Muscle Match Trials

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Oct 29, 2017


Back with Tao, San, Doyun and Adler. The fun can finally begin.

*** Attrition. Bindings. Pain. ***

With less fear and more hope than before, we four sweating, collared twinks in speedos headed for the tower.

Inside was a staircase, leading up. Flames along the wall gave the dim, narrow place an eerie feel and heated up the dry air.

We stepped into the first room. Chains and ropes hanging on the walls gave me the feeling of being in some kind of torture chamber. The staircase continued on the other side, but the disembodied voice spoke up.

<Here it begins. Each floor you ascend is worth a kilogram of muscles. If you make it to the top, you get a bonus. You will receive a punishment for quitting before you got all the muscles you can.>

We looked at each other... and raced.

As soon as we crossed the middle of the room, we all stopped and screamed. Something had grabbed my balls and was pulling them.

Feeling as if my crown jewels were about to pop, I looked around. San had sunken to the ground to clutch his crotch. The other two were standing hunched over like me.

I crouched down and the pull ceased – mostly. Trying to stand up caused an increase until a point where my knees were at ninety degree and the pull became a brutal tearing.

"Fuck," Adler said. "Are those invisible ropes? Guess we'll have to take it."

He took a step forward again, cringed, and ran with knees strongly bent.

I just had to be fast, right? The tower probably had five or six floors. I could do it crouching to gain mass.

I raced to the stairs and cried out as I accidentally straightened my legs too much. Having my balls crushed a second time was worse than the first one, because they were already sore now.

The pull was constant, and as long as I stayed down, it didn't get to strong to move.

I heard the other two catch up as I reached the stairs. Running past hovering flames, I met up with the heaving Adler, whose sweaty twink body blocked the entrance to the next floor.

We entered the level together. More ropes and chains along the wall here as well.

As we crossed the middle, the ball pain doubled. I wouldn't have believed it possible. It seemed unrealistic that the pain had only been half of what was possible.

This time, they were being pulled back and up. Invisible ties not only connected my balls to my toes but now also to my collar. I felt it press on my throat.

I couldn't arch my back enough to relieve the balls and my eyes watered.

"Just... gotta be quick," I pressed out through the light choking, and made my way to the next set of stairs.

This time, I led Adler into the new floor and I intended to keep going no matter what. Muscles were worth anything.

A demonic force fixed my wrists to my ankles as I passed the middle.

This made movement considerably slower, but in addition, the toe-ball-collar ties shortened to be in line with the new forced position.

I waddled to the stairs, Adler next to me. I couldn't see him well through my tearing eyes but I noticed he was crying, too. We both whimpered through fast breaths.

Someone entered behind me and raced to our position. He stopped, screamed, and hopped farther to pass us by.

It was Doyun, walking while holding his ankles, and screaming with every small step.

In disbelieve, I saw his ass vanish as he moved upstairs. Blinking away tears, I looked at Adler. We both wanted to win.

"If Doyun can do it," I said with a shaky voice, "we can do it."

Adler took this as a hint to try the other Korean's strategy and screamed as he moved. I have to say, it took a little edge off the pain as I yelled myself hoarse on the way up.

Ascending stairs was no easy feat with our limbs so oddly tied. I was completely out of breath and ready to collapse by the time I reached the fourth floor.

The light had slowly changed along the way, from the lower floor's orange flames, to more deep red ones. In the new lighting, our ropes faded into visibility.

Transparent ropes, shifting like fog, were strapped across my skin in intricate patterns, light as air. I could see them well on Doyun's skinny frame ahead of me. He looked hot for a boy so frail, making my dick twitch in my speedo.

Adler was close behind me but I didn't want to wait. Doyun had already made it to the stairs on the other side, but wasn't ascending.

When I crossed the center, I knew why. I had been expecting the ball pain to increase but instead my knees slapped together. The nebulous ropes kept my knees tightly connected, so walking became harder yet.

Not only that, but my head was pulled down between my knees, despite the back arching still being necessary. Relieving my balls was essentially impossible now and I had to suffer a crushing like I had not thought my body could experience.

Adler fell over behind me. "I can't..." he huffed. "I give up."

I couldn't see what was happening but there was an odd suction noise and then silence. I was not ready to turn back.

Tao the courageous little faggot, as the host had called me, was going to get to the top.

Walking had a rhythm to it. If I breathed at the right moments, I could still work up the pace for a step at a time.

Even as I trembled uncontrollably, my feet crawled forward on the stone plates.

I waddled up to Doyun who had only climbed the first step. San's screams reached me from the staircase behind. So he hadn't dropped out either.

On the fifth level, I had no breath left. Inhaling hurt, with my throat dry as the desert. Drops of sweat stayed behind me like a bread crumb trail.

My body was constantly shivering from the ongoing pain and I couldn't see through the tears anymore no matter how much I blinked.

The deep red light was now strong enough to let me see the ropes clearly. On Doyun's back, I saw strings running across in complex knots from his collar to his asscrack where the ropes all ended inside his speedo.

This time, the middle of the room made my big toes slam together like magnets.

The only way to move was to wiggle my toes and drag my body forward with them. Swaying from side to side I waddled forward a tiny bit, but of course I got nowhere.

Was there even a way to get up the stairs?

I could have dropped on the side and rolled myself up. There was no way I'd rise to my feet again, but I had no way to climb stairs other than rolling.

This was probably the final floor. One more at most. Could I make it?

No, I just didn't know how to get up on even jus the first step as a tied up package. I wasn't trying very hard either, since I wanted the ball crushing to stop.

"I... I give... up... fuck."

I fell. With all pain and bondage removed, I dropped into green water. The warm liquid closed over me and I gently touched the pool's ground.

Breaking the surface, I stood up to see I was back in the courtyard.

Three more boys broke the water around me.

Had we all given up at once? But Adler had quit way back. How was that possible? Was the fountain a time portal?

We climbed out of the pool and the fountain babbled happily behind me.

In the warm air, the water dried fast.

<Four kilos for Adler (9 lbs),> said the host. <Five for Tao and Doyun (11 lbs).>

Mass popped up on my body, starting from the calves again. I was up to a healthy 56kg (123 lbs) and my body looked indescribably fuckable. There was a slight smattering of muscles over every bone, making me look like a twink who had hit the gym a few times.

Of course I had been at the gym a lot, it was just a pointless endeavor for me. I had often dreamed of looking this hunky.

<Our winner is San who made it to the roof. Take your six and your special prize.>

Wait, the smallest one had made it up? Together with his Wheel o'Fortune from earlier this put him at plus 11 kilos (24 lbs) for a total of 56 just like me, but on a shorter body.

San expanded into a truly muscular kid. He even had an ass now, even if it wasn't a huge one. Tendons moved under his lean skin as he flexed his slender teen biceps in the mirror, grinning like mad.

I flexed, too, to see if there was anything worth flexing. Yes, I now had a good little bulge on my arms. We were muscle twinks now.

The Wheel rose from the depths again, but with different symbols on it – body parts. Arms, legs, ass, back, neck... even dick.

The brown boy stepped up to the disk with jockish swagger, still grinning.

As he spun the wheel, the voice said <Let's not forget that our other contestants get something, too. Their punishment for failing will be revealed shortly.>

San got the symbol of two arms.

"Huh?" San said. "One for each what?"

His arms grew. A full kilo of meat (2 lbs) got pumped into each arm. It doesn't sound like much on paper but a single kilo is quite a bit of beef and the difference was staggering. This put his biceps massively out of proportion, but in a totally sexy way.

<As for the rest, one centimeter (half an inch) from each.>

Centimeter, not kilos?

My dick tingled. Wait...

"Fuuuuck!" Adler shouted upward. "Give it back. Make my dick longer again."

<You will have a chance to earn it, maybe. Just keep gathering mass and we'll see what else the games have in store for you.>

Okay, my erection was going to be smaller now. Honestly though, looking at the mirror walls, it was a worthwhile trade. Adler was probably complaining because he was straight and therefore his dick was all he had.

I was happy my ass had some meat one it at long last.

<Moving on, there's a tower waiting to be ascended. Let's put you into special attire for the occasion.>

Our speedo's melted at the sides, shrinking onto g-strings. No, the string parted at the taint, making it more like a flimsy jock-strap.

Statues shifted to guide us to the next entrance. Runes above it read: Instinct. Nature. Growth.

Next: Chapter 3

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