
By P G

Published on Mar 7, 2007


disclaimer* I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in an alternate X-Men universe from the one in which the 3rd movie took place. Certain events occurred after X2 which changed the timeline. Jean, Scott and Professor X are all still alive, and there was no cure. The specifics of the timeline changes may be made apparent as the story progresses.

Chapter 6 -- "Escalation"

The weeks following my discovery of my potential, I did my best to get to know my new friends, and grappled with my inner turmoil. Despite the reassurances of Echo, I still was afraid that I had the potential to be a threat to the world. I considered never looking deeper into my abilities in order to keep myself from the temptation of great power. But, as was pointed out to me by my friends, who now knew about my Class 5 level, my powers were probably more dangerous if I could not control them. So, I helped Barrier and Psionic to prepare for their aptitude tests. If they did well on these tests, they would be put on the short list of mutants who had proven themselves capable in a battle situation. The X-Men would train them further in a number of areas, including combat, diplomacy, and maximizing their powers. They would be considered for missions, and would be called upon if the need was great.

The weekend after the poker night, the six of us gathered in the woods around the mansion, to a clearing by a river that we had chosen as our training spot. Echo and Barrier stood off to one side, and Echo did his best to break through Barrier's force shields. Psionic started practicing by levitating himself about a foot above the ground. We were trying to push his control higher, and so we had him lift several small stones and tree logs. At my suggestion, he rotated various objects in opposing directions, forcing him to split his attention. Psionic's eyes glowed an emerald color as he focused his power, and his brow had a light sheen of sweat on it after a few minutes of the intense concentration.

"Why will this help him in battle?" asked Demon. "He probably won't need to lift a dozen stones and logs and rotate them slowly in a fight."

"Probably not" I responded, "but this is designed to help him gain greater focus on his abilities, making him more versatile. Doing more small things with your powers helps you learn greater control, so that he can be accustomed to splitting his focus. That way he can do more than one thing at a time in a pinch."

He considered this for a moment before responding "my power is a lot easier. I pretty much just lift or hit things really hard."

"Don't forget that you can take quite a hit." Demon grinned in response.

"Sounds like this level 4 thing is more complicated than it seems."

"It is, and I don't even know where to begin with my own powers. As far as I know I am the only Class 5 water elemental to ever exist, I have no idea how to learn to control my powers."

"Why not start in the same place?" I looked at him questioningly. "Start with the little things, see how much you can control water on the molecular level. Try to find useful things you can do with it. You can work on the big powerful things later." It was a good idea, I had to admit.

I decided to do the same exercise as Psionic. I reached out with my powers to gather water from the dirt under my feet, and lifted it up, coalescing it into several baseball-sized orbs. I flexed the water into different geometric shapes, some pyramids, cones, and cubes, among others. I found after only a minute or two that this was not stretching my control at all. I pulled more and more water out of the ground and lifted it up. I reached within myself and lifted my own water up, causing me to levitate as well. Soon I looked like a model of a molecule, with myself as the nucleus and dozens of spheres of water spinning around me like electrons. I gathered more and more water, splitting my concentration further and further, until I had hundreds of shapes of water whirling around my body at a faster and faster pace. I hung about twenty feet in the air, spinning the small objects around me at blinding speed. I grinned widely as I felt my power flowing through me. It truly felt limitless, and for the first time, I realized what it meant to be a Class 5 mutant. I looked down at my friends, who were all looking up at me with mouths hanging open. I pulled the shapes of water towards me, forming a large globe around myself. I found it a simple task to breathe inside the water-globe, by reaching into water molecules and pulling out the dissolved oxygen within. I looked down at the others with my glowing blue eyes from within my sphere like some ancient deity, and decided to play with my powers further. I took hold of the ball of water around myself and started to spin it. The orb spun slowly at first, but then faster and faster, whirling around as it formed a whirlpool within itself. Mist began to gather around my spinning orb as more water was drawn to together. The mist grew denser, and began to spin along with the orb. The spinning mist flowed up and down, extending towards the sky and the ground below. Swirling clouds began to form above me, spinning with the mist. The clouds grew darker and thicker as the mist rose towards them. The power within me surged as the mist and the clouds connected, setting in motion a cascade of spinning energy. From the clouds descended a roiling tornado of water vapor, spinning with unprecedented speed. The massive twister struck ground with devastating force, all of the energy of the winds combined to a tiny focal point. The winds tore into the ground, digging a hole into the earth. My friends scattered away from the tornado in fear, though I would never have allowed them to be harmed. I could feel the incredible power of my tornado and its watery core, and fell into it. I focused further down, into the water molecules, feeling the twin hydrogen atoms attached to the larger oxygen molecules, and clouds of charged electrons spinning around and between them all. I held a few of the molecules in my mind and focused on them, which maintaining the tornado around myself. I found that I could manipulate the atoms individually, but that once they completely separated from each other, and were no longer a water molecule, I could not control them. In the normal scheme of things, a molecule breaking apart was nothing, but connected as I was with these molecules, it was like a gunshot in my mind as the oxygen and hydrogen flew away from each other.

I learned quickly. I took the hydrogen atoms and drew them slowly apart from the oxygen, stretching apart the electron cloud. As I moved two of the stretched molecules closer, a tiny charge of electricity flowed between them in the form of an electron exchange. I delighted in this new development, and did it again and again. Soon arcs of lightning were crossing from one side of my tornado to the other. The crackles of filled the twister with an inner storm, lighting it from within. That's when it went wrong.

The lightning built up, arcing across faster and faster and in greater numbers, until they began to strike outward, leaving the circumference of the tornado. I struggled to control the bolts, but found that once the electrons were free of their water molecules and outside my water-vapor-tornado, I could not control them. Lightning blasted trees and rocks, raining shrapnel around the clearing. I struggled to reduce the electrical strain on the water molecules, cutting off the electricity at the source. But the existing charges continued to course through the watery conductor of the tornado. I instantly commanded every water molecule to freeze in place. The vapor tornado froze, trapping the lightning bolts within. But it was too late, for just before I did this, a bolt leaped from the tornado on a straight course towards my clustered friends. I reached out to help the, but was unable to stop the bolt. Just in time, Barrier summoned forth a large dome-shaped shield around the group of them. The lightning struck the shield, driving the others back, and forcing Barrier to his limits. The shield was quickly losing strength, but managed to hold long enough for the barrage to end. I broke apart my ice tornado, and allowed the pieces to re-evaporate into nothing.

I lowered myself to the ground and ran over to my friends. I had tears in my eyes as I apologized profusely for nearly killing all of them.

"Dude, it's ok," Demon interrupted.

"No it isn't, you could have all died."

"Yea," responded Will, "but it isn't your fault that it happened. You were practicing with your powers and they got out of hand, its ok. We have all had our powers get out of control. Besides, if this hadn't happened, I wouldn't know that Barrier can stop a lightning bolt." Will grinned, and his beautiful seafoam-green eyes willing me to calm down.

The guys each reassured me that they didn't hate me for it, and I believed them. Still, I was not too keen on experimenting further with my abilities at the time, so I decided that I would just sit and watch the others work. We had just set up a couple new exercises when we were interrupted.

The Professor's voice boomed inside all of our heads. We all stood suddenly, sensing the urgency in the message. <This is not a joke or a drill, all students must return to the mansion with all possible haste.>

I was about to turn to run back towards the mansion when Psionic stopped me.

"I can teleport us all there a lot faster" he offered.

"You can do that with all six of us?"

"Sure, as long as you all stay still." We got in a tight group, wrapping arms around each other, and Psionic closed his eyes. I felt my stomach lurch, as though I had ridden on a Free-For-All, and with a POP, we were standing in a cluster on the roof of the mansion. I looked around, and then giggled to myself when I realized that it was the same rooftop area that I had had my tryst with Angel a couple weeks prior. The mere memory of his amazing body made my horny. I thought about Colossus, with whom I had hooked up with a few other times since that first time. Each time we got together we had hot, dominant sex, and then he would hold me close and cuddle until we both fell asleep.

I shook my head to break myself out of the reverie, remembering that there was a crisis going on. The others headed towards the stairs, but I happened to glance over the edge of the mansion and noticed something by the front doors to the mansion.

"Hey guys, come here." The others came over to the edge. Down on the ground, there was a gathering of several mutants standing before the doors, looking outwards as though waiting for something. Because we were several stories up, and the doors were about halfway down the mansion from where we were, we could not see what was happening very well.

That's when an idea occurred to me. I drew water molecules together, and formed a thing membrane over my blue eyes, like contact lenses. I played with the shape of the membrane until I could use it like a magnifying glass, giving me hawk-like vision. I could instantly see clearer, as my vision was zoomed in on the scene below.

"Someone is coming" announced Echo. "Helicopters, two of them, about 5 minutes out."

Arrayed across the front steps were the X-Men. They were easy to identify because most of them were wearing their black leather uniforms with an X on the front, which was highlighted in different colors. I saw Iceman on the top step; his X was trimmed in ice blue matching his eyes. He looked strange in his leather uniform, out of place. This uniformed soldier was a totally different part of Bobby than the sweet warm man that I had seen before. Beside Bobby stood Rogue, a southern beauty made distinctive by the white streak through her hair from some previous incident. Rogue's suit was bordered in white, and covered all of her skin below her neck, though the gloves could be quickly removed for power-stealing convenience. I had not spoken to Marie yet, but she was talked about around the school. Her ability to steal the powers of other mutants made her the subject of plenty of fear and envy. To the side of Bobby and Rogue stood Colossus, who was donned in an all black sleeveless uniform which showed off his massive arms, and a girl I did not know. Ghost explained that she was Kitty Pryde, a.k.a. Shadowcat. Kitty could phase her matter out of synch with reality and walk through walls. She looked very out of place with her young face, small stature, and pink-lined uniform. Below the young group stood a skinny dark blue-skinned man with a tail, whom I was told was named Kurt, and called Nightcrawler. His uniform was different from the others, with red on the shoulders and black everywhere else. Apparently he was not a regular member of the team, and so did not keep one of their uniforms. Nearby stood Wolverine, who looked positively hot in his leather suit. The gold-rimmed uniform clung to his masculine body, and outlined his basket in an impressive way. It still fascinated me how strange he felt to my water-sense, with his strange metal coated bones. His hair was dark and wild, and his eyes were fierce. He sniffed at the air, clearly ready for a fight. On Wolverine's other side was a very large man who was covered in bright blue fur and wearing an expensive suit. I was confused at first until I recognized him as the new Secretary of Mutant affairs, Hank McCoy. What he was doing there, I had no idea. On the pavement up front was the Professor, dressed in his usual suit. Flanking him on either side was Storm, with her silver-bordered with matching cape, and Cyclops. Scott looked very sexy in his black leather, the crimson borders perfectly matching the visor which covered his eyes. Cyclops' jaw was set firm, and he put forth an air of leadership and authority. Barrier explained that Scott used this visor instead of his glasses for mission situations, as they gave him greater access to his mountain-smashing optic blasts. Behind the Professor stood Jean, who was dressed in a copper-lines X-Men suit, and had her long red hair flowing down her shoulders. She held herself with pride, though she looked very tired. I had noticed over the past couple of weeks that she had been seeming more and more tired and worn down. It made me concerned, but I knew that it was not my place to approach her about it, and that she had friends to talk to. I just felt an affinity for her since she and I were the only two class 5 mutants in the world.

Soon enough I could hear the sound of helicopters flying towards the mansion. Before long, they were visible above the trees. The twin black helicopters looked stealthy and armed. They settled slowly to the ground, where they stayed idling as the passengers disembarked. A group of people assembled in front of the Professor and the X-Men. For a moment, the two groups merely regarded each other, like the opposing armies of a chess board.

Psionic offered to create a mental meld of the 6 of us, so that we could all see using my new magnified vision and hear using Echo's powers. At first I was skeptical of merging our minds, but Psionic assured me that the link would be a weak one, which would allow us to see and hear what the others could, as well as speak directly mind-to-mind. As he initiated the meld, my mind was suddenly assaulted with new sounds. I could hear everything! I could hear the other students inside the mansion talking, I could hear birds chirping a mile away, I could hear a squirrel running on the other side of the lake! It was unfathomable how much Echo could hear without even trying. He must know everything about everyone, I thought to myself. For a moment it was all too much, but when Echo focused his attention to what was going on in front of the mansion, and all of the other sounds fell by the wayside.

"Welcome back to the X-Mansion Erik", the Professor greeted the leader of the arrivals. The leader was Erik Lensherr, the infamous Magneto, and was dressed in a strange gray suit with a crimson-lines gray cape. He also wore a strange reddish-purple helmet, which supposedly blocked telepathic powers. Magneto was among the most powerful mutants in the entire world, and was the foremost advocate of mutant superiority. He led a group called The Brotherhood of Mutants, which committed various acts in the name of mutant kind. Some called them revolutionaries, most just branded them as terrorists. Magneto had brought with him several of his top mutants, presumably enough to match the X-Men. Always at his side was the intriguing Mystique, a naked woman with dark blue skin, abnormally red hair, and frighteningly yellow eyes. Mystique was a shapeshifter and an extremely accomplished fighter. On Magneto's other side was an attractive young man with spiky brown hair, black clothes, and a cocky expression on his face. He was John, better known as Pyro, and he was one of the strongest known fire elemental mutants. He had started in Mutant High, but had joined the Brotherhood after the Alkali Lake incident. There was also Callisto, a Hispanic girl with a large piercing in her chin dressed in all black leather. Her powers were super speed and the ability to sense other mutants and their powers. Because of Callisto, Magneto had managed to find many more mutants to join his cause. He found them when they were young, when they had nothing to lose. Much like the Professor used Cerebro to find mutant kids in need of help, Magneto used Callisto to find mutant teens with powerful abilities and a vendetta against the world. Among these new recruits were the 5 other mutants accompanying Magneto. The first was a fiery amazon-looking woman with big coppery hair. She was called Animal, though we knew little about her powers. She appeared feral and dangerous, as though she wanted any excuse to tear out someone's throat. With her was a tall hansome black man with a bald head dressed in a skintight black uniform. He was called Fuse, for his ability to merge with technology and inanimate objects and use them as parts of his body. Beside Fuse was a stocky, shirtless teenager called Eco. Eco had a very muscular body, what looked like ropes sprouting from various places on his huge arms and wrapped around his arms, ready for use. It was Demon who deduced that the ropes were actually vines, which went along with the jungle green color of his hair and eyes. Lastly there was a beautiful looking guy dressed in an elaborate white and silver outfit. His chest and shoulders appeared to have silver armor covering them, and his pants and shirt were white. His belt was metallic silver and he wore a long white cape lined with silver. His hair was thick, short, and white, his skin was bronzed, and his eyes were bright and gold colored. His name was Holy, and he was rumored to be able to generate and control light itself.

"Quite the welcome you have for me Charles." Magneto spoke in a calm and almost amused tone of voice. "And to think I just wanted to have a chat between old friends."

"Friends don't arrive unannounced with armed helicopters" the Professor pointed out. Magneto chuckled.

"I have to take certain precautions. You know why I am here Charles."

"Humor me Erik, and explain."

Magneto smiled, clearly looking forward to a speech. "The United States government has revived and passed the Mutant Registration Act. Starting very soon, agents from the Department of Homeland Security will be arriving here to force you and your children to identify themselves and their powers. Centers will be set up in every major city and mutants commanded to present themselves. Their names will be placed in a government file, and they will never be treated fairly again. Everyone on that list will be watched by the FBI, especially those with particularly useful or `dangerous' powers. Anyone who is discovered to be a mutant who was not registered will be punished by jail time. Your life will not change my friend, as you are openly a mutant already, but the children in your care will never be given the opportunity to remain hidden until they are ready. They will be watched, persecuted, and hated. I have no doubt that in time, more laws will be passed to restrict their rights further. Now, I ask you, as a friend and a fellow mutant, to join me and mine in defying this act of oppression. Together, none can stand in our way."

The Professor looked down at his lap for a moment, and then looked back up to Magneto. His blue eyes looked tired and disappointed.

"Erik, we have already begun plans to protest the Registration Act. But we will do it peacefully, and legally. We will not stand idly back and watch mutantkind lose their rights as people. But we will not lose our souls by engaging in a misguided quest for retribution."

"Very well. I had hoped you might understand, but I am not surprised. You have never been able to do what is necessary." Magneto was clearly angry with the Professor, and you could tell that it put everyone on edge.

"Jean," Magneto began, "I could use your help the most. Come with me, and we will make sure than no mutant is ever persecuted again." He extended his hand to her in offering. A chill ran down my spine at the idea of Jean Gray, a Class 5 telekinetic, in a war against the United States military. I watched her as she took just a moment too long to respond, her face doing little to mask inner turmoil. In most people I would only assume that this meant she was not sure what to do, but in Jean's case I feared that she waged an inner war with her alter ego. Certainly the Phoenix would want to fight, to use her powers to their fullest.

"No, I don't think so Magneto. There is a right way and a wrong way to protest and yours is the wrong way." Jean's voice was flat and quiet, but unmistakably certain.

Magneto turned with a swirl of his cape without another word. He strode back to the helicopters along with his henchmen, and departed. It was a tense moment when the copters hovered in the air before the mansion, as they possessed enough firepower to level the mansion and everyone in it. Just in case, I got myself ready, wondering how quickly I could summon my twister again. I felt the others getting ready through our link, though it was not needed. The copters turned and flew off into the distance.

The group of us broke our link and immediately began to process what we had just witnessed.

"The Registration Act was passed? Fuck." I blinked in surprise at Ghost's language. He was normally fairly quiet and reserved.

"This must have just happened or we would have heard about it before now" observed Echo.

"I'm betting the Secretary of Mutant Affairs was here delivering the news personally" I offered.

"This could be seriously bad." Demon seemed very concerned. "There will be violence over this, and not just from Magneto and The Brotherhood. Civilians will fight back, it could cause anarchy."

"The government may impose martial law during the initial registration period" Barrier hypothesized.

<Alexander, please report to my office as soon as you can.> It was the Professor. I excused myself from the conversation and proceeded down the stairs toward the Professor's office. Before leaving, I told Echo to eavesdrop on the conversation so that everyone would know what was happening. Besides, I would just tell them all later on anyways.

As the helicopters flew away from the mansion, Pyro stared absent mindedly out the window. He was irritated with the entire experience that they had just had. Not only had they had to fly all this way to offer an alliance they knew they would never get, but he also had to suffer through seeing Iceman, who he hated more than anyone. The two had always been polar opposites in school, until John had left to join Magneto. John was fire, and Bobby was ice. Pyro was impulsive and angry, where Bobby was rational and calm. Pyro had a dark, dangerous side that loved to use his powers; Iceman had a kind soul and hated to do anything to harm another person. And as if to torture him further, John had been powerfully attracted to Bobby, whom he hated, for years. Whenever he saw him, Pyro could not decide whether or not to burn Bobby to a cinder, or fuck his brains out. It had been quite some time since he had left the X Mansion, and he had hoped that time would have removed his curse. But alas, the moment he saw Bobby, the feelings returned.

Pyro had had plenty of other crushes and found many other men and women at Mutant High attractive, but Bobby was the only one who got so far inside his head. Now that he was in the Brotherhood, he had tried to fuck anything that moved to get Bobby out of his head, but the efforts had failed. Sometimes he wasn't sure why he had joined the Brotherhood, since he hated most of its members. Even Magneto, who had won John's support by praising his powers, calling him `a god among insects', barely treated him with respect. Magneto found him useful, and so he kept him around. But that worked two ways. John used Magneto to give him the reasons to use his powers, the ability to assert his superiority over others, especially the humans.

John was jarred out of his reverie by the voice of Callisto, who had waited until they were far enough away to avoid telepathic eavesdropping.

"I sensed something at the mansion I think you will find very interesting." She spoke to Magneto in a strange enticing voice, as if whatever she knew was going to be the best news they had heard in awhile. Magneto turned partway in his seat at the front of the helicopter, and Mystique engaged autopilot and turned as well.

"What is it my dear" asked Magneto, in that charming voice he used whenever he wanted something from someone. "What mutant could pique your interest so?"

Callisto grinned. "Well, even though it is very difficult to get a reading on much of anything with Jean Gray and her huge electromagnetic force around, I did find something." She paused, drawing out the suspense. "I felt a group of mutants on the roof of the building. There was a Class 2 with super strength and enhanced muscle density. There were two Class 3s, one with some strange spirit power, and the other with defensive barrier power. There was one Class 4 with powers over sound and one with a strange dominant power over anything he wanted." Magneto's interest piqued at the mention of that last mutant. "He wasn't the best part" she continued. "The sixth mutant was unlike any I had ever felt. His power was calm, and almost soothing to sense. His power was flexible, but densely held together, almost as if it had barely been used. But when I sensed further, I had a felling I have only felt once before. Limitless power."

Magneto's eyes lit up. "My dear, are you telling me...."

"Yes" she interrupted. "There was a Class 5 mutant on the roof of that school. He is young one, untrained and unspoiled, but massively powerful, with the ability to manipulate water on any level. He felt different from Jean at first, because she radiates her power, but he is definitely the same." Magneto looked like he had just been given the Christmas present he had always wanted.

"My god, I never would have thought that Charles would find another one." He looked to Mystique, who had transformed into the shape of the boy who stood on the roof. Despite the distance, she made a perfect replica of Hydrogue, right down to the calm and kind look and the brilliant cerulean eyes. John was utterly captivated in the beautiful eyes, and wanted more than anything to reach out and touch him.

"That's the one" Callisto confirmed. Magneto turned to look at the Hydrogue look-alike, and inspected him.

"This gets more and more interesting every day" he said, unable to keep the delight out of his smile.

I was fairly nervous when I arrived at the door to the Professor's office. Why did he want to see me? I was hoping that he was not angry that we had not gone inside the mansion when we were told. I was about to knock on the door when it suddenly opened. Wolverine stood in the doorway, sniffing the air. Apparently he had smelled me coming. I looked at the tall man, who had unzipped his X-Men uniform to the waist, revealing his heavily muscled chest just barely confined within a white wife-beater style muscle shirt. Dark hair curled out of the edges of the shirt. I was standing only inches from his huge chest and could smell the incredible scent that can only be described as MAN that was coming off of him. I immediately felt a tightening in my pants, and try to hurriedly think of anything besides Wolverine. He looked at me silently for a moment, and then stepped aside to let me into the office. Inside Storm and Cyclops stood alongside the Professor by the large desk. Scott had swapped his visor for the more stylish red sunglasses, which made him look much more attractive.

"Ah, welcome Alexander" The Professor greeted me. "I invited you here because of the events you just witnessed."

"Yea, I'm sorry about eavesdropping sir, but we got there at just the right time, and Echo heard the copters, and we were just curious." I was really hoping I was not in trouble. The Professor laughed.

"Don't worry Alexander, you are not in trouble. I am glad you witnessed what happened. You and your friends are all capable and trustworthy students, and you are all over 18. You are adults, and since several of you are being considered for the team, you should all be kept abreast of events. No, what I called you here for is to know what you think about what is happening. Please, sit down." I sat in a comfortable chair on one side of the room, not too far from the Professor.

Why did he want to know what I think? I'm just a student, my opinions don't matter. "Well, obviously this new act is bad for mutants everywhere. It's a huge step backwards in the fight against discrimination. We were talking afterwards, and we are all pretty convinced that there will be a lot of violence over this, and not just from the Brotherhood of Mutants." The Professor nodded.

"I am afraid you are right about that. People will not take lightly to being asked to surrender their anonymity. And since mutant powers are notoriously difficult to control during angry or stressful events, many unfortunate things could result. This will in turn create more negative public opinion about mutants, and cause further acts such as this to be passed. It is a slippery slope we have been placed upon."

"But what can we do? If we stand by our principles and refuse to be treated like an inferior and dangerous population, we can contribute to the escalation of violence and the worsening of mutant rights worldwide. At the same time, if we accept what they want us to do, we will have given up the fight for our rights."

"Gotta love our options" commented Wolverine, who was now leaning against a nearby wall. He was still sniffing the air absent mindedly. It was kind of freaking me out, but I would never say anything, since he kind of scared me.

"The key thing that I wanted to impress upon you is what could happen to you if you are registered as a Class 5 mutant." The Professor's tone was growing very serious. "You would be placed in a file which contains information on all of the world's greatest threats."

"But, I've never done anything to anybody" I protested.

"I know" the Professor assured me. "But that would not matter. You have the capability of great and incredible things, and that is what they would be afraid of. You would be watched very closely, as close as Magneto is watched. Your life would never be free."

"But I can't help it! I was just born like this, and I have never done anything to be treated like that." This situation was getting me agitated.

"Sorry kid, but the U.S. government isn't very likely to care. They see power that they can't have, and so they see it as a threat." Wolverine, though rough around the edges, had a solid grasp of the situation.

"We only wanted to make sure that you knew the gravity of the effect that this registration will have on you" said Scott, speaking up for the first time.

"That being said, I had one other issue to speak to you about" said the Professor, changing the subject. Before he began, he said to the others "you all have important tasks to do, so please, don't let me delay you." With that, Storm, Cyclops and Wolverine left the room. I gave the Professor a questioning look, and he continued, saying "I wanted to ask you about the tornado you summoned on school grounds."

Crap. I had been sitting here the whole time, thinking that he had not known, but I realized that that was absurd. Professor Xavier was the most powerful psychic in the world, and he had the strongest weather mutant in the world at his side. Of course he knew.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I was trying to exercise my powers, to learn more control over them. And I did, I could control more than I had thought I could. I just didn't think about how dangerous it was for others. And then the lightning...."

"The lightning you could not control" he concluded for me. I nodded an affirmative. The Professor sighed before continuing. "I obviously cannot discourage you from experimenting with your powers; such a thing could be even more dangerous in the long run. But you must be careful. Remember what you can control, remember the nature of your power." The Professor wheeled over to me, and laid his hand on top of mine. He spoke to me in a soft and kind voice, saying "I am not unsympathetic to your plight. I too had to grow up attempting to deal with incredible powers I could not begin to understand. It was a long, difficult, and oftentimes painful path to mastering my abilities, so that I no longer caused harm to myself or others. I had to do this alone, as there were few mutants at the time who admitted what they were. Because you are a Class 5 mutant, you run a much higher risk of killing yourself during experiments with your powers, as almost every Class 5 in history has done. You however, do not need to face this alone, nor should you have to. I am recommending, though not ordering, that you begin official training with your powers." Now I was intrigued.

"What did you have in mind Professor?"

"I want you to begin training with the members of the X-Men in all aspects. You will have your level of current ability assessed, and be trained further from there. You will be trained physically and mentally in addition to being trained in the depths of control."

I didn't know what to think. "You're going to train me as an X-Man?"

"Yes, though you will be under no obligation to join the team as a result, though you may if you wish. X-Man training is the most extensive training that a mutant can receive for their powers, and you need the control that such training can bestow, for the good of yourself, and the world around you."

"Thank you Professor, I would be honored. But if I may ask, can my friends be trained as well?" Xavier smiled sincerely, and nodded his approval. He gave me the time and place to be the next day for my first training session, and then excused me from his office.

I exited the Professor's office suite with a distinct pep in my step. I could hardly wait to talk to the boys about what had happened.

I spoke loudly in my head, hoping that he would hear me. I was right.

<I hear ya. Whats up?"

<Where are you guys? We need to talk.>

I headed towards the back door of the mansion, traveling through a rarely used corridor. It was eerily quiet as I walked down the long darkened hall, traveling the length of the mansion to reach the doorway to the outside.

I didn't hear the approach until a split second before he hit me. I was thrown into the wall, suddenly pinned by a much larger body. I struggled for a moment, but I was pressed against the wall with too much strength. I felt the solid, heavy mass of my attacker pressed against my back, trapping me. I stopped struggling for a moment as I heard something. He was sniffing me. His nose was pressed against my neck, inhaling deeply. His breath was hot against my back, and made my hair stand on end. It was Wolverine.

The big man held me against the wall with one arm as he continued to inhale deeply and feel around my body with the other hand. He felt down my arms, feeling my bicep and shoulder muscles. He ran down my back, tracing the lines of my muscles down to my ass, which he gripped firmly and squeezed. He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, forcing my back against the wall. Turned around now, I could see Wolverine entirely. He had removed his X-Men uniform, and was now wearing only his tight wife beater-style muscle shirt and a pair of tight and ripped jeans. His muscles were tightly flexed and bulged out in every place. There was a thin sheen of sweat on his skin, and his eyes had a fierce animal-like look to them. The eyes are small and dark and screamed danger. His nostrils flared wide as he breathed me in.

"Something about you" he said, breathing deep between words, "smells so..." his sentence trailed off into a wordless growl. Wolverine forced his nose under my chin, where he sniffed and licked at my neck. I was still frightened, but now I was getting lost in the erotic nature of what the older muscle man was doing to me. As he licked and sniffed my neck, his hands wandered all over my body, no longer holding me down. He gripped my wrists and pulled my arms up over my head and held them against the wall. Wolverine shoved his nose into my exposed armpits and breathed deeply, growling with delight. My heart was pounding with both fear and arousal as he explored my body in a frantic and animalistic manner. Wolverine pulled his face out of my armpit just long enough to grab my shirt and tear it from my body. My chest was now fully exposed, and Wolverine dove into my naked armpit. The sparse dark hairs of my armpit had a thin layer of sweat from an eventful day, and Wolverine sniffed and licked at the sweat like it was the nectar of the gods. After a moment, he freed his face from my pit and looked at me with a crazed look in his dark eyes. He grasped me by my left shoulder muscle and right deltoid and yanked me forward, pulling me against his mouth. His lips mashed into mine roughly, and he forced his tongue into my mouth. His tongue was large, hot, and very strong. It overwhelmed my own tongue and dominated my mouth, making me weak in the knees. I wrapped my arms around him and held on to the tightly corded muscles of his back. He pressed his body tightly against mine, and I felt his hugely muscled chest against my own naked skin. Down lower, I felt an enormous hardness pressing against my leg, as his erection snaked down his leg. Apparently Wolverine did not wear any underwear. He pushed back ward, driving me hard into the wall. I never thought I would love being so roughly pushed around and dominated, but I really did. I was incredibly turned on. I wanted him so badly, I wanted him to take me away and use me for his needs.

Then, with no warning, he just stopped. He released me from the wall, but didn't step back. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep, slow breath, and exhaled. I felt the blazing heat of his exhaled breath on my face, which only made me hotter for him. But it was not to be.

"I'm sorry kid, I have to go" he said. I was flabbergasted.

"What? But...."

"I have important things to do for the professor. I had to do this, I couldn't help it. You smell so...incredible. Don't worry kid, I'll see you soon." He turned around and walked away from me, leaving me shirtless, panting, and sweating against the wall of the hallway with a raging erection.

God damn it.

Ok guys, there it is, Chapter 6. I know it's a bit long on the details, sorry about that. It was necessary to push the plot forward. A lot of action will be coming up, as things will definitely be escalating.

Let me know what you thought! Getting feedback really motivates me to write, so please take the time. Also, if you hated or loved anything in particular, let me know, cuz the story is aimed to please you guys.

Matt --

Next: Chapter 7

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