Mutant Chronicles

By juan guzman

Published on Jun 23, 2006


The Mutant Chronicles All personal thoughts of the characters are enclosed in these**, telepathic conversations in these<>, and outloud voices in these " "

Discalimer: All X-Men characters, and Fantastic Four characters and related titles are the property of Marvel Comics, part of the Marvel Enterprises company. I earn no money writing this story and hence none of the statues of copyright infringement are broken. Also, all Spider-Man characters and related titles are the property of Marvel Comics, part of the Marvel enterprises Company. All Charmed characters and related titles are the property of Spelling Entertainment. Only original characters like David Van Cartier, Jonny Falsit and Missy, are my property. OH, and If you're under 18, or 21 Depending on your state laws, you shouldn't be reading this...BLAH BLAH BLAH. Well, here goes nothing.



Chris: "Mom, I want to go to a school that goes beyond Magic School. They teach attack patterns, and all of this other stuff."

Piper: "Well....."

[A Manor in San Francisco]

Male Voice: "Piper!!!! DEMON!!!!!"

The group rushed upstairs, to an attic, in the middle stood a podium with a very antique book opened to a blank page. A man with blondish hair stood protectively by the book, a look of quiet defiance on his face.

Piper: "Leo, get out of here. Christopher, get Wyatt!!!!"

Leo began to disappear, in a bunch of white orbs. A man with jet black skin and blue, white and and silver markinhgs, stood threateningly, looking on the rest with hatred and despise, beyond all normal human capabilities. Suddenly a blue-ish ball appeared on the man's hand, he shot it at the women, the one called Phoebe levitated 5 ft into the air, dodging it by only a couple of inches, the one called Piper jumped off to the side, dodging a second "energy-ball", and Paige disintegrated into white lights, and re-integrated seconds later.



Phobe: "Hiah!!!" As she screamed she jumped into the air and landed a roundhouse kick on the man's back, sending him flying out the window. Right before he hit the stained glass window however he disappearead, in a shimer.

Piper: "Damn!! That's the third demon TODAY!!! I can't even get a break? I want this 'threat' dealt with. WYATT, CHRIS!!!!"

Two streams of white lights flood the attic, and Chris, a brunnette man of about 20 with hazel eyes, and Wyatt, a blond, with gorgeous green eyes, materialized. They had a similar build, muscles that didn't buldge, but defined, almost same height, and the family resemblence would not be denied.

Paige: "I hate it when they Shimmer out!! We had him!."

Phoebe: "I think I need some healing here Wyatt, I might've broken my ankle, he was made of like..stone or someting."

The blond man walked over and knelt next to Phoebe, he placed his hands over her ankle, and almost immediately they began to glow with a yelow light, the rip in the boot, and the blood coming from the site, began to slowly revert. In a few seconds the glow was gone and so was Phoebe's pain and broken ankle.

Piper: "I know this is gonna seem crazy, but I think Chris is right, he and Wyatt should go to We have to be prepared, I don't want any of this happenning again. Summon one of the witches, we'll talk to them about the school, and what its about and all that."

Chris: "I only know the nickname of one of the students, I don't know any of the teachers' names or nicknames, what am I supposed to do? Call him?"

Piper: "He's all we got, so, if you must call just a simple student....well I guess you'll have to, now go. Paige, Phoebe, we have to make a powerful potion, if this is a demon school, then we'll have a demon, who's prepared, and we have to vanquish him...or is it a her Chris?"

Chris: "Him, now go....Wyatt, set up the candles....aunt Paige, can we have the book?"

Paige: "Here."

The women walked away and the men began to set up what looked like an altar, there were candles, incense, vials with multicolored liquids, powders, and many other things, all organized to a T.

Wyatt: "Are you sure about this Chris? I mean, what if they don't want anyone doing this type of thing? What if the only way you can go there is by being recruited?"

Chris: "Look Wyatt, if you don't wanna do it, don't. I loved the way these people fought off those witches that came to try to harm them, they just knew how to do it all so well, they flew, fought, and won!!! I just want a part of that, just a piece of it. I'm doing it, whether you help me or not its your decision."

Wyatt: "Fine, fine. I'll do it, I just hope there's cute guys and girls there, or i'll kick your butt lil' bro."

Chris: "Believe me, from what I saw, there's a WHOLE LOT of them, ain't no slim pickins' at this school."

Chris and Wyatt in Unison: "Powers all from far and wide we call thee now, bring us he whom we seek, from far or near stretch your reach brings us the one we seek!!"

The room began to shake, a strange wind began to bolw, swarm of white lights dropped into the center of the room, revealing a human figure as they parted.

[Location: Unknown]

I woke up, and found myself in the middle of what looked like an attic, 2 georgeous guys sat across from me, with candles, and other....ritualistic things. I was spooked, and frankly I was ready fro a fight, however I would let THEM make the first move, if they were looking for a fight they'd just found one.

Brunnette: "My name's Christopher Halliwell, this is my brother Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. We summoned you. We have some questions to ask you."

David: "My name's David what? I need a chair!"

Just as I said it, Wyatt moved his hand and an antique chair slid neatly across the hardwood floors and stopped right behind me.

David: "Wow, you're psionic? I didn't even sense it. What else can you do?"

Wyatt: "I'm not a Zionic I'm a witch."

David: "Ummm.....I need help.....not to offend you guys or anything but....well I think its best if Jean or the Professor come here to .....asses...your powers."

Chris: "Ok, if they can get us into your school, then you can phone them...or whatever"

David: "My telepathy should work....wait...where are we?"

Chris: "San Francisco, we're at the Halliwell know...the Charmed ones."

David: "I will have to use your phone after all....where is it? The what? Can I just get the phone?"

Wyatt: "I'll get it....Phone!"

The phone materialized from a swarm of blue lights right into Wyatt's hand. That was a power I'd never seen before. It was both psionic and Magicks, there were VERY few cases of mixed powers in those strands, or so we'd learned from Hank McCoy.

David: "Wow, that's hot! I'll call Jean, I think she's my safest bet."

I dialed the number to Jean's cell phone, I hoped against all hope that she might actually have it with her.

Jean: "Hello?...This is Dr, Jean Grey, I'm away from my phone right now, leave your name, phone number, and message after the tone, I'll get back to you as as possible. Thank You."

David: "Damn! Jean a cellphone is for...I mean mom, please start carrying your cell phone once in a while, otherwise, there's no point in having one. Bye."(To Wyatt and Chris)" I'll try the Mansion's direct line, if that doesn't work....we'll fly there, or something."

Wyatt: "You're gonna willingly EXPOSE your powers?"

David: "What are you talking about? EVRYONE knows about us....where've you been the past three months? It's all over the news!!!!"

Chris: "He's right Wyatt it has these...mutants have 'opened' the doors to magical creatures everywhere, they're fighting for equal rights for all of us."

David: Magical creatures? these guys must've blown a fuse or sumethin.....maybe it's their up-bringing...I need back up.

"Well I'll call the Mansion now."

I dialed the number and again hoped against hope that someone would be close enough to the line so they a) hear it ring and b) answer it. one ring....two rings....three rings...

Storm: "Charles Xavier's institute for gifted Youngsters, this is Ororo Monroe, how may I help you?"

David: "Oh Thank God!!!'s David. I need you to send someone to...."

Chris: "1329 Prescott Street San Francisco CA"

David: "To 1329 Prescott Street in San Francisco California."

Storm: "How in hell did you get to San Francisco?"


Storm: "I know how you're there, now can you tell me WHY you're there?"

David: "I was brought here by two guys , they wanna attend the institute and well....what can I say here I am. It's a residential neighborhood, so the Blackbird's out of the're we dealing with this Ororo? you're my godmother now....tell me, how are you dealing?"

Storm: "I'll get Warren down there, he'll come and get you, and scope out the others prospective students, if he thinks they're a right fit, then we'll inform the professor about it ok?"

David: "If it was that I was worried about I would fly there myself, I need help with the prospectives, I can get myself home easy, I need a recruiter to come and sorta 'sniff' them out. They're really eager, and believe me when I say they have potential. Just get Rogue, or Logan, or Warren or Mikhail or someone here so they can see what I'm talking about and deal with it."

Storm: "Fine....I'll do my best ok?"

David: "I want out of here Storm, I'll go stir crazy, and you know it."

Storm: 'Fine, I'll get help from...Blink...I know you don't like the fact that sh'e a double agent, but she can get us there in a heartbeat."

David: "Whatever just do something. Oh and I think the best way to go is to bring the Professor here straight out, he needs to see this."

Storm: "Fine. I'll see you in a couple of seconds."

David: "Bye, thank you."

I knew Blink was a double agent, she had infiltrated Magneto's ranks on Xavier's orders. She now resided in the Brotherhood's heaquarters. She'd gone in before I had even found out about my powers, she'd come by the mansion a couple of times and she had gained my absolute and complete mistrust, there wasn't a specific reason why, I just couldn't trust her. Her power was great, she was able to teletransport anyone fron any place to any place, she doesn't even need to know what the place looks like, she only needs to know the exact location,and poof she takes you there.

A pink glowing light appeared and slowly expanded into a spinning circle, big enough to fit a fully grown man in it, and from it came Johnny, Ororo, Charles, and Jean, they all looked exactly how they always did, but queasy, that was one of the side effects of Blink's teletransportation, you got awefully queasy once you came to where you were supposed to be.

Professor: "David, we're here. Now what is the fuzz about? Why did you ask for me to come here personally?"

David: Wyatt, could you get the professor a glass of water please?"

Chris: "I'll get it, want ice professor?"

Professor: <David, where is all this going?"

David: <If he does what Wyatt did you'll know.>

Professor: "Sure Wyatt, ice would be great."

Chris: "My name's Christopher, this is Wyatt."

Professor: "Sorry. Chris, ice would be fine."

Chris: "Iced Water!"

Just like it had happenned with the phone the glass of iced water materialized in Chris's hands, I thought that was all, but Chris had more in mind, instead of simply walking the glass 3 steps towards the professor he decided to telekinetically float the glass to him. I could see in the professor's eyes that he was more than impressed, he was amazed. I knew right then and there that these guys would be going back to the institute with us. I was happy for them they had gone through all the trouble of bringing me here and now they would get what they wanted.

Piper: "Wyatt, Chris is everything all right up there?"

Wyatt: "Yes, mom everything's all right."

Professor: "I think we should have a word with your parents. We'll explain everything about the institute, and how things will work."

Chris: "Should we call them up, or should we move downstairs?"

Professor: "Whatever is best for you, will be good for us."


Piper: "COMING!!!"

In the same lights that the phone and the iced water had come came 4 people, 3 women, all brunnette, all average height, but all georgeous, all strong-looking and all sophisticated. The man however was blond, blue eyed and about 5' 9" tall. I couldn't believe my eyes, a whole family of mutants, every one of them. I heard the attic's door open and through it came a beautiful girl of about 16 or 18 she must've been about 3 or 4 years younger than Wyatt and 2 or 3 years younger than Chris.

Piper: "Melinda, why are you here so early?"

Melinda: "I was just thrown out of school, my projection powers acted up during Social Studies and Geroge Washington appeared in the middle of the classroom. Now what?"

Professor: "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I think I might be able to help. My name is Charles Xavier, I am the founder and Principal of The Charles Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. It is a facility where people like us can learn to control and nourish their powers. I would be honopred if you were to allow your children to come with me. There they would complete an intense training course and all of the subjects necessary to lead a fulfilling life in the normal world, while being able to use their powers freely."

Storm: "I was a student there a long time ago, now I'm one of the teachers, and I've seen what Charles does every day for the students, belive me when I say that there is no better place for your children to learn control of their powers, and to be trained to handle surprise situations."

As Storm finished her little speech, a machine gun style ambush began. Fire bursts revealed horribly misfigured creatures, some looked human, some were far too horrifying to describe, but they all had one thing in mind, to kill these people.

Piper: "Demons!!!"

Wyatt disappeared in the same lights the phone and water had appeared. Piper moved her hands in a close/open motion and one of the "demons" turned to dust, Melinda put her index and middle fingher on her temples and a blue ray shot from her forehead, it hit another one and it also turned to dust, one the demons came towards me, fireball in one hand and a knife in the other, instinct took over and I immitated Piper, focusing my molecular combustion powers on my fingers, and the demon turned to dust, I was amazed at how I felt, I felt guilty, it was the first time I'd ever felt guilty about killing in self-deffense, but at the same time I knew it was in self-deffense, I was so caught up in my guilt that one of the demons managed to grab my neck, he lifted me into the air, I felt his hand begin to get hotter, then I saw Wyatt send a knife flying towards him, he turned to dust and my airway got a rush of air as I breathed deep to regain what little strength I could. My anger boiled over.


Time froze and i went around the room stabbing every one of the demons, watching them turn to dust, I was no longer feeling gulity, now that my life had been put in real danger I didn't care. The last demon turned to dust, and right then I ended my control.

David: "Tempus retorno."

As time began to flow on its own again an explosion hit a chair, one of Melinda's rays hit an old vanity, Wyatt fully reapperaed, Phoebe came to the floor with a thud, Paige hit a wall, the man finished turning around, and Chris crashed into me, with enough strength to crush a normal man, thankfully my Earth powers kept me from fully losing my balance."

Piper: "What just happened?"

David: "I Froze time, killed all the demons, unfroze time."

Phoebe: " come we froze?"

David: "Whaddayamean?"

Paige: "Well, normally when Piper freezes stuff me, Phoebe, Leo, Chris, Melinda, and Wyatt don't freeze."

Professor: "I beleive that might be because Piper doesn't freeze time, she freezes the moleclues in an object, or person. David here can manipulate time itself, causing it to go forward, or backward, or come to a stand-still, all depending on what he wants."

Leo: "That's a lot of power for just one person, how can he remain so....normal?"

Wyatt: "Dad, he must know how to deal with it, just like I know how to deal with it."

Leo: "Yea, I understand that Wyatt, but even your powers have a limit, I saw him imitate Piper's powers, and I can sense that's not everything he's hiding underneath it all. he has more power than even you Wyatt, well more potential at least."

Professor: "I see you can sense powers Mr. Halliwell, that's quite a power."

Leo: "I'm not..."

Piper: "Halliwell isn't leo's name, it's mine, his surname's Wyatt."

David: "So you're name's Wyatt Matthew Halliwell Wyatt?"

Wyatt: "No, just Wyatt Matthew Halliwell."

David: "I don't get it."

Professor: "I think I understand what's going on here. These gentlemen and ladies are not mutants, they are witches, which makes Leo here, a whitelighter, and by the last name I'm guessing you three are the Charmed ones, and Wyatt here is the heir of Xcalibur."

Piper: "You seem to know an awefull lot about us, and yet, I've never even heard of you before."

Professor: "Well Piper, that's because Penny never wanted to confuse you, I came here 30 years ago, Prue must've been 4 at the time, you were only 2 so you don't remember, but i came here because there was a great concentration of 'mutant' energy, or so i thought. Patty and Penny received me and Magneto with a welcome I'll never forget, you see they thought us demons, and Penny sent us both flying right out of the atrium windows, we apolgized and I telepathically explained the situation to them, and they in turn explained to me that your bloodline had magical powers and not mutant abilities, since then I have stayed clear of your home, to honor Patty's and Penny's wishes of raising you as witches. I recently found out abouit Prue's death, and by further investigating, about Patty and Penny, I extend my deepest condolensces to all of you for the many losses you've suffered."

Phoebe: "Thank you, but....isn't it the same? be a mutant and a witch I mean"

Storm: "No, even though we both have abilities, ours are genetical, yours are spiritual, they repeat in the family, just like Patty had Piper's power, and Penny had Prue's and so on, in mutated strands of DNA, each mutation is different, even in a whole family. Powers are classified into Psionic, Elemental, Physical and Mental, only rare cases, such as David here, are all of them present at the same time."

Paige: "So, am I a mutant? I mean....I'm confused....I have uniqe...well not really, just forget it."

Jean: "I understand your confusion Paige, I went through it myself, but like the Professor said, we have genetic mutation which cause us to have powers, yours are spiritual, they come from genetics, yes, but from the strands that make the soul, not from the ones that make up your chromosomes, which is OUR case."

Paige: "Oh, ok"

Professor: "How rude of us. This is Jean Grey(points to Jean) and to my left is Ororo Monroe(points to Storm) and that young man is Johnny Strom(points to Johnny) this is David Grey(points to david) pardon the late introductions"

I was astounded, the whole mutan/witch thing and the fact that the professor seemed to know such intimate details about the Halliwells, I was not in my element, I felt self-conscious, even Johnny had recruited people before, I was the only one who had never been in a situation like this before, and I felt about the size of a tic.

Piper: "If I were to allow you to take my children to this institute of yours, how much would I have to pay?"

Professor: "The institute is a privately funded organization, we receive government stipens, plus we've come to make many wealthy friends, such as the Worthingtons, and I mysef have ammassed a small fortune, by helping the government in certain things. All that to say that the institute is a free service, offered to everyone whose abilities have alienated them from the normal world."

Paige: "So, let me get this straight, you feed and educate hundreds of children for free? And you have a Mansion? Can I work there?"

although it had only been a joke on Paige's part the professor smiled, he knew it was a joke, but he was forced to give her an honest answer.

Profesor: "Yes Ms. Matthews, indeed you can, as a matter of fact, all of you can. If you ever wish to do so, I'd be glad to have people like you on my teaching staff."

Piper: "Wait, your telling me that if we wanted to, we could just come there with you, teach your students, and live for free?"

Storm: "Yes, Piper, but there's much more to it, you must understand, because you have lives set up outside the Institute, you can't just blank out from the face of the Earth and hope no-one finds out., you have to make a careful decision about it, otherwise the consequences of it could avalanche onto the institute and that could be hazzardous to both you and us."

Paige: "All right let's say we decided to teach there by day and just come back down here act like we've simply been working, would that work?"

Jean: "Yes it wold Paige, however, you must also be willing to help us stop threats to the mansion, other mutants, and the world, I know it sounds VERY dramatical, but that's what we do, we fight to keep those who think that they can take power by force, from achieveing their goal, sometimes at our expense. We don't lead very quiet lives."

Phoebe: "We don't either, demons come in here every 5 seconds, we've already been attacked 4 times, just today. I have my readers anyway, and talking about readers, I'm late for work. Paige could you swing by the loft later and tell Coop that I'll be late for dinner today?"

Paige: "Want them to come and have dinner with Henry and I, I mean last time Coop cooked it was..well...disastrous."

Piper: "We'll make a night of it. Bring both families, and we'll have a Halliwell dinner, plus with all the hectic attacks, I think it'll be safer that way. You're all welcome to stay, Wyatt and Chris can orb you back after dinner, and if they still want to go, then, well they'll pack up and stay there, if Paige wants to teach there and you come to an arragement then be it."

Storm: "Professor, if you want, I could stay here with David and you and Jean can go back and finish the set up for Susan's treatment."

Professor: "I think, because it is after all a family dinner that Jean should stay here with David, they are family after all, and you are family as well, I think the three of you should stay here and I'll go back to the Institute and help Hank with the rest of the preparations."

Jean: "But, you need...I mean...."

Professor: <Never mind that Jean I want you and Ororo to stay here and make sure that Magneto is contained if he shows up here for any reason, if he's like me at all, and he is, he will sense our presence here and send someone to investigate.>

Jean: <Fine, but I want you to order David back to the institute, I don't want him here, if Darrel shows up, he'll lose control, this is a resedential neighborhood, I don't want anyone to be in danger, and I don't the Halliwells exposed.>

David: <Thanks for the vote of confidence mom, it's nice to know you trust me. Oh, and by the way, if you want these conversations to be secret, you should use a private wave, every telepath within a 1 mile radius just heard what you were saying, including the ones in the room.>

Professor: "I will leave for the institute with Johnny, Jean, Storm, Core you will stay here, enjoy, and help the Halliwells fully understand our institute and mission statement."

Strom: "yes professor."

Jean: "Charles are you sure about this?"

Professor: "Yes Jean absolutely."

David: "I'll go back with you professor, after all Susan needs me to heal her, and I promised I would."

Johnny: "No David. I think you should stay here and have a family night, you've been through a lot sh...tuff lately, you deserve a change of pace."

Piper: "Hey, I wanna know who's staying, I gotta start cooking now, and I want to know how many plates....c'mon,c'mon."

Professor: "It'll be three Ms.Halliwell, and we're sorry for intruding on your dinner plans."

Piper: "The more the merrier, plus, I think David here has more to say than he lets on."

David: "Oh, you've no idea. I want to stay, I need time to figure out these wonderful people."

Jean: "We'll stay...if that's ok with you...we'll finish our business here then take whoever's coming to the institute with us."

Piper: "So that'll be three extra settings?"

Storm: "Yes Ms.Halliwell it will."

Piper: "Call me Piper....Ms.Halliwell was my mom."

David: "LOOK OUT!!!!" While we were talking a squad of demons had stealthely surrounded us, now we were cut off from the others, the professor looked back as he stepped into Blink's portal, but it was too late, they'd gone through, only me, Jean, Stom, and the halliwells were there, and we were outnumbered 10 to 1. The odds wen't in our favor, hopefully power was.

Piper: "PHOBE, PAIGE!!!!!!"

Wyatt: "They left to get the rest of the Halliwells like 20 minutes ago!!"

Chris: "Mom, I'll orb you out, we need the power of three alive, Wyatt and i can handle this, c'mon!!!!"

Piper: "Are you dense? You and Wyatt get out of here I'll take care of this, plus I'll have them as back up, GO NOW!!!!"

Wyatt: "No way, mom, I'm not leaving you alone. XCALIBUR!!!"

The legendary sword appeared in what they called orbs and Waytt charged into the line of demons head on swinging Xcalibur left and right, turning the demon army into dust as he went, taking his lead Chris went waving his hands adn sending Demons flying all over the place, pretty soon the only indication that they were alive were the sudden jolts of orbs, or the incidental demon flying out and turning into dust.

Jean: "David, go and help as much as you can, me and Strom will stay here and help Piper to help you guys out, GO! GO!GO!"

David: "Please be careful Jean, Ororo, I love you both."

Those were my partng words, I headed into the mass of demons, blasting left and right, watching them turn to dust, and to my amazement, there it was again, the guilt, I knew they would the same to me if they had the chance, but something inside of me rejected the killings, it kept nagging at me about killing these beings, it kept making me weak against killing them, I was losing strength, my powers were diminishing, my strength and determination were failing me, I felt my powers slip from my consciousness, I felt a knife enter my stomach, i felt the blood rushing out, and i felt my powers coming back to me, re-surfacing, the guilt was fading, and then I got it, my powers were tied to my emotions, and the guiltier I felt the weaker I became, the demon readied another knife, making materialize from smoke.

He lifted his hand high and brought the knife down into the top of my head, instead of it penetrating into my brain and kill me, it shattered, I'd tapped into my Earth powers, and even though it wasn't visible my skin had turned to granite, mixed with marble and bedrock, I don't know how i knew what was there...I just did.....and I also knew that my eyes had turned into swirling clouds of lightning, my hands now burned in blue flames, my whole body was surrounded by a gentle breeze, my clothes had turned to water, and my feet now resembled the roots of a tree. This was me, the ultimate me, I was made of rock and metal, dressed in water, protected by wind, and fire, rooted to the Mother and literaly shooting thunder and lightining from my eyes. I was ultimate.

Core: "How dare you?"

I swong my had and the demon evaporated into nothing, I made my way through the ranks, and slowly suppressed all my powers, if any of the Halliwells saw me in that estate, they would surely try to vanquish me, and I knew that I would fight back if it happened. I knew that now I was myself again, I looked like I always did, blond hair to my jaw, fair skin, defined muscles, stormy green eyes. I kept diminishing the demonic ranks as I moved from the sunroom to the living room, finnaly catching up to Chris, who had a broken hand and a cut above his eye, he was still sending demons flying onto broken pieces of furniture, or wall hooks, or just plain old throwing them. I got close enough and created a pisonic shiled around us, causing fireballs and other things to deflect back to their owners, further damaging their ranks.

Chris: "I need to get Wyatt, or my aunt hand's broken, and my eye's starting to swell shut....I need healing."

David: "That I can do."

I looked at his hand and concentrated my power to hel on it, slowly it went back to the normal estate, and the blood evaporated into the air, then I concentrated on the cut above his right eye, and it happened again. But for the first time I noticed his eyes weren't really hazel, they were a dark, dark green, they looked hazel, but in reality were not. The sheer beauty of it made me realize I truly, absolutely, and completely, was in love with Johnny Storm, for the first time I knew that beyond all truth and lust I loved Johnny more than I loved anything or anyone, even more than I'd loved Bobby.

Chris: "David...David are you ok?"

David: "Ummm...whaddaya...huh? Yea...soryy I guess I...trailed off....we have to get to Wyatt, we have to get back to our moms....where's Melinda?"

Chris: "She left with Paige....let's go"

We got up, shield still in place, Chris kept sending demons flyin and i kept killing them, the guilt had gone,and I wanted to save everyonme in the house, no matter the cost. We finnaly found Wyatt, he was fully surrounded, but keeping his own, and right then a demon shimmered in behind him, and for some reason I saw the past, I saw a brunnete woman, she had the gift of telekinesis, she was a Halliwell, and she was fighting, she was a fighting alongside Piper, and they were protecting a man, but it wasn't enough, I saw Piper get hit with what looked like an energy ball, but it wasn't one, she flew into the wall, the man got hit with the next one and was sent flying out the window, then the woman used her power, to no avail, the demon simply moved and she missed, then he threw one his energy balls at her and hit the wall, more than that she took the wall with her, and then i was back, in the present.

David: "Wyatt!!!"

Chris: "Athamey!!"

A knife that looked like the ones the demons were using appeared in Chris' hand, he threw it, and it hit bull's eye, right on the demon, it turned to dust and they began to retreat, in a matter of seconds they were all gone, and we were standing in the living room, Jean, Storm and Piper were in the foye, and for the first time, I realized this was a distraction, the Halliwells might've been the target, but THESE Halliwells weren't it, they had been purposely distracted, and the true victims might right now be dead, or kidnapped. I knew what we ha to do, and we had to do it quickly.

David: " paige and Leo, Wyatt contact Phoebe, Chris find as much of your family as you can and bring them here, this attack wasn't meant to kill you, it was meant to distract you, the true target could've anyone, we need a way to find all the Halliwells at once, use magfic or whatever, just get every Halliwell here A.S.A.P. we have to find out if anyone was hurt."

Piper: "Chris get the map and the three crystals, we'll each better yet get me the book, there's a spell for magic to magic summoning, we can concentrate on present Halliwells and that oughta bring them all here at the same Phoebe at work, we need to know that she's ok, and that she can be summoned here without exposing us.....Wyatt you do that....Where's Melinda?!"

Melinda: ""

Melinda came stumbling down the steps, she was bloodied, hurt, and she was fading....literaly she was bexoming more and more transparent.

Melinda: "I'm in the attic, next to the book, behind Melinda Warren's..."

She had fully faded, Chris and Wyatt orbed towards the attic, Piper took the steps two at a time, I flew, followed closely by Storm and Jean, we caught up to Piper half way up, I extended my hand and she took it, I flew faster, sensing the urgency in her eyes, we got to the attic, Wyatt was holding Melinda's body, trying to heal her, but his uncontrolable crying kept interfering with his power, making come on and off, like christmas lights on a tree.

Jean: "David you have to heal her, he can't and she's dying, GO!!"

I ran to Melinda's side and took her body from Wyatt, I could feel her pulse fading quickly I needed help, I could get her better, but with my power alone there could still be trauma left over, she was too badly hurt, and I had to heal each single wound separately, and she wasn't strong enough to hold on.

David: "Piper, can Leo heal?"

Piper: "Yes...why...LEO!!!!!"

Leo orbed into the attic and immeadiately looked to melinda, he ran over to me and began to heal her, I began to do the same, I focused on the cut she had about 1/10 of an inch from her aorta, i knew I had to get as much of the major damage as I could, I saw many of the smaller wounds were healing shut, I kept concentrating on major injuries, I thanked God for the Anatomy and Physiology lectures we had with Beast, I was targeting every lethal area, hoping that Leo's and My combined powers could bring Melinda back from the edge of death. the phone rang, Piper ran downstairs, I heard her scream "Phoebe" and knew that Piper was breathing easier, a stream of orbs like no other I'd seen flooded the attic, Paige and others had orbed in, they all looked pretty healthy and unharmed, so far it seemed like Melinda was the target.

Piper: "Paige!! Oh my God, are you ok?"

Paige: "Yea, I've been dodging demons since I got to the loft, youknow how hard that is when you gotta orb 6 teens all over with you?"

Piper: "I can imagine.....could you go and get Phoebe, she's at work, a demon came inot her office, she was lucky she had a potion in her desk, no mess....but the second one...well let's just say Coop just erased some memories. Go get her."

Paige: "Sure"

Just then Phoebe and a hunk of a man appeared out of nowhere, he was tanned, brunnete, brown eyes, and muscles that filled out every part of his pants and shirt, but even then the only thought in my mind was Johnny...weird as that was for me.

Paige: "Phoebe...are you ok hun?"

Phoebe: "Yea...I just need a bit of healing on my knee, the third one slashed me with an athamey, it didn't go too deep, but I think it was one of those fire-realm athameys, and its hurting like a bitch!"

Paige: "I'll get it."

Phoebe: "What's wrong with melinda?"

Piper: "They ambushed us...there were hundreds of them....we fought them off best we could, I thought Melinda had gone with you, I...I let them do this to my daughter, I left her unprotected!!! I KILLED MY DAUGHTER!!!!! if she dies I'll never EVER forgive myself!!!!"

Paige: "Oh hunney, ot's ok!!!"

Paige began to comfort Piper and Phobe fainted, I knew she waws losing blood, but Melinda wasn't fully healed yet, I looked at Wyatt, he understood what it meant he got toPhoebe and began to heal her, I kept on healing Melind, I had to save her, now more than ever, PIper looked so mortified, it broke my heart just to look at her.

[Halliwell Manor, San Francisco.(3 Hours Later) Attic]

Piper: "Thank you. I owe you my daughters life, thank you."

David: "You owe me nothing, its our job right? we protecet the innocent, she was hurt, I did my job."

Piper: "Yea, but you exhausted yourself into the point of fainting. You didn't have to, you could've just let Wyatt or Paige take over, but you didn't, you kept going. Thank You."

David: "You're very welcome, I just hope you understand how much the Institute can do for Wyatt, Chris and Melinda, and in time for all of you."

Piper: "Yes, I see that, if we knew pre-emptive strikes maybe Melinda wouldn't have needed that much help. Let's go down to dinner, its getting cold by now. Thank You again David, you don;t know just how much you've done for my family."

David: "C'mon Piper, I gotta taste your food, oh and by the way, thanks for not telling them about my having been Chris' boyfriend, I mean they know I'm gay, but they never knew I lived in San Francisco, or much less that Ilived with the Charmed ones."

Piper: "Hey, you're my favorite son-in-law, and that little trick with the telepathy, that was...very you. We've missed you here you know, you were a big part of keeping this family together, I mean right after Prue became a demon, you helped us so much in getting over it, in conquering it all. And then one day you just disappear, I mean why did Selena and Oswald just whisk off like that, one minute you're here having tea, the next there's movers takin away all your stuff."

David: "Well, its complicated. My mom found a man lying in your backyard, he was pretty hurt, and when she stepped forward, she saw you come to the window and blow him up, she fraked and came home screaming we were living next to mutants, she packed up our stuff and just drove away we ended up in Westchester New York. They found out about my being a mutant, denied me as their child and I came to find out that I was adopted like 3 months before that, and then I found out Jean was my birth mother, and here we are."

Chris: "Mom, can I have a word with my husband please."

Piper: "Chris, you know this wasn't his choice, and well....hey wait...did you just call him your husband? I thought you told me you'd orbed him the divorce papers"

Chris: "I meant to...anyhow, can I have some privacy please."

Wyatt: "Christopher, mom get out, I have to talk to David alone"

Chris: "I have to talk to my husband first, now evryone OUT!"

Wyatt and Piper looked at Chris and knew they had to go. I was left alone with my spiritual husband, and I knew I had to explain so much to him, we had so many unsolved issues, we'd never even said good-bye.

Chris: "Why didn't you call me? I could've orbed anywhere you were, at least to say goodbye, or just to tell me we couldn't see each other anymore, you've been gone for three years, and that's that, not a single anything, and then today you show up and act like you don't know what's going on, how do you think that made me feel? We were married for almost 4 years, and then you went poof."

David: "Christopher Halliwell-Van Cartier you've gotta calm down, I didn't call you because my mom didn't leave me alone whenever I was home, and while I was at school i was surrounded by people all the time, then when I was finnaly in a place where powers were second nature to every one I fell in love with someone or so i thought, then I fell for someone else, I fell so hard that even Coop didn't get so much as a gasp out of me. I need a divorce Chris....I love you, but, we've drifted apart, you know that just as well as I do, please, just let me go."

Chris: "I was actually gonna ask you the same thing, I also found someone else, she's a georgeous creature. Papers! I've already signed them."

David: "All stands by the pre-nup, we keep all powers we have at the moment of the divorce, even if their dormant?"

Chris: "Yes, all stands by the pre-nup"

David: "Have an athamey, I gotta prick myself."

Chris: "Ice-poker!!!....this oughta do better than an athamey."

David: "Thanks."

All right I have some explaining to do. You see I knew the Halliwells since I was 1 they were there everyday of my life until I turned 14 and Selena found them out. I relized I had the ower of precogntive visions when I was 10 and Piper and her family teached me how to live with them, with time the visions suppressed themselves Phoebe said they would return once I was ready, adn today nI'd had a vision of the day Prue died, I never met her, but she was always a heated discussion between Piper and Paige, Phoebe mediated them. Chris and I fell in love somewhere around that same time, in the magical world homosexuality is nothing more than a step forward, same-sex marriages were accepted and performed, age didn't matter, all that mattered was that the love was pure and sincere, and at the time ours was. from then we were married 4 years and the rest you already know.

I pricked myself with the ice-poker and used it to sign the divorce spell, Chris cast it and we were once again free, of each other, although we both held a different kindof love for each other, we didn't love each other like we once had. It hurt to lose him, but I knew he was in love, and so was I, that part of my life was now fully closed.


Hey everyone thanks for sticking with me through this BS with me, the Halliwells will be out of the picture next chapter (somewhere half-through) so no worries. Well as always I am yours. e-mail me at or all feedback is welcome. TOODLES.

Juan David De La Brea Van Cartier

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