Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Dec 10, 2009


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Part 13

Zach stretched out his toes as he pulled on his socks and shoes and put his shorts back on. He thumped me on the head as I gave him a cell number I scribbled on a scrap piece of paper I found.

"Ooh, you still have goo in your hair," he teased. "You better get to the bathroom and clean yourself up, unless you're saving it for a snack later on."

As he headed out the door, I reached back and felt the sticky on my neck, and stood up to look for the bathroom.

"Hold up, ace," Mike said, "We need you over here. Kneel next to the bed....Over by me."

I knelt down at the bottom corner of the bed as he continued pumping very deeply. It was cool watching his cock come nearly out before plunging in again like a big piston, and his butt cheeks flexed in and out. His breathing became heavier, and he pulled out and turned in time to spray me with a load of very warm spooge. I was almost caught off guard, and some got into my eye, across my face and then dribbled on the bed. "Hope you like it," Mike said. "Don't forget to clean that off the bed, too." He rolled over and laid down on the bed, as I tried to wipe up the sticky stuff from the sheet.

I really needed to get to that bathroom now. I needed to clean up, and also to relieve my bladder. Collin came in as I was walking out the door and gave me a look of- disgust? intrigue? I headed down the hall just as Scott was walking up the stairs.

"It looks like you've been busy!" He said, his speech slurred from what must have been too much beer. "Having a good time, yet?"

"Yeah, a really good time!" I said, pushing open the bathroom door. I was in such a hurry, I didn't even close it while I unleashed about a gallon of piss into the commode. I heard the door squeak, and glanced in the mirror above the sink to see Scott watching from the hallway. I hadn't paid a lot of attention to him before, but he was cute- and looked younger than what he probably was, if he was in college. He had pale skin and dark hair and a glasses. I figured that he was smooth all over, and he had a few freckles on his face. I wandered if he had started shaving, yet. His features were almost delicate, and his eyes appeared to be blue, although the light was dim. When I got to the last few dribbles, I tugged on my cock and turned so he could get a good look at it. Through the mirror our eyes met and he froze.

"Where's your room?" I asked.

"Uh, upstairs..." he answered with some hesitation.

"Then let's get up there," I demanded. "You show me the way."

"I dunno...what if someone found us?"

"Do you have a lock on the door? Who's going to even care?" I asked. "This is your night to try something new, Scott my man. Let's do it!"

He blushed, but was just drunk enough that he had lost his inhibition. It was obvious that he had wanted to do this for a long time, but couldn't get up the nerve- or maybe never had the opportunity. He led me back to the stairs, and up another flight and to the end of the hall.

"The other guys are all downstairs. I don't think anyone will come up, but will leave the door locked. If they knock, we can stall for a few minutes." He explained.

"Scott, don't one is coming up here. There all busy. C'mon, show me which bed is yours." I took his hand and patted his butt gently and he jumped, as he led me to a bunk bed in the corner with a desk on the end. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed the bulge in his pants.

"Let's do it...." I whispered in his ear, and gave him a nip on the neck.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 14

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