Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Sep 30, 2001


My computer recently under went some difficulties... Which is why this took so long. I am eternally sorry.

Yes, Psylocke and Storm are together, Yes - Cyclops and Wolverine are lovers. No - I have nothing to do with the story "Talon" He stole my disclaimer (I don't mind). Kitty can go invisable - the Professor gave her something so she can, and Kurt can run quickly, because I say so. (Creative Liscence) I also gave Ms Steed a first name - Since she was never named in the comic. (Poor Lass)

Any questions? email - I really strive on feed back. Do you plan to continue reading Mutant High - Or has my absence made you lose intrest? Tell me. I have lost my direction due to my absence - But I'll try and get it back...

A little bit of bad news... I think this is it... I might leave Mutant High, finished, after this chapter. (Please don't throw stones at me!!!) Im not really sure if anyone will read it, and I might move on to writing something else. My creative liscence has not expired though - and I will ALWAYS be around...

I am quite new to Nifty, and my writing can only get better. So anyways - Its been great - Email me and tell me whether you think I should call it quits or not... Anyways

Here goes - Stick a fork in me - I am done.


~The School - Christian's Room~

"Your... what?" asked Christian. The boy across the room smiled, "Enough talk. I will eradicate you." said Malakai.

Malakai's pale skin twisted, and his hands grew in to sharp feral claws. His bald head sprouted three inch spikes all over it and his eyes started to shine amber. Christian didn't know what to do. Malakai rushed at him flailing his arms around, dicing up everything in his way. Christian looked at the bed near him, and it slid along the floor and flew at Malakai.

With one strike, Malakai bust the twin bed into splinters. The splinters floated in the air for a second, and then Christian smiled - "I was hoping you would do that." he said, before the splinters flew into Malakai. A blood curdling shriek echoed through the school, and Malakai ran around the room twirling and clawing at his pale skin trying to get the splinters out.

At the sound of the scream Emma and Cecilia ran in to Christian's room. They saw his body turn into liquid and seep through the floor boards, and a metal orb rise up into the air.

"Not again..." Cecilia moaned. Two medium sized saw wheels shot out from the orb and flew at the trio. Emma raised her hands up and knocked one off course, the other slammed into Cecilia's force field. "I didn't know you were telekenetic Emma." said Cecilia. "Im not that good." she said. Another saw flew by and cut Emma's fur cape off.

"You little fucker!" she screamed, running at the orb. "Emma NOO!" yelled Cecilia. Another saw armed itself, but Emma grabbed the orb with her hand and started slamming it against the wall. "Stupid" "Mother" "Fucking" Emma yelled and she continued to hit it against the wall, "Peice of" she said, throwing it on to the ground. "Shit!" she screamed as the few remaining peices she hadn't busted, broke under the force of her jumping.

Cecilia looked at Christian and he smiled, "Be afraid... Very afraid." he joked. Emma gave him a look that could melt ice.

Just then Beast walked in. "I heard an excessive amount of noise and perceived there was danger, but it appears you have it under control." he said. Cecilia smiled and grabbed him by the arm, "Come to the Lab... I have something I want to show you..." she said. "A new chemical compound?" he asked, she kind of grinned, "You could say that." she giggled.

Emma made this gagging noise and Christian looked around confused. Beast and Cecilia left. "What was all that about?" Christian asked. "Oh, Cecilia wants to shag him, and the silly man can't take the hint. -- Speaking of shagging... When are you and John going to play bed sheet bingo?" Emma said. Christian gasped, "Me and John are um not I mean er its..." Christian muttered. "I'm not interested in John." Christian finally said. Emma scoffed, "Sure - And I'm a virgin."

~The Boy's Room - The Bathroom~

"I'm so stupid Kurt. I should of grabbed a towel." Bobby sobbed. "I just... I just." he continued. "Bobby, It's okay, Really it is." Kurt said. "Why was he here?" Bobby asked. "Um... He was... He was just stopping by." said Kurt. "He was here with John wasn't he?" Bobby asked. Kurt didn't answer. "Stupid..." Bobby started sobbing again.

Suddenly, the mirror by them rippled, and then fluxed violently. A thin black haired woman stepped through. She was dressed in very exotic clothing, Spanish or Brazillian. She radiated power. Her dark eyes focused on Bobby. "You. You there. You are the one he wishes for. With you, he would willing give himself to us." the woman spoke. "What... What are you talking about?" question Bobby. "Bobby, back away - This woman is evil." said Kurt.

"SILENCE! Child of scorn!" she yelled pointing at Kurt. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he hit the floor. "Kurt! Kurt!" Bobby yelled. " Bobby..." Kurt muttered out. Bobby looked at the woman, who hadn't moved since exiting the mirror.

"Who... What are you?" asked Bobby. "I am Selene, and I have a proposition for you." she said, smiling.

~Outside, in their room~

"C'mon Bobby! Open the door. It wasn't that big of a deal." John yelled. "I need to piss man, so open the door!" John yelled louder. There was no response, he couldn't even hear talking behind the door. "Bobby?" he questioned. He looked around and grabbed his lighter.

John threw a fireball at the door and it bounced off and slammed into him. He put the fire out and stood up. "What the hell is going on?" he said to himself.

~Inside the Bathroom~

Kurt had woke up and Bobby was helping him stand. "I am offering you everything you could wish for child. Power... unimaginable power." she said. "We don't want anything from you!" Bobby yelled, throwing a glacial spike at her. It slammed in to her chest and blue light washed over her body, then vanished. Selene was completely unhurt. "Enough of this. I will no longer listen to the ramblings of a bunch of children." she said. "I offered you dominion over everything. You could of risen above the rest of the cattle, but you refuse! You refuse ME!" she shouted, the room shaking. Bobby and Kurt were cowering.

Just then a girl jumped out of the mirror. She jumped onto Selene and started choking her. "Alicia!!" Bobby yelled. Alicia was slamming Selene's head against the floor board. Selene screamed and tossed her into the wall near Bobby and Kurt. They grabbed her.

"All of you... cattle... I will... I will... Whats this? No! Nooo!" she screamed, as her skin started to glow green. "The enchantment can't fade yet! Im not done! I am not finished with you!" she screamed. The light got brighter, and then Selene's image cracked, and shattered like glass.

Right then the door bust open and John, Warren, and Gambit came running in. "Where's Christian?" Warren asked. Bobby was about to respond, when he fainted.

~Christian's Room~

Christian looked at the mess in his room. "I wonder how many beds I've broken? Seven so far I think..." Christian thought to himself - laughing. He waved his hand at some of the debree, and it started to spin. Peices from the other parts of the room started to spin also. Slowly, the bed, chairs, and desks that were in splinters peiced themselves together. It was getting alot easier for Christian to use his powers.

A weird feeling washed over Christian, and then the roof flew away. Christian looked up to see purple colored sky. He gasped. Then the walls and all the objects from the room flew away. Christian looked around frantically. "What the hell is going on!?" he yelled. Just then the floor gave way, and Christian fell. Everything around his was purple sky.

Christian breathed frantically. He raised his hands in the air, and floated. He looked around for something to head too. There was nothing but a door with the word 'Hellfire' on it. "Well, its that way to purple sky... and that way to hellfire... Let me think..." Christian said, feigning like he was deep in thought. "Purple sky." he said - floating off.

Christian began to notice that no matter where he went, he kept appearing at the same door. He sighed and slowly floated over. He reached for the door knob, but pulled away. "I... Oh what the hell." he said, grabbing and turning the knob.

Light flowed over him, and he appeared in a elegant dining hall.

~The Hellfire Club - Dining Hall~

Christian looked around the room, this was even posher than Xavier's. A young black haired woman, dressed all in black, with black lipstick walked over to Christian. Her dress trailed behind her. "Hello there Christian. I've been trying to meet you for some time now." she said, smiling kindly. "I...I..." Christian muttered. "Calm yourself, No harm will come to your here, You are safe." she said, continuing to smile. "My name is Ms. Steed, and I run things here." she said. "Where is here? and why have I been brought to this place?" he asked. "Ah... Right to the point." she smiled. "Walk with me - Christian." she said, extending her hand. Christian hesitated, but complied.

They walked through the halls of the dimly lit building. Candlebras the only light source. "The walls here are decorated with the faces of all the previous headmasters of my... establishment." she said. "Your Jean Grey held my title for a time." she said. "Jean... Really?" Christian asked. She nodded at him. "Come, let us continue." she said.

"What is this place?" asked Christian. "To the public - We are Le Chateu..." said Steed. "To the public?" Christian questioned. Steed smiled at him, "To a select few... We are known as the Hellfire Club." she said. Christian gasped, letting going of her hand, "Your the ones who..." Christian said, Steed nodded, "Yes... But you don't know the whole story. I brought you here to let you see things from a different perspective... Mine..." she said.

"But you tried to KILL me!" Christian shouted. "Quiet down Christian, Some of the sentinent beings here are restless." she said, pausing. "We never tried to kill you Christian. Charles would not allow a meeting with you - So we did what we needed to - To arrange one ourselves." she said.

The door behind her opened, and a young boy walked through, and went to tap her on her shoulder. She grabbed his hand and slapped him across the face. He hit the floor with a loud thud. "Reese! You FOOL! Remove thyself!" she shouted. The boy scrambled up and ran off.

Steed looked around and then coughed, "Ah... Excuse my manner..." Steed said. "I've seen enough. I want to go back." Christian said. Steeds gentle expression fadded and she looked at the floor. She screamed and held her palm out at Christian. A glowing green sword streaked past his face.

Christian started to run down the hall, but a chain wrapped around his foot. He slammed into the ground and was dragged back. He rolled on to his back, and pointed at the lantern Steed was carrying. It combusted and flames swept over her. The chain vanished and Steed glew brightly. The flames started to die down. Christian got up and ran past her.

He ran as fast as he could down the corridor, and got to the end. There was a single door, so he went in it. Inside was the young man Steed had slapped around. "You... No! No! You must leave! She'll blame me... She will torture me... She she." he muttered. "No she won't! If you help me I won't let her. I promise!" Christian pleaded. "No no! You don't understand... I'll be blamed... It hurts... it hurts..." he cried, grabbing his chest. "I see..." the young man said, but Steed entered the room and cut him off, "Reese here see's the future. Its the only reason I keep him in once peice." she said. Christian turned around and scowled at Steed. The door behind her slammed shut and hit her in the head.

She clutched her head, and then laughed. "Your a brave one. Join us, spare yourself - and Reese - the pain." she said. "You won't hurt me. You need me." said Christian. "Correct, But now that your here, I don't need him." Steed said - pointing at Reese. A dagger flew out from her hand and flew towards Reese.

Christian ran and jumped infront of it. The dagger peirced him in the back and Christian gasped. "No! No this isn't happening!" Steed screamed. Christian looked up at Reese and smiled at him. Reese tried to speak but couldn't. "Reese! You... You... You knew this would happen! Didn't you!" Steed called. Reese held his gaze on Christian. "I couldn't let you use him Steed. I just couldn't." said Reese. "You... You ruined everything!!!" Steed screamed, raising her hand. She was about to throw a psychic weapon at Reese, but Scribe grabbed her hand. "Enough Steed. Its over." Scribe said. Steed tossed her aside.

"Scribe! It is not your place to tell me its over!" She said. "He will pay!" she called. Reese knelt down and whispered to Christian, "Im sorry... Im so sorry..." Christian just smiled faintly at him, reaching out to touch him. When he touched Reese a door appeared behind him, and sucked him in. The door closed and vanished. Christian fell to his side, and blood pooled around him.

"He's... He..." Scribe tried to say. She put her hand on Steed's shoulder.

"Talia - He is dead."

~The Journal Entry of Bobby Drake~

Its been nine months since Christian died. Scribe had the power to catalogue all events, and she showed us at the school... The Professeur finalized it. I still can't believe it. I didn't know him that long, but I've never felt the way I did with him, with anyone else.

The funeral was nice...

Everyone did there part. Alicia and Jubilee put on an amazing light show after. He would of loved it... Theresa sang a beautiful melody. Everyone came, even Marie. She felt really bad for the way she treated him. We've all buried the hatchet... He would of wanted that...

The school disbanded after the events. Cecilia and Beast started their own Medical Research Facility in New Mexico... Jean went on to join them. They've made alot of break throughs.

Theresa and her father work in Europe at an Opera. Betsy - Ororo - and Alicia travel around alot. They're well on there way to being a happy family.

Logan and Scott moved up to Alberta, Canada. They keep to themselves mostly - Logan likes it that way. Warren returned to his corperation, and hired Remy. Marie and Jubilee moved to Georgia. No ones seen Dili or Rahne since the funeral. Rahne made the mistake of turning into a wolf infront of her. They ran off together, and no ones seen them since.

Kitty got in a little trouble, she robbed some banks. Last I heard the goverment hired her as an Agent. She always was a good spy.

Things are nice here. John and I are close, but I don't think we'll ever date. It wouldn't work. He's had a couple boyfriends, but i've stayed single. Hard to believe, but Emma moved in with us. She just showed up on day, and hasn't left since.

The Hellfire club disesembled. Blackheart wasn't seen after the incident with Scott, and Steed's plan - While never fully understood, evaporated infront of her. Its believed she was arrested in London, for apparently trying to set a demon loose - In some sort of ritual. Scribe went to live with Monks, taking up a life of pacifism for all her bad deeds.

Its odd... Sometimes I still think Christian is alive. Everyone assures me its just my wishful thinking, but sometimes... When I sleep... I can feel him. When im scared, I can hear him say its going to be okay. When John almost drown two months ago, I swear I saw him standing over John. Emma says grief can cause that sort of stuff but...

...sometimes... I'm just not so sure.

The End.....?

I didn't want to end it... But I felt I should... Don't ask me why. What do you think? I had lots more I wanted to do, and more I could still do but... Anyways! What did you think? If enough of you want me to get it going again I will! Promise :) Its been great! Lots of love

  • Abs (

Next: Chapter 7: Mutant Summer 1

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