Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Dec 11, 2009


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Part 15

I glanced over my shoulder, to see Scott put some fresh lube on his tool and adjust his condom. The bunk bed was clearly in the way to get in good position, so I wiggled up onto the bed laying on my stomach and motioned for him to get on top of me. Fortunately he wasn't very heavy and he put his cock in my but crack and drug it back and forth several times, then reached down to direct it toward my hole. After a few attempts, he found his destination and pushed.

"Is that it?" he asked, tentatively, just to be sure.

"Yeah, that's it," I grunted.

What he did next caught me completely off guard. So far he had been very cautious, but now he shoved very hard and fast, driving all five inches in to the hilt. Even though he wasn't that big, it still surprised me, and stung really bad.

"Ouch!" I nearly shouted, tensing up. The tensing made my sphincter contract even tighter, making the problem worse. He was now buried all the way. "Stop, please...don't move, ok?" I gripped the pillow and waited for the pain to subside. I didn't want him pulling out or pushing in, until it stopped hurting. It was then that I realized that I had frightened him.

"I am sorry... I am sooo sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just went in and I didn't know that I needed to stop. You are really, really tight. It feels like it might be stuck."

I grinned in the middle of the pain, which was starting to go away, and then blew out like I was blowing in a straw to relax my hole. "Don't freak, man. It's ok. You just went faster than I isn't stuck!" I giggled. "It will definitely come back out. Just lay down on me and relax and minute and let me get used to it."

He laid down on my back, and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. I loved all of the body contact- I could feel his legs against mine, and his chest against my back. He had pulled his shirt off, and we were all skin to skin, now. His cock inside me was feeling better and better.

"Ok," I said. "I'm ok now. It's starting to feel good. Just go really slow at first...pull it out a little, then slowly back in...."

He very gently pulled, and it broke free and started to slide out, then pushed back in. "Is that ok?....did it hurt?" he whispered in my ear, tickling it as he did.

"No, it felt good. Keep it up," I answered truthfully.

He pushed in and out a few more times, and kissed the back of my neck, and then my shoulder as he gradually increased the tempo. It was really more like little bites than kisses. I was really feeling it when he pushed all the way in, and so I began to push back to help him go deeper. As I did that, he started going faster and deeper.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah....sweet," he moaned back. "Really sweet." He was now starting to pant.

"Let's see if there is enough room for me to roll over and lay on my back," I suggested. I knew that it would be a tight fit, but I wanted to watch his face while he fucked. He pulled out, and I rolled over and raised my legs in the air. My feet landed on a wooden brace for the bed above, and I used them like stirrups, wrapping my toes around. Scott wasn't sure about this new position, but he soon found my hole again, and pushed back in.

"Oh, I like this," he grinned.

"So do I," I smiled back, loving the expression on his face. Without his glasses, he really had a boyish face. He wrapped his arms around my upright legs and began to pound very passionately, closing his eyes as he did. I could tell that he was getting closer, and closer. I reached up and put my hands on the back of his head and tugged him toward me. He bowed over, still pumping, and I pulled his face toward mine to kiss. His pace slowed some as his mouth opened and he attempted a sloppy, wet french kiss- probably his first ever. Aside from the extra spit, I enjoyed it, and let me tongue lick the inside of his teeth and mouth.

"Ooh....ooh..." he moaned. "I think I am going to have a that ok?"

"Do it.....I want to feel it inside of me....c'mon, let me have it," I coaxed.

With that he went rigid and pushed as deep as he could go and stopped.. I could feel his spasms that seem to shake the whole bed, and then he went limp on me, as my feet let go of the bed above. We collapsed in a tangle, and I wrapped my arms around him and held him.

"That was good," I whispered, stroking his soft back. "Really good." After a few minutes I thought that he had actually dozed off from the sex and the beer. I snuggled closer and continued holding him, until finally he spoke very quietly.

"You haven't had a climax yet. You haven't cum."

"No, but that's ok. I can jerk off later or something," I said truthfully. He paused for several minutes, and once again I thought that he had went to sleep. I could feel his breathing, and his chest rise and fall.

"Are you sure that's ok?" he asked, sounding guilty. This was the first time that I ever had a guy concerned about me, rather than just wanting me to get him off and go. I was touched.

"If you want, I can try and get you off," he offered. I knew that he was fairly spent, and I didn't want his first suck or fuck to just be out of feeling guilty.

"No, I think I'll hold off for now...I'm a little tired right now. But you owe me for next time," I replied.

"So, you think there will be a next time?" he asked, his head cradled on my chest. "I thought that this was a one time fling because I had been drinking too much, and tomorrow morning I would pretend it didn't happen. That was my original plan. But you think there will be another time?"

"I hope so," I answered. We both dozed off.

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