Mutual Discovery

By Jack Santoro

Published on May 17, 2005


Mutual Discovery Part 2 By

Mark and I decided to get together soon after our first encounter. We'd found each other not only compatible, but physically attractive. Last time we'd pumped each other to orgasm, and decided that the next time together we'd try docking. This time Mark came to my house, and we went into my bedroom without preliminaries or casual small talk. I hugged him to me tightly, and he kissed me lightly on the lips, sending a shiver through my body. I felt my prick begin to stir in my clothes. "Let's get naked," I said, and began doffing my clothing until I was down to my boxers. My prick bulged through the thin fabric, the outline of the big head clearly visible through the thick foreskin and the cloth. Mark also stripped down to his shorts, and I saw his half-swollen prick bulging in its folds. "We both wear boxers," he said. "I'd noticed that last time, and I guess you wear them for the same reason I do." "Right," I answered. "I don't like tight clothing, and I like the way my prick feels swinging when I walk." Both our pricks had big heads, giving them a heavy-ended feel that felt good when they were free to move. I grasped the waistband of his boxers and began easing them down. "Let me see what's underneath," I said as I pushed them down farther to reveal the thick base of his cock. A big vein ran down the length of his prick almost to the end, which came into view as I pushed his shorts down to his thighs. The skin of his prick was smooth and unblemished, bulging over the big head and ending in a dime-sized opening that allowed me to view his piss-slit, surrounded by sensitive pink tissue. "My turn," he said, pushing my boxers down to my thighs. I saw his eyes fixed on my dangling dick, taking in the bulge of the big head and the long nipple formed by my foreskin beyond the end.

"That long foreskin fascinates me," he exclaimed, grasping the end of the nipple and stretching it out. "I bet you've got enough for both of us." The sensitive head of my prick slid around inside its hood as Mark continued to play with the fleshy sleeve, pulling and shaking it slightly, the subtle sensations stimulating my prick to full hardness. "Yours is nice too, the way it lets the tip of the head peep out. That looks very sexy." I squeezed his bulging glans through the skin, feeling it fill with blood between my fingers. The shaft straightened and stiffened, and within seconds Mark's beautiful prick was standing out, pointing right at my stomach from its blond pubic bush, the foreskin pulled tightly back from the big pink head. Uncapped, the head was even more attractive than its outline had been through the shroud, with round front dome, expanding to a high flaring ridge that had a sexy sculptured look. He got on his knees and began pushing my long foreskin towards my stomach, slowly revealing the big fireman's helmet. "Wow, that feels so good," I said as his warm fingers stretched my thick foreskin back over the head. "I'm glad we're both uncut. I love the way your prick smells, love the glossy purple head." I pulled him to the bed, where I'd laid out a couple of bath towels, and pushed him gently onto the mattress. Now I got into a "69" position with him, inhaling the rich masculine fragrance of his naked glans. "Your smell is delicious too," I said as I encircled the ring of foreskin behind his flaring rim and pulled it toward me, bringing it up to cover part of the beautifully contoured helmet. The tip of my tongue probed his slit, and I felt his cock throb in my hand. His prick tasted salty and musky, as I felt the viscous flood of lube pour from his slit onto my tongue. "Your skin covers the head even hard," he said, pushing his tongue into the thick pucker at the end of my foreskin. I felt it touch my slit, and a responsive throb filled my cock-root. His tongue pushed farther in, caressing the broad upper surface of my glans and stretching the nerve endings in my foreskin as he probed for my corona. I cupped his low-hangers with my other hand as I let his foreskin uncover the shapely head, and I ran my tongue around the rim. "You have the same little bumps on the back of your rim as I do," I said as I paused in my action.

"Yeah, they're the nerve endings. It's really sensitive back there." He'd withdrawn his mouth from my prick to speak, but now pushed his tongue aggressively back into my hood, running it around my corona. An electric thrill ran from my prick through my body. I spoke again: "Want to try docking before we unload in each other's mouths?" Mark took his mouth from my prick and swiveled on the bed to face me. He adjusted his swollen prick so that the head touched the pucker in my foreskin. The front of his glans was wet and slippery with his lubricant. "Let's see if your skin will stretch enough," he said, pressing his engorged glans against my prick. His fingers stripped my foreskin back enough to bare the front dome of my glans, and he slid the front of his prick in small circles around the end of mine, the glassy smooth friction exciting us both. "Here, let me do it," I suggested. "You just hold your prick aligned with mine." Mark held his thick seven-incher steady and I began to slide my foreskin forward, first covering my tip completely so that the orifice formed a thick pucker. Then I slid it farther, covering the round front dome of his hit pink glans, as I heard him sigh in delight. I felt his tip throb against mine, as the contact with my enveloping foreskin heightened his sensations. "Give it to me, Jack, let me have it all the way!" he said as I pushed my foreskin forward to engulf more of his bulging glans. Now the orifice had stretched wide to cover his helmet almost to the rim, and I pushed it slowly, to slide over the sexy flare. The tightly stretched foreskin expanded to cover his rim, then the edge snapped down into the deep groove beyond it, touching the tight pink ring of his stretched-back hood. "WOW! I've never felt another guy's hood around my head," he said, the fire in his eyes burning into mine. "I really love that." "I've never stretched my skin to cover a big head like yours," I countered. "If yours were any bigger, the skin would tear." I felt Mark's prick thrusting lightly inside my hood, his glans compressing the end of mine. Mark's cock-head was seeping lube copiously, lubricating our tips and the sleeve of skin that encapsulated them. My foreskin was stretched tightly over both our cock-heads, giving no slack to move back and forth, and I twisted my hood over both engorged heads. The twisting sensation over his swollen rim really reached him, and he moaned loudly. "Oh, Jack, I won't be able to hold back," he wailed. "I'm so hot I'm right on the edge!." "Just let yourself go," I urged. "Don't try to hold back. Just let your sperm shoot into my skin." I felt the hard throbs of his glans, both against my cock-head and through my fingers encircling my foreskin and our tips. His balls were tight against his body now, and his breathing ragged.

"Any second, now," he said, and I saw his eyes close as he withdrew into himself in anticipation of the explosive release. I felt him thrusting his engorged tip hard against mine as he neared the peak. "Go ahead, let it happen!" I urged. "Just let it shoot! I want to feel your hot cream inside my hood." Mark cried out helplessly as the first powerful throb from his cock assaulted my glans and I felt a hot wash filling my foreskin. His cock throbbed again and pumped against mine as he cried out helplessly, and the hot fluid swirled around both our tips, the excess beginning to leak from the edge of my foreskin onto the towel underneath. "HUNHH! HUNH! HUNHH!" he cried as the full force of the orgasm wracked his body. MY glans was fully swollen, and felt every throb of his hard prick as torrents of cream shot from his tip, and now I felt the hot tingle in my glans, the precursor of my own storm. My eyes closed. "AAAHHHHHH! AHH! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I cried helplessly as my body responded, and the heavy pumping began in my cock-root. I felt a burning in my urethra as the hot lava shot up my throbbing cock, emerging to mix with his juice, and I felt myself tumbling into limbo. Time stopped, as my mind was numbed by the orgasm, and I felt waves of pure pleasure washing over me. Our fluids, forcefully expelled from our throbbing tips, mixed freely inside my hood, running out the end and wetting my encircling fingers. We lay very quietly, still dazed after our orgasms had played themselves out, and I felt the residual throbs of his prick against mine as they began to soften. There was a light tickling feeling in my urethra as the last drops crawled up towards the exit hole, and i milked my shaft to force them out. A large gob of white cream poured from our pricks as they separated, his glans slipping from under my foreskin. I noticed that his cock-head was deep red, covered by streaks of cream. Shrinking, it began retreating back into his hood. My foreskin was still locked into the groove behind my deep purple rim, and I helped it forward with two fingers, watching as it enveloped the head to form a long nipple beyond it. Mark reached down to grasp the end. "You've got so much skin, Jack. No wonder you were able to dock me." His warm fingers continued to pull and stretch my long hood, putting tension on the nerve endings it contained. "I think we need a shower now," I said as I got up from the bed. Mark got to his feet and I gathered up the towel to take it into the bathroom. Dropping it into the laundry hamper, I turned on the water and we stepped in. The hot water felt delicious as it poured over our sweaty bodies, and I poured liquid soap onto the sponge. Working it around his shoulders, I slowly moved down his chest. "Ever pee in the shower, Jack? I've gotta go now, and I hope it doesn't gross you out." "No, go right ahead," I encouraged him. "Just let me try something." I pulled his foreskin towards me, stretching it to totally engulf the shrunken head, and pinched the end shut. Mark's stream began, making the hood swell because it was trapped by my finger pressure that closed his orifice. "Wow, that really makes it balloon out," he commented. I waited until his foreskin was twice the diameter of his shaft before letting go, knowing that any further stretching would be uncomfortable for him. His thick yellow gush poured over our legs before dropping into the drain. "Good thing urine's water-soluble," I said. "It'll rinse off. Now you want to do it to me? I've gotta pee too." The last dribbles of fluid seeped from the now exposed end of hs glans as Mark pinched the end of my long foreskin's nipple, and I relaxed my sphincter. We watched as my foreskin began to swell, and when it was fully ballooned he let go, allowing the heavy stream to flow and pour over our legs. I skinned his prick, allowing the shower stream to rinse the precious head, then slipped it forward again. Mark worked my long foreskin back to rinse mine, then replaced it. The handling had made our pricks half-hard again, and we washed under each other's balls, pushing our pricks aside to gain access. Finally we rinsed off and I turned off the faucet. When we stepped out of the shower, I began drying him with my towel, paying particular attention to his prick. Once I'd finished, he dried me, carefully skinning back my prick and gently dabbing at the now swollen head. Back on the bed, we sat facing each other. Our pricks were still half hard, despite our recent explosive releases. Mark's foreskin was half drawn back over the beautifully contoured, head, allowing me to study his round front dome. I lifted it to see the twin lobes under the head where the two sides of his corona swept forward to meet in a thin weld line underneath. His thick gee-string was in the deep triangular groove between them, connecting his glans to the swept back foreskin.

"That's what pulls your foreskin forward again when your prick gets soft," I commented as I ran my finger lightly over the sensitive flesh of his gee-string. His cock jumped in my hand, and I knew he was very sensitive there. "Yeah, when I was younger it was really tight, and the skin wouldn't pull back all the way when I got hard, but it stretched as I got older," he said. "The doctor wanted to cut my gee-string, but my father wouldn't let him." "My foreskin was really long and tight when I was a kid. The doctor said it was too long and he wanted to circumcise me, but my parents said no. Then he asked them to let him remove only the excess over the end, the nipple, but my father wouldn't hear of it. My father's skin was the same way, and it never gave him any trouble. He showed me how to pull it back when I got older and it loosened up." "Let me pull it back for you now," Mark said as he grasped my foreskin firmly between thumb and forefinger and pushed it back over the swelling head. He lifted my now hard shaft to peer at the underside. "You don't seem to have as much of a gee-string as I do," he said as the underside came into view. "Your groove underneath is deep, like mine, though." He pressed a finger into the groove, making my prick throb. "I'm very sensitive there, like you," I said. "You could make me come just by rubbing me there." His prick was fully hard, like mine, and the hood had slipped behind his beautifully contoured corona. "The head's the most beautiful part of a man's prick," he said as he ran a fingertip lightly around my slit. The lips had pouted to form a teardrop shaped orifice. "Your slit's different from mine. Mine just stays a slit, but yours opens up when your tip's hard." "Yeah, and the color's different too. Mine's purple; yours is pink." A drop of clear fluid had parted the lips of his slit, and I spread it in small circles over the front of his glans, feeling the glassy smooth texture of his sensitive flesh. "We're both hot again, so soon," he said. "Think we can go for it again?" "I think we can, and we'd better, otherwise we'll never get to sleep. "I'd like to see the cream spurt from your naked head," I asked. "Yeah, I'd enjoy that. I need relief bad now. Do me and then I'll do you." "Okay, you go first. That way I'll be able to concentrate on making you come." I grasped Mark's prick by the base with my left hand and my right forefinger began spreading the drop of lube in his slit in small circles. Mark lay back, enjoying the sensations. I reached for a bottle of Astroglide and poured a few drops on his swollen red head. What I was planning required lots of lubrication. Wow, that makes my cock-head feel warm," he said as he spread a towel over his stomach. I pulled his shaft skin back hard, baring the back face of his flaring rim, and traced its sexy contours with my fingertips. Mark began to moan. I felt the glassy smooth hardness of his glans in my fingertips as I kept moving them over the head, knowing that the sensations reached deep inside his body. Cut guys have no idea of how sensitive a glans protected by foreskin is, and how it reacts to the slightest touch. Mark's prick was throbbing rhythmically under my fingers as I slid my fingertips around his glans. "I'll keep my fingertips moving to avoid tiring out your nerve endings," I said as I caressed his sensitive tissues. His moaning grew louder, filling the room, as I sent lightning bolts of sensation into his rim. His shaft throbbed in my hand, and his balls drew up tightly against his body. Mark's hips began bucking, and I knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for long, exactly my intention. "Tryin' to relax," he muttered through clenched teeth. I wouldn't let him relax and my fingertips moved across the broad upper surface of his engorged tip, and caressed the front dome around his slit. Mark's slit was seeping heavily now, lubricating my fingers, and I pressed my index finger into the hot spot under the head, probing the triangular groove where is gee-string attached. "Just relax and let me do the work," I suggested as my fingertips moved around his swollen rim once more, lightly kissing the little buds of sensation that studded the back face. The already engorged rim swelled and hardened even more as he approached the edge. I saw Mark's eyes close as he withdrew into himself, and I felt the surface of his glans become hard as it lost its spongy feel. He was very close, and his tip turned deeper red as orgasm approached. His hips bucked harder, and I moved closer to his hard cock, to get a close-up view of his glans when it began spouting. "AH! HAH! HAH! HAH!" he cried as the sensations peaked. Unable to defer the orgasm, Mark tumbled into the canyon, as his prick pulsed in my hand. His shaft jumped and his hot hard glans throbbed against my fingertips as the first white jet shot high into the air inches from my eyes, falling back onto his prick and my encircling fingers. His prick thrust into my fingers, and I knew that the thrusting enhanced his sensations. I massaged his rim to bring another pulsing jet, hearing his helpless cries as the sensations overwhelmed him. His beautifully sculptured glans throbbed again as another creamy jet erupted to fall back onto the towel. My fingers ran around the circumference of his rim, bringing forth more jets, until Mark gasped in agony: "Stop! Stop! Stop! It's too sensitive." I lifted my fingers from his throbbing tip, feeling the residual pulses of his shaft in my other hand as the last drops oozed from his pouting slit. He relaxed and stopped moving. "You thrust when you're hot," I observed. "Yeah, when I get near I have to buck my hips, and this makes it hotter for me. I always do that." "I guess when we try "Princeton" you'll want to be the one with your prick between my thighs. That way you'll get the most out of your thrusting." "Yeah, that'll do it for me," he replied. "Now you lie back and let me work on your cock." I did as he'd suggested, and felt Mark's fist hold my cock up from my stomach as his other hand spread a towel underneath to catch my fluid. Normally, I don't secrete much lubricant, but there was a drop of clear fluid filling the teardrop shaped hole at the end of my glans. Now he began spreading that drop in small circles around the orifice as his left hand pulled my thick foreskin back hard, baring my flaring rim. The sharpness of the sensations made me moan. "Wow, that feels so intense!" I said through gritted teeth as his fingertips caressed the nerve endings in my hot tip. He paused to pour a lot of Astroglide over my cock-head to ensure that it was well lubricated, then resumed his maddening caresses. "That feels so good," I said as I felt his fingertips run around my flaring rim, then around the nerve-studded back face and into the deep groove behind it. I was already primed from watching and feeling him come, and I knew he'd have me spurting within seconds. "Your tip's turning darker purple, and getting harder," he said as his fingers continued to explore the contours of my swollen cock-head. "I know your tip's really sensitive, like mine, and I'm gonna make you shoot harder than you ever did in your life." His left hand pulled back harder on my shaft skin, stretching it tightly and adding to the stimulation. "Do it, do it," I pleaded as the hot sensations filled my cock-head. His stroking fingertips produced a sharp tickle in my glans wherever they touched, and I was moaning helplessly under his hands. "Your tip's really hot and hard now," he said. "I love to watch when that happens. I'm going to get real close, so I can see your tip explode." His fingers continued to dance over my glans, and the sharp tickle turned into a hot tingle as he forced me closer to the brink. "HAH! HAH! HAH!" I moaned as the sensations mounted, and I felt the tension building in the root of my cock, despite my best efforts at relaxing. I felt a hot tickle in my cock-root as a drop of fluid crawling up my tube. "You're juicing now," he said as his fingertips traced around my orifice, spreading the lube around it. Now they moved back to my hard swollen rim, and stroked its circumference. My eyes closed to shut out the world as electric sensations spread over my body. "Man, those little studs of nerve endings are really standing out in your rim," he said as I felt a deep ache in my glans, straining for release. I felt my stomach muscles tighten as my legs began to tremble. "OOOOOHHHHHHH," I cried out helplessly, as the first heavy throb wracked my cock-root, sending a jet of hot lava shooting up my urethra. The hot fluid burned as it rushed to the end, adding to my sensations. A second sharp pulse followed the first as I tumbled helplessly into orgasm, feeling the sharp tickle of Mark's magic fingers drawing the orgasm from my glans. "Go for it, go for it!" he cried as I shot another load. "I love to watch your big tip spurt." His tight fist gripped my shaft as his fingertips moved around the hard surface of my tingling glans, sending hot messages of joy into the nerve endings, and I cried out again, helpless in his hands. "AH-AH-AH!" I felt the sharp burning tickle of each jet squirting up my urethra, slamming through the lips of my pouting slit to pour onto the towel. "You're really shooting," I heard Mark say in the distance. "You shot ten inches that time." I was overwhelmed by the mind-numbing sensations of climax, and cried out again and again as Mark lovingly drew the orgasm from me. I lost track of time, aware only of the heavy pounding in my cock-root and the jets that coursed up my tube as my glans tingled with his touches. Suddenly the tingle in my glans became too much, and I cried "Stop! Stop!" because the sensations had become too intense. Mark removed his fingers from my throbbing tip, but kept my shaft skin stretched down tightly to maintain the sensations. My last throbs were weak, and the jets slowed down to a continual ooze as the residual cream seeped from my cock-head. "Man, you shot a hell of a load, and I had a front row seat for it. I really enjoyed watching your tip spurt, just like mine did." My cock had stopped throbbing, and now I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. After that workout, we napped for a short while before Mark got up and began dressing. "I want to see you again," he said. We knew we had many more experiences to share, and that we'd meet again soon.

The end

Next: Chapter 3

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