
By P G

Published on Jun 13, 2014


Hey Guys,

I realize that I stopped writing this story forever ago, and I'm sorry about that. I've been so busy with a thousand life things, and it just kept being a project that I assumed I would get to in time. Well, I didn't, and I'm so sorry about that. I of all people know the disappointment of an unfinished story. So, after many emails from fans looking for how the story ended, I have decided to give you guys my synopsis that I wrote while planning on the last chapter. I expanded on a could of key scenes so that you could get the fullest idea possible. I would have loved to be able to write it all out fully, but sadly I write very very slowly, and I am currently working on writing an actual book (no, not porn), and so it is just low priority. That being said, please enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think.

Chapter 20 - Mortality

Scene 1:

The remnants of the US Congress (about 50 people) are arguing what course of action to take, whether or not to join with the Brotherhood of Mutants/Phoenix or with the Alliance/X-Men. Mystique is disguised as Senator Kelly, as she has been hiding for much of the war. Surprisingly she is arguing for joining the Alliance, having turned against the Brotherhood that got her lover Magneto killed. A cloaked man watches form the back unnoticed until he reveals himself to be Psionic (evidence of greatly increased powers, such as the fact that he is spying via astral projection). He reveals Mystique for who she really is and arrests her with the help of some Marines. He then asks that the Congress still consider joining the Alliance before teleporting himself, Mystique, and the Marines away.

Scene 2:

Beast is in his lab attempting to reconstruct the shattered Emma Frost. He calls Dr. Halden into his lab to discuss the fact that he (Dr Halden) has been locked in his own lab ever since the battle where Professor X and Elixer died. Dr Halden/Chi is clearly unrested and unwashed, doing very poorly since his lover died to mass resurrect much of the Alliance.

Chi points out that Beast is putting some of Emma's pieces in the wrong place. He can 'see' the life energy frozen in them, and can see where they should and should not go. They start working together, and talking. Dr Halden reveals that he has been studying the comatose Jean Gray, and has discovered why she can't wake up.

Scene 3:

Sex scene with Hydrogue and Johnny Storm. Doesn't fit great here, but I had wanted to do it the whole series and never got around to it.

After that, Hydrogue flies recon along the Atlantic coast, whilst thinking about the last conversation he had had with Professor X, about the differences between himself and the Phoenix. The Profsssor had pointed out that with Class 5 telekinesis, Phoenix could essentially use any mutant power based on matter. But it is more complicated, less instinctual. He pointed out that Hydrogue had superior control over water because it was his only power. It also gave him a speed born of instinctual affinity, and the ability to alter his own body.

He is distracted from his reverie by sensing the water presence of someone who should not be there. He flies to the ground, and finds a ruined building. In it, he finds a young man, mid twenties. The young clone of Erik Lehnherr/Magneto

Scene 4:

A meeting at Alliance headquarters, most of the surviving heroes are there, as well as military and a few congressional leaders. Dr Halden/Chi is explaining that all of the clone fighters that Phoenix has left in her army are mind slaves to her, they literally NEED her to live, and obey her will at all times. They are also mostly Class 3 or lower, easier to control. They theorize that killing Phoenix should kill the clone fighters, but they still don't know how to kill her. He discovered this by seeing Jean Gray's life energy, what little was left, LEAVING her body. He followed it in his mind, and found that she was connected to the Phoenix. Apparently the split personality that is Phoenix is not a fully functional mind, she cannot fully detach herself from Jean Gray. Because Phoenix took over use of the shared portions of their mind in her own body, Jean has gone dormant and comatose. From there, Chi found that Phoenix herself had threads of psychic energy going out to all of her clones, where they were buried deep in the clones' minds, fatal if removed.

The leadership debates this, when Alex/Hydrogue shows up with the young Magneto. He assures everyone that Erik wants to help, wants nothing to do with Phoenix. Chi confirms that Erik is a true clone, not a mind slave like the others. Erik starts to reveal what he knows about the defenses of Boston, the city where Pheonix and the bulk of her forces have retreated to. Planning starts.

Scene 5:

Psionic pulls Demon and Echo aside, they talk about whether or not they can trust Erik. Echo asks him to read his mind if he isnt sure. Psionic confesses that he cant read Hydrogue's mind anymore, his physical nature as a being of water is too different now. And Psionic's powers have become so erratic since merging with the Professor during the fight against IceHeart that he spends most of his strength trying to reign them in rather than use them. They talk about Alex/Hydrogue's dealing with power addiction. Some hints dropped about Demon and Echo becoming closer.

Scene 6:

Sex scene with young Erik and Hydrogue. Erik uses the metal bedpost to restrain Alex in a show of strength, and Alex lets him, not escaping though he could. General fun scene of 2 cocky powerful men getting off on each other. Alex bottoms, as always.

Scene 7:

Gravity opens portals to begin the attack on Boston. Has a brief 'in case we never see each other again' conversation with his twin brother Hydrogue. Hydrogue flies off, the plan is for him to attack from the west with the power of the ocean behind him, but as he approaches the east coast, he is attacked. Clones of Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Beast battle with Hydrogue. He is forced to fight them despite it being emotional torture, especially since he could still hardly stand the memories of having hurt Cyclops so severely as IceHeart. Hydruge is hurt badly, but starts to turn the tide of the fight.

Scene 8:

Battle for Boston. The Alliance, the military, and all the Marvel heroes already introduced (and some that havent yet) attack. Hydrogue delayed and the battle does not go as smoothly as hoped. Fractured accounts of individual heroes fighting. Erik fights on the side of the Alliance, even saving Echo's life. Phoenix comes out, and Psionic is forced to battle her psychically in order to buy time. She tells him she admires his strength, he has come a long way. But in the end she breaks his mind, and he falls to the ground. She rises into the night sky, fiery wings displayed behind her, preparing to kill every last one of them.

Hydrogue arrives, a ball of blue fire that strikes the Phoenix in the sky. The two collide so hard that the explosion lights the night sky up like daytime, and a blue/red fireball falls from the sky. The smoke clears and the two are seen in the crater facing off. They battle for some time, a dome of energy blocking all others from interfering. Phoenixf shrugs off Hydrogue's attacks, smashing him back repeatedly. She tries antimatter again, but he splits himself into 8 copies of himself surrounding her. She orders him to tell her which is the real one, calling him a coward. He replies that they are all the 'real' one, that he can live in any water he chooses, even in multiple places. She smiles, complimenting his ability to split his focus. She attacks in a circle, fire everywhere. The Hydrogue bodies disintegrate one by one, and the last she is pouring white hot fire down on like a flamethrower. Hydrogue is having trouble holding his molecules together, his few attacks are unable to pierce the heat. All seems lost.

Hydrogue begins to hold his energy in him, his bottomless source building up in him as he squeezed it for all he could. As the Phoenix stepped right up in front of him, pouring down the fire that was melting the street around them, he released the power. Not in the form of an attack, which she would see, but inside himself. His body explodes, throwing rubble everywhere. When the smoke clears the dome preventing interference is gone, and the Phoenix is lying impaled on a steel bar. She tries to heal it, but looses blood too fast. Hydrogue reforms himself in front of her, looking battered and exhausted. She sneers and curses him, saying if she wasn't stuck in this feeble human body she would truly be a god, and that his power was wasted on him. As her body dies she throws her mind into him, attempting to seize control. Hydrogue flies up into the sky as he battles her mentally.

Cut to a hospital bed, the bed where Jean Gray has lain comatose for years. Dr Halden is beside her, watching the battle through his chi senses. He can see the moment the the Phoenix personality is without its body, he knows this is the time for his vengeance. He raises a knife to stab Jean. But then he bursts into tears and puts it down. Elixer, his love, his everything, would never have wanted him to murder a helpless woman for any reason, and definitely not in his name. So instead, Dr Halden picks up his Plan B, a fistful of syringes full of the Mutant Cure, and injects all of them into Jean Gray at the same time. He knows it is enough to remove her powers forever, her immune system could never fight that high of a dose. But she would live. Her psychic connection to the Phoenix is snapped, her mind reclaimed and entirely her own, and she wakes screaming.

The Pheonix reals, her mind weakened, her essence beginning to fade. She knows that she will fade to nothing if she is not inside the mind of someone, anyone. She is half into the mind of Hydrogue, and he hears her thought. "You will never harm anyone again" he says to her. "And neither will I." He detonates his power again, high over the city, throwing his water molecules away, throwing them all waya, so that his mind could not be connected enough for her to grab hold of.

The Phoenix is too high up, too far away from anyone to attach to like a parasite. She fades to nothing.

Chapter 21/Epilogue - Immortality

Years later. Peace has come to the world again since the battle. Mutants have full equal standing in the US after the war, and after they helped rebuild. A strange peace has come to the waters of the world. Freak storms no longer happen, tidal waves sink back into the ocean, and pollution seems to be cleaning itself up. The animal species of the waters come back in proliferative numbers.

Caleb/Demon and Echo are on a quiet beach together. Demon walks out into the water, and talks to it. It's been 5 years since Hydrogue stopped the Phoenix, and he thanks him by speaking to the waves. He tells him how there are actually temples to 'Hydro', the spirit who rules the oceans. A figure rises from the water. The upper torso of Alex appears, his lower body remaining a column of water. He smiles at Demon, and thanks him. He explains how even though he intended to die, that he instead spread into all of the water in the world. And that now, he knows a peace he never thought he could. Being in the body he was now was difficult, his mind had become accustomed to being fragmented, and feels that it is best for everyone if he stays that way. He tells Demon that he really had loved him, and wished things could have been different. But then he tells him that he knows he and Echo are happy together now, and he is proud of and happy for them both. Hydrogue sinks back into the waves, dispersing, never to be seen again


So, that was it, the finale of it all. I hope it was worth the wait (I doubt it haha), or at the very least satisfied your curiosity. Please please let me know how what you thought. My email is


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