able to wedge the canister out. The canister was not destroyed and when he opened it all the money was still in there.

He couldn't call his insurance company tonight, it was too late. He could give them a call tomorrow and also his auto insurance company. His insurance should be able to cover all the expenses of rebuilding if he decided to do so. It might be a good idea to relocate somewhere else. Nobody will want to come back here if he rebuilds. I can work that out with the insurance company. Suddenly he saw police cars and it must have been FBI vehicles coming.

Two deputies and FBI agents arrived at the former Big One. Once they got out of their vehicles they couldn't believe what they saw. They didn't know how the owner managed to survive with only part of his office left. There were pieces of the building and bodies and parts of bodies all over. They weren't even sure where to begin. They first took photographs before they started any examining. The deputies and one of the agents started loading bodies, and parts of bodies into body bags and then into a FBI vehicle. Another agent talked to the owner and asked him what he rememhered. He told them he didn't really know much. He told them he was having a busy evening. When he went into his office to use the bathroom, that's when the person or persons that bombed his place must have been there. All he knew when he was just ready to leave his office that there was a horrendous noise. And the building shook and started flying everywhere along with people that were in the shop. He crouched down under his desk and just waited and waited. Within a couple three minutes everything was calm. Smoke was everywhere and it had looked like a tornado had hit his store. The agent recorded everything the owner said. "Can you think or remember anything else?"

"No. That is all I remember. I need to call my insurance companies for the store and my car that was destroyed by the bomb. I don't know how I'll get home."

The agent told the owner now to worry. They would give him transportation back to his house.

One of the agents investigating the crime scene found pieces of wire and bits of glass and metal and some large pieces of metal. He knew right away that it was a pipe bomb. It had been carefully crafted and the bomber had glued or taped pieces of glass and metal to the outside of the bomb to make it more destructive and damaging. The deputies and the agents worked for hours removing parts of bodies and some whole bodies. Most were unrecognizable with many cuts, gashes and missing limbs. Finally they taped off the whole area and told the owner they would return early tomorrow and continue removing bodies and they had more investigating to do. The agent told the owner he get in his van and he would drive him to his house. They left a completely leveled shop and went to the owners house. It was already after eleven.

While two deputies and the agents were doing their investigation, the sheriff and two deputies drove to the cabin. They used the map the guard had drawn. It was pretty descriptive and they easily found the cabin. They turned the lights off in their cars and drove up slowly to the cabin. The cabin looked pretty run down and was dark. The sheriff thought they were probably sleeping. He hoped so, it would make it easier to capture them. The sheriff motioned to the deputies to go around the cabin while he went up to the front door. Of course being older, some of the boards squeaked when he walked on them. He tried to be as quiet as possible. He couldn't see into any of the windows. And when he tried the front door it was locked. They probably locked it when they went to bed. He tried one window but it was so old it was jammed and he would have to break the glass to get in. He tried the window on the other side of the door. He was able to raise it up enough to look inside. There was a couple of rays of moonlight coming in, giving him just enough light to make out some of the details of the inside. It looked vacant but he wasn't sure. He got one of the deputies attention and told him to cover him while he crawled into the cabin through the window. Once the sheriff was inside, he could tell immediately that it was vacant. Their weren't any clothes, no groceries or any tracies of anybody living in the cabin. The sheriff had brought his fingerprinting kit and would do some dusting and see if he could get some good prints. What the sheriff didn't know was that Butch made sure the guard had brought some acid. Butch had seen this done in a movie he had watched in prison and remembered it in case he ever needed the acid. Butch and the other prisoners put the acid on their fingers. The acid would remove their fingerprints on their fingers. If they touched or picked up anything, it would look like a smudge, but their would be no fingerprint. The sheriff kept dusting and managed to get a few fingerprints, hopefully they would show up on the National Fingerprint Database. He could check that out when he got back to his office. The sheriff was thoroughly pissed. He was hoping the prisoners were in the cabin and they were hauling their sorry asses back to the prison. But little did the sheriff know, that would be a long time happening.

All three guys were enjoying the movie. Actually they were enjoying having Dave at the house. At least downstairs they had some privacy and could do what they wanted. When they were upstairs they always felt they were being watched and it was cutting into their privacy and times to be intimate. They planned to take the opportunity with Dave here to make the best of it. They all started kissing and making out. This was what Dave was hoping for. That was why he came over. Bob and Graham were rubbing Dave's chest and feeling his bulge in his jeans. They had Dave really hot and horny. Bob removed Dave's shirt and kissed his pecs and nibs getting them hard. He then nibbled on those hard nips making Dave moan. Graham had Dave's jeans unbuttoned and had reached inside and was feeling Dave's big hardon. Dave decided not to wear any underwear, he thought it would make it easier. Graham took off Dave's shoes and socks and slide his jeans off. His big boner stood up big and proud and ready for action. Graham kissed and licked the inside of Dave's thighs. It made his cock twitch and drool when Graham did that. Bob and Graham got up leaving Dave rock hard and waiting. Bob and Graham stripped off each other's sweats and were soon naked with Dave. The theater chairs reclined so they had Dave recline the chair as far as it would go. Bob got over Dave's face so he could eat his ass out. Dave's ass was at the perfect level for Graham to rim him. He was licking and working his tongue in and out of Dave's hole. Graham then used some of Dave's precum as lube and eased a couple of fingers in Dave's hole. When Graham found his prostate he started bucking and shaking. Graham then used more of Dave's precum to lube his cock and eased into Dave's hole. Dave was pretty tight and Graham had to try a couple of times before the head popped in. He held it there for Dave to adjust. Then he eased his cock in inch by inch making sure to rub over Dave's prostate. Soon Dave was moving with Graham and Graham knew he was ready for a nice long fuck. Dave liked the taste of Bob's hole. It was a little musky and sweaty and perfect combination of tastes. He worked his tongue into Bob's ass hearing Bob moan and gasp for air. Soon Bob moved around and fed Dave his cock. Dave sucked it like he was desparate. He had Bob's cock down his throat in record time. Making Bob start fucking his mouth and throat. Graham grabbed Dave's leaking cock and started stroking him while he kept up a nice long fuck. They were really enjoying this. They were trying to make it last as long as possible. Dave was wishing he could spend the night, but being during the week they all had to get up for work the next day and Dave had to make sure his kids got to school. Dave could feel all his senses in overdrive he had never felt this satisfied before. This is what he needed and these guys knew what they were doing. Soon he told Graham he was going to cum. Graham bent down and took Dave's big thick eight inches down his throat just as Dave started pumping out long thick ropes of cum down Graham's throat. Dave's great blow job had Bob blasting out a big load. Dave managed to swallow it all. Seeing those two guys cum sent Graham over the edge and he was filling Dave's hot tight hole with one of his big loads. The guys collasped on top of Dave. He didn't mind. He liked having to hot hunky guys on top of him. Bob got off first and told them he would put his sweats on and go upstairs and grab some beers for them. Bob got back and Graham and Dave were kissing.

"Hold on guys, how about me. I need to get in on some of that action." They made room for Bob and they got into a great three way hug and kiss. They stayed close on the same chair and drank their beer. Dave noticed it was getting late and thought he should probably get home, see how the kids and the babysitter were doing. They hated to see Dave get ready to go, but they understood and they also had to get up early for a work out and then work. They all got dressed, kissed and hugged some more before going upstairs. They said their goodbyes and told Dave he was welcome to come over anytime he wanted.

Butch and his prison bomber buddy were singing all the way back to the shack. Butch couldn't believe how easy it went. He figured they must have killed thirty or more fags. He had one place to scratch off his list. But many more to go. The bomber told Butch it was easy to set the bomb even with a busy place. He told Butch that nobody suspected anything and that the bomb would completely destroy the porn shop and anybody inside it. Butch was pleased and told the bomber. That made the bomber happy. He would do anything for Butch. Butch helped him escape prison, which he thought would never happen. He owed Butch big time and this was his way of repaying him.

When Butch and the bomber left the porn shop. They left in the opposite direction and then turned around and came back in front of the porn shop. They wanted to see or at least hear the explosion. They had just passed the porn shop when the bomb went off. The bomb was so powerful it actually rocked their car a bit. What they didn't see was the building exploding and flying in a hundred different directions along with bodies and parts of bodies.

Next on Butch's list was his former asshole boss Reggie. He was going to kill that fucker and there was no ifs ands or buts about it. He would destroy his new construction site and then shoot the asshole when he least expected it. He would need to wait a couple of days for things to calm down a bit. Then he would follow Reggie and get familiar with his routine and shoot the fucker right between the eyes. That would teach the big asshole to mess around with Butch.

They made it back to the shack and told the other guys that everything went as planned. They would need to hole up for a couple of days before the next job.

Bob and Graham made their way upstairs. Thought they would watch the late news and then go to bed. The top story on the news was about a bombing. The reporter said they would have more details as they received more information. The reporter mentioned a general location of the bombing but couldn't give details. Sounds like it was close to the area. Maybe there will be something in tomorrow mornings newpaper. The news finished and the guys were tired and ready for bed. They stripped out of their sweats and crawled into bed.

Once in bed they talked a little about Dave and how much they liked him and was glad to have his company. As they talked they got harder and harder soon they were in a sixty nine sucking each other balls deep and fingering each other's holes. They were both gasping and panting for air and shot out almost at the same time. They licked each other clean. They snuggled together and went to sleep.

Bob started dreaming. He was dreaming about his lover Drake. In his dream they went on vacation and had sex two or three times every day. They met many nice men at the gay resort, but they only went back to their bungalow together, never inviting any of the other men over. They wanted each other just for themselves. Then suddenly Drake slumps over on Bob's should and Bob sees a masked man hitting the back of Drake's head repeatedly. Soon Bob is shouting, "stop, stop, your killing him."

"Bob, Bob, wake up." He heard someone shouting at him.

He opened his eyes. "You were having a nightmare babe. You were saying stop, stop, your killing him."

"I had a dream about Drake. We were at a resort and a masked man kept hitting Drake on the back of the head and I was telling him to stop."

"It's ok babe. I'm here." Graham pulled Bob into him and held him tight and cuddled up with him till Bob was asleep. Then he managed to fall back asleep.

The sheriff had a hard time falling asleep. He kept rehearsing in his mind what he was going to tell the warden about the cabin. He knew the warden wouldn't be happy, but he still needed to tell him. He was sure the news channels and newspapers would have a feature story about the explosion at The Big One. He will probably have to give some kind of a statement to the press about the investigation. He was hoping the FBI would take care of that, but he knew they usually try to stay out of the picture as much as possible and it would be his responsibility. He finally dozed off and on all night.

Butch and his prison buddies were having a little party in the shack. They were getting drunk and enjoying how well there first bombing went. They had a good supply of booze, enough for the next few days while they holed out and let things calm down a bit. They started passing out and falling asleep. The bomber asked Butch if he wanted to sleep with him, giving him some play kisses. Butch told him to turn around he didn't want to look at his fag face. He would find his own place to sleep. He grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept on the couch. It wasn't very comfortable but it was far better than those prison beds. He wasn't going to sleep with these faggy guys. He knew they were ribbing him, but he didn't like that kind of ribbing. His job was to get rid of fags, not sleep and live with them.

Reggie was having a hard time falling asleep. Deb kept asking him if everything was ok. He told her he didn't know. He had this feeling that something was wrong, very wrong. Both Reggie and Bob had some kind of sixth sense where they felt in their stomach when something was wrong. Deb asked Reggie if wanted anything to help fall asleep. He told her no. He would eventually fall asleep, which he did after a long time of thinking.

The owner of The Big One had no trouble falling asleep. He was exhausted after everything that had happened. He had his money canister, that was his biggest concern. He had counted the money after he got home. There was close to two thousand dollars in there. Damn he was going to miss that kid. He could sure bring in the business. The owner had already had his phone numbers of his insuracne companies ready for making his calls tomorrow. He was hoping the insurance companies would write him checks and then he could head out and relocate. He was soon out like a light.

Bob and Graham woke up still snuggled and cuddled together. Neither one wanted to make the first move. They felt good just the way they were. They could feel their morning woodies hitting and rubbing together. Graham went under the covers and took Bob's big boner into his mouth. Bob just laid there contented, eyes closed and enjoying Graham sucking him and playing with his balls. What a great way to wake up. He sure was filling Drake's shoes. However, he knew he would never forget Drake and how much he loved him. Drake was a big teddy bear. Just the right amount of fur and a very generous amount of love. Soon Bob was bucking and humping up into Graham's mouth. Graham knew Bob was close. He started speeding up. Bob shot out a big morning load down Graham's throat. Graham swallowed and swallowed never missing a drop or losing any of Bob's load. Bob pulled the covers back and got between Graham's legs and sucked him to his pubes. Graham's pubes tickled his nose. Bob cupped Graham's balls and fingered his hole while he kept up a steady deep throat action on his cock. Bob could work his throat muscles on Graham's shaft causing Graham to moan. Soon Graham was humping up into Bob's mouth. Bob worked a finger over Graham's prostate and that brought him over the edge. Bob swallowed all of Graham's big load. It was good to the last drop. They jumped out of bed and realized that Holden was probably already here waiting on them in the gym. They splashed a little water on their faces, put on some old sweats and ran down to the gym.

Holden was their warming up on the treadmill. "I thought I was going to be working out by myself this morning."

"Sorry man, we overslept a bit and with everything going on, we were tired. But we're ready for a good work out."

They all warmed up on the treadmills and then started doing their lifting. Spotting for each other. Holden wasn't wearing any underwear and the guys were able to get a good view of his big low hanging balls and his semi hard cock. They finished their work out and all got into the shower. They cleaned each other. Both Bob and Graham fucked Holden and jerked him off at the same time. Holden could recharge fast just like Bob and Graham. So they were all satisfied when they finished their shower. They dried each other off. Put their work out clothes in the laundry cart, changed into their work clothes and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret was busy getting breakfast ready for the boys. She was singing away. Obviously the security wasn't bothering her. The guys ate at the kitchen island. They all talked and joked while eating their breakfast. Bob and Graham really liked Holden. He had helped them with their work out routine and the results were starting to show. They thanked Margaret for a delicious breakfast and Holden left. Bob and Graham had a few minutes before they needed to leave.

Bob and Graham went into the living room. They finished their coffee there. Bob picked up the morning paper and his face went white as a sheet. The front page had a full sized photo of what used to be The Big One with a long feature story. Bob showed the front page to Graham and Graham turned white too. They knew this had to be the work of the escaped prisoners. They didn't have time right now to read the article, they needed to get to work. Bob took the paper with him and would read it when he took a break at work or at lunch.

Butch woke up. It didn't look like anyone else was up yet. His head hurt and was throbbing. Damn hang over. I need to find some aspirin and have some coffee to get rid of this. Butch was pretty muscular from working out at the prison. He was kind of short and stocky. He had a lot of hair on his chest and legs. He had a thick bush. He was average size. About six or six and a half inches uncut. He wore some boxers and walked to the kitchen. He looked through the cupboards and found a canister with pills. After some checking he found a couple of aspirin. Now to find some coffee to warm up. There was enough left in the pot for a cup. He warmed the coffee and washed the aspirin down with it. It would take awhile for the pills to work. He crawled back to bed. They wouldn't be doing anything today. Later he might take a drive to town and listen to the local gossip and see what they were saying about the bombing.

Reggie woke up before his wife. He felt tired. He tossed and turned all night. He walked quietly out of the bedroom. He had some pajama bottoms on and a robe. He put his slippers on. He walked outside to see if the paper had been delivered. Where did the delivery boy throw the paper this time? He kept looking and finally found it in the middle of the hedge on the side of the front porch. He pulled the paper out of the hedge and couldn't believe what he saw.

The security men didn't say anything to him. They knew of the bombing and they all had memorized descriptions of Butch and the other prisoners. They figured the bombing was done by them. Reggie took his paper inside and sat down at the breakfast nook. He read the feature story. It was pretty sketchy with not a lot of detail. It mainly said the store had been bombed. The owner survived and the FBI had been called in and were doing a thorough investigation. He needed to have Deb see this when she got up. He went back upstairs and she was still sleeping. He took his robe and slippers off and crawled back into bed, cuddling up to his wife. She stirred a little and pushed back on him. That started getting him hard. He slid his pajama bottoms off and lifted her night gown. He eased his hard cock in from the back side. She was wet and tight. She moaned a little but they got a good rhythm going. Soon Reggie was filling his wife with a big morning load. Deb had been taking the pill so they wouldn't have any more kids. She turned and faced Reggie and they kissed and hugged. Reggie told Deb about The Big One and told her the paper was down in the kitchen. They got up and showered together. Once Deb was fucked she didn't want anymore sex. Reggie was ready to go again, hut he would have to wait until he got home from work.

Bob and Graham's morning was going fast. Graham called Bob and asked him if they were going to have lunch at the diner. Bob told Graham he would be ready for lunch and walk to the diner at noon. Graham told him that he would meet him then at the diner at noon.

The security didn't really like Bob walking to the diner, but they had to go with whatever he wanted to do. Bob didn't take the paper with him. He knew the diner kept extra copies of the daily paper. He and Graham could read it over and talk about the front page story. Bob got to the diner before Graham and sat at his favorite table. Millie came over and Bob ordered a black coffee while he waited on Graham and asked Millie to bring a copy of the newpaper. While Bob was waiting his phone chimed in a note reminder. He opened it and had forgot about him and Graham making vacation plans in the Bahamas. Something else he would need to talk about with Graham and see if they wanted to go through with the vacation right now or wait. Maybe they should call the sheriff and get his advice.

Graham arrived and Bob couldn't keep his eyes off him. He was sure a hot sexy guy and I'm lucky enough to have him as my lover. Graham said, "what you staring at?"

"Sexy you."

That made Graham blush. He wasn't used to those kind of remarks in a public place. "Sorry babe, didn't mean to make you blush. I was just telling the truth. You look better every day."

"Did you get a chance to read the paper?"

"Yeah I did. It made me pretty uneasy. Makes me wonder where they will strike next. And being on that highway they could be making their way here to this town."

"That's what I was thinking too. My phone beeped and I had a note remimder. You remember when we were first getting together we talked about a vacation in the Bahamas. Do you think we should finish our plans and go? I was thinking maybe we should call the sheriff first and see what he says."

"I would really like to get away. My staff can handle my absence for a couple of weeks. I think calling Cal would be a good idea. He also might have more information on the bombers."

"Let's call him when we get home from work. Let's eat lunch and just have a nice conversation."

We talked about work. And making travel plans. Graham said he would pick up some more brochures from the travel agency on the Bahamas and they could start planning their vacation.

They finished their lunch and gave Millie a good tip and a wink then they left. There was a whole lot more they would have liked to do, but being a public place they controlled themselves until they got home. They waited to call Cal and see what he thought about them going on vacation and he might have an update on the bombing at the porn shop.

Butch and the guys were having a restless day. They didn't like staying in, they did that enough in prison. Butch told them he was going to take a couple of them with him when he drove to town. And just drive around and then come back to the shack and take the other two guys for a drive around. He thought he might get aventurous enough to drive by Reggie's construction site and take a quick look around.

The owner of the porn shop thought he had waited long enough and should make his calls to his insurance companies. He had the two business cards on his table. He decided to call the insurance agent for his business. He called the number and soon the agent answered. The owner identified himself to the agent and told him why he was calling. The owner told him he would come by in about an hour with some forms he would need to sign. They would need to drive to the site of the porn shop and the agent would need to take pictures and assess the damage before a settlement could be reached. The owner was pleased with that, it sounded like they would settle in his favor. He then called the agent for his car insurance. Again the owner identified himself to the insurance agent. He told the owner he would have to send an assessor, the assessor will need to take pictures and then the insurance company will take it from there. The owner told the agent his car was totalled in the explosion and he had no transporation. The agent told him he would work something out so he had a loaner to use until his claim was settled. The owner waited for the property assessor to arrive.

It was going on the men's break time at the construction site. Reggied wanted to give Jarvis a call and tell him that everything was in place for his bachelor party. Then he'd call Bob and let him know the date and time for the party. Reggie found his air horn. He used that to announce lunch break. He used it out of habit. It was loud and something all the guys could hear. They usually stopped for about an hour lunch. Reggie used the air horn. He walked over to his truck to his lunch box. See what Deb had packed for him today. Ham and cheese sandwiches he would wash down with his coffee. A piece of Deb's delicious home made apple pie and some jello. This was more than enough. He only ate about half of his lunch. He pulled out his cell phone and gave Jarvis a call. "Hey Reg what's happening man?"

"I'm on lunch break and wanted you to know everything is set for your bachelor party in two weekends. It will be at the penthouse at our five star hotel. It's scheduled to start around two in the afternoon on Saturday and finish just after dinner time on Sunday. There will be an open bar and enterainment will start around nine in the evening. It looks like there will be around twenty five to thirty guys attending. I didn't know you were that popular?"

"That's terrific Reggie. I can't wait. If I don't see you before the party, then I'll see you there. Thank's bro for doing this for me."

"Come on man. Of course I'd do this for you. Your like a brother to me. I need to get back to work. If I hear about any changes I'll call you right away."

"Ok Reg. I need to get back to work here too. Thanks again for getting this all arranged."

The owner was pacing in his house waiting on the property assessor. He heard a car pull into his driveway. It was his agent. He went out and talked to him for a couple of minutes. He told him he needed to lock the door and he'd be right back. He had a note to tape to his outside door if the car assessor came with an address where his shop was located. He got into the assessor's car and they drove to the bombing site. The assessor had seen a lot of disasters in his many years working for the insurance company. But he wasn't prepared for what he saw. It looked like someone had cleared the site and was getting ready for construction. There was nothing there escept for yellow police tape. The part of his office was still standing, but you would have never known there was a building there. The assessor took a couple of pictures and had some claim forms for the owner to sign. The assessor said it could take up to a week before he hears from his insurance company. The claim forms are for a refund and one is for rebuiding, it will depend on the insurance company, which direction they want to go.

His agent drove him back to his house. He had a message on his cell phone from the car assessor that he was running late. The owner took the note off his door and went in. He pulled out a cold beer and chugged it down. It tasted damn good. He would be glad when all this insurance crap was over. It wasn't something he liked to do, but he knew it had to be done. He turned on the tv and started watching a movie. He heard a car pull in and figured it must be the car assessor. He walked out and they talked for a few minutes and then got in the assessor's car and went to the site. They walked over to what was left of the owner's car. The assessor took a couple of pictures and told the owner that he would send this in with a report to his insurance company. The assessor told him in cases like this, which are rare, you are usually are reimbursed for the value of your car. They then drove to a dealership the assessor knew and the owner was given a loaner to use until his insurance claim was settled. The car insurance company would pay the cost of the loaner. The owner thanked the assessor and they each drove off.

Bob and Graham got home from work almost at the same time. They kissed and hugged in the garage where the security guards couldn't see them. Graham had a whole folder full of brochures and travel packages to the Bahamas. They walked into the kitchen and greeted Margaret. She was finishing their dinner. They talked with Margaret for a few minutes and then went upstairs to change into some sweats. They were undecided if they were going to work out or not. They were excited about the possibility of going on vacation and decided to call Cal first and then start looking over the information from the travel agency. Bob also brought his lap top to the living room so they could do more checking online.

Bob picked up his phone and gave Cal a call. "Hey Bob, what's happening?"

"I had a couple of things I wanted to ask you."

"Sure. Go ahead."

"When Graham and I reconnected we had talked about going on vacation and we thought the Bahamas would be a good place to go. I wanted to get your thoughts about us going on vacation after everything that's happened."

"I don't see any problem with you guys going on vacation. You would be flying there and be a long ways from here. One thing I would recommend is flying on a private charter plane. The commercial airlines might be a little risky. I think don't think so, but there's no reason to take unnecessary chances."

"Thanks Cal that's good to hear. We will definitely book our flight on a private charter plane."

Cal said, "you mentioned a couple of things. What else was on your mind?"

"Both Graham and I were wondering if you had anymore information about the bombing?"

"The last information I received was that the FBI forensics center was working long hours trying to identify the bodies and parts of bodies. They've had to rely on DNA testing and try to match it with family, but it's turning into a very long slow drawn out process. Since they don't have much family information to go on. Other than that. I don't have much other information. Just go about your regular routine and security and bodyguards will be there for protection."

"Thanks Cal for the information. Try to get over here one of these days after work. Be good to see you and have a good talk and maybe a few other things."

"I'll keep that in mind and try to get over soon. I'll call first to let you know. Having a busy day so I better get back to work."

Bob and Graham talked about Cal's information. They thought a private charter plane would be good. They would plan to go on vacation after Jarvis' bachelor party. That would give them plenty of time to get everything organized. They knew of some good gay hotels and gay areas that they wanted to stay in while in the Bahamas. They started looking over some of the brochures.

Margaret told them bye and left.

As they were looking through the brochures they came across four that catered to gay men. They would definitely check those out more carefully. Bob brought up the information on his laptop and then narrowed it down to two hotels. They were getting hungry too, they would eat there dinner and then do some more planning. They were really excited about going away together on vacation and forget about everything that has been happening recently.

Butch and a couple of his buddies took off in the car and headed to town. They stopped at a cafe and drank some coffee outside. The town looked like it always did. Not a lot of activity, just the regulars going where ever that was. They finished their coffee and Butch wanted to drive by Reggie's construction site. They piled back into the car and started driving out of town. The guys asked Butch where they were going. "Hold on and you'll see."

They drove a few miles and you could see the construction site coming up on the right side. Butch drove by slow and took a good look around. He noticed a lot of security and was wondering why they would have so much security out here in a rather romote area. He drove down about a mile and turned around and again drove slow by the construction site again. He counted about six security guards. This would put a crimp in his plans. He was going to have to rethink how he was going to get rid of Reggie and this construction site. What Butch didn't notice was that a couple of the security guards had watched him drive slow in front of the construction site a couple of times. They would keep that information in the back of their mind, it might be useful in the future.

Jarvis was getting anxious for his bachelor party. He was looking forward to it. His last time to be with all his buddies. Once he was married he was sure he wouldn't be able to meet up with his buds like he was used to. Wow, Reggie has the penthouse reserved for the weekend at the hotel. This is going to be a fun time. And Reggie said his brother Bob had worked out some entertainmnet. That should be interesting.

Jarvis remembered when he would stay overnight at Reggie and Bob's house after a game. The brothers had adjoining bedrooms and sometimes they would all shower together and make out in the shower. Jarvis always looked forward to that. They would suck and fuck and rim each other in the shower. Then climb into Reggie's or Bob's bed. Their parents never invaded their privacy and left them to do whatever it was they were doing. Sometimes Graham would be staying over and he would join in too. Damm those were fun times. Thinking about it was giving Jarvis a hardon. Maybe since they all would be staying in the penthouse they could bring back some of those fun times they had in the past. At least for one last time. I better start thinking about my work before I bust my pants open and start leaking and making a wet spot.

Butch got back to the shack and was not in a good mood. He didn't like having to rethink his plans. He was still thinking why there was so much security at the construction site. He saw his former boss and was wishing he was seeing him flying in a thousand pieces along with his construction site. One of the other guys asked Butch when they were going to town. Butch told him to shut his trap and bring him a beer. He had some serious thinking to do. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just need to think and where's my fucking beer?"

"Right here. Take it easy and we'll stay out of your hair and have our own little drinking party."

"You guys just go ahead with your little party and stay out of my face."

The guys did what Butch wanted. He got them out of prison and they appreciated that. The bomber was working on some more pipe bombs. He was making the next ones bigger and more powerful. That was what Butch had told him to do. Their next job was going to be the construction site.

Butch was thinking about going to the construction site on the weekend at night. There shouldn't be many people around and it would give him a better picture of what he wanted to do. He knew Reggie wouldn't be there. But that was ok for the moment. He could kill the security guard at the site and then bomb the shit out of the construction site. It looked like they had the framing done and would be starting walls and roof soon. A couple of his buddies big bombs would take care of that real nice. It would be better if Reggie was there, but he would have to put that on hold for awhile and start following him and getting down his routine.

Bob and Graham finished their dinner fast and grabbed a beer when they had finished eating. They wanted to work on their vacation plans. Bob downloaded one of the hotels they had singled out. It had a lot of conveniences. And many of things they were looking for. Bob printed out the information and then downloaded the other hotel. It's amenities were about the same as the other one. Except it had a gym, spa and a private beach. Bob printed the second one out. After they looked over both printouts, they agreed on the second hotel with a few more amenities. Both hotels had free limousine service so they wouldn't have to rent a car. They then checked on private charter flights to the Bahamas. There was quite a few to choose from. They narrowed that down to one charter flight that they could reserve for just the two of them. They booked their flight with the hotel as one package deal. They would leave the next weekend after the bachelor party and be gone for two weeks. This would give them plenty of time to make arrangements at their work for being gone for two weeks. Also, buy anything they might need for the vacation. Get everything arranged with security and the body guards and then they would be set. They were pretty excited with what they choose. This would be like a honeymoon for them. They would start counting down the days on the calendar.

The days seemed to be flying by and it was Friday already. They had received a call from Cal that he was going to come over after work and maybe stay the weekend. The guys told him he was always welcome and if he wanted to stay the weekend that would be great. They also got a call from Dave and he wanted to know if he could come over Friday after work. The kids were going to be at his parents house and he asked us if we wanted a weekend guest. We told him Cal would be here and the more the merrier. Both Graham and I were looking forward to Cal and Dave meeting. We were sure they would hit it off right away.

Butch was putting the final touches on his plan. He would set that in motion Saturday night and the construction site would be history. At least that was a start. He still had to figure out how to get rid of Reggie but he knew it was just a matter of time and something would work out.

Reggie got home from work late. He had been putting in long hours all week and it was catching up with him. Deb had made his favorite dinner and they all enjoyed it. The kids missed their dad being gone so much to work. But they knew his kind of work required long hours. Reggie had a new foreman working so he wouldn't have to be keeping the long hours. He seemed to be working out pretty good and he would be able to spend more time with his family. After dinner Reggie and Deb talked about the bachelor and bachelorette parties and everything seemed to be in place for both parties. The kids told their parents good night and they went to bed. That left Reggie and Deb alone for some quiet time together. They snuggled together on the couch and watched tv till they got tired and headed to bed. Once in bed, Deb started sucking Reggie getting him hard and wet. Reggie went down on Deb and licked and sucked her pussy and clit. She was moaning and begging Reggie to fuck her. His big hard cock easily slid into her warm wet pussy. He gave her a slow fuck making love to her. She was working with Reggie and soon he was moaning and grunting and filling her pussy with a big saved load. They were exhausted after their love making. They cuddled together and went right to sleep.

Bob got home first from work and changed into some gym shorts and a tshirt. He didn't feel good going around the house naked with all the security. He could close curtains but he just felt uncomfortable. He thought he would call the male stripper that had left his phone number to confirm them performing for the bachelor party. It took a few rings before the guy answered. He remembered Bob and told him the time place and date was marked on their calendar and they would be there to provide some entertainment. They were glad they wouldn't have to bring their portable stage and sound and lighting equipment. The hotel would have a stage with sound and lighting already set up in the penthouse. The penthouse was big. It covered the whole top floor of the hotel and the stage would only occupy a small part of the penthouse with plenty of room for seating and the open bar. Also the hotel would provide waiters and snacks for both days.

Bob heard Graham come into the kitchen. "Hi babe, how was your day?"

"My day was great and went by fast. How about yours?"

"Took me a little longer being the last day of the week. But everything is going well. We have over twenty regular clients and are still receiving calls on perspective new ones with more appointments coming up."

"I just got off the phone with the guy that's in charge of the male strippers and everything is a go for the party next weekend."

"The guys are going to like the strippers. I hope they bring a lot of one dollar bills to shove into their g-strings."

"I'm looking forward to Cal and Dave being here for the weekend. It should be fun having them here. Margaret made some snacks for the weekend and cooked some extra food so we should be all set. Cal said he would bring a case of beer."

"How about if we close the curtains and then we can all be naked. The security guys never come into the house they always walk around the side of the house when they change shifts and if they need anything or need to talk to us they always knock on the door."

"Your right as always babe." They both got up and closed and locked the patio doors. Then closed the curtains. They took their clothes off but kept their clothes close so when Cal and Dave arrived they had something to put on when they answered the door.

They soon heard a car pull in. They looked out the window from the kitchen and it was Cal. They were glad he got here before Dave. They saw Cal talking to the security guards. Graham went out and helped Cal with the case of beer. They came back in and we stocked the kitchen frig with the beer. Once inside we all hugged and kissed. Cal was getting better at the hugging and kissing, even though it wasn't his thing to do. We all stripped down and took a beer to the living room. We talked for a while and Cal said there wasn't any knew developments in the bombing case. He was glad we decided to go through with our vacation. Cal told us he wished he could go with us. We didn't say anything to Cal, but this was going to be a vacation for just the two us. Spend some quality time together and forget about work and the bombing. Just think about us and enjoy each other. We sipped on our beer and started getting a little more comfortable on the couch.

Then we heard some noise outside. We all put on our shorts except for Cal that was wearing boxers. He put his boxers on and jeans. We went to the kitchen window and saw Dave. He was being scanned and talked to by the two front security guards. He came up to the front door and I let him in. He was looking pretty hot in some tight jeans and a pull over shirt. You could see the outline of his cock where his jeans were worn, just like Cals. We introduced Dave to Cal and we all get into a group hug and kiss. I went to the kitchen and got a beer for Dave.

"I told the guys to go into the living but not to sit down." They looked at me kind of strange. I gave Dave his beer and set it down on the coffee table. I went to Graham first and started fondling his cock through his shorts. He got instantly hard. I then went next to Cal. You could see the outline of his big cock through his jeans. His jeans were worn just like Dave's making the outline more visible. I gave Cal's cock a couple of squeezes then slid his jeans down and off. His boxers were having a hard time containing his hardon. Next I went to Dave and rubbed his cock through his jeans. He moaned a little. I undid the top button of his jeans and lowered the zipper and slid them off. His big boner was bulging his boxers nicely. I gave it a couple of squeezes. I want back to Graham and slid his shorts off. His cock came springing and bouncing out. I took his thick head in my lips and gave it a few sucks pulling out his precum. Then I went to Cal and slowly slid his boxers down and off. He cock sprung up slapping his stomach and abs. I did a slow deep throat on his cock. That got him moaning and grunting. Then I went to Dave and pulled his boxers down. His cock was twitching and jerking and precum was flying around. I sucked off his precum and licked the precum off the sides of his cock. That made him moan and start gasping.

After getting the guys all worked up, myself included, I was sporting a big boner, we decided to go to the bedroom to continue our sexual fun. The guys grabbed their small overnight bags and we went into our bedroom. We got into a circle jerk and suck for starters. We were all leaking like crazy. Then the guys had me lay down on my back. Cal loved fucking and he got between my legs and started rimming me, getting me wet and loose for his big cock. Dave got over my face and fed me his big meat. I sucked him right to his big balls. His eyes rolled back and I thought he was going to pass out. Graham bent over the side of me and was sucking my cock while Cal stroked Graham. Cal worked a couple of fingers in my hole getting me stretched and rubbing my prostate. I told him he better stop with my prostate or I would be cumming soon. He eased off my prostate and slicked up his cock with some lube on the nightstand. He eased his cock in my hole and started a slow fuck. Damn his cock could always found new places in my ass. And he knew just how to work my prostate while fucking me. Graham stood up over me so Cal could suck on Graham's cock. I kept up a good pace on Dave's cock. I started jerking my cock. It was a contest to see who would cum first. We kept this up for a good ten minutes before I heard Dave start moaning and gasping louder. I felt his cock harden and thicken and soon he was giving me a big load down my throat. I milked his cock with my throat muscles getting every last drop. He collapsed over on the side of me. We kissed for a bit. He liked the taste of his cum. Then I felt Cal start picking up speed, I knew he was getting close. He always started fucking harder and faster when he was ready to shoot. I felt his cum squirting out way up my ass. Damn he could fill me good and give my prostate a good workout. Cal then speeded up his sucking on Graham's boner. He had Graham gasping and panting and I knew he was filling Cal's mouth and throat with one of his big loads. I picked up the speed jerking my cock. Both Dave and Cal slapped my hands away and Dave started sucking my balls and while Cal deep throated me. They soon had me moaning and hollering as I shot out. They took turns sucking out my cum.

We just laid there on the bed gasping and panting after our sexual high. We looked at each other and started laughing. We couldn't believe how great this was. We then decided to go to the movie room downstairs and watch a movie and try some of Margaret's snacks.

Butch was still planning his strategy. He thought he would hold off bombing the construction site until more of the building was completed. He thought it was too soon to do another bombing after the first one. This would give him more time to follow Reggie and get familiar with his routine.

Reggie and Deb were relaxing on the couch in the living room. The kids had just went to bed. This gave them some time to be together without interruptions. They were both talking about the parties coming up next weekend. How much they hoped everything went ok without a hitch. It was strange how Jarvis was Reggie's best childhood friend and Jennifer was Deb's best friend after Jennifer's family had moved next door. They were both remembering how much fun they had with their best friends. Reggie was remembering how Jarvis and him had experimented with sex. First just touching each other. Then going further to jerking each other off to finally sucking and fucking. He was wondering if any of that would happen at the party. He had never told Deb about his early sexual experiences. He had plenty of girlfriends but Deb was his special girl. Once they were married he suppressed his sexual feelings for Jarvis. He was wondering if anything would happen when they shared a bedroom in the penthouse. Deb was remembering when Jennifer used to stay overnight. How they would play bounce. Where they would make each other's tits bounce up and down. They soon advanced to sucking each other's tits. Then became more adventurous eating and fingering each other's pussies until they climaxed eating each other's cum. They had plenty of boyfriends and were popular in school. But Jarvis and Reggie were their favorites. They were special and always treated them with respect. The girls never told their boyfriends about their sexual experimentation. They wondered if anything would happen at the party or after the party.

Graham and Cal went down to the home theater room and found a good movie to watch. They were wondering where Dave was. They knew Bob was making popcorn.

Dave followed Bob into the kitchen. Bob could tell Dave wanted to talk to him. "Ok Dave, what's eating at you?"

"I really like Cal. I know I just met him, but he's a really nice guy. I was wondering if he would be interested into getting together once in awhile?"

"I can't talk for Cal, Dave. Your going to have to ask him yourself. Maybe you will feel more comfortable downstairs when we are all together. Remember that Cal is the county sheriff so he might seem a little taken back at first."

"Thanks Bob. I will ask him when we are all together downstairs."

They finished making two big bowls of popcorn and took it downstairs.

"We were wondering where you guys went," said Cal.

Graham started the movie and he and I sat in one movie chair while Cal and Dave sat in another.

I could see Cal and Dave talking. Looking like they were having quite an animated converstion. They were smiling and joking. It looked like they exchanged cell phone numbers. I was happy for Dave and for Cal too.

Soon Cal moved to a different chair. He reclined it a bit with his big hardon sticking straight up. Graham and I knew what that meant. Dave gave us a funny look. We told him that Cal was in position to fuck us all. Dave's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

We all got up and made a line in front of Cal. Graham would go first. I would go second and we let Dave go last. We knew it would take Cal a while to cum the last time and we thought Dave would like a long slow fuck from Cal. Graham lubed his hole and sat down over Cal's big cock. He started bouncing up and down on Cal. Graham hadn't been fucked a lot but he was taking Cal's cock like a trooper. Cal was playing with Graham's pecs and nips. Soon Graham shot out a big load all over Cal's chest without even touching himself. That set Cal off and you could see the big vein on the back side of Cal's cock pumping blood while he shot a big load up Graham's hole. He got off Cal and licked his cum off and kissed Cal. Cal wasn't too happy about the cum kiss but he went along with it. I lubed up my hole and eased down on Cal's big fuck pole. I had my back to him. He had me lean back so he could wrap his arms around me and he started humping up into my hole. His cock was like magic in my hole. He kept giving my prostate a good workout. I wouldn't say anything to Graham. Graham fucked me good. But Cal really knew what he was doing. Finally I shot out a big load constricting my ass on Cal's cock. That sent Cal over the edge and he pumped another big load up my hole. I got off and Graham cleaned me off and we kissed. Graham and I watched Dave. He lubed his hole and eased down on Cal's big cock. We knew it would take Cal a while now to cum. Dave started a slow bounce on Cal's cock. He leaned down so Cal could suck him. Cal really got into sucking Dave's cock. They seemed to be getting along fine. Soon it was fifteen minutes and Cal hadn't cum or Dave. Then it went on twenty minutes and nothing. They were approaching the thirty minute mark when we heard Dave gasp and grunt and shoot out in Cal's mouth. His ass was twitching on Cal's cock and soon Cal grunted and shot up a modest sized load. Cal hugged Dave to him and they kissed with his cock still in Dave's ass. We hadn't seen Cal do this before. Maybe they both found what they were looking for. Graham and I hoped so. Finally they broke apart and went back to their chair to watch the rest of the movie.

The movie ended just as the guys finished their popcorn. It wasn't planned that way. It just happened. They decided to go to bed. They had all had a busy day at work and were starting to get tired. They went in the shower first and of course they washed each other and soon were hard all over again. They couldn't believe they were hard after all the fucking and sucking and jerking they had done earlier. They got into a circle jerk and soon were moaning and grunting and shooting their loads all over each other. They rinsed the cum off. Dried each other and crawled into bed. These oversized king sized beds were working out good and getting a lot of workout. They all fit in the bed with room to spare. Of course they were soon cuddling and kissing and hugging. Soon they were fondling each other's balls and licking each other's big thick heads. Licking and sucking out the precum. They took turns sucking each other and playing with their balls until they shot another load. They were drained and didn't think they could cum another drop. Soon you heard four big men snoring without even pulling the covers over themselves.

Butch was still thinking and planning. He knew Reggie didn't usually do much on the weekend. It was his time to rest and spend time with his family. I remember Reggie talking with that dip shit Drake and how buddy buddy they were. Drake took my foreman position away from me and he paid for that. Maybe Reggie isn't as straight as he likes to appear, maybe he's one of those weird fags too. That's a possibility. He figured he'd stay in most of the weekend and then head out Monday early and follow Reggie and see what his early morning routine was like. Take the other two guys with him so they could get out for awhile. He was also thinking about getting the car painted a new color. He didn't want to keep it the same color too long. He didn't want people getting used to seeing him in the same car with the same color. Butch drank one final beer and then called it a night. He had his own room by himself, just the way he liked it.

Jarvis was spending the night by himself. Jennifer had some final planning to do with her family for the upcoming wedding. This was the first they had been apart since announcing their engagement. They both worked and Jennifer came from a pretty wealthy family and they were paying for most of the wedding expenses. Jennifer's mom had given Jarvis a wedding ring that had been passed down for generations through her family. The ring was to go to the next in line getting married and that was Jennifer. The ring was beautiful and had many large diamonds. Jarvis wasn't familiar with rings, but he knew this one was something special.

For some reason Jarvis was getting horny. He was thinking about when he and Reggie were kids and would stay over at each other's houses. How they always slept together and had fun together in bed. Jerking each other off. Sucking and fucking. For some reason he was missing those times and his cock was getting harder and harder. Finally he pulled back the covers and pulled his shorts off. He spit on his hand and started stroking his big thick cock. He was a good solid thick seven inches. He and Reggie were almost the same size. Reggie was just a little longer and thick like Jarvis. Jarvis closed his eyes and imagined Reggie jerking his cock and fingering his hole at the same time. Jarvis was soon shooting one of his biggest loads all over his chest and abs. He pulled some of his cum off with his fingers and licked them off. Didn't taste too bad. He grabbed some tissues from the nightstand and wiped off the rest of the cum. He had actually hollered out Reggie's name when he came. He would have to be careful about that when he was with Jennifer. He pulled the covers back over his naked body and fell asleep.

The sheriff from the neighboring county was royally pissed that the prisoners weren't in the cabin. At least he had some fingerprints and maybe that would give some information. I knew he needed to call the warden tell him about the vacant cabin. That wasn't going to go over well. He opened the National Fingerprint Database on his computer. He scanned the three good prints for any matches. He knew it could take a few minutes before he received any results. He went over and made himself a pot of coffee. He pulled a doughnut out of the bag. He had bought a couple before coming to work. The database was still looking for matches. He washed his doughnut down with some hot fresh coffee. That hit the spot, tasted pretty good. Finally the database finished with no matches. He was afraid that would happen. He better call the warden with the bad news. He was just picking up his phone when it rang. It scared the shit out of him. He was concentrating on what he was going to tell the warden and wasn't expecting the phone to ring. He answered the phone, "this is the sheriff."

"Hello sheriff, this is one of the guards that's been protecting Reggie. We go with him to his construction site every day. I decided to stay out here over the weekend. Anyhow, I'm calling to tell you that I noticed a suspicious car driving by the construction site a couple of times. I couldn't make out the driver or the passengers. The car was a late model Toyota Corolla. It was a dark brown color and the license plate number was CBI-35981. I thought you might want this information?"

"I definitely want that information. Any leads I can get to put these scum bags away is welcome information. Thanks for the tip and I'll run the license plate number."

"If I see the car again, I'll let you know right away."

"Thanks for the information. Be safe and have a good day."

The sheriff put off calling the warden. He wanted to run that license plate number and see what information it would yield. He opened the state license plate database. The license plate number was from the state. It only took a few seconds and he had the information on the owner and the car. The car had a history of different owners. At the moment it was a hot car and was searched for by the original owner. It had been stolen over a year ago. The database gave the name of the original owner, phone number and his address. The sheriff would give the owner a call and see if he had any information that would be helpful.

He called the number of the original owner. "Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes, this is the country sheriff and I wanted to ask you about your missing car."

"Do you have any information on my car, sheriff?"

"Yes I do. Can you describe your car for you me so I'm sure I'm talking to the right owner."

The owner described the car exactly and right down to the license plate number. "I received information that a security guard had spotted your car in the area a couple of times."

"Do you know who has my car and how soon I can get it back?"

"At this time I can't give out the information, because there is an investigation going on. As soon as I can pass information on to you about your car, I will. I just wanted to verify that you were the original owner of the car and I will keep you informed as I receive more information."

They ended their call. Really not much helpful information about the convicts, but at least he knew who the original owner was and he had a good description of the car. He thought he might do some driving around and maybe by chance spot the car.

Butch and the guys were getting antsy. Butch was going to take the other two shit heads with him to town. Maybe get a cup cf coffee from the same cafe. The coffee was pretty good there. Then drive around a bit. Maybe pick up a few groceries and head back to the shack. He hollered out their names and told them he was ready to go to town. These were the two big beefy guys that provided the muscle when they needed it. They all piled into the car and headed to town.

The sheriff headed out and started driving around town. It was fairly busy. A lot of people were out. Many didn't work on the weekend so it gave them a chance to do shopping and socializing with the merchants and acquaintances. The sheriff called a couple of deputies to be ready if he needed them. He didn't know why he did that, but it was just a feeling he had. He decided to drive by the constuction site and see if the guard that had called him was still there and they could chat for a bit.

Butch and his buddies made it to town. It was busier than when he was here the last time. He drove to the same cafe he had been to before. They sat outside and had a cup of coffee. They didn't really talk about much. Butch was still deciding on his next plan of action. Butch noticed they had the same waiter as when he was here the last time.

The waiter came back into the kitchen and was nervous. The owner did the cooking at his cafe and asked the waiter what the matter was. "The same guy is here that was here a few days ago."

"So what? We get a lot of repeat customers that's what keeps me in business."

The waiter was really nervous. He went on, "the last time they were here they were talking about how successful their bombing was and how they had killed a lot of fags. They didn't know that I had heard them. The restaurant was pretty quiet outside when they were here. I didn't think much about it, until I saw them here again."

"Well isn't this lovely. This is important information for the sheriff and I'm going to call him right now. You keep them here at the cafe. Do whatever you need to do. I don't want them leaving."

"Ok. I'll do my best to keep them here."

"Make sure you do, if you want to keep your job."

The waiter was nervous when he went back outside to their table. He was able to compose himself a little. He asked the guys if they would like anything else. He told them what the special was and if they ordered the special they would get free refills on their coffee. The guys looked at Butch and he looked at them. Sure we'll order the special and you can refill our coffee.

While the waiter was outside the owner went back to his office. He had his assistant fill in for him while he was in the office. He wanted to call the sheriff and relay the information the waiter had told him. "Hello this is the county sheriff, how can I help you?"

The cafe owner identified himself and then told the sheriff what the waiter had told him. This was just the information the sheriff was looking for. He told the owner to keep them at the cafe, even if they had to offer them a free meal. He would be there in about five minutes.

Once they ended their call, the sheriff called his two deputies that he had alerted earlier and told them to go to the back of the cafe and he would be there in about five minutes. Don't use your siren or have the lights flashing. Just park in the back like you were going in to order and nothing out of the ordinary.

The sheriff couldn't wait to get to the cafe. He put his lights on and high tailed it to the cafe. Once he got to town he turned the lights off and slowed down to the speed limit. He saw the deputies cars parked behind the cafe and he pulled up next to them. He told the deputies he would go in the back door and talk to the owner and let them know they were here. He walked in and the owner spotted the sheriff and told him the three men were seated in the front outside. He didn't have his lunch rush yet so they weren't real busy. The sheriff told the owner he would walk to the front and would have a deputy posted on each side of the building.

Butch and the guys were enjoying being out of the shack. The coffee was really good and they talked a bit while they waited for their lunch. They didn't see the sheriff come walking around from the side of the building until he was at their table. With his mask on, the sheriff couldn't see Butch's face turn white. He looked at the men and they didn't look anything like Butch or the escapees. The sheriff signaled his deputies and they came around from the two sides of the cafe and joined the sheriff at the table. The sheriff told them they were under arrest for suspicion of murder. The sheriff and the deputies handcuffed the three men and took each man to their squad cars.

The sheriff couldn't believe his luck. He was sure these men and two more were responsible for the bombing. But they just didn't look like the escapees. The sheriff didn't know that he had Butch handcuffed and was in his squad car. The man told the sheriff that he could only hold them for twenty four hours on suspicion of murder. The sheriff glared back at him. Remember your being held in the county jail. We have our own way of handling things. And if this is a federal crime you will be staying longer than twenty four hours in jail. The once the man talked he knew right away it was Butch. But why did he look different.

They all made it back to the police station and the sheriff was going to start the booking process with the help of the deputies. One of the deputies started with one of the escapees. He had prison clothes for the man to put on. The guard stayed there to watch and maked sure he didn't try anything funny. He noticed when the man took his shirt off. The skin around his upper chest didn't look right. Something wasn't right here. The guard called the sheriff to come over. The other two men were in separate cells, and couldn't see what was going on. The sheriff came over and the deputy talked to him and told him to look at the man's upper chest and by his neck. The sheriff didn't notice anything unusual until he took a closer look. It looked like he had an extra layer of skin and then the light bulb came on and the sheriff realized they were wearing masks. He told the deputy to handcuff the man. The sheriff walked up to him and grabbed the bottom of the mask on his upper chest and pulled it off. Bingo, this was one of the escapees from the federal prison. The sheriff told the deputy to finish his booking process and put him in a cell by himself.

The sheriff walked back to the cells and told the men to remove their masks or they would do it for them. They asked him what he was talking about. He told them he had just removed the mask from the man they were booking. "That doesn't prove anything," Butch said.

"It proves enough that you three are escapees from the federal prison. Now remove your masks or we will do it for you."

The men mumbled and grumbled and finally removed their masks. Sure enough, the man with the sheriff was Butch and the other man was another escapee. "Welcome home Butch," said the sheriff.

"Careful there Butch with what you say. I don't think you want any more charges brought against you."

"Fuck you sheriff and your fucking deputies."

"I see you haven't changed Butch. This is going to be fun locking you up and taking you all back to federal prison." The sheriff and the deputies finished booking all three of them. Then he told the deputy to bring Butch to their interrogation room.

Once Butch was seated in the interrogation room and handcuffed to the table the sheriff walked in. "Well Butch this is going to be up to you. It's either going to be easy or it's going to be difficult. It will depend on you."

"Let me start. How did you manage to bomb The Big One?"

"I don't know what your talking about. And what the hell is The Big One?"

"I see you want to make this difficult. The Big One is a porn shop that you and your prisoner buddies bombed."

"You must have me confused with someone else. My MO isn't bombing. Unless you forgot."

The sheriff was starting to get pissed but he kept his cool. "Ok, maybe you didn't do the bombing personally, but one of your buddies that escaped is a bomb making expert."

"That could be. But I'm not responsible for what they do on their own time."

"Yes your are Butch, you are just as responsible as the person that did the bombing. I'm sure you planned it."

Finally the sheriff had had enough and he pounded his fist on the table and got close and stared right into Butch's eyes. "Now listen and listen good. You tell me where the other two escapees are located and I may get your time reduced."

Butch had never seen the sheriff mad and he didn't like what he saw. He knew the sheriff would keep him locked up until he told him everything he wanted to know. Butch thought he might as well get this over with and get back to federal prison. Butch then told him how he master minded the plan to blow up The Big One. And the sheriff gave him a piece of paper and pencil so he could draw a map where they other two escapees were located. Once Butch finished he had a deputy take him back to his cell. The sheriff had this all recorded on video tape for the warden, he would also make a copy to keep on file in his office.

The sheriff went to the booking room and found the car keys for the car they had stolen. He would use that car to drive to where other two escapees were located. The deputies would follow in the sheriff's car and a deputies car. The sheriff looked at the map carefully and knew the location well. In fact, he had been to that lake a few times in his younger days.

The sheriff met with his deputies and laid out his plan to them. He wanted the deputies to go around the back of the shack while he came up the front in the stolen car. The deputies knew the signal when the sheriff wanted them to come around to the front. They checked their weapons and the deputies drove the sheriff back to the cafe. He then took off first in the stolen car with the deputies following. When they got closer to the shack the deputies would back off and park aways back and then walk up to the back of the shack while the sheriff parked the car and then slowly got out and made his way to the front. They wouldn't wear their police lids.

Everything was going as planned. The guys were wondering where Butch and their buddies were. They had been gone for a long time. The sheriff went slow as he saw the shack up ahead. He saw the deputies pull off on the side and get out of their squad cars and walk up to the shack on the edge of the woods. The sheriff pulled up on the side of the building. The guys could hear the car. They knew better than to walk out and wait on Butch and the guys. He would get pissed. They waited in the shack for him. One of the escapees peeked out the window and saw a police uniform. He told the guys what he saw and they became deathly quiet. The bomber grabbed one of his bombs and told the other guy to follow him.

They walked out the front door with the bomber holding the bomb tight to him. He told the sheriff he would set if off if he didn't get out of his way and let him escape in the car. The sheriff backed up giving the bomber room to walk to the car. What they didn't see or hear was a deputy coming up behind them with his gun aimed right at the back of the bombers head. The sheriff threw the car keys to the ground and that's when the deputy fired. Luckily the sheriff wasn't in front the bomber. The bullet went through the back of bombers head and out the front. He was dead instantly. The sheriff told everyone to get out of the way fast. The sheriff grabbed the other escapee and jumped into the woods. The deputies ran to the woods on the side. The dead bomber fell to the ground holding the bomb and they thought for sure it would explode. Nothing happened. They waited and waited. The sheriff called the FBI to send a bomb squad. They said they would be there shortly. It was only about ten minutes until the bomb squad arrived. They were in their special gear and walked over to the dead prisoner. Lifted him up and saw a large pipe bomb. They noticed one of the wires was disconnected and that's why the bomb hadn't exploded. It must have come lose when he was shot and slumped to the ground. The bomb squad said the bomb was powerful enough to wipe out the shack and everything within a radius of about two hundred yards. It would have definitely killed all of them if it had exploded. They got the bomb contained and dismantled and took the dead prisoner. They told the sheriff they would notify the warden about the dead prisoner and see what he wanted done with the body.

They all gave a big sigh of relief. They thanked the bomb squad. The sheriff told one of the deputies to handcuff the prisoner and take him back to the county jail for booking.

The sheriff was pleased how this all played out. And he needed to give a special award to the waiter for his help and the owner of the cafe. It would be much easier now calling the warden. Everyone involved would be able to sleep better now, knowing these escapees had been captured and would be returning to federal prison. The sheriff let the deputies book the last escapee and he was going to call the warden.

Graham woke up first and saw Bob stirring. He poked Bob and whispered to look to his left. Dave and Cal were all cuddled up together and still sleeping. That was a first that they saw Cal actually cuddling with one of their friends. He usually went off by himself and then came back later. They were happy for Cal and Dave, maybe they had something going. Bob and Graham crawled out of bed and let the love birds sleep. They jumped in the shower and washed each other. They soon were having a sword fight in the shower. They were rubbing and grinding their hardons together. It made them hotter and hornier for each other. Soon they got into a sixty nine in the shower. They fingered each other's holes and deep throated each other's cocks. When they found each other's prostate they came immediately. They dried each other off and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Butch couldn't believe he was going back to jail. Everything had been going to plan. He didn't know where he fucked up. But he sure did big time. He wasn't looking forward to returning to the federal prison. The warden was going to have a field day with him and his buddies. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad when they returned to prison.

The sheriff was whistling and feeling pretty damn good. Capturing Butch and his cohorts went easier than he thought it would. At least there wouldn't be any more bombings or killings. He did feel bad about the prisoner the deputy shot in the head. He would have liked to have seen him rot in jail for the rest of his life. He would call the warden and give him the good news and see when the federal agents would transport the prisoners back to the federal prison and find out how long they would keep the security and body guards. He picked up his phone and called the warden. "Hello, this is the warden, how can I help you sheriff?"

The warden was just as gruff and rough as usual. "I have some good new for you warden."

"I sure as the hell hope so. I could use some good news."

The sheriff then told the warden how he and his deputies captured Butch and the other prisoners. About the deputy shooting one in the head and how he was holding them in county jail. He told the warden about the video he had of Butch's confession and when he should drop it off.

The warden was elated. This was better than he thought it would be. He told the sheriff he would get back to him. He needed to make a few calls first. The warden told the sheriff that they usually keep the security and body guards for three or four days after the crisis has passed. He would call the federal agents and make arrangements for the prisoners to be transported back to the federal prison. He wasn't sure how soon that would happen since it was the weekend. But he thought they might transport them tomorrow, but told the sheriff he would let him know. "I would like your video before the prisoners are here. Could you drop that off tomorrow. I'll be working all weekend now in my office."

"Sure warden. I'll bring the video to your office tomorrow morning. I'll be waiting on your call about the transport of the prisoners."

The warden was pretty happy with the news. That sheriff sure came through for him. He would need to give him some kind of recommendation and mention him to the state governor. He was already formulating a plan when Butch and his cronies would return to prison. He was going to make a big scene about this in front of all the prisoners. The warden hadn't been this happy in years.

The sheriff thought he'd give his good friend Cal a call and give him the good news. He and Cal had been in police academy together. They became good friends. They would train together and workout together. As their friendship grew, they started bunking together and sharing personal information. Their friendship grew and grew until they were more like brothers. They would sneak off to the bathroom late at night when everyone was sleeping. They would jerk each other off and sometimes suck and fuck if they had enough time. Once they graduated from the academy they were assigned to neighboring counties where they were from. They kept their friendship up for awhile. But as they worked themselves up the ranks until they were the sheriff. Their work started separating them and they slowly drifted apart. Yes, he needed to call Cal and maybe they could hook up for lunch one of these days.

Cal woke up and was a little disoriented. Then he remembered he had stayed over at Bob and Graham's house. He felt something warm wrapped around him. He looked down and saw Dave. Dave and him had really hit it off from the start. Cal really liked Dave he was a really cool dude. Dave made Cal think of his sheriff buddy in the neighboring county. Even though they don't see each other anymore, he still thought about him. Dave started stirring. They could feel their morning woodies hitting and rubbing together making them horny. Cal went between Dave's legs and took his throbbing cock in his mouth and gave him a good morning blow job. That finished waking Dave up with a big smile on his face. Dave then returned the favor to Cal. They were two happy campers. They crawled out of bed with an arm around each other and took a shower. Cal was horny all over again and gave Dave a good fucking in the shower. They dried off and could smell breakfast. They didn't put anything on and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning guys. Good timing. Breakfast is almost ready."

Both Dave and Cal came over and gave us a kiss and a hug. "Good we're starving."

We all sat down at the kitchen island and ate our breakfast. We had eggs, bacon and sausage, toast pancakes and juice and coffee. We ate like it was our last meal. I guess our sexual workout had given us an appetite. Soon everything was eaten. I cleaned the kitchen and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I asked the guys what they wanted to do for the rest of the day. We all agreed on working out in the gym for a bit and then using the game room. Cal ran upstairs to grab his cell phone. He never knew when work could call. He was just coming down the stairs when his phone rang. We watched him walk back upstairs to talk on the phone. We assumed it was a work related call.

Cal recognized the call. It was his sheriff buddy from the neighboring county. They hadn't talked for a long time. "Hey Cal, how you doing buddy?"

"I'm doing great. Thanks for asking."

"I'm calling because I have some good news for you."

"What's the good news."

"My deputies and I captured Butch and his gang. I'm holding them right now in the county jail, till they are transported back to the federal prison."

Cal didn't say anything. He was in shock. He couldn't believe what his buddy had told him. "Hello Cal, you there man?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. It just took me by surprise. Congratulation on capturing Butch and his gang. Everyone will be able to sleep better now with them locked up."

"Exactly. When I talked to the warden, he wasn't sure how much longer they would keep security and body guards at the houses. He thought maybe for three or four more days."

"This is great news man. I'm at Bob and Graham's house and I will pass the news on to them. Have you called Reggie and told him?"

"Oh fuck, in all the excitement, I forgot to call Reggie, I'll do that after we finish talking. I wanted to ask you if you would like to have lunch together one of these days?"

"I'd like that. I've missed our talks and have missed you."

"My thoughts exactly. I'll call you this coming week and see when would be a good time to have lunch together."

We disconnected and I just stood there thinking about what the sheriff had told me. I still had a hard time believing they had captured Butch and his gang. Having lunch with my buddy is long overdue. Something to look forward to.

The sheriff got on his phone and called Reggie. "Hello sheriff, what's up?"

"I have some good news for you Reggie."

"Go ahead sheriff I'm all ears. I could use some good news."

My deputies and I captured Butch and his gang and I'm holding them in the country jail till they are transported to the federal prison."

Reggie moved to a more private part of his house. Reggie rarely swore, but he thought this information called for it. "Are you fucking kidding me sheriff?"

"Calm down Reggie. I'm not kidding. Drive down to the jail and you'll see Butch and his buddies in jail."

"I guess I should apologize for my outburst. I just wasn't expecting that news. This is great. How soon will the security and boby guards be gone?"

"I'm not sure. When I talked to the warden he told me probably three or four more days."

"This is fantastic sheriff. I'll be able to sleep now. I'll tell Deb and the kids when we hang up."

"I thought this would be good news for you and your family. As soon as I know how much longer you will have security. I will let you know."

They disconnected. Reggie was elated. He got his family together in the living room and gave them the news. At first they thought he was joking and then realized he was serious. They got into a group hug and then the kids went back to watching tv. Deb was glad it was over as was Reggie. They knew their life could get back to normal and they could concentrate on work and the upcoming parties.

Cal walked back downstairs. He still couldn't believe what the sheriff had told him. He would get the guys together in the gym and give them the news. Bob and Dave noticed Cal looked different. "Is everything ok Cal?"

"Everything is great. You all might want to sit on the bench for what I have to tell you. I just got off the phone from the sheriff in the neighboring county. He and his deputies captured Butch and his gang and are holding them in the county jail until they are transported back to the federal prison."

You could hear a pin drop. It was suddenly quiet in the gym. Finally Bob broke the silence. "Cal your not joking I hope?"

"No joke Bob. This is for real and soon you won't have security and body guards following you all over."

"This is great. Did the sheriff call my brother?"

"He told me he would. Now everyone should be able to sleep well and get back to their regular routine."

The guys put in a good workout. They got really hot and sweaty and showered in the lockerroom. They all fit in the shower with a little room to spare. They used both shower heads on opposite walls. They jerked each other off to release some of the tension and stress that had been building up with the news of the bombing. They felt good once they finished their shower. They dried each other off and walked over to the game room.

They played a team round of pool. Then a couple of the guys played foosball, while a couple other guys played pinballs. They enjoyed that and then crashed for a while in the movie room. Then went back upstairs to the living room and Dave found a good game on. They all got into the game. Bob brought out beer and some of Margaret's appetitizers to munch on. They watched the game to the end. The team they wanted to win, won by a squeaker. They all really enjoyed the close game. They ate some dinner and then went downstairs to continue watching a miniseries they had started watching yesterday. They watched the movie until they were getting so tired they had to call it a night. They went upstairs to bed. They paired off again. Bob and Graham, and Dave and Cal. Each couple made love until they were all completely drained and couldn't get an erection if they tried. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

They woke up Sunday morning. They took turns fucking and sucking each other until they were all sated. Dave and Bob made breakfast while Graham and Cal talked in the living room. Once breakfast was ready, Cal and Graham joined Dave and Bob in the kitchen and they ate their breakfast. They talked more about the capture of Butch and his gang, and how it relieved the stress they had built up. They all agreed they slept the best they had in a long time. Both Cal and Dave said they were going to leave early. They had things they wanted to get done. Bob and Graham suspected they would probably get together later today. They all finished breakfast and they all went upstairs to the bedroom. Cal and Dave got their things together. Cal dropped his pants and underwear. Dave gave him a funny look and then did the same. Bob walked over and gave Cal's cock a kiss and suck. Then he did the same to Dave. He told Dave this was his thank you for coming over for the weekend. Bob and Graham walked with Cal and Dave downstairs. They kissed and hugged and watched Cal and Dave leave through the front gate. The security guards were there watching them leave.

Bob and Graham crashed on the couch. They felt relief and still couldn't believe the capture of Butch and his gang. But they were glad it was over. It was like a big burden had been lifted off their shoulders. Graham turned on the tv and flipped through the sports channels finding a game for them. They cuddled on the couch and watched the game until it was lunch time. They worked together in the kitchen getting lunch warmed. They ate in the living watching the game. They dozed off and on while watching the game. They were getting more relaxed and back to their regular selves. It felt good to doze off emhracing. It was already getting dark out and they made just a snack for dinner. They weren't all that hungry. They washed their dinner down with a beer. They were really getting tired and went to bed. They kissed and hugged, no sex. They didn't always have sex before falling asleep. Knowing the other person was there for them, was enough sometimes. They snuggled up and went to sleep.

They woke up early. The were getting used to getting up early and working out. Holden was going to be gone for a couple of weeks. He had some family matter to attend to. The guys were really horny and sucked each other off in a hot sixty nine. They ran down the stairs and to the locker room. Put on their gym clothes and did their work out. They decided to shower downstairs and made love in the shower. Kissing and making out. They slow fucked each other to satisfying orgasms. Dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was busy in the kitchen and didn't see them. She was a little startled when she turned around and saw them sitting at the kitchen island. "Your breakfast is ready."

"Smells delicious Margaret. I know it's going to taste as good as it smells."

That brought a smile to Margaret's face. The guys kissed her and thanked her and left for work. They were talking as they went to the garage. Next weekend would be the party. They were going to leave Friday after work to get their early. In case Reggie had some last mintute things he needed done. They kissed and hugged in the garage, away from prying eyes. Got in their cars and drove to work. Security was following them.

Bob had just got to work and was in his office when his cell phone rang. It was Cal. "Good morning Cal, what's up?"

"Good morning to you to Bob. Wanted to let you know that Tuesday will be last day with the security and body guards."

"Will that be the same for everybody, no security or body guards after Tuesday?"

"Yes, that was the information I received from the warden and the agents agency. Also, I want to thank you for inviting Dave over for the weekend. We have been getting along pretty good. We're going to spend the weekend together coming up. We know you guys will be gone to the bachelor party and we want to spend more time together and get to know each other better."

"That's great news Cal. I'm glad we could help you and Dave out. I hope everything works out well for the both of you."

We ended our call. We needed to get busy. I already had my first patient waiting on me.

The sheriff in the neighboring county got a call that the FBI agents were on their way to transport Butch and his buddies back to federal prison. The sheriff was glad. He wanted to get rid of them. He didn't like them being in his county jail.

He saw a black van pull up in front the police station. It was unmarked and had the black tinted windows. He saw five agents get out all dressed in black, armed and looking serious. The leader of the agents walked in and talked to the sheriff for a couple of minutes. Soon the other agents joined them and walked back to the cells. The sheriff opened Butch's cell and one agent handcuffed and two of the agents escorted him out to the van. They did the other prisoners the same way. One at a time until they were all loaded in the van and ready to leave. The agent in charge, thanked the sheriff for a doing a good job in capturing the prisoners. The sheriff watched as they drove off. He gave a big sigh of relief seeing them leaving.

The warden got the call he had been waiting on. Butch and his gang were being transported back to his federal maximum security prison. He didn't want to see Butch and the other prisoners. He had talked to the captain of the guards and told him what he wanted done when they arrived at the prison. The captain of the guards got a smile on his face when he heard what the warden wanted done when they arrived.

Soon the black van had entered the federal prison and backed up to an unloading area for new prisoners. The captain of the guards along with three other guards were waiting for the van as they finished backing up. The agents got out and opened the back door. The prisoners were handcuffed and chained to bars that went along the roof and sides of the van. One of the guards unlocked one of the prisoners and the prison guards had him stand to the side. Then unlocked the rest of prisoners one at a time until they were all grouped together. The agents, along with the prison guards escorted Butch and his gang to a holding area. The agents told the prisoners, "welcome home." They laughed and then left.

The captain of the guards called the warden and told them they had the prisoners in the holding area. That was the signal for the warden to get into action.

The warden had an air horn and his bull horn when he wanted to talk to all the prisoners. There was a door in his office that opened to a small balcony that looked down on the mess hall. He used the balcony when he wanted to talk to all the prisoners. Like he was going to do now. The guards were escorting all the prisoners into the mess hall and getting them seated. Prisoners that had been in for years knew that the warden was going to be talking to them. Soon the door opened and the warden blew the air horn. The air horn was loud and reverberated throughout the mess hall. Some of the prisoners put their fingers in their ears, the sound was so loud and echoing. The warden laid the air horn down and was holding his bull horn. He wanted to make sure all the prisoner heard what he was going to say. Finally the warden started, "good morning gentlemen. I have a big surprise for you. That's why your all gathered in the mess hall. We have some returning prisoners I want to introduce to you."

The guards in the holding area escorted Butch and his buddies to the center of the mess hall, so all the prisoners could see them. Butch and his buddies were handcuffed and chained at the feet.

The warden continued, "some of you might remember these prisoners. They were the ones that escaped and were recaptured. Remember how they planned their escape without even asking some of you for your help. Or if you wanted to escape with them. What kind of cell mates and prison buddies are they? They will be in solitary confinement for an indefinite period of time. They will be showering with the prison population and will have one day a month to be in the yard. I want to make sure you welcome them back when you shower and see them in the yard. I'm sure some of you will have a lot you want to say to them. Have a good day gentlemen and be sure to welcome our returning prisoners in your special way." The warden then walked back into his office and closed the door.

The guards then started escorting the prisoners back to their cells. Many of the prisoners pushed and shoved Butch and his buddies as they walked by. Other's gave them stares and glared at them as they walked by. Finally it was just Butch and his buddies left in the mess hall. The guards escorted Butch and the prisoners to solitary confinement. They each had a pitch black cell. No light came into their cells. And there was a slot at the bottom of the door where the guards would shove in their food tray.

Once in his cell, Butch was pissed. He knew they would be in solitary oonfinement, that didn't bother him. What made Butch pissed was what the warden said. The warden knew how to rile up the prisoners and that was what he had done. Butch knew he would have to be on his guard when he showered and was in the yard. There was a gang that never liked him and now this would give them the leverage they needed to gang up on him. Fuck the warden and fuck all the prisoners. I'll make it through this and teach them not to mess with me.

Bob and Graham's day went smoothly. Before they knew it was time to go home. Graham arrived first which was a switch. Usually Bob got home before Graham. Margaret was finishing her housework when Graham arrived. "I didn't expect you Graham?"

"I have a good team and we are working together well. We've been on a roll since we started and now have close to forty clients. The main office is very pleased with how it is going and growing so fast. After we get back from vacation, I'm going to have to hire more staff."

"I'm glad for you," said Margaret. "You've been a blessing for Bob. He's always looked so lost and alone until you started living here. You two sure click, you can tell you've been childhood friends."

Graham told Margaret, "thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. Do you know that tomorrow is the last day for the security and body guards?"

"Yes I do Graham." Margaret started blushing.

"What's the matter Margaret?"

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that I've become rather friendly with one of the security guards and he told ne after they finished tomorrow, he would like to invite me to dinner."

"That's terrific news Margaret. Are you going to take him up on his offer?"

"I think so. He's a very nice man and I haven't been out for so long, I'm actually looking forward to it."

"Good for you. You'll have a great time. And it's good for you to get out."

Margaret finished her duties for the day and we said our good byes. Just as she left I heard Bob pull into the garage. He came in and we kissed and hugged. "What a nice surprise. Your home before me."

"My team is doing such a good job that I was able to leave early."

"Glad your home babe. What should we do?"

They went upstairs and changed into some shorts and tshirts. They still didn't go naked much around the house. They could wait a couple more days until the guards were gone. Bob told Graham he was going to call Reggie and tell them we were coming up after work on Friday in case he had some last minute things that needed to be done. Bob called his brother. "Hey bro, glad you called."

"Wanted you to know that we will coming up Friday after work. We want to be their early in case there's some last minute things that need to be done."

"That's great. It will give you and Graham a chance to look everything over and see if I missed anything. You'll be able to stay at the Penthouse with me."

"What about Deb?"

"She's will be finishing work early Friday and helping her friends with their last minute preparations for the bachelorette party."

"Great we'll see you early Friday evening at the Penthouse."

Bob called the male stripper to confirm their show Saturday evening. He told Bob not to worry they would be there. Everything was a go on there end. It was on their calendar. Date place and time.

Deb was busy helping her friends. She had made a couple of calls to confirm the female strippers. What she didn't know was that they were lesbians and really looking forward to performing for about twenty women.

The rest of the week went quick. Bob and Graham double checked their vacation plans and that was a go for the next weekend after the bachelor party.

They got home Friday from work. They already had packed their bags. They wanted to relax and rest a bit before the long drive to the hotel. Bob knew the hotel. He had been there a few times with Reggie and Deb and it was a great four star hotel. Bob and Graham took a quick shower. They didn't fool around they could do that tonight in their bedroom in the penthouse. They changed into casual clothes. Warmed dinner and ate that in the living room watching the news and reading the newspaper. The newspaper had a short article on the return of the escapees back to the maximum security prison. They both read that article. They felt they had relaxed long enough and it was time to get going. It was nice not having the security and body guards around anymore. Bob would drive and if he got tired he would have Graham take over. Bob locked and armed the alarm system. They pulled out of the garage and through the gate and were on their way to the penthouse.

The owner of The Big One finally got a settlement on his car. The insurance company reimbursed him with a check for the value of his car. That provided enough money for him to buy a new car and his insurance would be covered for the first year. The insurance company for his business had finally settled. The only way he would receive insurance money was if he rebuilt. It wasn't something he wanted to do. But the money would come in handy. The FBI had finished their investigation of the bombing and so it was a go to start construction of his knew porn shop. He would have to think of a new name.

The sheriff had received word from the FBI that they had finished their investigation. The sheriff was glad, he wanted to return the Toyota to the orginal owner. He called a deputy and told him to drive him to the bombing site, the investigation was over and he was going to return the Toyota. The sheriff had the keys for the car. He had got them from Butch when he was in the county jail and kept them for this day. The deputy pulled in to the station and they took off to the former porn shop. When they got there everything was cleared off and you would never had known their was a shop here. The Toyota was still in the same place and didn't look like it had been bothered with. The sheriff got in the Toyota and it started right off. The deputy followed the sheriff. They finally got to the owners house. The sheriff had called earlier and told the man he was bringing his Toyota home. The owner kept looking out his windows and waited for them to bring his car. He hadn't seen his car in over four years. It had been stolen and then resold and resold and stolen a couple more times. He thought it was lost and he would never see it again. He was an old man and never married. His car was his wife and kids. He cried when he went to the parking lot after shopping and his car was gone. He had reported it right away, but never heard any more about his car. Suddenly he saw his wife coming down the driveway. Tears started forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes. It looked just like he remembered it. The sheriff parked and got out. The deputy pulled up alongside the Toyota. The old man came out of the house. The sheriff saw his red eyes. "Here's your baby back."

The sheriff could see the man's eyes were red. He knew he had been crying. The man walked over to his car. And starting running his hands all over it, like he couldn't believe it was there. He opened the driver's door and sat in the seat, putting his hands on the steering wheel. He got out. And thanked the sheriff for bringing his car back. He asked the sheriff if he would like a cup of coffee. The sheriff declined and said they needed to get back to the station. They shook hands and the sheriff and deputy left. The old man collapsed. He was so happy to have his wife and kids back. He sat on his front steps and just stared at his car. It was starting to get dark. He parked his car in the garage. Went inside and thanked God that his wife and kids were safe and slept like he never had while his wife and kids were gone.

Traffic was pretty heavy driving to the hotel. And it was taking longer than usual. There were still over an hour away. They thought they would stop at the next rest stop. Get out and stretch and buy some coffee if they had a coffee vending machine. It felt good to get out and stretch. Took a piss break and they had a coffee vending machine. They refilled their travel mugs and took off.

Traffic was a little lighter. It looked strange to see nothing when they drove by The Big One or least where The Big One used to be. Bob wondered if the owner would rebuild or move somewhere else. They finally arrived in town. It took about forty minutes. Bob wasn't tired and had driven the whole way. Bob found the hotel and they parked in the front entrance. A bellman came out and asked if they had reservations. Bob told him who they were. He said a valet would park his car and a bellboy would bring their luggage up to the penthouse. They got out and walked into the lobby. The hotel was just what Bob remembered. Graham was impressed how elegant and sophisticated it looked. The bellman showed them the elevator that would take them to the penthouse. They went up the elevator. They thought they would lose it as fast as the elevator went. But soon the door opened and they walked the short distance to the door to the penthouse. The door was unlocked and they walked in. Wow, what a place. This place was huge. They saw the stage set up and the chairs set up in a horseshoe around it. They saw the open bar going the length of one wall. There were tables set up for seating after the show. They walked down a hallway and found the bedrooms. They all looked like master bedroom size. They each had their own bathroom, living room, dining room and guest bathroom. This is fantastic they told each other. Soon a head peeked around the corner. "What do you think bro?"

"Damn Reggie you really outdid yourself. I didn't know Jarvis was this good of a friend."

"Come on bro. You know Jarvis and I have been friends since we were young kids, like you and Graham. Jarvis is like another brother and I would do anything for him."

"This place is really over the top. If Jarvis doesn't like this I'm going to kick his ass."

"We'll find out later. He will be coming over later. He and Jennifer are going to say their good byes and then he'll be here."

"The bar is stocked and ready to go if you guys want something, go ahead."

We all walked over to the bar and grabbed a cold beer. It tasted pretty good after the long drive. We heard a knock on the door. I went over and the bellboy was there with our luggage. I asked Reggie which bedroom we would be using. He said pick whatever one you want. They are all almost identical. We choose the bedroom furthest back and had the bellboy put our luggage in that bedroom. I gave him a good sized tip and he told us all if there was anything we needed to call the bellman's station and he would be right here.

I told Reggie everything looked perfect. Graham agreed with me. We didn't see anything else that needed to be done. The hotel had done a great job of setting up the penthouse for the bachelor party. We went out on the balcony which looked out across the city. We sat on loungers and drank our beer. We just waited for Jarvis to arrive.

Deb was busy with her gal pals putting the last minute touches on everything for the bachelorette party. They were also using a hotel. It wasn't like the one Reggie was using, but it was still a great hotel. Deb rented two floors. The top floor was also a penthouse but nothing like the one Reggie rented. It was much smaller with only one master bedroom and a smaller guest bedroom. They had a small stage setup for their show. Chairs were arranged in rows in front of the stage. There were a few tables setup for sitting and they had a small open bar. Deb thought it was looking finished and they waited for Jennifer to arrive. Deb wasn't a big drinker, so she had a glass of water while they waited. Her friends each had a vodka martini.

Reggie Bob and Graham were talking about Butch and the prisoners and how they were captured. It was a big relief for all of them. They were glad to be rid of the security and body guards. Reggie told them how Bryan thought it was cool he had body guards taking him to school. He said he felt like a celebrity. His friends thought it was pretty cool that he had body guards. Suddendly the door opened and Jarvis walked in. They all got up and walked and over and shook hands. Bob almost leaned in to give Jarvis a kiss and a tight hug and pulled back just in time. He realized that he wasn't at home now. Whew, that was a close call. They walked to the bar and grabbed a beer. We all walked around the penthouse with Jarvis. He thought it looked pretty cool. He kept asking what the entertainment was. But we didn't budge and didn't tell him anything. We talked about what we did after we graduated from high school and college. We all told Jarvis it was about time he married Jennifer, they had been together longer than some married couples. He agreed. Graham and I got up and told the guys we were going to bed. We were tired after work and the long drive. We said our goodnights and walked back to our bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom we stripped naked. Locked the door and took a long hot steamy shower. We got hard washing each other and soon Graham was rimming me and then giving me a fantastic fuck. Once he came. I returned the favor. We were drained and really tired after our love making. We crawled into bed. Cuddled up together and fell asleep.

Reggie and Jarvis talked about us. They thought we hadn't changed much from college. Maybe a little more muscular and a bit older looking. They were glad we were together. Jarvis and Reggie walked over to the bar and grabbed another beer. They talked more about when they were younger and some of things they used to do. Jarvis surprised Reggie when he asked him if wanted to do some of those same things this weekend. Reggie kind of hemmed and hawed around. Remember Jarvis I'm a married man. When we did our fooling around we were young kids experimenting. Jarvis told him he would like to do more experimenting. Reggie thought more about it. What the hell, this was all about Jarvis this weekend. Nobody will know. He agreed with Jarvis. They took their beer and went to the bedroom where Reggie had some of his things. They stripped down and looked at each other. They had grown more from their early days. Reggie had broader shoulders and some body hair. His cock was about seven and a half inches hard and cut. Jarvis had dark hair too. He had matured nicely. He was well toned and had some body hair. He looked to be about the same size as Reggie, maybe just a bit thicker. They climbed into bed and rolled together. They started kissing and hugging like they did when they were kids. It felt good to both of them and brought back memories they had suppressed over the years. Their cocks got instantly hard and they were hitting together. They reached down and felt each other and grabbed each other's cocks. They stroked until they were close to cumming. They moved around into a sixty nine and finished each other off. Reggie really liked it as well as Jarvis. They would definitely have to do more this weekend. They were tired and fell asleep. Reggie was laying on his side and he felt Jarvis move up next to him. Spooning him from the back side. He didn't move away. He actually liked it. Usually when he and Deb had sex. Once she came it was over and no more lovey dovey stuff. This seemed different with Jarvis and he liked it. They soon were sound asleep.

Deb and Jennifer's two friends left. They needed to get home to their husbands. Told Deb and Jen they would be back by noon tomorrow. That just left Deb and Jennifer. Jennifer finally talked Deb into having a drink. This was Jennifer's third drink and she was feeling it. Jennifer was always the adventurous one and willing to try anything at least once. The conversation started moving to when they were kids and would have sleepovers. How they played bounce and made their tits bounce up and down. How they started fingering each other's pussies and rubbing their clits. Both gals were starting to get horny and headed to the bedroom. They stripped down and got into a sixty nine eating each other out and then fingering each other until they came. They were tired after working all day and hugged and kissed and snuggled together as they drifted off to dreamland.

Here it was the big day for the bachelor and bachelorette party. Everything was ready at both penthouses. All they needed were for the guests to arrive. As it got closer to noon. Some of the invitees started arriving at Jarvis' bachelor party. They had a couple of bartenders and a couple of waiters. The workers knew they were working a bachelor party and that it might get pretty rowdy as the day and night went on. They didn't mind. There were all bisexual and had seen many things working these kind of parties. Soon more guests were arriving and there was about twenty guys wandering around. Should be a few more coming. Some had to work, so they wouldn't be coming till later.

Jarvis greeted the guests as they arrived and took them around and introduced them to some of the guys they didn't know. Most of the invitees were friends and former teammates of Jarvis and Reggie. There were a few workers that were invited where Jarvis worked, otherwise everybody pretty much knew everybody else. As the day wore on the booze was flowing freely and the talking was getting louder and louder. The background music helped to ease some of the loud talking. Soon it was getting later and getting close to entertainment time. The strippers had arrived and were shown where they could change and stay until the show started. Jarvis never saw Bob take the strippers to their changing area. Soon everyone was seated around the stage and had their drinks and were munching on appetizers. The lights dimmed and the background music was turned off. Soon a spotlight came on and Bob was on the stage. "Gentlemen it's now time for tonight's entertainment. Please welcome the all male review." There was cheering and whistling as the stage went dark and the music started for the show.

Soon the curtain opened and the lights came up. The strippers were dressed all in black. They looked really sharp and just as hot as Bob and Graham remembered. They started out slow moving to the music and going through their moves. Soon the tempo and beat of the music picked up and the strippers were really getting into the music. They ripped their shirts off to the music and you could see their ripped chests and abs. They were really gyrating and strutting to the music. They turned quick and bent over and pulled their pants off. You could see their muscular glutes and muscles moving as they danced to the music. They turned and you could see them in their g strings. The audience was cheering and hollering to take it all off. Some of the guys in the audience were rubbing their bulges. The strippers got in a line bumping and grinding together in time with the music. The first stripper pulled the g string off the second stripper and they went down the line until all the g strings at been thrown out to the audience. Some of the audience members were smelling the g strings and rubbing them over their crotches. The strippers were well hung and their cocks and balls were bouncing and flopping back and forth to the music. The audience was really getting into the show. Some had opened their pants and were stroking their cocks in front of everybody. Some of the guys in the audience were hugging and kissing each other and feeling each other up. The waiters and bartenders really enjoyed the show too. They had big bulges in their pants. Soon the lights dimmed and the music faded out. The audience cheered and hollered more and gave the strippers a standing ovation. The background music started and the lights in the penthouse came back up. The guys were getting drunk and had lost a lot of their inhibitions and were kissing and hugging and jerking each other off. The strippers came out naked and started mingling with the audience. They were giving lap dances while they were felt up and stroked. Everyone was enjoying themselves. This went on until the wee hours of the morning until some guys were passed or too tired to do anything. Some paired off and went to the bedrooms while other joined. The bartenders and waiters had left after midnight. The penthouse was a mess of empty bottles, food on the floor and the smell of sex permeated the room and bedrooms. Finally everyone was asleep or passed out. Bob Graham Reggie and Jarvis had made it back to their bedroom and locked the door and had their own fun before going to sleep.

The bachelorette party was a big success too. The lesbian strippers really got the audience moving and going. The gals were hollering and yelling at the strippers. They were more rowdy than the guys. Most of the audience was naked by the time the strippers finished. As they drank more the more they had sex. All the gals had cum at least twice and many had multiple orgasms. They were exhausted but sexually satisfied. Jennifer Deb and two of the strippers went to the master bedroom. The rest of the guests and strippers went to their rooms on the reserved floor below the penthouse. Jennifer was already having doubts about marrying Jarvis. She was having too much fun being single and with her best friend Deb. They were doing all the things and more when they were younger and really making up for lost time.

The guys woke up with big throbbing heads and not their dick heads. The hangovers were not feeling good. Bob and Graham weren't in such bad shape as Jarvis and Reggie. Bob and Graham didn't drink as much as they did. They just laid in bed talking about the party and how great a job the strippers did. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and Jarvis was really having a good time. They thought the party was a success. They got up and showered and went back to bed and rested for a bit. They didn't have any sex. They just kissed and hugged and snuggled together. That felt good and that was enough to satisfy them. Sex was always good, but it wasn't the most important thing in their relationship. The companionship and being able to share together was very important to them. Like their upcoming vacation. They were really getting excited about that. Next weekend they would be in the Bahamas. They put on some shorts and a tshirt and walked out to the main room. It looked like some of the staff had started cleaning the penthouse. Most everything was picked up and wiped off. The only thing left to move were the chairs, extra tables and the portable stage with it's own lighting and sound equipment. They went back to their bedroom and called room service and ordered breakfast to be delivered to their room. They didn't hear Jarvis or Reggie. They were going to leave after breakfast. If Reggie and Jarvis weren't up when they left. They would leave them a note. Thanking them for a great party. They needed to leave early. They wanted to avoid the traffic. Soon there was a knock on the door and room service was their. The waiter rolled the cart in with their breakfast. Thanked them for using room service and Graham tipped the waiter. Breakfast was good, but Margaret's was better. They ate their breakfast. Went back to the bedroom and got dressed and packed their overnight bags and walked back out. They used a notepad and pen from their room and left a note for Jarvis and Reggie. They checked out of the hotel. The valet brought the car to the front and he loaded their overnight bags in for them. They tipped him and now it was Graham's turn to drive home.

Reggie woke up first, His head was pounding and he felt like shit. Jarvis had woken yet. Reggie didn't want to move and wake him. So they laid there with their bodies intertwined. He was thinking the party was really something else. He couldn't believe how open their friends were about having sex in front of everybody. The strippers were a good idea for entertainment. He would have to thank Bob for having them. Reggie felt good about being with his best friend Jarvis. It didn't bother hin about having sex with him. Nobody would find out and it wasn't something they did regularly. He still loved Deb dearly. But his strong sex drive sometimes made him have sex with Jarvis. Jarvis started stirring and opened his eyes. He pulled Reggie to him and they kissed. They got up and relieved their bladders. They decided to shower together. The shower turned into sex and soon they were moaning and gasping and panting and shooting out big morning loads all over the shower walls. They jerked each other off. That's all they could handle with their hangovers. They dried off and would thank Bob for inviting the strippers. They put on some shorts and tshirts and walked out of their room. Reggie saw a note on one of the tables. He read it to Jarvis. They understood why Bob and Graham left early. Reggie told Jarvis he would call his brother later and thank him for the strippers. Reggie went back to the bedroom and called room service and ordered hreakfast. While Reggie was in the bedroom it gave Jarvis time to think. He thought he might actually be falling for Reggie. Reggie meant more to him than just a friend. He was still going to marry Jennifer but after this weekend he didn't want him and Reggie to stop being together. He would have to talk to Reggie when they ate breakfast. Room service came and they started eating their breakfast. Reggie knew Jarvis well enough that he knew he wanted to tell him something. "Ok Jarvis, what's eating you?"

"Fuck Reggie, you know me too well. I've been thinking about what happened this weekend between me and you. And I don't want it to stop. I still want to marry Jennifer, but I don't want to lose you. I want us to still get together once in awhile for our own fun."

Reggie didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. It was making Jarvis nervous. Finally Reggie said, "you know I'm married with two kids. I love Deb very much. But I agree with you. I don't want us to drift apart again. I agree we need to see each other once in awhile and have our own fun together. I'm sure we can work something out so our wives won't get suspicious."

"I was worried Reggie that this would be a one time thing this weekend. I'm glad you want to get together. I agree, we should be able to work things out." They finished their breakfast got dressed and decided they should go back to their homes. They would stay in touch and get together as often as they could. They checked out and drove back to their homes.

Deb and Jennifer and the strippers woke up with major hangovers. The strippers woke up first, showered and left. They needed to get back to the club and see when they would have their next show. Deb and Jennifer watched them get ready to leave. They kissed and hugged each other when they left. Deb and Jennifer kissed and showered together. Their nipples got hard and they sucked on each other's while they fingered each other. Soon they were moaning and gasping for air as they came. They dried off got dressed and ordered room service. They had the same conversation as Reggie and Jarvis. They wanted to get together when they could. They didn't want to lose contact with each other. They thought they should leave after breakfast and go to their homes. They finished breakfast. Put their few things in their bags. Kissed and hugged and promised each other to stay in contact and drove to their homes.

Jarvis and Jennifer arrived home almost at the same time. They both looked exhausted. They embraced and kissed. However, they both could tell there was something different about the other person. They talked about the parties and how much they had enjoyed themselves. They agreed they needed to start spending some time with their best friends. Probably not till after the wedding. They put on their pajamas and crawled into bed. Turned the tv on and watched a movie and snuggled together. They still loved each other very much and enjoyed their time together. However, in the back of their minds they were thinking about spending time with their best friends. Soon they fell asleep snuggled together with the tv going.

Reggie got home a few minutes before Deb. They both looked tired. They kissed and hugged. And were glad to be back home. They fixed a snack in the kitchen and talked about the parties. They both enjoyed the parties a lot, but were glad it was over. They talked about how they had renewed their friendships with their best friends and had promised their best friends they would start spending more time with them. Reggie and Deb agreed they wouldn't be getting with their best friends till after the wedding. The kids were staying with Deb's parents. Her parents would take the kids to school tomorrow and then they would take the school bus home. Deb and Reggie cuddled up on the oouch and watched tv. They started making out and realized how much they had missed the other. Soon Reggie was fucking Deb and they were really going at it. Reggie came in Deb. He pulled Deb over on top of him and they laid that way watching tv. Soon they fell asleep on the couch with the tv going.

Cal and Dave were having a good weekend together. Once they got to Cal's house they stripped and never got dressed again. Cal was really liking Dave and vice versa. They had a mutual connection. Even though there was a few years age difference, that wasn't a problem for them. Cal had had lunch a couple of times with his sheriff buddy in the next county. However, with the long distance they didn't get together very often. Their work kept them pretty busy. Cal knew now why Bob and Drake had only gotten together on the weekends. That was another reason he liked Dave. They lived close and it would be easy for them to get together. Cal really liked kissng and hugging and being affectionate with Dave. It was completely out of his character, but it seemed so easy and natural with Dave. Sex was fantastic and Dave really liked getting fucked. That pleased Cal. He really liked fucking and being a top. He wasn't too much into getting fucked. But he let Dave fuck him when he wanted to. They had done everything together over the weekend. Showered together, cooked meals together, ate together and couldn't get enough of each other. It was already Sunday afternoon and Cal knew Dave would have to leave soon. He wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye. But he was being realistic and knew they would get together again soon. He would just enjoy Dave as much as he could until he had to leave.

Butch was really not a happy camper. He had just got back to his cell after their morning shower. The guards had made sure the gang that didn't like Butch was in the shower at the same time. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and loud talking. But nothing violent happened. Butch was surprised. He thought it would be just a matter of time before they ganged up on him and his buddies. The guards would probably leave the area or just look the other way. Butch was not a popular prisoner. Especially after the warden got all the inmates stirred up with his talk. He would just have to try to be as careful in the shower room as possible. He was glad he was in solitary confinement. He was away from the inmates and they couldn't harass him.

Bob and Graham got home. It was nice not seeing the security guards around. They parked in the garage and Graham disarmed the alarm system. They took their bags out of the SUV and walked into the kitchen. The house looked good and they were glad to be home. They went up to their bedroom and unpacked and put away their overnight bags. It was nice being able to go around the house naked again. They were hungry and tired after the weekend. They raided the frig and found some leftovers and enough things to make a couple of sandwiches. They took their food and beer to the living room. Turned on the tv. They talked about the party and how much they had enjoyed themselves. Bob and Graham thought the male strippers were a good idea. They both didn't realize how uninhibited Jarvis and Reggie's friends were. Most of them were married or dating. They were surprised how they were all getting it on and having a good time. They finished their quick dinner, watched a little tv and then went to bed early.

The next few days dragged for Bob and Graham. They were getting everything organized for their vacation at work. Shirley had all of Bob's patients rescheduled and Janice would be able to do routine work in the clinic. Graham had everything organized with his assistant, so everything was a go for him. They called the charter airlines to confirm their flight and were told the limousine would pick them up early for their early flight. Bob talked with Margaret and told her she would only need to come a couple times a week to clean and have food ready for them when they returned. Bob told Margaret not to worry, that she would be paid the same as always for a full month. And if she was really nice they would bring her back something from the Bahamas. She just smiled about that.

The guys had their luggage packed and were already for leaving. They were waiting on the limousine. They had slept well and were felling good. They were scheduled to arrive in the Bahamas around noon. So that would be a perfect time to get acquainted with the hotel, grab something to eat and do a little site seeing. They heard the speaker and Bob pressed the button and the limousine pulled in. It was a stretch Mercedes Benz limousine. The chaffeur got out and opened the trunk. Bob opened the front door and the chaffeur put their luggage in the trunk. Since they were going on a private charter plane, there were not weight restriction on the the luggage and they could take as many pieces of luggage as they wanted. They had both settled on one large and one medium sized piece of luggage. It all fit in the trunk and they climbed into the back. The chaffeur greeted them and they were on their way to the airport. The limousine had a built in bar. It was early so they just drank some bottled water. Soon they arrived at the airport. They were taken to a different part where private jets were. The chaffeur was able to drive right up to the plane. The door was open to the plane. It looked pretty big for a private charter plane. They walked up the steps and into the plane. The steward greeted them and they walked into the plane. There was a lot of room. Four large chairs with a table in the center. A bathroom to the back. It had a small galley for the steward and another bathroom at the front. There was the pilot and a copilot. The steward asked them if they would like something to drink before they took off. Bob and Graham agreed on bloody Mary's. Their luggage was being loaded and the plane was being fueled. The steward promptly brought their drinks. The steward then went back and was getting breakfast ready. The captain/pilot announced they would be taking off soon and they should buckle their seatbelts. They got fastened in and soon they were airborne. Once they reached their cruising speed and altitude the steward prepared the table and brought their breakfast. Eggs benedict with ham, orange juice and coffee. The breakfast was delicious. They had to admit it was better than Maragaret's and that was quite a feat. They ate it all and just relaxed and enjoyed their coffee. They couldn't actually believe they were going on vacation for two weeks in the Bahamas. They looked some more at the printout they had done of the hotel and bungalow they would be staying in and read over all the amenities the hotel offered. It was going on mid morning with only about an hour left until they should be landing. They asked the steward to bring them a beer. In just a couple of minutes he was back with their beer and chilled glasses. Bob was staring at Graham and making him a little self conscious. "What's this look your giving me?"

"I was wondering how we could have sex in the plane."

"Graham almost choked on his beer."

"You ok babe?"

"Yeah, you just took me by surprise."

"If it was just us we could do some fooling around."

The steward over heard them talking. He was familiar with the Bahamas and knew they were staying at a gay hotel and in a gay area in the Bahamas. He had made this flight many times. But he had to stay professional and not let on that he knew anything of where they were staying or what they were talking about it. He came back out of the galley and asked Bob and Graham if they would like a snack before they landed. They both agreed.

The smells were great coming from the galley. Soon the steward fixed the table and bought a variety of canapes and asked them if they would like another beer. They told him sure and he brought them another beer with chilled glasses. The canapes were delicious and the beer was good with them.

The pilot announced they would be landing and to fasten their seat belts. The steward cleared off the table and fastened his seatbelt. Soon they were landing and were in the Bahamas. They again went to the area for private flights at the airport. They saw a limousine waiting for them. Once the plane came to a stop. They unfastened their seatbelts and deboarded the plane. It was a little warmer out, but felt good. The chaffeur greeted them and loaded their luggage into the trunk. This was another stretch Merecedes Benz limousine. They waved bye to the pilot co pilot and steward. They were on their way to the hotel. As they were going to the hotel, they couldn't believe how lush the plants were and everything was very colorful. The chaffeur pointed out different landmarks and places as they went to the hotel. The hotel was located on the far side of the island in a rather remote area. The chaffeur told them he was available twenty four hours anytime they wanted to go somewhere shopping or do some site seeing.

It took a few minutes and they finally arrived at the hotel. Wow, what a place from the outside. It was huge, Beautifully decorated in a tropical theme with more lush tropical plants. The colors were amazing. Bob and I walked up to the front door and a doorman opened it for us. The chaffeur brought in our luggage and placed it in a wheeled cart and have a porter take our luggage to our bungalow and show us around. In the large lobby we walked to the receptionists desk and the receptionist verified our reservations and said he would like us to wait a couple of minutes for the porter. The porter arrived, a nice looking young man, probably college age. He pushe the roll cart with our luggage and told us to follow him. We went on a paved path that wound around and arrived at our bungalow. He opened the door for us. What a place. It was a beautiful lanai suite layout with large sliding doors that looked out to the ocean. We had our own private patio with a pool and hot tub. This was perfect. It looked even beter than the brochure. We tipped the porter and unpacked our suitcases. We weren't hungry and thought we'd walk around and start getting acquainted with the hotel and all it's amenities. We noticed the porter had left a map and a detailed brochure of the hotel and where different things were located. We changed into khaki shorts and a pull over and wore sneakers. We picked up the map and thought we would use that as a guide to find out what all the hotel offered.

We noticed a few other guests walking around. We greeted each other as we walked by. We noticed them checking us out. Well after all this is a gay hotel. We came to the hotel pool. It was large and could accommodate a large crowd of people. We saw a few guys sunning themselves, some were in speedos and some were naked. All really hunky hot looking guys. They waved to us. We were starting to think we were over dressed. We went into the hotel lobby and looked around. There were two dining rooms and a banquet room and it looked like a movie room. We checked our map and it was a movie room. The hotel manager happened to see us and asked us how we liked our bungalow and the hotel. We told we had just arrived, but everything we saw was better than we expected. He told us there was going to entertainment tonight by the pool if we were interested. We asked what time that would start and he said around nine. We thanked him and took off following our map. We found the gym in it's own building. It had a lockerroom and a shower room. The gym looked like it could accommodate about fifty to sixty people, it was quite large and well equipped. We followed the map some more and found tennis courts, basketball courts and a mini golf course with a putting green off to the side.

Almost every guy we encountered was naked and young or close to our age thirty. We didn't see any older men. I asked Graham about that and he thought they probably catered more to a younger crowd. We kept using our map and found the path that led to the private beach. We walked out a little ways. There was a group of guys playing beach volleyball. They were all naked. Many other guys were by themselves or with someone else sunning themselves. A few were in the water horsing around. Everyone we saw on he beach was naked. We left the beach and walked back to our bungalow. It was nice to be able to be ourselves. We held hands when we were walking and kissed each other when we felt like it. We would definitely shed these clothes when we got back and start walking around naked. We noticed the bed had been turned down for us. There was a box of welcome chocolates on the bed and a large flower arrangement. We stripped off our clothes, put on our flip flops and walked out to our private balcony and patio and sat by he pool. It made me remind myself that I needed to get mine working. The view was terrific and we laid down on a double lounger. The lounger fit us perfect and it was nice to just lay here with Graham right next to me.

I heard Graham's stomach rumbling and asked him if he was hungry. He said he was and I asked him if we should order room service or go to one of the dining rooms. He thought we should go to one of the dining rooms and maybe meet some new friends. I thought that was a good idea. We put some deck shoes on and stayed naked. We closed and locked the bungalow, no pockets for the room key. Guess I"ll have to stick in my ass. I thought Graham was going to choke he was laughing so hard. I held on to it and we walked to the hotel lobby. The receptionist motioned to us. He gave me a stretch wrist band with a pace for the room key. We thanked him. Again, everyone we encountered was naked. We were getting used to this quick. We noticed only one dining room was open. The maitre'd welcomed us and led us to a table. He didn't seem to care that we were naked. About ninety percent of the guys in the restaurant were naked and everyone was cool about it. Our waiter came to our table and asked us if we would like something to drink before we ordered our meal. Both Graham and I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. We looked around, the dining room was big and spread out. I figured when this one was full they probably opened the other dining room. Or if they a special event then they might use the other dining room. The waiter came with our drinks. All our meals were included in our travel package. We only had to pay for our drinks. We were holding hands while we sipped on our drink. Graham told me this was best time he had ever had and he was glad we were sharing it together. We noticed a man sitting directly across from us by himself. He would keep looking over at us. He was quite handsome and muscular, just the kind of guy I like. He looked to be tall, dark hair and a little hair on his chest. Hairy arms and legs. He also looked like he had a nice sized cock. It was hard to tell exactly because of the way he was sitting.

Our waiter came back to our table and asked us if we were ready to order. We both ordered a blackened rib eye steak medium. And another drink. We saw the guy sitting across from us get up and walk over to our table. I hope I'm not bothering you, but I couldn't help noticing how much in love you two seem to be. We told him we were in love and really enjoying our vacation. He asked if he could sit with us. We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Kendrick. He seemed friendly enough and he did have a big cock soft. We talked and he told Graham and I that he came here at least two times a year and sometimes more if his work permitted. This was his place to get away and unwind from work. He asked us if it was okay if he ordered and ate with us. We told him sure and motioned for our waiter to come over. The waiter took Kendrick's order. We talked more and Kendrick said he was pretty familiar with the island and knew all the really cool places to go. He told us the hotel always had different things going on, but sometimes it was nice to get away and go somewhere else. He told us he had his own driver and would be glad to take us anywhere we wanted to go. We thanked him and told him we had limousine service twenty four seven. The waiter brought our dinner and we noticed Kendrick was also drinking scotch and water on the rocks.

While we were eating we talked about our professions, I told Kendrick I was a family doctor or better known as general practioner. Graham told him he was manager of branch division that were financial analysts. Kendrick told us he was an entrepreneur that traveled and wrote articles on places he stayed and ate and owned many travel magazines and travel agencies. He said he liked traveling so his work was perfect for him. We asked that he must have seen some very interesting places. He told us he enjoyed the asian countries the most. But he really enjoyed coming here to the Bahamas, because it wasn't work related. He had written an article about this place a few years ago and the owner said it increased his business by over eighty percent. So anytime he came here everything was paid for.

Our dinner was delicious and we all decided to have an after dinner drink. Kendrick told us not to worry about paying for the drinks he would take care of it. We thanked him. We asked Kendrick if he knew what the show was tonight by the pool. He said it was a drag show. Both Graham and I told him that wasn't something we were interested in. Kendrick told us to think about it. The show was very good and they always had a good sized audience. He said we could all sit together and enjoy the show. We thought about it and decided if Kendrick thought it was good, we would join him and watch the show. We told Kendrick we were going back to our bungalow and would meet him here around a quarter to nine to watch the show. Kendrick asked us which bungalow we were in. We told him and he said he had the next bungalow after us. He would come by our bungalow and we could all walk to the show together. We got up and Kendrick walked with us back to our bungalow and then we saw him go on down the path to his bungalow.

I was watching Kendrick walk down the path. Graham asked me, "do you like the scenery?"

"Kendrick is pretty hot. But nobody compares to you."

Graham liked that and pulled me in for a long hug and kiss. We were thinking about going to the gym, but decided we wouldn't have enough time since we were going to the show. We went back out on the patio and turned the jets on in the hot tub and climbed in. The warm water felt good swirling around. Graham and I sat close to each other with an arm around each other's shoulders. We could see the ocean and part of the beach from our patio. It was calming and relaxing, something we both needed after everything that had been going on. Graham reached into the water and started fondling my cock and balls while making out with me. He was really turning me on and soon I was doing the same to him. He sat up on the edge of the hot tub at a perfect height where I could get between his legs and suck his balls and then his growing hardon. I had Graham moaning and panting in no time. He blasted a nice sized load down my throat. Then we changed positions and Graham got between my legs, sucking on my balls which he knew really got me going. Then deep throated me and it wasn't long till I was moaning and panting and shooting down Graham's throat. We hugged and kissed after our quick love making session. And sat for a while longer in the hot tub. It was starting to get dusk out and I could see the lights coming on on the paths and lights on the beach. That was a good idea, I thought. I had never seen lights on a beach before.

Graham climbed out of the hot tub to check the time. He came back with a couple of beers for us and said it was only seven thirty. It was going to be a nice warm evening, perfect temperature for going naked. We just leaned back, closed our eyes and enjoyed the warm water and our closeness. It gave me some time to think about how much I really did love Graham. He was perfect, actually we were good for each other. I didn't really think much of our regular working out until we came here and all the guys that would stare at us. We got more stares and winks once we started walking around naked. I must have dozed off a bit. I felt Graham nudging me and he told me we should probably get out of the hot tub and shower and get ready for the show. I didn't know what he meant by getting ready. We would be going to the show naked. But a shower sounded good. Get rid of this chlorine which dries the skin. I turned the jets off and we climbed out of the hot tub. Towelled off and went into the bathroom and took a shower. We rinsed the chlorine out of our hair and off our bodies. We didn't fool around anymore in the shower, we would do that later when we went to bed. We dried each other off giving us a semi. But who cares. It will give everybody more to look at and wish they could have it. We combed our hair, splashed on a little cologne, put our deck shoes on and waited for Kendrick.

We heard Kendrick around twenty minutes before nine. We walked out and he noticed our semis, I saw him staring but didn't say anything. I thought I saw his cock twitch and chub a little. I locked our bungalow and we all walked to the pool for the show. When we got their it was filling up. Maybe Kendrick was right and this show was pretty good. We would find out soon. We found a place to sit kind of in the middle with a good view of the stage. Soon the lights dimmed and some really good dance music started. The lights came back up on the stage and there were five drag queens standing there. They actually looked pretty good, it was hard to tell they were actually men. They started singing to the music and dancing. They were really good. The song finished and the audience cheered and applauded. Soon more music started and a different drag queen came out on stage and did a song by Cher. You would have thought Cher was on that stage. He/she had a great voice and wasn't lip syncing but really belting out the song. When the drag queen finished she got a standing ovation. Then one bawdy drag queen came out and they started playing the stripper. She was looking at the audience trying to find a volunteer to dance with her. She walked out into the audience and came close to where we were sitting. Soon she wrapped her boa around Graham and pulled him up to the stage. Graham is a good dancer but he wasn't ready for this. They started the stripper music again and the drag queen was all over Graham's body. It was so funny I thought I'd pee my pants. Except I wasn't wearing any pants. The drag queen ran her hands up and down the sides of Graham's body then got behind Graham and pulled her boa between Graham's legs. I thought Graham's eyes were going to pop out of him. Finally the music finished and the drag queen and Graham got a standing ovation. Of course, I was doing the loudest cheering. Kendrick really enjoyed that too and thought it was pretty funny. The rest of the show was more singing and dancing and finished right at ten thirty. Graham was beet red when he got back to where we were sitting. He got a lot of touches and feels as he made his way back. He told us he needed a drink. The show had finished so we went to the bar. And we all ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. Of course we had to give Graham a hard time and tell him how good his act was and that maybe he would be another drag queen in the show. Graham doesn't swear much, but told us to shut the fuck up, he had never been so embarrassed in his life. I told him to chill we were just ribbing him. He was lucky nobody took his picture with their cell phone. His face went white when I said that. Don't worry bro. Cell phones had to be turned off during the show.

We asked Kendrick what his plans were for the rest of the evening. He said he would head back to his bungalow and relax in the hot tub. We told him he was invited to our bungalow for a nightcap if he was interested. He said sure and we walked back to our bungalow. We got in and I walked over to the bar and asked everybody what they wanted. Kendrick said another scotch and water and Graham and I had a cold beer. We went out to the patio and into the hot tub. I turned the jets on low. We all stood close together in the hot tub. I stood in front of one of the jets and the swirling water felt good over my ass and around my balls. It was making me a little horny. We finally had enough of the hot tub and showered off using the outside shower and I handed a towel to Kendrick and we dried off. We went back inside and sat down in the living room. We sat a little closer together than when we were in the hot tub. I could feel the side of Kendrick's body rubbing against mine and I noticed Graham was tight on the other side of Kendrick. Finally Kendrick broke the ice. He told us the real reason he ate dinner with us and we all went to the show was that he found us very attractive and wanted to get to know us better. Graham and I looked at each other and smiled. We told Kendrick that we thought he was very attractive and sexy and was hoping he would walk over and talk to us in the hotel dining room. After we told him that he gave each of us a kiss on the cheek. We then got into a group hug and stood up. Our cocks were rubbing and brushing together. I could feel Kendrick's cock leaking and some of his precum running down my leg. We decided to move to the bedroom.

We didn't have to worry about taking our clothes off since we were all naked. Kendrick was sporting a nice sized semi when we got on the bed. We had Kendrick in the middle and Graham and I got on each side of him. I started making out with Kendrick kissing him and then his neck and over his pecs and nips. Graham was between Kendrick's legs sucking on his big low hangng balls. He was moaning and liking that. I kissed and licked around his navel and over his abs. Soon I was in his pubes and licking around the base of his cock. Graham had lifted Kendrick's legs and was giving him a good rim job. I licked the sides of Kendrick's cock and it was growing. Graham had his tongue in Kendrick's hole and was eating him out good. I licked up to his thick mushroom head and licked off his precum. Then wrapped my lips around his head and popped it in and out of my mouth. Graham wet a couple of fingers and were working them in his hole. He must have found Kendrick's prostate because I heard him moan loud and his cock was twitching like crazy. I slowly worked his big thick cock down my throat. Graham was easing the head of his cock into his hole. We soon started going faster. Kendrick was bucking and groaning and panting. I knew he was getting close to cumming, his cock was hardening in my throat and I felt one gush and then more as he filled my mouth and throat with a bitter sweet load. Graham grunted and I knew he was filling Kendrick's hole.

Kendrick spent the night and we had sex until the early hours of the morning. Kendrick told us he needed to go to his bungalow and check his computer to see if he had any work to do. He told us he would be back by eight so we could all go for breakfast.

Kendrick turned out to be a good friend. He made our stay in the Bahamas very memorable and enjoyable. We saved his number on our phone in our contacts as he did with our number. Kendrick said he sometimes was close to our area and the next time he was in the vicinity he would call and see if we could get together. It was hard to say good bye to Kendrick when our stay was up. But we promised to stay in touch and we told him the next party we had we would invite him and hopefully he would be able to make it.

Here it was our check out time from the hotel. It was time to leave. We had had a really good time and meeting Kendrick was the high point of our vacation. The owner was at the reception desk and told us since we were good friends of Kendrick's that he would give us a primier bungalow the next time and would cut our travel package in half. We told him we would be back for sure and that it was very memorable. We got in the limousine and were boarding our private jet back to the airport close to the town.

When Bob and Graham arrived back they would read some very surprising news in the newspaper.

End of Chapter 11 - Kendrick

Chapter 12 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at: Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 12

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