Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Apr 23, 2006


Trevor made a special effort to sit at the cafeteria table with Eric. He noticed that the freckles on Eric's face seemed to stand out even more, since he had come back from a Florida trip. As usual, Eric was making off color remarks while he ate- a regular perv.

Eric spooned up the thin vanilla pudding on the school lunch tray, then let it dribble back to his tray. "Look's like somebody got a little too horny in the kitchen this morning," he said, licking some off of his fingers.

"Shut up," one of the guys next to him said. "You're such a dork, Eric."

Trevor thought, 'he's a dork, but a pretty cute one, and actually he is pretty smart...he takes the advanced classes and all.' He said, "what's happening tonight, Eric? Got a big weekend planned?"

Eric flashed a smile. "Nah. Nada, nothing. Just stay home, mow the yard and watch reruns on TV. How 'bout you?"

"Bout the same. Mom's gone again, so it's just me and Ivy," I said, testing the waters.

"She's pretty hot, that new stepsister you got. I saw her when she dropped you off at school, yesterday."

"She's not my stepsister, she's just my mom's boyfriends daughter," I sighed.

"Same difference. You ever get it on with her?" He asked, winking, and making a gesture with his fingers like he was masturbating his index finger.

"Wouldn't mind it, if I ever got the chance," I smiled back. "Know what I mean? Anyway, wanna come over and watch movies,shoot some pool or something?"

"Sure, sounds good to me. Let me do my mowing, then I'll be over. For the night?"

"Sure, if you want, that's fine." The bell rang, and I headed to class.

About 7:00pm or so, Eric showed up. I had a couple of old dvd's, and I had mixed in a porn flick with two guys and a girl. Eric sifted through the stack as he followed me to the kitchen.

"You got some good stuff, here," he laughed. "Check it out! While the cat's away, the mice will play."

I handed him a glass of coke, then opened a bottle of vodka. "Want to spice it up a little?" I asked. "Mom's not here, and Ivy doesn't care." I poured the glass almost half and half.

We went to the family room downstairs, and Eric fiddled with the dvd player while I flipped the lights out. As soon as his coke was half finished, I added some more of the liquor.

The movie was pretty flaky, but the actors looked hot. It was about a chic who was getting it on with the delivery boy, when her boyfriend walks in. At first he's mad, but when the two of them begin to tease him by pulling on his clothes, he strips down and joins in.

"Cool," Eric said, he speech a little slurred. "This is hot." I noticed him rubbing his crotch, as he laid back on the couch.

I decided to up the anty a little. I unzipped my pants and reached in, rubbing my cock. "Oow, my pants are getting too tight, I laughed." Eric laughed back, and unzipped his, reaching in, and kicking his tennis shoes off at the same time.

"Look at her, shes taking it in the ass and the mouth at the same time," he giggled, his hips lurching involuntarily. "I can't imagine taking it in the ass. Ouch! That would hurt, if you were on the receiving end!" I noticed Ivy had slipped into the room. She startled Eric as she sat down on the floor next to his feet. He looked at me, and I just shrugged.

"I see you borrowed my dvd collection, Trevor." Eric was trying to fasten his pants. "Oh, it's ok guys, don't zip up for me. I thought I might watch it with you for a little while."

Eric looked up sheepishly, blushing deeply, as though he wasn't sure what to do.

"Sure," I said, "Ok with me. Let me get you something to drink." I headed to the kitchen, to let her start doing her work. She was faster than I thought. When I got back to the room, she had Erics jeans pulled below his knees, and she was rubbing him through his white shorts.

"Mmm, that feels good," Eric purred as he took another drink.

"Thanks for the drink, Trev. Why don't you rub Eric's neck and shoulders. He needs to relax a little bit," she said, smiling. He looked pretty relaxed to me, but I stood behind him, and started rubbing his neck, then ran my fingers through his thick red hair. I worked down to his shoulders, while Ivy licked through his white briefs on his cock.

"That's good, Trevor," he moaned, feeling the affects of the booze, the porn, and the rubdown. "Hey, look at that!" He pointed to the dvd which was still running. The delivery boy was fucking the girl, while her boyfriend was fucking him. "Wow, that's freakin awesome!"

Ivy pulled his pants and socks off, then pulled his briefs down and began to suck him in earnest. His cock was about 5 inches, and had reddish brown hair around the base. Ivy paused long enough to say, "Take his shirt off." Trevor pulled the loose fitting t-shirt off, and now Eric was completely naked.

"C'mon guys, if I take it all off, you have to, too. Take it off Trevor. Let me see what you got," he slurred.

I gladly obeyed him, pulling off my jeans and boxers, and then my shirt. It felt weird standing in front on my school buddy with nothing but socks on. I sat down on the couch next to him, and Ivy reached over and started jacking me while she licked his pole lick a lollipop.

"She's horny, Trev," he giggled, and rubbed the inside of my thigh. "Your doing pretty good too."

"Do you want to do it, Eric? Do what the guys in the movie are doing?" I asked.

"You're crazy," he laughed, looking at me strangely.

"I'm serious," I said staring back. "I'm game if your game."

He looked back, a worried look on his face. "I dunno, Trev. I might try messing around with some stuff, but I don't think I could do this ass fucking thing. That's just too weird."

Ivy looked up. "What's the conversation, here? Can't you see I trying to work?" She grinned, and sat back, massaging Eric's foot and toes.

"Trevor's getting kinky with me," Eric said sarcastically, placing his hand over his cock.

"Kinky's good. I like kinky," Ivy purred. "I want to see you two get it on for me, then I'll give you something really good. You can take turns fucking me."

"No way," I said, playing the game. "I'm not doing it was a guy. That would be nasty!"

"Hey, I've been doing it, and it's not too nasty, is it Eric? C'mon, Trev. I want to see you guys do something with each other."

"I don't know," I said. "Why?"

"It's simple," she said. "First, I'm kinky. I think it would be cool to watch. Second, if you guys do it, then I know you'll always keep your mouth shut about this, so your little friends don't find out. And I don't want people talking about me, so this is my insurance to keep you two quiet."

"What do you have in mind?" Eric asked, looking a little nervous. He was obviously thinking about the ass fucking in the dvd.

"Just a little fun, that's all. Trevor, run to the kitchen and get me some honey." Before he could reply, she leaned over, and resumed licking Eric's ball sack and inside his thighs.

A few minutes, I returned, still not sure what she had in mind. I handed her the honey.

"Ok, boys, you do this, and I'll fuck- but not until then. Agreed? Agree?"

"Yeah," we both mumbled, as she took out a gob of honey in her hand, and massaged it across Eric's cock and balls. "Over here, Trev, you too," she said, as she rubbed the remainder on my tool, mixing it with the flow of pre-cum that had dribbled out.

"Now, you guys lay down on the floor opposite each other. It's called a 6-9 position. C'mon, don't be shy." She stepped back. "I'll get undressed while you get situated.

I looked at Eric, and we were both pretty embarassed. He shrugged his shoulders, and lay down sideways with his back against the couch.

"Here goes," I said, pretending that I was pretty grossed out. "But you better not tell anybody about this, ok?"

"Ok," he said, "You can bet on that. Yuck, I don't know if I can do this." He reached over and took my cock in his hands, and I did likewise. "At the count of three, we'll do it at the same time."

I made a face, but in reality, I was so horny I could have bitten his cock off and swallowed the whole thing. It was throbbing in my hand, and it looked so sweet.

"One, two, three," he said, and we both opened our mouths, and swallowed meat.

"Watch the teeth, guys," Ivy said. "Cover your teeth with your lips. And I don't want one drop of honey left. Clean it ALL off."

I had never had a cock in my mouth, but this was heaven. I couldn't seem to swallow enough, and I hoped that I didn't act too eager. I pumped his meat in and out of my mouth like a piston, and stopped to lick the honey off of his balls and bag.

"All of it, boys. Not one drop left," Ivy said.

His mouth on me was unbelievable. He licked my pole up and down, trying to get all the stickiness off, and then he licked around my balls. I could tell that he was enjoying it. My pre-cum was leaking like crazy but he either didn't notice, or was liking that, too.

I loved the way the head of his cock rubbed the roof of my mouth, and I let me tongue explore the bottom side. He was pushing it deeper and deeper down my throat, and by now I had taken hold of his ass cheeks for leverage, and was massaging them. I could here moans coming from his mouth, as his pace increased.

Then, without any warning at all, his balls tightened and his cock opened up and began to shoot a load of creamy cum in my mouth. I hadn't thought about him actually shooting inside my mouth, but it happened before I knew what was going on. His hands swung down on my head, and held it while he pumped into my mouth.

I was partially gagging, and some of the load was streaming down the sides of my mouth, but he kept going until my entire mouth was oozing with spooge. I had never tasted any, except my own, but I liked the taste- nutty, slightly sweet and a little acidic. By now, he had stopped pumping, and I wasn't sure whether to spit him out, or swallow- of just try to hold it all in my mouth for a second, so I waited.

Ivy jumped right into the scene. "That was awesome Eric! You did great! Quick, roll over lay down on your back. That's it. Trevor, turn around and lay on top of him!" She was barking orders fast, like it was imperative that we do this as quick as possible.

"Trevor, put your mouth on Eric's mouth." We both hesitated at this order. Mouth to cock was one thing, but mouth to mouth was entirely different. "NOW, hurry!" I didn't argue. "Now open your mouth, and kiss- lots of tongue, do IT!"

It was unavoidable. When I opened my mouth, and Eric's tongue slipped in, all the accumulated spit, honey and spooge poured out. Between us, it was in our mouth, on our face and lips, and probably leaking onto the floor.

"That's it guys, more tongue. I want to see more tongue!" she barked.

By now, we were both getting into this entirely weird scenario. Something we would normally not do in a million years, but we were too pumped up and boozed up to care for the moment. Our tongues pushed against each other, and I traced Eric's slimy white teeth with my tongue. I was so turned on (I still hadn't climaxed) that I started humping him.

In just a few seconds, I felt my load build, and then shoot across his stomach, and ooze between us.

"Oooo," I groaned, his tongue still halfway in my mouth. "Oooh."

Finally, I collapsed on his shoulder, and bit down on the bottom of his neck. For a moment, we all froze, while the dvd ran the credits at the end.

"Well, guys," Ivy laughed, "That was quite a show. And I'll keep my part of the bargain- I owe you boys a fuck. But I think now we might need a little break, now. You two might need to take a shower and rest up before going another round. I'll see you after while."

With that, she walked out, leaving two very embarrased and sticky boys to untangle themselves from off of the floor.

I thought to myself- I think this plan is going to work.

Next: Chapter 3

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