Muscles and Sweat

By Vincent Hadley

Published on Apr 16, 2001


This is a fictional story of male to male adult experiences. If you are under the age of 18 or do not like male/male stories of explicit sex, then do not read this.

If you like this story and have constructive advice or comments then feel free to email me at I welcome your comments/suggestions.

As this is fiction, STD's do not exist so there is no need for the characters to practice safe sex. However, in the real world, there are diseases which can kill you so PLAY SAFE!



MUSCLES AND SWEAT Chapter 2 Around 8am the next morning, Ben woke up with his usual morning woody. He lazily stroked his cock and played with his nuts as he recalled the previous day's encounter with Nick. He recalled the musky scent of Nick's thick, sweaty bush against his lips and the feeling of Nick's prick as he ran his lips over the flared head. Ben tossed the blankets off and ran his hands over his chiseled pecs, teasing his nipples until they were hard. Next, he slid one hand down his torso, feeling the rippled ab muscles while moving the other arm back over his head so he could lick his large bicep. He fantasized it was Nick's bicep he was licking and it was Nick's hand wrapped around his meat. Precum oozed from his cock, lubricating his hand and Ben envisioned that was Nick's tongue. Ben started undulating his body, mimicking the feeling of being sucked by Nick. "Ahhh fuck," Ben whispered. Faster and faster, he stroked his erection. He gripped it harder and rubbed his thumb over the glans coaxing more precum to flow out. "Yeah, Nick, suck my dick." With his free hand, Ben rubbed his chest and stomach, digging his finger into his navel like it was Nick's tongue. "Yeah, man, thats it, eat my belly, eat my muscled belly and lick my abs." Ben's fisted his cock faster and faster. "God, you have awesome muscles...fuck Nick...ahh yeah...let me smell your pits, your funky, sweaty pits...ahhh yeah...delicious man...ahhh fuck you smell like a MAN!" Ben opened his eyes and stared at his cock pistoning in his hand. "I'm gonna cum, Nick! Ahh fuck, take it! Im gonna blow in your mouth, fucker!" Ben's body seized up and he thrusted into his hand, his body left the bed from his head to his feet as his cock erupted. Ben's load shot from his cock and landed in thick streams from his crotch to his chest. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Drop after drop landed on his chest before his cock softened and then the remaining load of cum oozed from his cockhead and ran down his hand. Ben put his hand to his lips and licked the cum from his fingers as he relaxed. "Fuck!" he whispered. Fifteen minutes later, Ben got out of bed and headed for the head. He groaned loudly as his stream began, his body making the necessary adjustments from coming to pissing. Next, Ben put on a jockstrap and then put on some running shorts that barely covered his bowling-ball ass. Ben admired his ass in the bathroom mirror, he slapped it hard, "Damn Fine ASS, Ben!" he exclaimed. A minute later, bare chested, he ran out the front door and started his five-mile run. Later, Ben returned from his run. He stopped in his front yard and bent over, putting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. Sweat gleamed on his smooth, taught stomach. Ben became aware someone was approaching and looked up to see Nick heading his way. Nick was dressed in a business suit complete with briefcase and power tie. "How far?" Nick asked. "Five miles, give or take." Ben replied still breathing hard. "Cool. I do about three or so myself." Ben said nothing, instead he stood up and ran his hands over his chest. "Fuck, if I didn't have to work, Id enjoy licking the sweat from that fine chest." Ben smiled then he asked, "We still on for tonight?" "Fuckin A! About 8 o'clock?" "Yeah sure, I'll save my sweaty jockstrap for ya." "MMmmm is that a promise?" "Come by and find out." Nick looked at his wristwatch. "I gotta get going..see you tonight, Stud." "I'll be here. See ya Studlover." They both grinned. -------------------------- Around 7pm, Ben decided it was time to work up some sweat for Nick. He changed into long sweats but no shirt, no underwear either. He did some exercises to get warmed up and then laid on the workout bench and did some presses. Soon he heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. It was Nick. "Your early." he said. "Hope you dont mind." Nick replied and handed Ben the twelve pack of Coors Lights he was carrying. "Naw, it's ok. I was just working out." "Sorry to intrude but the wife left a couple of hours ago, gone for the weekend to see her folks. I was bored and figured what the fuck." Nick couldn't help but stare at Ben's chest. "Its ok, really." Ben said as he opened the beer and handed one to Nick. "I'll put these in the 'fridge. Make yourself at home." Ben left for the kitchen and Nick eyed his ass. "MMmm that's one hard butt!" he thought to himself. He took a gulp of beer and followed. "Where is your weightroom?" Nick called out to Ben. "Down the hall, first room on the left." Nick stopped at the weightroom doorway and looked in. Pictures and centerfolds culled from stroke magazines were pinned on the walls and there were a few mags on the floor, opened to various pages. Muscular men, most of them naked stared back at Nick. There were two weightbenches with numerous weights and barbells strewn around the room. Towels hung from various bars and discarded shorts and shirts littered the floor. The room smelt of sweat. It smelt of Ben. "This is a man's room." Nick said to himself. Again, Nick gulped his beer. He looked at the door and didn't hear anything so he reached down and picked up a pair of gray shorts. "This is where Ben's dick was when he was working out." Nick thought to himself and put the crotch to his face. He inhaled deeply. The smell was intoxicating. "These are fresher." Nick spun around and Ben was at the door holding a jockstrap. He felt his face flush with embarrassment. "Im sorry, I...I...just...." "Its ok. I've done it before, too." "I just feel so stupid." "Its no problem." Ben said and walked to Nick. "Here, try these. They're from this morning." Ben took the gray shorts from Nick and handed him the jockstrap. "Go on, take them." Nick put the jock to his face and inhaled. "Oh man, thats so fine. I remember that smell from yesterday." Nick took another whiff, this time smashing the jock into his face. "Defuckinglicios." he said. "Keep it, its yours." "Really?" "Certainly, I have dozens." "Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm never going to wash it." They were standing close and Nick leaned to Ben and they kissed. After the kiss, Nick asked, "Do me another favor?" "What?" "Flex your biceps for me." Ben flexed his arms, his biceps and triceps bulging like huge mountains. "Oh man," Nick whispered and ran his hands over Ben's muscles. Ben stood there smiling, enjoying the attention. Nick groaned and then put his lips to Ben's left nipple and began to lick it. He licked and chewed on the nipple as his hands massaged the thick muscles of Ben's upper arms. Then he licked up to Ben's left armpit and started licking that, too. "Yeah, man lick those pits! Mmmmm." Ben was loving every minute of this. Nick's body was against Ben's as Nick began licking his bicep. Ben wrapped his arms and Nick and held him tightly. Then Ben grabbed Nick and pushed him away. "Now, do me a favor." "Name it." "Strip. Strip for me." Nick took a step back and looked at Ben. There was a huge tent in Ben's dark blue sweat pants. Nick grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head and then tossed it on the floor. "Now, rub your body, rub your chest and nipples, rub your stomach." Nick did as instructed and he noticed Ben's bulge growing higher. Ben has his hands on his hips, standing there, watching Nick. "Now, the pants." Nick kicked off his sneakers and then started unbuttoning the fly of his 501's. Ben watched as Nick pushed his jeans down his thighs. Nick was wearing a jockstrap and Ben could see Nick's prick was already erect. Nick shucked his jeans off and kicked them away. "Nice, Nick. Very nice. How old are you Nick?" "Thirty-two." "You keep your body nice and hard, Nick. Thats good." "Thanks." "Now turn around." Nick turned around. "Mmmm nice ass, Nick. Just the right amount of hair. I like hairy asses, Nick." Nick looked over his shoulder and saw Ben walking to him. Ben wrapped his arms around Nick and started kissing his neck. Nick groaned. Ben ran his hands all over Nick's chest and stomach as he bit Nick's neck and earlobes. Nick groaned and moaned, his breath became deeper. Nick let out an audible gasp as Ben grabbed his pouch and squeezed Nick's hard prick. Ben whispered in Nick's ear, "Have you ever been fucked by a man, Nick?" "No, but..."Nick answered. "But what?" Ben breathed into Nick's ear. "I've....always....wanted to." "Do you want me to fuck your ass, Nick?" "Yes, oh fuck yes." Ben pulled his sweatpants down and let his cock press into Nick's ass. "Do you want this muscled man to fuck your tight, hairy ass Nick?" Ben's hand dove into Nick's jock and wrapped it around Nick's hot cock. He began to stroke it hard. Nick laid his head back on Ben's shoulder and groaned. "Yes, fuck me, Ben. I want you to fuck me." Ben stroked Nick's cock faster and faster. Nick began to breathe harder and harder, he grunted as Ben's hands found his nuts and grabbed them. "Do you want to feel my hard, muscled body against your hard, muscled body as I plow my big, fat cock into your ass, Nick?" "Ah shit, stop! Im gonna cum. Stop. oh please...stop." Ben pulled his hand out and quickly moved away from Nick. Nick stood there, panting. "You fucker." he said turning around to face Ben. "Sorry, Nick, I was just getting you warmed up." Ben said as he removed his sweatpants and tossed them to join Nick's clothes. Nick saw Ben's prick was at full erection. "Fuck, I thought I was gonna cum and didn't want to yet, that's all." "I know...hell, look at me, I'm dripping precum in buckets, Nick. All because of you, man. You have a hot body. I've been checking you out, you are a hot stud, man. I bet your wife is proud." "I guess so, but stuff..fuck it makes me so fucking horny." Ben sat down on one of the weightbenches. He found his beer and drank from it. Nick found his and drank, too. "Damn, these jocks get tight after a while," he said and pulled his down and then off. He walked to Ben and offered it to him. Ben took it with his free hand and put it to his face and inhaled the scent of Nick. "Mmmm. There's nothing like the scent of man, right Nick?" "Fuckin A!" Nick said. Then he added, "The only thing better is the real thing." He grabbed his cock and moved it to Ben's face. Ben set his beer down and opened his mouth. Nick pushed his cock into Ben's face. Ben looked up into Nick's eyes and held his gaze as he sucked the hard cock deep into his mouth. He felt Nick push until the head entered his throat and his nose was pressed into Nick's thick bush. Ben held onto Nick's ass and sucked his cock for several minutes. Then he pulled off. "You ready to cum now, Nick?" "Fuck, yes, Ben." "Good." was all Ben said and started to suck cock. Ben sucked Nick's cock for several minutes before Nick finally came. "Im gonna cum," Nick hissed then pulled his cock from Ben's mouth. "I want to shoot all over your chest, all over your fine tits!" "Do it, Nick. Yeah, shoot all over me, Studman!" Nick gripped his cock and stroked furiously. Ben sat back and arched his body so his chest stood out, the nipples like two large eyes staring at Nick's cock. He rubbed his cock over those "eyes" and left copious amounts of precum. Next, he stood a step back and fired; cum shot from his cock in thick ropes and landed all over Ben's outstretched chest. The drops hit with tiny splattering sounds before running down Ben's chest. "Ahh yeah, thats it Studman...all over me...mmmmm thats hot!" Nick grunted and stroked. He came like he never came before, shooting his load on Musclestud's chest, watching his cum running down in great droplets. Then he moved forward and rubbed his dripping cock over Ben's nipples as Ben rubbed Nick's thighs and ass. Next, Ben put his fingers to his nipples and retrieved some of the juice and licked it from his hands before taking Nick's cock back into his mouth. He licked the cock clean before sitting back on the weightbench, lips were smeared with cum. Ben's cock was hard, standing straight up from his thick bush of hair. Nick kneeled down between Ben's muscled thighs to suck it. "No," Ben said softly. "Im saving that for your ass. Let's get a beer first, ok?" Nick could hardly refuse. He stood up and headed out of the room as Ben followed stopping only to grab a towel to wipe his chest. They went into to the kitchen and popped the tops on fresh cans of beer. Nick stood there, drinking his beer and enjoying being naked with Ben as they talked. He wondered what Ben's cock would feel like in his ass and was prepared to find out. Ben drank his beer and knew Nick's virgin ass would feel tight wrapped around his prick. They talked for a bit before Ben grabbed Nick's hand. Ben led Nick to the room down the hall. Ben's bedroom. There was a king-sized bed dominating the room and there were more clothes of all sorts cluttering the floor. "Sorry for the mess. I know.....I'm a slob." "I'm a slob too, my wife, she... never mind." he stopped in mid-sentence. "Its a man's room, it should be a mess." Nick said Then he climbed into the bed and lay on the sheets. He smelt the aroma of Ben in the sheets. "Actually, Im glad you didn't change the sheets. I can smell your scent." "I'll have you know I jacked off this morning in this bed thinking of you." Ben said as he lit a couple of candles. It was full night outside and the candles made good atmosphere. "Oh really? Was I good?" Nick asked. "So-so," Ben said making a waving motion with his hand, grinning. "You fuck! Thanks alot." Nick replied, also grinning. Ben jumped onto Nick and they kissed deeply. Ben laid his body full out on Nick's and pressed his semi-erect cock on Nick's stomach. Their hands roamed around each other's bodies as they kissed. Ben moved in between Nick's legs and let his cock graze against Nick's hole as he licked and sucked Nick's nipples. Nick groaned with pleasure grabbing Ben's body and massaging his back. "Fuck me, Ben," he whispered. Ben sat up between Nick's legs and stroked his cock. To Nick, it looked larger than before and he wondered if he could take it. Ben pushed Nick's legs forward and rubbed his meat along Nick's crack, making sure to push the head along the puckered hole. "Ahh fuck that feels sooo good, man. Hot damn!" Nick's ass was slick with sweat and Ben pushed again and this time part of the head slipped in. "Ugh!" Nick groaned. "Just a second," Ben said and leaned over to the nightstand to grab a bottle of lube. "Here put this on me." Nick flipped the lube open and squirted some into his free hand. Ben's cock bobbed in front of him. "Damn, that's a fucking nice dick!" "Wait 'til you feel it inside you man." "Remember, its my first and...well, its gonna hurt right?" "Relax, Nick. I'll go slow." Nick spread the lube over Ben's cock, getting it slick from head to root. Ben took the bottle from Nick and tossed it away. He lay full out on Nick again and Nick felt Ben's cock pressing at his hole. He spread his legs wide as Ben pushed into him. He wrapped his arms around Ben's body and pulled Ben's neck to his face. He kissed and sucked Ben's head and shoulders and Ben worked his tool into him. He marveled at the contractions of Ben's muscles. He heard Ben grunting in his ear and found if he concentrated on that, the pain wasn't so bad. Then he felt Ben push deeper into him and gritted his teeth, stifling a shout of pain. Ben pulled out. "Relax, breath deeply, babe. Move your legs apart some more." Nick did as instructed and felt Ben push back into him. "Almost home, man, you're doing good." Ben held still and let Nick grow accustomed to having his ass filled with cock. He kissed Nick again and was relieved Nick kissed back with intense lust. Then Ben pushed in deeper and felt his balls slap on Nick's ass. "There, man, I'm in you, Nick." "It's not so bad now, I think I can do this." Nick whispered. "Good, now hold gets much better when I do this." Ben gave one last hard thrust and hit Nick's prostate. Nick grunted and then shouted, "Ahhh fuck!" Ben started to move in and out of Nick and Nick writhed under him. "I can feel your big cock throbbing in me, Ben! Ah fuck it feels sooo good! Fuck me man, fuck me hard! Now! Do it Musclestud!" He grabbed Ben's ample ass and felt the muscles contracting as Ben ground his cock into his manhole. Their bodies slid together lubricated by sweat. "Fuck that's a tight hole, Nick. Ah man, you're so tight and hot! Gonna fuck you, man! Fuck your ass hard!" With long hard thrusts, Ben pushed in and then pulled out. Nick heard Ben grunting in his ear, his face buried in Nick's neck as they fucked. Man grunts they were, not the meek grunts of a woman, but deep, guttural, animalistic sounds. Nick pulled Ben's arm up and dove his face into Ben's pit, smelling the musky scent. He licked, eating the armpit and then moved to take in the nipple that was just inches from his face. Ben moved to accommodate Nick, allowing his nipple into Nick's lips. Nick lost track of time. All he ever wanted in sex was coming true: to be fucked by a muscle man. He wanted it to last forever. Ben grunted and thrusted in him. He whispered to Nick, telling him what to do, how to squeeze his muscles to grip the cock as it went in and then to relax as it moved out. Nick let Ben take control and enjoyed surrendering. Nick was fascinated by the feeling of a prick in him, it seemed he could feel every inch of cock and the ridge of the glans as it plowed into him. He even heard Ben's nuts banging on his ass in-between Ben's grunts. His own cock as a rod of marble rubbing against Ben's muscled stomach. Ben's thrusts became quicker, his body tensed up, every muscle a band of steel. Nick knew what was about to happen. "Cum in me, Ben. Fuck my ass and shoot your hot load in me man. I can take it. I want to feel it!" "Ahh FUCK!" Ben grunted one last time and his body became rigid. Nick felt Ben's cock become a steel rod in his ass and gripped it tightly. Then, Ben shoved into Nick and held still. Nick felt Ben's cock erupting a torrent of manjuice deep in his bowels. He could actually FEEL IT! Ben grunted and grunted, his body pounding into Nick's for several minutes before he finally collapsed. Nick welcomed the feel of Ben's body falling on him and wrapped his arms around the man, continuing to grip his muscles around Ben's cock. His hands, again, went to Ben's ass and he held on to them as Ben's thrusts slowed and then, finally, stopped altogether. They lay like that for several minutes. Nick felt Ben's cock softening in him as they remained coupled. To be continued....

Hey Guys, that's Chapter 2. Chapter 3, the last, will be available in a week or two. Thanks to all of you that have written and expressed your enthusiasm for the story. I appreciate the emails! In Chapter 3, Colin makes his appearance as Ben's buddy and Nick joins them for some muscle fun. Have fun guys and play safe.


Next: Chapter 3

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