Murder of the Flesh

By Jeff

Published on Mar 11, 2015


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A Dirk Stetson Mystery Murder of the Flesh

Chapter 2

It doesn't take long for Dirk to arrive at Welham College. The guard at the gatehouse was already prepared for his arrival and pointed out where to go. He drives around the curvy road noticing the families who have arrived for graduation; unfortunately, the arrival of the police hasn't gone unnoticed from the visitors. The faculty and students have been trying to get everyone's attention on graduation, but they seem to be more interested in the excitement at the chapel.

Dirk drives around the court yard and parks right behind the crime scene van. As he gets out of his car, a young white man in his late twenties approaches him. "I'm sorry sir, but you can't park there."

Dirk just looks over his body. He likes how tight his uniform looks. "Turn around please." The police officer looks at him curious. "Just turn around." The police officer turns around; Dirk focuses his attention on how tight his ass looks in his uniform.

"Okay, I've done what you wanted, now would you please move your car?"

Dirk throws his keys at him. "Please tell Captain Howard on your toy radio that Dirk Stetson has finally arrived."

"I'm sorry," says the police officer.

"Do you have a learning problem?" asks Dirk. He looks at his side to see if he's carrying a fire arm. "Are you even old enough to handle a gun? I bet that is a toy gun they hand out to you rookies or are you a rent a cop?"

The young officer looks at him with disdain. "I'm a bona fide police officer for Atlanta, sir. Now get your fucking car out of here or I will shove my night stick up your ass."

Dirk walks towards him and grabs his crotch. "I love it when hot guys talk dirty to me."

The young police officer grabs his arm and turns him around placing him on the hood of his car. He takes out his handcuffs and places them around his waist. "You are under arrest sir."

Dirk just smiles. "I thought you were going to shove your stick up my ass."

As the police officer prepares to arrest Dirk, Captain Shane Howard exits the building. "It's okay Officer Burke. I was expecting him."

Officer Troy Burke has been with the police department for six months. He was top of his graduating class from the academy. He excelled at everything while at the academy; his supervisors were extremely disappointed when he didn't take the detective exam.

Officer Burke looks up as Shane walks towards him. He turns Dirk around allowing him to sit on his car. "This is who you were waiting on. I'm not impressed. He's got a real attitude problem."

"You're telling me," says Shane. "Would you please take off the handcuffs?"

Officer Burke takes the handcuffs off him. "You should show respect to the police officers Mr. Stetson."

Dirk massages his hands. "Why start now?"

Shane isn't amused with his lack of respect especially now. "Dirk Stetson, this is Troy Burke. He is one of my finest officers."

"I won't disagree with you on that fact, and he's got a nice package," says Dirk. He extends his hand to Officer Burke. "Troy, it's nice to meet you, and I apologize for my disrespect."

Troy shakes his hand and accepts his apology. "It's okay Mr. Stetson. I'm honored to meet you."

"Please call me Dirk. I hate being called Mr. Stetson."

"Yes sir," says Troy.

Shane begins to escort Dirk to the building. Once he realized the people involved in this case, he wanted to call the only person he trust to handle such an endeavor. He doesn't like his detectives; he thinks they want to be famous. "I'm so glad you are here. I'm going to need you on this case."

"Why are you so serious, Shane? Your detectives can handle this."

"You'll understand in a minute," says Shane. "I needed the best, and the Commissioner and I both agree you are the man for the job." He opens the door for him.

Dirk takes his hand and slides it over his crotch and feels his bulge. "You know my payment." He looks into Shane's eyes. "It's nice to know I still can get you hard."

"Behave yourself," says Shane smiling. "We need to go upstairs."

Dirk begins to enter the building but stops and turns around to find Officer Burke standing by his car. "Officer Burke, what are you standing around for? I want you to come with me." Troy looks confused but walks towards them.

"What are you doing?" asks Shane.

"I have a strong feeling about him," says Dirk.

"You mean your dick has a strong feeling," says Shane.

"It's never let me down yet," says Dirk.

"What can I do for you?" asks Troy.

"Troy, you are now my assistant," says Dirk. "I want you to stay close to me. Watch and learn. Keep your mouth shut unless you're asked a question. Understood?"

"Yes sir," says Troy.

"Stop calling me sir," says Dirk.

Shane escorts them up stairs which leads towards the chapel. Police officers are everywhere. Once they reach the top of the stairs, Dirk looks inside the chapel to find a typical chapel with red carpet and white walls. He looks at the pews and the pulpit area. He looks where the police officers are standing and notices a white blanket covering a body.

Dirk looks across the hall from the chapel. There is a room where they hold receptions. He walks towards the reception area to find the police commissioner, Jackson Moore, talking to a well dressed gentleman in his black three piece suit. "Is that Senator Malcolm Fitzgerald?"

"He's the reason we asked for your help," says Shane. "It's his son, Zachary, who is missing."

Dirk looks at him strangely. "Missing? I thought you were going to tell me his son is the victim."

"His son is the one we are trying to find," says Shane.

"Who is the victim?" asks Dirk.

"His name is Troy Gardner," says Shane. "He was supposed to graduate today."

"I want to know everything you can tell me," says Dirk. He continues to look around the room, and he also finds two detectives talking to a young man sitting on chair with red shot eyes. "Who is the young man?"

"He is Peter Malloy. He and Zachary are boyfriends. He was the one who found the body."

Dirk watches the two detectives drilling him. It's obvious Peter is extremely upset, but they don't care. "Hey, dick and dick head." Those are the names for Detectives John Pepper and Roy Thomas. "Come here!"

They reluctantly walk towards him. They do not like Dirk, and they are very angry over the fact he has been brought on this case.

"What the hell do you want?" asks Pepper.

"I would like for you two to burn in hell, but alas, you're still here," says Dirk.

"Captain, we have work to do," says Thomas. "We don't have time for this?"

"The only thing I want you two to do is go and have some coffee and doughnuts. Let the real detectives take over now."

"You son of a bitch," says Pepper. "This case should be ours."

"That's enough," says Shane.

"Well, guess what, it's mine, so skedaddle." Dirk motions his hands for them to leave. "Go on and get." He leans over and whispers, "Troy, go get the young man's dorm room number and ask him to stay there until we stop by."

"Yes sir," says Troy.

Dirk walks over to the police Commissioner and Senator Fitzgerald and introduces himself. "Senator, my name is Dirk Stetson."

"Mr. Stetson, I'm told by Jackson here you're one of the best," says Senator Fitzgerald.

"I don't know about that, but I will work day and night until we find him," says Dirk.

"Do you think he's alive?" asks Senator Fitzgerald.

"Malcolm, don't start thinking like that," says Commissioner Moore. "We don't have any proof that he's dead."

"The police Commissioner is correct, Senator," says Dirk. "You need to keep an open mind. The fact that we don't have his body is a good sign." He pulls out a card from his shirt pocket. "Here is my card with my number. Anytime you want to call me with questions, do not hesitate."

"Thank you, Mr. Stetson."

"Dirk, Captain, I'm going to take Malcolm to the President's office. He wanted to meet with him."

"We'll join you when we're finished here," says Shane.

Dirk, Troy, and Shane leave the reception area and walk inside the chapel. He stops at the main door and pulls Troy next to him. "Damn Troy. You do have some muscles. I would like to see you naked."

Shane pops him in the back of the head. "Please stay focused."

"It's been a long time since I fucked in chapel," says Dirk. He looks around to gather his surroundings. "Troy, you and I are going to walk down the center aisle very slowly. I want you to look at the pews to your right, and I will look at the pews to my left. Let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary."

"Yes sir."

"By the way, do you have a pen and pad?"

Troy reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a small notepad and pencil. "Will this do?"

"That's perfect," says Dirk.

They begin to walk down the aisle very slowly looking at every minute detail. They walk in unison examining every pew looking for anything out of the ordinary. They capture every detail, but they don't find anything right now.

They arrive at the front of the chapel and look over the white sheet covering the body. "What do you see, Troy?" asks Dirk.

"I see a lot of blood," says Troy. He looks around the floor and looks at the remembrance table where he spots some blood. "It looks like someone was on the table." He continues to look at what's around. "There is a picnic basket with fruit around it. Someone was having a party last night."

"We have collected some evidence," says Shane. He pulls out his notepad.

"What a minute," says Dirk. He takes Shane's notepad and hands it to Troy. "If Troy and are going to work this case, I need him to look at everything." He looks at Troy. "Go ahead if you can read his handwriting."

"They have found several fingerprints; it will take a while depending on how many people were here last night. They are going to examine all the blood to make sure there are two different types. Peter Mallow was with him last night here; they were together."

"I think we need to talk to Peter," says Dirk. "Troy is there anything else you're curious about?"

"Yes, was the door unlocked?" asks Troy.

"We were told it was locked," says Shane.

"How did Peter and Zachary get in?" asks Dirk.

"There is a back entrance over there in the corner," says Shane. "There is a spiral staircase that leads to the first floor. That back door is never locked."

"I think that's how we will go out," says Dirk. He looks at Troy who continues to read Shane's notes. "What is it Troy?"

"They also found semen," says Troy. "They found a lot of semen."

"Sounds like someone was having a good time last night," says Dirk. "Let's go."

Dirk, Troy, and Shane walk to the backdoor. They look for any clues. They slowly walk down the staircase and find nothing which can help them on their case.

"Captain, have they taken pictures of everything?"

"Yes they have," says Shane. "As soon as we get them developed, I will send you a copy of them."

"Shane, go wait for us at the President's office," says Dirk. "I want you keep an eye on everyone. Troy and I will stop by and visit Peter."

"No problem," says Shane.

As Shane begins to walk away, Troy stops him with a question asking, "Captain, do we have any other witnesses to question?"

"Look on my notepad," says Shane. "There are few names."

Dirk and Shane begin to walk towards the dorm where Peter lives. They walk across the courtyard. The crowd has been dispersed, but a few reporters linger hoping to get an exclusive.

"How long have you been with the department?" asks Dirk.

"Six months," says Troy. "I'm enjoying every bit of it."

"I'll give you some time," says Dirk. "Do you have any aspirations?"

"I'm taking it one day at a time," says Troy. "Tell me, Mr. Stetson, why did you leave? The Captain has told me so many stories about you. You were willing good."

"I left because of all the bullshit politics," says Dirk. "Besides, I like working for myself."

"The Captain said you were difficult to work with," says Troy. "Are you usually this difficult on first impressions or do you just like to get a response out of people?"

"A little bit of both, I guess," says Dirk. "I made an impression on you, didn't I?"

"Yes sir you did," says Troy.

"You can stop calling me sir," says Dirk.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is how I was raised," says Troy. "You'll just have to get use to it."

Dirk shakes his head. "You are a stubborn one. Where the hell are we going anyway?"

"That building straight ahead," says Troy.

Dirk follows him as Troy leads the way. They climb up some more stairs from the outside. They walk onto a roof where a police officer is watching the door.

"His room is right in here," says Troy.

They walk inside the building to find another police officer waiting by the door. They knock before entering to find Peter sitting on his sofa crying. He stands up and greets them as they come inside.

"Please, come in and have a seat," says Peter.

"We're good," says Dirk. "Peter, I need you to tell me what happened last night."

"Zachary and I were having a last date together before we graduated. He planned a surprise for me in the chapel."

"Why the chapel?" asks Troy.

"Everyone goes to the chapel to have sex," says Peter. "We ate and made love."

"Were you two the only ones using the chapel?" asks Dirk.

"There were a lot of people who planned to use it," says Peter.

"Who oversees the schedule?" asks Dirk.

"I'm not allowed to say," says Peter. "It could get him in trouble."

"We need that list, Peter," says Troy. "It might help us with any witnesses."

"To be honest, I really don't know. We send an email to an anonymous person. We never got a name."

"Do you have the email address?" asks Dirk.

Peter walks to his computer desk and grabs a piece of paper. "Here it is."

"We will see if we can find out who this is," says Dirk. He hands the paper to Troy. "Continue."

"Once we finished making love, Zachary did something which surprised me. He gave me an engagement ring. He asked me to marry him. He always told me he never wanted to get married. I had a small gift for him, so I left him for about ten minutes, and when I returned I found Troy Gardner dead on the floor. He was shot." He covers his mouth with his hand trying not to cry. He falls on the sofa. "I didn't see Zachary. Oh my God, I hope he's not dead."

Dirk and Troy just stand there watching him cry. They wait for a few minutes as he gathers himself together.

"Did you and Zachary share this room?" asks Dirk.

"Yes we did."

"Would you mind if we searched it?" asks Dirk.

"No go right ahead if it helps. What are you looking for?"

"I don't know," says Dirk. "I'm hoping it will give me an idea who might have had a motive."

"I can tell you right now, the one person who wanted him dead is the one who is dead."

"Do you mean Troy Gardner?" asks Troy.

"Yes. He hated Zachary. He hated him because he was the better baseball player."

"Thank you, Peter. If you would please step outside, Officer Burke and I will do this quickly."

Peter leaves his dorm room closing the door.

Dirk and Troy begin to look around. They try to find anything they can to help them on the case.

Troy walks inside their bedroom. Their beds are pushed together. He looks around and finds the usual stuff in a dorm room. He looks through some paper work and cards on the dresser. He finds one addressed to Zachary, but there is no return address. He opens the card to find an intimate message from someone named "Balls." "Mr. Stetson, I found something."

Dirk walks inside the bedroom and notices Troy's hot ass hidden under his uniform. "Damn!" He walks towards him and gets really close; he's so close, Troy can feel the bulge against his ass. "What is it?"

"I found this card," says Troy. "It's pretty intimate. It's signed by someone named `Balls.'"

"Let me look at it," says Dirk. He takes the card and begins to read it. As he reads the card, he feels something. He looks down to find Troy's hand rubbing his crotch. "You really do like being hands on."

"For a minute there I thought that was your gun," says Troy.

Dirk places the card on the dresser. He slides his hands over Troy's chest and begins to kiss him on the neck. "I really shouldn't do this."

Troy squeezes his bulge. "Sure you can."

"No, I mean I shouldn't. I have a boyfriend."

"Would you be upset?"

Actually, no; he has given me permission to sleep with other guys."

Troy turns around and looks at Dirk. "What the hell is the matter with you then? Fuck me, Mr. Stetson." He slides his belt off and drops it to the floor. He unbuttons his shirt and pulls it off showing Dirk his smooth and muscular chest. He grabs his hand and slides it over his chest rubbing his hand over his nipples.

"I shouldn't do this," says Dirk.

"Yes you should," says Troy. He leans in and gives him a kiss. He turns around and slides Dirks arms around him. "I want you to fuck me, sir."

Dirk grabs Troy's chest and begins to squeeze them. He slides his mouth over his neck sucking on him. He sucked so hard he left a mark. Troy turns his head and begins to kiss his lips. They slide each other's tongues in each other's mouths. Dirk slides his hands down Troy's chest feeling his abs. Dirk slides one of his fingers in Troy's belly button causing him to laugh. They both kick off their shoes. Dirk slides his hands to his pants and unbuttons them; they slide off to reveal Troy's black jockstrap.

Troy unbuttons Dirk's pants; they slide down to the floor. Troy rubs his hands over his white briefs feeling his bulge, and he pulls them off freeing Dirk's hard cock. He turns around and begins to play with Dirk's cock while Dirk slides his shirt off showing off his body.

Dirk reaches towards Troy's jockstrap and pulls it off. He stares at Troy's hard cock. It's at least eight inches long very thick, and he's uncut, but when he reveals that nice mushroom head, he starts to drool and precum. "Oh fuck! You're huge. I hope you know what to do with that."

"You just wait," says Troy. "I hope you know what to do with your dick."

Dirk walks him over to the bed, and they lay down. They spend some time kissing each other while their hands explore each other's naked bodies. Dirk pulls Troy closer to him grinding their cocks together.

They grab each other's asses holding each other tight. Dirk rolls Troy on his back and beings to lick and kiss his chest. He slides his tongue over his hard nipples and begins to suck on them.

Troy slides his hand down his back. He slides his fingers between Dirk's ass feeling for his hole. This causes Dirk to playfully bite his nipples.

Dirk continues to move down Troy's body kissing and licking his smooth stomach. He licks his belly button causing him to laugh. He moves down to his cock and begins to lick his cock. He slides up his cock licking his head tasting the precum as it squirts out, and he slides his tongue down his cock licking and sucking on his balls. He slides back up his cock opening his mouth and sliding his head inside. Dirk begins to suck on his head tasting more of Troy's precum. He slowly slides his hard thick dick inside his mouth while he slides his finger in Troy's ass. He starts to suck his hard cock feeling his going in his mouth. He takes every inch of his dick in his mouth and sucks.

Troy slides his hands over his chest and in Dirk's hair feeling the sensation of being sucked. He tries not to scream; they don't want to have the cups run inside.

Dirk continues to suck Troy's cock until he explodes. He opens his mouth as Troy shoots his entire load of cum in his mouth. The sensation was too much.

Dirk spreads his legs and ass. He opens his mouth and lets the cum fall out into his hole. He gets on his knees and slowly slides his had dick inside his ass. He slides all the way deep inside of him. He begins to fuck him; he starts slowly, but goes a little faster. Troy reaches for Dirk's nipples and squeezes them. Dirk continues to fuck Troy's hot ass slapping his balls against him. They can hear the skin slapping against each other. Dirk's big dick spreads Troy's hot ass. Troy squeezes his ass taking Dirk's precum. Dirk begins to fuck him faster and holds his dick inside of him as he shoots his cum all the way inside.

Sweat pours all over their naked hot bodies. They lie next to each other kissing and rubbing each other.

"Fuck!" says Troy. "I'm going to enjoy working with you."

"I'm exhausted," says Dirk.

"Fuck, me too," says Troy.

Once they catch their breath, they get dressed and continue to look around. They take the card and show it to Peter.

Peter tells them both that he and Zachary have always had an open relationship. They gave each other permission to be with other guys. Peter tells him that the card is from the baseball coach; he and Zachary were intimate on several occasions. They couldn't tell anyone due to the fact Zachary was a student.

Dirk tells Peter not to go anywhere. They will have more questions for him. Once they are done with him, they head over to the President's office.

This case has turned out to be more exciting for the both of them. This is the beginning of a new partnership for the both of them.

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