MV Lady Jean Peterson

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Aug 7, 2020


Hi all. One thing is for sure, I aint going to get any prices for consistency.

It's been a rough ride and still is but I know I'm not the only one, far from it.

I don't know about you guys but now I can go out more I feel less like I'm in "home detention" and can now get out and see family and friends but just as important go to the pub! I have been a few times and I must say it's been great seeing friends again.

I have booked the same lodge that Kev and I stayed in in Scotland twice from the 21st August for a week and from there I'm touring as much of that beautiful country for a few weeks. Just keeping fingers crossed that the virus won't stop me.

Right, I had better get on and hope I still have a following. My best wishes to you all.



By BobbyG

Father and son embraced and went to the bar for cocktails. It was obvious William was in a bit of a state and Scott wondering how he could help William out. He just wanted to blurt it out and tell him he and Andrew had already worked out what this meeting was all about and he had no problem with his father and Brenda getting married, but he thought William would want to do it his way, it was his way about everything. Meanwhile William pressed the send key with his message to Andrew to get his ass to the restaurant.

Ten minutes of small talk later they were shown to their table and the small talk continued until salvation arrived in the shape of husband and son in law.

Andrew greeted both men and smiled at his captain and husband who's mouth was wide open and Andrew not able to resist his first words.

"Hello Scott, you look really stupid with your mouth open and nothing in it." He sat next to Scott who shut his mouth and knowing "something" was about to be said. "Good evening Dad, thank you for inviting me at last but my word you look very worried and I am about to lessen it." He raised his arm and their waiter came to the table. "Champagne please, we have a toast to give." He smiled at the two men who had not said a word so far.

"As I say William, thankyou for inviting me even though you first thought this should just be you and Scott because of the nature of what you want to discuss with your son which may come as a surprise that I had already worked out what this is about anyway and then told Scott.

All you need to know my dear father in law is that your beautiful son will only think of yours and Brenda's happiness and will give his blessing to you getting married but even much more important than him, so do I. Congratulations and we both wish you and Brenda every happiness." Andrew raised his glass and took a sip, the other two chucked the lot down! Andrew topped them up and got stuck into his Pate while both Peterson's were relieved that everything was now out in the open and neither of them having to say a word, but one of them had to and it had to be Scott.

"I hate to say this dad, but Andrew is right, he realised before I did what was happening and the only thing I'm not happy about is he will never let me forget he did. But I know it will take a bit of getting used to, but you need to know I am more than happy about you and Brenda and I think you had better call her now." He stood up taking Andrew with him. "Come on clever sod, dad needs a few moments to himself and one thing he will be telling Brenda is to get over here now."

Scott led the way to the men's room and once there straight into the small room. After bolting the door he took Andrew into his arms and kissed the crap out of him for about five minutes and then for another two minutes because someone came in for a leak.

"Well done Andrew that was brilliant, remind me never to dump you." Two minutes later they were back at their table looking at a grinning father.

"She's on her way boys."

"You two behave, I'm going to meet her."

Charlie stopped at the entrance and Scott went forward and opened the door. Brenda, looking superb in a light blue knee length dress and a new hairdo looked stunning. He took Brenda in his arms, "You have always been a massive part of my family Brenda, now you are even more so." She stood back holding Scott's arms. "Thank you Scott I feel so much better now. Until William called I was shitting myself!" They were still laughing when they got to their table.

It was a lovely time and Brenda and Scott more than comfortable with this new situation and learning all that his father and Brenda had discussed prior to this day.

Brenda had insisted she would not take the title but would take William's name. She was adamant in not having anything to do with the Peterson business empire.

"In fact boys apart from becoming a Peterson, everything stays pretty much the same I'm pleased to say."

"We will be married when you get back and after the new ship is named, believe it or not she is the priority because I am desperate to get her to sea and start to earn her keep, she wont be much use stuck in port. As soon as she is sailing, then we will get married at the Winchester Registry Office and just the three of us there."

"THREE!?" William looked at Andrew with a pretend look of surprise on his face, then a look that the penny had dropped.

"Oh, silly me I had forgotten Scott may like to be there as well as you, but only if he isn't planning some other means of stopping pirates attacking."

"Perhaps one of you could let me know when to laugh? Anyway I'm already thinking about a better use of what we have, but it's too difficult for either of you to understand."

"But you can't wait to tell us Scotty."

"Your right but this is neither the place or the time, anyway I'm going to call Charlie to take us back and no doubt Brenda and dad need time to themselves and I've got a few things I need to do when we get back anyway."

Charlie pulled up by the Lady Jean P and after goodbyes they waved William and Brenda off. Scott and Andrew stood there looking up at her, she looked beautiful and not for the first time Scott could not believe his luck being in command of this amazing ship and crew.

"Strange isn't it Andrew that a ship always looks invincible when tied up and impossible to sink."

"She looks so good and your right she looks as safe as the Bank of England, just hope she stays that way Snotty, no pressure."

"When was the last time you were ever serious Andrew?"

"When I said I would marry you if I remember all that time ago, but it's been downhill ever since." Scott gave up and hugged his man.

They made their way to the saloon and heard the noise coming out of it long before they opened the door.

They stood inside looking at what appeared to be carnage. Every dining chair was scattered around the saloon as was armchairs and the three sideboards. The huge dining table had been taken apart and also placed at different locations as was every cushion.

The game was called "pirates," very apt game at this time which takes the author back to his school days when the game was played in the gym using every bit of equipment. Benches, beams, ropes, the boxes and the horse, exercise mats which were placed at various places and the gym was ready.

Two boys were chosen as chasers and the rest tried to keep from being caught. Two ways to be sent to the sin bin was to be caught or if anyone stood on the floor. (I THINK the pirates were the ones being chased! Health and safety was not heard of in those days, or at this time apparently.)

This was what was happening now with several crew sat out and Jerry chasing the rest which included Marcell and Jon who were uncatchable. Apart from Paulina everyone else were in shorts only, with sweat pouring off of them.

The first to see Scott was Theo much to his relief. "Good evening Skip, lovely to see you both." He yelled out, everyone stopped staring at their captain and his husband.

"You look like your having fun!"

"If you call having fun with your acting first officer who seems to enjoy dishing out physical punishment to your crew "fun" then yes, we are having a ball. We have been subjected to intense gym sessions, hand to hand fighting, twelve circuits of the deck and now this weird game you Brits seem to enjoy, I'm just pleased your back Skip." Scott smiled at Theo. "Well done Jerry, please carry on, Andrew will be down as soon as he gets into shorts."

There was of course rather a lot of bad language on the way to their cabin which had to stop when Scott was first in his shorts and lead the way back to the saloon. An hour later and after several games of "pirates" the saloon was put back to normal and several bottles of wine opened and Scott opened up a meeting.

"Ok, we will now be sailing the day after tomorrow at 1100, start up 0900. Tomorrow after breakfast there will be a full maintenance programme and preparing for sea. The forecast is very good even in the Bay (Biscay) and we should be able to maintain 20 knots. I estimate we will get to the O6 three days before she arrives in Cape Town. However, during our passage I will have to bring the Jean to a stop to carry out Marcell and Jon over board exercises and possibly other times when I will reduce speed, that will mean an increase of speed to around 25 knots. The lads will be back early tomorrow with the containers and you clever buggers can get them fixed to the helicopters and tested.

Marcell I will most probably need to see you when we are on our way and no doubt Jon will want to be with you, I just need to think something through which could possibly involve modifying some of the bullets. Jerry will continue to organise a full crew fitness programme and hand to hand fighting. I will leave it to you Jerry to tell Reggie and Freddie that bit of news when they get back, good luck.

Engineers, you are to carry out a full spares stock take and if you find you are short, order more from stores. Reggie and Paulina will do the same.

I assume we are well provisioned but double our stock anyway and just find room if everything else is full.

I want another pre sailing meeting at 1400 tomorrow. Right, unless anyone has anything to say, I need to take Andrew for a shower and shampoo."

"Yes Skip just one thing............."

"Sod off Jerry. Look at Andrew, the poor man is desperate for a shower.........,so am I. Nite nite all." Two hours later both Scott and Andrew were fast asleep after one of the longest showers they ever had, both very happy and completely knackered.

One of Scott's early morning routines was to turn the radio on for a news update and weather forecast when in the UK, this mornings news was particularly bad as the reader informed the world that two more ships had been taken by pirates off the coast of Somalia and an unconfirmed report that there had been injuries and some apparently serious. He would tune in on the hour but called the office asking if they had any more information. He was told no but the O5 that was sailing through that area had been ordered to sail further south and at full speed. A royal Navy ship was heading towards her and would escort the ship out of pirate area.

Later that day he was informed both hostage ships were now anchored off the coast and both crews unable to contact the outside world, but before they were taken both ships managed to send out a mayday call and one of them saying a sailor had been shot and killed.

Not long after that bit of news his phone rang, it was the Breaking News Channel asking him for his opinion about the attack.

"You are on air captain. What would your response have been if you were near either vessel?"

"The only thing we can do and that is hope we could get to the pirates before they could board and beat them off."

"And use weapons if you have them?"

"Why not, they always carry firearms, they have killed several times now and have been quite violent whilst they hold crew hostage and it's possible they have killed one crew this time so why shouldn't a ship be allowed to defend it's self with weapons of their own?"

"You still have not grasped the reasons why there is such a terrible situation in Somalia have you Captain Peterson, that country is in a complete....."

"And you have still not grasped it's beyond my ability to help politically, I'm not a politician and it is to them you should be asking questions not me. I am there to escort our ships through pirate areas, nothing more and IF our ships are attacked, I will do all I can to defend them, that is surely the right of any ships crew. Tell me, are you contacting the various navies operating in those areas asking their opinions if they were able to go to those ships assistance?"

"They are there officially, your not and as a civilian you should not be allowed to be involved in aggressive acts as you are."

"That's your opinion and it will be ignored, just ask the Ocean crews who's ships have been attacked and pirates beaten off by my ship for their opinion. Look, you have an issue with your lack of circulation and that's your problem not mine and I will not comment further until you grow up and have an adult conversation about this piracy and the best way to stop it other than having to defend a ship and her crew by aggressive means when they are being attacked by well armed men who may have murdered another innocent sailor today. Goodbye."

Scott put the phone down and looked at Andrew. "Do you agree if when we are attacked and a pirate or more is seriously injured or worse we will be in deep shit when we come back?"

"I'm not a politician either Scott and the media will be after you if crap happens, you may even end up in court trying to justify your actions, BUT my love you have your crew behind you and I am positive a huge world population as well. If injuries happen it will only be because armed pirates are trying to take a ship for ransom and some crew possibly killed and certainly abused. The vast majority will see that you are justified in your actions and I am convinced you will get influential backing should this all go tit's up. One more thing, what you are doing MAY give a kick up the ass to those who should be doing something to help that country out. Right, that's the end of my contribution and now in need of a kiss." Scott did as asked which ended any thoughts about the outcome of the attack which would soon be carried out on both the Lady Jean Peterson and the O6, but Scott would be doing a great deal of thinking before the attacks were carried out, he could not wait to get back to sea.

William and Brenda watched as the LJP slipped her moorings and slowly made for the harbour entrance. Scott and Andrew gave a final wave then went back to the bridge. He kissed Andrew who was watch officer then went down to the hangar to talk to the boys.

As was normal they cuddled and did a lot of cheek kisses. When that was done Scott asked Marcell to get him a bullet. They sat outside the hangar with the two nippers (now 20 years old) and watched Scott take the bullet apart and remove the hardened steel bullet.

"This boys will be advanced engineering, be prepared to be impressed. I am about to change the function of the bullet, watch and learn." He reached into a pocket and took out a pack of bluetack! Marcell and Jon kept a straight face and looked at one another with raised eyebrows. (the look they gave was roughly, WTF!)

"What do you think the bullet weighs?" Marcell lifted the bullet trying his utmost not to smile too widely.

"I dunno Skip, less that a ton I should think!" Then both burst out laughing! Scott ignored this silliness. He took what he thought was the same bluetack weight as the bullet then stuffed it behind the nose of the plane itself and put the thing back together.

"There you are, I want you to fly this off and see how it performs, off you go."

"It wont fly Skip." Marcell was done and collapsed laughing followed by Jon.

"Why wont it?"

"It's nose heavy and it will need a counter balance in the tail and even then it may just plop into the sea." Scott thought about this and did the only thing a good captain should always do, give it to them to sort out. He gave his instructions and was about to leave.

"What's it for Skip?"

"Oh right, I didn't think to tell you. If it works I will get you to fly into the head of the guy with the RPG and hope it puts him off. Get on with it and when your done call me."

"Yes Skip." He left them to it and thought he had never heard them laugh so much for so long! Cheeky buggers. But they also knew that although Scott may not be the advanced engineer he pretended to be, he was a great ideas man. What with this idea and the love both boys had for their captain, they just got stuck into the task and, as always, would come up with a good outcome.

Reggie and Freddy had had a lovely time away which was now ruined when they got back and Jerry informing them of the fitness programme he has worked out for both of them.

"Good heavens Jerry I hope you can sleep at night knowing you are a sadist."

"I do and am, your first session is 1000 tomorrow and will be for an hour, just gentle stuff but after a week I guarantee your sex drive all those years ago will be the same now as it was then!"

"After an hour with you we won't even remember how to do it! And besides what if we refuse to cooperate?"

"I will have to inform Skip Reggie."

"Oh you horrible lovely young man! What do you think Freddy?"

"Think about it R, an hour with just you and a bollicking from Skip? Or a few hours with Jerry. I think you know where I'm going with this you daft sod!"

"Apparently we will see you at 10 tomorrow Jerry." He watched them walk away smiling to himself. "Now that's real love." He thought of George and his smile became even wider.

The containers had been taken down to the hanger and the three engineers about to work out how to load them onto the helicopter skids and connect them to a power supply and a method which would allow them to be activated from the bridge stations. With these three working on the problem it would all be sorted by the time they were half way down the west coast of Africa and the helicopters with the containers flight tested. They were not sure why but Scott had instructed them NOT to mix the "bits" into the oil replenishing tank that would be used to fill the containers, it would soon become clear when he called Neil, Andrew, Theo and the boys down to the boat deck.

They arrived together and the first thing they saw was Scott looking absolutely stunning just in short shorts, it was obvious he didn't have kecks on as his lump proved. Andrew of course was the first to notice followed a second later by the boys, the other two took another second.

Scott stood barefoot on a large cover used in the engine room when oil changes were underway as well as other work that required one. Also on the cover was a step ladder and Scott smiling at them.

"I never though I would love to be on the boat deck like I do now, but I'm also thinking you are about to embarrass yourself big time my dear captain." Andrew smiled at his man.

"And you are?" He went to Andrew and kissed him then got back on the cover to begin to embarrass himself.

"Right, I want one of you to put in that bucket the same amount of oil that will fill a container and when that's done put a handful of bits in and stir it all together. The one member of crew who dislikes me most will climb the ladder and when I say, pour it slowly over me. I will be moving around the cover so you will have to follow me, ok, off you go."

Filling the bucket and putting the bits in and mixing it all together was no problem, the next bit was though and they just stood looking at one another.

"Oh come on Neil, I can't stand here all day, your the senior officer, nominate the person now."

"I would never go against you Skip but I am now and as of this moment I am handing my rank to Andrew!" There was a, very, brief pause.

"Oh goody, give me that fucking bucket!" Andrew shot up the ladder and before Scott could move the first lot landed on top of his head. For the next few seconds he was covered as he tried to get away, but his husband was determined to make life as difficult as he could knowing full well that making up later would take them to those wonderful familiar places.

With the empty bucket he got down looking at Scott who was covered from head to toe in the stinking oil with about a dozen of the "bits" sticking to him. But much to the others amusement the equally stinking language coming from their captain.

Scott was in huge discomfort and not in the best frame of mind. "Andrew, help me get this shit off NOW!" Andrew, who out of the pair of them was at this time the most sensible, stripped to his underpants, got another cover and guided his love onto it and then proceeded to pick out the "bits" from all over his lover's body. Scott could only yell "FUCK" as each bit was removed and the lovely Andrew aching with laughter. The on lookers could not keep their eyes off the pair of them and Theo wishing one of them was Royston! But, it was not over and the show became almost pornographic when Scott told Andrew he had at least one "bit" down his shorts. Without hesitation he whipped them down and happily found two "bits" either side of Scott's ample ball bag. Scott looked up and saw four of his crew with rather advanced erections which made him sweat a bit!

Andrew was having the time of his life and as by now he too was covered in oil, he dropped his trollies as well which completed four massive hard ons!

It can't be proved but if a call had gone out to abandon ship this lot would have gone down with her!!!

It took an hour for them to get rid of enough of the oil to enable them to go to their cabin for a final shampoo and shower. The boys had been really pissed off when they were told to bugger off and made every excuse to stay. Finally Scott filled the jug and threatened them with it. "Now fuck off."

At last they were back to normal after a massive clean up, Scott spoke into the mic. "All crew report to the bridge in 30 minutes for a meeting, thank you."

"So, what will you be discussing?" They were on the bunk wrapped up and naked. Scott didn't answer and just carried on kissing the second engineer or even possibly the first engineer if Neil had in fact resigned.

Both of them had become somewhat involved, so much so Scott picked the mic up again. "Make that an hour!"

An hour and a quarter later they had showered again and now decently dressed went to the bridge where they were greeted like the porn stars they had become!

"Ok, let me give you my thoughts about that experiment. Of course more fell on me than if it was a real attack on pirates but let me tell you now it was bloody awful, just the oil alone would give the pirates a big problem and I am convinced aiming weapons would have been near impossible, they will also be fired upon and attacked by the bullets as well as what we have on board. And so, my thinking is we don't load the "bits" the reason I hope will become clear.

There is every likely hood we will fire on them and the outcome of that we can only guess at and of course the shooters will fire to give a warning but we have to accept there could be casualties and of course there will be questions asked from Parliament to every court in the land long before we get back home and of course the media will have a ball. I know I can justify any attack against us and our ships or indeed any other ship we may escort and if this gets even more serious it may make those who should be addressing the problems that exist in Somalia, better supported.

That brings me to the "bits" and I am fairly sure if we use them it could become very difficult to explain why we did. It won't surprise anyone to realise that if just one bit got into an eye or mouth it could cause enormous injury problems." He waited for that to sink in. "And therefore I will ask for four of the old containers to be loaded with the oil and bits mixture and stored to be used if needed and the new ones filled with oil only. That's me done for now. Any thoughts?"

"Yes Skip, how about mixing sand like we thought of before. We could mix one container and test it in the hanger?"

"Thanks Neil, I will leave that to you lads and the boys."

He turned to the boys and asked them about his idea of taking the actual bullets out of the little planes and replacing it with bluetack, the boys had not mentioned it to the rest of the crew because they did not want to risk Skip having a fit about his idea if everyone laughed and they knew they would!

"We got a bit of a problem Skip, we cant weigh that um..........., that stuff properly and then find out how much to put in front and back so they fly properly." It was obvious what was coming next, Marcell just didn't know who from.

"What stuff?" Surprise surprise, it was Andrew. Scott glanced around the bridge looking at some rather confused faces which confused him.

"It's bluetack!" The bridge was by now full of mirth except Senior Captain Scott Peterson who suddenly realised he was in for some serious piss taking.

"Bluetack? What the hell is bluetack?!" Scott shot a killer look at his American husband.

"It's a tack that's fucking blue.....!" He almost shouted. "Although pliable It's quite concentrated and therefore heavy ish and I thought if....." He waited for the giggles to lessen....."if the steel bullets were replaced by a lump of this stuff, Marcell could fly them at full speed into say the man with the RPG of even the driver and stop the skiff or the shooters aim. " As soon as he said that he realised why his crew were in fits! Fuck, it sounded so bloody daft and he almost joined in but pride stopped him and, he thought, Reggie was coming to his rescue. Well he did sort of.

"Boys boys! Fear not, Paulina and I have the answer, it's sooo simple!"

"We do?" Paulina was missing Jan so much but even she had to admit today was one of the best and all at the expense of the only man she had any love for!

"Yes my dear, we have the gram weights and the boys could use them to ascertain the correct weights to load into Skip's weapons of mass destruction!" The lovely lady was not without her own thoughts on this subject which by now had become a Morecambe and Wise comedy sketch. (non Brits, look them up.)

"And how the hell are we able to use very sensitive scales that can only be accurate on a stable platform but ours is on a fucking ship that tosses about more than the boys do!?"

"It won't be as accurate as a stable platform I agree Paulina, but by having a heavy weight attached to the scales and hanging them from the bulkhead there is a good chance they will be more stable and the lads will get much closer to this apparent difficulty of the weight they are hoping for. Ask any sailor who had to sleep in a hammock how stable they became."

Scott had to regain control of this subject and give orders even though by now he was more uncertain than his crew were, he could not loose face, Andrew would crucify him! But it would not happen, Scott was Scott.

"I want you to get the weight of the actual bullet then the same weight as a lump of...." Even more smiles and giggles..........cough..... "Bluetack and when you think you have got it right, call me and then do a test flight. When they are airworthy you will fly at full speed into a plank of three ply so we can see what the damage could possibly be. And now for a really good laugh for all of you."

The bridge transformed from giggles to total focus, by the tone of Scott's voice this had suddenly became very serious. Andrew looked at his man and just knew he was about to get it right again and for the millionth time thanked his mum and dad for taking him to Iceland on that defining holiday that would transform his entire life.

"I will go out in the RIB and you Marcel will fly one of those things into me and you WILL fly into my head at full speed. I will have protective gear on of course including my helmet, but pirates won't have what we have and I need to find out just how effective these different bullets are likely to be.

And FINALLY you will be pleased to hear. You will remember very well that Jon's helicopter was shot down when the O1 was attacked and I told Marcell to fly into their last skiff and that ended the attack. You need to think about that Jon because if things get a bit tough I will be telling you to fly into two boats. Of course it wont get tough if we fire directly at the pirates and even though Captain Taylor, Paul and Mathew have said they would not allow the O6 to be boarded, I tell you now, nor will I. We will be totally dependant on the shooters, Jon's attacks and Marcell's bullets at long range and then the Jean herself at shorter range.

Ok, that's me done and the end of this meeting. Jerry when am I on next?"

"In an hour Skip."

"Thank you, I wont be late and ask that you give me more two hour sessions everyday, thanks." He looked around the bridge then down to the deck before looking back up. "We all know what is about to happen and we will be more than prepared by the time they attack, but for me I need to prepare even more and that means taking every fitness session even more seriously. I'm certainly not expecting anyone else to become more involved than the sessions Jerry has organised, just take them seriously. Right, I'm off to do some boring company crap." He kissed Andrew and left his bridge.

"I think boys Skip wants his modified bullets ready sooner than later don't you think? Shall we get to the hangar?"

"We are on watch in a few minutes Reggie."

"No your not, I will take it." The acting first officer smiled at the boys and felt good.

Scott got himself comfortable and just about to turn his computer on when there was a knock and the door opened, it was Neil. "Got a few minutes Skip?"

"I would rather talk to you than do this lot. Coffee?" They settled in the lounge part of the cabin.

"So, Neil, what's on your mind?"

"I would like to hand over the department to Andrew and be given other duties and leave Andrew and Theo to get to work together without me in the way. I will of course be available if Andrew needs an extra pair of hands but apart from that let them get on with it. I would be more than happy to take on extra watches, help out in the galley and carry out more domestic work. But there is one more thing I would like to do when we are attacked and that is fire the Grenade Launcher. As far as I know no one has been given that job and although I will most probably miss every thing, at least it will make a noise and put the shits up them. What do you think?"

"I don't have too and as you are sure I don't see any reason to think differently. I will call Andrew and see the reaction."

The lovely young American got his coffee and sat next to Scott and smiled at him waiting. Neil spoke.

"Andrew, Skip has excepted my resignation as from today and he is about to appoint you first engineer. I will be carrying out other duties so that you and Theo can begin to work together without me in the way. I will of course be available should you need a hand. I would just like to say you just happen to be a perfect appointment, it's been great working with you and I know your department with continue to be a great asset to Skip's ship under your direction. Congratulations." They stood up with a lot of handshaking and the captain and his first engineer having a massive cuddle. They had both come a long way since the Lady Jean Peterson was launched.

Scott went to the mic and announced his new appointment then sent Andrew out for a lap of honour among the crew. Neil went to the galley to peel the spuds!

It would take exactly a week before the two ships met up and another three days before the O6 would arrive in Cape Town. She would be there for two days and then out to begin the unknown period before the pirates turned up.

During all that time, emergency training would take place and recorded. Daily fitness had taken on a new meaning and because of Jerry's and Scott's commitment which rubbed off on the rest of the crew and it must be said Reggie and Freddy had to admit Jerry had been right about the personal aspects to this new regime. Hand to hand fighting had become a bit too repetitive as by now Scott was all over the second best fighter, Jerry, and badly needed to be up against Paul again. It would not be long.

Meanwhile there was an outstanding issue to be resolved, Scott's modified bullets. Now that the boys had the gram weights to help get the right amounts of bluetack to equally balance the little aircraft, they loaded two up and with Scott watching, and most of the crew, they watched as Marcell fired off "experiment one," NASA, would be most impressed Scott insisted.

Off it went with the now familiar scream emitting from the tiny jet. It shot off the ramp, cleared the stern rail, then plopped into the Atlantic Ocean never to be seen again. The nose weight and the tail balance weight were wrong and more (guess) work was needed.

The following day Andrew was in the galley talking to Neil while he was using the chip cutter ready for a fish and chip lunch. They were talking engineering of course but Andrew taking particular interest in the cutter, he had an idea and surprised Neil when he ask if he could borrow it later.

Andrew and the boys were once again in the hangar watching as the new first engineer got a large lump of bluetack and repeatedly worked it in his hands until it became softer and moulded into a square which would fit the chipper. He pushed down on the handle and produced 6 equal chip shaped lumps of bluetack. He did not bother with weighing instead rolled one piece out to the length of the inside of a bullet and fitted it. After putting the bullet back together he handed Marcell the new "experiment two." It was put onto the ramp and connected up ready to start up.

"Shouldn't we call Skip Andrew?"

"Nah, he will hear it when it's flying, go on be a devil and take off, you better get ready to catch it Jon."

It screamed up the ramp clearing the stern and Marcell flying at full speed around the ship. Scott went out on deck and watched as Marcell flew the thing all over the place for 10 minutes before bringing it back to the open hands of Jon, who dropped it!

By mid afternoon Marcell had put together 10 bullets and had flown all of them. The reason why there were only 10 was they had run out of bluetack! But they had to use one on Scott, he told Marcell to forget flying one at a lump of three ply, there was little point.

The RIB slipped down the ramp with Scott on board in his protective suit and most importantly his helmet strapped on. He went to around 300 yards and then drove the RIB at full speed around the LJP and just waited knowing full well that he was about to get a kick in the head!

Marcell selected a bullet to begin the attack on his captain and the whole crew on the bridge watching hoping Marcell had got the right bullet! As agreed with Scott he would come in form behind as that was his best approach and the best chance of a hit.

The first Scott heard was the bowel opening scream as the bullet came flying at him, then miss just inches away from his head. "You are SO fucking enjoying this you little shit!" In fact Marcell had intended to hit but missed. He hated this as it was so uncertain and the fact he could hurt Scott was not something he was liking one bit. Jon was with him and knew exactly what his love was going through. It had to end.

Marcell bought this brilliant craft round and lined up directly behind at 250 yards from his captain and just stared at his screen as the yellow helmet got bigger and bigger, he was just seconds away.

Scott heard the jet scream above that of the outboard engine coming from behind him and shut his eyes...... SLAM!! His head was thrown forward and at the same time he let go of the throttle which resulted in a tremendous reduction of speed which threw him forward landing on his face at the bottom of the RIB!

Scott and Andrew came on the bridge and the crew waiting there with smiles all round, as much in relief than anything else.

"Well, that was interesting and I can say it was not the best experience but my word did it work! None of us thought it would be that effective but honestly that stuff did it's work and without a helmet it would have been even more effective. I will be asking Captain Taylor to send someone from his ship to go out and get a load for us and we will have even more of these little devils to fly at them. Great stuff, well done everyone. Any comments?"

"Yes Skip, can I ask why we need these? It's obvious that Marcell has got it right by attacking from astern, so why not fly straight into the engine with a real bullet rather than the driver with a bluetack?"

"Your not just a pretty face Colin, got a brain as well, not common in gay men if Andrew is anything to go by.

I am sure if Marcell fired 10 bullets at outboard engines from directly astern he would most probably hit every time. BUT, what if for some reason one missed and went over the top? I don't really have to say what the outcome would be do I and the only way I will allow Marcell to go for an engine will be from side on. With that in mind we will keep the bullets with rods with exactly the same name, the ones with bluetack will be called "Andrew's" because he is great at coming from behind!" Smutty of course but they loved it.

"I want another ramp fitted and one with a bullet and one with an Andrew loaded so Marcell can fire off one of them and when the target is hit he can fire off the next without having to load it first."

Marcell thought about all that Scott had said which made him think and would need to talk to Jon later.

Jon picked the bridge mic up. "Skip, the O6 has just come on radar and at 25 miles. She is at 10 knots and we are at 15."

"Thank you Jon, go to 20, I will come to the bridge in an hour."

Andrew took the Jean alongside the O6 and with Colin at the winch he took it out and bought the crew back home. Couples were reunited and sent off to their cabins for private time. Meanwhile all of their gear including weapons were also transferred over and stored. Scott and Paul would be going to see Bob Taylor the next day to go over attack options. They would also be carrying out the first refuelling not that they needed more fuel, more to do with getting to know how to do it!

It was a busy few days before the O6 went into Cape Town. Scott invited Bob Taylor to his ship and spent a productive day discussing coming events with all those who would be part of both ships defences and by the time Bob transferred back to his ship, they were as ready as they could be.

Meanwhile, a 30,000 ton Greek owned tanker named the SS Poseidon was 200 miles south east of Sri Lanka on her maiden voyage. Not many had heard of her at this time, but that would soon change.

Next: Chapter 32

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