Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Jul 19, 2006


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Mutual Benefits, Part 8


Did you ever have one of those mornings that you woke up, and you knew something really odd was going on? Like the feeling, when you forgot to turn off the stove, or lock the door?

I was partially awake, lying on my side, when I became aware of someone standing in my doorway. As the fog started to lift, it hit me- Ivy's frat guy from last night! He was staring at me, with a smirk on his face.

"Morning, sunshine. Didya sleep well?" he grinned.

I could still see my dried cum on his neck, and I wandered if he knew it was there, or what it even was.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied. "Uh, where's Ivy at?" Then it hit me that she had work this morning, and usually left pretty early in the morning, before I got out of bed. That meant I was home alone, except for the leftover from Ivy's party last night.

"She left for work a couple of minutes ago. She brought me up some coffee. Told me some interesting stuff about little brother, too," he smiled.

I gulped, wandering what interesting stuff Ivy might have said. What a witch! I didn't even know this guy's name. He might get nasty if he found out what happened last night. I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Yeah, Ivy's ok. So, uh, did you come in last night?" He didn't answer. "I don't think I got your name, I'm Trevor," I stalled, hoping for divine intervention.

"I'm Mike, and yeah, I came in last night with Ivy- didn't quite make it home. Actually, I don't even remember coming here, I was so stoned."

"Too bad," I stumbled, "I mean, I hope you feel ok now. I must have been in bed when you came in."

"I don't think your being too honest, Trevor. Ivy told me that you had a little inspection in my bed, last night." He paused. "So, did you like what you saw?"

I figured that lying would only dig my hole deeper, so I confessed at least part of the truth. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. I stopped in the room looking for Ivy, and you were in there. I forgot, it was late."

I noticed his hand go to the dried cum on his neck, and he started picking at it.

"I see. Well, I thought it might have been more than that. Actually, Ivy told me that she watched you through the door, some of the time, and it was a lot more than that. She must have thought it was hilarious. Shame that I missed it, don't you think?"

I gulped, again. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I wish you'd have been there." That was stupid. "I mean, I'm sorry, I was just being dumb. I shouldn't have done it, and I don't blame you for being really mad." I paused, "Are you going to hit me, or kill me now?"

He laughed. "Actually, I think I might." He started toward me, and I grabbed a pillow to cushion the blows. "Please, I am really, really sorry!! Please!"

This time he laughed, until I was worried that the drugs hadn't worn off yet, and maybe he was psycho or something.

"You remind me of a cousin I have. He came to me one day begging to borrow my car for a date, or something. He bugged me, and bugged me, so I told him he could use it if he gave me head. At first he told me I was sick, but he called back in an hour and said he'd do it, and he did. Wasn't bad, either, for a first timer. Anyway, next time he wanted the car, I told him I need more than just a blow, I wanted to screw him doggy style. Anyway, he decided to use his granpa's car, instead. You look like him, about the same size, blondish highlights in your hair, a little bit of a tan."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked, not sure what this story was all about, but noticing the bulge in his shorts (He was wearing nothing but shorts, and strangely enough one sock.)

"I'm sayin, I think you owe me something, don't you? You got yours last night, and now it's my turn."

"What about Ivy?" I asked, for some weird reason.

"Ivy's at work, and she didn't have time this morning. It's just you and me, and this big house, with nothin to do. But it's up to you. I won't do anything your going to fight about."

I bit my lip. This wasn't a kid- this was a full grown 22 year old man, with all of the equipment. I had seen it first hand. And now, I knew what he was really after. Once I committed to this, there wouldn't be any backing down.

"I don't know- I have to go to the toilet. I'll be right back," I answered. Thankfully he parted to let me pass and go out the door.

In the bathroom, I relieved myself, then reached around to finger my asshole. Ouch- this could really hurt. This wasn't Eric's dong- this was the real thing! But wow, what a chance! Somehow, I felt like I had been warming up to this for a long time. I put on some deodorant, and a little Polo, and splashed water on my face. I thought, "Well, here goes. No turning back, now!"

When I got to the bedroom, he was lying down, completely naked. I stood in the door, watching him stroke himself. Without looking up, he said, "Take off your clothes, and come here."

I peeled off my undershirt and shorts- which was all I had on, then stood obediently at the side of the bed, waiting.

"Let's start like you did last night. Where did you start?" He asked.

I was humiliated, but I didn't dare lie again. "I licked your toes," I answered truthfully.

"Then that's where you start." He flexed his toes, and gestured for me to go to the foot of the bed. They smelled the same as last night, although it seemed there was a little more of a leather odor. I licked the bottom of his foot, then one by one placed a toe in my mouth and sucked it. When I finished the first foot, I picked up the second and repeated it.

"You like that, don't you?" he taunted. As I licked the second foot, he took the first and rubbed it on my face and neck. "You're a nasty little dude, you know it? What's next?"

My face probably turned purple when I admitted, "I licked your hole, your butthole..."

"Then do it again, this time with me awake!" he ordered, rolling over and pushing his butt in the air.

I got between his legs, and pried open his buns. They were very tight, like an athlete. I smelled a whiff of his butt, but it didn't actually stink at all. It was like a mixture of soap and musk.

"Well don't just play with it, eat it!" he laughed.

I buried my face in between the cheeks, and began to lap at his crack and his hole.

"Wow, boy, that is fantastic," he moaned."Nobody's ever done that to me- ever." He moaned as I continued, for what seemed to be a long time. The taste wasn't at all what I thought it would be. There was actually a sweet taste, which was really unexpected. I pushed my tongue as far as I could into his hole, and he pushed back, moaning. Finally I had to stop to catch my breath.

"What next, Trevor?" he asked, stroking and scratching my shoulder and neck. "You want to suck me?"

Boy, did I ever! I never wanted a cock so bad in my life! He rolled into place, leaning on the back of my bed headboard, with his legs spread wide.

"Breakfast is served, Trevor," he taunted, "But we'll save the cream for dessert."

Wow, this guy had a weird sense of humor! He took my head in his two hands, and pulled it into his groin. My mouth was open, and I barely caught my breath when he pushed me onto his boner, all the way. It went deep in my throat, and I gagged at first, then his hands relaxed on my head and he let me take control (though he kept one hand on my head, rubbing my hair).

"You're pretty, Trevor, did you know that?" he said, while I sucked on his pole. "I bet girls pant after you," he teased. If only he knew- I doubt girls even noticed me! But his talk really turned me on, and made me want to suck harder and faster.

"You like to suck dick, don't you? You feel so good on me- take it all the way down your throat, that's it. Lick the head like a sucker, yeah, like an ice cream cone. Oooh. You could be my little boyfriend- I would keep you a secret from all the guys at the house. Or maybe I could share you with some of them, would you like that? We could strip you down, then everyone jerk off all over you." As I furiously sucked, trying to pull the juice out of his balls, he took a foot, and ran his toes down the crack of my ass, back and forth.

"Wow, I wander if I could get me toe stuck in that little hole. I bet I could. That way, I could stretch it out some. You know why? Cause I'm going to go inside there in a couple of minutes. We're going to go exploring, Trevor. You and me. Would you like that?"

I was about to shoot all over myself from listening to his talk, tasting his pre-cum and feeling his toe pushing on my hole. I grunted what was meant to be a yes.

"Ok, that's enough," he said, pulling my head off of his cock, and looking straight at me. "I never kissed a boy before- not even my stupid little cousin. Would you kiss me? You'd be my first."

This guy must have had the after affects of some weed going on, but he was so hot. My mouth was covered in cum slobber, but I leaned forward and gave him his first guy to guy kiss. His tongue penetrated my lips, and worked its way around my teeth and mouth, then he pulled out far enough to lick my lips and cheek. Weird!

He stared at me again, then wrapped his arms around me, and squeezed until I almost felt smothered. "You feel so good, Trevor," he whispered in my ear. "Know what comes next, don't you?"

I knew what came next.

Next: Chapter 9

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