MV Lady Jean Peterson

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Aug 10, 2020


Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you and you have managed to stay away from this Covid19. Stay safe guys.

About an hour ago I sent chapter 29 in and starting on 30 which I hope will be completed in about a week but I already know it is likely to be quite involved. (actually I should have written this at the end of the last chapter I guess. Oh well here we go.)

I do receive a number of emails which I am so happy to get and thank you very much and I hope you keep reading.

I love this site and with the huge numbers of stories written by hundreds of individuals, there must be many more reading. Please help out by donating to nifty which will keep the stories rolling in.

"Skip, I have six boats on Hawk at 5.........."


Chapter 30



Scott ordered a course that would turn the LJP in a southerly direction at 5 knots, they would stay like this until the second day the O6 was in port and then turn back to meet her coming out. In the meantime much would happen and all of it about the probable attack. Paul had thoughtfully suggested Jerry remained 1st officer as he Jan and Mathew would be returning to the O6 in a couple of days.

Scott had the matts out and he and Paul spent quite some time in hand to hand fighting with quite a number of crew looking on.

"My word Skip you have never fought that well since we started, what's happened?"

"I just want to be the best I can be Paul and with you and the rest of the crew helping me, I am just about there. Of course I am a bit anxious about firing on those people and my worry is that there could be serious injuries if it goes wrong but between you and me, I'm more worried about Bob and Jan. How are they?"

"Let me tell you about Mathew and me first. We built a raft which was towed behind one of the life boats. On the raft we knocked up a frame with a six foot wide area that we called "pirates." Each side of that was a three foot area that was the "near miss area." We fired a few times and after each of us had fired 10 rounds each the only damage was confined to the "near miss" sections, in other words no holes in the "pirate" area. We also agreed that we were more comfortable firing at 500/600 yards depending on weather conditions. As they get closer we will fire directly at the boats bows and of course if we get a chance at the outboard motors. So I'm guessing the first to have a go at them will be Marcell and Jon, we assume you will tell them to attack at three miles Skip?"

"Yes." He told Paul about Marcell attacking first and then he would use both types of bullets. "One of my concerns are the RPG's and I would not be surprised if they don't have more of them, both ships are at great risk to them and we have to get the shooters, by any means."

"Right, Jan and Captain Taylor. Jan is bloody good. They fired at the same raft and Jan's firing was very effective in that she was able to spread her shots within two foot of the raft without hitting it and we recon that if they get very close she will be able to fire at the boats bows as well as Mathew and me.

I just wish I could say the same thing about the Captain. Scott he is as useless as Jan is good and he feels bad about it so much so he made me promise not to mention it in front of him. So we have come up with this.

Mathew and I will open up with our snipers rifles until they are at 400 yards, I will then use the machine gun with Jan, Mathew, who incidentally is a street ahead of me, will continue with his rifle but will take up the assault rifle when they get closer and we need more fire power. And now for the big one Skip and we need your approval, we already have Captain Taylors but he says the final approval has to be yours.

At the distance that the RPG's get into firing range Mathew and I have agreed together we will fire to wound. It can be done by both of us, but of course it could go horribly wrong, just a small speed adjustment, a bigger wave and the most obvious one, a pirate moving, could end up with someone dead."

"What would you aim at?"

"The GPMG is very accurate and I will fire single shots at the legs if I can focus on them, other than that shoulders. Mathew will do the same by taking over Jan's weapon. We would take on separate boats and Jan would fire at another one using an assault rifle. We have given her instruction on it and she is pretty good."

"Who would you fire at?"

"The two most obvious Skip, the RPG shooter or the driver. We both agree we will go for the shooter first and then the driver, or if we can sight it, the outboard."

"I knew this was coming and it's been on my mind ever since I thought of it and although I wish I could say no, what would be the point, we might just as well hand the ships over as soon as they turn up. So, it's a yes, I will approve. But of course we have another means to attack them and possibly stop a boat before you have to fire to wound, I think you will like this and for Marcell for coming up with it."

Scott's phone rang, it was Marcell. "Skip, we need to talk to you, Andrew and Theo. Now please."

"Yes SIR. Round them up and come to the cabin."

"No Skip, in the hangar." Scott smiled and picked up his mic already knowing this was going to be good.

"Andrew and Theo please meet with myself, Marcell and his shadow in the hangar. Please come immediately, Admirals orders." He got there first and gave the pair of them a massive cuddle.

"Right you three, I wanted the second ramp welded to the port side because I have had a brilliant idea and now it's wired up and ready to launch a bullet I want to try it out and hope I haven't buggered up. I am going to fire off a bullet on the starboard ramp and an Andrew on the other one, watch, and as you once said Skip, learn. If this works I need you Andrew and Theo to go out to catch the planes when I bring them back, I cant send Jon out, he cant catch so he would make a good English cricketer."

Both ramps were loaded up and both connected to their starter connections, the jets wound up and were held there while Marcell moved his control lever and checked that the flight control surfaces on both craft were responding. He gradually increased power and then opened up to full power. Off they went with one hell of a high pitched scream.

"SHHHIT! I'm good!" The lovely boy shouted modestly!

"Ok, these two are being flown by the same control of course but the good thing is I can only see one of them and that's the Andrew bullet, the other one will fly under my control but six foot from the one I have on my screen. So, what I can do is fly the Andrew in the back of the head of an unfortunate driver, but of course the other bullet will miss but still under my control and all I have to do is either turn it round and fly it into the outboard or fly off and find another one to fuck up. Ok you two out you go and catch, Theo first."

"What if I drop it as well?"

"You will never make your rounders team nor will Andrew if he drops his! OH by the way, the engine will still be running until I get the other one back!" Neither American was looking forward to this.

They caught well and now the planes were back safely and shut down Marcell looked at Scott who had this huge smile on his face, they all did.

"Brilliant, simply brilliant and even better is the next two will be on the ramps ready to go and connected up. Very well done Marcell and thank you too Jon."

"I didn't do anything Skip, this is all Marcell, all I did was listen."

"You did indeed Jon but also stopped shagging him long enough so he had time to dream this up." A mass cuddle later the boys went off to, well you guessed it.

"Bloody hell Skip, that boy is good coming up with that he could have saved some pirates lives." Scott had not thought of that and it pleased him no end.

Scott turned to Barnes Willis. "Think that's all Barnes, isn't that called a wrap?"

Barnes had began to film as soon as he got onto the O6 which included interviews with Bob Taylor and the LJP crews on board his ship. He filmed as they planned their response to attack and the fire training practise.

Now on the LJP he showed what he had to the crew in the saloon, they were pleased with the outcome and were happy that he would have unrestricted access to all crew and departments. He knew he would have to gain individuals agreement when asked questions of a personal nature, but he would not get any disagreement anyway. He had only been with the Jean a few days and one interview he was looking forward to conducting was with Shawn, he rather liked him.

Shawn himself was fitting in more than well and was hungry to learn as much as he could about seamanship and was proving to be more than useful, but it was when Colin took him to learn a little about the winch and what it could do, his interest was at it's peek and would spend as much time as he could practising at the controls.

Both ships greeted one another as they passed and when Scott had got to half a mile behind the O6 he had the Jean turn 180 degrees and caught up with this huge ship. Once again it was a difficult time when Paul, Jan, Mathew and Royston were transferred to the O6 followed by their personal gear, weapons and ammunition. Once that had been completed Scott had the Jean slowed until they were 400 yards to the stern of Bob Taylor's ship and there they would stay until they had reached 200 miles and then alter course to the east. The sailing speed would be 15 knots with another 3 for the O6 to get to her maximum. Her cruising speed would normally be 12 knots but sailing at 15 meant it would take less time to reach her full 18 knots. Rather expensive on fuel but a sensible move.

The Hawk radar was one of the greatest assets to Scott who's range of 5 miles had already proved her worth and now that the helicopters range had increased to three miles Scott was confident that when boats were picked up at 5 miles he could fly Marcell off who would be at his maximum waiting to attack. However, there was a down side and that was the helicopters endurance and Scott knew that sending the helicopters too soon would reduce the number of times they could attack before having to return. He had made up his mind to send Marcell off when the boats were at four miles, but even then the fuel used to get to them at full speed would reduce the number of attacks to two before having to come back.

What he hoped for in this case was that Marcell could dump a load on two boats and although it would not stop them, it would greatly effect accurate shooting and very uncomfortable and the oil impossible to wipe off. But he kept thinking and a lot of that thinking was about the "bits" and was he being too considerate towards those who would have no hesitation in firing to gain a boarding and kill if necessary to achieve it. No, of course not.

"Andrew to the bridge please." He smiled as Andrew arrived. He was not looking at one of the most beautiful gay men ever to grace the planet, not looking at the one man he loved so much or indeed his husband, he was looking at all those things of course but just now, his first engineer.


"Yes Skip."

"I'm being too cautious and I want bits to be added to the oil containers but I don't have a clue how much or even if they won't jam up the release valves. Sorry about this, what do you think?"

"When you got covered in it there was the same amount of oil that would fill a container and if you remember it gave you a big problem with just a handful of the bits." A quick smile from both at the memory. "I know we could feed the bits in through the refill funnel but as for the release valve the only way to find out is put bits into one container and one of the boys fly off and test it out. It's not good to dump oil into the sea, but I can't see it doing much harm, well I hope not."

"Thanks lov... ah Andrew try it and get Jon to test fly, Marcell is standing by to fly off if the baddies turn up. Tell Jon to fly a couple of times around the ship to make sure it's all mixed together properly and try a few squirts and see what happens."

"Yes Skip, he will be up in five minutes." Scott watched Andrew go and hoped it would work and told himself off for being over cautious.

Down in the hanger they went to work and put in about a mugful of bits after which Jon started up. After the usual checks he took off and sent his helicopter out to starboard, threw a switch which would hand control over to the onboard computer then ran to the bridge, he took back control and flew as Scott had asked. He then flew out a quarter of a mile, turned and made his run in. He timed it so that when he was along side the hanger he pushed the release button. It is at this point most people would be holding their breath hoping it would not fail, it didn't and three streams of oil released from the container and presumably bits as well. Jon landed and both container and fuel tank was topped up, not that there was much of either. The two pilots and engineers now fed a cupful of bits into the other containers and after that into the main replenishing tank.

They were now into the third day and no sight of any pirate but that was no surprise as they had not reached the point when they would have to alter course north and towards the Indian Ocean and then sail to Mumbai.

"Good morning Bob how are you all in the hotel?"

"We are just fine thanks Scott, what about you lot in the shed?"

"Well, speaking for myself I'm feeling good and also feeling sure we could have visitors anytime today and with perfect weather, visibility and sea, they are good conditions to attack and defend. What about you?"

"We are as one Scott and I have already told the crew. Every exit hatch has been secured and I have forbidden any crew to go out alone and only through specified hatches. All security checks on the containers have already been carried out and our three guards are already in place, they too think it will be today."

"I'm about to tell my crew. See you before you go to Mumba."

"That will be good."

"All crew. I have just spoken to Captain Taylor and like me he also thinks we will have visitors today. Shawn go to the stern and remove the grenade covers. We will have a full lockdown including the porthole covers and all crew into protective gear and carry helmets at all times. Marcell standby to come to the bridge and Theo likewise to the hangar. You all know your alert stations and my guess is you will be at them soon. We have planned and practised so many times and we are about to carry them out for real."

Andrew would also be in the hangar to help with helicopter turn rounds but would also be on the bridge to be available for other work but also to keep an eye on the engine room monitors.

Breakfast would be served as normal with the on watch being served in food containers. They were as ready as they could be.........., and two hours later they still were.

Scott got on the phone to William to give him an update. "Just a matter of waiting dad but............

"Skip, I have six boats on Hawk at five miles and 40 knots." Freddy sounded the alarm.

"I have the ship have you told the O6?"

"Yes Skip and I have given the bearing, she is going to full speed and turning to face them."

"Jon, start Marcell up."

"Hawk anything behind us?"

"No Skip but I have six more just come on Hawk!" Now at least they knew what they were up against.

Marcell came to the bridge and sat at his station, Jerry had the main camera on and George was sitting in for Jan on the cannons, he had started the generators that powered the hoses and tested them. He would turn the mid ship hot hoses to "auto find" when they were much nearer the action. Neil was now at the helm.

"Full speed ahead. Jon take Marcell off. Hawk tell me when they are at 4 miles."

"Marcell is up." Marcell took control and told Scott.

"Fly out at half speed M."

Jon fitted and connected two bullets to the ramps and then went to the bridge and stood behind Marcell. As there were so many boats churning up a lot of water and very clear visibility they could see the first six coming at them.

"Coming up to four miles Skip."

"Full speed Marcell and go for the nearest boat head on." That was going to be difficult as his timing had to be perfect, but they had practised many times and as these two had a bucket load of confidence they were not at all phased by Scott's order.

"Hangar, start Jon up."

Scott's timing was perfect and just as the first boats came into Marcell's range, so did the young boy. By now he was flying at 10 feet above the flat sea, he had already lined up on the lead boat and simply pressed the release button and as he had selected both containers this boats crew were the first to experience the combined efforts of those who had worked out this form of attack. The result was the boat had to slow and it would take some time to get moving again and all the time under extremely uncomfortable conditions which devalued their effort, but of course still a threat.

Marcell climbed and lined up to attack his next target which was a repeat of his first and the same results. This meant there were two boats now behind the others.

"Come back Marcell, well done. When you land take Jon off and then to your bullets and wait for me."

"I want all search lights on strobe now." The Jean was at her full speed of 28 knots which pleased Scott and the closing speed of around 70 knots pleased him even more. The skill of both pilots was incredible as Marcell had to not only deal with his landing, it had to be done at the ships full speed.

When the clamps were in place he closed the engine down, kissed Jon and shot down to the hangar. Andrew and Theo pulled Marcell's helicopter into the hangar and when clear they pushed Jon's out and told Scott. Marcell was told to take off and as soon as he had, Jon took control and began his flight towards the attacking boats. Marcell went to his bullet control panel and waited for Scott. Meanwhile Andrew and Theo began the container refill and then the refuelling ready for Jon to take off when he landed Marcell's machine.

Jon had selected his first target and went for it at 10 feet head on. He could not be seen but he made sure he could be heard when he turned his screamer on when five seconds away. He had another approach when at the same time he turned the screamer on he also reduced speed and released his shit on the pirates making sure they got an even bigger load all over them. He turned the screamer off and flew to his next target and after dumping his oil went to the next one only this time from the stern, the effect was the same. There were now five boats that were forced to slow before they could get some control and continue with a lot of difficulty. One boat of the original six was still unharmed and by now the second six were catching up and over taking the first lot. Seven boats were coming at the Jean and some of them with two RPG's but to balance things up a bit they had a two thousand ton ship bearing down on THEM and Scott was not about to slow down.

As pre planned he took over the helm and sent Neil to the Grenade launcher and to wait.

"Jon I am about to chuck the ship all over the place so you had better land and get Marcell's off." Jon had in fact already landed and in the process of taking off. He rushed to the bridge and took the helicopter away for his next attack.

Again it was quite well timed as Scott took the ship towards the nearest boats and they scattered as he flew passed them and as he did told Neil to fire off the four middle grenades which to be honest made a lot of noise and caused a bit of panic but still no boat put out of action. The Jean had also taken many hits by now and it was about to get even more difficult when Jon told Scott he had been hit.

He had delivered two good loads of oil and bits but as he came out of the last attack the helicopter was riddled with bullets and Jon was loosing her.

"Can you fly into one of those boats Jon?" The lad did not reply as he was concentrating as never before and with amazing skill as he managed to crash into the stern of a boat smashing it's engine but also causing the first casualty of this fight, the driver. One boat gone and one helicopter. " Sorry Skip." Then went to the hangar to fly off his machine.

"Marcell they will be in range soon, fly off now and pick your targets." But not only that Paul and Mathew opened fire at 600 yards followed by Jan when the boats got to 400.

It became a free for all as pirate boats tried to get at the two ships and bullets flying all over the place and most from untrained shooters. As far as Scott could make out two RPG's had been fired at him and was positive one boat that had fired had been covered with oil and the grenade was still in orbit. They were still out of range of the O6 but getting closer, but so were the snipers and Mathew was about to make a difference when one boat turned and exposed it's outboard which flew into bits as a .50 calibre bullet ended is usefulness.

Now it was Marcell's turn with his bullets. He took the planes off and within seconds his first Andrew slammed into the back of a drivers head which not only put the shits up him it threw him forward into the arms of a mate, who then flew into another mate and so it went on, it was like a pack of cards falling but to really piss them off was when Marcell took the real bullet and ended any hope of further action by flying into the engine. BUT, they still had 9 boats and that's when Paul began to fire the GPMG to great effect even though it was to cause some very real injuries.

Even though Scott had lost one helicopter and the remaining one would take twice as long to turn round he had gained the advantage now that the boats were within the bullet range and Marcell could fire off as quickly as he used both up on one target and flew off two more, another advantage was the very calm sea which would aid Marcell's aim no end and for that reason Scott told him to use two proper bullets and he destroyed two outboard motors in one trip.

By now Scot was well behind the pirate boats but was beginning to catch up as they slowed and also would pass those that had their motors wreaked, he avoided them as he did not want to sink any of them just yet as he would need some boats to send the pirates back to the mother boats.

Four of them had split up and had gone to the port side to attack, that split the firing as well with just Mathew shooting at these four. Scott sent Marcell to attack them with the result that two more motors were ruined by the young man and stopped. Scott gave both boats a good soaking and had them bailing out to stop from going down.

Marcell was able to balls up another motor which more or less ended the fight. Scott contacted the O6 asking Bob Taylor to go full astern and stop as he wanted to get Royston and Jan with her GPMG back because he knew there were injuries and would need Royston to help the other two and to give the Jean better protection as he realised they would be stopped for some time. It would take the O6 about five miles to come to a stop from her 18 knots which meant Scott would launch the RIB with Jerry and George crewing to bring the guys back.

Scott was now able to go around the boats lifting the wounded on board for treatment.

Four boats still intact turned and shot off at full speed but Jon managed to spray two of them before they went out of his range.

Scott gave the helm back to Neil and told him to go to the boats that could not go anywhere and Tommy telling them to throw weapons over board or be sunk. Colin encouraged them by directing a few thousand gallons of water towards them which did the trick. Colin now left the cannons and went to the winch to begin bringing the wounded up. It maybe forgotten that the LJP had been issued an assault rifle that Theo now had and went on deck with Reggie and Paulina. Scott had told them that the pirates could only be treated on deck but they could be moved into the sick bay after treatment if the injuries were serious and be zip tied to a bed, but what he really hoped for was after treatment he could put them into boats and send them off. In all there was a total of seven of them requiring medical aid. Six of them with gun shot wounds and the other who had received a massive cut to his back and had a broken arm, shoulder and collar bone when Jon had crashed Marcell's helicopter into the boat.

He had now entered a doggy area whereby questions would be asked if he sent them off and had he fulfilled international obligations towards the safety and well being of these pirates.

Six boats that still had working engines were tied to the Jean and the crews transferred to boats without engines and they in turn were tied to the ship and would have to wait before they could be released.

All of them were covered in oil and most with "bits" sticking to them and in a great deal of discomfort. Scott had a dozen tissue rolls sent down and ignored the pleas to be bought on board to be cleaned off.

He sent food and water down in accordance with sea faring rules towards stranded seamen, he hated doing it but did not want to provoke a backlash, but at the same time he knew questions would be asked which he would eventually have to answer.

If Paul and Mathew had fired just to wound they did a great job as all six that were being treated on the aft deck had no more than flesh wounds. The definition of a flesh wound, according to Reggie, was the victim had been shot but the bullet was not embedded into any part of the body. Scott just excepted Reggie's explanation and left it at that, all he wanted to know was how long before he would have to have them on board, but now all the men were either being treated or stuck in the boats and Scott thought it a good idea to go slow ahead towards the bearing they had come from and hoped a mother boat was still there assuming the four boats that had buggered off told the skipper the others were with the Jean and to wait and see if they would be released.

Royston and Jan duly arrived and got down to business straight away and both of them only able to give their partners the briefest of smiles. Meanwhile the O6 was heading for Mumbai but Scott was sure all weapons would be confiscated unless Paul decided to chuck the lot over board, however, if Scott could get rid of these pirates it maybe possible for him to catch up and get the crew back.

Jan was greeted by her friends and Andrew helping her to get the machine gun up on the fly bridge and set up ready to go into action. After they had finished Jan went on deck to meet Scott who gave her the hug she had hoped to get from Paulina, but it was lovely to be back and would become involved almost straight away. Barnes continued filming everything, but kept close to Scott as his direction would be a vital part of this film.

They were standing at the port side directly over the pirates confined to the boats talking about all that had gone on but having to endure the shouting coming from the pirates to be taken on board. Jan became somewhat annoyed by this and yelled at Theo to give her his rifle. She took the safety off and sprayed a burst just missing the boat. All went quiet, they got the message but Scott carried on looking at one of them who had been staring at Scott since he had first seen him. He and Jan carried on talking about the attack but every now and again looked down only to see the same pirate staring at him. He told Jan to look at the guy. Jan carried on talking and now and again glancing at the bloke. "Skip, I think we need to get that guy up here, he's got something on his mind and cant let it go and I would like to try and find out what it is." Scott sent for a rope ladder which was put over the side and Freddy telling them why it was there. The guy got to it and climbed up and when on deck he was zip tied and the ladder bought back up.

Jan stood in front of him, then told Shawn to get a bowl of soapy warm water and plenty of old towels. She stood in front of him and began to clean up his face until she knew she had seen him before today. She looked at Scott who was staring at the man and had come to the same conclusion as Jan had, he was sure he was looking at his mothers killer. He went to his cabin and bought back the two photos that showed this guys face and him shooting at the old O6. He shoved them both in his face. "This is you and you killed my mother." Freddy was about to interpret but before he did the guy spoke in English. "Yes it's me and before you shoot me, I will say I have nothing to be sorry for and I wish it is you sir who kills me, you will then have your revenge."

"Only you people are here to kill, we are here to stop you and as you now know, we did. Is the Englishman called O'Brian in Somalia?"

"No, he is on our main boat but he will be killed when the boat returns. He knew that before we left if we did not take both of your ships."

"Will the boat wait and pick you up, four of your boats should be back by now."

"As I was leading this attack, I have a radio and can contact the boat if you will allow me." The radio was sent up and after a long conversation and with Freddy listening Scott was relieved that the mother boat would pick the pirates up. Scott instructed that they were to come to one mile and wait. It would seem that he had got lucky and hoped they could get rid of this lot and sail at full speed to catch up with the O6 and get Paul, Mathew and their weapons back while the O6 was still in international waters. But there would be two more twists.

The treatment on those needing it continued for another two hours and Reggie and team where more than happy that all of the injured could be transferred and sent away. "We have sewn them all up and every wound treated and they should be fine if they take the drugs and other treatments we will supply. The one who got hit by the helicopter will take longer to recover but he, like all of them are in no danger at all, but that's up to whoever looks after them when they get back, but I can assure you Skip we are releasing them knowing that we are satisfied that our treatment of them will see a full recovery given time." That was also recorded on film.

The wounded were lowered down to the six working boats and two fit pirates transferred to each boat, the rest would remain in the no engine boats and be towed by the fit ones. All that remained was Scott's mothers killer who was now free of the zip ties ready to be sent to one of the boats. He looked at Scott.

"Is it now you will kill me sir? Because I will be when I get back because I failed to take your ships."

"No, I am not here for that, but in a way I have found some sort of closure having met you. I don't expect you will understand but I don't hate you and I am actually sorry you maybe killed." The man continued to look at Scott, he smiled a sad smile and moved towards the ladder, in doing so he would have to pass Jan who was still covering him with the rifle. As he passed he grabbed the mussel of the rifle and rammed it in his mouth and at the same time forced Jan's finger on the trigger. His body was thrown overboard but his fellow pirates made no attempt to recover him. Scott went to the stern rail and watched as the body drifted away as his mind went back to the time when he had dropped a wreath to his mother who had been killed by the man he was now looking at.

On the mother boat they watch through binoculars and saw the man fall over board and assumed he had been thrown over by the ships crew, a minute later Jerry O'Brian was thrown over and his dream of becoming a multi millionaire would soon die with him, when he finally drowned.

Scott released the rope that connected the pirate boats to his ship and again watched as the LJP slipped away. When they were at a safe distance he ordered full ahead and went to the bridge were he wanted to be. He was soon joined by Andrew, they stood together holding hands in complete silence, thinking the same thoughts.

During the next few hours Scott was busy talking to William and the company headquarters giving as full account as he was able. "When Barnes has got the full film of the attack together I will send it to you and the company, but dad towards the end of the film you will see the guy who killed mum, you will also see him kill himself which threw him over board and IF you are going to watch, make sure you have Brenda with you." And now the meeting he did not want, but it had to be done. He picked up his mic. Would Reggie, Freddy, Neil and Colin please meet with me in an hours time. Thank you."

"It's obvious what this is about." All five were in the cabin drinking coffee. "As you know we are well ahead of time and will comfortably meet up with the O6 the day after tomorrow. Captain Taylor has reduced speed and will comfortably meet his docking slot in Mumbai and plenty of time to bring Paul and Mathew back. I am offering to transfer you to the O6 and fly home when she docks. Is that some thing you guys would want?" They looked at one another and left it to Reggie to talk for them all.

"Actually no we don't Skip if that's alright with you. We have only just been able to talk properly about this because we have all been a bit busy getting ready for the attack and the attack itself. We chatted yesterday and as we know your next escort will be the O5 in two weeks and she is sailing direct to Cape Town we would like to stay with you and transfer to the O5 as she approaches South Africa, but to complicate matters even more as you are sailing back to the UK after seeing the O5 into Cape Town, perhaps we could stay until we get back home?" Scott could not believe what he was being asked but the huge smile on his face told the others what they wanted to hear.

"That is the best news I have heard since before the attack. Of COURSE you can stay and to be frank I never liked the idea of you leaving in the way it was planned and sailing back home will be a fitting end to your time with the Jean. Thank you so much. However, there will be a leaving party at my home before everyone goes their separate ways and you will just have to put up with some words from me."

"That's fine by us Skip." They left and went around the crew telling them what was going to happen, which it has to be said was welcomed with open arms.

"Skip, I have the O6 on radar. She is 25 miles dead ahead."

"Thank you Shawn, so pleased you can read the radar now. Are you sure it's the O6?"

"Absolutely sure skip, I can see Paul on the fly bridge."

"Piss off. You sound happy, are you?"

"Yes Skip, I'm on with Jan and she is being nice to me and also...., oh never mind."

"Just be careful, when Jan is being nice that's when she is at her most dangerous. Anyway, never mind what?"

"It's not important Skip."

"So, I'm guessing Barnes is up there?"

"Yes Skip."

"As you say then, not important. I will be with you in an hour."

"So my dear captain, the beginnings of another Jady Jean romance?"

"Goodness knows but you should, he's your brother!"

"But your his captain and you should know everything about your crew!"

"Not that much! Anyway where were we, oh yeah a 69."

Neil took them to the port side of the O6 and with Colin looking on as Shawn sent the basket over and placed it gently on the O6's deck. Paul and Mathew with their packs got in and for the first time Shawn lifted his first load, he bought them over safely and the two men were once again reunited with the Jean. He took it back and the O6 crew loaded the weapons and all that went with them. Scott noted the number of bullet holes that the O6 had taken and thanked their luck that nobody had taken a hit, but the Lady Jean had taken many more, but not one had penetrated.

They were two miles outside Indian waters but being observed by an Indian Naval Destroyer.

As the O6 increased speed it was noted by Scott and crew that the destroyer fell in behind her to, presumably, escort the ship into Mumbai. Or maybe arrest her? That question was answered when the radio came on. "MV Lady Jean Peterson, this is INS Rawalpindi, we will be escorting the O6 into Mumbai and she will also be escorted on the outward sailing...., over."

"INS Rawalpindi, we thank you for your kindness and support, it is much appreciated...., over."

"Pleased to help...., out."

Scott was chuffed to bits that they seemed to have India on their side, it was Thomas who told him why.

"One of those ships taken three weeks ago was Indian registered and it maybe the sailor killed was one of her crew. Skip, if India are on our side they may allow us to dock next time even though they know we are armed."

"Good thinking Thomas, lets hope your right." He was.

They would now have a four day break and Scott ordered a course towards Sri Lanka and away from any threat from pirates and could even turn his navigation lights on. It may have been down time but obviously the normal routine of servicing, exercising and of course Scott's continued fitness and hand fighting programme. Paul was with him all the way and so was Mathew who was every bit as good as Paul, who was back to his first officer rank.

Scott was in the cabin and had just finished his full report on the attack and sent it to his father and the company plus the completed film of that attack. He logged off and for no reason went onto the shipping channel just to see what was sailing near him. There were dozens and about twenty in his radar range. He ambled over them and even looked a few up to find out something about them, where they had come from and where they were going. He clicked onto a tanker, a Greek owned ship of 30,000 tons called the SS Poseidon and was interested In the fact she was on her maiden voyage. She had just left Sri Lanka and making her way to Mumbai and from there to Cape Town. He looked at several photos of her and found himself looking at a lovely ship. "My word you are kidnap bait if looks are anything to go by, not that pirates go by looks, they attack anything that floats. If I am in your area I will keep a look out for you Poseidon." He promised. He turned the computer off and went to find Andrew who surprisingly was as pleased to see him! Lovely.

Barnes did not know about the small compartment that Jerry had to get videos together to be sent back to William and London and when he was offered to use it to get HIS video completed he was more than happy and as he was not part of the crew he could spend hours working on the material he had filmed.

They were at breakfast this particular morning when he was asked how the film was progressing by Scott.

"Now I have the use of Jerry's shack it's coming on much quicker than I had thought. I need another few days, say a week then I'm pretty confident it will be ready for you to view Skip. I have had to do quite a lot of editing to get it to an hour and a half but that is for you and the guys to see but I have enough material for much longer and if you agree I will continue to film and try to sell it as a documentary series of five one hour programmes. Skip, I could be on a gold mine and I suggest you and I appoint those in this sort of thing and work out the selling of it and the financial settlement. I honestly don't have a clue, that's why we need to get those on board who do."

"I'm sure somebody in our company will know, leave that bit to me."

Barnes happed to be looking at Shawn when he casually mentioned it was a bit lonely down in the shack. It was about as subtle as selling bacon sandwiches outside a mosque! Shawn said nothing, well not until he could get Barnes on his own that is.

The O6 came out of Indian waters and after sending a thank you to the escorting ship. He would escort for a day and a half then break off but not before a refuelling and during that he went over to spend the day with Bob Taylor. They chatted about all that had happened and at the end of that time a bomb shell from Bob.

"Look Scott this is for you just now and what I'm saying to you is unconfirmed until I get to Australia. For about three months I have found myself a bit unsteady on my feet. It was nothing at first but it's got worse and the headaches have started although not too bad just now. I have to hold on to the rails as I go about the ship and when I'm on the bridge I sit in my chair the whole time. I think it really came home to me when I tried to fire the machine gun. I expect Paul has told you how useless I was even though I was quite good not so long ago, I could not even stand the noise, it made my head hurt so much. Some of my crew have noticed and I guess I can't keep silent for much longer. Sorry to tell you this, you have enough on your plate." Scott was in deep worry and had to make his friend see sense.

"Bob, I am sorry but dad has to know, you could be in deep trouble and in my opinion you should have flown home from Mumbai. Your first officer is up for a captaincy and he is more than capable. Look, please agree to this, we go to Shi Lanka, I will radio them for you to be picked up and taken either to one of their hospitals or get you to an airport and fly home. Bob, I know I can't insist but my father will. Come on Bob, change course." Bob Taylor sat quietly then heaved a huge sigh. "Goodbye O6. You are right Scott, good man." He called the bridge and his first officer, Max Hayden, was informed of Bob's situation he told Scott he would make the necessary calls.

"I will send my Doctor over and he will stay with you until your picked up."

"Thank you Scott, good man. Oh, there is a box full of fresh fruit to take over when you go, it's a pressie from the crew and me." Scott thanked him then made a long phone call. Half hour later Reggie was transferred with Paulina and two massive medical bags. Scott returned to his ship with the crews box of fruit, a very worried man, he just knew his friend could be in serious trouble.

Scott bought the crew up to date and told them they would be laying off just outside Sri Lankan waters until he could get Reggie and Paulina back. "Meanwhile, we can have a day and night at relaxed sailing and just one experienced crew member on watch. That did not include Mathew or Shawn and Barnes couldn't anyway. There was no way the boys would be separated and Paul put them down as one.

"Will you take a watch Skip?"

"So long as I'm with Andrew."

"And you Jerry?"

"With George I will!"

"Neil, will you be the sensible one and take a solo watch?"

"Ask Colin if he wants that."


"That leaves us then Tommy." Paul already knew the answer.

"If YOU think I'm going to do a solo when Skip sent you away for fucking days and expect me to be on my own now your back!?

"This is going to be a complete waist of my time asking, so Theo and Royston your on together."

"Oh, do we have too?" Paul picked up a cushion and through it at Royston knocking him off his feet.

That left Tommy and Jan and a smiling crew but two of them would have their smiles wiped off.

"Of course Paul I could carry out a solo, but I think Mathew would LOVE the chance of watch duty with me, yes Mathew?"

"Bugger, there goes my guitar time, yep I'm up for it." By now Shawn's smile had disappeared, he knew what was coming,

"Well, well Shawn, guess who your with."

"Can Jan and I go on last watch Paul?"


"Because I promised Barnes I would help him with the video." He looked at Barnes.

"Thanks Shawn, I need all the help I can get." He lied.

"I bet you do! Right I will put a rota in the saloon, Tommy and I take first watch as from now and so sorry Skip there is no room for you and Andrew on the list, I ran out of paper!"

As they were about to leave a call came in from the O6 asking for Royston, it was Reggie. It was short and to the point and after a few minutes the call ended, he put the phone down.

"Ok, first of all the Captain is stable and sleeping. He and Paulina have treated him for a suspected brain haemorrhage but they cannot be sure what type, it could be a tumour, clot, stroke or due to his high blood pressure. He is on an intravenous drip and had other treatments that have helped to stabilize him and he is quite settled, but not out of danger. The Sri Lankan medical department and the emergency services have been great and a helicopter is on it's way to air lift the captain to a hospital who's name I cant get my tongue round, Reggie will tell you. Also, they will be flown back here in about an hours time and would you Skip sail towards the coast to meet up and also switch a searchlight on."

"I don't suppose Reggie could give an idea of the captains chances?" Scott asked.

"No Skip that will become apparent after more intensive tests but he did say that in his opinion he may not have made Australia. I don't intend to be patronising Skip, but you may have saved the captains life by your action." There were mumbles of agreement which embarrassed Scott no end.

"Lets just hope for a happy ending, right I need to make a phone call to my dad, he is going to be so upset, they have been friends for over 20 years.

It took a while and Scott wished he could be there to help his father but knew that he had all the support he needed from Brenda......, but still wished he could be there.

As soon as William knew the whole story and when Bob could be released he would organize a flight with a medical team to bring him home. "I just pray I will be able to send an aircraft to bring him back alive Scott."

Reggie and Paulina were lowered onto the LJP's deck and the whole crew out to wave their thanks to the helicopters crew. They talked the situation over again but Scott bought it to an end and sent them off with their partners. He had already sent an email of thanks to both the hospital and the emergency services for their support and then took Andrew to the coach for a cuddle. "We have worked so hard and have been very lucky this trip Andrew, lets hope it continues."

Down below in the video shack not much work was happening but things were quite hard and both young men knowing they were very lucky and like Scott hoped it would continue.

Several hundreds of miles away the SS Poseidon was limping towards Mumbai at no more than 4 knots and a massive mechanical problem which centred around the fuel systems. They were 20 miles from the harbour and she would have to be taken in by tugs who were already on there way to meet her. She would be delayed by at least a week, maybe more.

Next: Chapter 33

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