
By P G

Published on Dec 5, 2006


disclaimer I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

This story takes place in an alternate X-Men universe from the one in which the 3rd movie took place. Certain events occurred after X2 which changed the timeline. Jean, Scott and Professor X are all still alive, and there was no cure. The specifics of the timeline changes may be made apparent as the story progresses.

Chapter 2 -- "Warren Worthington III"

I left the mansion through the back door, and stepped into the bright springtime sun. The grounds of Xavier Mansion spread out before me. The verdant green grass was warm and welcoming, and spotted with blooming flowers, but potted and wild. There were trees and benches scattered around where students could relax and congregate. Off to the left, a small lake glistened in reflected sunlight, and students hung out and played on the shores. Drawing so near a large body of water made me tingle, I could sense every water molecule in the lake and it comforted me. I recognized several students from classes and hallways, but there were far more of them that I did not know. They came in a vast variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. I could see several using their various powers, whether practicing or just playing I could not tell.

Not knowing what else to do with myself, I walked over towards the lake. I stood by the water's edge, just feeling the flowing currents of water with my "water sense". I could actually sense all water molecules if I focused hard enough, which made me able to sense people (since humans are mostly water) around me. But something like storms or the lake I could sense passively, and I just closed my eyes and basked in the feeling.

"You can feel it too huh?" asked a voice behind me. I turned to see an extremely attractive guy standing there watching me. He had light brown hair, and beautiful ice blue eyes. He wore a nice-fitting long sleeved gray shirt, and through it I could tell that he kept in shape nicely. He had an adorable smile on his face as he took a step forward, extending his hand. "I'm Bobby Drake, it's nice to meet you" he said.

I shook his hand; he had a strong grip, and oddly cool skin. "I'm Alex Wental" I responded. "You can call me Alex, or Hydrogue, whichever you prefer." It was the first time I had introduced myself by my codename, and I liked it.

He smiled in response and said "Iceman."

"Iceman? So I assume you freeze things." He chuckled at this, and pointed his palm toward the lake. A stream of what looked like ice or snow shot from his hand, struck the water, and formed a perfect sculpture of a figure skater out of ice. I raised my eyebrows in surprise, impressed with the effortlessness with which he created his art. "Sweet."

"So what can you do Hydrogue?"

"I can manipulate, generate, and become water." To showcase this, I morphed into my water form, which just looks like me, only clear and made of water. I continued speaking while in water-mode, saying "I can also sense water molecules, in the air, in people, and especially in bodies of water. And I can control those molecules, though I'm still working on my focus a bit." To show this, I disassembled Iceman's sculpture, moved it to the shoreline, and reassembled it.

Bobby looked truly impressed. "That's really cool. Can you freeze things?"

"Only water."

"Cool. I can freeze anything, but I can't control water in any other form." We fell silent and looked over the water for a moment, just enjoying the view. "So when did you get here?"

"I've been here for just over two weeks." I responded. "This is kind of my first time trying to be social."

"That's cool; we all have our transition periods. I remember being totally freaked out when I came here, being surrounded by mutants. The hardest part is realized that you CAN be yourself now."

"Yea, tell me about it." We continued to make light conversation for awhile, and I truly enjoyed Bobby's company. He was warm and open, and I felt a real connection between us. Eventually he had to go, something about a "danger room session".

I proceeded to walk around the grounds, just getting myself adjusted to the place. As I was wandering, I saw a bit of a scuffle going on by one of the trees. I walked towards a pair of younger boys, and could tell that the bigger one was picking on the smaller one. The smaller boy was attempting to get away from the larger one, but was unsuccessful. Whatever the smaller boy's power was, it was not helping him with the other boy. The bully had to have been about 14, and had bright red hair spiked straight up like a little campfire. I strolled over and asked "what exactly is the problem here?"

The bully turned to me, looked me up and down with contempt, and then turned away to harass the boy again. The smaller boy hissed at him, showing long, sharp fang-like teeth. "Listen kid, Class 1 mutants should do whatever Class 3's tell them to do," the bully told him. "Now hand over the cookies!" So that was what this whole thing was about. The kid wanted cookies that did not belong to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and told him "Leave the kid alone. He doesn't have to do anything you say, being a Class 3 does not make you better than him." He spun around and glared at me. His eyes glowed orange for a spit second before he burst into flames. His skin and hair burned with inner fire, in an obvious attempt to intimidate me.

Water elementals do not fear fire elementals. He balled up some of his body fire, and threw it at me at point blank range.

It did nothing. Before it struck me, I had turned into water, and the fire snuffed out in a puff of smoke when it hit me in the chest. Fire boy looked horrified for a split second before I lifted my right hand. A column of water shot from my hand with force stronger than a fire hose. The jet struck him square in the chest, and he flew backwards the 6 feet to the tree, and smashed into it. He bounced off the tree, and fell to the ground, his flames utterly extinguished. The small boy looked from me to the bully, with a look of utter shock on his face.

"I'm sorry you had to see that buddy. What's your name?"

The younger boy looked up at me, and I noticed for the first time how pale he was. He smiled, flashing his eerily white fangs. "I'm Kyle, but my friends call me Vamp." I smiled at him, he was a cute kid.

"Why don't you go find your friends Vamp."

"I will. Thanks for helping me out."

"Any time." Vamp ran away quickly, whether from me or from the bully I couldn't tell. I turned to the extinguished bully and said "Your powers do not make you any better than anyone else. You do not have them because God loves you; you have them because of luck and genetics. Have some respect for your fellow mutants; we are all in this struggle together. If you want to keep pulling this mutant superiority crap, you can go join the Brotherhood."

I strolled away from the bully, who was still spitting out water onto the ground. This kid is probly going to join the Brotherhood someday, I thought to myself.

I decided that I had had enough of the ground for the time being, and walked the halls of the mansion. The halls were mostly empty, considering class was out for the weekend and it was a beautiful day outside. I couldn't go everywhere, as some sections were for the adult mutants, the teachers and the "X-Men". Eventually I found myself in a hall I had not been in before, up on the top floor. I pushed on a rusty old door, and saw a set of stairs. I climbed the stairs, which ended in a trap door on the ceiling. I opened the trap door, and was unexpectedly bathed in sunlight. I was on the roof of the tallest section of the mansion.

The roof was just a large square of flat stone, and offered an unobstructed view in all directions. I had never realized just how large the grounds around the mansion were. The lake sprawled over several miles, and was surrounded by grass and light woods, with a couple smaller buildings scattered through them. The sun shone brightly on the roof, and warmed my face. This is a great spot for reflection, I thought to myself.

I sat on one of the stone slabs which lined the rim of the roof like park benches. I lay down and closed my eyes, and drifted with my thoughts. I thought about what the professor had talked about in class, about Class 5 mutants and what separated them from Class 4 ones. `Unlimited scope and range, limited only by their imagination', that was how the professor had described them. I wondered how my powers would be different if I were a Class 5 water elemental. I could already control water in all its forms. Ice, vapor, and liquid, I could control them all. But that couldn't be all there was to it, I was certain of that. I reached out with my mind, and felt the water in the air, birds, animals, people, and trees for miles around. As usual, I was quickly distracted from the smaller concentrations of water to the lake, which was like a font of energy just begging for me to give it form.

My thoughts drifted to the boy I had met by the lake, Bobby Drake. The degree of control he had over his ice powers impressed me, and I hoped to learn to control my powers as well as him. The professor often emphasized control, saying that a mutant with a high degree of control can accomplish much more than a mutant with more power, but little control. Being able to understand and manipulate their powers on a minute level was everything to unlocking the full potential of a mutant.

Being as hot as Bobby doesn't help either, I thought to myself. His face just made me smile, with his perfect dimples and friendly aura. His eyes were the kicker though. They were a beautiful, hypnotizing blue, the color of the ice he could summon. I had longed to kiss those lips of his, to touch his obviously well-cared-for body. I had been fairly sexually active before coming to Mutant High, and now I was practically starving for attention. It was hard enough trying to make new friends, but finding other guys who were into guys was even harder. If only I were psychic, then I would know who was interested. As I continued to think about Bobby, I started growing very hard in my pants. I rubbed the bulge idly and let my fantasy unfold at its own pace. Since I was alone, I decided to enjoy this great vantage point, and took my cock out for a slow jerk off, my first in quite awhile. I held my 8" cock in my hand, just feeling the warmth and hardness of it. A cock is a man's best friend, and I had been neglecting mine. I slowly started to jerk off, thinking about Bobby, and Caleb, and various other boys I had met or fooled around with. I was so enraptured that I did not even notice the feeling of a cluster of water rapidly approaching me. Not until I heard a thud did I look up, realizing I had been caught. My heart raced as I opened my eyes to meet my fate.

The image before me was the godliest thing I had ever seen in all my life. He was a beautiful, exceptionally well-built blond man with enormous white-feathered wings. He stood tall, leaning slightly back to balance the weight of his wings. He wore no shirt (I have no idea how he would get one on in the first place), and it showed off his incredible hairless build. His muscles were not large, but he had no fat on his body whatsoever. His stomach rippled and flexed from holding the weight of his wings in the air, and a light V at the bottom of his abs flowed down into his black jeans. His arms were well defined, and slightly flexed as he flexed his shoulders and wings. His hair was a feathery blond, and his eyes were a pure and angelic light blue color. His huge wing were covered in the purest white feathers, and spread at least twenty feet from tip to tip. The sun was low in the sky, and so the light hit him from the side, showing his body in greater relief, and causing the sweat on his body to glisten. He had obviously just finished a vigorous flight, and landed on what he thought to be an empty roof. He took deep breaths, and just stared at me, his blue eyes betraying nothing of what he thought. I, in my brilliance, thought of the perfect thing to say.


"What are you doing?" Bird-boy asked. His voice sounded like it would normally be gentle, but right now it had a cold edge to it.

"Well, that's seems kind of obvious to me. I was alone, and I didn't think anybody even came up here, and...."

"Relax" he said, a smile breaking the expressionless mask he had worn up until then. "I come up here for the same thing." His real voice was even sweeter and gentler than I thought, and his smile brought one to my face instantly. He shrugged his shoulders and folded his wings flat against his back, which seemed to restore his balance a bit. He walked over to me slowly, maximizing how much I could watch his stomach flex as he walked. He sat beside me on the stone bench, and placed his hand gently on my thigh. It would have been a very tender and sweet moment, had I not had my cock out and erect in my hand. Without a word, the winged-boy reached out and took my cock in his hand. I shuddered at the unexpected touch, his warmth feeding the deep longing feelings I had been nursing since my arrival at the mansion. He moved his hand up and down very, very slowly, making me squirm with need. "Your eyes are so beautiful" he said, "like two perfect sapphires." With that he leaned in and kissed me, tenderly at first, and then deeper and hungrier. He leaned into me, and I lay back on the stone with him on top of me.

We kissed deeper and deeper, our needs growing steadily and feeding off of each other. He kept one hand behind my neck, holding me into the kiss, and the other on my cock, working it with more and more vigor. My hands gripped his muscular back, which was covered in a light layer of sweat, and bulged with incredible strength. I touched the feathers of his wings, and was surprised by how soft they were, like down. I worked my hands down, following the tight muscles of his back until the rested on the globes of his ass. I had never felt an ass so solid, so tight. Does this guy have any fat on his body at all?

My strange lover broke our kiss and pulled my shirt off my body, tossing it aside. His lips moved to my neck, where he sucked and licked, slowly but steadily moving down. He licked my small but solid pecs, and worked my nipples before proceeding to my lightly rippled stomach. He reached my crotch, nuzzled his nose into my well trimmed pubis hair, and started licking my 8" cock. He sucked my cock with incredible skill, and a definite need. Perhaps he was as horny as I was. As he sucked on my cock, he unbuckled his black jeans and pulled out his own cock. His cock was about 6" long and quite thick; I really wanted to suck on it. He stuck his fingers in my mouth as he swallowed my entire length into his throat. I sucked hard on his fingers as I came violently into his mouth. I would have been screaming if his fingers hadn't been in my mouth at the time. I came for what felt like hours, because it had been so long. He slipped my cock out of his mouth and just licked it lightly as I came down from my orgasmic high. Then he climbed up, straddled my face, and slipped his thick cock into my mouth. He tasted delicious, like sweat and gold. He pumped in and out of my mouth quickly, his thickness stretching my lips. He had been ready to cum, because he lasted only a minute or two into face fucking me before he came. When he came, he arched his back, looked to the sky, and his wings spread out wide, twenty feet from end to end. I had a glorious view from below as every muscle in his incredible torso flexed from the orgasm, and his heavenly tasting cum flooded into my throat.

We lay on the stone holding each other as we basked in our post-orgasmic bliss. We cuddled together, just enjoying the physical contact. After a short while, we lay facing each other, and I said "I'm Hydrogue."

The beautiful boy with the wings smiled at me, and responded "I'm Angel."

I left the roof a short while later, feeling much less stressed now that I had gotten off. I had not realized how distracted I had become due to my lack of sex, but my mind was cleared now. Thanks to my friend Angel, or Warren Worthington III as was his given name, I not only relieved the unnecessary stress of not getting off, but also the worries that I was alone in my situation here at Mutant High. Perhaps there were even more gay mutants than I had thought.

With my newly cleared mind, I decided to find a way to meditate on my powers, so that I could dedicate my time to controlling my abilities, and to learn the extent of my powers.

Thank you to everyone who has written to me with encouragement about Chapter 1. I hope that this and future chapters can live up to the first, and that you will enjoy the series as a whole. Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or suggestions, I promise I am a nice guy.


Next: Chapter 3

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