My Adopted Angel

By Tj Morgan

Published on Jul 4, 2012


The following story is a work of Fiction. The work is of the erotic nature and has explicit gay sex. If you are not allowed by law to view this story or are offended by such material, close out now. Copyright 2012.

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When my parents first told me that they were going to adopt a child, I have to admit I was pretty fucking pissed. These were MY mom and dad, they had been for the last 16 years.

My name is James and, okay, so I haven't been the picture of a perfect child. I try to stay out of trouble, but ever since I was nine, I've been like this magnet for trouble. The first time I got into a fight was when I was walking home from school.

I saw this kid that went to a private school on the next street getting kicked around by a couple of bullies. I don't know what came over me, but by the time it was over, my shirt was ripped, my pants were muddy, I had a black eye, and a bleeding nose. On the other hand, the two bullies had run away crying. Found out later one of them had a broken nose. Luckily, they didn't know who I was. Since then, I've kinda been the one who stands up for others.

My parents were pissed but when they found out why, they were proud that I had stood up for someone. Problem was, the more fights I got into, the more frustrated they got. So, when they announced they were adopting some snot-nosed little brat, I can't say I was too pleased. They told me the child's name was Suzuno. I thought to myself, "What the hell kind of name is that?" I didn't even know if the kid was a boy or a girl. When I met the kid, though, my jaw hit the floor.

Suzuno turned out to be a thirteen year-old, incredibly cute, boy with hair so blond it was almost white. His soft milky skin covered a thin frame. He almost looked like he hadn't eaten in a while. My parents had told me he came from a home where his parents didn't really care about him. They were too interested in their drugs.

The thing that really got me about the kid was his eyes. I had always been told how incredible my blue eyes were, but never really understood it. When I looked into Suzuno's eyes, I finally got it. The shade of blue was so soft, yet so vibrant. As I stood there looking at this kid, two things happened. The first thing was that I lost my voice. Literally. I stood there looking at this gorgeous little boy and all I could think to say was, "Hey."

The second thing that happened was my seven inch cock started to awaken. I knew that I had always liked guys. Whether it was hanging out with the guys in the park on a hot sunny day eyeing their sweaty, shirtless bodies, or in the locker room at school, guys had always caught my eye. I found now, though, that this young angel had definitely caught my heart. And, apparently, my dick, too.

I turned and walked away. I knew it looked like I was being a dick, but in truth, my cock was already pitching a tent and the last thing I needed was for my parents to see me boning out over some thirteen year old kid. Even if he was fucking hot!

Suzuno was a shy kid, which makes sense. His parents didn't give two shits and now he's with a new bunch of people. I'm sure I didn't help much. My performance the day we met fairly screamed that I hated the kid. I didn't. I just didn't know how to react to him. How are you supposed to act around someone who, from day one, all you could think of was getting naked and cuddling with? Especially when that someone was so forbidden?

Over the next couple of months, I tried to tell Suzuno that I didn't hate him, but every time I tried, he'd either shy away, or I would get so tongue tied I couldn't speak. What fucking irony! Here I was a sixteen year old, six foot guy who had been fighting- and winning- for the last seven years, and I couldn't even talk to a fucking thirteen year-old.

My parents were upset with me. They figured I was jealous "of the new kid in town". They told me to grow up and get over it. I just nodded and said I'd try. What else could I say? It wasn't like I could tell them that every night before I went to sleep, I would lay there and dream about this beautiful boy in the room next to me. I couldn't tell them that I kept picturing him coming out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his socks, a long t-shirt, and a pair of tighty-whities. I couldn't tell them that ever since the day I had seen him lift that t-shirt above his head, seen the outline of his already impressive cock and his adolescent pits, that I had used that image to achieve some of the best cum sessions I ever had! I couldn't tell them that all I wanted to do was fuck this little boy.

So, I just figured it was easier to just go on pretending. I figured, if I kept him at a distance, then I wouldn't be tempted. Yeah, like that worked.

One day, as I was coming out of the bathroom, I saw Suzuno in his room, peeking through a crack in the door. I pretended not to notice, but stopped just outside his door to look at something on my foot. I was wrapped in just a small towel from the waist down. As I stood there, my cock began to stir. I wasn't wearing any underwear, so the towel began to tent out. I don't know if he was just curious about me, or if he was interested in my body, but I figured either way I was going to give him something to think about.

I bent over as though to pick at something on my foot. Meanwhile, my right hand gently undid the fold of the towel. When I stood back up, wouldn't you know it, the towel fell off. I made a show of looking around to make sure I hadn't been seen, then bent over to pick up the towel, my ass pointed straight at the curious little teen in hiding in the room. Finally, I grabbed the towel and headed back to my room. Once there, I closed the door and rubbed my hard cock till I shot cum all over my chest.

Suzuno never let one that he had seen me, and I never said anything either, though from time to time, I'd catch a glimpse of him looking at my crotch. More than ever, I wanted to find a way to finally see my new brother naked, to see that cock that I had only glimpsed once. Little did I know that my chance was just a few short days away.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Mom was visiting Aunt Gretchen for the week. Dad had gotten held up at work so he needed someone to get Suzuno from soccer practice. The school wasn't far from home, but with Suzuno being new to the area, and only thirteen, Dad didn't want him walking home alone. Dad also thought it would help us bond and "teach you some responsibility." Whatever!

At four -thirty, I hoofed it over to James Park Middle School to get my brother. I forgot that practice ended at four-thirty, so by the time I got there at ten of five, most everyone else had gone home. I walked to the back of the school and let myself in a side door. I knew the gym and the locker rooms were just down a short hallway, so headed to the left and through another set of double doors.

When I got to the locker room, I could hear someone sobbing softly. As I said, since I was always one to help those in need, I knew that that was the sound of someone in trouble. Something clicked inside me as I realized that there were probably only two people left in the building, my brother and the soccer coach, Mr. Witkins.

I quietly walked into the locker room and around a set of lockers. There in front of me was Mr. Witkins, his pants around his knees, his hairy ass staring at me. I could hear him talking low to someone.

"Come on kid, just take it. Your parents obviously forgot all about you, so if you want to go home, I'll have to cart your ass there. And if I do that, you need to pay for the taxi, so open your mouth and take my dick, you little shit."

At that point, he moved just enough for me to see my adopted brother standing there in his gold and blue soccer outfit. Tears were streaming down his face and his mouth was clamped shut. He looked up and our blue eyes met. In that quick look, a single word passed between us. "Help!"

I raced forward and grabbed Mr. Witkins by the shirt and pulled back as hard as I could. He went flying into the lockers, knocking a set to the floor. He laid there, stunned, for a moment, then his eyes flashed with hatred.

"You fucking little prick!" he yelled at me.

Just then he leaped up and came at me. Seven years of street fighting took over. He swung his right arm in a roundhouse punch, but I ducked and countered with a jab to the stomach. He doubled over and I followed by an uppercut to his jaw. My left fist connected with a sickening crack and I knew that he would spend the next few weeks eating through a straw.

Once again he fell backward against the remaining lockers. The swayed back and forth, dangerously close to toppling over like the last ones. Suddenly, two men rounded the corner. Mr. Ramos, the principal, and Mr. Abbott, the janitor, had heard the commotion and came running. Mr. Ramos stared at me, then Mr. Witkins. He looked back at me a moment before he finally recognized me.

"James? What's going on here, explain yourself."

I quickly told him what had happened from the time I entered the school. The fact that my thirteen year-old brother was crying, and Mr. Witkins still had his pants around his knees, his shriveled dick no longer ready for action, only served to prove my story.

When I had finished, gasping for breath from the fight, I reached out to Suzuno and he took my hand. I easily picked him up and he tucked in close, wrapping his arms around my neck, his legs around my waist.

"You know where we live, Mr. Ramos. I'm taking my brother home."

It didn't occur to me till later that I shouldn't have been able to carry Suzuno all the way home. Perhaps it was the adrenaline from the fight, perhaps it was the fact that he was still so shaken and all I wanted to do was protect him. When we finally got home, I sat down on the couch, my shaking brother still clinging to me. We sat there until Dad got home.

I told Dad what happened, including my cracking the asshole's jaw. He immediately called the police, but they told us they already had Mr. Witkins in custody, Mr. Ramos had called them. No charges would be pressed against me for beating the crap out of him. They said I acted "in defense of another."

The police eventually stopped by for a statement from me and Suzuno. Showing her perfect timing, Mom got home while they were there. Seeing the black and white cruiser out front, she naturally jumped the wrong conclusion. We finally convinced her that, though I had indeed been in a fight, the cops were not here to arrest me. In fact, one of them called me a hero for preventing, how did he put it? "A heinous act from occurring." I actually laughed as I saw her face go from anger, to confusion, to absolute adoration.

Finally, the cops left and we settled back into as normal a routine as possible. Suzuno was glued to my hip the rest of the night. Everywhere I went, so did he. I even had to stop him from following me into the bathroom. Secretly, I would have loved to have had him in there, to see his eyes widening when I took my cock out to take a piss. But, Mom and Dad would not have understood, so I reluctantly told him to wait outside.

Bedtime came sooner than I was ready for, but I suddenly realized how tired I was. I took Suzuno upstairs and tucked him in. I even gave him a light kiss on the forehead. Not creepy, but definitely enjoyable for me!

I went back into my room and began to get ready for bed. I had just kicked off my shoes and socks, and slipped my red Adidas t-shirt over my head when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, expecting to see one or both of my parents. Instead, there stood my platinum blond angel in his customary socks, overlong t-shirt, and cute little briefs. He was clutching his favorite toy, a red-headed little doll. I never understood why he carried it, but I sensed he always felt better with it around.

"Can I sleep in here tonight? I'm..." he whispered the next part, "I'm scared."

How could I resist this beautiful little boy? Plus, I'd get my angel in my bed.

"Sure, kiddo. Come on in." I stepped back from the door and he walked slowly in, as though he was afraid something would jump out at him. I watched as he climbed onto my bed, the back of his t-shirt riding up slightly, giving me a perfect view of his cute, little ass. My cock stirred, and I knew it was going to be, well, a hard night!

I heard Mom pass by the bottom of the stairs and called out to her.


She walked back a couple paces so she could look up and see me. "Yes?"

"Um, if it's ok, Suzuno is gonna spend the night in my room. He, uh..." I looked at Suzuno and his face told me he didn't want her to know he was scared. "He and I want to talk, to get to know each other better. Yeah."

She smiled, obviously accepting my lie. "Okay. But don't stay up too late. You've both had a rough day, you need to get some sleep."

"We will." She started to walk off when I called to her again. "Mom!"

She peeked again around the corner. "Yes?"

"I, I just, I just wanted to say, I love you."

I could see her eyes start to mist over as she processed what I had said. "I love you, too, Jay."

I closed the door and continued to get ready for bed. I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them and my boxers to floor. Just then, I heard a gasp and remembered my little brother sitting in my bed. I quickly pulled my boxers up, covering my hardening cock. I looked at him, his eyes were wide at what he saw.

"Sorry, dude. Forgot you were here. I, uh, I usually sleep naked."

If possible, his eyes got even wider. "You sleep naked?"

I laughed, and sat on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I have ever since I was like six. My room was always hot, even in the winter. Guess I just got used to it."

"Can I sleep naked, too?"

My god! Was this really happening?

"Well, if you want. I mean, we're both guys, so, it's not like I've never seen a dick.. uh, penis, before."

For the first time since he came to live with us, I saw Suzuno smile. I never thought this kid could ever look more beautiful, but when he smiled at me, I felt a tingling in more than just my cock. I knew that not only did I want to have this boy physically, I wanted him emotionally. I wanted to love him.

"You said penis!" he laughed.

I looked at him for a moment, then pounced on him, tickling him under his t-shirt, and getting a wonderful eyeful of the beautiful cock that lay beneath the little white briefs.

Finally, we stopped our play and I told him it was time for bed. I just about shot my load when my angel stood on my bed, reached his hands under his t-shirt and slowly pulled his underwear down. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could swear he was teasing me.

After he slipped out of his tightie-whities, he handed them to me. I took them, resisting the urge to smell the scent of his adolescent crotch, my own cock starting to harden. I folded his briefs and laid them on the chair at my desk. I knew that I couldn't let him have all the fun and, hey, he had already seen everything, so I quickly slipped out of my boxers. I hooked one finger in the waistband, then pulled back with the other. I let go and my boxers flung straight for Suzuno. He sat there, stunned, as my boxers landed squarely on his face.

Once he realized what had happened, he laughed, stood up, and stepped into them. I had forgotten that I was standing there completely naked as I watched the most perfect boy dancing around in my boxers, boxers that were too large for him.

I saw his eyes dropped to my crotch and he pointed and laughed. "You've got a boner!"

I laughed, too, then turned to shut off the light. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply and thought of Aunt Gretchen. If that didn't kill my hard-on, nothing would! Sure enough, the feeling subsided and I turned back around and climbed into my bed.

Normally, my twin bed was more than enough room for me. With two of us, though, it was somewhat cramped. I lay on my back while Suzuno lay on his side. I felt him cuddle in close to me, his right arm resting against my firm abs. My cock began to harden again as I realized this perfect little boy was sleeping next to me in nothing but t-shirt. I felt a tickle on my right thigh and I realized that his thirteen year-old cock was beginning to harden as well.

I felt him move slightly and sensed that he was rubbing his bare cock against my bare thigh. Because of his overlong t-shirt, I still had not actually seen his little dink. My mind was swimming with ideas of what his boyhood looked like.

"Jay?" he said, using the nickname that my mother had often called me. Somehow, coming from his thin, red lips, it sounded like, well, I don't know, but it made me melt inside.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"The other day, when you took your shower, I saw you in the hallway."

Fuck yes! My plan had actually worked. But, I couldn't let him know.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get mad, please! But, when you dropped your towel, I was in my room. I saw," again, he whispered, "your bum!"

I laughed and rolled over, jabbing him in the ribs. He laughed and squirmed, his knee jabbed me in the balls.

"Ouch!" I cried. "Gotta be careful where you stick that knee."

"Sorry, Jay." Next thing I knew, he had reached over and started caressing my balls. "I hope I didn't hurt them too bad."

All I could do was lie there and enjoy the soft skin caressing my loose nuts. The feeling was beyond intense!

"It's okay," I breathed. "They're feeling pretty good right about now."

I felt his hand move upward, toward my cock. My mind screamed, "This is wrong!" But my teenage horniness screamed, "Fuck yeah!"

As I felt his hand wrap around my cock, I gave in to my horniness. I reached down and tugged the edge of his t-shirt. I pulled it up over his head, exposing a thin white frame. I wondered where the shy kid had gone to, but knew that I loved this boy more.

I rubbed my hand across his chest as he continued to stroke my meat. God this was so fucking awesome! I rubbed my thumb across his nipple and he leaned into me, clearly enjoying my touch. I couldn't believe it when he leaned down and softly kissed my lips.

My heart was pounding so loudly, I thought for sure Suzuno would hear it. I reached down, one hand on each side of his waist, and lifted his light frame. I positioned him so that his cock met mine. He stretched out his legs and laid prone on my body.

I kissed him passionately, while squeezing his ass cheeks. He began to furiously pump my cock and I could hear him start to breathe hard.

"Wait, don't cum just yet."

I had my little angel stand up and got my first good look at his boyhood. He was just starting to get little blond hair around his cock. His cock had to have been nearly six inches. I wondered where he got that impressive piece of meat from. Whatever man passed it on to him must have been hung!

I reached up and touched him. His pink head throbbed in my hand and his slit began to leak. I reached under and began to play with his balls, his nuts two tiny eggs swaying back and forth. I reached further back and found his little virgin pucker. My finger probed his ass and he leaned in, nearly begging me to finger-fuck his little ass.

As much as I wanted to stay there and play with his cock and balls, I wanted more. I had him turn around and kneel down, his little white ass, with its pink pucker straight in my face. I couldn't resist and plunged my face into his crack, my tongue slathering his ass with spit. I sucked in a breath as I suddenly felt his hot little mouth wrap around my cock. This was becoming too much for me.

I lifted his legs and found his stiff member. While he was sucking me, I lowered his pelvis to my face, his organ slipping easily into my waiting mouth. I could smell his scent and it drove me crazy. I slurped his little snake eagerly, wanting to taste his spunk.

I felt a tingling in my balls and I knew I was about to explode my hot liquid into my little brother's mouth. I felt his body quiver and knew that he was about to cum too. I couldn't hold it any longer and let loose a torrent of hot sticky cum into Suzuno's mouth. He gagged once, but was able to take it all.

As the orgasm overtook me, I pulled his ass closer to my mouth, forcing his virgin dick further into my throat. This was too much for him and he, too, finally gave in. Spurt after spurt I sucked his spunk. I drank as though it was the water of life.

Finally, we collapsed upon each other, our naked, sweaty bodies heaving in ecstasy. My little angel crawled around to once again lay his head on my chest.

"Jay?" He said softly.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"I'm glad you're my big brother."

I leaned up and kissed him again. Laying back down, I said, "I am, too, buddy. I am too."

Next: Chapter 2

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