Muscle Match Trials

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Nov 15, 2017


*** Strength. Power. Stamina. ***

Quick reminder: all muscle boys are nude with nipple and dick rings plus a tongue piercing, chain tatts around neck, forearms and calves. They all have uniquely shaped pink mohawks.

The first level of the keep was a high room with mirror walls, orange flames in chandeliers and a green pool in the center, where a fountain shot upward, just like out in the yard.

We four teen muscle gods swaggered into the area and I noticed again how amazing we all looked. Nothing was left of our former selves.

With a loud, metallic thud, gym equipment appeared all around us.

<In the keep you must show us that you're worthy of muscles. Out in the real world, you need to work to maintain your mass. We may have altered your bodies but you still need to work to keep them this way.>

"Fuck yeah," Doyun said. "Finally going to the gym will actually pay off."

<Proceed to the first station. Once every challenger has attempted the exercise there, move on. This is your final chance to win bigger muscles.>

The station consisted of mats on the ground and a poster on a stick. I saw there were four mats, so each of us took one for himself.

San looked at the poster in detail. "I guess, we just gotta do those exercises on here."

It was pretty trivial. Turn torso left and right, reach up, raise knee. It seemed suspiciously simple.

Then we arrived at the final drawing on the poster which indicated us to touch our toes with our knees straight.

San had taken the lead throughout the exercise and bent down, exposing his tight hole between his massive glutes right into my face.

I leaned forward and gave it a quick lick. Who knows when I'd get a chance like that again?

Reaching down, I realized I was exactly as flexible as before my transformation. Which wasn't enough to reach down.

With my legs straight I could at best get to my ankles. Oddly, I was the only one with such trouble. All other boys did well enough.

I still kept trying until the others stopped and took turns spanking my big, firm ass. As I looked up I saw they all had a gem on their collar. I had failed the first station.

As disappointing as that was, there were more opportunities.

Next came a set of four barbells with unlabeled plates. I knew it would have been impossible for old me to lift them, so I was curious how strong I'd be now.

Lifting it was by no means trivial but I managed a controlled raise onto my shoulders. The metal was cool and I had to keep it balanced so it wouldn't slide off my sweaty skin.

We all took the squatting position as indicated on the station's poster.

"Ready muscle boys?" asked Doyun.

"Fuck yeah," said Adler. "I've dreamed of squatting huge weights so many times. I'm so fucking ready."

"The drawing is the same ten times, so we'll just squat that often. And... go."

"One!" we all said, together.

Going down was the first time I had used my new, super thick leg muscles to the max and it felt amazing. My mirror image was so sexy I kind of wanted to fuck myself more than I wanted to fuck the others.

Going up was fairly easy. Nine to go. This whole challenge was unusually gentle on us. Maybe the hard parts were over.

"Two!" we said.

This time, going down, I felt something intrude into my hole. Going by the gasps of my game members, they experienced the invasion, too.

We went up.


The invader was bigger this time, from finger sized to about two fingers.


It was definitely a dick now. I could feel it by the shape and the way it thrust into me.

"Fuck no!" yelled Adler and dropped the weight, falling forward onto his mat.

"Five!" shouted the rest of us.

The dick pressed itself deeper into me and humped. It wasn't like sitting down on a dildo anymore, it was a real fuck.

My legs started to feel the stress, but I had the trembling under control. Working out felt fantastic in a way it never had for me, but getting it up the ass was a bit distracting from the pump.

Over the course of six, seven and eight, the fuck got so rough, I actually had to counterbalance the thrusting or risk falling over.

With nine, it didn't even pull out anymore once I went up. My ass wobbled as if receiving the slamming of an invisible hip.


I could feel it cum.

We three who still worked out, raised our barbells over our heads and dropped them onto the mat. While we moved on, I saw that each boy except Adler had gained a gem.

There was cum running down Doyun's inner thighs. I bent down to burry my face between his cheeks. He pushed his ass out to give me access and I fed on cum and sweat, while San rimmed me, too.

Adler was eager to continue already and tried to get us to move on, but Doyun wanted to return the favor and lick San clean first.

The next task was a horizontal bar above our heads, long enough to easily accommodate four broad chested, bodybuilder-type boys.

There was a comically big hourglass in front, with all its sand in the top part.

"Ready?" Adler asked, with a nod toward the station's poster. It showed someone holding himself up.

"Should be easy," I said.

"Unless we get fucked even harder now," Adler said with a frown.

We took positions and jumped up.

I had forgotten how different my body was now. I was used to being able to hold my own weight up like it was nothing. Now, though, I wasn't nothing anymore.

From the first second, it required effort to hold myself up. Was this going to be trickier than I had estimated?

Then I saw how quickly the sand in the hourglass moved and figured I'd be done in no time. This pull up challenge was a free gem for everyone.

Then something tickled my pits.

"Oh no," San whimpered.

The tickling was like feathers and new ones were added to my feet, then my abs, then my neck.

We all wreathed and Adler started yelling.

Staying up was a struggle and I slipped dangerously, with my fingers losing their grip from my wiggling. I almost pissed myself. Not that I would have minded – I only kept it in because I had to keep my entire body tensely flexed anyway, including my sphincter.

San dropped first and collapsed on his mat.

Doyun and I fell at the same time. Since the tickling didn't cease instantly, we still wreathed a bit on the mats before coming to a rest.

All the while, Adler screamed his lungs out and struggled as if running on air. His constant tensing and relaxing made him lose control of his bladder. Piss shot from his dick as the boy wiggled on the bar, hitting us with drops.

Amazingly, he made it to the end of the exercise.

A gem attached itself to his collar and he dropped, screams fading.

We had completed the area. Was that the end already?

Stairs along the side of the wall slid out from the mirrors and our collars pulled us toward them. Level two looked much the same but with a hole in the middle of the floor where the fountain from below could rise through as it grew taller.

The second floor area had no mats, but instead four inclined benches, where we laid down on our backs, facing each other.

I was eager to see the boys do dumbbell flies, because all their chests were so cut and separated that I was sure I'd cum just from seeing them get pumped.

In fact I was getting hard again and I wasn't the only one.

"Ready?" asked Doyun as he picked up his dumbbells.

"Anytime," I said.

My form was perfect, even though I had always hated the exercise. I had hated all of them, since they had felt so pointless and unfitting for a pathetic guy like me.

Not only did I love it now, I was good at it, too. Did good form just come with muscles or had it been included in the posing knowledge we had been gifted?

Three flies in, something split my lips and jaw. An invisible, un-lubed dick filled my mouth and rubbed along the inside.

I saw the others get their mouth's opened wide and heard Adler gag next to me.

On the fifth fly, the dick penetrated into my throat and made me choke. It kept fucking deeply, cutting off my air supply.

Adler fell sideways off his bench. The rest of us kept at it.

It had been ten repeats, right? I couldn't see the poster through my watering eyes so I had to assume. Well, I was on number six by the time I was stuffed with ghost dick, so I could probably finish.

I focused on the pump in my chest. It felt so big, I could hardly process it was all mine.

San dropped his dumbbells and collapsed to the ground fighting for breath. I had lost count. Was I on nine or ten already?

With a dull thumping headache and beginning spasm in my lungs, I finished one more fly and let the weights slide from my hands.

The dick didn't withdraw but instead shot its load while slowly sliding out until I could breathe past it.

When it gave my mouth free again, I coughed, flinging cum from my lips onto my chin.

I wiped it off and licked it from my fingers.

Adler kicked his bench. "Why is there so much fagging in this part? I wanted to win, damnit."

"Just go along," I said. "It's a small inconvenience for free muscle."

"Easy for you homos to say."

I shrugged. "Still feels like a small price to pay. I just wish they'd give us a warning."

We took a moment to calm down, so we wouldn't approach the next area out of breath, then proceeded. With my chest pumped up, I couldn't stop fingering my nipples again.

The poster explained the last station of this area. Kneel in front of the hanging ropes and do pull downs with your head almost touching the floor. Simple.

"What's the torture this time?" Adler wondered. "I swear I'll just take it. I want that last kilo."

We took position and grabbed a double rope each.

"One!" San shouted.

We pulled and I pressed my weight down. Bringing my head between my own massive legs was fantastic and I couldn't believe I hadn't already done that with legs this big. There even was some cum left to lick off myself.

Then the whip hit.

It was a full-force, brutal whip crack across my whole back.

All four of us cried out. Still, we carried on.


A smack across my lower back.


A hit on my ass. It was fairly hot how much my meat jiggled but it certainly hurt too much to be worth it.


I heard Doyun piss himself and looked over. In his bent over positon he shot piss right into his own face. I let go, too, and hot piss flowed from my hard dick.

While I did my fifth pull down, I sprayed myself with my piss. The pressure necessary to get my erection to comply was actually a bit of a distraction from the whipping.

Hit number seven went onto my sore hole and we all shouted the loudest we had so far.


Two simultaneous hits. Dipping my face between my legs was an amazing motivator since I was practically buried in muscles and it was easy to tell myself to work toward getting more.


Three hits. Upper back, lower back, ass.

"Ten! Fuuuck!"

Continuous whip pummeling in the flanks. I nearly let go of the ropes purely out of a flinching reflex. But I managed to finish the rep and so did all the others.

"We did it," said San and jumped up.

"No one failed," Doyun said and French kissed the boy.

I looked over to Adler who squinted and said, "Not making out with you."

I shrugged and leaned over to take his dick in my mouth instead. After giving it a quick tongue bath to leave him frustrated, I got up to see what was next.

The invisible, far away crowd sounded happy for us.

The next level had a hole in the floor again and the fountain rose to follow us. This time, a floating disk came with it. The Wheel o'Fortune.

<Tao, you were the courageous little faggot at the start. Finally your outside matches the brave insides.>

"Ha, yeah."

<Just kidding. You're still a pathetic cock whore bitch. But at least now you're muscly like a god. Go spin the wheel. Three exercises completed. Three spins.>

I did my three final spins. First I got `shoulders', which expanded my shoulders, neck and traps by a full kilo. I hadn't expected a single kilo to be much of a difference at this point but the mirrors let me know my appearance now was even more jockish and aggressive. A thick, short neck did that to you.

Then came `ass', which I didn't complain about. My glutes swelled in my cupped hands and got even bouncier. I couldn't stop touching them – except to spin the wheel.

I finished with `chest' which expended and strengthened the separation. My nipples were pointing nearly straight down now. I was a beef mountain carved from marble and I fucking loved it.

This gave me the incredible weight of 78kg (172 lbs) to my 165cm (5'5''), which put me into ecstasy.

<Adler. You didn't do too well, not manly enough to take man rods, apparently. But you got three spins of your own.>

I watched the tall boy grow his legs even bigger. He had to spread them a bit since a lot of the mass went into his inner thighs.

Then Adler got bigger abs. We all had super cut brick wall stomachs but a full kilo added enough mass to make Adler's mid-section pop. Not only his eight pack, tough, but also his obliques and serratus muscles, giving him an intense v-shape.

He parted from the wheel with a final gift of `ass'.

His score now was 82kg (180 lbs) at a good height of 180cm (5'11''). A solid – and beautiful – bodybuilder shape.

<Doyun. Can you stand up for yourself, now that you look like you should be able to? You managed to get through four exercises successfully.>

The other Asian also started with the shoulder area, including neck and traps, which made him look wonderfully overly muscled.

He then landed on leg twice and got truly stunning tree trunks to walk on. I could have worshipped them all day.

At 172cm (5'8'') he reached his final 76kg (168 lbs) with an addition to his back. The bulging muscles under and around his tramp stamp greatly increased how much the tattoo was pointing at his ass crack.

<Our resident dwarf at 160cm (5'3'') has collected quite a bit of mass. Now he'll get his last four spins.>

San stepped forward and I watched his huge body, too mesmerized to even notice what he won.

When his back expanded, I couldn't help but notice how much his entire body was pointing at his ass. When `abs' came second, even his front turned into an arrow downward. San had become an advertisement board for his own hole and dick.

Next came chest which added to his near unrealistic hourglass shape, and he finished off with legs, now also having to stand a bit more spread apart still.

91kg (201 lbs). It was utterly insane. That a body this size could even hold such muscles was defying believe. He deserved to be worshipped every second of the day.

<This game has two winners, who got four each, so both San and Doyun gain some dick grown, worth a centimeter and the corresponding adjustment in girth.>

"Yes!" Doyun shouted. It put him at minus one, plus three for a total of plus two.

"Actually, wait," San said. "I lost two so far and, honestly, I'm still fine with it. Can I, like, give it to someone else?"


"Um, I kinda love Adler's big dick aesthetic. Can I contribute to that?"

"What really?" Adler asked. "Wow, thanks man. You can suck it if you want. I'm ready to shoot."

<We're not handing out dick growth willy-nilly. You can give him one, this time, if you agree to lose one in return.>

San looked at Adler, then Adler's dick, then his own tool.

"Fuck me with it?" San asked.

"Absolutely," Adler assured.

"Then I agree."

I couldn't even see the change since San bent over and Adler slammed his rod in before the effect even started. The two had a wild, albeit quick round of muscle sex.

Doyun and I sixty-nined on the floor meanwhile, his newly thickened dick nicely filling my hungry mouth.

After each boy had properly – and loudly – orgasmed, we proceeded up the last flight of stairs.

I felt oddly melancholic as we entered the keep's top room.

It was a throne room, empty but for the huge black-and-emerald chair at the back. There was a huge circular window in the opposite wall, letting us see the courtyard below.

Our collars evaporated. I couldn't believe how naked that made me feel.

<Each challenger gets to sit on the throne and speak one final wish. It can be any change to yourselves, but it must not relate to your muscles, dicks or similar things. Those changes are all final.>

"What?" Doyun said. "Anything we wish for?"

When we all hesitated, San walked up to the throne and dropped his huge, nude, glistening body into it, filling it out well. He looked absolutely regal and worthy of worship.

"I think I know what I want. I never had success with boys or girls, but now I know my destiny is sucking dick and getting assfucked. I want to be fully gay. Can you change sexual orientation?"

Adler took San's place.

"I really hated some of the changes done to me, but I think now I can pull them off and if this wishing machine works as advertised... I want to look like someone nobody would fuck with. I need to look more aggressive and dumb and jockish and stuff."

<You'll have to be more precise.>

"Really? Fuck, I dunno. Something like eye brow slits? Or a big nose ring. But I guess I can get one on my own. Wait, mouth breathing would help. Or a sharper jaw. Can I think about this for a second?"

<Why not all at once? Everything you listed.>

"If I can have that, sure would be convenient."

I let Doyun go next. I was still figuring out how to phrase my request.

Doyun sat down in San's and Adler's sweat, looking equally royal as they had.

"So this isn't as grand of a proposal but it's a huge fetish of mine. I want to precum loads. Like, dripping a lot. More than the actual cum shot. But if you can increase the cum shot, too, that'd be great."

<Sure. Do you want to be more specific?>

"Maybe not just when I'm jerking off but precumming heavily in general, with drops staining my pants whenever I'm remotely horny."

I took the throne. It felt nice to be sitting down after all that time, even if I was sitting on stone. My ass was so big, it could almost serve as a cushion. Not something I had thought I'd ever get to say.

"I wish for training motivation. I mean, going to the gym but also learning about nutrition and all that. I've been so frustrated by that stuff because I hated not seeing results, but now... I want to shed that frustration."

My head was assaulted by images of gyms and bodybuilder food. I suddenly had a basic knowledge on every related subject, like knowing the name of every muscle I my body.

With that knowledge came curiosity to learn more.

Looking to the side, I saw the other's shake their heads in confusion. Wait, why?

Then my dick tingled and a drop of clear precum hung off it, reaching between my knees before breaking and dropping to the ground. And the next drop was already forming.

"Wait a second," San said. "I think we're all... woah!"

Something pinched my nose. No, actually it was a change inside my nose. I looked at the mirror and saw two slits shaved into my right eye brow. There was a fairly big nose ring now, too.

The change I had felt was permanent. I was a mouth breather with a square jaw and so where the others.

"No wait," Adler said. "That means... No! No no no! Fuck no, please. Stop!"

I felt no change but he must have, and San probably did too.

Adler stopped yelling, locked eyes with me and his expression grew soft. "Wow... holy fuck. So that's what I've been missing out."

He grabbed my hips and pulled us together. With his tongue immediately between my lips, he confirmed that he was now `fully gay'. The kiss was aggressive and sloppy. Our dicks rubbed together in mutual precum leaking.

"Wait stop," said Doyun. "I didn't wish to be a mouth breather. We would have talked to each other beforehand if we had known this is universal change."

The faint voices booed. Where they on our side now?

<Fine. I'll give you all one more collective wish. Talk it out all you want.>

I broke my kiss with Adler.

"Hey, I think I know what we should wish for."

"What?" said San.

"If we're going back to real life after this here... we should make sure we have a place there. Can we wish for, like, a business?"

One Month Later:

My tank top was cut so wide and low that it didn't cover anything but my thong, making it look like I wasn't wearing pants at all.

I had finished my daily hour-long routine at the gym that our muscle quartet collectively owned.

Downing anther protein shake, I entered the back office where our editor cut together San's and Adler's latest porn scene. In the thumbnail they were screwing a lucky twink on the very exercise machine I had just used.

I slipped out of my completely precum soaked thong and grabbed one of the dozens of ready ones from my shelf.

The editor saw me walk by and leaned down to lick my thighs. Two or three streaky of precum had made it past my thong and I let him have it. I left the old thong behind, knowing he'd put it into the washing basket for me – after licking and smelling it till there was no precum left to suck up.

San entered from our private shower – nude, unless the towel over his shoulder counted.

"Hey Tao, ready for rehearsal?"

"Why, do you have new ideas?"

"A few."

"Doyun's still hitting legs."

"I'll go grab him," San said and slipped into one of the thongs before entering the gym area.

`Rehearsal' meant practicing for the club. While the gym was open 24 hours a day, we didn't spend all our time there. We also ran a dance and strip club.

On most nights we four were the main attraction, dancing, exercising and fucking on stage.

I stopping trying to think about what San's new idea might have been. It got me too excited and I had only just changed my thong. Well, there was no helping it. I had to change it again. But not in front of the editor. There were other employees who liked to feel appreciated.

In the end I didn't even get around to changing. I got too distracted by the mirror. What can I say? Watching a muscle god flex is an easy way to keep my attention.

Especially when that muscle god is me.

Note: This was a fun story to write and I can't believe I for once managed to be (mostly) nice to my characters. Not everything's got to be about pure torture.

I got to admit, I love skinny guys, so I wouldn't have written a story like this without being prompted by feedback on another story. Let me know your thoughts and maybe, I'll be inspired again some other day.

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