Music to My Ears

By moc.loa@4eulC4eulB

Published on Mar 7, 2001


Authors Note: Hi everyone, name's Scott. This is my first attempt at a nifty story, so cut me some slack, maybe just a little. Anyway it's a fun little story, and this is just the beginnings, so any thoughts, questions, comments, ideas would be great. Pass them on to ( I know, my little brother picked it) So if you guys are into this nifty stuff and haven't read "Black and Blue" get on it, it's a great story, by a friend of mine..Hi Stu and Leo. And of course "Brian and Me"--this one's incredible. Also, "Nick and Brian" I actually contributed to that one, see if you can figure it out.(Sup Jayson??) So without further ado, the story.

Disclaimer: Real quick..This story is purely fiction and I know nothing about the sexuality of the Backstreet Boys. I don't know them personally, and I pretty much made this story up. Well not really, but that whole Backstreet Boy thing, it never happened. I'm happily involved now, so thanks, but no thanks. If you are offended by stories that have homosexual themes, then this ain't the place for you. Also, if you're too young, get your virgin eyes outta here. So really now, I'm not lying here's the story......


Chapter One-- Working Class Hero

My eyes burned open to the new day. As I glanced over to the clock, I stretched my arms above my head...good morning...and rose from my warm nest. Clad in only flannel boxers I started towards the hall for a "hey lazy slob let's get going and wake the fuck up" shower. On my way out, I saw my twin brother Jarred sleeping soundly sprawled like a cat, he's the weird twin. As I entered the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the crooked mirror, 'I really should fix that' I thought to myself. I slowly slid my boxers down and started to remove my left foot. Then the phone ring. With a short sigh I made myself decent and lifted the receiver.

"Hello?" Not too convincing, hell, I'm not a morning person.

" Um yeah, is Scott there?" the man, I recognized as my boss, he wanted something. "Yeah, hi Scott, hey we're kind of short-handed today, could you come in for a few hours?"

"Um sure thing Greg, I'll be there in about half an hour, cool?"

"Yeah, kid, see ya then."

I clicked off the phone. Greg's a cool enough guy. I work at this guitar shop, it's ample work and pay, plus I love music, so you know, job plus fun equals good times. Today was different though.

After a quick warm shower, I made myself presentable, threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, and wrote a note for my brothers. I got to work with about five minutes to spare and checked in with Greg.

"Scott, you've got a lesson at two, so if you could just work the floor until then and maybe fix Jackson's guitar that would be great. When you're all done with that, you can go."

Okay, so my name is Scott. I'm 17 years old and I live with my older brothers Ross and Barrett. My twin brother Jarred, was just spending the night, as he does a lot. Plus, there are two younger ones, Joshua and Bradley, but they live with our parents. I had a falling out with them and managed to get my ass booted out, but that's another story all together.

I started wandering the shop, and saw this guy browsing some catalogs off in the corner. He kept looking up at me, his eyes, they seemed so familiar to me, and yet I'd never seen him before. I went over to help him, maybe give him a couple of pointers in choosing a guitar, but I guess he had other ideas.

"Excuse me sir, you think you could give me a hand." He drawled in a slight southern accent.

"Yeah man, what's up? How can I be of service" Yeah, sarcasm is my forte.

" Um, hi. I play guitar-well-no-shit-but-anyway-I'm-not-one-for-you-know-finding-a-good-one-and-I-just-thoug t-that-you-could-you-know-help-me-out." Geez, this guy talked a mile a minute.

"Hey sure man, so what are you looking for, the name's Scott." I stayed calm, thinking maybe, just maybe it would wear off.

"Yeah, um, maybe a Gibson or a Desanto..I'm cough Brian."

"Okay, well, that's a huge range, you're going to have to be a little more specific." I tried to maintain a calm, joke-like demeanor, he just seemed so damn nervous.

We launched into guitar talk, and after a little while he picked out a nice cherry-red Desanto electric. He kept looking at me, and I found his glances so comforting, like I've known this guy for years. His eyes started to wander, up and down. Was he checking me out?

I strolled over to the counter to ring him up. I went through all the normal procedures and told him the guitar would be in in a couple of weeks. He placed the deposit for the order and started to walk away. I guess I was reading his signals correctly, because he pivoted back around and opened his mouth to say something, but swiftly closed it.

" Is there something else?" I asked, kind of unsure.

" Well, um actually.." He started to mess with his baseball starter cap removed it and ruffled up his brownish hair.

" Holy shit!!" I knew I saw this guy before..he was none other than Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys" "Um, what else can I possibly do for you?"

He smirked, kind of laughed if off. " Actually, I thought that maybe, um you know..we could get together sometime and have lunch, you seem like a cool enough guy."

"Oh yeah, um sure, but why, if I can be so bold?"

" Well, to put in blankly, you're pretty cute.."

I cut him off and started to cough, and choke. I think he got the wrong idea. He turned to leave.

"No, Brian, wait..hey man, hold up a second" I tried to catch my breath and started to go after him.

" I um, sorry, that really caught me off guard, but yeah sure, I'd love to. Here's my number", I scrawled it quickly on his hand. "So I'll talk to you later then."

"Yeah okay Scott, definitely." Damn, he was sweet, he was really going to call..or so I hoped.

The rest of the day went on, normally, lessons and repairs. I headed home to find all of my brothers engrossed in some movie.

"Hey, kid, how was work?" Ross asked.

"You know, same old same old, I have some tabs to write, so I'll catch up with you guys a little later on." I kind of trailed off. Our family, well, rather our brotherly relationship, never kept secrets and we could all read each other too well.

" Scott, SPILL IT!!" That's my brother Barrett, he's a psycho..ever seen the movie IT? Yeah, that clown..that's him, kind of-- less cannibalistic.

"Damnit guys..nothing happened, I went to work, I came home. This is the part when I go write..."

"SCOTT I will tie you to a chair..don't test me boy.." He couldn't even say it, he was laughing so hard at himself.

"Yeah, Rett, the joke's no longer funny when you're the only one laughing." Jarred stated blankly, he always brought Barrett back to Earth.

"Okay fine, you're such pushy boys..." I laughed it off and started on my story of meeting this guy named Brian, only I left out one minor detail...that whole backstreet thing.

"Alright for now...I'll get the rest, eventually." Barrett was pleased, although he knew something else was there, I guess he knew when to stop pushing.

I left for my room. Reality is so good, and no way that just happened. Am I going to go on a date with Brian Littrell? He can't be gay, can he? How would they keep it a secret this long. I mean, what was he doing out in Bumblefuck, USA just to stumble in Greg's Guitar Shop where I just so happen to be working. Hell I wasn't even supposed to work that day. Damn all this fate crap. I sat and squirmed for the rest of the afternoon. He wasn't going to call was he? NO FUCKING WAY!! It's only a dream Scott, and nice as it maybe your alarm clock is about to go and wake you up to your boring reality and.....

"RING, RING, stop. "

"SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S The hottie from the guitar shop!! Get your ass in gear little man!!!!!" Note to self, Barrett has about 15 minutes of a meaningful life left to his name. To plot a murder...

"Um, hello?" I tried to be cool, but after that mighty fine introduction, most of my hope had been lost.

"Hey Scott, this is that hottie from earlier today."

I about melted, but I just shrugged and forgot about the whole thing.

"Hey Brian, I didn't think you would call..."

"Why, you think I'm just some cocky pop-star? Course I was going to call, but it's hard enough to get away from the other guys even for four seconds to take a piss." He paused "sorry that was probably a little bit too much information there, but anyway. Would you like to grab some dinner tonight, and maybe if things go okay, you might want to come back to the hotel and hang out..."

"Um, yeah the dinner sounds fine, but I don't know about after. I just met you, can we maybe just slow this down a little but?"

"Oh yeah man, sure, didn't mean to scare you, it'll just be friendly"

"Wait Brian, I, um, I'm gay, and at the moment a little confused about your intentions.."

"Takes one to know one I too."

"So you mean, like a date then?"

"If you want to call it a date Scott, go for it. I'll see you at seven then."

"Okay Brian, sounds like a plan" I quickly gave him directions to my apartment and hung up the phone.

My head started to do 360s and I thought about throwing up. No, I wouldn't, but hell, I have a date tonight with the man I've been lusting after for a long time. I ran to the bathroom for a shower and managed to avoid the brotherly interrogation on the way. I quickly dressed in a pair of khakis, white t-shirt and a black sweater, and of course a clean pair of never know right? At this time, the buzzer rang and Ross buzzed him up. He was in my apartment and I ran to greet him and he gave me a huge hug. My little brother Josh, about had a heart attack, I think he was the only one that recognized Brian. Brian waved hello and I did the normal introductions and we left on our way.


So what did you all think? This is my first attempt at a nifty story, so any constructive criticism would be HIGHLY appreciated. Send it along to (yeah I know my six year old brother picked it) If it sucks, just please tell me..give it a chance though, the story is yet to unfold. Any ideas will be considered and I will answer all e-mails, so don't think your wasting your time. So thanks for reading, and until next time.. keep it safe.


Next: Chapter 2

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