Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Sep 3, 2001


FINAL DISCLAIMER: The X-men are copyright Marvel. The movie is made by some big company that I have absolutely NOTHING to do with. I claim nothing, profit from nothing, imply NOTHING about the people, celebrities, actors, and comic book creations I write about in this story.

If your under 18, Do what you think is right. If gay themes, material, relationships, love or sex, bother you in ANY way. Run away! If its illegal to be gay where you live, RUN AWAY! And finally, archive this on any site ya want. Just tell me first. Email with feedback! I love feedback! I LIVE for feedback.

Okay this is how it works: Bobby, John, and Kurt (A young blue skinned boy, blue hair. Can teleport short distances at will, and run super fast) are in a room and Then Kitty, Marie, and Jubilee share a room. Jean and Scott share a room, Logan and Remy share a room, Betsy and Warren share a room. Ororo, and Alicia also share a room. Emma and Sean do too. Christian's room mates won't be named, because the three of them arn't going to be around much... ::cough::

Also: The teleporting Alicia and Chris do together will be reffered to as Blinking. Because its easier to type. Im going to name off the list of people im using for the "Good" group. I won't name the villans, thats part of the fun. I'll take some suggestions for a few more days, after that, you'll have to wait for the second part of the story before i'll start adding lots of people again. Send in the charecters you like, If you don't - I just might kill them off! ::gasp::

The Good Guys... Some might not appear often. Vote for who you wan't to see more / less of!!!

Psylocke: Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock * Angel: Warren Worthington III * Cyclops: Scott Summers

Wolverine: Logan * Rogue: Marie * Iceman: Bobby * Pyro: St. John Allderdyce *

Nightcrawler: Kurt Wagner * Jubilee: Jubilation Lee * Cecilia: Dr. Cecilia Reyes *

Shadowcat: Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde * Storm: Ororo Munroe * Banshee: Sean Cassidy

Siryn: Theresa 'Terry' Cassidy * Gambit: Remy Lebeu * Tarot: Marie-Ange 'Ange' Colbert

Professor X: Charles Xavier * Mirage or Psyche: Danielle 'Dani' Moonstar *

The White Queen I: Emma Frost * Umbra: Alicia Munroe * Void: Christian Lambert

The people made by me have no real codenames, Because I havn't thought of any. Suggest some! If I don't get any suggestions I'll just use Panumbra for Alicia, and Void for Christian.

I would like to thank A D, xx xx, Stormgaurdian and all the other people who have written me. Please continue to do so. If you have any questions or suggestions, or comments, email me!!! !!!

Stick a fork in me. I am done.

~New York, Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters: Christian's Room~

Christian woke up in the middle of the night. He wasn't sure why, but he felt something calling to him. He got out of bed, and laughed. Marco was sleeping on the floor. Serves him right. ((I wonder what came over me... I mean, I've never done something like that.)) Christian thought.

Christian walked down the hall. He was going to sneak into the kitchen. ((Hey, If Kitty can do it, So can I.)) he thought. The door infront of him was part way open, and he felt uneasy. ((Hey, This place is like a fortress. What am I scared of?)) he thought, and walked by.

He didn't even have time to scream. A figure jumped from the closet and put its hand around his mouth. He felt cloth against his mouth, and metal against his neck. "I know what your doing, And im not going to let you get away with it." said a womans voice. "Bobby is NOT up for grabs. So stay the fuck away." it said, and then darkness came.

Christian woke up in the middle of the hall, surrounded by people. "Ughn... My head." he said, getting up. "Christian what happened?" asked Alicia. "I... Im not sure..." he said. "My head hurts." he finished. "You must of tripped in the dark or something." said Alicia, grabbing Christians arm to help him stand. They looked at eachother, "Oh... Shiiiii" A flash rocked through the building.

~In A public school not to far from Xavier's~

"Class, today's discussion will be on Mutants." said the Teacher. "What do we know about mutants?" she said. One of the students laughed, "That they don't just fall from the sky?" he said, joking.

A flash rocked the classroom, and Christian and Alicia fell and landed on the teachers over sized desk. "My..." Christian said, "Ass..." Alicia finished. Alicia rolled off the desk and hit the floor, pushing herself up. "Well, that was interesting... Remind me to not touch you anymore, Mmkay?" she said. He laughed, "I can control it, I swear! I just didn't expect you to do that."

The people in the classroom looked dumbstruck. "Are...are... you two mutants?" asked the teacher. "Oh heavens no!" said Alicia. "Yeah, we're the new line of U.P.S delivery people! We're always on time!" he said. Alicia bust out in laugher.

One of the students threw an eraser at Christian's head. It stopped infront of his face, and then violently imploded. It image sent shivers down Alicia's back. "If you can't play nice then im going to take your toys away." Christian joked. The student looked scared.

Christian held his arm out to Alicia, "Shall we?" he asked. She smiled, "Don't mind if I do." she said reaching out. They we're about to teleport when the door bust open.

Three big men bust in. One rushed up to the front of the classroom and pushed Alicia and Christian apart and grabbed the teacher. "Which one of these students is Theresa Cassidy?" he asked. The teacher was gasping for air, the man was strangling her. "Im... sorry, Theresa..." she said. She pointed at Theresa's direction and the two other men grabbed the red haired girl.

"Mutants like you need to be destroyed! Your a disease!" they said, trying to drag her off. "Let go of her!" Alicia yelled. The man grabbing the teacher let go and punched Alicia right in the face. "Mutant loving scum. Your just as bad as them!" he said. Alicia composed herself, "Correction, I AM one of them!" she yelled. She clapped her hands together and a flare went off. The man infront of her grabbed his eyes screaming. Alicia grabbed a metre stick and hit him in the crotch with it. The man fell to the floor and she continued to beat him senseless with the stick.

The two men grabbing Theresa tried to drag her off. Christian ran to her trying to help and one of the men pulled out a gun and shot. Christian cowared away with his hands up and the bullet stopped, and fell to the floor. The other man had come up beside Christian, and hit him over the head, he fell to the floor grabbing his head.

The two men proceeded to drag Theresa off and had her at the door. Suddenly she screamed. It got louder and louder. The whole building started to shake, the windows exploded, as well as all the pictures, vases, and all the small objects in her vicinity. The two men close to her we're knocked away, crashing against the wall. Everyone in the room was knocked unconsious, accept Alicia and Christian.

Theresa stopped screaming, and the tremors in the building stopped. She gasped for breath, and looked around. Alicia composed herself, "Remind me NOT to piss you off." she said. The girl tried to laugh, but coughed. Christian got up and dusted himself off. "Well that was entertaining, But I really think we should leave." he said. "Why?" asked Alicia, "I was having fun." she said. "Um, because giant sized robots are going to descend from the sky and try and kill us." Christian said.

"Oh sure, and I'm a Pop Star." Theresa said. The sound of a metal clanking together could be heard. Suddenly the roof of the building ripped off. A giant purple and red Robot was standing over the three of them. "I'll be damned." said Alicia. "Halt Mutants. This disturbance is over. You will be contained." it said, in what sounded like a pre recorded message. The robot reached its giant sized hand toward Alicia, and she held her hands up. Light covered her body, and then she stepped back. A glass figurine that resembled her stood where she was. She grabbed Christian by his shirt, "Run!" she yelled. They grabbed Theresa as they took off.

The Sentinal reached for the statue, and when he got close, it cracked, and then exploded, sending shards and spikes of glass streaking towards it. They impaled the robot and cut off its hand. The hand landed on the teacher's desk. The robot started to run off in the direction the teens went.

"Its following us! What are we going to do?" Theresa yelled. "Christian, grab Theresa, and then teleport us!" Alicia said. "But..." Christian stuttered, "No buts - DO IT!" Alicia said. He nodded. The Sentinal held its remaining hand out, and started to charge a laser blast. Christian grabbed Theresa, and just as the laser fired, grabbed Alicia.

A blinding light shot out from the three of them. Followed by a sonic wave. The robot was sliced in half from the shockwave.

~Back at Mutant High~

"Where is he?" asked Scott, "Im not sure, Alicia is missing too." said Ororo. "Do you think they teleported again?" asked Betsy. Kitty ran up to them, "Yup they did. But I wasn't spying! I really wasn't! Someone told me... Yeah..." she said. "I have to go... now." she said, running off.

"Where could they have gone?" asked Scott. "They couldn't of gone far, the teleport can't go that far." said Betsy. "I hope your right." said Ororo.

The mirror beside Betsy shone brightly, and suddenly the image of the three teens appeared in it. "Betsy, behind you." said Scott. Betsy turned around and saw them. "Break the glass." said Alicia. "But?" asked Ororo. "Its okay Mom, I go in these all the time, its cool." said Alicia. Ororo nodded. Betsy kicked the glass on the mirror, and the three teens fell from the mirror frame.

"Atleast we didn't land on our asses again." said Alicia. Christian just sighed.

~The School, Room 121~

"Kurt? Have you seen Kitty?" asked Bobby. "Why do you want Kitty?" asked Kurt. "You know, to see how she is doing, and stuff." Bobby replied. "Oh, You mean, to find out if she knows anything you don't, about Christian?" said Kurt, laughing. "Wa...What do you mean?" asked Bobby. "Get over it Bobby, I've known you for a while, and I've never seen you look at Marie, like you look at him." said Kurt. "You don't know what your talking about, Tails." said Bobby, pointing out the tail Kurt tried to keep hidden. John walked in to the room and Bobby got silent. John pulled off his shirt and threw it on his bed, then took off his pants and boxers and walked into the shower, after flashing everyone in his room.

"Why does he do that?" asked Bobby. "Because he knows he is... hot..." said Kurt, laughing about the small pun he had made, considering John could manipulate fire. "Whatever" said Bobby.

~The School, Xavier's Office~

"Where have you two been?" asked Scott. "Er, We arn't really sure." they said. Ororo was giving Theresa a funny look. Then she gasped, "Theresa?" she asked. Theresa looked at her, "Um... Yeah? How'd you know?" she asked. "Do you remember when you were little, and you and your father got trapped in the snow at that cottage? And the woman who helped you get free?" she asked. "Ororo?" Theresa asked. "Oh my god!" she said. "Its been forever! What are you doing here?" she asked. "I work here. Your father was in London with Emma, but he was coming back today. What perfect timing." Ororo said.

"Well, if your little social meeting is over. What in the world we're you two thinking running off like that?" Scott said. "Now you just wait a minute, We didn't 'run' off. It was an accident. I grabbed Christian to help him up, and we blinked." Alicia said. "I... Im sorry. I got left in charge, if something happens I'll be blamed. Try to be more careful." said Scott. "Left in charge...? Yeah... Where is everyone?" asked Christian.

"Um... Off to class children." said Ororo. "Mom... we don't have class. The teachers arn't here." Alicia said. "Out!" Ororo said, pointing - Her eyes starting to whiten, symbolizing the activation of her powers. The three scurried off.

"There going to find out sooner or later what's going on. Don't you think Christian would be safer if he knew what was going on?" asked Betsy. "Betsy, If you were in his position, would you want to know? I wouldn't." said Scott. She looked at him, "You know what Scott?" Betsy said. Scott cocked his head to the side a little. "I would." she said, and then walked off.

"I would too Scott. Talk to Charles, please." said Ororo, before she too walked off.

~The school - Christians room~

When Christian walked into the room, Three students got up. Marco, another guy, and a girl. They walked over to him. "Im going to make you pay for what you did last night." said Marco. Christian rolled his eyes. The girl with him, Lila, has the ability to mutate her body into jelly. It was disgusting to see, but left her invunerable to everything but Fire and heat. The other boy with Marco, Leland, could throw psychic bolts that would paralyze, if given enough time. Marco could kill plant life with a touch, and de hyrdate all other living things, other than that he was quite strong, but slow.

"Christian, What's a matter? Was my sister not good enough for you?" said Leland, pointing to Lila. "Um Leland, Unless you didn't notice, Im not really into girls, especially ones made of Jello mix." said Christian. Leland's eyes flared up and he was about to attack, when Alicia and Theresa came in.

"Oh look, more victims." said Marco, his two friends laughed. "Alicia, you help Christian with the girl, I'll take the males." Theresa said. "Easy pickings" said Leland.

Alicia projected shards of glass at Lila, but they went through her and the wounds closed over. Christian was lifting things up with Gravity, and spontaniously combusting them. He then hurled them at her, but she knocked them all away. "Alicia, I have an idea. Give me your hand." he said. She shrugged and did it. They blinked out, and a few seconds later a bright light appeared in Lila's stomache, she screamed. Alicia and Christian appeared, and Lila was blown to peices.

Meanwhile, Marco and Leland we're side by side, infront of Theresa. "Take one more step, and I'll scream." she said. They laughed, "Aww, the lil girl is scared." they said. She raised one eyebrow at them and laughed. Leland ran towards Theresa and she let out a blood curdling scream. The force hit Leland in the chest, knocking him across the room and out the window into the Courtyard.

Alicia whispered at Christian, "Thank god she is on our side." He nodded. Marco ran up to her and she tried to scream but he put his hand over her mouth. He let go and she gasped for air. Marco had drained the water from her and her mouth was too dry to even talk.

"Shit." Alicia said, Preparing to attack Marco. He turned around and punched her in the face. She hit the floor unconsious. Christian outstretched his hand to attack, and Marco grabbed it. Christian instantly felt the effects of de hydration. His legs became weak and he became tired. He fell to his knees, He would pass out soon.

It got VERY cold all of a sudden, and Christian began to shiver. He could see Marco shivering too. Then he saw Bobby at the door, with his hand out. Snowflakes danced around his hand, and then streamed out towards Marco. The stream hit him and the back and he gasped. His whole body started to freeze over. He became covered in a shell of ice.

Bobby went over and grabbed Christian. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I am... now." he said. Alicia sat up, "I never liked that guy." she said.

Theresa jumped up and screamed. "Noooo!" Bobby yelled. The ice covering Macro cracked, and he shattered into 10000 peices. A metal sphere was floating in the air where he was. It lit up and then flew out the window. The jelly on the floor from Lila's body slid into one pile, and another sphere rose from it and flew out the window. Another one could be seen rising from the courtyard. All three flew off.

"What the hell was that?" they all asked in unison.

~In the lower part of the School: The Lab~

"Professor. Take a look at this sample I took from Christian." said Cecilia. Xavier wheeled himself over to the black woman. "What is it Dr. Reyes?" he asked. "Look at what I got from Christian... Its mutating again." she said. Jean heard them and walked over to where they were. "What do you mean?" Jean asked. "His powers, new ones are forming." she said. "That isn't possible, For powers to grow like that in a body would cause the same thing that happened to Senator Kelly." Jean said. "Not exactly" said Cecilia, "Christian, because he started off a mutant, could be able to withstand a transformation like that." she finished. She looked at his sample and gasped.

"The reason Christian can cause all those effects, with other mutants around" Cecilia said, "Is because, he isn't strong enough to do them on his own." she finished. "When his powers fully activate, he will be able to Teleport, Send out crushing force, and shockwaves, nullify mutant energies around him, have precognition, and to remove grafity within a field around him, causing him to levitate objects, and people. He will even be able to combust, and implode things..." she finished. Jean gasped, "How long will it take him to gain that kind of mastery on his power?" she asked. "He can do it now." said Charles. The two women looked at him in shock.

Suddenly, the door of the lab exploded. A metal sphere flew in. Three metal stars flew out of it towards Cecilia. Her psioplasmic forcefield activated, and the stars bounced off. Jean used her telekenisis and tried to throw the ball across the room, but a backlash hit her and she threw herself. "Cecilia, go get help." said Xavier. "No Charles, you go. My shield will protect me." she said. He nodded.

Xavier wheeled off and found Sean. "The lab is under attack. Im not sure what the thing is, but I know who sent it. Go help them." Charles said. Sean flew off towards the lab.

Sean got into the lab to see Jean and Cecilia doing their best to fend off the barrage of mechanical weapons the sphere was throwing. He nodded at the two women and they covered their ears. He screeched at the Sphere and sent it flying across the room. Jean telekeneticly dragged two big metal desks together. The combined force of Jean and Sean crushed the Sphere.

Xavier came back in with Betsy. They all examined the now broken sphere. "Whats that?" asked Sean, pointing at a odd circular shape. Betsy bent down, "Its a... camera..." she said. They all looked at eachother. The room got silent. "Get everyone in to my office. Christian, Alicia, and their new friend - Theresa." said Charles. Everyone nodded and went off.

~The School, Xavier's Office~

"I called you all here for a reason." said Xavier. "I think its time I told you all the truth." Charles said. Once again, the room got silent.

Ah ha! Cliffhangers! Don't you just LOVE it? E-mail me and tell me how much you hate me! Email me with anything, just email me! First sex scene in the next chapter, or one after, promise! This is your LAST chance to suggest charecters for the story. If you don't get them through by chapter 4, Yer outta luck. (Unless you make a totally cool suggestion) So email me at ! ! Just do it!

Next: Chapter 4

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