My African Tour

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 16, 2003



by Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


The morning fog clung to the trees like enormous spiderwebs. I was painfully reminded of a scene out of "The Hobbit" and the giant spiders who had spun those webs in Mirkwood Forest. It didn't make the jungle any friendlier-looking; if anything, it made it look even more ominous!

"Just over this next ridge, Stuart." promised my guide, Mickey, as we tromped through the jungle. "There's a clump of fruit-bearing trees that the chimps visit all the time. We have a good chance of catching a troop of them there but we want to get in position before the sun comes fully up or we might scare them off without meaning to. These are wild chimps we're after."

"Okay." I panted. I envied Mickey his easy glide through this rough terrain. He was rugged and muscular, a perfect jungle guide, with his safari hat, tan khaki shirt half-unbuttoned to let his body breathe in this humid, hot climate, matching shorts that clung to his huge thighs and beautifully bobbing butt like a second skin, thick sensible hiking boots with heavy socks that came up to the calves, the backpack of necessities riding effortlessly on his back, and his face, chest, arms and knees all bronzed deep brown by the sun, he strode with the careless walk of a king of his domain. I wore a khaki suit (shirt and pants) in the same de rigeur color, with hiking shoes myself, but where he leapt easily from step to step, I struggled through that same terrain, even after learning to take his every step as my guide of how to negotiate the obstacles. Insects that ignored him hovered and buzzed ceaselessly in my ears, and the jungle gave off a hundred distant and not-so-distant sounds that scared me shitless but which he blithely ignored.

It was all my fucking father's fault, this whole mess! He had heard of this jungle wildlife tour called "The African Experience" and first on the list was Cameroon which had, after many years of quiet and secret effort, managed to get a sizeable population of wild chimps to ignore and accept humans in their terrain so that this animal could now be watched in the wild by any number of gaggling tourists, and even photographed (but no flashbulbs) in their natural habitat, going about their business as if we were so many herbivores to be ignored. It had sold my mother and sisters, one of whom had a favorite stuffed-toy chimp ensconced in her arms every night, so I was dragged along on their group. I had wanted to go to Paris; I had just turned eighteen and a family-oriented vacation was the last thing I had planned on. But my father had all the money and when push came to shove, he made all the decisions like this. From Cameroon, we would fly to an area in the Sahel to help dig up newly-discovered dinosaur bones a few days, then on to watch lions and so on and so on. I had been outnumbered and outgunned, I had given in with the poor grace you'd expect if you were going with your family to watch wildlife instead of to Paris to live the wild life.

Then Mom and my younger sister came down with cases of galloping dysentery in Ebolowa, their own fault for sampling the native food as if the FDA had put their stamp of approval on it. My other sister and Dad had stayed to care for them. But the guide was paid for already, and got his money whether he took us on the tramp or not. Dad negotiated for a second tour with this guide, Mickey, for the week after next, when Mom and Sis would hopefully be well again, but the fact remained that he was hired and paid for. So Dad decided I should go myself and tell them what I had seen, so they'd be better prepared to take their photos. Forgetting that I hadn't wanted to even come on this dumb trip. I had pointed out that this meant he couldn't make the help-with-the-dinosaur-dig he had planned or the rest of our busy tour-of-Africa schedule, but he said he'd send me on ahead on the regular schedule and the family would follow along later. It would leave me alone for the tour, but after all, I was an adult now and had wanted a vacation on my own; no reason it couldn't be this way rather than sit around the hotel room moping. With a comment from my father like that ringing in my ears, I cheered up and even agreed it wasn't any good to pay someone for doing nothing, so I reluctantly agreed to go.

And I lost the reluctance entirely when Mickey showed up, for I had expected a native African guide. But he was a transplanted descendent from Kenyan colonials, with sandy hair bleached pale by the sun, his burnished face with the toothy smile that forced his thin cheeks apart to let it fit, his chest barrel wide and almost high on his body, so that he was thin-waisted, and his shirt had to arc inwards to fit his body. My sister drooled when she saw him, and he gave her a warm smile and flirty look designed to melt panties, then turned to me with that same smile and melted my BVD's just as thoroughly. So I managed to drum up some enthusiasm for this all-day hike and campout. Hell, it was only a five-day hiking tour; I could live with it. Especially with Mickey all to myself, as a added scenic attraction. I got images of skinny-dipping together in sun-splashed jungle pools and packed for the chimp-watching hike happily. And I was at least dumping my family for the rest of the tour, no small price to pay. So an hour later, Micky and I were on a boat heading down the Ngoko River.

That all-day hike had been yesterday, and I was predictably sore, but we had to get into position before the chimps arrived in the grove he had planned for us. A native lookout had reported the place empty yesterday, so we could get in position and pick out an optimum viewing spot for when the chimps arrived.

Mickey had been diligently playing guide all along, to his audience of one, pointing out the sights and telling me of the chimps and their behavior, claiming that their actions and those of men were close enough to make you think of them as human. "A lot of human behavior can be understood from the study of these interesting and intelligent creatures." he told me solemnly. "By watching chimps, we watch ourselves."

"You should make a nature documentary." I smirked at a point when he got over-earnest.

He relaxed the narrator stance and smiled easily at me (we had been on a scheduled rest, except he didn't need it and was pacing about; I was sitting and panting), and said, "Sorry, mate, if I'm overdoing it. Your father paid for this tour and I want to give you your money's worth."

"So don't sweat it." I said. A loud rumbling came through the jungle, like an elephant's trumpet-call, but a deep bass sound, and I flinched. "And I'm more interested in answers to questions like, 'What the hell was that?'"

"Just a bull gorilla." he said calmly.

"Just a bull gorilla?" I repeated numbly.

"Relax. He's just warning everyone to stay off his territory."

I thought that over. "Are we on his territory?"

He looked back at me, grinned. "Yes, I believe we are."

"Are you trying to reassure me?"

"More or less."

"'s not working."

He grinned that easy grin again. I thought to myself that this guy and Crocodile Dundee would get along with each other just fine. "Don't worry, mate, only solitary males give that call, a male with a harem doesn't need to advertise. That bull's quite a ways off and a solitary gorilla isn't going to come hunting for you. They're very shy, no matter what Hollywood has taught you about them. Don't worry about him."

"That's easy for you to say." I said, noting once again the rifle he carried on his back, the pistol in his pocket, and the portable radio they had strapped on as part of my own backpack. Anything happened, we were as ready for it as anybody could be, they promised to send aid to any part of the tour within three hours. That had sounded a lot more comforting back at the hotel than it did standing in the middle of that jungle!

So I was sticking close to Mickey and his guns like a scared little puppy (which is about what I felt like, though I kept up a brave front) and took great comfort in the fact that, from that point on, he mentioned without asking the source of any grumble, roar, or screech that came from out of the canopy. Though as you can tell from my first experience, some of his answers weren't that reassuring. I mean, knowing that a certain sound meant a leopard had brought itself down a meal didn't make me feel any better about its ideas for dessert or a midnight snack! So I kept up with him no matter how much my left leg was beginning to bother me, we were almost at the grove Mickey had mentioned, and once there, I knew we'd be sitting most of the day.

And the next ridge wasn't that bad, my leg was really hurting but I made it to the grove he had mentioned. They didn't look like fruit trees to me, but Mickey pointed out the small berries the chimps would come for and I agreed, this place would be ideal for a troop of hungry chimps.

"Now we just set up over here on this small hillock and we'll have a pretty good view of most of the treetops and a good deal of the ground. Then we sit and wait for the chimps to find us. If we don't get any today, tomorrow for certain, these berries must be sending their scent for miles. Smell that sort of sourness in the air? It's pretty faint, but that's the trees telling animals to come and get it. The animals eat the fruit, the small berries get eaten and out of all the berries the animal eats, a few of the seeds survive and get passed through undigested and end up in a nice steaming pile of dung somewhere else, ready to sprout and continue its kind. It's a symbiotic process, the trees give food and gain seed dispersal."

"Sounds like a good plan." I said as I put down the pack against a treestump there and then sat down myself, intending to use the backpack as a backrest while I sat on the grassy ground. This particular portion looked planted and cultivated, which made sense when you realized it was a tourist attraction to begin with. The grass was only a few inches high and looked fresh-cut, not grazed.

But as I sat down, my left leg seized with pain and I grunted, clutched it.

"What's happened? Were you bitten?" Mickey said, flashing over to my side.

"No, just a leg cramp." I said, biting back my desire to scream with pain. The jungle had made me aware of how far sound traveled, and sounding vulnerable to a leopard didn't seem like a good idea.

"Sorry, mate, my fault. I should have given you more rests, but by pushing it yesterday, we got here a day ahead of time. You seemed like you were in shape."

"I am...for a treadmill." I agreed. "Walking in the jungle isn't the same."

"That it isn't." Mickey had produced a small bottle of oil from his pack and, pushing my pants leg up, put some oil on his hands, and then began to rub my calf. A hard massage, I bit my lip as he worked the muscle, and the pain eased. "We'll give it a rub and you can rest here where we are for two days, four days if you need it, until you can walk again comfortably. We'd miss the Memwe Ele Falls but hey, it's just a big waterfall, not even that high. Feeling better?"

"My upper leg hurts too." I admitted.

"So let's get it rubbed out, too. A cramp won't last as long if you can rub it out fast."

Mickey reached down and began to unlace my shoe. I watched as he unfastened and lifted it off adroitly, then he reached for my other shoe and, looking up at me, said, "Come on, undo your trousers and let's get them off. We're the only ones around for kilometers."

I gulped and unfastened my pants and unzipped them, and Mickey skinned them off of me.

Then he knelt back down and began to rub my thigh. He seemed unhappy at the job he was doing, and his response was to suddenly stand up, get straddle of me while facing away, and he sat down on my stomach! This let him put both hands on my thighs, but when he leaned forward, it also put both our crotches right up against each other, and he moved in wide gestures, rocking back and forth as he worked my thigh from hip to knee. I watched his broad back now unfettered by the pack and rifle, saw his muscular arms plying over my body and I began to throw an erection. He must have felt it, but he didn't say anything. I couldn't tell if he did or not, I felt something that could have been his hardening cock, but could also have been that thick square of sewing at the juncture of the legs, and then he was done, he stood up and went back to his pack and fished out a handkerchief to wipe his hands off.

"How did that feel, mate?" he asked, not turning around.

"Really good." I admitted. "How much do you charge for a full hour?"

"Just part of the tour package. A man has to learn some basic first-aid in the bush. Or in the jungle." And now he turned around, and there was nothing bulging anywhere on him. I was softening myself, and by sitting up was able to pretend that it was just a wrinkle in my briefs he was seeing. "So pull on your trousers and let's get ready. Unless I miss my guess, we have company coming."

I hurriedly pulled on my pants while still lying down, my leg protested any movements still, though the pain itself was much less. I shucked them on and got up next to him, both of us on our knees, side by side on the little hillock, and I followed his pointing finger.

I saw nothing at first, just a rustling of brush that could have been wind. Then the rustling was far too loud for that, the tree branches and bushes were shaking here and there like they had come alive and were determined to pull loose and roam free. Then, a black shape in the treetops above, and then another, and more and more.

The chimpanzees had arrived.

A few were in the trees, but more were on the ground. They were bigger than I had expected. The first ones got there and began to oo-oo-oo and ah-ah-ah-ah like crazy. Some of them began to slap a trunk noisily, adding to the noise while they caterwauled and chattered.

"Calling in the rest." Mickey whispered to me. His hand came over and rested easily on my shoulder. "Now the main tribe comes in, now that the coast is clear."

"There's more?" I asked, for some eight or ten chimps were already in the grove.

And the rest did, a group of some thirty or forty more. They climbed the trees, and some took the chore of plucking off the bundles of tiny fruits and dropping it to their comrades below. The trees, which had been quiet and still, now were a frenzy of black shapes that jumped and crawled and shook and chattered. The others formed several circles that fed happily. I watched it all wide-eyed, like a child staring at a Christmas tree for the first time.

"Wow!" I said after a rather long time of silence. "I owe my Dad an apology. This is great!"

Mickey didn't say anything.

"Hey, Mr. Guide." I said jocularly. "I don't see any babies. Which ones are the males and which are the females?"

"'s hard to tell at this distance." Mickey stammered.

I looked at him. He seemed about to blush. Why?

I looked back at the group, which had satisfied its initial hunger and now seemed to settle down to spend the day just relaxing and getting to know each other. Like one couple which was engaged in an unmistakable behavior.

"I guess that's the female on the bottom. Isn't it?" I asked.

"Well...chimps usually mate like that, yes."

"Hey, Mickey, come on. You were the guy talking non-stop yesterday. What's wrong?" I looked at the chimps in flagrante delicto, and said, "Are you fretting about the chimps having sex? Hell, I expected to see some of that. If I were wandering around in the wild and no rules to hold me, I'd be fucking whenever I felt like it, too."

The chimps got up and I said, "Well, the bottom one was male. But then.... Oh." I said knowingly.


"I did some reading about chimps before I came here." I said. "I know that young males form their own groups."

"It's more than that." Mickey said. "This is Kublai's Horde." I could hear the capital letters on that.

"Go on." I said.

"Kublai is that big male over there." he indicated a large, battered chimp in the middle of the group, watching them all carefully. "He lost a dominance fight in another group and got chased out some four years ago. Joined up with a group of young males, naturally. It's dangerous for a chimp alone in the wild. They sit up and watch for each other while the rest sleep, and things like that."

"So why your embarrassment. Young males with no females around sometimes, uh, take care of their needs the other way."

"Kublai took a different tack." Mickey seemed to have found his courage. "He found these males and seems to have decided that if he couldn't have a female harem, he'd have a male harem instead. So he kind of formed his own little troop of all male chimps. Won't let any of the males leave, treats them all like his female harem. They can mate with each other so long as he gets all he wants, but if they try to leave, he chases after them and beats them and drives them back."

"So I'm looking at the chimp version of Fire Island, huh?"

Mickey caught the reference. "Exactly. Kublai seems to have converted them all over to his way of thinking. I've written about Kublai to anthropologists, but none of them seem to want to come study Kublai's Horde."

I saw what Mickey meant. More and more of the chimps, now that they had breakfasted, were busily getting to know each other very well. The entire group was busily chattering, grooming and basically getting down to doing the nasty.

I laughed loud enough to scare a couple of the chimps that had wandered near. "I come on vacation and end up watching a gay chimp orgy! This is great!"

"We could strike camp and try for another grove nearby." Mickey said. "There are a lot of rituals chimps and their young engage in that you'd enjoy watching, too."

"With this leg of mine?" I said. "We're stuck here the rest of the day, I think. Relax, and enjoy the show."

Kublai had brought one of the younger chimps over to quite near our location. He looked right at us (we weren't hidden, just keeping still and quiet as the tourbook advised), and then laid down the young male and imperiously shoved his rather ludicrously large cock up the young chimp's butt. The littler chimp squealed a little, but didn't seem pained or put out by it.

"Man, that Kublai packs a mean one, doesn't he?" I said.

"Yeah." Mickey said sort of huskily. "That's why I was trying to talk you into leaving. Kublai seems to get a kick out of putting on a show. That's Giya he's mating with, one of his favorites. Giya seems to...really enjoy servicing Kublai. You can see how contented he looks right now. Kublai seems to enjoy taking his time with Giya, he mates with him so much more slowly than with the others, almost like he's really in love with Giya." His hand, still on my shoulder, began to kind of pulse in time with the two chimp's almost languorous mating thrusts.

I cast a careful look at Mickey's crotch as he observed the two chimps. Now he definitely had an erection.

"You know, Mickey, I think you're almost jealous of Kublai." I ventured. "All these males to play with as often he wants to."

Mickey ignored my sally. He nattered on with, "Of course, chimps use body contact to communicate with each other, stroking can be a very full form of communication...." And that's when my hand cupped his crotch. He didn't move, was stock-still.

"Mickey, what do you say we play a little game of 'monkey see, money do.'" I said. "Or would you rather think of it as learning a little monkey talk?"

He didn't say anything, but his chest was heaving visibly and his lips were parted wide. I began to clench his pud through the tight shorts. His cock was right at the fold of his shorts at the legs, and I could feel how big and firm it was.

I kept this up a while, him still unmoving, and I finally said, "Come on, Mickey, let's show old Kublai how we hairless apes do it. Maybe we can teach him a thing or two, like I could teach him how to suck cock."

Now Mickey moved, a slow turn of his head to mine, and when he matched eyes with me, I gave him a small smile, and his reaction was to suddenly turn and almost dive at me from his kneeling position and knocked me flat to the grassy jungle floor.

His lips met mine with a crash and a crush and he was kissing me, open-mouthed and fervidly, his arms roped around me and he held me tight and his hands were pressing hard against my back.

"Uh, oof, uh!" I grunted, squeezing my legs out from under me, they had been brutally twisted in this sudden attack. I managed to get into a more prone position, and then I concentrated on kissing Mickey back. His lips were so damned hungry on mine, he was huffing like old Kublai and it was like he was trying to swallow me down!

I shifted and now our cocks were matched up and he began to rut against me, hard, and I got my hands down and squeezed those taut buttocks of his like I had wanted to for the past two days, and I wrapped my legs up and around him and I began to hunch back at him.

His grunts took on an urgency, and I broke off that kiss by turning my head and he fastened onto my neck instead, still kissing me hard and his grunts had become pants.

"Hey, Mickey, slow down." I said. "You're going to blast in your shorts if you keep this up. Come on, let me up and I'll give you a lip-lock on that pud that'll make your day."

He responded by rolling off of me, and I rose up and looked down at him, his hat lost in the scuffle somewhere, and that hair the color of dried grass, his face long and vulnerable, his chest a massive hill with his shirt somewhat askew, giving me a lopsided triangle look inside at one ample breast, his so-slim waist and those shorts which were looking so damned edible, I wanted to just dive down and chew them off of him, his legs and arms much darker than the light-tan khaki, and now it was my turn to dive and I got my hands and head down to that bulging crotch and I tried to gnaw at his basket and open his fly at the same time. It unzipped easily when I undid the button, and then I could reach into that damp, warm interior (the heart of darkest Africa, I thought to myself and chuckled) and I grabbed hold of that nearly hot prick of his and I brought it out into the daylight at long last.

Damned, it was as beautiful as the rest of him! The head was no larger than the shaft, so that his glans blended into the rest of his cock and formed a shape so clean that it almost seemed artificial, like a cheap dildo, and the skin of it was so pale; I only now saw just how tanned Mickey was by this comparison, he was damned near white without the African sun on his body. I admired it until I saw a pre-come pearl form on the tip and began to weep downwards without me even moving my hand, and I realized that poor Mickey was about to explode, so I fastened onto him and sent that slim schlong into my mouth and down my throat and Mickey's hands grabbed my head and shoved me down hard the rest of the way.

As I hit bottom, gagging a little from the dry prong, Mickey groaned and choked, and then his hands forced me to bob up and down on his cock hard and fast--not that I minded.!--and he grunted desperately and I knew right then that he was going to come right away.

Just like a monkey, I thought, they usually climbed on, hump-hump-hump and they were done. I would have preferred a long, slow suck-job on Mickey, but the poor guy was so turned on, I just didn't have the heart to ride the brakes, so I clung tight and enjoyed the slender dong sliding in and out of my mouth all meaty and firm and hot, and Mickey groaned, his hands lost some of their strength and I took over, sucking him at the same speed he had forced on me, and was rewarded when Mickey gave a long, slow, strangled moan and blasted his wad into me. It hit me hard and flooded my mouth, all of a sudden, I was filled with his jism, and I swallowed hard and he filled me again. This guy must not have whacked off in a week, there was so much, I gulped him down as well as I could and rode out the waves of his pleasure-ridden body, and then he was done, gasping for breath, limp on the jungle floor.

I sucked his prong dry and then I let go of it, giving it a gentle kiss and now I did what I had wanted to do before, I began to work my way over his body, all sweaty and musky and male in its scent and taste. I suckled on his pubic hair all drenched with his concentrated body oils, and I licked on his abdomen. That half-opened shirt yielded its last buttons to my searching hands and I could dive into that tiny little navel of his, probing my tongue-tip into it and wiggled it about (that drew a small giggle out of Mickey; he was ticklish!), then up that broad flat plain of his stomach to storm the hills of his ribs and the heights beyond. His body was nearly hairless except at the crotch, and that had been a rather scanty patch, but I traveled my tongue along, earning groans of pleasure from him, and I savored his taste and his very-masculine musk, it was like tasting the essence of man, and his nipple was a salty-flavored nub of exquisite delight from him, I rolled that little button around in my mouth, teasing it with my teeth by taking a light hold and moving my teeth back and forth so that it rolled the nipple beneath it, he moaned appreciatively every time I did that, and then I would kiss and suck at his nipple, then lick it with my tongue to assuage its pain, only to seize it once again.

After a long, luxurious time of this, I finally went up to his face to collect my grateful kiss, which he gave me gladly. I then rested my arms on his chest with my elbows akimbo to either side, and my chin on my wrists, and I said, "So, is this a part of the tour service?"

He smirked as I had hoped, and said, "No, mate, it wasn't. Though I may think of adding it to the brochure if it'll bring in business."

"I'd come back for more." I said earnestly. "You were really worked up. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Go ahead."

"Is this your first time with a man?"

He seemed abashed. "Yes, it is."

"I thought so, you were so hot. I'd rather have had a chance to work on it for a while."

"I'm sorry." He said contritely.

I grinned. "No problem. In fact, thank you for letting me be your first. Only, what can we do for an encore? Feel up to going again?"

"Not just this minute." he admitted, a little ruefully.

"I figured a load like that would put you down for the count. Got any, uh, other curiosities about being with a man? Like, what does a cock tastes like, or how does it feel to be fucked."

"Oh, right, mate, you haven't had your jollies yet, have you?" he said.

"Not forcing anything on you, but if you're willing, I could use the help." I agreed.

"Then shuck out of those clothes and we'll see how well I can do on my first try."

I got to my feet saying, "I have every confidence you will be a credit to the British Empire."

He arose as well as shucked out of his clothing, and both of us nude on the soft grass, he lay himself down on top of me and kissed me, properly this time. His hands were slow on my body, as he stroked with confident care, arousing my skin as he went, his calloused palms inciting rather than irritating my senses. When he released my lips, he traveled down my body slowly, using many of the same tricks I had on him, like the way he teased my nipples, but putting his own spin on much of the rest of it. Those long licks on my armpit was something his shirt had prevented, but I wished I had thought to dance my tongue over his stomach the way he did mine, it was such an odd but pleasant feeling!

He stopped as he reached the patch of my pubic hair, and then took my cock into his mouth with gentle firmness, bravely pushing it down his throat though he couldn't help but choke and have to release it, but even then he held onto the cockhead and kept up the tongue-work on my glans even while his throat clutched and recovered. It was such a liquid sort of thrill, his mouth, for he had noticed no doubt my own flood of saliva on his prong and was working up a rather sudsy concoction of his own, it make a shlorping kind of sound, like a washing machine in the distance where you just hear the soapy water sloshing back and forth. It felt great, and I moaned accordingly, using it to let him know just what felt good and what didn't, he took my silence for the critique it was, and soon he was bobbing confidently on my cock, his throat having made the adjustment and now it accepted my dick into him thoroughly.

I was getting pretty worked up, and my orgasm had begun to make itself known as something that was going to happen, when he broke it off entirely, got up.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as he got completely to his feet.

"Nothing at all, chum." He said as he stepped to straddle me at the waist and squatted down. "Just that I think you're ready for the rest of my special service."

"Don't rush yourself." I cautioned as he brought his ass down to intersect my pud. "It's takes a lot of practice and your first time is going to be rather painful just as it is."

"How come a young man like you knows all about this?" he asked me. "Are they that liberal in your country?"

"No, but I had a friend back in school, and he and I taught each other, and books did the rest." I said. "You're only my second lover."

"But you were so good at it."

"Oh, Fred and I get together at least once a week and have for the last two years." I said.

"I just hope I compare favorably to your mate." he said as his asshole found my cockhead.

"There's no comparison, you're much better looking." I said. "Just the sight of you sitting down on my cock is about to make me shoot my load." And I grabbed his cock, which was dangling but beginning to fill out nicely. As he winced and crammed my dong into his virginal ass, I pumped him firmly, and with the pleasure that gave him, it eased the way considerably (I knew!) It took some time, but we had the entire day, and finally my cock was firmly within Mickey's ass, not all of it, but more than enough to let him get to the serious business of bouncing up and down on me.

The sun had bronzed a long triangle on his chest where the shirt had been left opened, the rest of him was differing shades of brown, so that it was like he was wearing a skin-suit. You could see where the hat-brim fit on his forehead as a lighter area, where the shorts waistband was, differing shades of paleness or tanning, he varied from untanned near-white to golden yellow to burnished bronze red, and the lack of uniformity was a turn-on for me, he was no sun-child that lay about, he had burned in the African sun at his labors. This man of the wilderness, this child of the African continent, was giving himself to me and the pleasure brought by the delay in my passion-ride formed up again, this time more like storm-clouds boiling on the horizon as they race up on their rain-curtain legs to take their frustrations out on you, so did my need to squirt my long-withheld load of cum cause my balls to seethe angrily.

"Oh, God, Mickey!" I breathed as he again found a rhythm, "You're driving me absolutely nuts here! I gotta shoot it soon, man, soon!"

"Just like me, eh?" he grinned insolently at me. "Well, me bucko, you just wait until I say you can shoot, you understand me?"

"Yes, sir." I sobbed as my balls gurgled in their ire of repression. "Just please, let it be soon."

"I have one other thing to take care of here." He said. "And that is doing what I wanted to do last night when you were bent over digging in your backpack wearing just those baggy shorts of yours."

He meant my briefs. I had thought I had had eyes burrowing into my ass then, but when I turned around, Mickey was almost turned the other way. "So what do you have in mind?" I asked. "Oh, jeez, my balls are gonna bust!"

"I'm going to let you slick up my cock which you've so kindly gotten nice and firm for me, and then I'm going to shove it up your bunghole." he informed me as he lifted off my cock and scooted forward, falling fully onto his knees as he did so. His cock landed with a plump on the base of my throat and I reached and lifted it up and scarfed it down happily. He was ready to do again!

I got him slicked up as quickly as I could, for my balls were almost making audible sounds, as they churned against my cockshaft, and when Mickey lifted my legs and pushed his spit-slimed cock into my asshole, I moaned and sucked him in with my ass muscles, working them hungrily, chewing at that pale shaft as it slipped into my rump.

"Oh, God, yeah, fuck me, Mickey, come on, fuck me nice and hard!" I crooned. "God, I'm going to explode! Come on, fuck me fast, fast and hard!"

Mickey obliged me, he hauled me up with his powerful arms in both bends of my knees, pushing me into a crescent shape, and his long, slim legs and waist began to ripple as he fucked my butt and he reached down to kiss my lips.

I grabbed him in my arms and clutched his back with my fingernails, sinking them in hard! He had me so damned turned on. He gasped, but didn't protest, instead he fucked me even harder, his friendly face managed a sneer of intensity as he plunge-fucked me, not being gentle now, but rutting as he had in the beginning, giving full vent to his needs.

I groaned and closed my eyes shut tight and tossed my head, hearing him giving out loud grunts of power, sounding much like those chimps as they had called to the rest of their tribe, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, and my own throat answering with ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! I pulled my nails out of Mickey's back and held onto him tightly, and he shifted from quick long strokes to more desperate quick ones, and I felt my own passions build up within me from the sheer volume of sensations these quick jabs into me did to my prostate.

I felt my face flush hot, stars exploded inside my eyeballs, my asshole clamped tight onto Mickey's plunging rod, and I tried to tell him I was coming, but only guttural moans escaped my throat, eh-guh-gah, guh, uh, guh-huguhhh!" I strangled out and I felt my sperm shooting out as if they were ripping their own exit from my body, sharp as knives they sliced through my shaft and burst into the open to splatter vainly against our thrashing bodies so closely intertwined.

"Oh, yeah, mate, oh, yeah!" He panted. "Come on, shoot that all over me, come on, shoot it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah-uh-uh-uh-huh! Guh! Guh! Guh-huh-nnnkkk!" And his salty wads pumped into my violated butt, I clung to Mickey as he fell onto me, heavy as a rock, choking back his moans against the top of my left shoulder, clamping his lips onto me and nearly biting me as he spent his load into me.

"Oh, oh, God!" I breathed when he was finally still and silent, and I was covered with my own jizz and his sweat mingled with my own in cooling pools of exhausted passion. "God, Mickey, you were terrific! Much better than Fred ever was, honest!"

He panted heavily in my ear. "You were damned good yourself, stud." he assured me. "I am never going to be able to find another guy as good as you."

"I aim to please." I smiled at him and then looked around idly.

And froze. "Uh, Mickey."

"What is it?"

"We got company."

He sat up abruptly and looked around. We were surrounded.

That big grizzled chimp nearest us must be Kublai. The other chimps were holding back, silently amazed as they gazed upon what may be their first look at naked humans. I wondered if they saw us as pale apes, or as some strange oddity.

"Don't move." Mickey cautioned me. "Chimps rarely attack, but if they feel threatened, they will."

"I'm not moving." I said.

"We'll keep very quiet and see what they do."

I watched Kublai, for he was their leader and the rest would follow his lead. I didn't see anger or fear in his eyes, though. I saw...was it amusement?

I grinned back at him; I couldn't help it. Kublai made an undoubted smile at me, then turned and languidly strolled off through the brush. The rest of his clan followed him and soon the black forms had been lost in the copious green of the jungle.

We waited there for the rest of that day and the next, but no more chimps came our way. Mickey took me on to a small stream he knew, and there in that stream, at a place where it made a shallow pool with water as clear as anything, he and I splashed about naked together and embraced in the sun-warmed waters.

"This is a nice place." I said to Mickey when we were done. "You bring all your tourists here?"

"Not yet." he admitted.

"Why not? This place is terrific."

"Well, you never know when a crocodile is going to move into a pool like this. And there are water snakes that could swim up the stream and decide to stay around."

I shook my head as I pulled on my boots. "Mickey, if you're going to be a tour guide, you have got to work on your people skills."

"Let's get you back to Ebolowa." He grinned back at me. "Your family is going to want a report, and your plane leaves for N'Djamena the day after tomorrow."

And so, I moved on with my "African Experience."


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E-Mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 2: Buried Bones

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