MV Lady Jean Peterson

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Sep 19, 2020




By BobbyG

Scott received a message to inform him that the O5 was delayed by three days and now they were free to cruise for ten days instead of seven which would show Scott how the crew would react to this long lay off and would boredom set in. Before they were armed they could have called into a port and have a few days ashore, but of course that was now not possible. However, most seamen are at sea for weeks and make good use of their time during the passage. It was a matter of organising free time but Paul was not an entertainments manager as his idea of a good time was a fire drill, man over board and abandon ship exercises. But Jerry had proved he was the man during his time as acting first officer. Ok, it was a bit physical but most crew would admit they actually enjoyed his "bullying" and they had become much fitter and loved hating Jerry , but weirdly loved him at the same time! He was now put in charge of so called entertainment. Jan of course joined in and the pair of them came up with some interesting activities.

Scott had not forgotten about the tanker, SS Poseidon he had found on the shipping site and wondered if he would sail and have a look at her not knowing of course she was stuck in Mumbai and would not get off the Somalian coast until much later and when she did her skipper would make a big mistake. Scott forgot going to look for her as he would be sailing through pirate seas for no apparent reason. No, just use this time to enjoy a cruise but at the same time maintain the ship to the level she had been bought to.

Mathew and Shawn were the only single crew members but of course so was Barnes but not crew, however it was noted that he just happened to go onto the bridge when Shawn was on watch. It had become routine that crew would only go on watch with their partner but as Scott was not on the watch keeping rota the two brothers would carry out that duty. Andrew loved it when Barnes just happened to appear on the pretence of interviewing them.

They had by now seen quite a lot of one another but physically had got no further than a very enjoyable bout of kissing. Both rather silly men had not wanted to take it further just in case going further would be rejected. However, there was something much more important and that was the video of the attack and after one more viewing Barnes was satisfied he could tell Scott that it was ready.

The whole crew settled into their usual seats but as there were more of them now Marcell and Jon generously gave up their coach and joined Scott and Andrew, cunning devils. Marcell grabbed a cushion and sat in front of Scott between his legs and the other one squashed his slim body between his captain and the first engineer. Nobody took any notice as they knew this was normal between the four of them, except for Mathew who had come to realise he was more than comfortable knowing this crew was different to any other he had served with.......and had to admit he was very comfortable knowing that.

He had seen more of Barnes both on the O6 and here on the Jean and quite liked him, but he thought he was too centred on his work and not much else. Shawn on the other hand was enthusiastic in just about anything and everything, he was like a dynamo.

Mathew had been asked to play for the crew whilst still in Southampton which went very well but after three pieces he thought he had better stop because they might becoming a tad bored.

"Oh please Mathew, just one more, just to make this old mans day?" Mathew smiled at Reggie.

"Ok Reggie, just for you. This is a piece I have been working on for months and still a long way to go. One of my all time favorite guitarists is a guy called Michael Lucarelli. I have studied him for years and learnt a great deal. Of all of his pieces I love to listen to and make an attempt to play myself, it's, Malaguena.

(I recommend you now google it and return to the story afterwards Regardless of your taste in music, I am sure you will enjoy the piece and the skill of Lucarelli, even though they stuck him in the middle of a desert to play it!)

Mathew sat quietly staring at the deck as he left the beautiful sounds and returned to the ship. He looked up and soaked up the applause. "Thank you, you are very kind." Unless the crew were aware of Mathew's military background no one could imagine this highly skilled musician was in fact an even more highly skilled sniper!

After the performance Shawn spent an hour with him talking about other performers and compositions. He had taken his brothers advice and read up all he could about various guitarists and their music.

"You seem to know quite a lot Shawn, do you play?" Shawn never thought to hide anything from anybody. "No, I just read up so I could have a conversation with you. Skip told me you were very good looking and a nice guy and I agree with him, just a pity about the straight bit." Mathew watched him go and could not help smile........, and think.

However, back to this afternoon and the video. Well we all know what that was about because it's already been recorded here but not the commentary and that is what Scott wanted to hear more than the film.

The filming was really very good and they were all taken by surprise that Barnes seemed not to care about his own safety as he was every where just to capture what he needed and also the commentary which was equally as good. You get people who have "commentary voices" and his was a good as it gets.

Scott watched it again and then told Barnes and Jerry he wanted it sent to William and the London offices, it would be up to them when it was released to the media and then wait for reaction. There would be lots of it.

"All crew, all crew. Tonight at 2000 hrs there will be a general knowledge quiz on the histories of Great Britain, Iceland and some other country who's name I have completely forgotten. I asked Skip and he can't remember either so I asked Andrew, Theo and Royston who kindly told me to fuck off. I have therefore researched questions on a country called "Fuck off of the United States of America!" Teams will be partners only apart from Mathew, Shawn and Barnes who's team name will be "Billy no mates." As I will be quiz master, Paulina will join Reggie and Freddy. Prizes are as followed. 3rd a hug from the captain. 2nd a hug from the captain and the 1st engineer. And the 1st prize team gets to Captain the ship for one whole day! Lets hope it's not the "Billy no mates" team or we are all in the shit!"

By 1950 hrs all apart from Neil and George were seated and most showing a distinct lack of interest, Scott was one of them. "The best I can hope for is to cuddle myself if we come third, but second would be fine by me."

"I want us to win and show you how to really captain a ship." Scott slapped the back of Andrew's head then kissed him.

Barnes had told Jan he would not be taking part as he wanted to film the quiz. "I can add it to my recording of the crew and if Mathew and Shawn win I would love to film them trying to be captains!"

Marcell and Jon had set up a small table in the corner of the saloon which meant they were close together, of course. In front of them was a cardboard notice which said, "Keep your distance! NO cheating by order of the next two captains!"

There were ten questions about each of the three countries which caused massive headaches as everyone of them strained to remember not only their own countries history but that of the others and only one of them having a clue about Iceland! Every time a question was asked about that country all they could hear was Jon. "Yep!" "Got it!" "Easy!" But Scott and Andrew were not doing too bad either.

"Okay, that's it, pencils down and stay where you are." Jan went round and collected the papers then told the crew they could start on the buffet. "It will take about half hour before I announce who the new captains are!" They all went for food and coffee and began to ask one another what answer they had given to a particular question and at the same time realised they were all serious! No one noticed the two boys were laughing there lovely heads off.

"Right ladies and ladies, I will give the results if you would please return to your seats, there is one massive surprise coming up. I will only give the 3rd, 2nd and 1st results as the rest are crap and I suggest some of you do some reading!

Ok, in 3rd place are.............Reggie and team! You can collect your prize now." Reggie Freddy and Paulina stood up and went to Scott who cuddled into the three of them with cheers coming from the rest.

"And in 2nd place is our former captain and Andrew!" They did not get out of their couch and just kissed the face off of one another while the rest applauded.

"And now meet the new 24 hour captains of Skip's ship.............THE BOYS!" There was stunned silence from most of the crew apart from Marcell and Jon who leapt up screaming their beautiful heads off and ran around in triumph. But, suddenly they were not so sure.

"Can we go to the bridge now Skip?"

"Your the captains, you tell me?"

"Oh, ok....... Jon and me are going to the bridge..........If that's ok......Skip?"

"Absolutely fine Captains. You are going to the bridge to relieve Neil and Colin right?"

"Think so Skip......Ah, yes we are." Marcell was attempting to be assertive.

"Off you go then. The ship is yours." The dear boys looked at one another in a panic.

"Skip, it was just fun and, oh shit are we in trouble again!?"

"Not at all captains! You won the quiz which I think we all enjoyed in the end and Jan's prize is for you to become captain's for 24 hours. Now, off you go and claim your prize."

"Yes Skip." They left knowing Scott had worked out why they had "won." Neil and Colin arrived and gave an update to Scott and crew.

"Why are the boys on watch Skip, we were expecting Theo and Royston?"

"Those two cheated, that's why they had that carboard notice in front of them so we could not see Jon Google the question on his phone and give the answer to Marcell. Who's on watch next?"

"Tommy and me Skip."

"Go on in six please."

Scott and Andrew quietly went to the bridge and watched as the boys went about their watch. They were such a beautiful couple in every aspect of their relationship and when off watch or duty they could be totally themselves and as we know, they took full advantage of private times. But now they were totally focused in their new, temporary roles.

"Permission for Andrew and I to come on the bridge captains?" The British West Indian and his Icelandic boyfriend ran and slammed into their captain and his husband for a whole ten seconds before they went to being back on watch.

"Sorry Skip for cheating and..........."

"No captain, I had more fun working out what you two were up to than the questions, I just left it to Andrew to get most of them right. He is actually quite intelligent you will be surprised to know." Andrew, bless him, just looked on but knowing this visit to the bridge had much more than just checking on the boys.

"I like the way this has turned out. Ok, the quiz night turned out to be fun, but now it's much more serious.

You have carried out many watch duties and all have been good for the ship, but now you have the chance to prove just how good you are as sailors with much more responsibility. You are now in command of my ship for the next 24 hours, the first 6 hours of which you wil;l;ppll be on watch, you will be relieved by Paul and Tommy. After a four hour sleep you are to inspect every deck in and out with the first officer as well as each department. You will need to reorganize watch duties and inspect the engine room, galley, sick bay, boat deck and gym with relevant crew present. You will need an update from your first officer about his duties and all crew responsible for communications, radar, navigation, weather reporting and keeping the log up to date. You will have to organize yourselves to finish off your captaincy back on a four hour watch. Any questions?" They just stood holding hands and shook their heads.

"Boys, the ship and entire crew's safety will be in your hands for the next 24 hours. As Andrew and a few million other Yanks would say, have a nice day."

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