Mutual Benefits

By Reid

Published on Aug 13, 2007


Standard disclaimers apply

(sorry for the long delay of postings in this series)

Mutual-benefits Part 10

I had went completely asleep when I heard the door bell downstairs ringing. I knew that Ivy was at work, and she wouldn't ring the bell, anyway. I slipped out from under Mike's arm, and pulled on my scivvies- at least the bottoms, and ran down the stairs.

When I cracked open the door, I saw Colby standing on the doorstep, skateboard under his arm, in a baggy t-shirt. He looked up and smiled when he saw me standing their in my undies.

"Hey dude, did I wake you up?" he said, sheephishly. "You gotta something in your hair."

"No," I answered, "but I got company right now if you want to come back later."

"Hey," a voice yelled from the stairs,"tell your lil bud ta c'mon inside."

I hesitated, about to shut the door, when Colby pushed past me and said, "Do you mind if I go to the bathroom?"

He almost collided with Mike as he bounded up the stairs.

"Whoa, dude, what's yer hurry?" Mike laughed. "Are you Trevor's buddy?"

Colby smiled, blushing. "Yeah, I was just headed to the bathroom." He and I both noticed that Mike wasn't wearing anything but a bath towel around his waste. "Did I interupt something?"

"Nah, we were taking a little nap," Mike answered, looking hungrily at the boy, then at me. "Go ahead to the john, don't let me stop you." As Colby squeezed by, Mike nodded at me to come back up to the bedroom.

When we got in, he sat down on the chair by my computer desk and asked, "Do you mess around with this kid? C'mon, he's skinny, but he's kind of cute."

"I did, once," I answered truthfully, not knowing where this new development was headed.

"Well, I think I would like to see a little show," Mike answered. "Do you think he would do it? I mean, in front of me?"

"Yeah," Colby said, appearing at the door. "I'm game. Tell me what I'm supposed to do."

"Take your clothes off," Mike said, as I glanced nervously to Colby standing at the door. "And lay down of the, I got a better idea. Trevor, you take his clothes off."

Colby looked at me with a sweet smile, then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'll give you instructions, guys. Trevor, pull his shirt off. Oh, and take those stupid undershorts off yourself."

I quickly obeyed, as Colby raised his arms.

"Now, pull off his pants," he commanded.

Colby leaned back with his legs in the air so I could pull his loose pants off his skinny legs.

"Ok, now take off his shoes and socks," Mike demanded with a smile. By now he was rubbing his crotch underneath the towel.

I pulled off his skater shoes, then peeled off his ankle socks, which were a little damp with sweat.

"His feet look a little dirty, Trevor. Why don't you clean them up.....with your tongue, I mean. Like you did mine, last night."

Colby's long thin feet and toes felt cool and damp, but I obeyed Mike and took each toe in my mouth, and licked between the toes. The skin had an odd texture, not smooth, but not too rough, either. The taste and smell weren't bad- just different.

"Ok, let's see if there is anything under those boxers. Pull them off, too."

Colby raised his hips up, to let the shorts slide off, revealing his now nude body. His cock was not too big, but it was rock hard.

"Turn him over Trevor, and run your tongue up his crack. It looks a little sweaty, but I don't think it'll taste that bad."

I flipped him over with little roblem, and began licking up and down his crack line, and then deeper to his puckered little hole. He was really starting to moan.

"That's good, kid, I like to hear you moan and groan. Why don't you tell Trevor if you like it....if you want more," Mike said, now pumping his own rock hard rod.

"That feels good, Trev," Colby whispered, "I like it when you push your tongue in."

I pushed my tongue harder, until it penetrated his hole. I heard- or felt- him groan.

"Flip him over and munch down on his meat, Trevor," Mike said hoarsely. "It's time to suck some dick."

Colby really enjoyed being the focus of all the attention. He was used to being ignored, most of the time, and now he was almost a celebrity. I looked at his cock, and then swalowed it in one mouthful. He jerked under me, and then pushed his hips upward until I had swallowed it all the way.

"Fuck him in the mouth, Colby," Mike ordered. "Pump it up into his face. Make him swallow it down his throat."

Colby was now bouncing up and down of the bed, holding my head with his hands, and making grunts and groans. A couple of times I choked and gagged when his cock head hit the back of my throat.

Mike goaded him on. "Fuck his mouth, Colby. He loves to eat cum. Trevor loves gooey, slimy cum. He wants to drain your nuts, he's trying to suck it all out of you. Let's give him the biggest load you can shoot. Trevor, get ready to eat your breakfast, buddy.'

The dirty talk was making us all hornier than I could ever remember being. As small as his cock was, I could easily swallow the whole thing. I could taste- and feel- the precum and knew that the main wad was about to follow. I sucked harder and harder- probably hard enough that his cock was going to be sore later on.

He grabbed my head, and started grunting load, as he pushed harder into my mouth. All the sudden, I felt Mike's hands of the back of my head, too. He put his face close to my ear, and whispered, "Eat it Trevor, eat it all. Let him shoot in your mouth."

My eyes were watering from the intensity of it all. Suddenly, I felt a sticky, slimy load shoot into my mouth. It almost tasted sweet, with a little saltiness to it. I stopped breathing long enough to catch the whole load. I didn't want to lose a drop. Soon, my mouth was full of spooge.

Mike pulled my head off the now softening cock, and roughly turned it to face him, then pulled it to his face in a kiss. I felt his tongue probing my mouth, sucking on my tongue. I realized that he was trying to suck Colby's wad from my mouth. Our faces became wet, between us, as he licked around my teeth and lips. When I finally took a breath, he whispered in my ear, "ready for some more?"

No sooner had he said it, he then pushed my head into his groin where his cock began pulsating and shooting a huge load directly into my face. In seconds it covered my forehead, cheeks mouth, nose and chin. I could smell it, and feel the heat.

"Last scene in our show, boys," Mike gasped. "Lean down, Trevor, and let the kid lick the spooge off of your face."

I must have looked like a mess when I layed down beside Colby, and he began to clean my face with his tongue.

I was surprised at how cool his tongue felt on my skin.

Next: Chapter 11

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