Muscle Orgy Festival!

By Kent Simmons

Published on Aug 7, 2000



It was one of those days where it's so hot outside that all you want to do is strip down and soak your entire body with a hose until the heat melts away. And yet, there I was, fully dressed, and sitting on a small, uncomfortable chair on the sidewalk, selling sporting goods to a few annoying customers at a crummy Music Festival. I'd been working at "Sports Town" since the beginning of summer and at the time of this story, it was late July and the weather forecast was predicting one of the hottest days of the year. I was working until 8 pm. Could this day get any worse??

Minutes turned into hours and hours passed slowly as I sat, greeting the occasional customer but mostly soaking up the sunshine, trying to keep cool with lots of water, and watching the crowds and performers go by. There were some really hot guys out that day. Some with muscle T-shirts, others with no shirts at all, but I had to be careful about looking. This town would love to hear gossip that the local high school's star football, soccer, and wrestling star was caught checking out guys in the middle of the day. I had not yet come out and I felt as if I never would. I was, and still am, very straight acting and no one EVER suspected that I was gay. I dated girls but we never got very far together. The girls usually blamed themselves for not being good enough for me. Of course, I let them!

As my mind wandered, I was snapped back to reality by a gorgeous sight before me. A group of three, extremely sexy, muscle-bound gods, strolling down the street, jumping on each others backs, slapping each other, and just plain fooling around. Their shirts were soaked with sweat and their muscles pulsed and rippled under the tight material over their gorgeous bodies. I tried not to watch but it was almost impossible. I had never seen anything (not even in the locker rooms at school) that turned me on to such a great extent! They passed by without even looking over. I tried to forget them but I kept seeing flashes of them in my mind.

About half an hour later, they went by again. This time, they had water bottles and as they passed, one of them with bright blonde hair poured his bottle over the head of one of the brunettes. His shirt became even more soaked and as I watched, he reached down and pulled the tee off over his head. He had the most beautiful body I had ever seen on a man. Broad chest and shoulders, cut and defined abs, and huge, rippling biceps. The group continued to walk by, splashing each other until they were all dripping.

Finally, about an hour later, the group returned once more. This time they were all shirtless and the sight of those three perfect bodies all in a row was mesmorizing. I didn't even realize I was staring until one of the guys (the blonde) looked at me and smiled. I looked away, trying to act as if I hadn't been gawking at them. But when I looked up again, the guy was still staring at me and this time...he winked...and continued on.

I probably would have fainted right then and there if my boss hadn't come out to relieve me and let me go inside for ahwile. I entered the air conditioned store, but I was still burning up. Burning up inside! I couldn't stop thinking about how that hunk had winked at me. Was he making a joke? That could be the only logical explanation! I had no fear of being found out (the guys obviously were only in town for the festival...I'd never seen them around before!) so they wouldn't tell anybody! But still, I couldn't stop thinking about that look...that wink!

After an hour of working indoors, my boss sent me back out to the sidewalk to sell the sale merchandise. I sat in my chair and was just relaxing when I heard voices. Familiar voices! It was the muscle guys! And they were close. I casually looked around but I couldn't see anyone who even closely resembled them! I continued to search the crowds, when all of a sudden I heard a tin can fall to the ground behind me, followed by another. I turned around, and sure enough, up in the tree in the park next door, were the three studs; drinking beer and laughing away!

They hadn't seen me searching for them, so I casually turned my chair a bit and continued to study them through the corner of my eye. I was lost in thought for at least fifteen minutes, watching their covered bodies (they had put they're shirts back on) and was awoken only when a group of drummers began to play on the corner. Almost immediately, two of the guys, the two brunettes, jumped out of the tree and ran toward the drummers. One pulled a hacky sack out of his pocket and they began to play. Watching their gorgeous bodies writhe and sway to the beat of the drums was hypnotic and extremely arousing. They began to get hot and sweaty and soon they each removed their shirts. I stared as their back muscles strained and pulsed while they kicked the bean bag back and forth. Their bodies were completely sweaty and oily and they glistened in the hot, summer sun. I was so busy watching these massive babes playing that I completely forget about "blondie". I casually turned and glanced into the tree and was knocked speechless by what I saw: the blonde stud was watching the guys playing also...with his hands in his pants pumping like crazy!! My dick immediately jumped to attention and I probably would have blown my load right then and there if my boss hadn't come outside to inform me that I could now take my hour lunch break.

A few minutes later (I'm not exactly sure how many, really) I found myself sitting at a park bench reflecting on what I had seen. I was still rock hard and was biting into my sandwich when someone placed there hands over my eyes. "Is that you, Jenny?" "Guess again" came the deep male voice. "Steve?" "Nope, but close." The guy pulled his hands away from my face and sat next to me. It was the blonde hunk from the tree!! "Hey there....uhh...." he began. "Kent" was all I could say. "Hey Kent. I'm Dirk. What's up?.....besides......" he gestured toward my lap and I blushed. "You saw me?" "Yes....and you saw me." "Please don't hurt me, I was just....." "I won't hurt long as you don't tell!!" I smiled. "Of course not!!" "Well then, now that that's out of the long is your break?" "An hour..." "Great! Let's go to the park!" And with that we were on our way!

Dirk lead me deeper into the park to a group of trees. We clawed our way through the thick branches until we reached a clearing with blankets and LOTS of beer. Sitting on the blankets were the other two hunks from that day. They were drinking and laughing and when we both entered the clearing, they looked up and smiled.

"Who's this?" the hotter brunette asked.

"This is Kent." Dirk replied, sitting down. I continued to stand.

"Well Kent...I'm Brad. And this here is Cameron."

I said hello, very politely, but continued to stand. I knew that if I bent my knees at all I'd surely collapse!

Finally, Cameron asked me if I wanted a beer. My head immediately said 'No!! You have to go back to work in about 45 minutes!!' but my mouth opened up and only one word came out


And before long I was chugging them back, sitting on the blankets and laughing at the guys' jokes. Time passed and it got hotter and hotter in the clearing. I could feel the sweat running down my back and I was continually wiping my forehead.

"Phew!" said Brad. "Is it ever hot in here!" And with that he non-chalantly pulled his shirt off over his head. For the second time that day I found myself mesmorized by his perfect body! Every inch was cut with well-defined muscles and his skin was tan and glistening with sweat. Cameron and Dirk both took off their shirts as well and...after much did I. The guys all looked at my upper body and I began to get self-conscious until Cameron asked me if I worked out. Brad agreed that it was a nice body and I told them that I went to the gym almost every day after work. I told them I also played football, wrestling, and any other sport I had time to be involved with. The guys seemed impressed and told me that they had a gym set up in Dirk's basement. They said they liked it better than public gyms cause they didn't have to "dress up". They could work out in underwear and no one would say anything! They then informed me that I could come over whenever I wanted. I had a feeling that I would be taking them up on that offer quite often! Eventually, after a short time, the heat had intensified. It was the hottest day of the year and even hotter in that little clearing. Brad suggested we take off our shorts and after 8 beer, I wasn't about to refuse. Brad removed his first and we soon saw that he was wearing loose, red silk boxers. Cameron was next and when he removed his short skater pants, he revealed his tight blue boxer briefs. Dirk was wearing white briefs under his jeans...just like the ones I was wearing!! I told him I had on the same undies as him and he laughed, begging me to show him. I removed my khakis and Dirk and I both stood up, hip to hip, comparing our brief style!

It was at this point that the entire group noticed a difference in mine and Dirk's underwear. Mine were considerably tighter in the crotch area. My bulging hard-on was clearly visible in my tighy whities. I tried to weasel my way out of it by saying that beer makes me extremely horny and, as luck would have it, they all laughed and agreed, accepting my excuse without question. Brad smiled, asking if I'd like to go into the bushes and 'relieve my urges' and at that, we all burst into laughter! But before long I started to notice a bulge in Dirk's briefs and in Cameron's. And pretty soon, Brad was tenting his boxers with what looked like a massive stick!

"Well it looks like we could all use some relieving!" Dirk laughed, and to my suprise (although after that many suprises in one day, I wasn't actually shocked very much) he shoved his hand into his briefs and began pumping, much as I'd seen him do that afternoon in the tree. Cameron began as well, but both Brad and I were hesitant to start. Eventually Brad began stroking his meat from the outside of his boxer shorts too and then it was only a few minutes before I reached into my briefs to find my hard dick. Suddenly, Cameron pulled out his huge dick and began spanking it out in the open. Then Dirk whipped it out, and his was even bigger! Finally, Brad reached into his shorts, grabbed his cock and yanked it out into the humid air. My jaw dropped as I saw that his was the thickest, longest and all around GREATEST dick I had ever seen! All the guys were cut so when I pulled out my stiffy, they were all shocked to see the foreskin covering it's mushroom head. Mine was just a little bigger than Dirk's and they all stopped jacking off to stare at it.

"You know what? I've never seen one uncut before!" Brad stated.

"Do you get more pleasure from it?" Cameron asked.

I just laughed at them. Then Dirk looked first at me and then down at 'it'.

"How far can you pull the skin out?" he asked.

"I can't say that I've ever tried!" I exclaimed, shrugging my shoulders.

Dirk smiled "I guess there's only one way to find out!" he laughed, and grabbed my dick by the bottom of the shaft and pulled the foreskin off the sensitve tip and toward him as far as it would reach before I hollered for him to stop. The guys all laughed as the skin shot back toward the head and they were amazed at how stretchy it was! They also laughed at the precum that covered Dirk's fingers.

But when he put his fingers to his mouth and licked it off, the laughter stopped.


We all looked at each other - Brad, Cameron, and I - and I figured that it wouldn't be long before they began beating the shit out of Dirk. But they didn't. And much to my suprise, they started to smile. Then, Brad and Cameron moved toward each other and when they were as close as could be...they began to kiss!!

I was stunned!! Two guys kissing! This was something I had fantasized about for much of my teenage life and now, here it was, right in front of me. Two incredibly hot muscular dudes, their dicks sticking out of their underwear, their tongues exploring each others warm mouths. And, as I sat watching this sight, my cock getting harder and harder, I suddenly felt Dirk's hand on my increasingly stiffer hard-on. The first touch made my dick jump and twitch but soon he began stroking my rigid meat, slowly moving the skin up and down over it's hidden mushroom head, and the feelings became more and more pleasurable. I continued to watch Brad and Cameron playing with each other and tongue kissing as Dirk replaced his hands with his hot tongue. He began sucking my huge meaty cock and the feeling of his full lips wrapped around my thick pole made me shiver with ecstasy. He continued to lick my shaft and play with my low hanging balls and as I was about to shoot my huge load, he pulled away and looked at the two studs, busy with each other.

"You guys have got to taste this guy's dick!" he said. "It's absolutely amazing. Sweet virgin flesh, baby!"

They pulled away from each other and moved slowly toward me. Cameron bent over first and took my cock in his small mouth as far as it would go! He ran his tongue over the tip and triggered waves of passion all through my body. After a few minutes, he pulled away. Then Brad took a turn. He shoved my hard cock into his mouth and I immediately shuddered at his fantastic touch. His mouth was big and his tongue wrapped around every inch of my hardness. After what seemed like forever, he too pulled away and, after looking at Cameron, they both went down on my penis. Brad gently caressed the tender head with his parted lips as Cameron's tongue explored the dark forest of hair on my sac and at the base of my shaft. I looked over at Dirk and saw him jerking his cock while he watched the events taking place in my lap. Then, he reached over and began running his fingers over the two studs lightly covered asses. He pulled down their underwear a bit and, after bending over, began licking their tight holes, one at a time. I watched his tongue go in and out between their pink cheeks, first tasting Camerons' opening, then running his tongue along Brad's crack, while cupping and squeezing the boy's round mounds of flesh, taut and tight.

Both Brad and Cameron sat back after finishing with my cock (for the time being) and turned toward each other, both still on their knees. They beagn to rub their dicks together, Brad's larger hard-on slightly overpowering Cameron's thinner, yet longer woody. I watched as they massaged their solid manliness against each other, pressing their cut mushroom heads together. Finally, Brad took both dicks in one hand, and began to pump them both at the same time, bringing mutual satisfaction to both guys.

I couldn't take watching anymore. I bent over and took both rods past my lips, a dick in each cheek! I could feel the weight of all that hot skin in my mouth as Brad and Cameron began thrusting into my waiting throat. I wanted to drink their cum...both their cum...but I was sidetracked by the feeling of Dirk's hands on my body once more. This time, he was running his fingers down my spine as I sucked his pals' throbbing cocks. He covered every back muscle, first with his fingers, then with gentle kisses, then with his tongue as gradually, he found the soft skin of my ass. He clenched each firm cheek and ran his finger down the crevice seperating them both. He found the pink hole at my butt's center and began playing with the virgin edges with his fingers. He let one slide inside me and I squealed, a difficult task with two dicks in my mouth! Then, it was no longer his finger at my tight pucker. It was his wet tongue exploring my soon-to-be entered hole. I died when he slid his rough muscular tongue inside my ass and began to shake all over. He kissed me then, softly on my hole, and began to lick me again, this time slower and more carefully. His tongue ran the length of my body and now it rested again on the tunnel leading inside me. He let his tongue lick all around and once it had been lubricated, he stopped. I kept sucking both Brad and Cameron's dicks, but when his cock entered my body, I opened my mouth to scream. Brad and Cameron smiled and stroked my hair as I was fucked for the first time, the feelings of pain soon becoming waves of great pleasure.

When I began to moan and groan in sheer erotic ecstasy, Brad got up and went behind me. I soon felt Dirk's shaft leaving my body, and a larger, thicker cock entering where it had been. The pain came back as my hole was stretched wider, but this time it lasted not quite as long. Once I had gotten over the initial shock, I took Cameron's pole back into my mouth and started sucking his hardness. However, he soon rolled over and for the first time I got a good look at his rear end.

Tight, muscular, round, and ripe. His butt was the best I had ever seen. Not too big that it was "fat" but not too small that it was "scrawny". When he opened his legs, every muscle in his taut rump flexed and stretched, driving me wild. I moistened his ass much as Dirk had done to me and then I entered him. In perfect sync, the three of us - Brad, Cameron and I - fucked in a train in the tiny clearing of the park. As I fucked and was fucked, Dirk approached me, his cock sticking out from his body and pulsing. I took it in my mouth, all my holes plugged as I fucked Cameron, sucked Dirk and allowed Brad to ride me.

Fianlly, after all afternoon, I reached my climax and let cum flow all over Cameron's back. At the sight of my load, Brad pulled out his cock and came all over my back and on my neck and hair. Then, Dirk came in my mouth, his hot, sweet juices flowing down my throat and, when I could swallow no more, down my chin and onto my chest. We began to clean each other off. I licked the jizz off Cameron's back, Dirk licked cum off my face, and Brad licked it off my back. Then, when we were all clean, we lay in a pile upon the blankets, four sweaty heaps of steaming muscle and flesh, spent, tired, wasted, and thoroughly satisfied.

When we had been lying there for no more than five minutes, my watch alarm went off for me to go back to work.

"It's 1:00..." I stated, standing up. "I guess I better leave."

But looking down at those three gorgeous faces (and bodies), cum still on their chins and on Brad's nose, I did not have the heart to leave.

"Well, I guess I can be a bit late."

And with that, we returned to another round of fun!

I arrived back at work two and a half hours late and instead of being fired on the spot, my boss made me work after hours and clean up the store. We were about to close and it was only me and my boss left when the front door opened. It was the guys! "We're closing boys so...." my boss began. "I can handle it, Mr. Milton." I interrupted. "You go home. I'll lock up." "Yeah." Brad said. "He can handle it. We just wanna look at some jock straps." Mr. Milton looked first at the three customers, then at me, and, smiling, he handed me the keys, leaving the store. When we were sure Mr. Milton was gone, I locked the door, turned the OPEN sign to CLOSED and lead the boys to the back room. But, of course, that's another story...

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