
By Derek Flex

Published on Mar 25, 2023


MuscleMan - The Gifts by Derek Flex -

"Jake, welcome to the Fortress of Strength," MuscleMan smiled.

"W- what?" Jake asked. "I was just walking out of the locker room at our gym. I came around the corner, and now I am -am HERE. Where is this place?"

"Don't worry, Jake," MuscleMan reassured. "You're going to be O.K. here. In a little while you will be back in your gym's locker room."

Jake looked worried. He said "What did that voice mean when he said I am a gift to you, and that you should enjoy me?"

"All in good time, my muscular friend," MuscleMan smiled.

Jake didn't seem to like the way MuscleMan was looking at his tight physique.

MuscleMan drew in a deep breath and his fucking huge chest expanded, swelling with thick, rippling muscle. The open front of his costume gave Jake a spectacular view of MuscleMan's exposed torso. MuscleMan said "Something tells me that you have always had a thing for very muscular men, Jake."

"Like shit," Jake scowled. "What are you, some kind of SuperFag?"

MuscleMan's cock stiffened even more. This was going to be fun.

The teenage bodybuilder was a lesson in youthful, virile, muscular perfection. Ideally proportioned muscles bulged under his T-shirt and jeans. His powerful upper body was perfectly matched by his thick, strong legs which bulged his pants to their tightest. His muscular glutes looked rock-hard.

"Looks like you pump more than just a little iron, Jake," MuscleMan admired.

The 19 year-old hunk didn't answer.

"Well, considering I've got you beat by a few hundred pounds, not to mention virtually unlimited strength, I suggest you just relax and enjoy yourself. You might even find that you like this."

He grinned at Jake and placed his hand on the teen's large shoulder. Jake turned and tried to pull back, but MuscleMan immediately grabbed him, ramming his powerful fingers deep into Jake's ribcage. Jake wouldn't try that again.

MuscleMan continued exploring Jake's body, feeling his thick chest and his arms through the T-shirt fabric.

"I'll bet that ever since you were what, maybe ten or eleven, you found that you were incredibly attracted to muscles, huh Jake..."

Jake remained silent. His face was full of anger at being violated like this, but he knew he was hopelessly outgunned. MuscleMan kept feeling.

"That's why you spend hours in the gym building your own body. You are pretty obsessed about this whole thing, aren't you... I'll bet you've spent many an hour behind closed doors, jacking off while you lust over muscle magazine pictures, huh... Let's see... my guess is that you have a special place right here..." MuscleMan squeezed the crotch of Jake's pants gently, "... for Mike Matarazzo. You masturbated over his pictures just last night, didn't you Jake." MuscleMan was enjoying his newfound telepathic abilities.

Jake turned a deep red.

"You like Mike's arms don't you..." MuscleMan felt Jake's cock begin to tighten under his pants.

"Let's see your arm, Jake. Flex it for me."

Jake hesitated, but he knew he had no choice but to comply. He slowly raised his arm. MuscleMan assisted him by pulling back the shirt fabric. Jake tightened his 18 inch arm for MuscleMan. MuscleMan placed his huge hand on it and squeezed it gently, but his strength was unbearable for the muscle teen. Jake recoiled in pain.

"Sorry, kid," MuscleMan smiled. "Guess my hands are just a little too strong." MuscleMan slowly pulled his huge shoulders out of his costume, allowing the outfit to fall down to his waist. His upper body was totally exposed now. He raised one arm and flexed it for Jake. Jake's cock stiffened more.

"You think maybe this is a little bigger than Mike's?" he said as his biceps stretched his skin completely taut. His striated, ripped 26 inch arm bulged in front of Jake. Jake nearly began to ejaculate. "Go ahead," MuscleMan grinned. "Cop a feel."

Jake placed his hand on the warm, hard arm. The steel muscle was harder than Jake could comprehend. Its denseness and solid feel was incredible. Jake grew weak in the knees. He moved his trembling fingers over and over the cannonball as it peaked just for his tactile pleasure. He felt the separate heads of the biceps muscle. Then he moved down to the underside and felt the hard triceps. Each muscle was completely separated from the others by deep, defined ridges. Each muscle had thousands of fibers which Jake could feel.

MuscleMan extended his arm out, almost straight. The huge muscle lengthened. Jake ran his hand over and under it. His face remained serious, but inside he was like a kid in a candy shop. This was his dream. MuscleMan tightened and relaxed his arm. Jake drank it in. MuscleMan bent his arm again, and his biceps bulged. Jake squeezed it. Jake's cock began to hurt as it pressed against his pants.

Finally, MuscleMan relaxed his arm and dropped it to his side. He slowly reinserted his arms into his superhero costume, to JakeÕs disappointment.

"I know you want more of me," MuscleMan said. "But too much, and I don't think you'd survive," he smiled.

MuscleMan reached down and placed his hand between Jake's legs, right at the midpoint between his crotch and his knees. He squeezed his grip only slightly, and the metal-hard muscle of the teenager's leg softened under his hand. Jake winced. MuscleMan tightened his hand harder and Jake let out a yelp and began to slink downward. The bodybuilding kid grabbed onto MuscleMan's hand and tried to pry the superhuman hand off, but was unsuccessful.

MuscleMan took the teen to the floor and laid on top of him. Jake struggled. MuscleMan slowly moved his hand to Jake's crotch and began to squeeze it softly, allowing the cock to grow and grow even more. Jake fought at first, but within minutes the overwhelming muscle body on top of him was just too much. He began to succumb to his inner, always hidden desires. MuscleMan's penis was as hard as it had ever been. He had always had a weakness for teenagers. The power he felt as he overpowered these cocky, strong teen bodybuilders always gave him a rush. And this was no exception.

MuscleMan moved to one side and slowly began to unzip Jake's pants. Jake looked away in shame and fear as MuscleMan's fingers slipped inside his briefs, gently sliding down the sides of Jake's thick, hard pole. The teenager placed both hands on MuscleMan's forearm and tried in vain to pull it out of his pants. He began to cry softly. His arms tightened and he yanked on MuscleMan's arm some more, turning his head from side to side as he struggled. His face was full of anger. He gritted his teeth and breathed heavily as he fought. MuscleMan gently caressed the cock, and within seconds Jake stopped struggling.

The super hero adjusted Jake's hardon so that it popped above his elastic, exposing his pulsing, thick head. Precum drooled onto Jake's abs. MuscleMan pulled Jake's briefs down and slung them below his balls, causing his blonde pubic hair to bunch up around the base of his genitals. MuscleMan began to gently stroke Jake's cock with his open hand. Jake closed his eyes in embarrassment as his fully erect penis belied his macho, jock demeanor.

The super hero moved down on Jake. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. The very tip of his tongue moved slowly toward Jake's penis head. It met the mushrooming head, and MuscleMan gently began to reshape his tongue, extending it and winding it, curling it and pointing it so that it tickled Jake's swollen plumb. MuscleMan moved his pointed tongue onto the sensitive sex spot just below the outside cut of the head. Jake nearly shook as MuscleMan licked this most pleasurable and intimate place on a man's body. MuscleMan moved his tongue down the shaft and licked the whole penis. It was a strong, solid cock. MuscleMan took his time enjoying the salty taste of teen prick. He loved tooling his tongue around the amazingly hard and erect cock. The teen's firmness turned MuscleMan on. He licked and kissed it for about five minutes, savoring the sweet, hard virility; enjoying the clear, flowing liquid which seeped out of his slit hole. Jake's cock moved up and down as he tightened it and relaxed it in response to MuscleMan's mouth. The superhero teased Jake, kissing and licking, but not sucking --just yet. Then MuscleMan moved his tongue off Jake's cock and paused.

"Looks like you like me," MuscleMan grinned up at Jake. Jake gave no visible response, other than to lie his head back and close his eyes.

MuscleMan bent back down and gently took the wet tool into his mouth. He rolled it around his mouth and massaged it lightly with his tongue, consuming the whole thing, even Jake's firm balls.

Jake moaned as he received a superhero blow job. Again, MuscleMan was a master of sensual torture, sucking, twirling, licking, kissing and biting Jake's cock. Jake moaned at the unbelievable pleasure MuscleMan was able to give him. MuscleMan sucked hard, then soft. He alternated his sucking to help Jake achieve the maximum amount of man-pleasure. He withdrew his mouth from Jake's stiff rod and enveloped the teen testicles in his mouth, massaging them and turning them over and over in his warm, wet mouth. Jake's penis stuck high into the air as MuscleMan toyed with the blonde's gonads. Then MuscleMan returned to the rod, sucking it sensually, slowly slipping his powerful lips down the length of vein-lined shaft.

Jake moved his hand down and placed it on MuscleMan's shoulder, feeling the steel-hard trap and delt development. His cock stiffened as his fingers felt the muscles.

Within seconds his teenage cock was pounding the back of MuscleMan's mouth with burst after hot burst of semen. MuscleMan's neck bulged as he swallowed the sweet milky gift. Jake cried as he gave his first cum to a man. His muscular body tightened and relaxed with each hard jerk of cum. MuscleMan drank and drank.

When Jake was done, MuscleMan picked him up and placed him on the bed. He undressed the teenager and turned him over onto his stomach with his big legs draped over the side of the bed. He pinned Jake down, clamping his superhuman hands on top of Jake's wrists, which were spread wide out from his shoulders.

MuscleMan pulled the front opening of his uniform down and caught it below is toxin-filled balls; his huge meat popped into the air at full erection. It dripped.

Slowly he spread Jake's legs apart with his own and began to force his cock inside Jake's hole. Jake screamed in pain. He had never been fucked before, much less by a super human. MuscleMan took his time, not wanting to inflict more pain than was necessary. Soon, in spite of Jake's vocal protests, MuscleMan was inside. His huge body hovered over JakeÕs, his muscles tightened in anticipation of filling this ass with his poisonous cum.

MuscleMan rocked his hips gently, sending waves of pain through Jake's body. Slowly, methodically, MuscleMan continued his rocking, gently fucking the bodybuilder. He felt his chest get hard. The milk was swelling it as it filled his pecs. He loved the sensation. He felt more powerful than he had ever felt before; his mighty chest rose and expanded with each beat of his powerful heart, and each thrust of his huge, hard meat. The tingling sensation in his cock became almost unbearable. It was matched by the tingling in his pecs. This orgasm was going to be the BIGGEST! He rammed his iron rod between the rock-hard mounds of JakeÕs glutes. Small drops of milk began to squirt from MuscleMan's tits with each of his heartbeats. Finally, MuscleMan tipped his head back. His cock began to spew hard shots of milk into Jake. And Jake cried. And MuscleMan came. It was an overwhelming orgasm. MuscleMan panted and moaned as he slowly shot his poisonous milk. It stung his cock as it burst out. It felt fantastic.

The orgasm lasted a few minutes. MuscleMan wanted to keep it short just in case his toxic cum started working too soon. He withdrew and turned Jake over onto his back. The blonde was nearly unconscious.

MuscleMan felt his chest grow even more as the lifesaving milk hardened his pecs. He looked up into the mirror and admired his own body as it grew. His pecs were stiff. He touched his nipples and they felt so tender he feared they would break off. As his chest continued to fill, his nipples shot white milk that quickly turned to a thick cream.

Then, it began to happen. Jake began to convulse uncontrollably. He tightened his abs and leaned up. His muscular hand grabbed MuscleMan's right pec. MuscleMan recoiled as his tender pec was crushed in Jake's hand. Jake grabbed MuscleMan's left shoulder and immediately pulled his face to MuscleMan's left pec, mumbling something about sucking and milk. It was involuntary. Jake had no control.

MuscleMan could have easily pushed Jake away, but he didn't want the kid to die. He allowed Jake to suckle. And Jake sucked hard. MuscleMan felt the life-giving milk leave his pecs. It was a very enjoyable sensation. Jake kept sucking MuscleMan's left pec while he squeezed MuscleMan's right pec. His squeezing hand became wet with cream.

After a few minutes, Jake was done. He seemed to come out of his stupor. He realized what he was doing, and stopped abruptly. He took his mouth off MuscleMan's tit and a final shot of cream squirted him on his cheek.

Jake smiled as he wiped it off and said "Thank you, MuscleMan. I owe you my life. I offer myself to your service."

MuscleMan grinned. This slave for life thing was pretty cool.

"Jake," MuscleMan began. "I free you to return to your people. But I give you this charge. With a body like yours, there must be any number of younger boys who idolize you, who lust after your body. I challenge you to be bold in showing off your physique. Tease them. Let them see a little more. Torture them with visions of your muscular body. Let them go home at night and jack off to dreams of you displaying your manhood for them. And occasionally, give one of them what they want. Invite them to your place for a little "posing session." And let it lead where you want."

Jake smiled. He knew what MuscleMan was talking about. He immediately began to think about some of the smaller guys who watched him work out at the gym. He would obey MuscleMan.

"But MuscleMan," Jake asked. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Yes son," MuscleMan answered. "You and I will share much together. All in good time."

Jake got dressed. The two men kissed passionately as the teen bodybuilder prepared to leave. Jake ran his hand up and down MuscleMan's exposed chest and abs as they embraced. Finally, they separated, and Jake turned and walked out the door and back into his locker room.

MuscleMan turned around and walked to the edge of the suite. He sighed. Jake was a great gift. He surveyed the vast expanse of the Fortress of Strength. It was silent.

But not for long. Suddenly MuscleMan heard a loud banging sound. It came from somewhere on the floor of the Fortress. MuscleMan scanned the huge cave. His eyes caught movement. There. Down there, something moved. It made more noise.

Immediately, driven by his own wish, MuscleMan transported himself through the air and down to the floor. He was amazed at this ability. But not nearly as amazed as he was at the being which was in front of him.

MuscleMan found himself locked inside a huge cage on the floor of the fortress. The cage was probably 30 feet long by 30 feet wide, and also 30 feet high. The bars were inches thick. There were huge weights lying around the cage. It must have been one of these weights which made the noise that had caught MuscleMan's attention. The being in the middle of the cage had evidently lost interest in the weights and had moved on to something else. He was facing away from MuscleMan. He was hanging by his hands from a bar which ran the length of the cage, at about 15 feet off the floor. He was doing wide-grip chin-ups.

The being was gigantic in his proportions. He was easily nine feet tall, and appeared to be twice as big as MuscleMan in every measurement, save his waist, which seemed no more than 33 or 34 inches. He was definitely not human.

As he did the lifts, the muscles on the giant's body rippled with defined strength. MuscleMan watched in awe at this display of unreal muscularity. The muscles on the giant's back bulged with incomprehensible definition and size as they rippled in concert, to lift and lower the tonnage of his body. His mass was off the scale! The powerful arms that slowly lifted and lowered this huge body with ease were way larger than MuscleMan's! And they actually bulged like there were little rodents or something under the skin that moved and crawled. The definition of these muscles was astounding! He seemed to be making no effort as he raised and lowered himself. His limbs were long and seemed almost lanky, even though they held hundreds of pounds of pure muscle on their bones.

The giant wore only a G-string strap that evidently held a pouch on the front which housed his genitals. MuscleMan couldn't see it all. But the back side of this thing was unbelievable. His glutes pulsed with each lift and lowering, like two oversized bowling balls that tightened into even bigger spheres of molten steel. It was quite sensual.

The being finished the lifts and dropped to the floor with a huge thud. He slowly turned around and faced MuscleMan. The super hero nearly peed his uniform. The giant's chest was the most massive display of muscle he had ever seen! Huge pecs that must have weighed hundreds of pounds each crowned his torso. His abs were thick, yet separated by deep canyons, forming a cobblestone wall that looked impenetrable! And his shoulders looked like two round basketballs --no make that beach balls-- made of iron!

The giant began to grin as he stepped toward MuscleMan. His huge body towered over the superhero. He looked down at MuscleMan and smiled an evil-looking smile. Sweat dripped from his muscles. His chest was covered with a dark, but not thick, matte of hair that glistened with his sweat. He smelled of semen and salt. The chest hair cascaded down his pecs and onto his abs, forming dark rivers of mane in the deep crevasses of his abs. But even this sensual display of hair couldn't hide the definition of muscle underneath. MuscleMan's fingers involuntarily began to tingle, as if they were imagining what it would feel like to run through that hair and touch the warm, hard lumps of muscle underneath.

The giant's taut arms were much bigger than MuscleMan's upper legs. He flexed them as they relaxed at his sides. MuscleMan couldn't tell if the flex was intentional or not. The arms rippled as the muscles rearranged themselves under the paper thin skin. MuscleMan was in awe.

MuscleMan's face was level with the giant's pecs. The giant's tits stuck out from his chest muscles, forming two nipples that looked like large thimbles. His genitals began to stir as he lustily eyed MuscleMan, and he tugged on his pouch, partially revealing a tool as thick as MuscleMan's calf.

The giant said nothing. But then, he didn't have to. His eyes showed his lust. He grinned, and bared his perfect teeth. Two deep dimples formed in his cheeks. He pulled his pouch aside even more, and revealed the network of blood vessels which wrapped around his tool. The veins stuck out from the shaft as if they were simply laid on top of the skin, coursing their way around the thick rod as they fed and nourished the organ. The huge cock looked like a living being in itself. It pulsed with life, teeming with moving throbbing vessels of blood. His penis head was still covered, but it was spewing a steady drool of precum which was quickly drenching his pouch.

MuscleMan swallowed hard. This "gift" from SupremeMan was going to be a little more difficult to deal with than Jake was... be continued. Please address any comments to

Next: Chapter 11

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