
By P G

Published on Feb 2, 2007


Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in an alternate X-Men universe from the one in which the 3rd movie took place. Certain events occurred after X2 which changed the timeline. Jean, Scott and Professor X are all still alive, and there was no cure. The specifics of the timeline changes may be made apparent as the story progresses.

Chapter 5 -- "Awakening"

I could not even begin to process what the Professor had just said to me.

"Hydrogue, you are the only Class 5 mutant in the world besides Jean Gray."

My mouth hung open for a moment until I managed to stammer out the word "what?"

"Alex, your powers are unlimited" Echo answered. "You have universal control over all water, everywhere. Anything you can think of using water to do, you are capable of."

"That's completely untrue. I nearly killed myself trying to control a large amount of water today." I refused to believe what I had just been told. It could not be true, I wasn't like The Phoenix. I had felt the barely contained anger and evil inside of it, and I wanted to have nothing in common with that creature.

"That is not because your powers were incapable of doing what you wanted" the Professor explained. "You were limited by what your mind could process. You did too much too fast, and nearly lost yourself. You will find that if you try again, you will fair better. You are capable of anything you can imagine, but you must learn how to do them without killing yourself."

"Ok. But, wait, I thought you said there were other Class 5 mutants?" We had discussed the topic in class only the day before. "What about them?"

"No, I said that I had encountered others. I did not say they were still alive." The Professor took a breath before he continued. "Every Class 5 mutant that I have discovered through Cerebro or found historical accounts of has been destroyed by their own powers, except for you and Jean. It seems that there is a common problem with doing too much too soon among Class 5 mutants. They commonly seem to discover that they are very powerful at a young age, and experiment with their abilities. Also, many of them have had similar problems to Jean, and developed dual personalities."

"There have been other Phoenixes?" Echo asked, clearly fascinated by the whole conversation.

"No, I am happy to say that Jean is unique in that respect. No other Class 5 that I know of has had a fully split personality like Jean has. Inside Jean live two completely separate entities, Jean and the Phoenix. In most of the others, there was just a tendency for a more dark and primal version of themselves to come to the forward when they used their powers. The more their powers were used, the worse the situation grew. These were facets to their personalities, not different entities entirely."

"What about me?" I asked. I couldn't recall falling into a place of anger and darkness while using my powers, not even with the bigger and more powerful things. And I certainly hadn't realized the enormity of my powers at any point, and was having difficulty accepting it even now.

"That may be due to the nature of your powers" Echo offered. "Your personality suits it perfectly, you ARE water. You are tranquil and accommodating, calm and gentle, like a river. And when angered, you are cold and ruthless like a blizzard of ice, but you quickly melt back into water again." I was touched by the kind words from my new friend.

"Yes, I do believe that you are the most unique Class 5 mutant that I have seen or heard of" noted the Professor. "This may be another reason why the Phoenix has taken such an interest in you. I think I have given you enough to think about for now Hydrogue. We will talk again soon in the future, because we must discover what the Phoenix wants. Until then, please go and enjoy your Saturday night." Echo and I got up to leave, and proceeded to the door.

"And Hydrogue," I turned to look at the Professor again, "please do not treat Dr. Gray as suspect in any way. She is an innocent in all of this, and I doubt that she even knows what her alter ego is doing." Both Echo and I agreed to this, and we left the office.

Echo and I went to the cafeteria so that we could eat and so that I could deal with what I had just learned. We sat at a small table by the window and ate for a few minutes before Echo broke the silence.

"Are you alright?" I looked up from my mashed potatoes that I had been smearing aimlessly around my plate without eating. I looked at him, and I assumed that his eyes were full of concern, but all I could see was my own reflection in his dark metallic blue sunglasses.

"Can you at least take off your sunglasses if we're going to have a heart to heart?" I asked him nicely, my voice slightly amused, but mostly meek. He hesitated for a moment, glancing around nervously, and then complied. He took off his glasses and I looked into the dark pools of his completely black eyes. A lot of people were probably uncomfortable with the fact that his eyes were completely black; lacking an iris or the white of a normal eye, and that was why he hid them. But it did not bother me at all, and I preferred not to have him hide himself. "And no, I'm not very alright."

"You know, most people here would be thrilled to have found out they were a Class 5."

"Yea, well, I'm not most people. Besides, you heard the Professor; most Class 5s turn evil or are killed by their own powers." Echo winced at this, but to his credit he never broke eye contact with me.

"We both know that you are not like the others. You don't have that part of you, and you are not power hungry."

"How do we know that? I've never dug deep into my abilities before, what if all I need is to realize what I can do, and then I become like her?" Echo knew who I meant.

"Well, being a Class 5 mutant doesn't make you automatically a god. It means you have the POTENTIAL to do anything you can think of. You have to work on it to get to that level. And that doesn't mean that you have no choice, you can choose to not develop your powers."

"That could make me a ticking time bomb if something bad happens and I can't control myself." I put my head in my hand for a moment, and took a breath. "You want to know the real reason I hate this?" Echo nodded an affirmative. "When I realized that I was gay, it made me separate from everyone else. I had to hide myself for fear of reprisal. When I discovered that I was a mutant, it happened again. There were even fewer people that I could relate to, and almost nobody who would ever trust me. But then I found this place, with all these other mutants, and I felt like maybe, just maybe, I could belong someplace. But no, now I had to find out that I am set apart form them, because I am one of two living gods on the planet. Now the only person I can relate to the most is the bloodthirsty alternate personality of Jean Gray. Now, I am even more completely by myself than I was when I left home." I hung my head low, though managed to keep my hair out of my potatoes. I hated to despair, but I couldn't help it.

Echo reached across the table and took my right hand in his. "You're not alone. You are a wonderful guy and you will never be alone. I promise." I looked up and saw him smiling, and I noted how great he looked with a smile on his face, especially without the sunglasses blocking my view.

"Thanks." I looked at him, ignoring the single small tear which made its way down my right cheek. We ate the rest of our dinner (and I actually ate some this time) in content silence. I liked his company, and it comforted me to have him there, even if we didn't talk.

When we finished, we left the cafeteria and headed upstairs to meet with Echo's friends. We found them in a small lounge in the corner of one of the top floors. The room was round and mostly surrounded in windows, though the curtains were closed against the night darkness. When we walked in, we were greeted by 2 guys our own age seated around a round poker table set for 7. One was a somewhat tall guy with black hair and pale blue eyes who introduced himself as Barrier. He was built small but athletic, and had a hot lean jock look to him. The other guy was fairly short, about 5' 4", had light blonde hair, and gray eyes. He was actually very cute, and I was impressed with how broad his shoulders were for such a short guy. He introduced himself as Ghost, and shook my hand in a strong, firm grip. Before we could talk any more, the door opened and in walked 3 more guys. The first one that I noticed was Demon, who was apparently friends with one of the other guys. He is a difficult guy not to notice, since he is over 6' tall, very muscled, and red. Oh, and the tail is a giveaway too. He noticed me and greeted me warmly, pulling me into a bear hug. He enjoyed doing this, because my small frame practically vanished inside his vastly well-muscled physique. He released me and turned to the guys he had come in with.

"Hey man, let me introduce you. This is Psionic," he said, gesturing to a dark haired guy about 5'10" with emerald green eyes. He nodded in greeting, and I did the same. Turning to the other guy he said "and this is Will, a friend of mine." Will was a guy about my height, with dirty blonde hair. He had strikingly attractive features, perfect skin, and beautiful seafoam green eyes. He smiled and showed off a line of brilliantly white teeth and a pair of dimples. He reached forward to shake my hand, and I noticed how well muscled his forearms were. I shook his hand, but was utterly captivated by his eyes, they were hypnotic.

"Dude, focus" said Demon, shaking me from my reverie. I blushed brightly, and then apologized.

"Sorry. But wait, how come you introduced everyone by their mutant name except Will?" Everyone else chuckled at this, and I blushed a bit more.

Will spoke up to explain, saying "Will is my mutant name. My given name is Lukas."

"Oh, ok." I was very curious as to what powers would earn the mutant name Will.

Echo introduced me saying, "Everyone, this is my friend Hydrogue." Everyone's attention piqued, to my own confusion. Have they all heard about me? I decided to let it drop and took my seat at the table.

"Ok guys, standard rules tonight" explained Barrier. "Demon and Hydrogue, since today is both of your first times playing with us, I will explain how we play the game. We are playing Texas Hold'em, which means you get 2 cards to yourself, and there are 5 community cards. Everyone can use as many of the community cards as they want in conjunction with their 2 private cards to make the best possible 5 card hand. You know the basic rules of poker?" I nodded yes, as I had played plenty of poker with friends in high school. "Good. Now, our own added rule is the No Powers Rule."

"It really just means that everyone is honor bound to not use their powers in any way that could help them cheat." Echo explained. "For example, I promise not to echolocate through your cards to see what you have, and Psionic promises not to read your mind and learn your hand. Any questions?" Demon and I shook our heads, and so the game began.

We played with chips, not real money, since none of us had jobs. The first set of hands were pretty tame, each of us getting a feel for how the others were playing. We broke out snacks, and one of the guys had acquired beer for us, which we also cracked open. We got to know each other, chatted about this and that. I started to forget about everything that had happened to me in the past 24 hours. The guys and I shared stories, like how we had discovered our powers, and what exactly we could do.

"So Hydrogue, what's your power?" Ghost asked me while he shuffled between hands.

"I can control, manipulate, and summon water. I can even turn into water if I want to." I decided to keep my newly discovered Class 5 status to myself for now. To demonstrate what I could do, I held my hand out, palm upward, and began to summon water molecules together. As the molecules condensed, they slowly began to be large enough to be visible to the naked eye, and appeared as a swirling mist around my hand, which coalesced slowly into a perfect sphere of water the size of a medium orange in my hand. I held the membrane of the water solid, and put it down on the table. Rather than splash, it held its shape, and appeared to be made of glass. I commanded the ball to roll around the table, and eventually settled it In front of Ghost. He tentatively touched the ball of water, and tapped it with the knuckles of his fist.

"It's hard, like glass, or metal" he commented. I got impressed nods in response from the guys.

I explained, saying "normally the membrane of water is flexible, which is why it flows around everything. But I can command the water to hold its membrane firm, and it becomes as solid as the hardest of metals." Ghost picked up the ball and admired it. At that moment I released the water, which began to obey the laws of nature again, and splashed all over Ghost's shirt. The guys all howled with laughter at this, and I grinned mischievously. Ghost looked surprised but amused, and I have to admit that I liked the look of this chest muscles as seen through his now clingy wet shirt. He was short, but he had a muscular build, with nice full pecs and broad shoulders, and I enjoyed the site.

"Cool" said Will. "Of all elemental powers, water is the least common for some reason. You are the first I've ever met." For some reason I could not stop staring into Will's eyes whenever he directed them at me. They were such a beautiful and unusual color, and they drew my attention at every pass. Eventually he broke contact, which broke the spell over me.

"How about you guys, what can you do?"

"Well," Ghost started, as he began to deal the cards out, "this is going to sound weird. I can separate my spirit from my body." What? "I can actually walk out of my body in spirit form, and wander through the world around me. When I am in spirit form, I am completely invisible, inaudible, and intangible. I can walk through walls, over water, even float into the air."

"Wow, so you're like the world's best spy." He laughed.

"Yea, pretty much. Very few people even feel me when I pass them by, and the few who do almost never notice. Some of the more powerful psychics will feel my mind pass by them, but they usually just think that it is another psychic reaching out towards another person."

"So, what happens to your body when you are spirit walking?"

"My body kind of goes to sleep when I leave it. Once I get back in, I wake right up feeling refreshed."

"Cool man." I was genuinely impressed. "How about you," I asked Barrier.

"My name kind of says it all. I generate force fields. I can use them to pick things up, or as protective shields."

"That would me really useful in a fight."

"Yea, I hope to join the X-Men and fight against the Brotherhood. I'm taking the aptitude test in 2 weeks."

"What's the aptitude test?"

"It's a test that you can take if you are interested in joining the X-Men. They test your control over your powers, and you ability to fight competently. Anyone at the school who is over 18 can take it, and if you pass, they will train you to eventually join the team."

"Wow, that's awesome man, good luck." Barrier smiled and thanked me. I enjoyed how his pale blue eyes twinkled when he smiled. I resolved to drink a little slower, since I was already seriously into several of the new guys I had just met.

"My turn then" chimed Psionic, who's wonderfully deep voice was a pleasure to listen to. He looked at me with his beautiful emerald green eyes. He knew he had my attention, and so continued, saying "I have the limited use of several psychic abilities. I have limited telekinesis, so I can move things with my mind, but it isn't that powerful. I can't lift cars or anything. I also have limited telepathy. I can't probe your mind deeply, but if you think loudly in your mind, I can hear you. I can link several people together, and we can have silent telepathic conversations as a group. And lastly I can teleport. This is my most useful ability, because when combined with my telepathy, I can teleport to places that I cannot see, which is a problem for most teleporters. I can extend my mind to a place I am familiar with, and teleport there once I know the space is unoccupied. I can also teleport long distances, as long as someone I know well is there, and I have established a link with them." He was very proud of his powers, and I couldn't blame him.

"Wow, that's impressive. I wonder how you got multiple powers, when the rest of us all get one." He shrugged in response. "Will you join the X-Men too? Your skills seem like they would be useful to them."

"I might. I am going to take the test soon, maybe start some training if they accept me. You can back out at any time, so if I decide against it, it won't be a problem."

Next I turned to Will. I was very interested to know what sort of power would grant someone the mutant name Will. He smiled adorably at me, flashing his sexy and compelling eyes.

"My turn" he said. "But my powers are best shown, not explained." With that, he took his beer bottle and placed it in the center of the table. Now I was very curious. When he next spoke, his voice was different. The voice which came out of his mouth was the very essence of authority. The voice commanded obedience, and the desire to resist melted before it, and was replaced with the pure urge to listen to what it said. "SHATTER!" he said, staring directly at the bottle. The brown glass blew apart with a violent force, shattering into tiny pieces which flew in all directions away from the center. Not a split second after he spoke, he said "STOP!" And everything did. The shards of glass froze in place, some of them mere inches from the faces of those around the table. My eyes were not the only ones wide with surprise and excitement. Even the remaining beer in the bottle, which still held the shape of the bottle, was frozen in place. Everything remained very still, and I looked over at Will, whose seafoam green eyes were practically glowing with intensity. He uttered one final command, "REPAIR", and the glass shards flew back where they came from, reformed the bottle, and fused together perfectly, as though nothing had happened. I was speechless at what I had just witnessed.

"That is where I get my name" Will explained. I can command anything or anyone to do my bidding, I can make things happen out of sheer force of will, as long as I make eye contact and speak with enough conviction."

"Wow." It was really the only thing I had to say. He smiled at my reaction. "So, you can pretty much do whatever you want then." That is a lot of power, I thought to myself.

"Well, it has its limits. For example, I have to be able to speak the word, which takes time. I can only control inanimate objects with one or 2 word commands, otherwise it doesn't work, or goes awry. I can make people do things, but it does not last forever. Sometimes it only lasts a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. It depends how much they want to resist what I am telling them."

"Still, that is pretty amazing" I commented. He laughed.

"Yea, I guess it is."

"Well, I may not be able to manipulate the world and fuck up mother nature," Demon started, "but I think my super strength will get me far enough."

"Don't forget a body so dense you would survive being hit by a truck" I added, and we tapped our beers together in salute.

The night continued on, with more bonding, more joking, and many more beers. We shared stories of growing up as mutants, and of our families, old friends, and love lives. We played until Barrier had won all the chips, and decided to call it a night. We disbanded on the stairs as we headed towards our different rooms. Demon and I walked drunkenly toward our room on the 3rd floor, talking and laughing a bit too loudly for 3am. We went inside the room, and I changed into my pajama pants, leaving me shirtless. I decided that I needed a drink of water before bed. I told Demon that I would see him in a minute, and continued down the hall towards the kitchen. I pushed through the swinging door, stumbled towards the wall a bit, and the righted myself and went to the refrigerator. I leaned against the island in the kitchen while I drank my glass of water, and looked around at the empty dining area. I was slightly startled when the door swung open again, and in strode Colossus, clad in a pair of loose gray sweatpants. My mouth hung open obscenely as I raped him with my eyes. His torso was a huge expanse of swelling muscle and smooth skin. His pecs were large and full, and the swelled out like pillows from his body. His shoulder muscles bulged up on either side of his neck, and flowed smoothly into large, round deltoids. His biceps burst forth from his arms as if he had a baseball underneath his skin. His stomach was flat and solid and perfectly smooth. The solid muscle flowed into a V shape near his waist before it dove into his loose grey sweatpants. The front of his pants bulged out impressively, and my mouth watered at the sight. I drank in the view of the huge and amazing man before me. Colossus seemed startled by the fact that I was there, obviously expecting the place to be empty at this late hour. We exchanged greetings, but he was not a big talker. I was so drunk that I could not even disguise my leers at his half naked body. I watched him hungrily as he got himself a small glass of milk, drank it, and placed the cup in the dishwasher. He nodded to me on his way back out, and I gladly admired the view of his big round meaty ass as he passed through the swinging doors.

In that moment, I made a decision. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I set off like a man on a mission. I left my glass of water abandoned on the countertop, and followed Colossus out the door. I followed behind him silently, my drunken awkwardness vanishing by the moment. I channeled my powers and used the water in my body to filter out the alcohol and alcohol metabolites from my blood. My head began to clear with each step as clean blood flowed into my brain. Colossus reached his doorway and stepped through, and I was right on his heels. I stepped through the door as it swung shut. He turned around and looked at me in surprise as I jumped up against him. He caught me in the air, his arms under my butt, my arms around his shoulders, and my legs tight around his waist. Time hung still for a moment, as I hung in his arms. Our chests were pressed tight against each other, the heat between our bodies building. Colossus's deep brown eyes were wide with surprise, and a little bit of fear. His lips were parted slightly, and glistened in the moonlight. His strong jaw and masculine features were softened by his gentle disposition, creating a beautiful statuesque figure in the silvery-blue light. Time hung still for just that moment, until I leaned my head down and kissed him gently, but firmly, on his soft and full lips.

I felt him suck in air, recoiling at first, but then quickly his resistance melted and I felt him kiss me back. His tongue slipped between my lips and met my own, and we shared in each other's mouths. His hands gripped my butt more firmly, this time feeling them instead of merely holding me up. One of my hands entangled itself in his short, dark hair as I held his head firmly against mine. The other hand explored the hard muscles of his shoulders and upper back. Colossus broke the kiss after several minutes and threw me bodily across the room. I landed hard on my back on his bed, and bounced six inches into the air before settling on the cushion. Stepped up to the bed and loomed over me, the sheer mass of him causing me slight apprehension. He grabbed my pajama bottoms and tore them off of me, tossing the ruined cloth aside. This left me clad only in my black boxer briefs, with my erection clearly showing. Colossus pushed his own sweatpants down, revealing his tight white briefs which were stretched to the limit by a large, thick cock. He climbed onto the bed, and was over me, his massive body completely covering mine, dominating my small frame. He kissed me forcefully, claiming my mouth with his large, strong tongue. I wrapped my arms around Colossus's torso (or as far around as I could), gripping the massive muscles of his back. He ground his pelvis into mine, causing our hard cocks to rub against each other. I groaned inside his mouth, which prompted him to shove his tongue even deeper into me. It was as though I had unleashed all of his pent up sexual energy, he had been so shy and now he was being powerful and forceful. It could not have been hotter.

I lowered my hands down to grip the large, solid musculature of this ass. I squeezed it and pulled on it, grinding him harder into myself. Colossus looped his arms underneath my legs, lifting my pelvis into the air. We continued to make out as he pulled off my underwear, exposing my naked body to the night. My hard 8" cock leaked precum all over both of our stomachs. We made out this way for some time, until he gripped me by the legs and flipped me over. Suddenly I was lying on my stomach on the bed, and Colossus was on top of me. He pulled my hips up, raising me onto my hands and knees. He gripped my ass cheeks and pulled them slightly apart. He admired the view of me in front of him briefly before diving in to rim my ass. His tongue touched me oh so gently, and then built up more and more pressure. I was squirming and moaning with delight as he loosened me up for what was to come. The rimming was over much too soon, but what followed it up was even better. He pulled back slightly on my hips, and nestled his now bare, hard cock between my cheeks. He must have taken his briefs off while he rimmed me, because we were both how fully nude. His thick cock felt massive against me, and I was intimidated by its length when he ran it up and down my crack. I shook slightly with anticipation, and goose bumps spread across my body. Colossus took his dick in his hand, and positioned the head against my ass. I drew in a breath to prepare myself for the huge invasion of his cock. He pushed forward, and the pressure built against my entrance, and at first it seemed like he was too big. Then suddenly he popped in, and I gasped from the sudden sensation. Colossus moaned in a deep, sexy way in response to the tightness around his dick. He gave me a moment to adjust, and then started to force more of himself inside me. When I thought that I could take no more, I felt his muscular torso rest against me, which meant that he was completely inside of me. His cock felt enormous, a huge invasion, especially after weeks of nobody topping me. Colossus leaned forward and kissed me on the back of the neck and shoulders. The sweet gesture made me smile even wider than the amazing feeling of his large cock inside my ass. He gripped my narrow hips with his huge hands, and started to fuck me. He gripped me firmly as he rocked back and forth. His very thick, 9.5" cock pumped all the way in and out of my ass, generating a loud slapping noise when he was all the way inside. The deep, strong fucking drew me further and further into a sex-crazed mania, causing me to buck back for more and more of his cock, and to beg him to give it to me harder. I wanted his cock so badly I couldn't stand it. My own cock remained hard and dripping the whole time, though I dared not touch it for fear of cumming too soon. Colossus, in turn, grew more and more dominant, fucking my ass more and more savagely. He gripped my hip with one hand and my shoulder with the other.

"I love fucking your muscular little ass. Your tight little body is mine." He punctuated each word with a plowing from his cock. His voice was thick with his Russian accent, which only added to his sexiness. We built each other up more and more, the speed and force increasing, until at last we both reached the point of no return. Colossus began to slam himself into me in short, hard fucks, and I began to work my ass backwards harder and harder, twisting my ass around slightly until I found the perfect angle for his cock to rub my prostate. Sweat was pooling down my back, and mingled with the sweat of Colossus' chest, which was pressed up against me. He grunted louder and deeper than before and forced his cock deeper than ever into my ass, and held it there. He forced his huge cock against my prostate, and together we shot our massive loads. I felt his cum shoot inside me, filling me with warmth, and at the same time my cock shot its load all over the sheets below me. We came together, and we came forever.

When at last we finished, we collapsed on the bed, with Colossus's huge and heavy body on top of mine. After a moment he rolled over and I lay with my head on his huge chest, feeling the amazing muscles covered in sweat. He held me in his massive arms and kissed me sweetly on the forehead. Tired after and amazing fuck with an amazing man, and wrapped safely in his massive arms, I fell into a deep, contented sleep, forgetting all the troubled thoughts which had bounced through my head that day. For that night at least, I was at peace.

Elsewhere in the mansion, Jean Gray lay in a fitful sleep. The objects in her room floated in circles in the air, and her bed shook violently. Her head thrashed back and forth, her long, deep red hair forming a curtain over her face.

Jean shook her head in defiance, unable to fight the words in her head.

<They will fight; they will try to stop it.>

A small mirror shattered in the air, reformed itself, and shattered again. Jean's eyes danced back and forth behind her closed eyes, her brow was wet with perspiration.

<They will fail, they will die. And so will you.>

Suddenly Jean sat up straight, and all the objects flew straight upward, smashing against the ceiling. Her hair hung about her like a halo, almost as if she were underwater. Her eyes opened.

They were red.

Ok, there it is, Chapter 5. Sorry about the delay, but I hope it was worth it. As usual, please let me know what you thought, and any suggestions you might have. My email is Thanks again everyone.


Next: Chapter 6

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