Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Apr 28, 2006


For a few minutes after untangling themselves from each other, Trevor and Eric leaned back against the couch in a kind of stupor, not sure what to say. Both felt drained, and a little awkward, as the enormity of the past forty minutes or so dawned on them.

Trevor subconsciously covered his soft cock and balls with his hands, then reached over a picked up a pair of undershorts and laid them loosely over his crotch. Eric grinned- "I think those are my shorts!" They both chuckled.

"Wow, that was freaky, Trev," Eric sighed. "I've never had anything like that happen before." He paused, "I'm sorry for, ya know, what happened. I didn't mean to do it in your mouth, I just lost control."

"It's ok," Trevor replied, still tasting the cum in his throat. He noticed the sticky spooge on Eric's belly, and realized it was the remnants of what he had shot, then smeared stomach to stomach. It was weird seeing his load drying on someone elses' stomach.

"Was it, uh, was it nasty tasting?" Eric asked.

"Uh," Trevor wasn't sure how to answer this. He didn't want to sound too eager, but he was thrilled at what had happened. "No, it was ok. Especially with the honey mixed in. It tasted like mine tastes, kind of."

"What?" Eric laughed, "You've tasted your cream before? It's ok, I think most guys do, just curious you know. Do you shoot that much when you cum?"

"It depends," Trevor said, still feeling awkward. "Sometimes more than others."

Eric was fingering the drying cum on his stomach. "Wanna taste it now?" He grinned, and held up his finger.

Ivy poked her head in the door. "Better shower, if you're going to guys. I ordered pizza, and it'll be here soon."

"Thought we had another date?" Eric asked, turning to look around at her.

"After while we can, if you still want to," she replied as she walked down the hall.

"If you want to take a shower down here, I'll use the one upstairs," Trevor said, starting to get up. He reached around and pulled Eric to his feet. For a second they stood there, almost face to face, and then Trevor headed out. "There are towels in the cabinet" he said.

As Trevor headed up the stairs and down the second floor hall, Ivy stepped out of the bathroom. "Well, bro, was that what you wanted?" She asked. "What do you think?"

He hesitated a moment. "It was great. Thank you so much, it would never have happened if you hadn't been involved. I feel like I'm in some kind of dream."

She smiled, obviously pleased that she had impressed her new 'sibling' so much. "I think we can get this dude to do just about anything, the way his hormones are raging. Just let me know what you want, and I'll see if I can help."

"It's important that he thinks that I'm just going along, not really pushing this. I don't want him telling everyone at school I some flaming faggot or something."

"But you are," she laughed, poking him in the collar. "Just kidding. I don't think he'll tell anyone, for the same reason. But I honestly think you turn him on as much as I do."

"Really?" Trevor asked, feeling strange that he could 'turn anyone on.' "I just think he's horny. He'd probably fuck a horse if we had one."

"I know he wants to fuck me," she smiled. "Do you want to screw him?"

"I don't think he's ready to go that far....but if he wants to take me, I might be up for it, I think."

"Ouch, Trev, that might hurt. Are you sure about it? You might want to give that one some thought, although his cock is not too big. If your going to do it, better to start small and work up."

"You sound like you have some experience, there," he giggled, and pushed past her to the bathroom.

"Well, if your serious, I'd suggest loosening yourself up a little with a carrot or small cucumber or something. And get some lubricant, like vaseline in there, just in case it happens," she advised.

Trevor ran the bathwater, and propped his leg on the side of the tub and fingered his hole. It was really, really tight, and he couldn't imagine anything fitting in there. He dug around until he found some lube, and reached around to rub some around and into his hole.

There was a small wax candle in the closet, so he laid down in the bathwater, and slowly worked it inside of him, adding a little more lubricant. It didn't feel good or bad, it just felt different. He slowly stroked his cock, and thought not of Eric, but Steven at school. He didn't know how big Steven's cock was hard, but in the shower room, it was long and thin. He could still see it, lathered up with soap, under the spray of the water.

He suddenly realized that he had nearly dozed off in the tub. It had been longer than he had thought. He could smell the pizza from downstairs, and put on his boxers and a t-shirt, then headed down.

The pizza was on the dining table, and it looked like Ivy and Eric had already come and gone. He wasn't too hungry right now, anyway, so he decided to wait until later on. He drifted out of the kitchen, and headed downstairs to the family room to see where everyone was at.

As he topped the stairs, he could hear grunts and groans. He tiptoed quietly down the stairs, and sat on one of the steps to watch. Ivy was straddling Eric, who was on his back.

"Hold it up straight up, and I'll lower myself down on it," Ivy instructed, as she opened herself up to swallow his rigid pole. "Ooh, yeah, that feels good," she said, as she slid down.

"Oh, wow," Eric moaned, "this is fanstastic!" as Ivy began to rock back and forth.

Ivy noticed Trevor and the stairs. "Come over here, Trev," she commanded. "Here, take the shorts off, and stand in front of me, with Eric under you."

Trevor pulled his shirt off and kicked his shorts aside, as he stood over Eric, a foot on each side, and Ivy pulled his cock to her mouth. He held onto her head to steady himself, as she sucked him in rythm to her pumping.

Underneath, Eric was in near ecstacy, as he thrusted his hips, and got a bottom view of Trevor's balls and blow job. He watched Trevors butt flexing in and out. He had never paid attention to a guys butt before, but it was actually pretty interesting, from the angle. He reached up, and rubbed it with one hand, and then using both hands, he pulled it apart, and Trevor groaned.

"Do you like that?" he asked.

"Yeah," Trevor grunted, "it feels good."

By now, Eric was fingering the lubricated hole, and poking his index finger in. As he did, Trevor pushed back on the finger, until it was almost all of the way in.

"Wow, you like that, don't you?" Eric chuckled. "Don't it hurt?"

"Yeah,just a little. Not too bad," Trevor gasped, as he was sucked and finger fucked at the same time.

Ivy stopped sucking, and started to pull herself off of Eric. His cock came out with a 'plop.' "Your turn, Trevor. I promised each of you a fuck." She layed back on the couch, and pulled him toward her, leaving Eric on the floor.

"What about me?" Eric yelped. "I'm not done yet!"

"Hold on, I have a plan for you carrot top," Ivy purred. "C'mon Trevor, position it right here, and then push forward." She took his tool in her hand, and directed it toward her. Trevor almost fell into her as he entered her slimy wet pussy, and she leaned back. It was indescribable, as he sunk to the hilt. He almost came on the spot. Eric sat up, and wrapped his arms around his knees, as he watched them.

"That's it Trevor, shove it in- fuck her, give it to her," he said, smiling, as Trevor picked up his momentum.

After a few minutes of sawing back and forth, Ivy motioned for Eric. "Get up, and come here, Eric," she moaned, reaching out for his hand. He leaped to his feet, and stood behind Trevor.

"My turn again?" he grinned.

"Shove it in him. Put it in Trevor's butt," she commanded. Trevor played along.

"I dunno, Ivy," he said, stopping the fuck for a moment. "I'm not sure I can take it."

"You can take," she said, "Look at me, I'm taking it, aren't I?"

Eric looked hungrily at Trevor's ass. "No, I won't, if you don't want me to, Trev," he said, as he reached out and rubbed his butt.

"It might hurt," he whined, pretending to hesitate. In reality, he wanted it really bad. "Ok, but go really slow."

Eric pulled his ass cheeks apart, and lined his cock head up with the tiny hold. "Ready?" he asked. Just as head started to push in, Ivy pulled Trevor down to her, pushing his butt out and planted her mouth hard onto his neck. The simultaneous pain on his neck, the lurch forward and the cock penetrating his anus sent waves of confusion and pain through Trevor, but when Ivey turned loose of his neck, Eric's cock was planted over halfway inside.

"Aah," Eric loudly blurted out, "Man, you are so tight! This feels way different than a girl!" He continued pushing until it felt like he was all the say in.

Trevor felt squished between the girl under him, and the boy attached to him from the rear. It nearly took his breath away. As he started to shove in and out of Ivy, it felt like a big hose was attached to his rear. He knew that Eric wasn't that big, but it felt big. Eric wasn't moving, so Trevor's movement in and out of Ivy, caused Erics's rod to move slightly in and out of him.

"Hold still, Eric, and let Trevor do it right now," Ivy instructed, as though she had done this before. "After he loosens up, you can start pumping, too."

Trevor had never felt such a combination of pain and pleasure. The inside of his butt felt like it was ripping open, but strangely, it felt really cool, too. His cock was slippery and wet from the pussy, and he was glad he had lubed his ass up while in the bathtub. He wandered if Eric realized that he done that.

After a few minutes, he felt Eric push when he pushed, and pull back when he pulled back. "No, Ivy said, "Do it the opposite. When Trevor pushes, Eric, you pull. When Trevor pulls out, then Eric, shove it into him." They stopped, and after a few attempts, they began to get into sync with each other.

"Oh, this is so cool," Eric moaned, grasping Trevor's hips for better traction. "I can't hold out much longer." As his pace increased, Trevor pushed harder to get more cock inside him. Eric reached his arms around him, and began to shake violently. He bit down lightly on Trevor's shoulder and shoved as deeply as he could, his cock spasming as it shot loads of spooge.

Trevor stopped inside Ivy, to enjoy Eric's explosion. He could feel spooge pumping inside of him, and he imagined it deep inside his body. Under him, Ivy was panting heavily, as she experienced her own climax. After what seemed like an eternity, the two boys collapsed on top of her. Eric was breathing hard in Trevor's ear, and still shaking.

"Ok guys, you're squashing me," Ivy said. "Time to get up." Eric stirred, then his softening cock slipped out of it's little hole. Trevorwinced at the momentary pain, then pulled himself out, still rigid and hard.

"Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did," Ivy said, starting to sit up. She reached over and kissed Trevor's cheek, and whispered, "You owe me, little man." Trevor smiled back, as she gathered her clothes and slowly headed up the stairs.

Trevor sat back on the couch, with Eric on the floor beneath him. "That was great."

Eric reached up and rubbed his thigh. "Thanks. That was awesome. I really owe you, big time." His hand explored further up. "You didn't shoot, yet?"

"Nah, not yet. But that's ok. I've already went twice today."

Eric turned around and said,"I still owe you one from while ago. This one's on me, just lean back and enjoy it." He put his mouth on Trevor's partially wet cock, and began to slowly suck and lick. Trevor reached under him to finger his hole. It was leaking with cum. Eric's juice. He smelled it, then held it to his mouth to taste. Not too bad.

He looked down over Eric's freckle covered back, and his outstretched feet, and stroked the reddish colored hair. He could feel a load slowly building. "I'm about to shoot, dude," he said, pushing his head back, and jacking himself.

"I want to feel it shoot in my mouth Trev. C'mon, let me take it." He placed his mouth back on at almost the instant Trevor started shooting. "Mmmm, mmmm," Eric moaned, as multiple loads spilled in his mouth and leaked out the sides.

After Trevor finished, Eric held his softening cock in his mouth until the two were ready to doze off.

"Thanks," Trevor mumbled.

Next: Chapter 4

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