Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Sep 5, 2001


No Disclaimer is needed. For Legal issues see Chapters One, Two or Three. Im just borrowing ides. All for fun. Not gay. Blah blah. In the words of another Nifty Writer: So what, I'm a liar, doesn't mean i'll stop writing stories.

All suggestions for characters will be considered. Send away. Or just email me at

Thanks again to A D, Cirrus, PoshEuroBoy and all the other people who mail me. R J, and PRNRM. Without feedback, I just can't write. Hehe.

Im using this chapter and the next one to finalize who stays, and who goes. Send in your suggestions quick! Also, I know Kitty cannot go invisable. In my Story, Kitty can turn intangable, and then become an accual ghost. Psylocke can go invisable two ways, She can create an illusion in your mind making you think she isn't there, and she can also nullify her body matter, and hide in the shadows. Whether or not she can accually do this, Im not sure - But im pretty sure she could (At one point or another). Hey this doesn't have to be perfect! Also, Cecilia's forcefield was only defensive in the comics (Mainly) but in mine, she can make it offensive, with excessive strain - Or the help of a telekenetic. Any thing that doesn't quite fit Marvel can be chalked off to creative improvision. But if it bothers you deeply - Email me, and then send me the therapy bill.

Stick a fork in me. I am done.

~Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Xavier's Office~

"Your all proboly wondering why I call you here so urgently." Charles said. The people nodded. "What I am about to tell you all cannot leave this room. Theresa, Alicia, Normally you two would not be privvy to this information, but due to the fact your parents are outstanding members of the X-men, I have no other choice but to let you know. I will recuire your solemn promise that you will NEVER tell anyone what is said here." Xavier said. The two girls nodded. "Christian, We have not been completely truthful with you." said Xavier. "Well DUH." Christian said.

Charles was about to speak, but then stopped. "Kitty, come out from there." Xavier said. Kitty walked through the door of Xavier's closet, and stood beside him. "You see, the thing about that is." she tried to say. "Quiet, Kitty." Xavier said. "Since you heard part of the conversation, your going to hear it all, And you must swear on your life you will never say a word." he finished. "O..Okay..." Kitty said.

"A few years back, I came in to contact with a being from a different plane of existance. Her world was being destroyed from within, by her siblings, All fighting for control. She had the power of precognition, She could see the future before it happened. She knew her siblings would destroy eachother, and her, in their struggle for power. So she sent her only child, A young boy - To Earth, under the care of her Childhood friend Anique. Recently, A group called the Hellfire Club, an organization of Elitists, and VERY powerful mutants, found out about what they thought was a woman with the ability to shift between the planes. Anique had very little natural power, and was given a talisman, to make the boy she was with powers, appear as her own, So that no one would know of his existance. The Hellfire club, Which Betsy and Warren should be quite familiar with, Took specific intrest in her. They had in the past released demon's, In hope of controlling the world. Their attempts however always failed because they never had someone strong enough to properly break the seal of a gate, and then chain the demon. That is why they wan't you - Christian. You are rightful Heir to the Throne of the Plane of Discord. Tomorrow, on your 16th birthday, You will gain full acsess too all of your powers." said Xavier.

"That can't be true! You must be lieing!" shouted Christian. "I wish I were, but it is the truth. We must keep you safe until you are strong enough to defend yourself." said Xavier. "The Hellfire club currently has two branches, One in London, and One here in New York. Its New York members are extremly more powerful, but the London branch has more. The Hellfire club's London branch is currently run by a woman by the name of Ms. Steed. She has the power to psychically skin the layers of a person's mind, using weapons of Psionic energy, that appear as blades on chains. She is extremly dangerous. She is the London branches Black Queen. There is also the Red Queen, Margali Szardos. She is a very powerful sorceress, and her abilities have to many variables to name. There is also Scribe, she is like Kitty, she can turn herself Intangable, and she is super intellegent. She has chronicaled the events of the Hellfire club for some time now." said Charles. "I should let you all know, that Betsy, and Warren, both maintain memberships with the Hellfire Club - Due to their Bloodline. Betsy's brother is also the Black Bishop of the Hellfire Club, though he has been missing for some time." Charles finished. He wheeled himself over to where Sean and Emma were. "Emma Frost, was at one point, the White Queen, for the Hellfire Club. Recent events have caused her to remove herself from their establishment, and she will be quite useful in Discovering their motives." said Xavier. "Unfortunatly I do not know anything about the New York branch, other than their Leader Selene, can drain the life force out of anyone she touches - Much like Marie." he finished.

"So what do we do?" asked Sean. "Stay in the school and protect Christian?" asked Scott. "No" said Charles, "I am going to split you in to teams. All with a specific purpose. The Hellfire Club left some of its members in London, I want to find out what they are doing there." said Charles.

"Alicia, Theresa and Kitty. I wan't you to stay with Christian, as much as possible. Theresa, I talked to your father, You will room with Christian. Kitty, You and Alicia will stay in the room next to theirs." Charles said. "Christian's room mates we're very sophisticated Simalcrums. Inanimate objects, animated, through magic. The spheres inside of them gave them memories and brainwaves, making them impervious to my telepathy. They we're used to spy on him, and our progress. There might be more Simalcrums in the school, that is why we must not tell anyone of this." said Xavier. Everyone nodded. "Betsy, You, Warren and Emma will be team leaders, since you have the most experiance with the Club." said Charles. "Cecilia, Because of Selene's ability to make Simalcrums, I have called in Henry McCoy. I would like you and him to work together on finding a way to detect these Simalcrums." Charles said. Cecilia nodded.

"Now if you all will excuse me, I have something I must attend to. I have filled Betsy and Warren in on all the details, and I have given them the lists of teams." Charles said, wheeling off to an adjacent room.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves. "Quiet everyone! This is important." Betsy said. "From this moment on, We will be under taking missions, And to do this - We will need Codenames. Some of us have them already... And some of us do not. You have by tomorrow to pick your codename. I know some of you have not met eachother before today. I would like to introduce Dani Moonstar, Emma Frost, Marie-Ange Colbert and Rahne Sinclair. They are all going to be very important to us staying alive. I will now read off the list."

Team X will be composed of: Christian, Theresa, Kitty, Ange, and Dani

Team Y will be composed of: Warren, Scott, Logan, Remy

Team Z will be composed of: Betsy, Sean, Ororo, Rahne

Team A will be composed of: Cecilia, Henry, Emma, Jean and Xavier

"Is everyone clear on who they will be with?" asked Betsy. Everyone nodded. "The members of team A will be the non combat team. They will stay here to augment the mansion, to make it stronger, and more defensive. They will also defend in a time of crisis. Team X is NOT allowed to leave the premises unless accompanied by team Z. Team Z will be our offensive team, you will search New York for any information you can find. Team Y will head to London. Gather as much info about the Hellfire Club as you can, and specifically find out what they did before they left." said Betsy. Everyone nodded again. "Okay, Thats it. We're done. Everyone but Christian - Out." she said. "I'll take to you later, Okay?" said Alicia, hugging Christian. Theresa smiled at him and went off chatting with Ange.

"Christian, I know this must be really hard for you to process. Your quite brave. I admire you alot you know." Betsy said. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah. I do." she said. "Christian, I have to ask you something." she said. He nodded and smiled. "When Bobby kissed you, Did you like it?" Betsy said. Christian gasped and backed up. "Hey-Hey! Its okay, It doesn't matter to me." she said. "I--It doesn't?" he asked. "No, I'll let you in on a little secret... Me and Ororo" Betsy was about to say, but she looked up. "Kitty, I swear to god. One of these days." she said. A girl could be heard sighing. Christian looked around, but saw nothing. Betsy put her fingers on her temple and closed her eyes. Butterflies made of pink light flew around her and then shot out through the room. They swarmed in one area -

"ow! Owww! Get them off. Ow. Stop it!" Kitty could be heard yelling. Betsy laughed. "Shoo, Go do something teenly. Enjoy your youth. Shoo!" Betsy motioned. Christian nodded and walked out of the office... Right into Marie.

~Charles' School, The hallway~

"Well well, If it isn't Christian. Banging the boss for extra credit?" she asked. Christian rolled his eyes, "I would think thats more your forte, Marie." he said snidely. "Take that back!" she yelled. "Two words Marie: Make me." he said. Marie looked extremely pissed off and she grabbed at something on the table, she was about to throw it when Alicia grabbed her by the shirt and pinned her up against the wall. "Touch him Marie and I'll shove a lightbulb so far up your ass you'll be able to use your eyes as flashlights." Alicia said. Marie gulped. Alicia dropped Marie and Marie walked off.

"Alicia, I didn't know you we're so strong." Christian said, "I mean, you shouldn't of been able to do that with your size." he said. "Silly, thats because im not Alicia." she said. The girl before him merged, and turned in to a young, 13 year old, girl with bright pink hair that went down to her back. "Im Dili. I like to use peoples faces. Your pretty, Can I use yours?" she asked, then she merged again, and became what looked like an exact copy of Christian. "Wow... Thats amazing!" Christian said. "I know, Im the amazing Dili!" the girl said, before turning into a dog and running off down the hall.

A hand grabbed Christian's shoulder. "Don't worry, You'll get used to her, she can be a little weird sometimes." the boy said. "Your names..." Christian said, "John." the boy answered for him. Christian smiled.

"All the others are busy, And I was going to eat alone, But I saw you. Do you think you'd like to eat with me?" he asked. "Um.. I can't I have..." Christian said, "Come on!" John begged. Christian nodded at him and then wen't off to the Dining Hall.

~Xavier's School, The Dining Hall~

The dining room was suprisingly full. The students in it we're the ones with gifts that caused them some sort of deformaty, or made the other students scared of them in some way. Most of the students in the Hall we're Morlocks, a group of mutants who lived under ground. Christian figured they chose to eat at the odd times so they wouldn't be bothered by the other students.

John grabbed Christian by the waist and pulled him down onto a seat. He put his head between Christian's shoulder and head and smelled. He whispered in his ear, "I've been wanting to do that since I saw you." he said. Christian blushed bright red. John got up, "What do you want to eat?" he asked. Christian wasn't really in the mood for eating... After the news he had just gotten. Knowing people we're trying to kill everyone around you, So they could release a demon, kind of took your appetite away.

"Im not really that hungry..." said Christian. John shrugged, "Me either" He smirked, "But you said?" Christian replied. "Forget it, Lets just go." John said, grabbing Christian by the hand and running off.

~The Hellfire Club - New York~

"Have they both arrived yet?" asked Steed. "No maam, Only Magma has." said Scribe. "What about Threnody?" she questions. "I am not sure maam, I have seen her minions in the area, she must be close, But I do not know if she is here." said Scribe. "WELL FIND OUT You stupid woman!" yelled Ms. Steed. Scribe bowed her head and left.

The floor near Steed cracked, and then exploded. Blackheart rose up from it "Steed. What news have you?" he asked, in an etheral voice. "Magma is here, and Threnody is not far behind. Three of the four plants in the Mansion have been killed, one of them however still remains alive. They suspect nothing." said Steed. Blackheart laughed.

"Have they figured out the boy's complete potiential?" he asked. "Not yet, they are making unseen progress though. We must speed up our plan, or they will unlock his gift before we do." said Steed. Blackheart nodded, and then jumped into the fiery hole. It closed up after him.

~The Hellfire Club: London~

Team Y arrived in the London branch of the Hellfire Club's main office. "I'll fly up on the roof and try and get in that way. Cyclops, Come here, I'll pull you up with me." said Angel. "Ahh, And why Angel not take moi? Gambit thinks you don like." Gambit said, smiling. "Shutup Cajun, We got work to do." said Wolverine. Gambit sighed and walked over to the security doors with Wolverine. Angel took off with Cyclops towards the top of the building.

Gambit was about to charge up the door, when Wolverine stopped him, "Do you want to let everyone know we're here?" he said. Gambit smiled, "Gambit thinks it mo fun that way mon ami." he replied. Wolverine sighed, pulling out his claws. He slashed the door down the middle, and then pulled it apart. "Apres vous, Mon ami." said Gambit, Logan just raised an eyebrow. "After you, genius." he said, pushing Wolverine into the building.

One of the guards walked by and saw the door. "Hey! You!" he called. Wolverine rolled his eyes, "What makes you think your allowed in here?" the guard asked. Wolverine waved his hands in the air, showing off his claws. The guard looked petrified. "Mutants! M-M- Help!" he yelled. Gambit pulled out a card and flipped it at the guard. It hit the light fixture above him and came crashing down onto him. Three more guards ran up.

They drew their guns and fired. Gambit flipped over a desk and ducked, while Wolverine

side stepped; He wasn't quick enough though and a bullet grazed his shoulder. He ran over and sliced the guns in half. The guards tried to run but couldn't. Wolverine knocked them out. The remaining guard was about to fire, but Gambit hit him across the head with his staff, knocking him out.

"Nick work, Cajun." said Wolverine. Gambit smiled, "Don mention it." he said. The sound of metal clanking could be heard, and the noises from a computer. Two 8 foot tall silver robots walked out from a door. "Intruders spotted. Classifcation X. Termination program commencing." said one of the robots. Its chest blew off and a net flew at Wolverine, trapping him. Remy charged up some cards and tossed them at the robots chest, blowing it to peices. The other robot fired a Plasma burst as Wolverine, knocking him back, then it rushed at Gambit.

The robot swung its giant arm down at Gambit but he dodged. He was trying to use his staff but it wasn't working. Logan jumped up and cut the arm off of the Robot. Gambit ran and grabbed it. He charged it as much as he could and they ran.

~The same building: The roof~

Cyclops and Angel arrived on the top of the roof. Angel bust off the security door by swooping down from the air and ramming it. They made it down a long stairwell into a security room. They quickly knocked the single guard unconious - Only to be knocked down by an explosion ravaging the building. They could see Gambit and Wolverine on the floor below them. Gambit was waving in the air at them. Cyclops looked over to see a severly damaged robot making its way behind them. He adjusted his visor and let a blast fly, breaking through the security glass infront of him, and pummeling the robot into peices.

Wolverine smiled at Scott, and he smiled back. Angel flipped a couple switches on the mainframe infront of him, and the floor Gambit and Wolverine were on started to turn. It was an elevator, and it was going down. Angel grabbed Cyclops and flew down to Wolverine and Gambit.

They got to the bottom and quickly dispatched another robot. They made their way into a back room. The walls were covered in runic symbols and skulls. Bodies hung from chains on the ceiling. Wolverine sniffed the air and new that besides them, something else was alive in the room, something evil.

"Welcome to my house of pain. I'd tell you to enjoy your stay - But I know you won't." said a man's voice. They turned to see a badly decomposed body, that was walking towards them. It was missing one eye, and part of its left hand. "Yesss... Do not fight back. It will be easier to feast upon your soulsss..." said the being.

"What de devil is that thing?" asked Gambit. They looked at eachother. Wolverine rushed at the zombie and cut off its left arm completly. It made a primal cry and slammed Wolverine up side the head, knocking him across the room. It then picked up its fallen arm off the ground - And rushed at Angel. Angel flew up into the air - but his wing caught on to a chain.

Remy flipped his staff and slapped the zombie with it, then he twirled it around and spung, swinging at the zombie's head. It flew clean off - but the body kept fighting. Cyclops fired a couple blasts at its torso and chest, and it hit the ground - still moving.

"How the hell do we kill this thing?" asked Cyclops. Wolverine grabbed a torch and threw it at the head of the zombie, it caught on fire - and then the whole body burned.

"Angel are you okay?" asked Cyclops, "I should be" he said, landing. He clutched his wounded wing. "It'll heal." he said. Wolverine walked over and grabbed a book off the desk, inside there was a page labeled "To bind an elemental" but the page was ripped out.

"Hey, look at this. They wan't to bind an Elemental... That means they get control of it right? I thought they were after demons though." said Wolverine. "I don't think there are many elementals around." said Cyclops. Angel walked over, "Sure there is, I can think of one at the drop of a hat." he said. "Who?" asked Gambit.


Eh he, thats it for this chapter. Next one will take a little bit longer (School sucks.) BUT I should release one every day or two - Nifty permiting. Keep sending feedback with what you would like to see, and please tell me of any way I am fucking up. It will help in the future. Sorry for spelling errors, but I am using notepad. Oh well. One day I'll install MS office again. Until then - Deal with it.

Next: Chapter 5

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