Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Dec 10, 2009


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Part 14

I could feel Scott's anxiety ripple through his body, but I didn't know if it was fear or eager anticipation. Probably a little of both. After being with Zach and the macho dudes downstairs, Scott felt soft and was much smaller in size. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and reached for his belt, unbuckling it and unzipping the front of his jeans. I could smell fabric softener on his white underwear as I pulled his pants down to get access to his cock.

He gasped, "Just wait a second..." and put his hand in front of his groin, but I gently pushed it to the side.

"Shhhh," I whispered, "Close your eyes and let me do the work here. Just close your eyes." He looked frightened, but as he obeyed, I took his hard cock- about 5 inches cut, and swallowed the whole thing and held it in my mouth. After chewing on Zach's big pole, this smaller one felt like a candy stick-and tasted like one too. There was the faint taste of soap around the base. His balls a scrotum were smaller, too. I put my arms around his butt in an embrace with his entire cock in my mouth, until I felt him relax- then I gently began to suck on it.

"Oooh...that is sweet...really sweet," he muttered under his breath, enjoying every minute. As I licked and sucked, I pushed his pants and shorts down to his feet, but couldn't get them past his leather skechers.

"Here, step out of your shoes and pants, and lay down on the bed," I instructed. He quickly complied. His legs were very pale without hardly any hair. He had a patch of dark hair at the base of his cock, and that was almost all except a little fuzz near his ankles.I pulled his socks off- I love to see a guys feet- and he had small feet with short toes. The bed was crowded because it was a bunk bed, so I turned him sideways to make more room, and I faced him from the floor. He was able to rest his feet on the floor, and I had plenty of room to feast on his meat.

I licked up his balls, and up and down his shaft like a lollipop, and flipped it back and forth a few times. It was as hard as a rock. After playing this way for a few minutes, I swallowed it again, and began to suck much faster and harder.. He propped himself up on his elbows, watching with fascination. I knew that he wouldn't last long. and in a few minutes, he shot the first volley down my throat. I backed off to catch the next spurts in my mouth, and I wasn't disappointed. It had a creamy texture and sweet nutty flavor. I waited for it to stop before gently taking his softening penis out of my mouth and laying my head on his stomach.

He surprised me by reaching down and caressing my cheek.

"Would you come up here and lay down beside me?" he asked, moving lengthways on the bed to make room. I shed my shoes, and crawled up, snuggling next to him with my head on his chest. "That was incredible," he said, stroking my back.

"Has anyone ever done that with you before?" I asked.

"No....the most I have ever done is just kiss a girl in high school.....and that wasn't much. I've never fucked, or done anything like that," he confessed.

"That's no big deal. A lot of guys haven't," I said. "You want to try it? Fucking, I mean?"

"Yeah, sometime I do. That's if I find a girl who's willing!"

"No....I mean, do you want to do me? Your small, and I think that I can take it, if you can get hard again." It didn't look like he would have much problem with that. He was already starting to get stiff while laying there. I reached down, and stroked his cock very lightly and he purred, then reached down with his hand and pulled my face up to his, and kissed me lightly. I kissed back using some tongue, and his lips parted slightly.

"You taste good," he whispered.

"I taste like your spooge," I giggled back, then pressed my tongue in further. I could feel his cock rubbing my leg, even though I was still dressed, and it was definitely getting hard again.

"You would really let me....uh, do it to you?" he asked. Then, with no warning, we heard someone jiggle the door handle.

"Hey, Scotter, are you in there?" a voice from the hallway hissed.

Frantically, Scott jumped, almost hitting his head on the bunk bed above. "Quick, get under the covers," he whispered. "That's my roomate Brandon." He rolled out of the bed, and grabbed his shorts off the floor, yelling, "Wait a second....I'm coming."

As I slipped under the covers, I heard Brandon say, "You got a girl in there with you!? Alright, Scottster! Did you get her drunk or something?"

"Shhhh," Scott replied. "She'll hear you. She's in the bed."

"Dude, you got protection? I got a package of rubbers in my top drawer if you need it. There under the socks. Don't take a chance," he warned.

"Yeah, thanks....just give me a little while, ok?"

"I hear there are two girls downstairs in Mike and Collins room....they've been laid by five different guys so far....but Freshmen are not allowed."

"Wow...ok, I'll see you after while, ok?" Scott said, almost pushing the door closed.

"Go easy on her dude, ok? Take your time, I won't be back until later." With that, Scott closed the door and locked it again.

"Scotter," I laughed, "Where did that come from?"

He blushed. "We were all watching Harry Potter one night, and they kept say, Harry looks like Scott. So they started teasing me by calling me Scotter."

I looked at him and thought that he did look a lot like Harry Potter- at least the one in the movie.

"So, did you find the condom he told you about?" I asked, as he dug around the drawer.

"Yeah, here it is. And some lotion, too. Do you know how to put this on? It looks flat."

I sat up as he stepped toward me with the open condom package in hand. I took it from him, and put it on the tip of his cock, then unrolled it.

"Give me some lotion and I'll rub it on," I said. "You have to go slow....I haven't done this much, and it still hurts some at the start. You're not very large, but it will still sting for me at first. Give me a couple of minutes to stretch and get used to it, ok?"

He blushed again and said, "You just tell me what to do. I'm the first timer here." I turned around and laid sideways across the bed and spread my legs some. He reached down and squeezed my butt, then spread it open some. I knew that he was checking it out, not sure where to start. I waited, not wanting to embarass him. I felt him stick a finger in my crack, and then I felt lotion on his hand as he rubbed around my hole. He finally connected with the opening, and I felt a finger prod it very carefully.

"Go ahead and stick your finger in, it's ok," I coaxed him.

"Will it hurt?" he asked.

"It might just a little bit, but that's ok. Use lotion, and just do it slowly. Push it in as far as it will go," I instructed.

He pushed harder, and then I felt it pop inside. There was a stinging sensation as he pushed in deeper and wiggled it around.

"Wow, that feels weird," he said. "Kind of cool, but mostly weird. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's good. Just work it around until it loosens up. Then you can put your cock in there instead."

He pulled his finger out halfway, then slowly worked it back in as far as he could reach, then repeated this several times, before pulling it out and adding more lotion, then starting again.

"Anytime, Scotter. I'm ready for you to put it in. Are you ready, dude? This is the real thing- you're about to do some serious breeding....."

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 15

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