Murphy's Law

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 21, 2020



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Murphy's Law

Twenty-seven-year-old Eddie Farmer had every reason to believe that he lived under a black cloud. Worse yet, he was convinced that the cloud was manipulated by Murphy's Law. That is to say that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. He was certain that he was cursed, and he prayed daily to be released from his curse.

In the beginning, his beginning anyway, he was born during a blinding blizzard on a sub-zero January day. His father's car went off the road several times before he reached the hospital. It was a time just before cell phones flooded the market. His father had not yet purchased one, and so he could not call for help during his ordeal. All the while his mother was screaming in agony, trying to hold him in until they reached the hospital. As a result, she almost died in childbirth. It took several years until she got her strength back. Eddie was destined to be an only child.

The earliest memory he had of birthdays was his fourth. His mother went all out in preparing a festive occasion. Eddie invited his entire pre-school class. Of course, it snowed so badly that day that nobody showed up. The same thing happened on his fifth and sixth birthday. He and his mother agreed not to make any more birthday parties for him.

When it came to love, he was particularly cursed. His bad luck in the love department started in middle school. He fell head over heels in love with the prettiest girl in the class. Sally had bright red hair, very blue eyes, a freckled nose, and she was quite petite. He struck up a friendship with her, and as soon as she accepted his friendship, her father was transferred to a distant city. Sally moved away.

In high school, he fell in love again, with Mary Ann. They dated exclusively. He tried desperately to get laid, but she said she was waiting for her marriage bed. He went through life with perpetual blue balls. He thought that it was a fact certain that they would go to the senior prom together, and he planned on it. One week before the prom Mary Ann told him that she couldn't go with him. Sobbing uncontrollably, she informed him that she was pregnant, and was having a shotgun wedding with the baby's father. So much for the marriage bed.

Once more, love came to him in college. Her name was Judy. She was a tall, willowy, beautiful blonde. This was great because Eddie was 6'3" tall and they made a beautiful couple. As he had with Mary Ann, Eddie was obsessed with making love with her, but she wouldn't allow it. Finally, in sheer frustration, he asked why.

"Because I have a boyfriend back home and we're monogamous," she said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Needless to say, he stopped seeing her.

Eddie had studied finance in college, and he landed a great job with an investment management company in lower Manhattan. On his first day there, he was introduced to his secretary, Susan. He had to share her with two other managers. They hit it off like ham and eggs, and started dating. After the third date, there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to get laid at last. Unfortunately, the black cloud hovered over him, and Murphy's Law prevailed. The next time he asked her out she refused him. She offered no explanation, but that night, one of the other two managers who shared her secretarial skills with Eddie, escorted her out of the building. Eddie was crestfallen.

Justin Barron, the third manager in his group was about to leave, but he saw Eddie sitting at his desk staring into space. "What's up Buddy?" Justin asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay, then," Justin persisted, "how about letting me buy you a stiff drink? It's Friday night and you look like you could use one."

"Sure. Why not?" Eddie mumbled.

Justin took Eddie to his favorite bar, and after Eddie's second beer he opened up. "Susan dumped me," he said. It was a simple statement. He didn't elaborate, but he was compelled to continue. "I'm cursed," he told Justin. "Everyone I love leaves me." Eddie expected Justin to be sympathetic. Instead, he said something so strange, it knocked Eddie for a loop.

"She's a fucking idiot. I'd never dump you. You're so steaming hot, man."

"What did you say?" Eddie asked. He was perplexed.

"I said that I've got the hots for you, but don't worry, I'm not coming on to you. I'm just stating a fact."

"Are you telling me that you're gay, Justin?"

"How could you not know? I'm out completely, even in the office. Everyone knows."

"I must be totally naïve," Eddie admitted. "I swear I didn't know."

Justin was very upset. "Please don't run out on me. Let's just socialize. On my honor, I won't make a move on you."

"Relax," Eddie said. "We're good friends. I wouldn't mind getting totally sloshed tonight. I need it badly."

Once the sexual tension was removed, the two men had a wonderful time together. In fact, they started to go out every Friday night for a TGIF drink. Eddie didn't mind that they went to a gay bar. He even made a few gay friends there.

As Eddie's twenty-eighth birthday approached, Justin told him that he was taking him out to dinner as a birthday gift. Eddie accepted, happily. He was so used to going to Justin's favorite gay bar and grill, that he didn't even react when Justin took him there. He hadn't ever eaten in the restaurant, but he was looking forward to it. He had heard good things about it.

Because it was his birthday, Eddie decided to really celebrate, and he ordered a scotch and soda. Justin ordered a vodka tonic. They each had two drinks at dinner. After dinner they went to the bar. They met some friends there, and when they heard it was Eddie's birthday, they each proceeded to buy a round of drinks for everybody.

Eddie wasn't used to hard liquor, and before long he was slurring his words, and he was unable to stand. Justin's tolerance for vodka was much greater than Eddie's for scotch. He was drunk, but not as drunk as his buddy. One thing, he knew for sure was that he couldn't let Eddie go home alone in his condition.

"I live close by," he informed the semi-comatose Eddie. "I'm taking you home with me."

Eddie remained mute and unresponsive.

Justin lived in a one-bedroom apartment. His sofa was too small for Eddie, so he laid him down on his bed and undressed him. Of course, Justin checked Eddie out, and his mouth watered. Eddie was flaccid, uncut and a good five inches. Justin could only wonder how much he grew when he was aroused. He thought of going down on him and finding out, but he exercised restraint. He undressed and joined his naked friend in bed. Justin turned away from Eddie, and crept as far to the end of the bed as he could. He started to cry. He loved Eddie so much, and lying naked together without sex, was draining him. Eventually, he fell asleep.

When Eddie woke up in the morning he was frightened and shocked. Justin had his arms around him, and Eddie's head was resting on Justin's chest. Instead of pushing away, Eddie hunkered closer to Justin. For the first time in his life, he felt loved and protected. He didn't question how he, a straight man, could feel that way. He just accepted it. He admitted to himself that waking up alongside someone in bed with you was all it was cracked up to be, even if that someone was a guy.

Justin was not asleep. When he realized that he was holding Eddie tight, and Eddie was pushing closer to him, he started to cry. "What's wrong, Buddy?" Eddie asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Lying here in bed with you is more than I could ever have hoped for. I've told you how much I love you."

"I feel so wonderful lying here in your arms. I know it's crazy, but I love you too. What do we do now?" "It's your game to play," Justin said.

"Did we do anything last night?" Eddie asked.

"Of course not. You were stinking drunk. I'd never do anything without your permission."

"Wow. You're a real gentleman."

"Eddie, honey, let me break your curse. Let me prove that I would never leave you. I want us to spend our lives together. I'll devote myself to making you happy, and blowing away your black cloud."

"Justin, I have a confession to make. I'm a virgin, not only to man sex, but to woman sex also."

"Christ, Eddie," Justin said. "I can't permit that for another second. I'll make breakfast and then we'll shower together and spend the rest of the day in bed. Thank God for weekends."

"That's a plan I can live with."

All they had for breakfast was a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. They didn't rush. They fine cleaned the kitchen and entered the bathroom together. They both had morning woodies, and they were both stretching out to nearly eight inches. The only difference was that Justin was cut. They crossed swords and became flaccid after peeing, but they both erected immediately, anticipating the joy to come.

Justin and Eddie shared a toothbrush. Then Justin got the shower water temperature to his liking. He took Eddie's hand and they did more than step into the shower. They stepped into their destinies. Eddie was scared to death, and shaking. Justin couldn't stop crying from so much happiness.

Once again Justin enveloped Eddie in his arms. "I want you to be completely relaxed," he began. "I swear to you that everything I'm going to do is designed to give you maximum pleasure. I'd never hurt you. Do you believe me? Do you trust me?"

"Yes. Please teach me everything I need to know."

Justin placed his lips on Eddie's. To his delight, Eddie did not resist. Little by little their lips parted and their tongues began to make love. Eddie had often kissed the girls he fell in love with, but this was different. He was transported to the stratosphere, and he basked in the realization that this was only the beginning.

Justin took a bar of soap and turned Eddie facing the wall. He began to lather Eddie's back starting at his shoulders. Little by little he went lower and lower. He soaped Eddie's crack and his balls, and bravely inserted one soapy finger into Eddie's asshole. Eddie was purring like a kitten and he remained fully erect. Justin reached around Eddie's body. His right hand began to wash Eddie's chest with the soap, and his left encircled Eddie's cock.

Justin got Eddie's cock nice and soapy, and he began to stroke it. All the while he was kissing Eddie's neck and inserting his tongue into Eddie's ears. When Eddie was about to blow himself into kingdom come, Justin turned him around. He allowed the cascading water to rinse Eddie's body. Then he fell to his knees and took Eddie's cock into his eager mouth. His tongue bathed up and down Eddie's shaft and his lips pumped sensuously on the outside. When Eddie came, deep in his throat, Justin lost count of the number of times his partner squirted his cum into his mouth. Eddie was shocked when Justin swallowed all that he could.

They were both breathing hard. When they calmed down, Justin asked, "Are you all right?" He feared the answer.

"I've never been better. I want to do that to you."

The two men began another kissing marathon. "Sure, you can do that to me," Justin said, "but let's take this to bed. We'll both be more comfortable and I'll teach you so much more."

"I can't wait for further instructions." Eddie hesitated, and concluded by saying, "Love."

Under Justin's tutelage, Eddie gave his soulmate the talent to do an excellent job of oral sex. He was looking forward to tasting Justin's cum, but Justin pulled away,

"I'd rather cum in your ass," he said. "Would you let me fuck you? I swear, I won't hurt you."

"Yes, please fuck me. Put my virgin days deep into the past."

"Honestly, Honey, it will hurt when I push in, but the pain will pass quickly, and the erotic pleasure you will feel, will be indescribable."

"As long as I know the pain will go away quickly, please fill me up. Now that I realize how much I love you; I can't wait."

Justin decided that the best way to go was to fuck Eddie missionary style. He wanted to be able to see Eddie's reactions. They could experiment different positions next time. He told Eddie to lie on his back, and he placed two pillows under his buttocks. Then he greased Eddie's ass, using a generous amount of KY Jelly. He inserted one finger and reamed his lover's ass trying to stretch it.

"That doesn't hurt at all." Eddie advised Justin.

"I'm going to insert three fingers before I fuck you. I beg you to tolerate the pain, my darling. It's going to be worth it."

Eddie was a little uncomfortable with the second finger, but nothing that he could describe as pain. Justin decided to fool Eddie. Instead of inserting a third finger, he greased his cock, and began his entry slowly. Whenever, he saw Eddie wince, he stopped, and begged him to relax. It took almost five minutes but Justin made it all the way in. He lay still, leaned over Eddie's torso, and began to kiss him again.

Little by little, he began stroking. "When I push in try to pump your ass muscles," Justin instructed his novice. Eddie complied.

Justin began to massage Eddie's prostate gland, and he actually started to scream out how wonderful he felt. He had another orgasm before Justin reached his.

When Justin's cock fell out of Eddie's ass, Eddie cried out, "Please don't leave me, Justin, like all the others did."

"Not ever, not in a trillion years."

The two lovers began another kissing marathon, and the black cloud over Eddie's head completely disappeared. He had an epiphany. He realized that he was gay, and it didn't bother him at all. To add whipped cream to the chocolate pudding, he also realized that he enjoyed the company of his gay friends at the bar more than his straight friends.

Yes, Eddie's life had turned around completely. He was in love, and he was loved back, and Justin was not about to desert him. Besides being perfectly content, he was no longer a virgin. Hallelujah!

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