Muscles and Sweat

By Vincent Hadley

Published on Apr 22, 2001


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

If you like this story and have constructive advice or comments then feel free to email me at I welcome your comments/suggestions.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!



MUSCLES AND SWEAT Chapter Three A few days later, Nick was coming home from work and noticed a truck parked in front of Ben's house. Ben was standing by the driver-side door talking to the driver. Nick enjoyed what Ben was wearing: blue jeans and shirtless, his chest, arms, and torso gleamed with sweat in the hot afternoon sun. Nick parked his truck in his driveway and got out, waved to Ben as he proceeded to his house. Ben waved back. Nick stopped. He put his briefcase down and headed out to say hello to Ben. Just an excuse to see his awesome body up close if for nothing else. "Hey, guy!" Nick said as he approached. "Hey, Nick," Ben replied. Then Ben motioned to the guy in the truck. "Nick, this is Colin. Colin...Nick." "Hi, Colin." Nick said. "Hi, Nick, nice to meet ya," Colin replied. "Same here." Nick studied the young man. Colin, too, was shirtless and Nick could only see the top half of his body but what he saw, made his dick twitch. Colin had broader shoulders than Ben, if that was possible, and bowling ball definition to them. His biceps where delicious as where his beefy pecs, two dime-sized nipples capped them. Straight, fuzzy hairy wrapped around those pecs and then dissappeared from site. Nick damn near fainted. Nick walked to the truck door and leaned on the outside mirror. He looked in and was looking at a God. Colin had dark hair, trimmed short but longer on top. Dark blue eyes stared from a nicely tanned face. Colin's mouth was full of starkly white teeth surrouned by full, luscious lips. Nick allowed his eyes to feast on that face before looking futher down. Colin's chest tapered down to a waist that could not have been more than 26". His torso was richly tanned and the straight hair from his chest cascaded down his ripped abs. Colin had on a pair of bright red shorts and massive thighs exited the shorts also covered with dark, black hair. The shorts were tight, almost a second skin, and the outline of his cock was discernable. Nick felt his own cock rise to half mast. "Hello? Earth to Nick! Come in Nick!" Nick blushed. "Oh sorry, Ben, what did you say?" Ben smiled knowlingly at Colin before looking back to Nick. "I was just saying that Colin and I are going to his place later for a workout. You wanna come?" "I hear you and Ben have been having some hot workouts." Colin added. "Oh shit guys, I'd love to join you but..." "But what? The ole ball and chain?" Ben asked. "Yeah." Nick replied dejectedly. "Make up something." "Yeah, sure, make up something," Colin said. "Well..perhaps...I could." "Tell ya what," Ben said, "I'm leaving at..what seven?" he said to Colin and Colin nodded, "If you change your mind, meet me at seven." "I'll try, really I will but...don't know if its possible." Ben moved closer to Nick and said, "He's got a niner." Colin busted out laughing and Ben smiled at him before turning back to Nick. "Ok! Ok! You convinced me!" Nick replied also smiling. Then he offered his hand to Colin and they shook. "Nice to meet you, Colin. Even if I don't see you later." "Cool, Nick," Colin replied. "Gotta go, boys. Have a good evening." Nick said and then waved goodbye as he left. "Laters," Ben said. ------------------------- Just before seven p.m., Nick walked to Ben's house and knocked on the door. No answer. Nick could see Ben's truck in the driveway and heard music playing. He knocked again and waited. "Damn." he said to no one. Then Nick tried the doorknob and it opened. "Hello?" he yelled. Still, no answer. He thought he heard the sound of a shower. "Hmmmm." He cautiously entered Ben's house again calling "Hello". "Yes, thats a shower running" he said to himself. He made his way past the weightroom to Ben's bedroom and the shower was indeed running. The bathroom door was opened halfway and Nick knocked on it. "Ben?" he yelled. He peered in and could see Ben in the shower, the outline of his body barely perceptible through the opauqe showerdoor. "BEN!" he yelled louder and Ben turned around, startled. "OH fuck! Its you!" "Sorry, guy but the door was open and...." Ben turned the shower off and stepped out. Nick stared at the gorgeous body of his new friend. "Its cool, man, you just startled me," Ben said as he grabbed a towel and began drying off. "I'll just wait in the living room." Nick said. "Naw, hang out with me." Nick shrugged and leaned back against the vanity watching Ben's delicious ass as he bent over to dry his legs. "So you're coming?" "Yep, Im coming." "And I thought you were just breathing hard." Nick laughed at the joke as Ben stood up, drying his cock and balls. ----------------------------------- Later they were in Ben's truck and driving to Colin's place. Ben wore tight blue shorts and a white string t-shirt with showed off his massive pecs and large arms. Nick was wearing a pair of running shorts and a regular t-shirt. At one point, Ben noticed a convertable with two young girls in it trying to get his attention at a stoplight. "Watch this," Ben said as he hit the button to open his window. "Hey, whats up?" he asked the girls. "Hey Stud, wanna party?" they yelled back. "Yeah Sure! I'm headed to my buddies place." "Is he a hunk like you?" they asked. "He sure is! He's so hot that Im gonna fuck his ass all night long!" The smiles ran away from their faces and then they flipped Ben off. Ben just laughed and flipped them the bird right back. "Fucking cunts," he said as he closed the window. Nick snickered. "Man, you got big, brass balls!" he said to Ben. "Yeah, and those cunts ain't gonna touch 'em!" "So tell me, Mr. BrassBalls, how did you meet Colin?" "I was working out at the gym at school and saw him across the room. I thought he looked fucking HOT so I kept staring at him. Soon, I noticed he was checking me out." "He is fine! Nice fucking chest!" Nick interjected. "Fuckin A! Nice ass, too! Anyway, we were working out, it was late, not many guys around. I finished up and headed for the showers. About...oh...five minutes later, Colin comes in the showers, too. Like I said, it was late...not many guys around and I was the only one taking a shower. There must be twenty or so showers and damned if Colin picks one next to mine. Im standing there, soaping myself up and he begins to do the same. His bubble butt is facing me and he bends over. 'Mmmmm, yeah' I thought. Pretty soon, he turns and looks over at me. "'Hi, I'm Colin.' he says and I reply 'I'm Ben.' I look down and check out his cock and he's got this semi-chub hanging down about five inches, real thick, too. Then he says 'Nice body' and I say 'thanks, you, too' The next thing I know he reaches out and starts rubbing my back. I think 'Wow' and just stand there as he is beginning to rub me harder. Pretty soon, man, my cock is rock hard." "No shit!?" Nick exclaims. "NO FUCKIN SHIT! So...I turn around and he has got his hard cock in one hand and the other is moving down to my dick. He glances at the door and no one is there so I take the hint and put my hand on his cock which has grown to about eight iches of hard meat." "Oh fuck, I'm hard now just listening to this!" Nick exclaims and rubs his cock through his jeans. "Whoa, man don't go jacking off," Ben says to Nick. "Save it for Colin's ass. So there we are jacking each other and then I suggest we get the fuck outta there. We go to his place and I tell you, Nick, this is no shit...I fucked his ass three times, man. Colin loves to be fucked." "Mmmmm, yeah." "And he has the sweetest cum...oh man, now I'M totally chubbed! Look at my cock. Fuck! I'm leaking already!" Ben grabs his crotch and Nick could see he was indeed hard. "Ok BrassBalls, save it for Colin." "Fucking A!" A few minutes later, Ben says, "Here we are, check it out." "Nice house. He owns this?" "Naw, his daddy is loaded. Pays for it only if Colin stays in school," Ben replies as they get out. He looks at Nick, "Ready for some hot ass?" Nick uses Ben's favorite line: "Fucking A!" They approach the house and hear Limp Bizkit blaring. Without knocking, Ben opens the door and they enter. Colin is seated at the sofa inhaling from a huge bong. "Hey Guys!" he shouts and gets up, high fives Ben and then Nick while dope smoke flares from his nostrils. "Wanna hit?" Ben waves him off, "Can't, I'm in training." Colin shrugs and then offers the bong to Nick who takes it. Colin holds the fire next to the bowl as Nick takes a long draw. He tries to be cool and not choke but the weed is primo and he starts to cough. Colin laughs. "Careful man, this is good shit!" Ben walks to the stereo and turns the volume down to a low roar. "Fucking bust your eardrums, man." "Pussy!" Colin shoots back. "If its too loud, then you're too old," Nick says. "Fuck you both! Ben says, then, "Got a cold brewski?" "Fuck yeah! Help yourself." "Get me one, too," Nick says. Ben disappears into the kitchen and Colin sits down to reload. Nick checks him out. Colin is wearing a tattered Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt with the arms torn off. His biceps, ahh fuck his biceps are massive. The shirt is old but clings to his body showing the deep cut definition of his pecs. Nick can see Colin's nipples pressing against the cloth. He still has the bright red shorts from earlier on and his package is clearly defined as well. Colin motions to Nick and Nick sits down next to him. He takes the lighter and the bong Colin is offering and begins to smoke. Nick is already beginning to feel the effects from his first hit and relishes another. He smokes slowly this time, taking in a huge lung full and holds it. Colin is smiling that killer smile at him as Nick exhales a huge cloud of blue-white smoke. "Fuck, this IS good shit! I haven't smoked in a couple of years and boy it feels good. Good taste, too." He hands the bong to Colin. "This will get you FUCKED UP!" Colin says as he lights the bong. He takes a huge hit, holds it and then exhales. Ben returns with three beers and sits one down in front of Nick and Colin. He pops his and drinks as Nick does the same. Colin takes his beer and pops the top, he holds the can up, "A toast: to cold beer, good weed and big DICKS!" "Fucking A!" Ben and Nick say in unison as they clunk their cans together. They each take huge gulps of beer and then afterwards, Colin says," I'm horny! Let's FUCK!" Colin lunges at Nick and pushes him into the sofa. He grabs Nick's shirt and pulls it up. Nick is surprised but leans back holding his arms up. Ben takes Nick's beer from him as Colin begins to suck on Nick's right nipple. Ben grins at Nick as if to say, "See what I mean?" and Nick smiles back as he runs his hands over Colin's body. Next, Ben sits down in an opposing chair and drinks his beer while watching the two of them. Nick pulls Colin's shirt up and runs his hands over the guy's back. Colin's muscles are hard cords of steel as they contract with his movements. Nick grinds his fingertips into them. Colin has now attached his face to Nick's left nipple and is licking the entire pectoral. Nick looks down to watch Colin licking and kissing down his torso to his navel and proceeds to cram his long tongue into Nicks belly button before licking Nick's whole stomach, relishing Nick's hairy torso. Nick feels his cock growing, anticipating that hot mouth wrapped around it. He pulls Colin's shirt up and Colin allows himself to be stripped. Nick tosses the shirt away and continues his exploration of Colin's ripped torso. He rubs the guy's back, down to his shorts and then around to his stomach before moving his hands to those large pecs. He tweaks Colin's nipples and makes him moan. Then Colin moves up and kisses Nick deeply, sensually, their tongues fighting for control. Colin moves to Nick's left bicep and begins to kiss and lick it, breathing his hot breath all over the man's arm. Nick gasps as Colin grabs his pouch, squeezing his now erect dick through the thin material of his shorts. Colin pulls on the shorts and Nick's cock head appears above the waistband. Colin licks it producing a loud groan from Nick as he slurps on the Nick's precum. Through slitted eyes, Nick sees Ben across from them lightly stroking his cock which is tenting his shorts. Knowing Ben is watching is like a aphrodesiac. This is his first sexual encounter where someone is watching, not to mention his first male to male encounter with another guy watching. Nick decides its time for some cock action and pushes his hand into Colin's shorts. His fingers wrap around a cock that seems very thick. Nick can feel the blood vessles encircling the hard shaft. His other hand dives down Colin's back and enters his shorts. He grabs a handful of taught gluteus muscle. He roams his hand around Colin's ass and can feel Colin has a hard, hairy butt. Nick groans with delight. Again, Nick steals another glance at Ben and sees Ben has taken his shirt off and has the front of his shorts pulled down below his nuts. He is sitting there, drinking his beer with his erect cock towering over his stomach. Ben winks at Nick and Nick grins back before returning his attention to the stud between his legs. "I want some COCK!" Colin exclaims and rips Nick's shorts and underwear down. Nick's cock flips out fully onto Nick's stomach with a flat wacking sound. Colin moans in appreciation. Nick puts his arms behind his head and watches Colin as he licks the prick from the base to the head. Over and over, Colin traces the cock with his long tongue getting it slick with saliva. Next, he holds Nick's cock up and runs his lips up and down the shaft, flicking his tongue around the glans, slurping on the precum while staring into Nick's eyes. Then he moves down and takes both of Nick's hairy nuts into his mouth and sucks on them. Nick groans. He rubs Colin's strong shoulders as the muscle man eats his nuts. "Yeah, suck those nuts, man! Ahhh fuck yeah!" "Fuck, you guys are HOT!" Ben exclaims from his vantage point. Nick sees Ben is furiously stroking his own cock. The compact disc changer has done its job and now Creed is asking "What's this life for?" Nick thinks that his life is for watching a hot stud suck his cock while another hot stud with brassballs looks on. Colin's cock is sliding in his hand. Nick can feel the head leaking precum into his palm and grags it tightly. Colin has Nick's cock fully in his mouth, his nose buried in Nick's bush and groans. "Ive got to see this," Nick thinks and pushes Colins pants down. No underwear to deal with; just the shorts and they give way as if they know the routine. Colin helps Nick undress him and soon Nick is seeing a thick cock, about eight inches long and two plus inches wide in his hand. Nick marvels at the sight of such a thick cock. A tangle of dark-black, curly hair surrounds the base spreading out in a large arc on Colins lower stomach before ending at the navel. Two plum sized balls hang below, also covered with thick, black hair and Nick knows there is a delicious treasure contained in those nuts. Colin's massive thighs are covered with the same dark hair. Nick is in heaven. Heaven gets better. Colin releases Nick's cock and stands up. "Suck it!" he demands and leans towards Nick. Nick sees the large cock moving towards his mouth and opens wide. Immediately, Nick can smell Colin's funky manscent, the scent of muscle man sweat and precum. He grabs Colin's ass and holds on as Colin plunges his huge cock into Nick's waiting mouth. Instantly, his mouth is filled to capacity. Colin's large prick is almost too much for Nick and he suppresses an urge to gag. Nick lets his tongue wrap around the mushroomed head and then it pushes at the opening of his throat. Nick opens wider and is surprised as the head nuzzles in without him gagging. "Thank the Good Lord for pot." Nick thinks and begins to suck. Colin's big balls bang on his chin as Nick sucks the young man's prick. He can taste Colin's sweet precum on his tongue. Nick pulls back and runs his tongue around the large head. He watches it flare as precom oozes out of the slit in large drops. "Mmmmm, Colin, you taste awesome, dude!" Nick whispers before taking Colin back into his eager mouth. Soon, Nick looks up to see Colin arching back against Ben. Ben is nude, standing direclty behind Colin. Colin has his head turned to Ben and they are kissing. Then Nick feels Ben's prick against his fingers which are holding Colin's ass. Nick pulls Colin's ass open and Ben pushes in, his hard cock gliding into Colin's hole. "Ahhh yeah, Ben, my lover! Fuck me, man! Fuck me hard and fast. I want you deep in my ass!" Nick feels Ben's hard shaft as it enters Colin and then the rythmic thrusting as Ben begins to fuck his buddy. Nick keeps his fingers so he can feel Ben's hard prick fucking Studman Colin's ass. Never in his life has he been is such a erotic situation. Nick knows how talented Ben's prick is and wants to feel it as it glides in and out of Colin's tight hole. Nick can see Ben's balls banging on Colin's hairy nuts as they fuck. Colin begins to fuck Nick's mouth harder and faster. His cock is like a rod of blue steel. Three sets of moans and groans fill the room. Nick is sucking cock like he has never sucked before. He grabs both sets of nuts and runs his hands over them. He fingers Ben's tight hole but then returns to feeling Ben's cock as it grinds into Colin's hairy ass. Soon, Colin is fucking his mouth with a fury and Nick feels his balls pull up. "He is gonna cream my mouth soon," he thinks. And sure enough, Colin grunts and his cock hardens to its zenith. Nick sucks deeper and licks the large dick around its flared head. Colin's breath is coming in quick stiches and then...ahhhh yeah! Nick's mouth is bombarded with thick ropes of studman juice. It floods his mouth entirely. Nick swallows in great gulps but the volume is too great and some escapes out of the corners of his mouth and drips on his chest. Hot, sweet, oh so fucking SWEET! cum continues to cascade over his tongue in great volleys. Nick swallows and swallows as Colin's prick softens against his tongue. Then hears the familiar grunts that he knows is Ben's approaching orgasm. He watches as Ben bends Colin over farther. Colin grabs the back of the sofa and spreads his legs. Nick keeps his fingers deep in Colin's crack so he can feel Ben's cock erupting. Ben grunts one final time and with his hands on Colin's hips, pulls the man onto his meat. Nick feels Ben's cock throbbing against his fingers, shooting a torent of juicey cum deep into Colin's ass. "Ahh fuck yeah!" Ben shouts and plows his buddy's ass repeatedly with long, hard thrusts of his muscled, foot-baller's body. "Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me hard, man. Ahhh fuck yeah! Damn, thats it! Yeah, oh fucking yeah!" Finally, Ben relaxes over his fuckbuddy, breathing deeply, sweat dripping from his body onto Colin's. Colin is leaning over Nick, breathing deeply, as is Ben, who is standing over Colin with his cock securely in his ass. "Awesome, fucking awesome." Colin whispers. Nick climbs out from under Colin as Ben pulls out, his cock making a discernable slurping sound exiting Colin's finely fucked ass. Nick swallows the last of Colin's cum and stands up. Colin looks over to see Nick's cock is still hard. "Ok, man, your turn. Fuck me." he says to Nick. Nick looks at Ben and Ben makes a motion with his hands towards Colins upturned ass. "Go for it, man. I told you he loves to be fucked." Almost in disbelief, Nick moves behind Colin. He looks at Colin's ass which is indeed covered with dark, black hair. Around his asshole is a thick bush matted with Ben's cum, some is leaking out of his butt and running down his legs. "Fuck me, Nick." Colin says, grabbing the back of the sofa and spreading his legs. "Fuck his ass, Nick. Mix your cum with mine, man." Ben said wiping cum from his dick and putting it on Nick's hard prick. "Fuck me, Nick." Colin repeated. "I want your hard cock in my ass. Fuck me Stud!" Nick looks again at Colin's hole covered with Ben's cum. "Mmmmmm I want a piece of that ASS!" Nick says and gets into position. He put his cock at Colin's hole and slid his cock around, watching Ben's hot cum lubricate his cock head and pushed. His cock slid in without opposition. Soon, he is plowing Colin's ass as Ben rubs his own body against him. Ben and Nick begin to kiss as Nick fucks Colin's ass which is slick with Ben's manjuice. Nick is so turned on by the notion of his cock and cum being where Ben's was just minutes ago, that he knows he will not last long. Soon, Nick grunts loudly, fucking Colin's tight ass as Colin begs for more. He feels cum boiling in his nuts, anxious for release. And then, oh fuck yeah! he came. Nick crams his cock deep in Colin and shoots the biggest load in years. Nick continues to plow Colin's until he is soon exhausted. Then he pulls out of Colin's ass, his cock is covered with a mixture of his and Ben's cum. Nick can see Colin's ass leaking cum down his legs again. Then Nick got the surprise of the night. Ben kneels down and begins to rim Colin's ass. Colin resumes his previous position, groaning, as Ben eats him out, sucking his and Nick's cum out of Colin's twice-fucked ass. Nick stood back, drinking his beer while Ben rims his buddy. Colin groans and moans until Ben is done. Soon, Ben stood up, cum was spread all over his face and he licked the remaing drops from his lips before wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. "Defuckinglicious!" Ben exclaims. Ben sat on the sofa and Colin lay with his head in Ben's lap. Nick sat down next to them and they drank their beers. Later, Colin filled the bong again. Nick and him got stoned while the three of them lay on the sofa, kissing and enjoying being naked together. "Oh fuck, look at the time!" Nick said later. "I gotta get home, Ben." "The ball and chain?" Ben asked. "Yeah. Sorry, man." "No problem. My keys are there, on the table. Take my truck." "No, man, stay. Round two will begin shortly." Colin said while kissing Ben. "Colin, I'd love to, fuck yeah I would..but I really gotta go. Ive enjoyed it, sincerely, I have, but...." "Its cool, man. I understand. See you soon?" "Yeah sure, you betcha!" Nick said. "See ya, Nick." Ben said. Nick found Ben's keys and headed out. "Yall have a good one. Thanks for the buzz, Colin." "No prob." Colin replied. Nick walked out of the house. He sighed and big sigh and climbed into Ben's truck. "Whew! That was fun," he said to himself and started the engine. THE END ~~~~~ Thats it Guys! Hope yall enjoyed the story. I love getting email from yall so don't be bashful. Vince

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