My African Tour

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 24, 2003



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Of all the things you think of doing while on a vacation, about the last would be kneeling onto hot sand and rock in the middle of a scorching summer day, wielding a steel-bristled brush over rocks alongside a lot of other people who were doing the same.

I stood up after a time and pressed my hands against the small of my back and stretched that way and groaned. "Man, I'm beat!"

"You can't quit now." Patrick grinned up at me. He at least had a hammer and chisel and could make some headway. "It's still three hours until dusk."

I looked at the distant pool shimmering in the hot sun and said, "Can we at least go swimming then?"

"Huh?" Patrick looked where I was looking at the distant, inviting pool. Nothing much else to look at, the land was so flat and barren, just a lot of scrub bushes and an occasional dwarf-sized tree. Even the grass didn't manage to cover more than a few square feet every now and then, the rest was bare soil. "Sorry, but you can't swim there." he said and winked at David.

"Why not?" I asked. It looked deserted. "Is the water bad?"

"Worst kind of bad." David said. "It's not even there."

"Huh?" I looked again at the silvery shimmer. "But I can see it."

"Sorry, that's a mirage." Patrick said. "Sun's rays glint ever so slightly off the water vapor and at just this angle, you can see the reflection. Ergo, the illusion of water on the ground, or a mirage."

"Thanks, I know what a mirage is." I grumped. "Just hadn't seen one before."

"Fine, now get back to work." Patrick said.

"All right, all right." I said and looked back upon my assigned task for the day, whisking carefully away at the soft stone to get down next to the fossil. I understood they used soft brushes on the rock at the end of it. And dinky little rock-hammers. Must be a job more tedious than mine, though that was hard to imagine.

When you say "fossil hunting" to a person, they envision backpacks and treks through wilderness and then you point your finger and say, "There it is!" Then the only problem is to get that completely intact and fully assembled skeleton back to the museum. Well, it doesn't work that way. These fossils were found by geological research which told the professors that a riverbed had once run through here some umpty-umph million years ago. From there they brought up seismic equipment and found that wonderful preserver of the ancient past, a mudslide. Long, long ago, when this wasteland was covered with dense forest, a river had run through this section, long, slow winding. A haven for many thirsty animals in a world getting unfriendlier to them by the century. Then one day after many droughts, a deluge. The river valley that had once been here (long ago worn away and forgotten) had channeled a flood down its length, and here where we were, a curve of hills (also now long gone) had crushed the hapless animals against it and covered them with many many yards of mud, where they suffocated in the dark, wet blackness. Now that the winds had carried away the many millions of tons of intervening mud-become-rock, you could even see their death throes in the way their skeletons were twisted all around in frozen agony. Sitting there chipping away their covering rocks, rescuing them far, far too late, you could even feel sort of sorry for the creatures we were working on.

A part of the African Experience Tour was helping to dig for fossils, and so here I was, spending a week in the Sahel of western Chad near the border with Niger, working with a group of American and English paleontologists, uncovering yet more old bones to put in museums for people to gawk at or scientists to cut up and stare at through microscopes.

I looked at the sun, still very far from setting, and then down at Patrick, a big, dark-brown-haired, deep-blue-eyed Irish hulk in his early twenties, a graduate student from Dublin University (like David, who was on loan from Minnesota University if you call paying to be included being "loaned"). He was a natural outdoors type, with broad shoulders and legs like steel (he talked about hiking forty or fifty miles like it was a good way to work up an appetite for lunch!), with a sprouting mat of hair on his chest that drizzled down his midsection to his navel. His jaw was wide and firm, jutting out in determination at his task, for he was down on all fours, supporting himself on his left hand while his right hand wielded the small hammer, his shirt hanging open to let that rippled chest breathe the tiny waft of air that came along all too rarely. His shadow fell upon the side of the hole we had dug for ourselves here (a sort of a semi-circle, actually, as we carefully worked our way down and around this dog-sized herbivore that had once been hunted by T-Rexes), and upon that almost sheer wall, you could see his body outline very well. I was further away, and looked smaller standing as I was. I smirked, as my crotch lined up nicely with his ass on that shadow. Looking at the shadows, I mimed putting my hands on Patrick's waist and hunched at his butt. I heard a snorted laugh from David and looked over, saw him seeing me shadow-fucking Patrick, and I blushed and got back down on my own knees.

David was thinner than Patrick and a good bit shorter, but still well-built, with medium brown hair and with an easy smile, he also looked the part of the weekend hiker, dressed as we all were in our khaki clothing, but with David it was more boy-next-door for he looked younger than he was, just a kid out having a good time when in fact he was a serious student and dedicated to his work. He just didn't see any reason not to have fun while we were doing it.

In other ways, though, they were a pair, the same tan khaki clothing that practically everyone wore when outside the cities, both of them working their days under the sun which had turned their bodies a golden brown color, jabbering away about esoteric scientific subjects I couldn't follow, and I was pale and fretting about sunburn and stopping to scrub more lotion onto me every hour or so. That last stop on the tour, watching chimps in the jungle alongside a hunky, horny tour guide, had been fun. This was just plain work!

Like the "deus ex machina" of Greek theater, my god-out-of-the-machine arrived in the form of Professor Camber, who was in charge of our tourists. "How's it going, Stuart?" he asked me kindly.

"Not too bad." I said. "Pretty dull."

"That's what I thought." the Professor smiled. "Patrick, you and David need to scout around down the old rivercourse and see if you can find any secondary sites. Why don't you go and take young Stuart here with you? That'll get that ache worked out of your bones."

I grinned, but Patrick was dismayed. "But Professor, we're almost done here. A little more and we can determine...."

"Nonsense." the Professor cut him off. "Nobody will bother your heterodontosaurus while you're gone. We'll tarp it and you can take it up again tomorrow."

Patrick deflated. "A heterodontosaurus?"

"Yes, hadn't you identified it by now? You can tell by the curvature of the skull."

Patrick grimaced, "I was hoping we had found a baby T-Rex."

"I told you so." David chuckled.

I asked, "What's a Hetero-- Hetero--"

"Heterodontosaurus. A small plant eater. Lived around the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous period. This is an adult we're digging out." David smirked over at Patrick. "A rather common herbivorous dinosaur. Hardly an epic find we have here."

Patrick stood up, throwing down his hammer with a theatrical flourish. "I agree. So let's go hiking!"

"Hooray!" I said. And I meant it. Hot sun or no, anything was better than kneeling on the ground and scrubbing away at rocks!

This hike was in stark contrast to the one I had taken in the jungles of Cameroon with Mickey; here we had only a small pack which carried mostly our lunch and canteens of water. And there was no trouble about walking on this broad, flat plain. Trouble was, it was hotter than hell, a dry hot where the jungles had at least been shaded and damp hot. I felt my skin drying out with every step I took. Now I knew why the older rockhounds like Professor Camber looked so much like walking mummies; a few decades of this weather I'd look just like him!

"What are we looking for?" I asked when we got well out of camp and the drones of machinery had dimmed with distance.

"Well...." David started in, but Patrick hushed him.

"You want the spiel for the tourists, or the truth?" He asked me.

"I'll take the truth." I said.

"Patrick, that wasn't in the agreement."

"Ah, forget it. It's a hot day and I don't feel like playing a game of gee-look-at-that-rock with this guy." Then Patrick said to me, "The truth is that we've been sent out here to get you out of camp before you got unhappy at how dull dinosaur digs are. Unless you're really into dinosaurs, you will get your most fun by hanging around the tents at night and look at the day's finds and listen to the discussions. We'll do that later. So we go out along the same rivercourse that's already been explored and pretend to find stuff and show it to you. Give you a break from the labor of the dig, and keep you feeling you're having an adventure."

I mulled that over. "Can I have the tourist spiel now?"

Patrick grinned. "There's really nothing out here, or we'd have teams working on it. That one mudslide is all that's worth digging and we'll have it mined dry by the end of summer. Chad isn't a good place for bones anyway, and the Sahel is even worse. Unless you like fresh bones. Plenty of dried out cow skeletons around."

"I noticed." I said. The natives of this area lived off their cattle, and while they would even crack and eat the cow's marrow, you still had the cattle that died in the droughts that happened here regular as clockwork. Sometimes even a human skeleton, I was told, though that was rare and I hadn't seen one yet.

"So, what shall we do while we're way out here."

Patrick shrugged. "Get far enough away from camp to not be seen and we'll sit down and just jabber until the sun goes down. Then we'll go back and you can be the one who tells everyone about the small wash we found three miles out and they'll smile like it's news."

"So why am I even here?" I asked. "Seeing how there's so little for me to do other than brush away at rocks. And that's already old to me."

"We'll put you on the tables tomorrow, doing finishing work on the bones we've already found. We do have to document and categorize them all, and they can use hands to help with that. And you'll learn more than you did in the dig."

"How about that rock up ahead?" David pointed to one larger than most, almost flat-topped and some five feet in diameter. I wondered how long it had been here, it looked weathered and very, very old.

"Sounds good to me." Patrick agreed and stepped up the pace. I looked back, the tents of the dig were now tiny specks of white on the horizon. I couldn't make out the people at all, the shimmer of the heat from the ground blurred them completely away. We had walked some two miles, I judged.

We got there and by mutual consent cracked open our canteens. I followed Patrick's lead and splashed some on my body, watching how the water caressed his broad pecs and then channels down along the curves of muscles. With me, it just sort of splattered and ran in a broad film. Felt good, though.

"I need to take a leak." Patrick announced as I sat down on the rock, feeling worn out. More stiff than exhausted, I just wanted to hold still for a while.

"So go ahead." David said.

I wondered if he'd whizz right in front of us, but he walked away from us a few steps and with his back turned, took care of his business.

"Hey, Stuart." David said and I looked at him. What was he doing with his hands? I judged them and their actions, he was acting like he was squeezing a pair of invisible rubber balls.

Oh! I looked back at Patrick and found with my hands I could do the same, pretend-squeeze his large, rounded buttocks which were a pair of large mangoes inside those shorts of his.

Patrick finished and did a sort of squat as he tucked his cock back into his pants (I couldn't see it, but those motions were familiar) and then his hand plied over his fly (rebuttoning his fly) as he kept his back turned. He came back and sat on my other side and I said, "Well, okay, now what?"

"What do you want to talk about?" Patrick said.

"How about that hetero, donto...." I said slowly.


"Yeah. Why'd you think it was a T-Rex?"

Patrick shrugged. "It has teeth like the T-Rex."

"For tearing at vegetation." David chipped in.

"I think it was omnivorous." Patrick declared.

"Okay, convince me." David said.

"Why the long legs and the speed it could command? That's a hunter tactic."

"Or the hunted."

"It was small and fast. Herbivores tend to be slower animals, they don't need speed and develop other survival mechanisms."

"Yeah, except for throwbacks like the gazelle, antelope...."

"But those are larger animals. And herd animals, depending upon their numbers more than speed. Cheetahs can run them down, no problem."

"Heterodontosaurus was big for his day."

"The late Jurassic? No way! He was a shrimp!"

"We've found packs of their bones."

"Hunting packs. Not big enough numbers for herbivores."

"Don't forget we're only looking at skeletons. They didn't all die at the same place."

I leaned back. This was more like it!

After losing his battle, Patrick said, "Man, I'm ready for those sandwiches we brought along. And some more water."

"I'll get them." I said and got up. We had tossed our packs on the other side of the rock and I had to go around it to get to the packs. David and Patrick followed me on this little circumspect tour of the rock.

On this side, that rock was much lower down. I had to bend over to get into the pack. "I think it's in this one..." I started out saying.

And was grabbed from behind. It surprised me, and then I felt a crotch bumping against mine, and suddenly, with his hands hooked into the loops of my shorts, David was play-fucking my ass. I was off-balance, my hands full of the pack, and I sort of stood there, dumbfounded, while David hunched at my butt.

Patrick just stood back and roared with laughter at the sight. "Man, you looked goofy!" he said to me as David let go and I attempted to recover my dignity.

"Sorry." I said. "I'm not used to that sort of thing." I paused, then said, "With my clothes on, of course."

That shut Patrick up, but David, who had seen me before shadow-fucking Patrick, just grinned. "Maybe we should get you out of those clothes and try it again."

Patrick looked dumbfounded now. At David! "Man, you serious?" he said. "Shit!"

"Sounds good to me." I agreed.

Patrick looked back and forth, and it was kind of funny to see this big, good-looking stud caught between his baser desires and the teachings of culture. Not that he was a high-society brat like me, but you just don't suddenly start fucking out in the middle of the wilderness. It's not civilized!

Of course, I wasn't feeling civilized right then. I unbuttoned my shirt right where Patrick could see it, making it a slow tease of the big lug, and when I took it off, I did it slowly. Patrick was looking nervous as hell, still unable to make up his mind whether to storm off in a huff of offended morality, or give in and party.

I stopped where I was, shirtless, and played my hands over my nipples, licked my lips like a cheap hooker in some movie, all around my mouth with my tongue, insolently.

But David wasn't having any of this, he was being ignored and he had started all this! "Ah, enough of that!" He snarled and his hands went around me from behind, unfastening my belt, and I let him do this, still playing my stare-down game with Patrick while David undid my shorts from behind and then pulled them down.

"Now bend over." he ordered, and Patrick's eyes got wider yet.

"Shit!" Patrick murmured again.

I bent over and rested my hands on the rock, still looking right at Patrick. I felt something slippery at my anus, and knew David had produced lubricant from somewhere and was now working some into my ass. Patrick's eyes were fastened on this, and his hand went almost unbidden to his crotch, palped the bulge there, as if unaware of what he was doing, as if we were players on a screen and not real people.

"Shit." Patrick said, as if that one word was all that would come out, the rest of them stuck inside of him, unable to escape and so he had to use that single word, that one expletive, to release the pent-up feeling inside of him.

I got the rest of the way up onto the rock, now on my hands and knees, and I felt David get up behind me. But I kept focused on Patrick, trying to entice him without words into joining us.

David's cock slid up against my anus and I let Patrick see my face as David wormed his cockhead into my ass, let Patrick see my pleasure, I threw my head back and shook it with my mouth open in a soundless scream of ecstasy.

Then David shoved the length of his cock into me and I let out a real sound. "Ooh, uh, uhhhh!" I moaned. "Oh, yeah!"

"You see, Patrick?" David said. "He likes it."

"You'd better believe it." I said. "I love being fucked. But I like sucking a nice fat cock, too." I focused on Patrick's groin so he'd know exactly which cock I was offering to work over.

It galvanized him and he came over, hands tearing at his fly, trying to open it all at once, and then he was at me and only a foot separated us, the rock in the way of him standing there for my attentions, and he got his cock free and it stood out in front of him and I could see it at last.

Eight solid inches of pale Gaelic prick, I stretched out my head and my tongue as if I could reach it, and then Patrick stepped up and put one foot on the rock beside me, and now his crotch was close enough and I could tackle that long, hard, sweet-skinned rod of sheer maleness and I could reach it, and I did!

David was hunching at my butt with fury now, but I kept the loving of Patrick's prong slow and easy, I wanted to make this all-day man-sucker last me! Patrick's hand came up and cupped the side of my head, but I still lavished care and gentleness on his cock, tasting it, savoring that long dick as it slid into my mouth and I held it there while Patrick groaned at the sheer ecstasy of the feel of my mouth on his cock, and then I relinquished it slowly, and all this time David was humping me like a maniac, like he hadn't had any for a long time and now that he had it, he was getting off, and right now, damn it!

I held onto Patrick's pud with my mouth and let David do the work for me, the way he sent my mouth down onto Patrick's cock as he slammed into me and my recoil caused David to slide out and he would withdraw a bit more and I would flow back into position just in time to be rammed again, and this back-and-forth second-hand motion of mine worked my mouth on Patrick's cock and now he was getting into this, he was no longer bashful or reticent, he reached out with both hands and caught my head and he began to fuck at my mouth as furiously as David was fucking at my ass, and I was trapped between two horny studs, fucking at me from both ends, and I felt my own pleasure grow like a speckle of light in the darkness that grows as it approaches.

But David had the head-start on both of us, and while I was still in that warmly-waxing phase of feeling my pleasure seek me out and try to possess me, and Patrick was still in the stage of building up the sensations in his crotch, both of us grunting but far from ready to climax, and David suddenly gave out a strangled keen-call and I felt my ass blossom with salty jizz that clumped all along his plunging shaft, until it felt like pussywillows must feel if I'd stuck that up my ass instead of this hard prick.

David hunched me until he had wrung every last dreg of his orgasm out of his cock, and then he fell gasping onto my back, and that forced me back onto my hands and I lost Patrick's cock.

"Shit!" Patrick said again. But now it had real meaning.

"Sorry." David panted out.

Patrick started to kneel down to get his cock back into my mouth and then he hesitated.

I knew what he was thinking. "Sure." I said. "Help yourself."

David got up and Patrick rolled me onto my back and then lifted my legs up and spread them wide, snaffling off my shorts and throwing them over his back with one lithe movement.

Then those powerful legs of his lowered him down and he levered his cock up against my ass. It was already stretched out some by David, but Patrick's larger prong carved itself a new path into my insides, and I groaned and clutched at Patrick's back while he hovered over me, suspended like a bridge from the supports of his two hands, his back arcing as he found his purchase and sent that warm prick into me with a thrill that raced up my spine on fat, hairy spider legs!

His face was open and soft with passion, his eyes were dreamy-glazed, but there was nothing languid in his motions, he scooted up slightly, raising my buttocks on the petard of his cock, and then his hands came in and caught my own legs and used them to hold himself in place and he began to fuck me.

God, what a terrific fuck he was! He knew his own body very well, and knew just how to send that long prong deep inside of me with each stroke, but also varying the angle just enough to make every thrust into me a new adventure, sending a new and strange sensation along my nerves, so that they raced to my brain with their conflicting reports and sent my brain dithering as it struggled to make sense of the army of ecstasy which had invaded its territory.

David stretched out beside the two of us, partly resting and partly getting where he could watch this tableau more easily, hands behind his head to hold it erect and he watched as Patrick expertly fucked me, until I was a screaming, lust-driven morass of sensations, clinging to Patrick like the only piece of solidity in my life, for my body had turned into jelly on me, and I was a quivering mass of flesh that had once been human, but was now just a fuck-pile for this massive organ that drove into me harder and faster with every passing moment. My brain had surrendered totally, now it let the signals wash over it unhindered, so that my entire body jerked in response and I was clutching Patrick's back tightly, my legs were clamped around his slender hips, and he was sending hard bursts of air from his bellowing lungs now at full speed and he huffed and puffed at me, while his cock continued to pound my butt and wring me dry of every ounce of sensation, until every nerve had been lit and fired by the pleasure, until I felt it all rush of a sudden like that mudslide so long ago downhill to my spinal valley and from there to my crotch, and I spasmed, groaned, yelled into the hot, dry air and empty land, screamed my joy, proclaimed my triumph of the flesh, and in this loud, chaotic moment, my ejaculation found me and fired back its belated cannon onto my assailant, peppering him with my jism.

Patrick jerked with almost surprise as my load hit his stomach and chest and he looked at me befuddled, and then his brain sorted out the sensation and he hunched me fiercely and his groans rose from deep within his throat and he burst at last into me, flooding my ass and drenching my climax, burying my exhausted body the way those dinosaurs had been buried so long ago on this very stop, and I was as petrified in place as they were, and I fell into the darkness of exhausted lust, and my soul wailed as it plummeted into eternity.

I opened my eyes again after a moment, feeling as if I were somehow somebody different, and I looked up into Patrick's sweaty, tired but victorious face, and I smiled at him and I reached up and stroked his cheek and he caught my thumb with his lips and sucked my thumb into his mouth and let his tongue wash it for a time before releasing it once again.

"Man, that was hot!" David said. "I'm about ready to go again!"

Patrick looked up at the now-darkening sky. "Shit!"

"Don't you know any other words?" David asked him.

"Shut up! We have to get back. They'll send out a search party for us if we'll still gone by full dark."

We got up and ate our long-delayed supper on our tramp back. It didn't take us that long to walk the two miles, maybe a half-hour, for this land was flat and empty and we could and did speed back toward the lights of the camp. As the land grew darker, it got rapidly colder, surprisingly so. Plants trap heat and there weren't enough plants on the Sahel to help out. The desert is the same way.

Professor Camber saw us as we raced up, panting, and said cheerily, "So, did you find anything?"

Oh, yeah, they were supposed to tell me about our discovery. Uh, what was it again? I looked my question at Patrick and David, ventured, "Uh, we found one place, but I forget now just where it was."

Professor Camber tsked noisily. "That's no way for a scientist to behave." He chided me. "We'll put you on the tables tomorrow and you can help there for a while."

I looked over and said, "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep helping these two."

"Really?" He was surprised. "They'll be back at that heterodontosaurus skeleton tomorrow. You ought to be able to detach the entire skeleton by tomorrow, don't you think?" He asked them.

"That's all right." I said, trying not to grin. "I don't mind helping them pull their bones out. Sounds like fun."

"Let's go back to my tent and we'll discuss how to do it." David said. "It'll be more private there."

"Very well." Professor Camber sighed. "I'll leave him in your hands."

I followed my new mentors back to their tent. This wasn't going to be such a dull week after all!


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E-Mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 3: Bush Hopping

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