Music Shatters Ice

By NAU Representative

Published on Jun 14, 2003


Well its been a while but I'm back and I have the next few chapters lined up. And I'll disperse them one at a time for a while. Remember, responses are a good thing.


DISCLAIMER: Remember this story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. And if you are underage go somewhere else, this is not for you and you should wait a few years.

Music Shatters Ice

Music Shatters Ice - Part 15 - Back at Home

Ah it was mid week, Wednesday. I've always hated midweek, because its that time that you realize that you still have the last have of the week to go and it usually takes forever for Wed and Thurs to pass. Being home was somewhat awkward, I mean I kept feeling dizzy. I think it was because of the time I spent laying down and not moving about. So my balance was completely thrown off. Entering the house, I immediately wanted to go to the bathroom and throw up. But I hadn't eaten anything so it wouldn't serve any purpose. Instead of heading there, I went to the couch and laid down.

"Oh no you don't. You've done enough of that at the hospital." James said coming near me and starting to lift my upper torso. Even the slightest movement made my patched up body hurt a little, but I wasn't going to reveal that. He must have just come back, he wasn't here when I woke up but came just now, so he must have been gone around or near two hours. I wondered where he had gone.

"But I feel completely wasted. I just want to sleep." I complained.

"Maybe after you eat something. I want you to sit up though." He said putting a few pillows behind my back so I would still be partially laying down, yet raised a little. "What do you want to eat?" James commented while he started heading for the kitchen.

"How about just some water?"

"You'll have soup and like it." James said looking at the cabinet of soups.

It was at that time that I found it amusing that James was trying to mother hen me during this time. I never liked to have someone constantly taking care of me. Mainly because I didn't think that it was worth it to take care of me. Usually when I am sick I just want to lounge about or just be like a slug and take the ocassional medicines needed to get over the ailment.

"Any idea of what type of soup?" I asked over the couch back.

"I haven't decided yet. Either tomato, cream of celery, or chicken broth."

I couldn't believe what he was trying to serve me. I could either gag on the thickness of the tomato, or basically just drink the broth, and last maybe have something little to chew on like tiny pieces of celery. And I don't like celery that much.

"Do I have any other choices?" I asked.

"I have found chicken noodle soup in the back."

"CNS, how cliche."

"Alright what do you want then."

"How about a loaded baked potato with tons of sour cream and butter?"

"I think you're nuts. You're having chicken broth."

His tone indicated that he wasn't kidding, so I slumped a little.

"Can I have something to eat with it, at least?"

"Well, I guess I could fry up some light and fluffy scrambled eggs."

"Thanks." 'I guess that will have to do.' I thought. "James?"

"Yes?" He called back from the kitchen.

"Where were you this morning? I woke up and you weren't here."

"I just had some business to take care of down by the university." He called over the banging pots and rushing water.

"What did you do at university?" I continued.

"I wanted to talk to a couple of people."


"I went to go talk to the athletics director and Coach Roberts. Just to let them know how you are doing."

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them that mainly you were lounging around the house like an slug get getting bored being confined to the house."

"You could have told them that I've been on drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs, chemicals, chemicals, chemicals. I swear the doctors have turned me into a lab experiment. I wonder what would happen if I were to stop taking the drugs."

"Jace," James said coming back into the living room, "you know that the drugs are to stop the pain and get you better quickly. If you don't take them you could be laid up for even more time and I don't know what type of pain you'd be in. I'm just glad that they still allow you to have a coherent conversation and not fall asleep all the time."

"Well most of them don't make me drowsy. Those that do, I've been taking before bed."

So while he went back to check on my meal, I layed down slightly and reached over and grabbed the remote control. Spinning it around so that I could operate it correctly, I turned the television on. I flipped through a couple of the channels trying to find something that perked my attention. There was a special on Niagara Falls, the Royal Gorge, and Ankor Wat. A few more times around found Married with Children, A Family Affair, and a minor league hockey game. All in all, not much at all. Turning off the television, I put the remote back onto the coffee table. Turning around I grabbed the small blanket off the top of the couch and pulled it on top of me. I wrapped it around me and started to move my way down until I was laying down completely on the couch. Sparks of pain trickled through me like electricity. Without the drugs, James was right I don't think I could have handled the pain.

"Oh no you don't. You're not sleeping just yet. You have to get something in your system. You need at least some nourishment." James said finding my arm and dragging me back into sitting position.

"Is the food done yet?"

"Almost, just give it a little while longer. What do you want me to do to make you feel better?"

"Can you open some of the windows?"

"But its a little chilly outside."



While he went to go open the kitchen and dining room windows, I quietly and quickly went around the couch and headed to my room. Once inside I slid into bed and wrapped the covers around me. There's nothing like a cold room with warm blankets wrapped around you. It just feels cozy. I guess it reminds me of all the animals that go into hibernation for winter and how they stay in their warm places whether it be caves to burrows. I nuzzled my way with the blankets forming a sort of nest with my bed. The extra German comforter added that extra fuzziness which made me just want to sleep for several days.

"You know when I was opening the windows, I heard something squeak. At first I was unsure of what it was, but as I came back into the living room and had noticed that you were not on the was obvious where you had scurried off to." James said sitting down on the bed.

"Scurried?" I asked from beneath the covers. "You make me sound like a rodent."

"Hmmmm...well you're my little rodent." He said while rubbing his hand over my covered back.

"What would you say if I told you that I'm going back to sleep."

"I'd say that you're in for some rude treatment. You have food coming that you need to eat and then we're going to talk for a little bit."

"But I don't want to talk."

James got off the bed and left the room. I sat up on the bed and put the pillow behind my back. He was no doubt getting my food and bringing it back, otherwise I suspect he would have dragged me to the kitchen.

Moments later he came back with a bowl of broth and a small saucer of scrambled eggs.

"I didn't want to give you an entire plate of eggs because I didn't want you to eat everything and then make yourself sick in a different way."

"Either that or food poisoning."

"Eat." James commanded.

I did as I was told and started eating the scrambled eggs. Surprisingly they were better than expected.

"And before you say anything, yes I do figure that I am a pretty good cook. Anyone else that says different will be clocked."

"I didn't say anything bad about them, infact I think they're pretty good."

Drinking the broth from the bowl, I washed them down. Its funny, I had completely forgotten how good broth tastes. It was along the line of warm flavored spicy water. I just held it in my mouth enjoying the taste. Eventually I swallowed and began drinking the broth heavily taking a few bites of egg every now and again.

"Well I'll be right back." James said surprising me.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to answer the door."

"I didn't hear the bell."

"It did ring, and I'm answering it."

He left to answer it and I heard several voices before he came back into the room.

"So who was that?" I inquired.

"That was Terry and Zelda."

"What did they want?"

"They're still here and they came to drop off some stuff."


Soon enough both came through the bedroom door.

"How are you feeling Jace?" My sister asked feeling my forehead.

"I'm fine, and no I don't have a fever."

"Aw poor coach doesn't like to be mollycoddled." Terry said smirking.

I merely glared at him, before turning back to Zelda.

"What did you drop off?"

"Hmmm, I dropped off some V-8, lots of orange juice, several bottles of vitamins, two cases of that bottled water you like to drink..."

She continued to talk, but my mind started working. There was no way I'd be able to play the injured puppy for any period of time. Before the week was up, I would get my energy back. Either from myself pushing my own limits, or everyone forcing this health down my throat. I'd be back in action soon enough, and then, and then the rest of our opponents would despise having met up with me.

"I was thinking that we could get some exercise to get your blood and oxygen flowing." Terry said awaking me from my thoughts.


"That sounds like a good idea." Zelda backed him up in saying.

"But we can get started on that in a little bit. We just have to fill him full of food for right now." Terry added.

"Come on Jace finish eating." Zelda prodded.

"Alright." I commented.

"Yeah eat up Jace its really great." Terry said.

"The pig here finished up what was left of the soup and egg that was on the stove." Zelda said filling myself and James in.

James looked a bit annoyed and then it came out.

"Well I did make it for Jace, not for everyone who was stopping in."

"Sorry about that. Guess my stomach just got the better of me." Terry said apologetically.

"If you ask me, you have no will power." James spit out.

"Well what do you expect, Jace broke it." Terry continued.

Zelda quickly took Terry out of the room, as I was starting to build up on a throbbing headache.

"What's wrong?" James asked.

"Would you mind getting me some headache pills? I'm not sure what type I have in the cabinet, but I need some."

"Sure," he said and left to get them.

I have always hated listening to people argue, it just annoys the hell out of me to the point where I get a migraine. It's like constant noise where you can't understand the words, but it is draining on your ears just to hear it.

James came back quick enough, I checked the bottle to make sure they were infact good enough pills. Some I had experienced before weren't worth anything. I took the two pills and wondered what was going to happen next. Truthfully, I wasn't sure what to do next, but I knew I wanted to do something. Sleep, read, I had to do something to keep my mind off of this entrapment. James must have felt something was up.

"So why is it you're acting like you want to jump off the bed yet not quite so fast?"

"Well, I was thinking that I don't want to stay stuck here and end up getting cabin fever. I need to get out, just to breathe or release."

"I suppose if we dress you warmly, we can go out and take a short walk."

"That would be great with the fresh air. Good for my lungs and revitalizing me."

"As I said, we're going to get you into warm clothing so you don't freeze out there."

"But when will we be able to go?"

"How about early afternoon, say two?"

"That sounds alright, but what can we do until then?"

"I thought perhaps we could watch a movie?"


"Come on then, let's join the others in the living room."

We ended up watching Artificial Intelligence. I thought it was a very good movie, James was impressed with part of it. I tried to explain to him how I found the issue of whether or not humans should know the complete truths about themselves, or should they live in partial ignorance.

Wanting to get out of the conversation of choice, James immediately changed the subject.

"Jace, what do you want your ideal wedding to be like?" He asked out of the blue.

"Oh wow, my ideal wedding? I haven't thought about it that much...but I think I would want my wedding on the Western cliffs of Ireland during a full moon at night. I can see lots of white and people are dressed in a type of casual yet appropriate attire for a wedding. Everything is relaxed. I see it as more of a social occassion to where the guests are to fully take in the atmosphere and let it sink into their souls. I mean the environment, can you think of it? Can you feel the cool dew misting and lofting through the strong coastal winds? The moonlight shimmering off the many wine filled sparkling crystal goblets. I'm just wondering if they can land a lear jet nearby the area."

"Yeah, it sure sounds like you haven't thought about it that much."

"Perhaps its been in the back of my mind for a while. I just haven't been thinking about it recently."

"I must say that it does sound beautiful. Clearly more vivid that mine. All I was thinking about was perhaps a small and plain wedding. Nothing big, just casual and comfortable."

"Maybe we can talk more about it on our walk?" I said starting to get up.

Half the nation away at the Tate Ice Arena, Army's hockey team is about to hit the ice for their usual practice when they are unexpectedly stopped by seeing paint on the ice. Getting a closer look, they could see that sprawled on the ice were the words: 'Revenge'.

From above, a small crimson cloth fluttered down until hitting center ice. Looking up, the head coach could barely make out what was left of a crimson and black blur behind the lighting.

On Jace's voice mail.

"Hey Jace, its Venus. I hope your up and about now. I'll get back to you soon enough. I have been busy planning and taking care of some preliminary issues. Don't worry I promise I'll stay safe."

"Hi Jace this is your congressional cousin down South. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind going out to lunch with me. I'm coming up at the end of this week and wouldn't mind spending a few hours out away from other congressmen. Give me a call and tell me what you think."

"Hello Jace, its Terry...I was just wondering if you have any plays that you had created, Coach doesn't have any and was wondering if you had any. I'll be there when practice is over bye."

Being outside sure made me realize how sore I really was with all these injuries. I was out of breath. My back was aching all over the place. And to make matters worse I was starting to hear a pounding in my ears everytime I took a step. We had to stop several times during our walk so that I could catch my breath. James was breathing normally and was waiting for me to get back to my normal breathing rate. James came over to me and started rubbing my back.

"Come on breathe deeply." He said.

Eventually my pulse lowered back to normal and I was ready to continue walking.

"Its only a little further." James said urging me on.

My house was about eighty feet away and I was ready to plop down on something. Something soft.

"Now remember when we get back you have to take your inflammatory drugs." He commented as I started walking.

"What did you do memorize my pills and when I need to take them?"

"No I copied them onto this paper." He said pulling out a small square paper out of his pocket.

We walked in silence the rest of the way, keeping ourselves to our own thoughts.

I got home took my pills and headed over to my phone charging in the bedroom. I listened to my messages. Venus, Pete, and Terry.

"Let's see Terry should be over here in a few minutes. James!" I called out.

He came in, "I need you to do something for me. In the bookcase there's a blue folder, can you get it for me."

He turned and went out the door. I knew I was going to have to choose some good plans for them to take to St. Cloud since they were leaving tomorrow morning.

"Here you go." James said returning with the blue folder.

I opened it up to reveal papers in some pocket, some hanging out, and a few folded. I quickly glanced at a few, put them aside, looked at a few more, and then finally settled on three plays in particular. I took them out of the folder and then gave them to James.

"Put this on the kitchen table for Terry, he'll need it when he comes over. Its for the series against St. Cloud."

He took the papers away as I closed the blue folder and put it underneath the bed. While that was done, I picked the phone back up and dialed my cousin's personal number, bypassing the secretary.

One ring, two, three. "Hello Pete, its Jace."

"Good afternoon Jace. I just called earlier to see if you're free for me to come up this weekend?"

"The team is out of the town this weekend, so yeah I'm pretty much free and so is a bedroom if you want it."

"Sure that will be great for me to stay a day or two."

"So what is this a mini vacation?"

"No, its just some time to get away from the accumulating stupidity that I'm coming into contact with in Congress."

"Is it that bad?"

"With the bills they have on the docket, yes. There's not enough moderates to think clearly, too much party bickering."

"Well the place here is fine, so yeah we'll have fun when you come up. When are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving Thursday afternoon and should be there late night."

"You want someone to pick you up at the airport?"

"If you don't mind."

"Sure, I'll send someone along."

"I need to go Jace, I'm still not done here at the Capitol. I'll see you soon."

"Alright, bye Peter."


Hanging up the phone, I went over to the spare bedroom to see what it looked like. James saw me heading into the spare and came with me.

"So someone is coming?"

"Yeah my cousin is staying two days."

"He's arriving?"

"He should be here late Thursday night. And I was hoping that you could pick him up from the airport."

"Oh well, alright." He said and shied away a little.

I dragged him back close to me and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"That's all I get?!" He exclaimed a little hurt.

"You'll get a better one if you actually bring him back here."

"Ok, ok, now let's see what can be done about this bedroom." He said and started to pick up a few things around the bed.

After finishing with the bedroom, we headed back out to the living room and were greeted by a knocking on the door. James answered it and Terry came in.

"Hey guys, I just stopped by to get the paperwork." He said heading towards the table near the kitchen.

He sat down as I pulled the sheets to him that were already on the table. "Here you go." I chose the three of my best. I hope they'll do ok."

"I sure wish you could come with us."

"Yeah well, Jace is not well enough, but he's coming along nicely. Maybe by next week he'll be alright." James said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"But I will be keeping and eye on what's going on up there with the games and then I'll talk with Roberts after you get back."

"So what are you oging to do while we're gone?"

"I'm going to be entertaining my cousin from Alabama. He just wants to get away for a day or two so we're going to talk."

"Yeah you told me you're headed down South for Christmas?"

"Yeah sort of like a family Christmas with my cousin."

"Why would you want to go down South? There's nothing down here." Terry said.

I was about to respond when James interrupted my mouth opening to speak.

"What's wrong with the South?" James' eyes narrowed.

"Well its hot, they don't have snowy Christmas' or winters for that matter. Its humid, there are no major cities. Let's face it, its the backwaters."

Hmmm...if this were a cartoon I would be able to see steam coming out of James' ears and hear a whistle blowing.

"The South is the summer's playground. You can lay out in the sun and tan and feel the warmth, whereas in the North you lay out in the clouds due to all that pollution. We have farms in the South, you have industrial mills and mines, how disgusting. As far as big cities, what about Atlanta, Nashville, and Miami, nevermind Orlando, and all our fantastic beach cities. And of course there's the relaxation. Something I believe you'd know nothing about."

"Me, I don't think you'd know how to relax. You're too uptight. Schedule this, schedule that. Have to be on time. I've seen you when Jace is asleep."

"At least I'm not a shy little kitty that fears anything and everything. Face it you're also dependent on everyone for everything." James retorted.

I saw Terry begin to stand up, but I was unsure what he was going to do. However, I could see a red gleam flash through his eyes.

"Well I really must be leaving Jace, I still have to pack for the trip. I'll see you later. Lance, I'm eager to see you again." Terry said and headed for the door.

I could tell that James' feathers were ruffled but he didn't show any indication of wanting to speak about it.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked as Terry drove away.

"How about we go out for some Chinese food?" I asked.

"That'll be fine." He said simply.

Dinner passed by quickly and pretty much quietly without much talk between James and myself. When we came home, the quiet void continued as I went to the bedroom to get out some textbooks to read in a little bit, while James sat down on the couch to watch tv. Tossing out several textbooks on the bed, I then headed over to the bathroom to take a shower. Looking in the mirror, I saw myself. Not looking too well, considering how much I went through in getting into a different look and then cast into this situation where I can't be with the team coaching them.

I stipped down and got in the shower, letting everything just wash and drain through me. I just wanted to soak. It wasn't until I actually started to wash up when I felt the pain sore through me of all my muscles and bones aching from limited movement. Finishing up I dried myself heading back to my bedroom. Sitting on my bed, I began to dry my hair. Afterwards, I threw it into the open basket hamper in the corner of the room, as I slipped under the covers of the bed and grabbed my books to read.

James came in a few minutes later shutting off everything in the living room as I saw the last of the light go out and he appeared in my doorway.

"Its early to be going to bed."

"I'm not going to bed yet I'm reading." I responded showing him the front of my book.


"Getting tired of the box?" I asked as he leaned against the frame.

"Yeah, you're not there so its not that interesting."

I opened the covers a little, "Wanna hop in?"

"Sure." He said and stipped down to his boxers and slid in. He felt around for a bit and noticed that I wasn't wearing anything. "Jace, you're not wearing anything."

"No, is that a problem?"

"Nope." He said with a slight grin.

I just nodded and continued with my book. I felt him shift in the bed and get closer and closer, until he eventually latched onto me. He wrapped his arm around me and entertwined his legs around mine, and put his head on my shoulder.

"Jace?" He asked.


"Thank you for not saying anything about Terry. I mean, I want to take care of myself for this."

"Yeah I know. I see you both as equally matched so I don't see a problem with it."

"Equally matched?"

"Yeah, Terry is a shy person and you don't have an angry bone in your body. Pretty qual to me."

Next thing I felt was a hand grasping my dick hard. Aiieeeee.

"Plus I think when Terry comes back you better watch your back." I managed to squeal out."

"What do you mean?" He said releasing his grip. I could feel the blood flow back through it.

I checked to make sure I still had working equipment.

"I mean you may have some practical jokes coming your way. Terry's not the one that comes at you straight forward."

"Hmmmm...ok." He said, I know his brain was starting to work.

I closed the book and put it beneath the bed as I reached and grabbed the other book at the foot of the bed. Unexpectedly, I didn't realize that James took that opportunity to smack my ass when I was in a compromising position. I threw the book on the floor and rubbed my sore ass.

"Like I needed another sore spot, especially there." I said and James laughed.

He pulled me back down to laying position and clinged back onto me.

"Don't worry I'll knead all the knots out of it."

I yawned and stretched to turn off the light.

"Reading really does make you tired doesn't it."

"Yeah just a little." I said snuggling into the pillow.

I felt James reaching around and grabbing onto my body and scooted us closer together. He put his head near the back of my neck and that's the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

Next: Chapter 16

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