Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Sep 2, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is fiction, If you cannot discern between reality and a fictious story then you should NOT be reading this. If gay themes offend you, too bad. If gay sex (None yet) offends you, too bad. If violence, course language, or anything like that offends you, once again... Too bad.

Once again - Send me feedback! Lots of it! If you don't I'll assume no one is reading this, and write something else. Do not be afraid to send me Negative Feedback, so long as you send any at all.

The X-men are owned by Marvel, and the movie was made by this giant company that I have no part of, and that I do not profit from. This story is based upon the movie, but lack of charecters and info has caused me to bring in characters from the Comic and Cartoon. If you have any questions, or suggestions, and characters to add, remove, kill off, torture or have someone date, send them to

Also: Psylocke = Betsy. Angel = Warren Worthington. Gambit = Remy Lebeu. Siryn = Theresa. and finally, Banshee = Sean. (These are all charecters that will be making an apperance soon, Im going to call people by their real name (If I can find it out) Unless their on a mission)

Special thanks to: William May - StormGaurdian - Dali Lama - PoshEuroBoy - and A D for sending me feedback! No bad feedback YET --Knock on Wood--

P.S: ((Message here)) means a thought, if you couldn't figure that out. It also means a message sent through Telepathy.

Stick a fork in me. I am done.

~Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Bobby's Room~

((Why did I kiss him? I shouldn't of done that... What if he says something? What if he didn't like it? I liked it... Wait, No I didn't, I'm not gay.)) thought Bobby. "Are you so sure?" said a woman's voice. Bobby turned to see a woman with long purple hair, she was dressed in tight black leather pants, and a baby T with the word "Dangerous" on it. "How... How did you? But?" he asked. She smiled at him.

"Xavier isn't the only psychic you know." she said. ((Damn... I can't even think things to myself around here)) Bobby thought. "No, you can't." she said. He sighed. "How much do you know?" he asked. "Well, I know you kissed another boy, and you liked it. And..." she paused for a second, and her eyes fluttered, "And his name was Christian." she smiled. "Hey! You can't just search around in peoples minds! Your as bad as Kitty!!" he yelled.

"HEY! I resent that!" said a girl's voice. "Oh... shit." it said again. Suddenly, Kitty became visable. "No I wasn't spying! I got lost..." she said. Bobby looked so worried, "Um Kitty, I can explain, I mean, and he." Bobby stuttered. "Shaddup. I've known for like ever that you like guys. Its not a big deal." she said.

They smiled at eachother. "So whats your name?" he asked the purple haired woman. She laughed, "Elizabeth." she said, "But call me Betsy." she said. Kitty looked at her, "Your one of the people that was in Xavier's office earlier, arn't you?" she said. "Well, your quite the little spy." said Betsy. "But, yeah, that was me - With some friends of mine." she spoke. "So what brings you to Mutant High?" asked Bobby.

"Oh um... Just the past catching up with itself..." she spoke.

~Charles Xavier's Office~

"Christian, Ah - Yes, come in." said Xavier. "This is Scott, Logan, and you've already met Jean and Ororo." he said. Christian nodded and smiled. "Your proboly wondering why I called you in." said Xavier. Christian nodded. "Its because of your mutation... I've finally figured it out." he said. Christian looked suprised.

"With all the random effects you had been manifesting, We wern't quite sure what it was." said Jean, "But, It makes sense now." she finished. Ororo stepped up to him, "Come with me, Christian. We have to talk." she said. He nodded and they left.

~The School, Christian's Room~

"I was not just given you as a Student because your power had something to do with mine, I was also given care of you... Because I knew your mother. Quite well..." said Ororo. "Me and her met a long time ago in Africa. Anique, had minor control over Gravity itself. She could implode small objects with no effort, and objects as big as a car with some strain. Her gift lead to the Hellfire Club, an organization of super powered mutants - To take intrest in her. When she refused to join their ranks, they killed her." Ororo said. Christian looked like he was about to cry. "This school is foremost a school for young mutants, but the lower levels are used as a training center, for me, and the others. We strive for humanity and mutants to live in peace, but also seek to stop such organizations as the Hellfire Club from doing harm to the world in general. When we found out of Anique's death, me and the other X men... rescued you." she spoke. Christian's eyes we're starting to water.

"Like your Mother, you maintain a grasp over gravity, And a much stronger hold over it than your mother ever could of. You also have an ability we here at the school have never seen, though we have seen people with abilities like it. Whenever you are in close contact, and some times physical contact, with another mutant, you gain another mutation. This is the only way to explain the manifestations you've been having. The ability you gain is completly random and only happens with that one mutant. We here at the school would like to test out this, and see what we can find. If you'll let us." she said. Christian nodded. "Then its settled! Lets go." Ororo said.

~The School, The Courtyard~

"Is everyone here?" asked Scott. "I think so." said Ororo. "Wait for us!" yelled Betsy, accompanied by a man with wings, and a young black girl. "Ahh, Warren, Alicia, We didn't expect you to come." said Jean. Alicia went and hugged Ororo, "Mom, I've missed you!" she said. Ororo smiled, "How was England?" she asked. "I loved it! They talk so cool there." she giggled.

"I believe it is time to start." said Scott. Jean nodded and raised her hands. Three stone pillars raised from the ground. "We can use these as targets." she said. "Why don't we just use the danger room?" asked Logan. Scott laughed at him, "Because, we don't know what will happen, We need a open area." said Scott. Logan looked mad. "I'll go first" said Ororo.

Ororo and Christian walked into direct sight of one of the pillars. "Do we have to hold hands or something?" asked Christian. Ororo shook her head, "I don't think so. Just concentrate." she said. He nodded.

Storm stood near him and Christian raised his hands into the air. He clenched his eyes shut and concentrated. He could feel nature, and the sky, the earth. He knew everything that was going on in the area, to the kids in the woods nearby, to the girl in the pool 500 metre's away. His eyes flickered and he got slight visions of area's nearby. The visions faded, and he collapsed onto the ground.

"Christian!" Jean yelled. They all got up to him, "I'm fine... Wow... That was so cool!" he said. "What happened? asked Betsy. "I could like feel everything! I knew everything that was going on nearby! It was cool." said Christian. Logan looked at him, "Prove it." he said. Christian looked hurt. "Fine. Okay, over that hill there is a girl in the pool, she looks like she is 12 or so. In the woods over there, Four teens are playing hide and go seek, three boys one girl. They all are around 14, and something I didn't understand... Xavier is UNDER us..." he said. Jean and Ororo looked at eachother. "He must be in the lab." Jean said.

Logan looked shocked. They talked for a bit, and Christian tried too see what he could do, with each different person. When he got to Alicia nothing happened. They looked at each other. "Thats weird." they said. "What's wrong? It should work..." he said. "Alicia, what is your power?" he asked. "I can project light out from my hands, and I can solidify it into glass, and mirrors." she said. Christian thought to himself. "Maybe if you too held hands, it would work?" suggested Betsy. They looked at eachother. "Whatever, nothing to lose."

Christian concentrated, and then outstretched his hand to Alicia. When they made contact, a bright flash of light exploded, like a firecracker. Alicia and Christian we're gone. Every one looked around but no one saw them. 20 feet away, the same kind of flash appeared, and Alicia and Christian dropped to the ground.

"Oh... My god." said Christian. "That was... so..." said Alicia. "Cool." Christian finished. The group ran over to the two teens. "What the hell happened???" asked Logan. Jean looked at them, "It appears when Christian makes Psyical contact with Alicia, the both of them can Tele port short distances." Jean said. "Are you two okay?" asked Scott. They nodded and got up.

"We SO have to do that again!" Alicia beamed. Christian laughed, "Maybe later, thats the second time today i've fallen on my ass." he said. They rested for a bit. Then they continued to test his gift. By the time they we're done everyone had finished. "I've been writing down the results, and these are them." said Jean.

Close Contact -

Christian and Ororo: The ability to see all life, plant - animal - or human, in the area around them.

Christian and Scott: The ability to nullify ALL mutant powers in the area. Even there own. This also turns off machines.

Christian and Logan: Christian gains the abilty to talk to animals, and make them do what he wants.

Physical Contact -

Christian and Alicia: The ability to teleport short distances.

Christian and Betsy: The ability to manifest the darkest fear, and nightmares, of anyone near them.

Christian and Jean: The ability to make a crushing force by clapping their hands together, this can cause earthquakes, knock people unconsious, and stun living things. It also disrupts telepathy, and telekenisis.

Jean finished reading her results. She was almost done and Kitty ran up. "Wait! I want to try!" she yelled. "Kitty! What are you doing here!?" asked Christian. "I followed Alicia." she said. They all gave her dirty looks. "Im nosy, so sue me. Damnit." she said. "Now give me your hand." she said to Christian. He laughed. When they touched nothing happened. "Well, I guess thats it. We have the ability to stand around and look stupid together." he said. "Shaddap you!" she said. He nodded. "Honestly. I don't think its working." he said. "Me either. What do you guys think?" Kitty asked, turning to the other guys.

"Umm... Christian... Turn around..." she said. He did, and then gasped. "Oh... My... GOD" he said. "Kitty, do you know what this means?" he said. "Yes... I can take spying to a WHOLE knew level." she said, "Oh, and Logan has a HUGE." she tried to say, but Christian covered her mouth. Everyone looked at eachother, "What is going on?" Alicia asked. "I can, we can..." Kitty tried to say. "We have x ray vision!" she yelled. Alicia giggled, "Sure you do." she said. "Alicia, I didn't know you had a bellybutton ring." Christian said. Ororo turned to Alicia, "Neither did I!" she looked mad. "Uh... Mom... I was going to tell you... Er..." she stuttered. "Gotta go mom, see you later!" she said running off.

By now the others we're doing their best to cover themselves up. "Can you two let go?" Betsy said. "Oh... yeah..." both of them blushes, letting go of eachothers hand. They watched as everyone instantly became clothed again.

"Christian. I think I am going to like working with you." Kitty said, before turning invisable and running off (Her feet could be seen making marks in the grass). "Well, thats enough for today... I bet your really tired. Run off to bed." said Jean. Christian nodded and took off. When he was in the distance.

"Poor kid... He doesn't know what he is in for." said Logan. The others nodded.

~The School, Outside Christian's Room~

Bobby had been walking up and down the hall looking for Christian for the last hour. He hadn't shown up at his room at all, and some how he was put in the room, with all the really jerky people. The ones no one else wanted in their rooms.

Bobby headed towards the stairs, and bumped right into... John. "John, uh... What're you doing here?" Bobby asked. "The same thing you are, stupid." he said. Bobby looked confused. "Looking for Christian. What else would I be doing on this fucking floor, with the goddamn' misfits." he said. Bobby held his head down. John leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Your crazy if you think he's going to pick you over me." and then he walked off. Bobby stood in the hallway. He knew John was right.

Bobby walked off. He got in to the main living room, and Marie was there with a VERY pissed off look, or, considering this was Marie, her normal look. "Bobby Drake, get your ass over here NOW." she yelled from across the room. "I...Uh... I'm sorry Marie I totally forgot about dinner. It won't happen again." he said. "Your right it won't fucking happen again." she said, "Who else in this shithole do you think would date YOU?" she spat, "I don't know why I bother." she said - storming off.

Bobby just sighed. One of these days he would catch her in the bathroom and then she'd be sorry. He laughed to himself. ((Marie pissing icecubes... Might cool her down)) he thought, then walked off laughing.

~The School, Christians Room~

"Ohhh, Looks who's back!" said one of the people in Christians room. Christian just looked away. How he got put in the room with these people was beyond him. They we're all angry, mean little pricks. "Has anyone come looking for me?" asked Christian. "Why the FUCK would someone come looking for YOU?" said the guy closest to Christian. He got up and pushed him.

"Your fucking worthless. You need to be taught that!" said the guy. "Marco, go to hell." Christian said. Marco backhanded him. Christian hit the floor hard, but got up. He started to laugh. "Marco, you think your special because you can what? Kill plant life with one touch? That isn't a mutation. It just shrivels away because you smell like a PIG!" Christian yelled. His voice echoing through the room. "I am TIRED of being pushed around by YOU" he yelled again. Marco's bed slammed against the wall.

Marco backed away from Christian. Christian floated a little into the air. Everyone in the room looked horrified. "Holy shit... I didn't mean it Christian... I didn't know..." said Marco. "You didn't know what? I could do THIS." Christian pointed at Marco's bed, and it burst into flames. Then a vaacumm noise couple be heard, and the bed imploded leaving nothing behind. Christian calmed down, and stopped floating.

"Don't you ever, EVER, hit me again." said Christian. Marco nodded. Christian looked around and then laughed again. "I guess you can just sleep on the floor." he finished, still laughing.

He went to sleep feeling better than he had in years. With visions of Bobby and him kissing.

~In a building, not to far away. A meeting was taking place~

"Have we located him yet?" said a woman. "Yes, Xavier managed to usurp him from us." said a young man. "Do they know his full potential yet?" said another woman. "No... They are fools. Like blindfolded children, clueless." said another man. Everyone at the table laughed.

"And the status of our other... situation?" said the first woman. "It should be clearing itself up... now." said the other woman. The door opened and a woman who looked like she was half cat came in. "He is here." she said.

The people at the table looked at eachother. "Excellent." the headmistress said.

Well, Thats it for Chapter two. Nothing special yet, I know. Wait another chapter or two, and the rivalry between John and Bobby will heat up. Rogue will get involved too! So will someone you wouldn't expect, and someone you might (Because she can't help herself). Sorry for the typos. I did my best... Last chapter had two I noticed after posting. E-mail and send me feedback!

Next: Chapter 3

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