Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on May 21, 2006


Disclaimer- All events mentioned in this series are purely fictional accounts.

Part 6 Mutual Benefits

Trevor: Over a week had passed since Eric had been to the house. I saw him a few times in the school hall and cafeteria, and he always grinned and winked, but he blushed a little under his freckles. I wacked off nightly thinking about our episode, but I didn't want to wade in to deep into a relationship.

It was Thursday, and I was hanging around with some buddies after school, when someone asked what time it was. I looked at my cell- it was about 4:00- and then it hit me. I had to do tutoring today at 3:00, and I had completely blew it off!

About a month before, I got messed up in math, because I hadn't turned in a couple of really important assignments. I'm a math whiz, so the teacher didn't want me flunking out because of the missing work, so he struck up a deal with me. There was an 8th grade kid in another class who was having a lot of math problems, but his mom couldn't afford a tutor. If I would tutor him for a month, he would give me tons of extra credit.

Colby was a skinny, tanned, blonde hair kid with longish hair that strung over his face. He thought he was a skater, and put on a tough exterior, always acting sarcastic and throwing in some profanity. In reality, he was shy, struggling in school, and his only parent was either working, dating or drinking most of the time. I didn't fancy being a tutor, but it was a pretty good deal for me, so I thought I could tolerate it for a little while. I insisted he come to my house- I wasn't going to be inconvienced going to his place, and I don't think he wanted me there, anyway.

So today was tutoring day, and he was supposed to show up an hour ago. I figured he probably came, found me gone, and left, but I dialed the phone number anyway, in case Ivy was home.

She answered after a couple of rings. "Yeah, Trev? Thanks for the little treat," she purred.

"I didn't leave any treats, Ivy," I answered, thinking maybe mom had left something.

"Five foot three, blonde hair, cute little punk? I think he was looking for you, Trev. Pretty delicious..."

"IVY," I nearly shouted. "That's the kid I tutor. You can't mess around with him!"

"You weren't here, so I thought I would give private lessons, instead," she giggled. "Are you going to join us."

My head was spinning. "I'm coming right home," I said. "You need to get rid of him."

"I have an idea, brother. Let's have some fun with this kid. He's terrified that someone is going to walk in on us, and that he'll be in trouble. Every time he thinks a car goes by, he almost flips out thinking he'll get caught. Why don't you walk in on us, and pretend you're really mad. It could get interesting...."

I smiled. Sounded like it might be fun, so we set up a scheme. Who knew where it would end up, but we'd see.

When I got home, I snuck quietly in the back door and tiptoed quietly down the stairs where they couldn't see me. Colby was on top of Ivy, pumping away with gusto. I looked at his cute little but, that flexed each time he went in for a penetration. His skinnny tanned legs were stretched out, straddling her, with his long thin toes curled back. He had a concentrated look on his face, and his eyes were closed.

I took a deep breath, then shouted, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I even startled myself, (the actor in me settling in.)I am usually extremely mellow, and had always been really nice to this kid.

"Oh, no," Ivy whimpered, pushing Colby off of her. He landed on his naked rear, terrified and shaking.

"Trevor, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry man...." he almost cried.

"You little pervert," I shouted, "I'm calling the police, and your mom, too. I can't believe you...what do you think your doing?!"

He turned pale. "Don't do that, please. I'm already in trouble enough. Please." He started crying. "I'll do whatever you want, but don't call my mom or the cops. Please, Trevor.You don't know what kind of trouble I'd be in."

Ivy huddled against the sofa, and I let the room grow silent.

"You'll do anything, Colby? Do you mean that?" I asked.

"Yeah, please don't report me, Trevor. I'm sorry." He stared at the floor.

I played the actor again. "Your 13 and you just had your first fuck. I ain't never got to fuck anyone, and I don't want to do my sister. Has anyone popped your cherry yet, Colby? Did you ever wander what that would feel like?"

Colby shuddered. "No. I don't know how. You want me to blow you or something? I'll do it, if you won't get me in trouble."

"You ever suck somebody before?" I snarled.

He hesitated, looking down. "I did it once, last summer. Some guy at the youth shelter I met."

"Let's see how good you do, then I'll decide. I pulled my shirt over my head, and sat down in the recliner. "Take my boots off." Colby scooted over, and untied my boots, and pulled them off. "Now my socks, pull them off." He rolled my sock down to the end of my toes, and pulled them off one at a time.

"Now, unzip my pants, and pull them down." The naked kid instantly obeyed, and I lifted up so he could pull down my pants. I was left in my undershorts.

"Put your mouth on my cock, and suck on it through my shorts," I commanded. He didn't hesitate. I was rock hard, by now, and I spread my legs so he could get between my legs. By now, Ivy had crawled over, and was massaging his buns and legs. She laid down under him, face up, and took his cock in her mouth.

"Take my shorts off and suck me, Colby," I instructed. "Do me like Ivy is doing you. Just like that." He looked up at me and then complied, taking my cock in his mouth, and started to lick and suck it.

"You like it, don't you," I taunted. "I bet you've wanted to do this all along, haven't you? C'mon, haven't YOU" He nodded his head as it bobbed up and down. A couple of times he started to gag and choke, then went back to it again. I watched Ivy reach around and spread his buns as she sucked him. She was pushing a wet finger against his hole.

"Do you like what she's doing to your ass, Colby? Get used to it, 'cause I'm gonna put something bigger in there in a minute. Would you like that?"

This kid was freaking out from the sensations of intense pleasure and fear. He nodded and grunted. I was almost over the edge, and the pre-cum was oozing. I pulled his head up, and leaned over to kiss him. I think he could have died. He probably never kissed a girl, much less a high school guy, and I pushed my tongue through his thin lips and into his mouth. It was delicious. He couldn't spit, and he hadn't swallowed yet, so there was plenty of juice to swap around. I swallowed it for him.

"Are you ready for the real thing, Colby?" I whispered in his ear, biting on his ear lobe. Ready to be a big boy? You can dish it out, let's see if you can take it."

I wiggled out from under him, leaving him leaning against the recliner, still straddling Ivy who had his little tool in her mouth. I pulled his cheeks apart, and inspected his hole. It looked sweet, so I licked it. Wow! What an incredible sensation! It didn't taste bad at all. For a kid that tried to look greasy, he smelled like fabric softener and soap, with a light sweat mixed in.

There was lotion on the table next to the sofa, so I took a generous dose, and rubbed it on my cock, until it was covered, then put my cockhead against his hole. I told Ivy to move out of the way, so I could get him into a good position. I leaned over to his ear.

"Are you ready?"

"Will it hurt?" he whispered in a whimper.

"Probably. But I'll take it easy. Once I'm in, I'll stop and let it stretch, so you can get used to it. Don't you play the trumpet?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"Then purse your lips and blow like you're blowing a trumpet when I push in. Ok? I don't want to hurt you," I said, sincerely meaning it.

I positioned myself, then leaned over until his ear was in my mouth. At the instant I was ready to push, I bit down on his earlobe.

"Ow!" he yelled over his sore ear lobe. But I was now in.

"I'm in," I whispered. "Not too bad so far, is it?"

"It feels so huge," he said.

"It's not big at all- you just had it in your mouth. It just feels that way," I said. "Give it a few minutes, get used to it." I rubbed his shoulders and licked the back of his neck, while I waited. He was shaking, and his legs acted wobbly.

Guilt got the better of me.

I whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry, Colby. I shouldn't have done that. I'm going to pull it out really slow, so it won't hurt so bad. Just push out while I pull my cock."

"No,"he grunted, "Leave it in. The worst part already happened."

"You don't have to do this Colby, I'm serious. It was just a stupid game I was playing (We were holding this conversation with his butt humped in the air, leaning on the couch, with my tool impaling him). I wasn't really mad, I set you up, and it was wrong," I confessed.

"Trevor, Trever, I, uh..."he paused, thinking, and bit his lip, "I been thinking about doing it with you since you been helping me. You, you're pretty cool." He was red in the face, and I buried my face in his hair. It smelled like shampoo.

"Take a breath, then blow out, while you push. I'm going in the rest of the way," I instructed. He took a deep breath, and as he blew out, I pushed harder.

It was like I was pushing against a wall, but then something gave. He let out a little yelp, and I slid in all the way. It was so tight, it was unbelievable. I really am pretty small, but I started to wander if I could pull it out of him. I was glad for the lotion.

"While it's in there, lets ease down to our knees, ok?" I told him. We slowly went down to doggy style, with his elbows on the couch. I felt my cock move.

"Now spread your legs wider."

He immediately pulled apart. "It feels like it is opening up," he panted. "Try to pull it in and out. Isn't that how you do it? Like a girl does it?"

I pulled, and surprisingly it came out pretty easy. When I was almost to the end, I pushed back, and he gulped. I waited a minute, then did it again. It was incredible! I could see his hands clenching a pillow, and gritting his teeth.

"Colby, I'm going to try and turn, so we are facing each other, and you lie down on your back. Let's do it with me inside you."

He tried to roll over, and slide a leg across my chest, but I slipped out in the process. When he got on his back, I pulled his legs over my shoulders and pushed a pillow under his skinny but, then penetrated him again.

"You ok, dude?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's alright," he grunted as I slowly pushed back into him, then slowly started pumping. I was glad that I wasn't hung to big, because it was starting to go in and out pretty easy. His foot was next to my face, and I turned and licked it. It was a little salty, but didn't taste to bad. I continued licking, then took his toe in my mouth. He had long skinny feet and toes, and I sucked his toe as I fucked him.

It got to be too much, and I knew I was going to shoot any second, so I pulled out, and straddled him as I started to climax. I came more than any that I had ever came in my life, and it went all over his chest, neck and chin. When I finally finished, I collapsed on top of him, and lay panting.

"That was incredible," I murmured. After a few minutes, I slid down his back, and took his tool in my mouth. For a skinny dude, it was a nice cock, about the same length as mine, but thinner with a small head on the end. I licked it, then licked down his ball sack, and spread his legs out, and licked as far down I could reach. He was still on the pillow, so I was able to reach his hole. He had both hands on my head, and he pushed me into it while he squirmed and moaned.

I could tell he was about to blow, so I worked my face back up, just as he started shooting across my face. I opened my mouth, and it hit my tongue and mouth, as I swallowed his head. It coninued to spasm, as he wiggled under me. Finally he came to a stop, and I laid down with my head on his thigh.

"Thanks," I said, stroking his leg.

"I'm glad it happened," he said, cautiously. "When you would put your hand on my shoulder or back when we studied, it always made hard. I was afraid that you would see it, so I always kept a book down there."

"You're kidding!" I said, very impressed and a little embarrassed. In reality, I'm a very shy guy. "You should have said something."

"I thought you would think I was stupid. If it wasn't for your sister grabbing my butt and teasing me, this wouldn't have happened today." He waited. "Trevor, can we do this again sometime?"

"You bet," I smiled to myself.

Next: Chapter 7

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