My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 5, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 1

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 1. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 1 - Alec

Let me give you a little background about myself. My birth name is Robert, but I prefer to go by Bob. I'm 30 years old, an even six feet tall, 195 lbs, black hair and brown eyes. Pretty smooth, with a little tuft of hair under my arms and little fuzz on my ass cheeks, thick pubes that I keep trimmed, and a smooth chest.

I workout 3-4 days per week at the local gym.

I just finished my residency and am a full fledged physician, practicing family medicine.

Luckily, when I returned back to my home town, Dr. Barnett was retiring, and I was able to buy his clinic.

My hometown is small, at the most maybe 10,000 residents. Most of the people live rural and are farmers and ranchers. The town has the usual stores, a couple of gas stations, two big supermarkets, drug store, a mall, and some random stores on the main street and a big paper mill that hires probably half of the town. Also, important to me is a medical supply store only a couple of blocks away from the clinic.

The first week back was busy. Arriving in my hometown. Settling into a new house, actually an older house, in the Victorian Style, that I'm going to have renovated to my taste. The house is in good condition but there are a few changes I'd like to make. The house was a good buy that I couldn't pass up. The house was a bank foreclosure. It's probably too big for me, but I will have plenty of room for friends, relatives and parties.

I haven't had a chance to visit the clinic and check it out. But will do that this weekend. I won't be starting work until Monday and I have the clinic closed this weekend. I plan to have the clinic closed on weekends, unless something happens and I'm needed.

Being Saturday, I'm going over to the be clinic. It's a little drive from my house to the clinic. Since the house is on the edge of town.

Pulling up in front of the clinic brings back memories. The last time I was here was when I needed a sports physical. Seems a little strange to be working here now. When your a kid you don't think that far ahead. And I just assumed Dr. Barnett would be working here forever. I unlocked the clinic and walked in. Closed and locked the door behind me. Nothing had changed. It looked the same as I remembered it. I took a tour of the clinic and everything was still in the same place. I walked into my office and saw a stack of papers on my desk. I turned on the computer and saw that it was connected to the medical system, so I am interconnected to the local hospital and other medical facilities throughout the state.

I start looking through the papers and see that Dr. Barnett has a list of people vaccinated for Covid and a list of those that haven't been vaccinated. Also information on a vaccine that will be available for teens eighteen and older, and two outlets where I can order vaccines.

I take a walk around to check on supplies and realize I need to get an order ready. So I print out a list of supplies that I need and put it on Shirley's desk.

Shirley is the receptionist and does all the scheduling and takes care of the insurance for the patients and billing. Shirley was Dr. Barnett's receptionist and right hand helper. She has worked at the clinic, like forever. I will have her call the medical store in town to order the supplies.

Dr. Barnett also had hired a new nurse, Janice, and I will meet her on Monday. According to Dr. Barnett's information, she comes with good credentials and has worked for him just over a year.

I take one last look around the clinic and head back home.

John and Beverly are my parents. My mom goes by "Bev", rather than Beverly. When my parents were having a disagreement and my dad said Beverly, I knew they were in a heated argument.

My dad has a large law firm that he has built up over the years. My mom works as a paralegal, and helps my dad. They live on the edge of town in almost the opposite direction from where I live. I'm glad to have some distance between us. I love my parents very much but they can be quite controlling and demanding at times.

My parents know I've been busy since I'm back in my hometown. Settling into a new house and getting ready to start work at the clinic.

I have one brother that's older, Reginald 32. Who hates his name and goes by Reggie. Growing up, he thought he was adopted for our parents giving him that name.

Reggie is married to Deb and they have two kids, Bryan 9 and Julie 7.

I probably won't see them much, because my brother owns and runs his own construction company and they live about two hours away. He stays quite busy and rarely takes time off from work.

Well, here it was Monday. Time for my first day of work. I showered and took care of my morning woody. Jerking off and splattering cum over the shower wall. I watched the cum run down the wall and into the floor drain. That felt good and I milked out the last few drops. Rinsed the the cum off myself and the shower wall. I walked out of the shower and got dressed. While I was getting dressed I could smell breakfast permeating my bedroom. It smelled delicious. I was hoping Margaret was a good cook. She had good recommendations so I was hoping for the best. My cooking skills weren't all that great.

I finished dressing and walked downstairs. "Good morning Margaret. Breakfast smells delicious."

"Where would you like to eat Bob?"

"The breakfast nook will be perfect?"

"Would you like a cup of coffee while I bring your breakfast?"

"Yes please. I like my coffee black, no cream or sugar. And a glass of orange juice."

Margaret brought everything over. And breakfast was as good as it smelled. Much better than I would have done. I thanked Margaret and walked into the garage from the side kitchen door. I got into my SUV and headed to work.

Margaret would be cleaning the house while I'm gone to work and will also prepare dinner. She knew how to arm and disarm the security system. And knew where the speaker was located in the house for the front gate and the button to push, to open the gate.

It didn't take long to get to the clinic. I pulled into the side parking and saw two cars there. Probably Shirley and Janice. As soon as I walked into the clinic I was immediately greeted by Shirley and Janice.

"Good morning ladies." I recognized Shirley, she looked the same.

"Yes, hello Dr. Robert."

I cringed a little. "Please call me Bob or Dr. Bob."

They had decorated my back office and with a banner and some balloons. I saw a cake on Shirley's desk. Shirley brought me a piece of cake.

"Thanks ladies. This was a very nice welcome for my first day."

"I kept your patient count low, being your first day at work," said Shirley.

"Thanks, Shirley, I appreciate that. I'm going to need a little time to adjust working as a doctor in my own clinic."

"Did you see the order of supplies, I put on your desk?"

"Yes, Dr. Bob," she said smiling. "I've already called it in, and it will be ready later today to be picked up."

Janice told me, "all of your patients today are here for Covid vaccinations."

"Good, I will give each one a quick check up and then Janice, I will have you administer the vaccination."

"Yes, Dr. Bob," said Janice.

I headed back to my office and see a large arrangement of flowers on my desk and a card welcoming me to the clinic from Shirley and Janice. I wondered when they had done this. The decorations and cake was enough.

I received a call on my office phone from Janice, telling me my first patient was here and was waiting for me in the examination room.

I put on my lab coat and entered the examination room. I see a middle aged man, from his looks, I would assume he is a farmer. I walk over to him. Give him a fist bump, being careful about Covid-19.

"Hello my name is Bob, nice to meet you."

"I'm Lester, nice to meet you too. I'm here for a Covid-19 vaccination."

"Ok, Lester, get up on the examination table, I'm going to do a few tests to make sure your ok for the vaccination."

I ran a series of tests to make sure Lester didn't have the virus and was fit for the vaccination.

"Everything checks out fine Lester, nothing to be nervous about. I will have the nurse give you the vaccination. Thank you for coming in to get the vaccination and taking time off from your work."

"Your welcome doctor, and thanks for giving me the ok for the shot."

"No problem Lester, that's why I'm here, Janice will be in shortly to adminster your vaccination. You will receive a card with the date and name of your first vaccination. And there will be a date when your due for your second vaccination. Be sure to bring your card when you come for your second vaccination."

I left the examination room and told Janice that Lester was good to go for his vaccination.

The day continued the same, giving examinations and Janice giving the shots. I saw my last patient around 3:30pm.

I finished my office work, and told Shirley I was leaving for the day. I thanked Shirley and Janice for the flowers cake and decorations, and making my first day go easy.

I left the clinic and walked over to the medical supply store to pick up my order. Shirley had told to me ask for Alec. I walk into the store and asked the clerk at the counter for Alec. I noticed the clerk's nametag and it wasn't Alec. The clerk at the counter told me Alec had left for the day, but had my order ready. I thanked him and told him to thank Alec, I took my order, and walked back to my car.

I'm not taking my order to the clinic. I can take it tomorrow morning when I go to work.

I got in my car and headed home. When I got home, I saw a note on the kitchen island from Margaret. She said, she left for the day and there's food in the frig to warm up for dinner.

I had the medical supply order with me and walked into the living room. I opened the bag and took everything out. The order was complete. I noticed a card fall out of the bag. I picked up the card and noticed it was from the medical supply store. I looked the card over on both sides and noticed some writing on the back. It was a note from Alec. "Sorry I had to leave work early today. Here's my phone number. Like to invite you to lunch, a payback for missing you at the store. I'd like to meet the new doctor and show you all the supplies we have to offer and you can order items we don't keep in stock."

I kept looking at the message on the business card. It seemed a bit strange to me. Why not just call me at work, or visit me at the clinic? Maybe, I'm putting too much into this and he really does want to show me what supplies he has available. Anyhow, I left the business card on the coffee table in the living room. Thought I'd wait a few days and see if I heard anything from Alec. If not, I'd give him a call and see if he still wanted to meet for lunch.

I warmed up the food Margaret had prepared. It looked and smelled delicious. I was hungry and my stomach was growling. I ate at the breakfast nook. It was really good. Homemade spaghetti with meat balls and homemade garlic bread. I gobbled it all down.

I watched a college football game for awhile on tv. The game wasn't that great and it was going to be a blowout. I had played football in high school and college and really liked watching college football. I was tired after my first day at work. The game hadn't finished, but I went upstairs and took my clothes off. And walked into the shower. The warm steamy water felt good on my neck and shoulders. I was a little tense. I set the shower head to massage. I turned off the shower and walked out and dried off. I like sleeping nude and crawled into bed.

I wasn't as tired after the shower, but now I was horny after the warm steamy water. My hardon was sticking straight up and tenting the sheets. I pulled the sheets down and closed my eyes and started rubbing the length of my cock. I'm seven inches and moderately thick. Cut and my cock is straight, no bends or curves with a big thick vein that runs down the back of my shaft. My cock head flares when I'm really turned on like it is right now. I started slowly stroking my cock with one hand and feeling my balls with the other hand. I really like my balls played with, it really gets me going. Once I started feeling my balls and rolling them around in my hand, I was leaking copiously. I rubbed the precum over the head and my shaft and really got into stroking my cock. By balls were bouncing up and down and I could feel my cum churning. I kept my eyes closed and grunted loud and shot out big long thick ropes of cum onto my chest and abs. The rest ran down the side of my hand and I licked it off. I don't mind the taste of my cum. Of course, I prefer someone else's, but I don't have any plans on that. My bath towel was laying on the floor and I cleaned myself off. I knew I would get a good nights sleep now.

The next few days flew by at work. I was getting into a good routine at work. I received a shipment of vaccines and a notice that the vaccine for juveniles/young adults would be ready soon.

Mostly farmers ranchers and business people and their employees came in for their vaccines.

When I got home Friday after work, I checked and no messages on my cell phone. Alec had never called me and I hadn't called him. I flopped down on the couch and noticed the business card. I thought, what the heck. Alec sounds like a nice guy. I'll call and see what happens. My social life is nil. I punched in Alec's number on my phone from the card. It rang and rang and rang. No answer so I left Alec a message. I told him in the message, if tomorrow works, Saturday, maybe we could meet for lunch at the Main Street Diner and I could look over his medical supply catalogs?

I fixed myself a sandwich. I wasn't hungry for a big dinner, even though Margaret had made one. I watched some sports on tv and washed my sandwich down with a cold beer. I was starting to nod off when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi, this is Alec returning your call. Received your message and tomorrow for lunch works for me. How about we meet at the Main Street Diner at 1:00pm for lunch. I'll bring along my medical supply catalogs for you to look over."

"1:00pm works for me. I'll meet you at the diner tomorrow."

I went to bed after the phone call. I was tired. I tossed and turned all night. Woke up Saturday morning tired. I don't know why this luncheon with Alec was bothering me so much. I went for a run.

Margaret was gone for the weekend.

Came back, fixed and ate some breakfast. I put everything away and cleaned the kitchen. I then went upstairs and took a shower to clean the sweat off. I didn't fool around in the shower, didn't feel like it. I dried off and put on some sweat pants and tshirt. It felt nice to just relax around the house.

Only 9:00am and I don't have lunch with Alec until 1:00pm. Started thinking again about having lunch with Alec. I was wondering if it was the right thing to do. He hasn't done anything to make me nervous or anxious about lunch. I don't even know him, and he doesn't know me. Guess I'll just have to see what happens. It still seemed kind of strange, since we didn't know each other.

I made myself busy around the house. Still had a few boxes to unpack. Margaret didn't work on the weekends. I went upstairs and thought I'd check and see what I wanted to wear for lunch. Went to my walkin closet and started getting nervous and sweaty again. I felt like I was going on a first date. Maybe, that was why I felt nervous. This is a date, but Alec said a luncheon and looking at some medical supply catalogs. I sat on the bed to control myself. Shit I haven't felt like this since high school, when I dated a few girls for apprearance and everyone would think I was straight. I knew from a very young age that I was attracted to the boys and not the girls. But I managed to stay in the closet, way back in the closet. I didn't want to do anything to jeopardize my education and career. Oh well, I started feeling a little better. I walked in the walkin closet and decided to wear something something casual, yet sporty. I took out a pair of dress slacks and a Polo pull over shirt. I wore some loafers and I thought that would work. I looked at myself in my floor length mirror, not bad, I thought. I splashed on some cologne. I made sure everything was locked and secured in the house. I grabbed my car keys and wallet and headed out to the garage, arming my security system.

I got in my car, used the remote on the visor to open and close the garage door and gate. And I headed out to the diner. I wanted to arrive to the diner before Alec. I was going to try to be as calm and collected as possible.

I pulled up in front of the diner. Only one other car was parked in front. Plenty of parking space. I was wondering if Alec had the same idea as me and had arrived early. Anyhow, I got out of my car and walked up the steps to the diner. When I got inside, there was one older couple sitting at a back table. I took a seat at a table by one of the front windows. Seemed strange to be a Saturday, lunch time, and no other customers here. The waitress walked over.

"Hello, tall, dark and handsome. What can I get you?"

I was taken back a bit. I wasn't used to someone talking to me like that. "Smiling, almost blushing, just a black coffee, thanks."

"I'll be right back with your coffee."

"Thank you."

I thought some coffee might help me relax, I was still nervous, before Alec arrived. I was glad he wasn't here at the diner yet. Will give me some time to compose myself. And stop sweating. I wanted to look composed and ready when he got here.

The waitress returned with my coffee. I looked at her nametag. Her name was Millie.

"Thanks Millie for the coffee."

"Yeah, it's my first time in the diner. I just relocated here back to my hometown. I'm the new doctor. I took over Dr. Barnett's practice."

Millie, I would guess was in her early forties. Kind of a stocky gal. Quite a flirt, but friendly. She leaned down when she set my coffee on the table, so I could get a good view of her tits.

Millie asked me, "will you be ordering off the menu, or do you want the special on the chalkboard?"

"I will take another cup of coffee. I will order off the menu later, I'm waiting on someone to arrive."

"And whom might that someone be? If you don't mind my asking?"

"Alec, the medical supply store owner is supposed to meet me here for lunch and a business meeting. But when we talked on the phone, we never shared any personal information about ourselves, so I don't know what he looks like."

"Well, Alec is a regular here at lunch time. He looks a lot like you. He's tall, dark and handsome, just like this doctor sitting here and talking to me."

"Your going to make me blush Millie, thanks for the compliment."

"No problem, just being honest."

"Where are all your customers? I thought the diner would be busy at lunchtime. Especially on Saturday?"

"There's a cattle auction going on today, so that's where all my regular customers are."

"I'll take a refill Millie, please?"

"Ok, I'll get the coffee pot."

Millie came back with the coffee pot and refilled my cup and left the coffee pot on the table.

"Thanks, Millie."

"I better get busy or the cook will be hollering at me. Your welcome for the coffee, and please come back here to the diner more often. I'll let you know when Alec arrives. He is usually punctual. What time was your luncheon meeting?"

"We set our luncheon meeting at 1:00pm."

"He should be here anytime."

"Ok, thanks Millie, I'll just enjoy this good coffee and wait for Alec."

"Thanks, hon, he'll be here soon."

While I was sitting at the table, sipping on my third cup of coffee, I see a car pull up. It's 1:00pm sharp. Out steps this guy. I have to take a double take. He does look a lot like me. If he had a beard, like me, we could be twins. Looking closer at him, I think he could fool my parents. Holy cow, Millie wasn't lying. I see him carrying some catalogs and walks into the diner. Millie gives me a knowing wink and nod. He immediately walks over to where I'm sitting.


"Hi, that's me. Alec?"

"Yup. This is Alec."

I get up and we give each other fist bumps.

Millie walks over. "Would you like your usual Alec?"

We sit and stare at each other for a minute or two without saying anything. We can't believe we look so much alike. It's almost like looking in a mirror. Finally, I break the silence, "I assume your Alec? Just confirming."

"Yes, sorry, I just thought I was looking at my twin."

"I know, I feel the same way." I like Alec's deep voice, like mine. I see some hair sticking out the top of his dress shirt. That's one difference we have. I'm smooth and it looks like he is hairy. I wonder what other differences we have, why am I thinking that? Am I that desparate to be with some?

We had a light lunch. I wasn't very hungry and still nervous. Even though Alect seemed like a nice enough guy.. We talked alot and asked each other alot of questions. I found out Alec went through a very difficult and dragged out divorce. He's single now and not looking at this time. He has been living in my hometown now for two years. He relocated here after his divorce was final. He wanted to get as far away from his ex as possible.

He handed me the catalogs, and he put his hand on mine. I thought that was strange since he said he was not looking for anyone. He left his hand on mine longer than was normal. I saw him smiling to himself. I was wondering if it was true that he wasn't looking for anybody. I told Alec, "Shirley and I would review the prices in his catalogs and compare his prices from the supplier that we were currently using."

Alec said, "fair enough. Remember if you buy supplies from me, you won't be paying any shipping and handling. And any order over a thousand dollars, I give a discount."

He made a good point and something to consider when Shirley and I compared prices.

Alec was an easy person to talk to. He should have a successful business with his personality and he was pretty witty.

Alec then asked me, "would I like to go somewhere for dinner?"

"I've only been back for a week, so I'm not familiar with any eating places."

"I know a good restauarant and I could pick you up and we could go there. It's better if I drive, the restaurant is hard to find at night and difficult to give directions to."

"Ok. I don't have any plans for dinner and it would be better than staying in the house all evening."

"Good. I will come by your house at 6:00pm. Where do you live?"

"I bought the old Mason house." We exchanged cell phone numbers and told him to call me if their was any change in plans.

Alec said, "the Mason house has a reputation of being haunted. It takes about 45-55 minutes to get to the restaurant."

We paid Millie and we each gave her a tip and left and went our separate ways.

I got home and walked into the kitchen through the side garage door. Disarmed the security system. I was thinking about what a great time I had. I didn't realize how much I needed to start socializing again. I enjoyed Alec and talking with him. He was an easy person to talk and like.

When he arrived at the diner, he sat down, and we just stared at each other for a minute or two. I couldn't believe how much we looked alike. If he had a beard like me, we could pass for twins. He cut his black hair short like me. He had hazel colored eyes like me, that seemed to sparkle when he was talking to me. Alec is six feet tall like me. He's 198 lbs to my 195 lbs. He's 30 just like me. He likes working out and goes to the local gym. I told him I like working out too and maybe we could become gym buddies. Alec liked that idea. I told him I didn't know there was a local gym. He told me he goes early in the morning to the gym, before going to work, and I told him I like working out early too.

We decided to start working out together.

When Alec had handed me the medical supply catalogs, our hands touched. I didn't know if he did it on purpose or was just an accident. I thought he did it on purpose, because he left his hand on mine longer than you normally would. And I thought I saw a smile on his face. When our hands touched it sent a jolt of electricity through my body. Not sure if Alec felt the same thing. I wasn't sure if I wanted to waken those feelings. I was pretty comfortable in the closet and hadn't planned on coming out to anyone. My hometown was pretty conservative and just relocating, I didn't want to start out on a bad foot.

But the way he looked at me after our hands touched and smiled, gave me the impression he might be interested in something more. Anyhow, it was a great time and I looked forward to having dinner with him.

When I got home I dropped on the couch, imagining Bob doing the same thing. When I entered the diner and sat down, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I was looking in the mirror. If I had a beard we could pass for twins. Damn, what a nice guy Bob is. Easy to talk to, friendly, and I think a great catch. I've went through enough guys in this town and I need to take it easy. Don't want to upset the apple cart.

We talked about our past. I told Bob about my divorce and how we seemed to just drift apart, and divorce seemed like the right answer. I didn't tell him the real reason for the divorce. My wife came home early from work and caught me and a male co-worker in bed having sex. Needless to say, the shit hit the fan when she caught me. We divorced soon after that and I moved to this town and restarted my medical supply business.

After that sexual encounter with a co-worker, I had repressed my homosexual feelings until I met Bob. Bob is a great catch and I'm going to take my time and not do anything to jeopardize that. But I could tell he liked me and that's a good start.

I gave Bob a few subtle hints. Putting my hand on his. He didn't move his hand away, so that was a good sign. I kept staring at him and smiling, causing him to blush a few times. The blushing just made him more handsome and irristible.

Then I invited Bob to dinner, and he didn't say no. So I will pick him up and see what other subtle things I can do when we are together. We talked and talked in the diner. Almost two hours had passed. Time just seemed to fly by, we had so much in common and he was so easy to talk to.

I'm looking forward to our date. Yes, a dinner date, as far as I'm concerned. Going to put a few more moves on Bob and see what happens. I need to plot my stategy, rest a bit, and then got ready for dinner.

I looked around, kind of dazed. I must have dozed off. I could see that it was already dusk outside. Looked at the clock and it was approaching 6:00pm. Damn, I need to shower and then get dressed. I don't like having to be rushed. Like plenty of of time. Just a pet peeve of mine.

I got up from the couch, kind of groggy and made my way upstairs to the bathroom in my master bedroom. I walked into the shower and got it going to the temperature I liked. Took a quick shower. Dried off and walked back into my bedroom, and into the walkin closet. Deciding what I should wear for a dinner date.

Smiling to myself, "dinner date." I liked the sound of that. I decided on some dark blue dress slacks, with a light blue dress shirt. Didn't look too bad, I thought those clothes would work. Slid on my boxers, cupping my balls and cock to make my cock plump a bit. Then put on my socks. Put on my shirt, then my dress pants. Put on a nice dress belt and some dress shoes. Took a look in my floor length mirror, not too shabby. I felt kind of foolish, like a high school girl going on her first date. But, anyhow, I'll see how the dinner goes. I looked at the clock and it was already 6:25pm. Alec was probably waiting for me. I splashed on some cologne and looked to see if Alec had arrived.

Thank God, I hadn't heard the speaker and he hadn't arrived yet. I was glad he was running late. I felt better.

I took a long hot shower using the massage setting on the shower head. It helped to ease my tense and tight muscles. On the outside I appeared calm and collected. But actually, I was quite nervous wondering how my lunch with Bob would go. To my surprise and satisfaction, and I think Bob's, the lunch went better than I anticipated.

Now, I have to decide what I'll wear. I don't want to be overdressed, but still appear dressed in good taste. I decided on a dark blue pair of dress pants, and a light blue dress shirt, no tie or suit jacket. A nice belt and some classy dress shoes.

I looked at myself on my closet mirror. Thought I looked pretty good. I hope Bob thinks so. It was already 6:10, I better get my ass in gear and head over to Bob's.

I thought I should give him a call so he knew I was on my way and not standing him up. I speed dialed Bob's number. "Hi Alec, are we still going to dinner?"

"Yeah. That's why I'm calling. I'm just heading out the door now. I am running a little late. Sorry about that."

"No problem, I'm ready. Just press the speaker button when you arrive and I'll let you in through the gate."

"Ok. See you soon."

I put on some Dolce & Gabbana cologne, my favorite, and left the house. And drove over to Bob's. I wanted to be on time. I have this thing about being punctual. And this was no exception. It was really bothering me, that I was running late.

It was 6:25pm and I was pacing back and forth. Looking out the window to see if Alec had pulled up to the gate. Nothing. I know he called and told me he was on his way. I know he likes to be punctual and he said 6:00pm. But I can't help myself. Walking back and forth, checking the window. Still nothing. Since I thought I had time, I better check the doors and windows upstairs and downstairs, make sure they are all closed and locked. Looked out the window again when I heard the speaker. I pushed the button and saw Alec drive in.

I grabbed my house keys. Armed my security system, locked the door and walked over to Alec's car.

Surprisingly, he drove an SUV, just like me. "Have you been waiting long?" I asked. "No, I just got here. You let me in."

I looked over at him and started laughing. He gave me a pissed look. "What's so damn funny?"

"Sorry, take a look at us." He didn't get it. "Look how we are dressed."

He took a look at me and then himself and started laughing. We both had dressed exactly alike. Dark blue dress pants with a light blue dress shirt. A nice belt and dressy loafers.

After looking at each other and laughing about dressing the same. Alec took off for the restaurant. Traffic was light and we seemed to be going in an out of the way direction. I hadn't been this way since I came back to my hometown. I asked Alec, "this looks strange, the restaurant must be in an isolated area?"

"No, it's in a small community, but the area is a bit away from the next town. Nothing to be nervous about, this is a well traveled highway. We will be there soon."

I kept glancing over at Alec, he sure could pass for my twin brother. He looked really good and his muscles showed through his shirt and pants. I noticed a nice sized package in his pants. But I didn't stare long, I didn't want to be obvious, just a few quick glances.

I didn't see Alec smile to himself. He had seen me checking him out. He thought maybe this would be easier than he thought.

I saw a large sign next to the highway. As we got closer I could read the sign, "Milo's Supper Club and Fine Dining." Alec pulled into the parking lot. The parking lot was pretty full. That was usually a good sign that the food was good. The restaurant didn't look like much from the outside. Just your regular run of the mill restaurant. But I thought since Alec recommended it, the food must be good. It probably looks better inside.

We got out of the car and Alec followed me up the steps to the restaurant. A waiter opened the door for us. When we got inside it looked pretty busy, so I figured we'd have to wait for a table. The supper club looked nice on the inside, was well kept up and looked pretty classy, I was surprised, you wouldn't expect this from the way the outside of the restaurant looked.

The waiter asked Alec if he wanted his usual table. I thought I saw the waiter give Alec a wink, but I wasn't sure. I was thinking, "his usual table," I was going to ask Alec about that when the time was right. Alec probably was a regular customer here and I was probably making too much of this.

The waiter, whose name tag said Martin, took us to a table in a dimly lit corner of the restaurant. The only lighting was candles. Making a nice romantic effect.

So, it was time to ask, "it looks like you know Martin and he knows you?"

Alec gave a cough, "yes I've been here many times for dinner by myself and sometimes with another person or in a group. Martin has been working everytime I've been here, so we have become friends."

I was thinking to myself, I wonder who else he's been inviting here? Anyhow, Martin came back to the table and asked us if we wanted something to drink before we ordered our dinner. "Just water for me," I said. "I will order something to drink with the meal."

Alec said, "the same for me." Martin filled our water glasses with a piece of lemon in each glass to keep the water fresh. Martin told us the special was a shrimp and lobster platter. That sounded good to me since I like seafood. And I ordered the special. Alec liked the special and also ordered it. I checked the wine list and ordered a bottle of good white wine chilled, that would compliment our seafood dinner.

Martin, the waiter, brought a couple of wine flutes with a small portion of the white wine in each flute. We tried the wine and agreed the wine would compliment our meal. The wine had a good body, not too dry or two sweet. Just right. I told Martin to bring a chilled bottle with our meal.

Alec and I made some small talk while we waited for our dinner. We didn't talk about anything specific. Just trying to get better acquainted and know each other better. As we talked, we seemed to avoid certain topics, like sex and partners, which was fine with me. I didn't want to reveal to Alec that I was attracted to boys in school and men now, but kept myself far into the closet. I didn't know what his intentions were and I wasn't ready to reveal myself to anyone. I didn't want to mess up my practice. Moving back to my hometown, which is small, news travels quickly. And I didn't need that kind of news traveling around town about me and patients avoiding me..

We were talking some more when we saw Martin coming with two silver platters with covers. He placed our platters in front of us and removed the covers. The seafood was presented elegantly. Looked almost too good to eat. Then Martin poured us each a glass of chilled white wine. Alec and I clinked our wine flutes together and said, "cheers."

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner. It looks and smells delicious."

"Your welcome Bob. I'm trying to get you familiar with different places that serve good food. Milo's is the best dinner restaurant I've found."

"This is a good start." I had my shrimp and lobster combination cooked with garlic and butter. I tried it and it never tasted better. This was the best shrimp and lobster I had ever eaten. Alec had his shrimp and lobster broiled with melted butter for dipping. We both enjoyed our meal.

The wine went down easy and tasted good with the seafood. I kept noticing Alec filling my glass. "You trying to get me drunk?"

"No, you just seem nervous, so I thought I'd keep your glass full."

"It's just that I'm not used to going on a dinner date." I saw Alec's eyebrows rise and a smile appear on his face.

"Nobody else I'd rather take on a dinner date, thank you."

I felt my face getting red. "Thanks, I guess."

We finished our great dinner. Martin came over and cleaned off our table and asked us if we could like dessert, an after dinner drink, or another glass of wine?

I told Martin, "another glass of wine would be fine for me."

Alec told Martin he would have the same.

I felt the wine affecting me. That's why I don't really drink much. I felt myself getting a buzz from the wine, which makes me lower my inhibitions.

Martin brought us each another flute of the same white wine. It went down easy and fast, too fast. Alec finished his glass of wine too. He asked, "what should we do now?"

"I think we should pay the bill, leave a tip, and leave."

We paid Martin and thanked him for a good dinner. We sat at the table for a couple more minutes looking at each other.

Finally Alec said, "I know a good bar that's not too far with here. This is Saturday night and we don't have to get up for work tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

I thought about it and Alec was right about not having to get up for work tomorrow. I finally told him, "sure, I'll go to the bar."

We got up from the table and made our way to the door. I saw Martin gave Alec a thumbs up. I knew there was more going on than what Alec was telling me. But, I thought I'd go with the flow and see what would happen. Martin opened the door for us as we left.

I got into Alec's car and off we went in the direction of the bar. "So what can you tell me about this bar, Alec? You were pretty vague in the supper club."

"Not much to say about the bar. It's a friendly place. They usually have good music on Saturday nights. It will be busy. This is the time people start arriving."

Alec made a couple of turns when we left the supper club and we were on the same highway, as the supper club. Alec drove for about fifteen minutes, made a turn, and drove into a large parking lot. The parking lot looked to be about half full. We got out and you could hear the music. We made our way up to the entrance of the bar. The sign on top of the bar read, "The In and Out Bar." A different name for a bar, I thought. Must be a place for truckers passing through, and tourists doing the same.

We walked in. The bar was bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. It had seating upstairs as well as downstairs. The DJ was situated upstairs. The dance floor was situated in the middle with the bar going the length of the far right wall. Modestly decorated, more rustic and western than modern. Mostly a western, rustic feel to the place. We found a table to the left of the dance floor. Music was loud with a few people dancing. I started looking around and suddenly noticed something. I didn't see any women in the bar, only men. I asked Alec, "is this a gay bar?"

Alec said, "yeah, but I didn't think you'd mind."

That was pretty forward Alec, without even asking me first. I wasn't sure about this. I wasn't out and I didn't want anybody recognizing me in a gay bar. But the bar was quite aways from my hometown so maybe it would work out. "I didn't know you were gay Alec?"

Alec said, "I'm not, I'm bisexual. But your so damn handsome and really turn me on, so I thought I'd take a chance here at the gay bar."

"I didn't know I was giving off gay vibes."

"Your not," said Alec. "Like I said, I thought I'd take a chance. How about if I go to the bar and get us a couple of drinks? What's your poison?"

"I'll have a scotch and water on the rocks." I looked around, and the bar was big on the inside. The waiters and bartenders were all shirtless and very muscular. The only thing different, was that all the people in the bar were men. The atmosphere was relaxed and nobody seemed to bother anybody else. I hadn't seen anybody that I knew. I was glad about that.

Alec got up from his chair and walked over to the bar. While he was gone to the bar, I thought about college, and how on a dare, a group of us guys went to a gay bar in the next city over from the university. We thought we'd be safe there, and not recognized. Little did my college friends know, that I had always had a gay interest. I looked at naked guys on the internet. Read stories to get information on what to do if I was ever with a gay guy. But I stayed in the closet, in high school and college, and never did anything with another guy, even though I wanted the experience. I just fantasized about what it would be like. Used my right hand a lot, but slowly that stopped too.

Alec came back with our drinks, bringing me out of my daydream. "How you doing Bob? Hope this evening hasn't been too much of a shock for you?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks. Actually, this evening is going better than I thought. I didn't really know what to expect."

My drink went down pretty fast. I could feel my inhibitions being shattered. But felt relaxed and finally at peace with myself. Alec has been very polite and hasn't pushed anything on me that I hadn't thought of, or had wanted to do. However, in the back of mind. Alec had said that he wasn't interested in dating or being with anyone right now. So, I wondered why he brought me to a gay bar.

Alec was nursing his drink. I was wondering if he was trying to get me drunk. Could see a lot of guys giving us looks. Didn't know if this was a sign or they just liked looking at us. I know Alec is quite handsome and friendly. So, I thought, just go with the flow and see what happens.

I got up, "I'm going to the bar to get myself another drink, would you like one?"

"Sure I'll take another drink."

I walked over to the bar. Could feel guys bumping into me, slapping me on the shoulder and ass and squeezing my ass. I could feel a few bulges being pressed against me. All the attention was making my cock chub up in my pants. I pretended not to notice.

All the bartenders were shirtless and very good looking and muscular. Young guys, I would guess in early to mid 20's, college age. Very muscular, I could tell they worked out. They were handsome, and very friendly. One of the bartenders came over and asked me what I would like. I ordered two more scotch and waters on the rocks. He asked me, "are you here with your twin brother?"

"No, just a friend, but we look a lot alike."

The bartender hands me the drinks and I pay him. When I take the drinks I notice a card with a name and phone number. The bartender gives me a wink. I set the drinks down and put the card in my pocket and give the bartender a nod. I pick up the drinks and turn back and give the bartender a smile and walk back to the table.

The DJ was playing good music. The bar was pretty full now. Alec moved his chair closer to me. Could feel his knee brushing against mine. I didn't mind. I kind of liked it. He put his hand on mine. Was going to pull my hand away and decided not to.

"You having a good time Bob?"

"Yes." I, replied. "Wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm really enjoying myself. I needed to get out of my rut and get out. Thanks for bringing me out of my shell."

We sipped on our drink. Talked some more, laughed and had a good time. "Would you like to dance Bob?"

"I've only danced with girls, at school dances."

"Don't worry about it. This is a gay bar, and nobody is going to think any different about it. See, there are many guys out there dancing."

"Ok. Let's give it a shot."

We got up from our table and walked over to the dance floor. There were quite a few guys dancing and we found a spot on the dance floor. Alec was quite a good dancer and was easy to dance with. This dancing felt so liberating and good. Nobody said anything about two guys dancing together. In fact, we got a lot of looks, and at one time everybody on the dance floor had made a circle around us. When we finished dancing, we got an applause and walked back to our table holding hands.

"Wow, that was another first for me. Your a good dancer. Drinking this much is another first for me. Not a big drinker, I don't like what drinking does to me. And going out with a guy, is another first. But I wouldn't take anything away. This evening has been perfect, Alec."

"I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself and experiencing a lot of firsts."

I felt the card in my shirt pocket and pulled it out. Alec had went to the bathroom, so I thought this was a good time to check out the card. The name on the back of the card said, "Brock," along with his phone number and to give him a call sometime.

I looked over at the bar, and the bartender that had served me was staring at me and watching me read the card. He gave me another wink. I knew the card was from him. He was a really hot looking guy.

Alec came back from the bathroom and saw me looking at the card and then at the bar. I told Alec how I received the card and he told me he wasn't surprised.

"A good looking guy like you could get anybody here that he wanted."

"I'm not so sure about that. I'm not really looking for anyone."

"Do you want another drink, Bob?"

"I'll take one more drink and that will be enough for me."

"I agree, one more will be enough for me too."

Alec got up and walked over to the bar. I watched him walking to the bar, damn he looked good. He brought our drinks back and handed mine to me. I put my hand on his and he gave me a smile. We talked some more. Sipping on our drinks. "What's your plans for the rest of the evening Bob?"

"Have you take me home and I'll probably go to bed."

The drinks had really relaxed me and I was feeling a little buzzed.

Alec said, "you could stay at my place if you wanted?"

"Thanks for the offer Alec, but I don't think so. You live in town and I don't want to be recognized with another man."

"How about if I drive you to your house and stay over at your house?"

"I told him that I live on the edge of town, with no close neighbors And have a security wall that goes around the property.. I thought that would work."

Alec smiled at me. We finished our last drink and we got up and left the In and Out Bar. I turned back and looked at the bartender and gave him a wink and shoved his card into my shirt pocket and we walked out into the parking lot.

The cool evening air helped to sober me up a bit. Alec opened the car door for me and I got in. Alec got in on the driver's side and we took off, back to my house. It was just after midnight. We got to my house around 12:45am. We got out of the car and talked as we walked up to the front door. I thanked Alec for a good time again. He said, "the night's not over, you might have more to thank me about."

I laughed, "I guess we will have to wait and see."

Alec had an arm around my shoulder as we walked to the front door. It actually felt kind of good. "I need to go in first and disarm the security system."

Alec followed me in after I gave him the ok. I closed and locked the door after Alec entered. He said, "I've been by this house many times, but this is the first time I've ever been inside."

"It's a big house, probably too big for me, but the price was right, and I want to do some renovating. I'm not tired Alec, how about you?"

"I'm not tired either." So we went into the living room. I put on some easy listening music. Turned on the A/C, but being a big house, it takes awhile to cool down. "Would you like a drink Alec?"

"Are you having a drink?"

"Yes. I'm going to have another drink."

I made us each another scotch and water on the rocks. I handed Alec his drink and I took a seat on the couch. Alec moved over closer to me. He sat his drink down on the coffee table. He moved in close to me, pulled me into him, and gave me the most passionate and loving kiss I had ever had. I had kissed a few high school and college girls, but nothing compared to the kiss I received from Alec. I responded back and gave him the best kiss I could. Both of us came up for air. "That was something else," I said. Alec nodded his head in agreement.

I kicked my shoes off and undid some buttons on my shirt. Alec did the same. "It's warm in here." We sipped on our drinks, looking at each other, not saying anything. We seemed to know what the other person was thinking.

We finished our drinks and I told Alec, "I think it's time to turn in. Asked Alec if he was ready for bed?"

"Alec said sure. I can sleep here on the couch if you have a blanket and pillow for me to use?"

"Your going to sleep with me," if you want to. My bed is more comfortable than this couch."

"He said sure, lead the way."

We walked up the stairs helping each other. We still have a good buzz after our drinking. We had an arm around each other so we didn't staggered or fall back down the stairs. And we walked to my master bedroom.

"Your bedroom is huge Bob. I don't think I've seem a bedroom this big, only in hotels."

"There's an adjoining master bedroom through that door. It's the same size as this one."

We both started stripping down to our boxer briefs, getting ready for bed. Damn, Alec looked good. Nice muscles, moderately hairy and trimmed, just the way I like it. He looked like a god there stripping down. He put his clothes on one of the chairs. I could see his cock and balls bouncing around in his boxers. I finished undressing. Noticed that Alec was watching me. "Like what you see?"

"Very much."

"I need to go downstairs and arm the security system. I will be right back."

Alec watched me leave the bedroom, looking at me all over. I hurried down the stairs, armed the system. And ran back up the stairs to my bedroom.

It was warm in the bedroom. The A/C was working, but having it turned off all day, it takes time to cool down the house. Alec was laying on top of the sheets. He looked good there waiting for me. "I thought you would have rolled over and went to sleep?"

He looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and said, "how can I sleep when I'm with the hottest guy I know."

"Damn your a smooth talker," I said. I climbed into bed, turned off the nightstand light. Some light was coming in through the windows, not much, but just enough to be able to make out shapes. I thought I saw a bulge in Alec's boxers. I was trying to control myself. I didn't want to get hard. I looked over at Alec, "do you want to take a shower? It will be a bit yet before the A/C starts cooling down the bedroom effectively?"

"I'll take a shower, if you shower with me."

"My thoughts exactly."

We stripped off our boxers. Alec looked about the same size as me. About four inches soft and a nice girth. He was cut like me. Alec followed me into the bathroom. I got the the water running, but just tepid. Thought that would cool us down. Alec looked good naked with the water running off his body. Couldn't keep my eyes off him. Noticed Alec giving me a good look over too. "Like what you see?"

"I sure do."

We walked into the shower. It was a large shower. Had two shower heads on each end of the shower. It could easily fit four big guys. The cool water felt good. We hugged each other under the shower, letting the cool water cascade over us. Alec's trimmed chest hair felt good against my smooth chest. Felt our cocks and balls rubbing together. That felt stimulating and good. I turned off the water and we stepped out. I had two big fluffy towels waiting for us. I dried Alec off first. Loved feeling his hair and muscles as I dried him off. Paid extra attention to his cock and balls. Felt him getting hard in my hands as I dried him off. Dried his ass and then over his hole, hearing Alec give out a gasp. Then Alec returned the favor. Drying me off, paying special attention to my cock and balls. I started getting hard as Alec kept rubbing my cock with the towel. I think he was going slow, drying me off, on purpose. He dried off my ass and then over my hole, causing me to gasp too. I didn't realize how sensitive and stimulating rubbing over my hole was.

"Alec, I'm getting tired."

"Me too."

We climbed into bed. The A/C was getting the bedroom cooler now. We snuggled up close together pulling the covers over us. We laid on our sides, facing each other, kissing and hugging. Grinding and rubbing our cocks together, and our legs intertwined. Both our cocks were leaking precum, making it easy to rub them together.

"Bob, lay on your back and put your hands behind your head."

I did as he said. He got over me, kissing me. I could feel his hard cock hitting me and leaving wet marks. Then Alec started kissing my neck and ears. I closed my eyes and couldn't believe how good this felt. I realized what I had been missing by staying in the closet. He then started working his way to my chest. Then he kissed my pecs and around my nips and then started nibbling on my nips. I started moaning, I couldn't help myself. He would go from one nip and then to the other. He had them red and hard. Then he started kissing down my chest and around my navel, then over my abs and through my trimmed pubes.

Yes, I do some manscaping. I don't have much hair. A little patch under my arms, some fuzz on my ass and light dusting of hair on my arms and legs. Have thick pubes, but like to keep them trimmed. My personal hang-up about hygiene. Alec had hair on his chest that he kept trimmed so it didn't get unruly. A nice little treasure trail down to his thick pubes. He also had his pubes trimmed. He had hair under his arms. A good amount of hair on his arms and legs. I liked feeling his hair and it felt good pressed against my smooth body.

After Alec worked his way down my chest and around my navel and over my abs and through my pubes. He went down on me. I thought I was going to pass out, it felt so good. This was the first time I had my cock sucked and what a wonderful feeling it was. Alec licked around the head of my cock. Licking and sucking off my precum. He stuck the tip of his tongue into my pee slit and pulled out long strings of precum and I watched him swallow it all down. Watching porn on the internet and reading about blowjobs, wasn't the same as having it done to me. My cock kept leaking copious amounts of precum. I was so turned on and horny. My cock was the hardest it had ever been. The big vein on the back of my cock looked like it was ready to burst, it was so full with blood.

My cock is a little above average. A perfect seven inches of thick rock hard dick. I'm cut so there is no foreskin to mess with.

Alec started sucking down my shaft until his nose was buried in my pubes. I thought I was in heaven. This was fantastic. I appreciated how Alec was going slow and taking his time. He knew I was nervous, and he was going slow and taking his time. He knew that he was the first man I had been with. Then he started a slow up and down sucking on my cock. He was bobbing up and down and working his tongue on my cock. I was moaning and starting to squirm. I could feel my cum building in my balls and I knew I was going to cum soon. "Alec I'm almost ready to cum."

Alec backed off and put a condom on me. Where the condom came from I don't know. Then I saw Alec getting over me. What's he going to do? Then he slowly lowered his ass down on my cock. I couldn't believe these new sensations going through me. His hole felt so good pulling on my cock and slowly filling his hole. He slid down slowly on my cock until his ass was nestled into my pubes. Then he slowly started bouncing up and down on me. Moving his ass around and hearing him give out moans every once in awhile when my cock rubbed over his prostate. I can't describe the feeling, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I could feel my load building again. Soon my cock stiffened and enlarged in his hole and I started shooting up his hole. It was the biggest load I'd ever had. The condom was full of cum and looking like it was ready to burst open. Alec eased himself off, and pulled the condom off my cock. "How was that Bob? I hope it was everything you expected?"

"All I can say is, fantastic, this has been the best experience of my life. And I'm glad the first time was with you. You went slow and easy and I really appreciate that."

"It was my pleasure Bob. I wanted your first time to be memorable."

"It was definitely memorable and something I'll never forget. I just hope I can be half as good to you as you were to me. I'll give it my best shot, being the first time."

Alec laid back on the bed with his hands behind his head. I knew it was my turn to give him pleasure. I was hoping I could do as good a job as Alec had done to me. I was going to try to mimic everything he had done to me. Also, trying to remember everything I read on the internet about giving a man pleasure.

I started like Alec had done. I first gave Alec a long passionate kiss. then started kissing his ears and neck. He was already giving out low moans, so I figured I must be doing something right. Then I started kissing down his chest. Over his nips that were getting hard and his pecs. I nibbled on his nips and saw his cock twitch and jerk when I did that. I kept flicking my tongue over his nips. They got red and didn't want them to get sore so I backed off. Then started kissing down his chest and through his treasure trail. I kissed around his navel and Alec told me he was ticklish there. Alec's cock was really leaking now, so I knew I was doing a good job. His cock was bigger than mine. He was more of a grower than me. I thought he'd be about the same size as me, but he looked to be about eight inches, thick and cut. I liked the manscaping that he did. His pubes were trimmed along with his chest hair. And it looked like he shaved his balls. His balls are big and plump like mine. I like big balls. I kept kissing down over his abs and kissed and licked the grooves of his abs. Then kissed through his trimmed pubes. I licked up the back of his shaft to his big thick flared head. While I was licking his cock, it was twitching. I licked off his precum, it tasted pretty good. Kind of sweet and salty. Then I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. Licking up and down the sides of his shaft. Licking and nibbling on his big thick vein, running down the back side of his cock. Alec was groaning louder. That encouraged me to keep going.

I slowly started licking and sucking his cock in until it got to the back of my throat. I remembered reading to relax my throat and breath through my nose. I backed off and tried it again. This time when his cock got to the back of my throat, I relaxed, opened my throat and breathed through my nose. I was able to slowly suck him down to his pubes. Bobbing up and down on his cock. I kept up a good rhythm and finally Alec told me he was getting close to cumming. I got off his cock. He handed me a condom. I ripped open the package and slid it down over his cock.

I ran to the bathroom and got some shampoo to use for lube. I lathered the condom and then around my ass and in my hole. I straddled Alec and started lowering myself on the head of his cock. Nothing happened, my ring wouldn't budge. So I slid off Alec's cock and put some shampoo on a couple of fingers and worked them around in my hole, trying to stretch my hole. My fingers hurt at first, but then it got better.

"Let's try this again." I lowered my ass slowly over the thick head of Alec's cock and eventually it popped through my ring. Pain shot out through my whole body. I got off Alec. I think Alec was getting a little frustrated. I put some more shampoo on a couple of fingers and worked them around in my hole again, trying to stretch my ring. I got over Alec again and lowered myself down. This time the head slid in with no resistance and no pain. I stopped there, to adjust to having his big thick head inside me. Then I lowered my ass some more. Slowly, inch by inch, taking my time and deep breathing. I finally felt his pubes pressed against my ass. I stopped there to get used to his big log inside me. After I got used to his big cock in my hole, I started bouncing up and down on him. His big cock was hitting all the right places and continually rubbing over my prostate. The pain subsided and I was really starting to get into this. Only feeling pleasure now. Going faster and faster on Alec. Alec said, "I'm going to cum."

I felt Alec's cock harden and thicken in my ass and start to spasm. It felt like it grew two more inches in my hole. Then I felt him shooting. He had to be filling the condom as hard as I felt him shoot. I slid off his cock and pulled the condom off and disposed of it.

We lay back on the bed sweating and breathing heavy. "That was something else Alec." I didn't know it could feel this good. Thanks for being patient for my first time."

"My pleasure," said Alec. "It's not everyday I get to help out a virgin."

My face got beet red. I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment or be mad. "You sure did help me out. Again thank you."

Our breathing started returning to normal. We were both tired after our sexual escapades. We started nodding off. I felt good and satisfied. I laid on my side and Alec cuddled up to me. Our legs intertwined and his arm was over me. He was pressed up tight to my back and ass. Soon we were both sleeping like babies.

I woke up, or I wasn't sure. I thought I was in heaven. I must be dreaming. I had this wonderful sensation in my groin. I looked around and didn't see Alec. I thought maybe he took off last night after we went to bed.

But then I noticed the sheet and blankets were raised up between my legs. I lifted the sheets and blankets off. There was Alec, with a big smile on his face, giving me the best blow job I've ever had. Or I should say, my first best blow job I've ever had. He looks up at me. A big smile on his face, "good morning handsome."

"Good morning to you too. This is a great way to be woken up in the morning. You don't have to stop." Alec kept sucking my big morning woody.

"If you keep that up, your going to get a mouthful of cum, straight from the tap."

"I hope so," Said Alec."

"No condoms?"

"Nope, I know I'm safe and I'm sure you are."

Alec kept sucking, going faster and swirling his tongue around the head of my cock. I could feel my cum churning in my balls. I could feel the cum going up my shaft. "Oh god, here I cum." Moaning loud as I started shooting in Alec's mouth and throat, filling his mouth. Shaking and panting. "Damn that was a big load. Bigger than I shot out last night."

I thought Alec was finished, but he moved down and started sucking on one ball, rolling it around in his mouth with his tongue. And then he sucked on the other ball. I had seen that done on the internet, but nothing compared to the sensations I was feeling. Then he lifted my legs and started licking around my hole. I could feel my hole opening and closing. It was still a bit tender from Alec's fucking last night. I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart for him. Exposing my red and puffy hole. He was pushing my legs back and pushed a pillow under my hips, lifting my ass up to the right position for him. I saw Alec grab the lube off the nightstand. I don't know where that lube came from. He lubed a finger and eased it into my sore hole. It hurt for a brief moment. Then my hole started pulling on his finger. Alec seemed to like that. He lubed a second finger and eased it in with the other finger. My hole easily pulled both fingers in. He worked his two fingers around, stretching and opening my hole and rubbing over my prostate. That was driving me crazy and making me leak all over myself. He lubed around my hole and shoved the lube in with two fingers again. The pain from the previous nights fucking was now a thing of the past. I saw Alec lube his cock and press the head at my hole. My hole welcomed the head and pulled it in easily. He just left it there for a couple of minutes until my hole relaxed. Then he started sliding his big fat eight inches slowly into me. I soon felt his pubes rubbing my ass cheeks. "How's it feel Bob?"

"My hole was a little tender and sore from last night, but the lube and you taking it easy, has helped a lot."

"Glad to hear that, I didn't want to hurt you, I just wanted to give you pleasure."

"Well, you have given me a lot of pleasure, and opened a whole new world to me. Now I'm ready for a good fucking."

And a good fucking it was. Alec unloaded in me without a condom. It made me feel like I was his. He came so much and so hard, some of the cum was leaking out of my hole. Alec bent down and licked it out. That made my hole feel better, feeling his warm tongue inside me. Then he gave me a big kiss. Tasting his cum when we kissed.

We both agreed I would take care of Alec after we showered and ate breakfast. Being Sunday we weren't in any big hurry. We had nowhere to go, and all day to be together.

I got the shower ready for us. The water was hot and steamy. We had fun washing each other. Alec's cock got stiff while I was cleaning him.

"Easy boy, I'll take care of this soon." As I was holding and shaking Alec's cock. Alec laughed. Alec washed me all over, paying special attention to my cock balls and hole. He had everything squeaky clean. I turned off the shower and we walked out and dried each other off. Kissing as we toweled each other off.

I found a couple of robes in my walkin closet and I laid them out for us to wear. We put our robes on and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make our breakfast. Margaret had the weekends off. So it was just Alec and me. I looked through the frig and found eggs bacon sausage and bread for toast. Alec made the toast and coffee. He poured us each a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. I drank my coffee while I got the bacon sausage and eggs finished.

We ate in the breakfast nook. I didn't do too bad of a job making breakfast. Breakfast is something I can do. Lunch and dinner are a different story. We sat down and and enjoyed our breakfast. Talking about everything that had happened. Alec asked me again if I enjoyed myself. I was honest and told him that I was nervous for awhile and thought he was taking advantage of me. He told me that he felt I had suppressed my gay feelings and he was going to open a whole new world for me. He sure had done that. I'm glad he got me out of the closet and I was glad it was Alec. We finished eating and Alec helped me clean the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Once we were finished in the kitchen, we went back upstairs to my bedroom.

When we got in the bedroom, it was already going on eleven. We took our robes off and threw them on a chair, and flopped down on the bed. I moved over close to Alec. Alec was stretched out and looking hot. He had his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I moved over close to Alec. I started kissing his ears and neck, while feeling his pecs and nips. I felt his nips get hard and I nibbled and bit on them. When I nibbled on them, I could see Alec's cock twitching and jerking. He liked when I nibbled on his nips. Alec was moaning and holding my head to his chest. Then I started licking down his treasure trail to his pubes. I licked around his navel and found he was ticklish there. Then licked the grooves of his abs. Then I made my way to the big prize.

Alec's big cock was sticking straight up with a big drop of precum on the pee slit. I licked off that big drop of precum. Yummy. Swirled my tongue around the head of his cock and then slowly started sucking his cock in. I remembered to relax my throat and breath through my nose. Soon I had all hard eight inches down my throat. I thought Alec was going to pass out. His eyes were rolled back in his head. I looked at him. "Are you ok Alec?"

"I'm more than ok."

I like how Alec's cock got hard and twitched when I licked and sucked on it. He kept oozing out a continual stream of precum. I started sucking him hard and fast, using my throat muscles. He started holding the back of my head moaning and grunting. "I'm going to cum Bob. Oh, fuck here it comes."

He blasted out five or six long thick ropes of cum. Bathing my throat and filling my mouth. Damn his cum tasted good. Alec was panting and breathing heavy.

I put a pillow under his ass to raise his hips. I had seen this done on the internet. I went back down between his legs and started sucking on his balls. I could only take one in my mouth at a time. They were big and full. I rolled them around with my tongue.

I grabbed the lube off the nightstand. I used a finger and rubbed some lube around his hole. Then put a big gob of lube on his hole. I started sucked on his hole and shoving the lube in with my tongue. His hole looked like it was winking at me. I stuck my tongue in as far as I could. His ass tasted good after our morning shower. I lubed a finger and worked it in up to my first knuckle. My finger went in easy. I lubed a second finger and worked it in with the first finger. I moved my fingers around, trying to stretch Alec's hole. He didn't seem very tight. So I thought he was ready for my hard throbbing cock. I lubed my cock good and got it all slick, and slowly eased the head in. His hole grabbed the head of my cock and pulled the length of me in. Alec told me to fuck him hard.

I liked how my cock felt in his tight hot hole. I wasn't going to deny him the pleasure we both wanted. I eased my head in and his hole grabbed on and pulled me in, until I was balls deep. I started out slow and Alec told me not to hold back, to fuck him hard. I started building up my pace, pistoning in and out of him. He was jerking and twitching while I fucked him. I must have been rubbing his prostate. I felt my cum churning in my balls and knew it wouldn't be long until I shot out in his hole. Finally, my cock stiffened, my balls pulled up and I started shooting way up his hole. It was another big load. Damn, I was panting and breathing hard. I pulled out of his hole and collapsed back on the bed.

"That was the best fuck I've ever hard. You sure you haven't done this before?"

"I would know if I had done this before. I just tried to do what you did to me."

"Well, you did a great job."

We just laid their together on the bed for awhile. Relaxing until our breathing got back to normal. Alec asked, "another shower?"

"Yeah," I said. "Let's do it."

We got up and off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I got the water to the right temperature and Alec walked in and we held each other, letting the warm water run down over us. We washed each other. We walked out of the shower and dried each other off. We were semi hard after drying each other. We put our robes back on.

"Alec, what do you want to do the rest of the day?"

"I'd like a tour of this old Victorian style mansion. I've been by here many times, but this is the first time I've been inside."

Since we were on the second floor, I showed Alec the other master bedroom, and the three other bedrooms on the other side of the hall. The two master bedrooms were adjoining, as well as the three bedrooms. We walked downstairs and I showed Alec the formal dining room that could seat twenty people and the gourmet kitchen with the breakfast nook to the side. I showed him the study and the library. Then we walked to the large living room. Then I opened the sliding doors and we walked out onto the covered patio. It had a large grilling area with a frig and large food preparing area. Also their was a large patio table that could seat twelve. The rest of the yard had a pool that wasn't working and rather a poor job of landscaping with a few random flower beds. There was a high security wall going around the property. Overall, I told Alec I thought it was a good purchase. It was in good condition and the price was right. We walked back in and went downstairs to the basement. The previous owners had just had the basement redone. The stairs were carpeted, as well as all of the rooms. There was a large laundry room off to the corner. A home theater system with six oversized theater chairs. A large big projection screen, must have been at least 80" or bigger. A nice sized gym with all the latest machines. Which I told Alec I was looking forward to using. A large game room, with pinball machines, foosball table and a full sized pool table and a bar. We walked back upstairs and Alec told me he was impressed with the house.

It was going on one thirty. "Alec, you getting hungry?"

"Yeah, my stomach has been growling."

"I took a couple of steaks out when we made breakfast. I'll get the grill going and we can have some grilled vegetables steak and salad."

"That sounds perfect. Anything I can help you with?"

"You can chop vegetables. I put them in aluminum foil and grill them."

"I'll do the salad while the grill is getting warm."

I got out the vegetables for Alec to chop and the aluminum foil. He was pretty fast chopping vegetables. While Alec was chopping the vegetables I got out the vegetables for a salad. We finished about the same time. I put the vegetables Alec had chopped in aluminum foil with a little salt and pepper and butter. I walked to the grill and put the vegetables on. The grill was almost ready for the steaks.

I walked back to the kitchen and told Alec the grill would soon be ready. I saw Alec watching me. "What," I said.

"Nothing. I just like watching you."

I walked over and gave Alec a kiss. He hugged me to him and kissed me back long and passionately. We broke for some air.

"How about a cold beer while we're waiting?"

Alec said, "that's the best offer I've had so far today."

We walked out to the back patio and I checked the grill. I told Alec the grill was ready. I told Alec to make himself comfortable, so he stretched out on a lounger. I walked back in and seasoned the steaks and brought them out with a couple of cold beers. I handed a beer to Alec and set mine on the grilling island. I had oiled the grill so the steaks wouldn't stick. The vegetables were getting close to being done. We both liked our steaks medium rare, so that would only be about three minutes per side. I put the steaks on the grill and grabbed my beer. I sat down on a lounger close to Alec. We clinked our beers and said, "cheers," to each other.

We looked at each other, not saying anything, but somehow we knew what the other one was thinking. We sipped on our beer. I checked the steaks and they were ready to be turned. I sat back down on my lounger and looked out to the back yard. I told Alec, "it sure is quiet and peaceful here."

Alec agreed with me and said, "for being in town, well on the edge of town, it almost feels like living in the country."

"Do you want to eat inside or outside?"

"Outside would be perfect."

I got up and checked the steaks. They were finished. I put them on a platter. Alec helped me in the kitchen getting everything we needed for eating outside on the patio. Alec brought out the salad and some plates. I brought the other things. I put the grilled vegetables into a serving bowl and the steaks on the table. We dug in. We ate like it was our last meal. Everything tasted good. The steaks were grilled perfectly. "This is the best steak I've had Bob."

I buy all my meat from the butcher on main street. The meal was quick, but everything came together well. I went back into the kitchen and brought us a couple more beers. We finished eating and Alec helped me clear the table and take everything back to the kitchen. Alec put everything away while I cleaned the grill. Alec came out to where I was with a couple more beers. "Cheers Alec to a great friend."

"And cheers to a great guy."

I finished on the grill and we walked back to the loungers and finished our beer. "I see your empty Alec, do you want another beer?"

"No, but thanks. I'm going to need to leave in a little while. I have some things to do at the house before work tomorrow."

"Ok." I was a little disappointed, but heah, we had a great time while it lasted. And hopefully, there would be more times we would get together.

We got up off the loungers and headed to my bedroom.

When we got to my bedroom, Alec pulled me into him for a long kiss. God he's a good kisser. Alec said, "thanks for a great time. Sure glad we got acquainted. And I hope this is the start of something more."

"Exactly, my thoughts too."

We broke from our kiss. Alec started getting dressed in the same clothes from last night. "We are the same size Alec. You can borrow any of my clothes."

Alec decided to wear his same clothes. I kept my robe on. We walked downstairs. It seemed like the longest walk for me. Before he left. Alec grabbed me one more time for a long passionate kiss. "I wish we could do this everyday Bob."

"Me too Alec. And thanks for a great time."

We walked to the the door. I disarmed the security system. "Well I guess this is it Bob. I'm sorry I have to leave, but I do have some presssing things that need to be completed before work tomorrow."

"I understand Alec. Don't worry about it. We have each other's phone numbers, and we don't live that far away from each other."

Alec opened the door and walked out to his car. I watched him from the open doorway. I waved as he took off in his car.

I closed the door and rearmed the security system. Grabbed myself another beer from the kitchen frig and walked out to the covered patio and sat down on a lounger. This gave me some time to think and reflect on everything that had happened. I knew I enjoyed my time with Alec, immensely.

I still couldn't believe how much we looked alike. I thought alot about all of the stares we got at diner, Milo's Supper Club and The In and Out Bar. Overall, I had a really good time with Alec, and all that he did for me and everything we did together. I was glad to get out of the closet for awhile, but I still needed to be careful, I wasn't out to anybody, except for Alec. But I knew if I was careful, I would soon be permanently out of the closet.

However, I had a feeling, something in the back of mind, that Alec was holding something back, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe in time, I would figure it out.

After our first day and night together, we called each other every day. We got together as much as we could. Mostly on the weekends for us, because of our work schedules. But after a few weeks, we seemed to be drifting apart. "Alec, what's going on. I thought we had a good thing going?"

"We do Bob, but I want to be with someone more than just the weekends."

I felt a little taken back, but understood where Alec was coming from. That only aroused my suspicions more about him. We kept in touch, but not as often.

After getting off the phone with Alec, my cell phone rang. I got a call from my mother, she was panicking on the phone, "there's an emergency......

End of Chapter 1 - Alec

Chapter 2 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And later in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays. If you move your mouse over a pic, you will get the name of the pic.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I'm working on the next chapter and revising it. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writing it. Please email me at:

Other stories by this author:"

Bobs Holidays (November 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (February 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)

Next: Chapter 2

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