
By Meredith F

Published on Mar 28, 2023


The pulsating plastic in my ass didn't have any sympathy. Of course it didn't, it was an inanimate object but it sure felt real. The shaft of the toy was lined with veins that gave it the texture and roughness of an actual dick but it was powered to last lifetime. It continued throughout the night. The soft pulsating of the veins proved to be my greatest weakness in the cold basement where I was bound. It kept my dick rock hard the entire time, though I was unable to cum because of the device still binding my balls and cock. The tension of not being able to cum and the sensations sent through my body by the dildo was unbearable. I wanted to be released from my bondage and set free into the real world again, but any hope of that happening didn't exist. The agony was extreme but somehow he fell asleep after several hours of painful thought and arousal.

I awoke to the opening of the door and listened as the footsteps came closer and surrounded me again. I turned my head to look at them but was quickly swatted by a firm hand on the ass. It stung me, making me yelp into the gag. Another hand reached out and held my head straight as someone came to stand behind me.

"Be still Mutt," said a voice, "Everything will be fine if you obey." I did not recognize the voice but there was something about the deep tone that made me do what I was told. When he let go I stayed in my position not daring to move again. I felt my legs being taken out of the restraints and lifted to the same height as my torso. The next thing I know a smooth material is being pushed over legs and torso fitting snugly around ever pat of my body but my groin. At the groin was tube for my cock to slide into. The men in the room took the cum control device off of my cock and balls. I thought I would come there but my cock was shoved into the tube that held his cock tightly in the suit, not in an erect state. The minute my ass was empty I began to soften without cumming because I wouldn't want to disobey the deep voiced man.

The suit was pulled over my torso and chest. My arms were covered after they had been released from behind my back finishing the concealment of my body in smooth material which I realized, when it was pulled over my arms, was leather. It was cool, tight and somehow comforting to my body which had been naked for quite some time now. It gave me a feeling of security, one that satisfied the scared feeling I had acquired during my initiation and now lost through the confirmation of my captivity. The gag was taken off but I didn't scream I merely breathed in the air around me and waited for what came next. A head piece was placed on my head. The head piece seemed to fit snugly on my face, conforming my face to the same leather material as the suit but when I looked at my nose it was elongated slightly into what seemed like a dog's muzzle shaped nose. This piece bound my eye sight to straight ahead of me making it frustrating for me because I liked my peripheral vision.

Next my hands and feet were slipped into boot-like covers which shaped my hands into paw-like form and just covered my feet. The covers on my feet had straps which were quickly bound around and above my knees making it impossible for me to walk normally. I would have to crawl on my hands and knees. The suit seemed to have been designed for crawling because it had knee pads already built in to protect from the floor. A tail that was inserted into a hole in the suit placed exactly over his ass hole. The tail was a contraption that was similar to the one from the last night but it did not pulse. It seemed merely for inserting and holding something in, it did its job and presented a black tail to match the deep black leather suit. The last piece was a leather collar with a bronze plate that was engraved with "Mutt" in large letters. It was now complete, I was officially Mutt.

I was pulled to his hands and knees and a leash was attached to my collar and a man that lead me around the room giving me a chance to get the feel of walking. It wasn't hard but it was different from the normal and I still had the urge to get u onto my two feet. I suddenly tried to speak but nothing came out. The collar seemed to cut of any vocalization that I might want to do, so now I could only grunt and make dog like sounds. I was then lead up stairs to the main hall and my eyes hurt from the bright light that hit me as we walked in the inside of the house and he lead me into a circular room.

The room was filled with all of the brothers that lived in the house and all of them seem to have been gathered for a meeting. We entered the and all eyes turned upon me. There were people who I had had a few classes with and it scared me to know that these people would catch me in a position where I couldn't help myself in the least. This frightened me so much that I considered turning around and crawling as fast as I could out of there, but the a firm tug of my lease by the man holding my lease turned my mind back to the room of men. When we reached the center of the room I was told to sit and I did out of fear. The doors were closed behind us and I gulped thinking of what would come. My new tail prevented me from sitting normal so I had to sit on my haunches and when I settled down the leather suit, which was filled with sweat, squeaked with my movement reminding me of my situation.

Seth was sitting on the sofa across from me and his three friends from the night before were scattered about with the rest. They hadn't yet left my mind and to my surprise my dick who came to attention immediately, seemed to remember them. When my dick got hard it didn't tent the front of the suit, it poked its head out of a hole in the front of the suit. It reminded me of an actual dog's sheath. So I was a dog in ever way now, except that I had a mind and it was racing with thought. Laughter arose in the room as my excitement was noticed by one brother and then another. The room was filled with the laughter until the doors opened and silence fell and I saw a man enter. He was a tall, black man with deep brown eyes that pierced me the moment he gazed at me. His hair was in cornrows and pulled into a pony tail in addition to the braids. He strode to the front of the room with a grace and a sense of power that held everyone quiet. He looked around and spoke.

"Welcome brothers to this special day," he said in the exact same deep and controlling voice that had been in the basement, "today we have a new addition to the house. He is not a brother but our new toy. You may use him as you see fit but he is not to be released from his suit. His body belongs to Phi kappa beta and is yours to use while you are a member. You do not have to use him but be aware that he is available." He continued with a few instructions on my care. "Each brother will, however, take turns feeding and watering him. Also after each use of him clean up after you and him. He will not be harmed or released and if there is any resistance on his part than bring him to me and I will take care of him."

At this I gulped thinking about what would happen if I resisted. The brothers all nodded in agreement and said yes Brother Sean.

"A chart will be posed in the kitchen about feeding shifts. Now all of you will witness the finale of this project." He said and with that he approached me in the center of the room. He towered over me because at my eye level I had to look up. He unzipped his pants and slid them down to his ankles. I gazed into what was before me, a monster of a dick. It was 12 inches long and at least six inches around. It was erect and directly at my eye level. If he came any closer than he might poke me in the eye.

He did move closer to my face but he aimed at my mouth. He looked at me and ordered me to suck his dick. I opened my mouth without hesitation and took the first four inches into my and licked, sucked and serviced Sean. He then began to work my head by grabbing the back of it, grinding and thrusting very slowly with his hips. He moved in and out my tongue following him in rhythm and as he picked up speed. He began to work me(as I said)faster and faster his dick hitting my throat and nearly choking me but each thrust sent the hot black cock further down my throat. I gagged and he hit me on my ass which made me jump, the rest of the room laughed they were enjoying this. Then he picked up speed even more, bucking his hips and then holding me impaled upon his monster as he shot his hot spunk down my throat. The liquid ran down my throat filling me and tantalizing my tongue as the salty spunk reached my tongue as it started to run out of the corners of my mouth. He finally stopped shooting his load when I came all over the carpet. It was like one giant explosion all of the pent up arousal of the night before spilled on the floor covering several inches of the floor. Sean pulled out and patted me on the head with a smile on his head. He then reached for a towel and cleaned the floor and his front. He pulled his pants back on and went to the doors. He paused before he left the room.

"By the way his name is Mutt." he said and then laughed as he saw me collapse on the floor from exhaustion and then he exited. I was falling for this kind of life because I became hard at the thought of another encounter with Sean. I couldn't remember anything else after that I had passed out.

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