My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jan 21, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 10

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 10. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 10 - Jarvis

Bob didn't know who would be using the speaker at the gate. It was late afternoon and it was Sunday. Anyhow he put on some shorts and tshirt and flip flops and pressed the button. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'm your neighbor Dave. My wife and I bought Drake's and Pete's house. Actually, we bought the house from Drake. I'd just like to talk for a bit if I'm not intruding?"

Graham was standing by me listening. I asked Graham what he thought. He told me it was up to me if I wanted to talk to him or not. I told Graham I was going to let him in and we could talk for a bit. He sounds like a nice enough guy.

I don't think Graham was one hundred percent with me. But he left it up to me. "Hold on Dave and I'll press the button to open the gate and then come on up to the front door."

I saw the gate open and a fairly tall man walk up to the front door. The gate was slowly closing. I heard the doorbell and walked to the door to let Dave in.

"Hello Dave. Come on in." We shook hands and I lead him to the living room.

In the meantime Graham had changed into some gym shorts and tshirt. I introduced Dave to Graham and they shook hands.

We sat down and and Dave said, "your probably wondering why I'm here?"

"The thought did cross my mind."

Dave continues. "Well last night my wife and I were enjoying some time to ourselves by the pool. It was such a nice evening to be outside. The kids were asleep so it gave us some time to talk and be alone together. We were talking for awhile and then we heard a loud noise. I thought maybe there had been an accident out on the street. But then we heard loud thumps and realized it was the beat to music. The music was loud and carried well in the calm evening. The music was so loud we couldn't even hear each other talking and we didn't want the kids to wake up. I told my wife I would check around and see if I could find out where the music was coming from. It was a little hard to tell exactly where the music was coming from with the echoes. I finally started walking up the street, but the house next to us was quiet and no loud music from them. Then I made it to the front gate of your house and it sounded like music was coming from the back. You have a high wall around your yard so I couldn't really see anything. I walked around on the side following the wall around and found a place in the wall where I could get a foothold. I was able to climb up far enough to get a peek over the wall. I was quite surprised to see five naked men on loungers with big hardons. Then what really got my attention was some naked men dancing. I couldn't believe how hot and muscular those dancers were. I got quite aroused and dropped back down to the ground. My cock was rock hard in my pants and it needed release. I opened my pants and jerked off furiously. I shot one of the biggest loads I ever had. I didn't even cum that much when my wife and I have sex. Seeing all of those naked men brought back my gay feelings. My wife and I got married because she was pregnant. I suppressed my gay feelings and was the model husband and father to our two girls. My wife is gone a lot with her work and I'm at home a lot with just my two girls. I was wondering if I wouldn't be imposing, if I could hang out here sometimes with you guys. It would be nice to have some male companionship, and give me a break from the girls. I love my two girls dearly, sometimes I need a break."

Graham and I "were looking at each other as Dave was talking. Finally I said, "we didn't realize the music was that loud. We were just enjoying ourselves. I'm sorry if it was so loud you couldn't hear each other. As far as wanting to spend time here off and on, I don't see a problem with that." I looked at Graham and he nodded in agreement. "Just call first so we can plan on you coming over." I gave Dave my cell phone number and he saved it in his phone. "Also, you should know that Graham and I go naked around the house all the time. I don't want that to be a problem."

Dave was smiling. "That's no problem for me. I like being naked. And being with two hot guys like yourselves. It will be even better."

"Good. I guess that settles that. I don't know how much time you have, but I could offer you a beer if you'd like one?"

"A cold beer would taste great. I have a baby sitter watching the girls so I have time to get better acquainted with you guys."

Graham and I gave each other a smile. I told Graham I was going to get us all a beer if you guys wanted to get better acquainted and comfortable. I went to the kitchen.

I was watching Graham and Dave. They both stood up and started undressed each other. Dave wasn't muscular, but he was trim. He had a little patch of chest hair. No washboard abs, but again firm. Thick pubes and a soft cock that hung down about four inches over big low hanging balls. Graham and Dave started kissing and hugging and I could see them both start chubbing up. Dave looked to be just over seven inches and moderately thick. Graham looked just as hot as ever.

I walked back in with a beer for everyone. It looked like Graham and Dave were waiting for me. I handed everyone a beer. Graham and Dave set their beers on the coffee table and walked over to me. They both started undressing me. Soon I was as naked as they were. We were all semi hard. I was starting to like Dave. He was fitting in well and even better that he was a neighbor. We took our beer and went out to the patio. We put three loungers close together. Graham and Dave wanted me in the middle lounger. They got on both sides of me. We soon were making out. Graham was kissing me and Dave was between my legs sucking on my balls. Dave was good. I could tell he had done this before. Soon he was deep throating me. Graham moved around and fed me his cock. I sucked my lover like I never had before. He was moaning and enjoying me deep throating him. Dave's cock was leaking like crazy. He rubbed the head over my hole and got it all wet. He then shoved his cock in. He wasn't gentle like Graham and the other guys. The sting and burn went away quick and he soon had me moaning. Dave bent down and started sucking me while he fucked me. We took our time and it took awhile before anyone had an orgasm. I was the first to blow in Dave's mouth and he swallowed it all like a champ. Dave then filled my hole with a load he must have been saving. Graham was the last to cum and he shot down my throat. We just stayed in position for a minute or two before pulling off. We crashed back into the loungers. Panting and gasping for air. I said, "well Dave, what do you think?"

"This was great. I wished I lived here and we could do this every day."

"I don't know about every day. But your welcome to come over as much as you want. I'll be sure to invite you to the next party. You will like all the guys."

"From what I experienced now. If all the guys are the same. I definitely want to come to the next party."

We finished our beer and I got us another round. We were talking and getting better acquainted with Dave. Him and his wife were really enjoying the house. I know that would make Drake happy. He said his girls were happy to have their own bedrooms and not have to share. Their were four bedrooms and they kept one open for friends and family.

Dave finished his beer and thought he better walk home. He didn't want the baby sitter to have to stay late since she had to go to school tomorrow. He put his clothes on, while Graham and I watched. We followed him to the door. He asked if he could get a kiss and hug from us. We told him that was a custom here when somebody came and when they left. We got into a group hug and kiss. I pushed the button to open the gate and we watched Dave leave.

We walked back inside and flopped down on the couch in the living room. I asked Graham, "what do you think of Dave?"

"He was fun and seemed eager to get back into some man to man fun."

"I agree. Do you think we should invite him to the next party?"

"I think we should get together a few more times, before we make that decision."

"Do you have some reservations about Dave?"

"No, but this was the first time he was with us. I don't think we should make any decisions on his first time here."

"I agree with you babe. Let's see how it goes. We won't be having another party for awhile anyway. I hope there aren't anymore interruptions tonight. I'm tired after having the guys here all weekend."

"Let's hope so. I need some time with my man."

I gave Graham and a big smile. We moved close together on the couch and started making out. "This is what I've been missing."

"Me too." We got into some hot and heavy making out. Soon we were in a sixty nine on the couch deep throating each other. It didn't take us long until we were shooting down each other's throats. Not a big load, but satisfying. I flipped on the tv and found a game that was going into half time. I went to the kitchen and got us each a beer. Graham and I curled up together on the couch and watched the rest of the game. When the game finished we were starting to get tired.

We went upstairs and decided to take a shower before bed. We started making out again in the shower and soon we were fucking each other. It took us awhile to cum after our hot making out in the living room. But taking longer just make it that much better. We did manage to shoot a fairly good sized load into each other. We left our loads in each other's holes. Dried each other off. Curled up together in bed and fell asleep. I had set the alarm early. Wanted to get in a good workout with Holden. Maybe Graham would join us. That would be fun.

We woke up to the alarm going off. I asked Graham if he wanted to work out with Holden and me. He told me sure. We had left our gym clothes in the locker downstairs. We crawled out of bed. Took care of our morning pissers and went down to the locker room. Holden was already there. He was just getting ready to change into his gym clothes when we entered the lockerroom. Holden got a devilish look on his face and asked us if we wanted to do another kind of work out. We told him sure. Graham and I still had our morning woodies. Holden looked like he was chubbing up looking at us. "Let's do this in the shower."

I got the water running and we all walked in. The shower was big and would easily handle one more big muscular guy. We started washng each other. That's all it took for us to have raging hardons. I couldn't believe how much Holden reminded me of Cotton. Holden was a spit fire just like Cotton and a lot of fun to be with. I think Cotton and Holden are close to the same age. Around twenty eight. We got into a three way with me being fucked and I sucked on Graham. Then we kept moving around until all of us had cum and been sucked. That was a good work out. We were exhausted and sat down on the built in bench in the shower. We just let the warm water run over us. It was soothing and finally we decided we better get out and get dressed and go to work.

We dried each other off. Even after cumming and being sucked so many times we still got hard. We jerked each other off so our cocks would go down. We helped each other get dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. The smells coming from the kitchen were terrific. We all greeted Margaret good morning. She told us she made a big breakfast, we were probably hungry after working out. I saw Holden holding back a laugh. Graham started snorting and they finally regained their composure. Margaret gave them some stares. "Sorry Margaret, you took me by surprise. We sure did get in a good work out. Now I'm ready to eat horse."

"I'm not sure about a horse. But I made enough to feed a horse, maybe even two."

The breakfast was just as delicious as it smelled. We ate it all. Margaret was pleased. We all told her good bye and left for work. Graham told me he would be working late this week and possibly into next week. Just getting started and getting new help acquainted with their responsibilities would take time. Hopefully, some of the prospective clients would be calling and coming in to talk about their expectations and what they were looking for. I told him not to worry. I'd be here waiting for him.

Graham and I kissed in the garage and then we took off in our separate directions for work.

Jarvis was my brother's best friend. They had met in grade and had remained friends ever since. Just like Graham and me. Even though Jarvis and my brother were a few years older we did all hang out sometimes. Jarvis had dated his high school sweetheart and they were engaged to be married. He was going to call my brother, Reggie and give him the news.

Jarvis picked up his phone and rang my brother.

"Hey Jarvis what's up?"

"Just wanted to let you know that Jennifer and I are getting married next month and was hoping you'd be my best man?"

"First, congratulations, was wondering when you were going to give me this news. Second, of course I'll be your best man. You don't even have to ask. I'll start organizing a bachelor party for you. I know a lot of our friends are still in the area and I can do some calling and get everything organized."

"Your the best Reg. I knew I could count on you."

"Say, listen Jarvis, I'm at my construction site and need to get busy. I'll call you tonight when I get home from work. I know Deb will be excited when I tell her tonight."

"Ok man, will look forward to talking more tonight. Bye."


Reggie was already formulating a list in his mind. A lot of their friends and team mates still lived in the area. Once they took a lunch break. He would start writing down a list of names. He could contact the secretary for the all class reunion and get their phone numbers. Reggie was wondering why it took Jarvis and Jennifer so long to finally get married. They had been living together once they graduated from high school. They were both well paid professionals. This was long overdue. Reggie and Deb had visited Jarvis and Jennifer many times. They even went for dinner and sometimes did some clubbing.

I got to work and the morning was going pretty fast. I thought I'd give Graham a call and see if he wanted to have lunch with me at the diner. I picked up my office phone and called him. "Hi babe, what's happening?"

"Was wondering if you could tear yourself away from work to meet for lunch at the diner at noon?"

"I can arrange that. It will be nice to take a break from work and besides I get to see you and talk with you."

"Sounds good lover. I'll see you at noon at the diner. I need to see my next patient."

I finished my last morning patient. Told Shirley I was going to the diner for lunch and would be back right around 1:00pm.

I left the clinic and walked to the diner. Saw Alec on the other side of the street walking back to his store. I'm glad he didn't see me. I still have hard feelings about him. We parted as friends but we've never been in touch since and I want to keep it that way.

I walked into the diner and sat at my favorite table. Graham hadn't arrived yet. So I told Millie to wait until he got here and then we'd order lunch. I told her she could bring me a hot cup of black coffee. Millie gave me a wink and said she'd be right back with my coffee. She came back with my coffee and put her elbows on the table and asked me if there was anything else I would like. I knew what she was talking about. But I didn't feel like playing along today. Those big tits were just hanging there, begging for attention. I told her again, I'm waiting for Graham and then we'll order. She said, "ok, be that way. See if I give you anymore special attention."

"Come on Millie, give me a break. I'm having a very busy day. And just need to concentrate on my work today."

"Ok, I'll let you by. But I'm going to be keeping a close eye on you."

"I hope so. I wouldn't want it any other way."

That brought a smile to her face and she went back to the kitchen.

I saw the door open and Graham walked in and took a seat at the table. He looked tired and stressed. "Your not looking good Graham. What's going on?"

"It's the first day stress and getting everybody on track. It's coming along. We already have had three clients come in and their glad we have this branch here. It saves them time traveling all the way to the central office."

"It will all come together. I think your putting too much pressure on yourself. Just try to relax and everything will fall into place."

"Your probably right babe. You always make me feel better." He looked better after I said that.

"I know lots of ways to make you feel better."

That brought a big smile to Graham's face. I knew he would be ok now.

"Have you ordered lunch? I'm starved."

"No I was waiting for you to get here. I just was drinking coffee waiting for you."

"What's the speical today?"

"I don't know, it's hard to read the sign from here. I will call Millie over and we can find out from her."

I motioned for Millie. "And we asked her in unison what the special was today."

She said there's two specials today, "spaghetti and meat balls, and tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich."

Graham ordered the spaghetti and meat balls and I ordered the soup and sandwich. Graham asked Millie to bring him a cup of black coffee and I told Millie I would take a refill.

I asked Graham, "how's your new workers?"

"They are great Bob. They are already doing a great job. They are learning how I like things done and they are quick and efficient."

"That's great. That should be a big relief for you? How is Margaret's niece working out as your secretary?"

"It is a big relief and makes my job easier. Margaret's niece is perfect. It's almost like she can read my mind and already know what I'm going to ask her to do. It's like she's been working for me for years."

"You will have to tell Margaret. She will really be pleased."

Millie brought our lunch. Graham's spaghetti and meatballs looked really good. But I thought it might be too much food for me. I enjoyed my soup and sandwich and Graham devoured his spaghetti. He can really put away the food and not gain weight. But now that's he's working out with Holden and me, that will help to get him even more toned and make his muscles pop. And make certain muscles bulge.

We finished our lunch, gave Millie a good tip. As we were leaving Graham told me he would be home a little late. He had a couple of propective new clients calling and one was suppose to arrive later in the afternoon. I told him not to worry about it. I would warm dinner for us when he got home. We couldn't kiss, but we did give each other a little more than a bro hug and went back to our work.

Reggie had a good list of names. He would have to check with friends and Jarvis and make sure he wasn't leaving anybody out. He remembered all the team players. They were close friends. He would have to check with Jarvis about inviting guys he works with. He knew he would invite his brother Bob and Graham. They had been close friends growing up. Reggie thought he should call his brother and have him send him a list of names that he could compare to his own list. Bob always has good ideas and maybe he could think of something for entertainment. Reggie knew he could rent the penthouse at a major four star hotel. That would work for the party. Guys traveling in could book rooms at the hotel. He was sure if he gave the hotel a heads up about the bachelor party. They would give some of the guys a special rate on rooms.

I got back to work and the afternoon went quickly. Was starting to get into my favorite time of the year. Doing sports physicals and workers that needed physicals for their job. Soon I was finishing reports on my computer and answering emails. I told Shirley and Janice bye and left for the day.

Butch was fuming in his jail cell. Why the fuck was he in prison for killing a faggot. As far as he was concerned they should all be dead. He had made friends with four other prisoners and a prison guard. They were planning on how to escape. Butch was waiting for the guard to get back and he would have more information on how they would be escaping. Butch had an easy time manipulating the guard. The guard wasn't the brightest light bulb. The longer he waited the madder he got.

The prison guard had only been working for a year at the prison. The warden was reluctant to hire him, but he had worked security prior to the prison and had good recommendations so he hired him. The guard liked Butch. He was friendly and easy to talk to. He agreed with Butch that all gueers faggots should be dead so it was a no brainer for him to help Butch and his four friends escape. He was putting the final touches on his plan and was soon going to be able to tell Butch how this would happen. He had contacted the guy that hauled out the dirty lauandry and brought fresh laundry. He and the laundry delivery man had become friends and was glad to help Butch out. They would put the prisoners in back of the laundry truck towards the front. Then wheel in all the full laundry carts and position them so the prisoners wouldn't be seen. The guards never check all the laundry carts, usually just a couple in the front and then give the all clear to driver to leave.

The guard also had arranged a place for the prisoners to stay when they left. There was a dirt road quite aways from the federal prison and an old abandoned cabin that wasn't used anymore. He and the laundry driver had it all set for the five prisoners. They had weapons in there for them. Another friend of the guard had made five pull over latex masks to hide their identity. One of the prisoners was an expert in explosives so they had the cabin stocked with everything he would need for making pipe bombs. They had a change of clothes in the cabin for them. They got the bathroom working and the kitchen was supplied with food.

It was now just a matter of time for everything to be in place at the prison for the escape. It would have to be on a day the delivery man delivered fresh laundry. Also the five prisoners would need to be in the yard exercising or whatever. Then butch would pay him like he promised for his help once they made it to the cabin.

Butch was getting tired of waiting for the guard. What the fuck was taking so long. Butch was anxious for this be over and out of the prison. The guard was such a dip shit for thinking he was going to pay him for helping him escape. Once they got out he would kill the guard and that would take care of the payment.

I got home from work and Margaret was still there finishing dinner in the kitchen. She told me Graham hadn't come home yet. I told her that this was his first day and he planned on long hours all week and possibly next week. She told she had dinner fixed and had just put it in the frig for warming later. I thanked her and she left for the day.

It was nice to have some time to myself. Just relax. It's nice having the all the guys around, but it's nicer when it's just Graham and me. We need our time together. I went upstairs and stripped out of my clothes. Went back downstairs and grabbed a beer and turned the news on. Looked at the newspaper while I watched the news. Nothing interesting on the news, but finished watching it anyway. It was just after five thirty. I wasn't sure what time Graham would be getting home. I didn't want to call him because I knew he had appointments late afternoon and into the early evening.

I started chubbing up thinking about my lover. But I would wait until he got home and then we could make love and take care of each other. I know he will be ready when he gets here.

The guard finally made it back to talk to Butch. He told Butch about the cabin and that it was all set for them. The escape would happen when the laundry came and they were all in the yard exercising or just walking around. He could escort them out without a problem. Prisoners were coming and going with guards all the time. He would escort them to the laundry area. And get them situated in the truck with the laundry carts. The guards that check the truck don't come until later and it is pretty quiet where they receive fresh laundry. Butch asked the guard if he was able to come up with a list of fags to get rid of first. The guard mentioned Reggie, Butch's former boss. Also Drake had lived with Reggie's brother who was a suspected fag. There was the gay bar, the In and Out and a porn shop that many fags went to. Other than that he didn't have anyone or any other places on his list. Butch thanked the guard and told him that would be a good start for killing and getting rid of queers fags and homos. All those disgusting people. The guard smiled and told Butch that tomorrow was looking like a good day for the escape.

Butch was happy with the information from the guard. He could easily pass the information on to his prison friends when they ate dinner. They all sat together when they ate. He could wait another day in this fucking shit hole. He'd already been here for some time and one more day he could tolerate.

Meal time finally came and they were escorted single file to the dining hall. Butch and his buddies sat together. Butch told them everything the guard had told him. And that tomorrow was looking like the day they would be escaping this fucking shit hole. The guys were happy with the news and like Butch, they couldn't wait to get out of prison. They had been in prison longer than Butch and this was the first time they had a chance to escape. Butch told the guys to calm down so they didn't draw any suspicion from the guards. They finished eating and one of the guards blew a whistle. All the prisoners stood and were escorted single file back to their cells. Butch slept good that night. Best he had slept in prison ever.

Bob thought he heard a noise outside. He walked over to the window and saw Graham pulling into the garage. He was glad Graham was home. He missed him a lot. Graham walked into the kitchen from the garage. Bob was there waiting for him. They hugged and kissed until they had to break for air. "I missed you lover," said Bob. "I missed you too babe, couldn't wait to get home. Was thinking about you all day."

"Let's get you upstairs and out of those work clothes." Graham couldn't wait. They both ran upstairs to the other master bedroom. Bob pulled Graham close to him and unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. He was kissing Graham's ears and neck and then down to his pecs and nibbling on his nips. He then undid Graham's pants and slid them down. He had Graham sit on the bed while he took his shoes and socks off. Then finished sliding his pants off. Graham's boxers were tented and he was almost sticking out of them. Bob squeezed and played with Graham's cock through his boxers. It was driving Graham crazy. Bob then hooked his thumbs on his boxers and slid them down and off. Graham's hard cock sprung up spraying precum all over. Bob licked and sucked off Graham's precum. Soon he had Graham's cock down this throat while he fondled Graham's balls. He felt Graham tense and his cock harden even more and soon was bathing Bob's throat with a nice sized load. Bob swallowed it all down and milked out the last drops of cum and licked it off. Graham was panting and felt totally spent. At least for awhile.

"Let's go downstairs babe. I'll warm our dinner and you can have a beer while your waiting."

They walked downstairs and Graham followed Bob into the kitchen. He couldn't get enough of Bob. He loved watching him getting dinner ready. Bob handed Graham a cold beer from the frig. Graham guzzled it down. He was thirsty and he grabbed another. Bob said that dinner was warmed and asked Graham where he wanted to eat. Graham told Bob he would like to eat out on the patio. Bob got the patio table set and brought out dinner. Bob had coffee with his dinner. They ate and talked. Ate some more and talked even more.

"How was your day?"

"Busy, but we got a lot accomplished. Two of our regular clients came in to set up their accounts here in our branch. I was able to land two new accounts before my afternoon appointments. The afternoon appointments went well and both clients would be transferring their accounts over to us. So four new clients on the first day is pretty awesome. I don't expect that every day. But if I could have ten solid clients in the first week I'd be a happy camper. The new employees also knew of clients that might be ready to switch to us. They were busy on the phone today talking with them."

"Sounds like quite a prosperous day. But you must be tired?"

"Taking that lunch break today, really helped and I don't feel tired at all. I'm sure when I hit the bed I'll be out like a light."

"What would you like to do the rest of the evening?"

"How about if we go to the theater room and watch a movie?"

"Sounds good. Go ahead and find us a movie. I'll make some popcorn and bring it down."

"Ok, hut don't take too long."

"I'll be right there." I was thinking I should buy a popcorn machine for downstairs. That would be more convenient then going up and down the stairs. Soon the popcorn was ready and I went downstairs to join my lover.

At first I thought Graham was sleeping with his head hanging down. Then I realized he must have dropped one of the remotes and was looking for it. He saw me and had me sit down, Then he sat in my lap leaning back on me. God he felt good in my lap and leaning on me. He got the movie started. I knew he would pick out a good movie. We ate our popcorn and watched the movie. We didn't talk much we were both pretty engrossed in the movie. The movie ended and we went back upstairs. I put the popcorn bowl in the dishwasher and we headed to the bedroom.

Once we got to bed. We started making out. I was on the side of Graham and started sucking his cock. I cupped his balls and fingered his hole at the same time. He was moaning and grunting as I picked up my speed. I wanted his load shooting down my throat. I went slow and took my time. He started begging me to go faster he wanted to cum. I obliged and picked up my speed and soon I felt his hole constrict on my fingers and he was soon blasting down my throat. He then returned the favor to me. He was so passionate that I just melted at his touch. He soon had me shooting out a load down his throat. We kissed and hugged. Then Graham spooned up behind me. Love feeling his cock between my ass cheeks and we soon fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It also woke Graham. It was my brother Reggie. He only calls when he needs something or has information for me. "Hi bro you know it's early in the morning."

"I know sorry, but we've started a new job and I leave early. The reason I'm calling is that Jarvis and Jennifer are finally getting married next month. I'm planning a bachelor party for Jarvis and was hoping you and Graham could come up with a list of names and some ideas for entertainment. Send me a message on my phone when you have your list ready and any ideas for entertainment. I got to run now and get to work. Thanks bro. I know I can count on you for your help."

"Ok Reg we'll do our best to help you out."

"Who was that calling babe?"

"It was Reggie. Jarvis and Jennifer are finally getting married after living together for a few years."

"That's good news. What did he want?"

"He's having a bachelor party for Jarvis. He wants us to come up with a list of names and some ideas for entertainment."

"A list of names will be easy. As far as entertainment, do you have any ideas?"

"Actually I do have an idea for entertainment. You remember how we all used to fool around together? I know Jarvis and Reggie still do when they have a chance to be together, just the two of them. So I was thinking of calling the male strippers and see if they would put on a show. Maybe have one of them come out of a cake. What do you think?"

"I remember us messing around. It was pretty fun. I think the idea of the male strippers is a good one. I will send you a list of names from work today."

"I think we better get up and get downstairs to workout with Holden. He's probably already waiting on us." We kissed and hugged and got up. We went downstairs to the locker room.

Holden was already there getting changed into his work out clothes. "Hey guys, was wondering if you were going to work out today or not?"

"We got delayed. I had a phone call from my brother. But we're ready for a good workout."

We got changed and got on the treadmills and warmed up. Soon we started lifting and we spotted for each other. Nobody was wearing underwear and you could get a good few of big balls and cocks. We finished our workout and were sweating like crazy. We went back to the locker room and stripped down. I got the shower going to the temperature I liked and Graham and Holden joined me. We washed each other off. Paying special attention to our cocks balls and hole. We still had plenty of time. Holden had me lean against the wall. He started rimming me. He was getting really good at it. His fingers found my prostate and he had me moaning. He then rubbed his wet slick head over my hole and started easing the head in. Graham came around on the side of me, kissing me and stroking my cock. I couldn't hold out long until I was blasting a load against the shower wall. My constricting hole made Holden cum and I heard him grunting and filling my hole with a big load. We then traded off until everyone had been fucked and jerked off. We rinsed the cum off our bodies, cleaning our holes. We dried each other off and walked back into the locker room to get dressed. We helped each other to get dressed. I don't know how much help that was. We were all sporting hardons by the time we were all dressed. Big bulges showing through our pants.

We went upstairs and ate breakfast. Margaret greeted us. She told us we looked a little flushed. We must have got in a good work out. We nodded our agreement to Margaret. We were busy filling our faces with food. We said our goodbyes to Margaret and left for work. Holden left first. Graham and I kissed and hugged in the garage. Graham told me he would send me a list of names as soon as he had some time to think about it. I told him anytime today would be fine. We then left for work.

Butch was busy pacing in his cell. He was getting antsy to get out of prison. Where was the fucking guard. He should have been here by now. He probably fucked up and ruined our escape plans. Soon the whistle blew and the cell doors opened. We lined up outside our cells and walked single file down for breakfast. Butch knew after breakfast they would be going to the yard. He needed to work out and get rid of some of this stress and anxiety. The prisoners finished breakfast. The guard blew the whistle. They stood up and Butch's cell block was taken to the yard. Once in the yard, Butch and his four buddies started working out and talking. They were all anxious for the guard to appear. Today was laundry day and they usually came early to make their delivery. Finally they saw their guard friend approaching them. The guard had to act the part in front of everbody. "Ok, you guys, you need to follow me."

They followed the guard like they were going back to their cells. Once they were out of site of the other guards they took a turn down a different corridor that led to the laundry room. Once they got to the laundry room, the delivery truck was already there with the back door open. Nobody else was around. The delivery man knew where to put the fresh laundry. Once the truck was empty the prisoners walked in and to the front. The guard told Butch that he had a car for them to use at the cabin and everything was ready for them once they arrived at the cabin.

The delivery man and the guard started wheeling in the laundry carts. Butch and his buddies were huddled together and they moved the carts in, it was harder and harder to see them in the back of the truck. Finally the last of the carts were moved in. The guard left and the delivery man pressed a button alerting the guard in that area that he was finished. The guard came and looked over a couple of carts close to the front by the back door of the truck. Everything looked ok and he give the driver the ok to leave. The guard alerted security at the front gate that the delivery truck was clear to go. The gates opened and the delivery truck left the prison with Butch and his four buddies in the back. They couldn't hear very well when the guard and delivery man were talking. But Butch knew they were moving and had heard the main gate open and close. He knew they were out of the prison.

So far everything was going as planned. The guards wouldn't be making rounds and checking cells for at least two to three hours. They would be at the cabin by then and the delivery truck would be long gone to it's destination. This was perfect. This was the best day of Butch's life. He almost felt like singing. Now he and his buddies could put the rest of his plan into action and start ridding this county and then soon other counties of those disgusting fags. He would get even with his boss for sending him to prison and then start bombing places where fags hung out. Get rid of his bosses brother. He would check the list the guard had given him when they got to the cabin. The guard told Butch he had made a list of places fags hung out at and names of known fags. That would make a good start for Butch.

The guard was pleased with himself. He knew he had done the right thing by helping Butch and his buddies escape. Anything to get rid of those disgusting fags. He would drive to the cabin when he got off work so Butch could pay him for his help like he promised. The guard had paid the laundry delivery man for his help. Luckily for the guard, the guard that monitored the cameras had taken a piss break when they loaded Butch and his buddies into the laundry truck. The guard didn't know they had a security camera in the laundry area where the delivery was done.

Bob got to work and he was busy starting sports physicals. He was glad he wore a lab coat so these hot young college kids wouldn't see his hardon. He always managed to get the athletes hard but making it seem like it was part of the physical. Some of the guys seemed to like the extra attention he gave their cocks and balls and hole doing a prostate exam and working their prostates real good. He even had a few athletes that came when he fingered and rubbed their prostates. They always thanked him when the physical was over and would promise if they had any health issues they would make an appointment with him.

It was near lunch time and Bob was between patients. He thought he'd give Graham a call and see if they could meet for lunch.

"Hi babe. Was wondering if you were ready for a break and meet for lunch at the diner?"

"You bet. I'm ready for a break and maybe during lunch I can finish my list of names for Reggie."

"That's a good idea. I've haven't had time to work on my list. My morning has been busy. I'll see you at noon at the diner."

"Ok babe. See you soon."

Finished my last morning patient and left for lunch at the diner. I walked over and didn't see anybody I knew on the way. Arrived at the diner and saw Graham sitting at my favorite table. I walked in and took a seat across from him. Would like to sit closer and kiss and hug, but neither one of us is out yet and we don't have plans for that to happen soon.

We asked each other how our day was going. Graham said his two office workers were coming through with new clients and he had some appointments coming up after lunch. I told him I was doing sports physicals and physicals for some of the workers at the paper mill. Graham told me I was probably enjoying doing the physicals. I told him not as much as giving you a physical. But I told him it has it's good points. Something usually comes up. That got a chuckle from Graham.

Millie walked over and we ordered lunch and she brought our coffee. Graham pulled out a little piece of paper that he had some names written on. He told me these were the friends he could think for the bachelor party. I looked at the list and wrote down a few more. I told Graham I would send this to Reggie with my idea for the entertainment when I got home from work.

Millie brought our lunch. We ate quick, we both needed to get back to work. "You going to be working late again love?"

"Probably, depends on how long the appointments take and if my secretary has any more scheduled."

"I'll hold dinner until you get home, so we can eat together."

We finished our lunch and left the diner. When we were outside we told each other that we loved each other and went back to work.

Butch felt the delivery truck come to a stop. He hoped they were at the cabin. He heard the back door open and delivery man said, "we're at the cabin. I'll move some of these carts so you guys can get out."

Butch didn't say anything. He just waited until he could stand and walk out. Soon the driver had enough carts moved that they could stand and make their way out. It felt good to stand and stretch. Butch thanked the driver and he took off. He didn't want to be late getting back and having to explain why he was late.

Butch and the guys looked around here. The cabin looked pretty isolated. It wasn't in too bad of condtion. He saw an older car parked on the side. He took the keys out of his pocket that the guard had given him. He knew two of the keys were for the car and the other two must unlock the cabin. They walked up to the front door. Butch tried both keys and they both worked in the lock. They walked in and turned on a light. There was a small kitchen. Living room with a small fireplace. Bathroom and two bedrooms. Also, a couch in the living room that made into a bed. Butch was glad with the sleeping arrangements. He didn't want to have to sleep with one of the other guys. That's what fags do and he definitely wasn't a fag.

One of the guys was checking out the weapons and explosive materials that were spread across the dining room table. He told Butch everything was here that he needed for making a few pipe bombs with timers. Butch asked his buddy, "aren't pipe bombs dangerous to make?"

The guy said, "they are if you don't know what your doing. I've been making bombs practically my whole life."

Butch liked the sound of that. He walked into the living room and got a fire going in the fireplace. He took out the list the guard had given him and looked it over. It looked pretty complete to Butch. He figured as they started their bombing and killing they would probably gain some more information where fags hang out and the names of more of them.

Butch found the latex masks and tried one on. It fit like a glove and you couldn't tell it was him under the mask. He told the other guys to try on the masks. The masks fit them all like their own skin. These would come in handy. The guys also changed clothes and Hutch burned the prison clothes in the fireplace.

The guard that had helped Butch and his friends escape was ending his shift. He had planned the time just right. The guards would be doing cell checks once the shift change was complete. That way he wouldn't be at the prison when they found the five guys from the same cell block missing.

The shift change was complete and the guards were starting to make their way to the different cell blocks. One of the guards noticed Butch's cell was empty and four other cells but he didn't recall who those prisoners were. They've had prisoners missing from their cells in the past. Sometimes they get called to help in the kitchen or to clean the yard. He would do a thorough check first to see where the prisoners were before reporting it to the warden. He was sure they would show up.

The guard went around to suspected areas where he thought he should find the missing prisoners. But he didn't have any luck. He then went to the guard that monitors the cameras and asked him if he could start playing back the recorded files from yesterday. The guard reluctantly agreed. They started playing back the saved files on the cameras. They noticed one of the guards escorting five prisoners back to their cell block. Nothing out of the ordinary there. But then they noticed the guard with the five prisoners in the laundry area. They saw the delivery man put away the clean laundry. Then they saw the five prisoners walk into the empty delivery truck to the front. Then the delivery man and the guard loaded the dirty laundry carts into the truck blocking the view of the prisoners. They could tell it was Butch and when they enlarged the video they could make out who the other prisoners were. They knew the guard and made copies of the video for the warden. The guard asked the camera guard why he didn't notice this yesterday. He said he had probably went to take a piss when this was happening. They knew the guard didn't start work today until the afternoon shift change.

Once the video file was saved. The guard walked to the warden's office. He knew the warden was going to be thoroughly pissed. They had failed escape tempts in the past. This was a first where they actually got out of the prison. Five prisoners and the warden wasn't going to be happy. He knocked on the door. The warden in his regular gruff voice said, "come in."

The guard walked in to the warden's office. The warden's desk was covered with papers and folders. "What do need and why are you here?"

The guard handed the video to the warden. "I think you would like to look at this."

The warden put the video into his player. He told the guard to take a seat. As the warden watched the video you could see the blood pressure rising in his face until he was beet red. "What the fuck. In my fifteen plus years running this federal prison I have never had prisoner's escape. I want to see that guard as soon as possible. If I tell the governor about this, my ass is on the line."

"I understand sir. The guard starts this afternoon when we change shifts."

"What's his name?"

The guard told him.

"You can leave and I'll give the guard a call to get his ass in here. We have some serious talking to do."

"Yes sir." The guard left the warden's office.

The guard had seen the warden mad in the past. But nothing like this. He was sure glad he wasn't the guard that helped the prisoner's escape.

My afternoon went fast doing physicals. Didn't finish until later. It was after five thirty by the time I left and locked the clinic. Shirley and Janice had left for the day. I got home and Margaret was gone. I thought she would be since I got home later than usual. I went upstairs and stripped down. My semi hadn't went down all day. I'll save this for Graham when he gets home. I took out the paper from the pants pocket. I would call my brother while I was waiting for Graham.

Went downstairs and grabbed a beer and turned on the news. Picked up my phone and called my brother.

"Hey bro, have some information for me?"

"Yeah, Graham and I have a list of names for you. I'll take a photo of the list and send it to you on your phone."

"Awesome. I knew I could count on you. I'm ready any time you are."

I took the photo and sent it off to my brother.. Then I mentioned to him about having the male strippers perform for entertainment and having one of them come out of a cake.

My brother thanked me for the names, he said some of them he already had on his list, but many he didn't. He also liked the idea of the male strippers. I gave him the name of the contact. My brother said he would start getting everything arranged and would let me know if he needed anything else. And then he would give me the day and place for the bachelor party. We talked a bit more and then hung up.

Butch and the guys started getting busy. The one prisoner was already working on his pipe bombs. They all agreed they should start wearing their masks all the time. And when they went in the car only one or two not all five. That might raise suspicions. The guard had changed their identifications. They had new drivers licenses and new names. That would fit with their masks which completed the change of identity. Those masks were perfect skin color and looked just like it was somebody else. It disguised them perfectly. Butch was busy formulating his plan where he would start with the bombs and individuals he would start killing. Everything was falling into place nicely.

The warden got on his phone and called the guard. He was fuming and he was going to get this resolved one way or another. There was no way he was going to call the governor and put his job on the line. He would take care of this his way and once he had everything in motion he might call the governor. He didn't want the governor hearing about the escape on the news or from someone else. It would have to come from him.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Who the fuck do you think this is. This is your boss and I want you in my office in ten minutes. No ifs ands or buts. Got it?"

"I got it. I'll be right there."

He never heard the warden mad. He was wondering what was up. There is no way he could have found out about him helping the prisoners escape. He thought he had all the bases covered. He put on his uniform and flew out of the house and was at the prison in record time. It was less than ten minutes. That should impress the warden.

He cleared security at the gate. Parked and walked up to the warden's office. He knocked on the door. The warden's regular gruff voice said, "come in."

He walked in and the warden was beet red. Something must have set him off. "I have something I want you to watch. Then tell me what you know about this."

The warden had the video ready. He started it so the guard could watch. The guard soon saw himself in the yard leading the five prisoners to their cell block. The guards face turned white. Then it showed the prisoners entering the laundry area. Unloaded the fresh laundry and then hiding the prisoners in the back of the truck with laundry baskets hiding them. Finally it shows the guard checking the truck and you see the delivery truck leave.

As the guard watched the video. All the color drained from his face. He looked like a sheet. He gulped a couple of times after the video finished. His mouth and throat were dry.

The warden just stared at the guard for a couple of minutes before talking. "Well, you have anything you would like to add to this? Any reason for helping these five prisoners escape?"

"Let me explain warden. I was talked into this."

The warden interrupted him. "What the fuck do you mean you talked into this. Your a fucking guard in charge. You know you can't trust the prisoners. They will try to manipulate you any way they can."

"Butch promised me a big payment for my help. More importantly he wanted out so he could get rid of those disgusting fags and queers and I agree with him one hundred percent."

"Well isn't that nice. Your going to get a big payment for helping him get out of prison. Then for getting rid of fags and queers."

"That's right boss. Butch will be doing everyone a favor."

"Well, let me tell you something dumb ass. First, I should have never hired you. I had reservations from the first time you had your interview. Second, you leave your badge and weapon here on my desk. As soon as you leave here you will be going to the country sheriff's office. They have been informed and will be coming to pick you up and taking you to your new home. Third, I want all the information you can tell me where the prisoners went and how we can find them. Failure to help, will result in more prison time for you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Finally I heard Graham walk into the kitchen. "I'm home babe."

I walked over and gave my lover a big kiss and hug. "Sorry, I must have dozed off for a bit. I didn't hear you come in."

"You must have had a busy day?"

"Physicals all day. They take time and didn't finish till later. How was your day babe?"

Graham told me all about his day and having signed two more new clients. I helped him undress and he was semi hard like me. Gave his dick a quick kiss and suck and we went downstairs so I could get dinner warmed for us. I told Graham to go to the living room and I would bring our dinner once it was ready. I asked Graham what he wanted to drink with dinner. He told me black coffee. The microwave beeped and dinner was warmed. I brought it to the living room with a coffee pot. We ate our dinner in the living room practically sitting on each other. We shared our food and kissed between bites of food. It was great. We were soon both sporting hardons. I cleaned off the coffee table. Walked back and Graham and I get into a hot passionate sixty nine. We were soon both moaning and grunting and filling each other's mouths and throats with a good sized load.

Jarvis was getting nervous. Not about marrying Jennifer, but about everything in general. He thought he'd give Reg a call and see how he was doing. They could always help each other when they were nervous or anxious about anything. Jarvis picked up his phone and called Reg. "Hey man, what's happening?"

"Guess I'm getting the pre marriage jitters."

"Come on man. Your not getting cold feet?"

"No, nothing like that. It's just that Jennifer keeps thinking of more things for the wedding. If she doesn't stop soon, I'm going to have to take a loan out. I wish my parents would give some help. But we both know that won't happen."

"Just chill bro. Everything will work it's way out. It always does. Getting everything organized here for your bachelor party. I can soon get everything in place and then we can set a day for the party or a weekend. Whatever you want."

"The way it's going right now. I think I could use or need a weekend."

"Ok. I agree. I think I will plan on a weekend for your party. That way we don't have to think about getting up early and just keep partying."

"Thanks Reg, your the best. You always bring me out of my slump. I feel much better now."

"Glad to hear it Jar."

"Jarvis started laughing. You know your the only one I let call my Jar or if you were pissed at me, Jar Head. I better leave. I'm still at work and need to finish here for the day."

"Ok man. Call me whenever you want. I will soon be calling you to set up the weekend for your party."

The guard was pretty shaken. He didn't know how he could have messed up so bad. He didn't even know what to tell the warden. He couldn't tell him everything. He still needed to get to Butch for his payment.

"Well dumb ass, I'm going to record everything you say and I don't want you leaving anything out." The warden then put a player/recorder on his desk. When your ready let me know and I'll turn it on to record."

After our hot love making on the couch the phone rang. I didn't recognize the number. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob, this is Dave your neighbor a couple of houses down. Was wondering if you guys wanted some company tomorrow evening. I need to get out of the house. The kids are driving me crazy. The wife is gone for two weeks with work. I'll have a baby sitter watching the kids."

"Let me ask Graham. Hold on." It's Dave our neighbor. He wants to know if he could come over tomorrow evening. It's ok with me if it's ok with you. "Hello Dave?"

"It's ok with Graham so it's ok with me. How about six thirty or seven tomorrow evening?"

"That sounds great. I'll see you guys tomorrow evening."

Reggie had contacted everybody on his list. Everyone on the list wanted to come to the bachelor party. That would be about twenty guys if they all showed. Some said they couldn't stay overnight but could come for the evening. So with those guys that would make close to thirty. I need to call the hotel and reserve the penthouse for the party. Jarvis and I can stay in the penthouse. The rest of the guys can get rooms in the hotel. I know the manager of the hotel and I'm sure with a little convincing he will give the guys a good price on rooms. If the strippers decide to stay overnight they can stay in the penthouse too. Bob and Graham will also stay in the penthouse. The penthouse has five or six bedrooms if I remember correctly. I'll call the hotel tomorrow and get it reserved for next weekend and tell the manager about ten rooms need to be reserved for friends attending the party and to please give them a special rate. Also if they can decorate the penthouse for the bachelor party. Deb liked the idea of using the penthouse at the hotel. The bachelorette party was going to be at a house of a good friend of Jennifer the bride. Deb had it all organized. Reggie and Deb talked a bit about Jarvis and Jennifer and agreed this was long overdue. They were glad for both of them and couldn't wait for the wedding.

The warden was waiting on the guard to start talking. He was getting impatient and he wanted to get this overwith so he could start contacting people to be on the lookout for escaped prisoners. He had one of the guards printing out pictures of the prisoners that escaped that could be faxed to counties that were close to the federal prison. The warden had waited long enough. "Let's get going here. I don't have all day to wait on you." The warden turned the recorder on.

The guard hemmed and hawed around and finally started talking. He told the warden how Butch had convinced him to help him escape. Along with four other prisoners. He had alerted one of the deliver men what his plan was and told him he would pay him if he could help out with the escape. The guard wasn't entirely truthful. He told the warden he didn't know the drivers name and didn't know where the driver was taking the prisoners. The warden knew that the guard wasn't telling everything. But he let the guard continue. He said he helped the prisoners to escape in the delivery truck. The driver unloaded the clean laundry and then they had the prisoners get into the back of the truck. They then loaded the dirty laundry carts into the truck blocking the prisoners so they couldn't be seen when you opened the back door to the truck. He then went on to tell the warden how he pressed the button for the guard to inspect the truck, which he did. The other guard gave the ok to leave and alerted the main gate that the delivery truck was clear to leave.

The warden wasn't satisfied at all. Everything the guard said he already knew by watching the video. He was deciding how he could get more information out of the guard. The warden was waiting for the county sheriff to come. He was going to talk to the sheriff privately and see if the sheriff could do some interrogation and get more information out of the guard.

The warden was thoroughly frustrated with the guard. He was wishing the sheriff would get there soon. He had helped the warden in the past and was hoping he could help again.

Finally the guard on duty buzzed the warden and told him the sheriff had arrived. He told the guard to let the sheriff in and to hold the guard outside his office until he finished talking with the sheriff.

The sheriff came into the warden's office and the former guard left and waiting outside the warden's office.

The warden proceeded to show the county sheriff the video. Once the video finished he told the sheriff that the guard didn't tell him anything. Just repeating what the video showed. The warden told the county sheriff he was hoping he could get more information out of the guard. He needed to call the governor and inform him of what had happened and where they were at in the investigation. But he needed more information. The county sheriff told the warden he would be glad to help like he had in the past. He would see if he could worm some more information out of the guard. The warden thanked the sheriff and told him to take him to the county jail and do whatever he wanted with him. He didn't want to see the guard anymore.

The sheriff left the warden's office and told the guard that he was to go with him to the county jail. The sheriff handcuffed the guard and had him sit in the back of his squad car. He didn't talk to the guard when they left the federal prison. And didn't talk to him on the drive to the county jail. He wanted the guard to think about everything. The sheriff had a plan once they got to the county jail. Something he had used in the past and it generally was pretty effective. He would have to wait and see.

Bob and Graham were glad to have an evening to themselves. They had had plenty of company lately and they needed some time for themselves. Graham asked Bob what he wanted to do. How about if we see if there is any good sports on and just stay here in living room. Graham thought that was a good idea and flipped through the channels and found a good football game. Bob asked Graham if wanted anything to snack on. Graham said no. Just you. That made Bob chuckle. They got comfortable on the couch watching the game. They were snuggled together. Sometimes just the closeness without sex was nice. It was comforting to each other just being close together and not really saying much. The game ended and Bob and Graham agreed it was time for bed. Bob set the alarm to sound early. So they could get in their morning work out with Holden.

Butch was pacing in the cabin. Something wasn't right. The guard should have been here by now to get his money. He was thinking they should find a different place to hang out. Something about being here in the cabin didn't settle well with Butch. Butch was a quick thinker but he knew when something wasn't going the way it should. He told the other guys to take a seat at the table. And he told them about his concerns and thought it would be a good idea to find a different place to hang out. The guys agreed with Hutch and told him whatever he wanted to do was ok with them. They were glad to be out of prison and would back him one hundred percent.

Butch told them let's get all our shit together and get out of here. It's still light enough we should be able to find another place to can hang out. They quickly loaded everything into the trunk of the car. Checked the cabin a couple of times. They didn't want to leave any evidence they were there. They had their masks on and left.

Butch drove and drove and couldn't find any side roads. Finally he saw one that was supposed to go to a lake. He followed it down and saw an old dilapadated building in the woods by the lake. It didn't look like anyone had lived in it for a long time. There was a chain and lock on the front door. They easily broke the lock and entered the building. Surprisingly there was electricity and running water. There was two bedrooms and small kitchen, living room with a wood stove and a small dining room. Butch thought it was good enough for them and they unloaded the car and got settled in. Butch walked out to the rode and pulled the sign down and threw it in the woods. He didn't want any unnecesarry people coming down to the lake.

Reggie had everything in place. He had contacted everyone that they thought would be interested. He would call Jarvis tomorrow to confirm the party in two weekends. Then he could make the reservations, talk to the manager about a deal on rooms and everything would be set. The hotel would decorate the penthouse and Reggie would have bartenders and an open bar for everyone. The hotel would take care of appetizers. Reggie couldn't think of anything else. He was tired and he and Jennifer went to bed. They didn't have sex, they were both too tired.

The sheriff had the guard take a seat in front of his desk. He asked the guard if he would like some coffee. The guard agreed and the sheriff brought them each a cup of coffee. The sheriff had a recorder hidden on top of his desk covered with some papers. He turned it on and the sheriff and the guard did some small talk. Finally the sheriff asked the guard, "how did the prisoners manage to get you to help them?"

The guard thought for awhile. The sheriff was a nice enough guy. He wasn't gruff and angry like the warden. He didn't see any harm in talking to the sheriff. He didn't see a recorder so everything would be off the cuff. The sheriff knew from talking with the warden that the guard wasn't all that sharp and could be easily manipulated. So he thought by not raising his voice and making the guard feel comfortable he would get all the information he needed without the guard realizing what was going on. The guard finally said, "we started talking in the yard when I took the prisoners there. They told me how they hated and disliked fags and I agreed with them. Then Butch who seemed to be the leader told me that he would pay me if I helped them escape the prison. I told them I wasn't sure about that. No one had escaped the prison. There had been a few foiled attempts. Butch told me he could help me work out a plan for escaping. He mentioned and pointed to four other prisoners he wanted to escape with him. He said one was an expert in explosives. Another one was good with weapons, and another one was good picking locks and security devices and could also help with protection along with the other prisoner."

The sheriff asked the guard, "you want a refill?"

"Sure the guard said."

The sheriff came back with a refill for both of them. "This is real interesting what your telling me. You really have me captivated and my full attention."

The guard was happy. He was glad the sheriff liked what he was telling him. The guard went on, "he asked Butch what his plan was for escaping. He told the guard that they could escape in the laundry truck. They made their delivery early, usually just after breakfast and when they were in the yard. Butch told the guard he would give him money to pay the delivery man and would tell him where they wanted to go. The guard told Butch he knew of a cabin that was quite a few miles from the prison and was secluded and thought it would be a good place for them to hole up. Butch told the guard what things they would need at the cabin and then they could plan a day for their escape."

The sheriff sat there with his arms on the desk and was listening carefully to everything the guard was saying. He was recording everything put wanted the guard to think he was really engrossed in everything he was saying. The sheriff asked the guard, "what kind of things did he want you to bring to the cabin?"

The guard continued. "He mentioned a list of things for making pipe bombs with timers. They would also need weapons and a change of clothes. If possible have the cabin stocked with food for a few days. And they would need new identifcation and some wheels for getting around." The guard told the sheriff he was able to get all those things and had brought them to the cabin. He wasn't completely stupid and didn't tell the sheriff about the real life masks with human hair.

The sheriff asked the guard, "was there anything else? Where is this cabin located?"

The guard asked the sheriff for a pencil and paper. He made a map showing where the cabin was located. The sheriff told the guard he was pleased with what he had told him. That was really interesting. He told the guard he would have to hold him at the county jail until he heard back from the warden and what he wanted done. The guard told the sheriff he understood and if he thought of anything else he would tell him. The sheriff escorted the guard back to a cell, uncuffed him and locked the cell electronically.

It was getting late but he knew the warden would want this information. He closed his office door. He didn't want the guard hearing him on the phone talking to the warden. He called the warden. "Sorry warden for calling late. But I have a full confession from the guard and map where the prisoners are holeing up. They have a full supply of weapons and pipe bomb making material. They have a car and new identifcation. I have everything recorded."

"Thanks for getting all this information. You can drop the tape recording off at my office tomorrow. I want you to send out an all points bulletin out to all the neighboring counties. Did the guard mention any names or businesses they might target"

"No he didn't, that was one thing I forgot to ask him. I will do that once we hang up."

"If he gives you names of individuals and businesses they plan to target. Be sure to have extra police coverage for the individuals and businesses. The state will pay for any protection they need, including body guards. That should be included in your all points bulletin."

"Sorry warden for not asking."

"No problem. Thank you for your help. You always come through for me. I'll have to get your technique for getting information from prisoners and guards."

The sheriff walked back to the cell. "I had one other thing I would like to ask you?"

"Sure sheriff anything."

"Did Butch or the other prisoners mention any names of individuals or businesses that might target?"

"Yeah, actually they did. In fact, he gave me list of places and individuals. Here it is. You can make a copy if you would like sheriff, but I would like the original back."

"Sure thing. I'll be right back with your original." What a dumb fuck that guard is. He went back to his office and made a photocopy of the list. Then brought the original back to the guard."

"Thanks sheriff, I don't want to lose this list."

The sheriff went back to his office. He faxed the list to the warden. Then he got busy on his computer. Composing his all points bulletin and including names and businesses the prisoners were likely to target. Of course The Big One (porn shop) and The In and Out Bar (gay bar) were on the list. Reggie's construction site along with him and his brother (Bob) were on the list. There were some other names and business he wasn't familiar with, but he included it in his all points bulletin. He rechecked everything and it looked good. He sent photos of the laundry delivery truck and their address, photos of Butch and the other prisoners. Their location at the cabin with directions. A list of security and where body guards were needed. He then sent it out. And sent a copy of the all points bulletin to the warden.

The sheriff was getting tired, it was late. He needed to get home, have a cold beer then go to bed. That's exactly what he did.

Bob and Graham woke up to Bob's cell phone ringing. Bob was still half awake and half asleep. He rubbed the cobwebs out of his eyes and looked at his phone. It was Cal, he wondering why he was calling so early. "Hey Cal, what's this early morning call?"

"Sorry Bob for waking you. But I'm at my office and just received a fax with the sheriff from the county your brother lives in. I was wondering if I could come over and talk to you. I don't really want to mention what I have to tell you over the phone."

"Sure Cal. You know how to get in. I'll take a quick shower and be ready when you get here."

"I'll be there in about ten minutes."

Graham asked Bob what the sheriff wanted. He said he didn't know but would he here in about ten minutes to talk to us. He didn't sound good on the phone and was in his serious sheriff voice.

Bob and Graham took a quick shower and got dressed in some shorts and tshirt. It was early and Bob gave Holden a call to cancel their work out. He caught Holden just as he was leaving for Bob's. He thanked Bob and would look forward to working out tomorrow. Bob noticed Graham was tenting his shorts but he didn't have time right now to take care of that. It was still over an hour before Margatet would arrive.

Bob heard Cal come screetching in. He didn't like that. He saw Cal walk up to the front door and he opened it for him. He gave Cal a hug and kiss and Cal returned it. Cal saw Graham standing to one side. Bob introduced Cal to Graham and explained how he was a childhood friend that relocated and was working here in town and living with him.

Bob led Cal to the living room. He asked Cal if he wanted some coffee. He said no, he needed to make this short and to the point. He then told Bob and Graham about the prison escape. How the prisoners were targeting gays. The leader of the escapees was a former employee of Reggie. He explained what the county and state would do. How they would have security at the house and body guards with them where ever they went. Bob asked him about his work. Cal said they would screen all patients coming in and the clinic would be guarded on the outside. Also his house would have security guards inside and outside. The same for Graham. Both Bob and Graham would have twenty four hour protection including the body guards. At this point, they had a lead where the prisoners were holeing up. But they had no idea how soon they would strike. He told Bob and Graham to go on with their regular daily schedule and act like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Bob asked Cal about Margaret, his house keeper. He recommended he tell Margaret there would be security inside and outside, but didn't really need to mention anything else and for her to do her daily work as normal. He asked if he thought Margaret should have protection. Cal said at this point, he didn't think so. But would alert the guards to assist Margaret in anything she needed. Bob and Graham thanked Cal for his information and Cal told them if he got any alerts or new information he would be sure to pass it on to them. They thanked Cal, kissing and hugging and Cal left for his office."

Both Bob and Graham looked at each other. "Wow, what do you think babe?" Bob asked Graham.

"I think we need to follow Cal's advice and try to act like everything is normal. Dave is coming over tonight. Do you think I should call him and tell him to make it another time?"

"No, I don't think so. Remember Cal said for us to act normal like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. If we call Dave it might raise suspicions. We can tell the guards we are having company. We can always go downstairs or some place away from the guards and have some fun. I think we will need it after all day at work."

"God I love you Graham. Your so smart. I agree with you totally."

Bob and Graham went upstairs to shower and get dressed for work. They were talking the whole time about the prison break out. They were wondering how much danger they were in. They were too nervous to get hard. They tried in the shower but they just couldn't get hard no matter how much they tried. They dried each other off and dressed each other, but that didn't change their soft cocks. They went downstairs to eat breakfast. They both told Margaret about the prison break out. Cal told them they would have security guards inside and outside the house. Cal thought you were safe and just to go about your regular duties and act like nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Margaret agreed, but she felt nervous, not so much for herself, but for Bob and Graham. The guys finished their breakfast and told Margaret bye and not to worry.

As they went to their separate work places, they noticed a black suburban following them. The windows were tinted black so you couldn't see into the vehicle. They both hoped it was security. The vehicles were unmarked. Bob pulled into his parking spot and the van followed him in and parked beside him. When Bob got out, four large muscular men got out of the van. They told Bob they were assigned to him for security. They would stay outside the clinic and routinely check it. One of the security guards would screen patients coming into the clinic. Bob told them to do whatever they needed to do. He would tell his secretary and nurse what was going on.

Bob walked in through the waiting room. He told Janice to come to Shirley's reception office. He then proceeded to tell them what was going on with the break out and that there would be security checking the clinic outside and one security guard would be screening patients before they came into the clinic. Bob told Shirley to call his appointments for the next few days and tell them about the screening and not to be alarmed. He thought they would appreciate knowing before they came to the clinic.

The same thing happened to Graham. And one of the security guards told Graham he would screen any people coming with appointments. Graham told the security guards that he had one security person that worked during the day and he stayed in the building at night. They told Graham that they were assigned to him. That they would be his body guards when he wasn't at work.

Reggie and Deb woke up to the phone ringing. It was their county sheriff calling Reggie. He told Reggie about the break out at the prison and that Butch was the ring leader of the breakout. He then told Reggie that he would have body guards and security at his work site and house. Security would be inside and outside the house. Reggie told them to do whatever needed to be done for his family's safety. They told him, for your safety too. Your name was at the of top Butch's hit list. He asked the the sheriff how soon he would have security. A security van will follow you to your work site. Another one will be parked close to your house and those four will be guarding inside and outside your house. They will work twelve hours and then a different team of security will take their place for the next twelve hours. They will switch back and forth every twelve hours. Reggie thanked the sheriff and asked him if their was anything he could do to help. The sheriff told him no. Just do your regular routine and work and try to act like nothing out of the ordinary is going on. He asked the sheriff about his kids going to school. He told Reggie that there was a body guard assigned to each one. He told Reggie to talk to his kids so they wouldn't be scared or frightened.

Deb asked Reggie what the call was all about. He told her what the sheriff had told him. They agreed to get up early so they would have time to talk to the kids and hopefully they would understand what was happening and not act scared. They showered together, but like Bob and Graham they didn't have any sex. After the news from the sheriff, they lost all sexual desire for this morning. They got dressed for work. Deb started breakfast and Reggie knocked on the kids's bedroom doors and told them it was time to get up. He heard grumbling and pretend snoring. He knocked again and told them now. They told him ok dad we will shower and get dressed and be ready for breakfast in a few minutes.

The kids came to the kitchen grumbling about being up earlier than usual. Reggie and Deb told them what was happening and not to be scared or frightened. The body guards will take good care of you. We don't know how long this will be going on. Both kids told their dad. This sounds like a spy mystery movie. They were excited and not nervous or scared at all. This is really cool dad, my friends are going to be jealous of me. Just you and your sister be careful what you tell your friends. We don't need anymore things happening right now. They told their mom and dad that they would be careful what they said. Everyone finished eating and two body guards escorted the kids to school. Reggie and Deb were followed like Bob and Graham and told basically the same information.

Butch woke up early, before the other guys. He was formulating his plan in his mind. He thought he would take a drive around and get familiar with the area. He couldn't believe how good these masks were. They looked like the real thing. They even used real human hair. The masks fit like a glove and were perfect. He heard the other guys stirring and told them to stay tight here that he was going for a drive to check out the area. He wouldn't be gone long. He told them if any of you morons know how to cook. I'll like some breakfast when I get back.

They told him to get his ass out of this shack. Breakfast would be ready when he got back. Butch went out and started the car. He backed out and drove out to the main highway. He took a right and wanted to see where it led. It wasn't long till he passed The Big One (porn shop) and a few more miles he saw The In and Out Bar (gay bar). This is perfect. Tonight we will try out one of the pipe bombs at The Big One. This will get rid of one of these disgusting places that cater to fags. Then I'll wait a couple of days and bomb The In and Out Bar. Then we'll have to cool it for awhile till things settle down a bit. Then I can start following Reggie and get his routine down and get rid of that bastard that fired me.

While Reggie was driving to work he was thinking about everything the sheriff told him. He was thinking about the bachelor party for Jarvis in two weekends. He thought he better call the sheriff today and find out if he should go ahead with the party. He would call him later once all the men were busy on the construction site.

The sheriff took his tape recording over to the warden. The warden was pleased with all the information the sheriff was able to get from the guard. He just needed to have everything in order before contacting the governor. He would call the governor after the sheriff left. The warden thanked the sheriff for his help and told him all the body guards and security were in place. He thanked the sheriff again and then he left.

The sheriff got on his phone and called the governor. The governor was surprised about the break out and not happy about five prisoners escaping. The sheriff then told the governor he knew who the prisoners were. The guard gave him the location where the prisoners were holding out. It was just a matter of time and they would be arrested and brought back to prison and put in solitary confinement. The governor was pleased with that and told the sheriff to keep him informed on their progress, the sooner the prisoners were back in prison the better it would be for everybody.

The sheriff gave a big sigh of relief once he finished his call to the governor. It went much better than he planned. He thought the governor would be shouting and ranting and raving. He guessed with all the information he had. That satisfied the governor. At least he knew where the prisoners were. With the county sheriff and deputies and the FBI, they should have the prisoners back, hopefully tomorrow.

Bob and Graham met for lunch. They stuck to their routine like they were told to do. The body guards followed them to the diner and waited outside while they ate. Bob and Graham talked about the prisoners and Bob was wondering how his brother and family were doing. So far, everything seemed like normal. The only difference was having the body guards and security guards, but if the sheriff felt it was needed, then they would comply. Actually they knew they didn't have a choice.

Butch made it back to the shack. The guys heard him returning. The bomb expert had been busy making more pipe bombs. He had four ready. When Butch entered, he ate his breakfast and told the guys about the two fag places he had found. He told them tonight that he and his bomb making friend would go to The Big One and plant a bomb and blow the fucker up and hopefully a lot of fags at the same time. He told them, he thought about nine tonight would be a good time to go there.

The owner of The Big One was pretty happy. He just had a knew cock sucker start that was working a glory hole in the back. He was really good. In fact, he had checked him out and had him blowing a big load fast. He was getting a lot of customers and thanks for the new guy that was getting them off. He knew he would busy tonight since this was only his third time working. He had put a sign up telling them when he would be here the next time. The owner was getting a hardon just thinking about him. Might have him take care of me first before he starts with his customers. They had agreed on a fifty fifty split. He got half of the profits for letting him use his store and the cocksucker got the other half for providing the service. He could hardly wait. He was supposed to start around eight or eight thirty and he knew guys would be coming early to get a number and be in line when he started.

Bob's day went fast. Even though he was doing physicals, he was able to finish them in record time. He finished his reports and sent them to the respective schools. He told Shirley and Janice bye and left for the day. He had been thinking all day about the prison break out, he was hoping Cal would call and tell him they had been captured the prisoners and were back in prison.

Once he got home he talked to Margaret for a bit. She told Bob that their was two security guards in the back yard and two in the front watching the gate and entrance. Bob told her he had talked to the guards in the front. They told him they didn't have any news about the prisoners. Margaret told Bob bye and left for the day. Bob could tell Margaret was nervous.

Graham wasn't home yet. He could sure use Graham's comfort and support right now. I hope he's not real late getting home. Bob went upstairs and stripped out of his work clothes and put on some sweats.

Reggie thought he better give the sheriff a call and see about Jarvis' bachelor party. If he thought it was a good idea to go ahead with it. Reggie called the sheriff and they talked for a few minutes. The sheriff told Reggie to go ahead with the party. Remember you want to stick to your routine and not act like anything is wrong. Guards will be following you to the party and will be guarding the entrance to the penthouse and checking guests as they enter. Two more will be on the floor where some of the guests will be staying. Nothing to worry about Reggie. I wish I had more information for you, but unfortunately I don't. Just go about doing the things you normally do.

Reggie would call Jarvis when he got home and tell him everything was a go in two weekends.

Bob heard Graham drive in and saw him talking to the security guards. It looked like they were changing shifts. Graham walked into the kitchen from the garage and he and Bob hugged and kissed. Graham told Bob the guards just changed shifts. There were still four guards two in the front and two in the backyard. Bob followed Graham up to their bedroom they closed the door and both got naked. They spent a good hour making love. They kissed and hugged and made out until each other was so horny they couldn't take it any longer. They sucked and fucked each other only like two lovers do. They both felt better after their love making.

Graham threw some old sweats on and they went downstairs. Graham grabbed a beer and went to the living to watch the news. Bob got their dinner ready. Bob grabbed a beer for himself and they ate their dinner in the living room watching the news.

They heard a noise outside and saw Dave walking up to the front door. Graham opened the door for him. They shook hands and went to the living room. I finished getting dinner dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the mess in the kitchen. I brought a beer for Dave and he asking Graham about the security guards. We both gave Dave a general description of what was going on. We could see a big bulge in Dave's jeans. We asked him if we should go downstairs and watch a movie. Giving him a wink. Dave got the message and we went downstairs.

Graham found a movie for us to watch. We had Dave sit in one of the theater chairs and Graham and I sat on each side of him. It was a tight fit, but it felt good and no one was complaining.

Butch was pacing the floor. He always did that when he was nervous and anxious. He kept checking the time. It was just after seven thirty and he wanted to be at The Big One right around nine. He thought there would be a lot of people there a little later.

The owner of The Big One was anxious for his cock sucker to get there. He was going to have him service him first. The young guy couldn't be any older than twenty, maybe twenty two at the most. He was well built and could tell he played sports and worked out. The owner was already getting calls asking if the great cock sucker would be there tonight. The owner told them he should be here around eight.

It was just after eight thirty and Butch told his buddy the bomb expert it was time for them to leave. They checked their masks in the mirror, everything looked good. The prisoner had his bomb ready to go and would conceal it in his coat when they went inside the porn shop. They got in the car and took off.

The porn shop was hopping. The owner got a good suck from the kid before he got set up in the booth with the glory hole. There was already thirty guys in line waiting and more in the parking lot. The kid had a new sign made and would be working Wed, Fri and Sat. He had raised the price on blow jobs from forty dollars to fifty and if the guy wanted to fuck him that was fifty dollars more. The guys paid the owner and then he split their profits fifty fifty when the night finished.

Butch saw the sign up ahead for the porn shop. It was just approaching nine. Perfect timing he was thinking to himself. He noticed the parking lot was pretty full and looked like many cars still had their drivers. They both got out of the car walked up to the porn shop and walked in. They didn't see anybody at the counter. The owner had just walked into his office to take a leak. They noticed a long line of guys. They must be waiting on the glory hole. The bomber made his way back to an empty booth and put some coins in the slot to start the movie. He could hear moaning and groaning and sucking sounds coming from the next booth. Those fucking fags have no idea what's going to happen to them in a few minutes. The noise from the movie drowned out the noise he made strapping the bomb to the bottom of the chair. He set the timer for ten minutes and left the booth. He gave Butch a nod and they left the porn shop. The owner never saw them come in or leave.

Butch and the bomber were talking and walking slow when they left the porn shop. They were talking loud enough for other guys to hear them. "Damn that kid sure gives good blow jobs. I'm definitely going to be a regular." Butch told the bomber. They got in the car and left going in the opposite direction from the porn shop. They went a few yards and turned around. They just passed the porn shop going back to their shack when the bomb exploded.

The bomb almost demolished the whole porn shop. Everyone inside the porn shop was killed instantly. The porn shop was in ruins. The guys inside the porn shop never knew what happened. The owner was still in his office when the bomb exploded. He happened to be in his private bathroom which had just been rebuilt. The bomb blasted out one of the walls and through him against the other wall, but he was alive, conscious and hardly any cuts or bruises. He couldn't believe what he saw when he walked out of the bathroom. There was nothing there. He got on his cell phone and called the sheriff.

End of Chapter 10 - Jarvis

Chapter 11 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at: Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 11

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