Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Aug 31, 2001



This story contains scenes which may include, Gay themes, course language, violence, gay sex, and various other things. This story has a mandatory PG-13 rating, but will proboly become R as it progresses. Meaning you must be 18 to read this. If being gay is illegal where you live - Move. If you don't like gay people, or gay fiction... Move along.

The X-men are copyright Marvel. The movie was made by some big company, not by me. I do not profit from this. I claim nothing about the charecters from the movie, which I portray in my story. I am just borrowing them.

This is my third story. My second X-men one. Send me ALL feedback, good and bad. Do NOT be afraid to flame me. Be prepared for me to flame back if you send me a senseless message. Mail to and tell me what you think! I am totally open to suggestions, so if you have idea's for couples, villans, and people you want me to kill off (Including myself - ha ha ha!) then send them away. The more feedback, the better the chapters, the quicker they come.

Finally: This story is based on the Movie, but lack of charecters has forced me to introduce charecters from the Comic / Cartoons. I figure if you saw the movie, you have basic knowledge of the comic. In this version, Magneto is in his plastic prison, Logan has gone to Canada and come back, and Rogue and Bobby are a couple, she is also a bitch. (Every story needs a bitch or two). The charecters from the comic I would introduce are: Gambit, Beast, Psylocke, Angel and possibily Apocolypse, Mr Sinister, The Shi'ar, or Spiral and Mojo. Send me a email with who'd you like too see! Quick Refernce

Storm = Ororo Munroe Cyclops = Scott Summers Wolverine = Logan Rogue = Marie Pyro (From Storm's class) = John Kitty = The girl who ran through Xavier's door. Jubilee = The girl in the yellow jacket near Kitty, in Storm's class.

Kay. Stick a fork in me, I am done.

~New York - Charles Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters~

Kitty stood outside Xavier's door. She put herself into ghost form, and stuck her head through the door. She could see three people talking with Xavier. A woman with long, purple hair, A blonde man with wings, and a man with red eyes. Something was definantly going on.

"Psylocke, Gambit, Angel - It has been far too long." said Xavier. Psylocke flipped her hair back over her shoulder, while Gambit was fiddling with some cards. Angel was straightening out the feathers on his left wing. "How have you all been?" asked Xavier.

"I am have been well, aside from some minor mishaps with my brother... and Spiral." said Psylocke. Xavier nodded at her. "I've been well, mon ami. Gambit thinks you miss him." Gambit said. Xavier smiled at him and turned his chair to Angel. "The business is booming, I've been doing quite well. I heard of the Magneto situation and came too see if you needed any help, but it appears you've handled things on your own." he said.

"We almost didn't make it. We're not clear yet either, Sabretooth and Toad have not been found, So we cannot presume them dead - And Mystique appears to be hiding under the guise of senator Kelly." said Xavier. "What? That cannot be..." said Psylocke. "Do not under estimate Mystique, she is quite resourceful." said Charles. The three nodded.

Kitty thought this conversation was getting a little too deep, and she knew she would be found soon. She pulled herself out of the door, and ran off to the courtyard to hang with her friends.

~New York - Charles' School, The Courtyard~

Rogue, Bobby, John, and Jubilee all sat at a picnic table near the basketball court outside the school. Classes we're cancelled today, and no one but the teachers knew why. "Where's Kitty? She should of been here like 10 minutes ago." said Jubilee. "I dunno, maybe she is off spying on someone again." said John. "Did anyone see the new kid?" said Rogue. "New kid?" said Bobby. "Yeah, they've been all hush hush about him. Even Logan won't tell me anything" said Rogue.

Just then Kitty sat down with them. "How nice of you too join us." said Jubilee. Kitty smiled. "Something really strange is going on. A bunch of Mutants are in the Prof's office. Their talking about that guy that tried to kill Rogue..." said Kitty. Rogue got silent and Bobby put his hand on her shoulder. "I guess we're getting some new teachers." said John.

Bobby looked over too see a young boy walking with Ororo through the field. She appeared to be instructing him. He looked sad, But definantly hot. "What?" said Bobby. The teens at the table looked at him, "What do you mean 'What?'" said John. "Oh um yeah... I mean what is Ororo doing with that kid over there." Bobby said, pointing.

"Do you think thats the new kid?" said Jubilee. Everyone looked at the teen, he has blonde hair that was spiked up, was slender - but didn't look sickly. He had a healthy tan but his eyes couldn't really be seen. "It must be, I mean, We basically know all the students here, and unless Dili metamorphed again, it must be." said John. The students nodded.

~The School, Ororo and Christian~

"Christian, You must concentrate on keeping your emotions in check. Your gift is quite powerful, and if you let yourself become upset you could seriously hurt yourself, or others around you." said Ororo. Christian nodded slowly. This was alot to take in, being 16, and knowing you could one day hold the power to implode a small planet. "Since your power is fueled from your emotions, like mine - I have been given the assignment of teaching you." Ororo said.

"Is that all I am to you? An assignment?" Christian asked. "Oh child, No. Your also someone I want to consider my friend. Your a bright soul Christian. You hold so much Joy, don't bottle it up inside." she spoke. He again nodded. "Come now, Lets do a simple assignment." she said, grabbing his hand and taking him to a clear spot.

In any other place but this school, Was they we're about to do would cause a commotion, but in the walls of this school, it was nothing. Storm raised her hands in the air, and bits of electricity began to spark from her fingertips, and hair. Her eyes clouded and wind started to encircle her. She lifted up from the ground, and floated in the air. "Now you try" she said.

Christian raised his hands into the air, and a strange noise started to pulse through the air. Soon the air was vibrating, and rocks, dirt, and gravel on the ground near him started to float aimlessly into the air. Soon Christian too was slowly lifting up. He got a few feet off the ground, when the pulsing stopped, and he crashed into the ground.

"Not bad for a first try." said Ororo. "My... ass... Ow..." said Christian - Laughing on the ground. Ororo outstreched her hand to him.

~The School, The picnic table~

"Did you see that!?" said Jubilee. Kitty nodded and John remained silent. "I don't think it was anything special." said Marie. "I thought it was cool." said Bobby. Marie just glared at him. "I wonder what his name is?" said Jubilee. "Its Christian Lambert." said Kitty. They all looked at her. "What do you expect? I heard the Prof talking to Ororo."

Ororo walked over to the table with Christian. "Hello children. This is Christian, he is new here. Include him in what your doing." she said, then started to walk off - But turned around. "Oh and Marie, be nice." she said, then left. Christian turned a bright shade of red.

"I uh... I'll just go, you don't have to... you know." he studdered. "Yes good, leave." said Marie. "Marie! Don't be like that." said Kitty. Jubilee was giving Marie a dirty look, and John was looking at Christian in a way he had never seen. Bobby was smiling at him, "Please have a seat. Don't mind Marie, she gets moody." he said. "WHAT?" said Marie. "Fuck you guys, Im leaving." she said, got up - and left.

"Maybe I should just go..." said Christian. "No... stay." Bobby said, smiling again. Christian couldn't resist. He sat down beside Bobby. They all introduced themselves. Christian laughed from nervousness. "Oh crap! Im late!" said Jubilee, grabbing her bag and running off, with John behind her. Kitty looked at Bobby and Christian, "I um, have stuff to do... over there..." she pointed, and left.

Christian laughed again. Bobby smiled at him, "Don't be nervous. Your doing great, Your a nice guy." he said. That only made Christian laugh again, and blush a bright shade of red. "So er... Marie - Is she always like that?" Christian asked. Bobby nodded, "Yeah lately she has been." said Bobby. "Are you two dating?" asked Christian, but then winced after. Bobby laughed a little, "Its fine, No we're not really dating, I mean, we are and we arn't... Its complicated." he said. "What do you mean?" asked Christian, "Doesn't she like you?" ((Whats not to like?)) he thought.

"It isn't that. Marie's mutation makes her impossible to touch anyone, she doesn't even let you touch her clothing. Me and her are just friends..." said Bobby. "Oh damn, I have to get going too, I'll see you later okay?" said Bobby. He kissed Christian on the cheek and took off.

Christian sat there dumb founded. "What the fuck just happened?" he said.

~End Chapter 1~

Well thats it for this chapter. What did you think? To fast? To slow? Not enough fighting? Not enough sex? Tell me what you want to see!!! Where has Logan, Jean, and Cyclops been? All will be revealed! Email ! Who should Christian end up with, so on and so forth.

Next: Chapter 2

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