Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on May 14, 2006


Trevor: I was sleeping soundly when I felt a 'plop' in my asshole, as Eric's now soft cock pulled out, and he rolled over in his sleep and laid on his back. It really felt empty back there, now. I dozed off for a while, then woke up feeling like I needed to go to the bathroom. I still felt pretty tender and a little sore.

When I returned, the early morning light was shining in on the bed. Eric lay there on his back, snoozing away. I looked at his totally limp cock, resting in a bush of light red hair. It looked so tiny, like a small mushroom. I couldn't believe that it felt so huge when it was inside of me. I wished I had my art pad, because I would have drawn a picture of it.

I looked at his pale, creamy white legs covered in freckles, and the light layer of red hair on his legs. His feet were sticking out. I sat on the edge of the bed. Guy's feet always fascinated me. I reached out and touched his foot, and pulled it closer. It wasn't pretty or ugly either one. His toes were even, and a little long, with trimmed nails. The bottom felt a little bit rough, but not too bad. I reached down and smelled- it smelled a little like a new tennis shoe, and I remembered that he showed me some new shoes earlier in the day.

Impulsively, I stuck my tongue out and licked his toe. It felt strange. I licked it again, then licked lightly between his toes. I took his beg toe in my mouth, and gently sucked on it. My tongue explored the bottom, then the nail on top. I took my mouth off, and licked up the sole of his foot. It tasted slightly salty, but not too bad. He twitched when I did it, and instinctively jerked his foot back. It must have tickled, so I softly laid his foot back down, and resumed looking at him.

I had never watched another guy sleeping- expecially in the nude. I decided to reverse the game from last night. "Eric? You awake Eric?" No response. I crawled between his legs, and took his limp, flaccid cock and held it in my mouth. There was a slight taste from the anal penetration during the night. I held it in my mouth. I felt like soft, velvety skin.

After a few minutes, I felt it starting to grow, but I didn't move. I had swallowed it all the way, and as it grew, it pushed farther into my throat, until it became almost completely hard. Very gently, I started licking it with my tongue, while leaving it inside my mouth as much as possible, my head resting on his inner thigh.

I heard him groan, and his hand instinctively reached down onto my head, and pushed it toward him. I continued the tongue massage, until I felt him jerk, and a small, sticky load emptied into my mouth. I tasted gooey and a little like nuts. I continued to hold him in my mouth, until he became soft and limp again. Then I rolled over with the goo in my mouth, and played with it on my tongue until I finally had to swallow it.

Wow, what a day!

When I woke up, Eric had already showered and dressed.

"Sleep well?" he grinned.

"Never woke up," I answered. "I was out like a light."

He grinned again. We were both embarrased to say more, so we went about the day until he had to leave doing regular guy stuff. I decided that I better let this relationship cool off. I liked the sex stuff we had messed with, but I didn't want anything more right now but just dudes to be friends with. I think Eric felt the same way.

Next: Chapter 6

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