Murder of the Flesh

By Jeff

Published on Feb 14, 2015


Here is my next chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying it thus far. Reminder, this is completely fiction. Continue to support Nifty for this community and allowing us to express ourselves.

A Dirk Stetson Mystery Murder of the Flesh

Chapter 1

Dirk Stetson has been an icon for many in the Atlanta Police Department for several years now. He was a good police officer, but excelled with detective work. Every case became his life, and he gave one hundred and ten percent. He truly cared about the people who swore to protect. Many believe, even his old partner, he would become police commissioner some day, that was until he and the current police commissioner got into a fist fight in front of several reporters.

Dirk was investigating a case of murdered prostitutes. The case seemed pretty simple for Dirk, but he didn't want to take it for granted. The clues were leading to one suspect, who didn't try to hide the fact he was killing. The suspect was arrogant, thinking she wouldn't get caught. The only problem was the fact that she was a good friend to the police commissioner; she helped him obtain the position. Once Dirk brought the evidence to his superiors, the police commissioner got involved and forced them to drop the case. The case has never been solved. It wasn't until a few weeks later the police commissioner was with the prime suspect honoring her at a woman's shelter. This infuriated Dirk, so he confronted the police commissioner, they got into a fight in front of reporters, and the rest is history. This was three years ago.

Dirk has kept himself busy. He became a private investigator. He has been teaching criminal justice classes at the community college. He's joined a theatre troop at the local theatre. He's finally in a stable relationship, and this means, he's met someone who can put up with his eccentric attitude.

Most of his time is full investigating his cases. They keep him busy. Many feel the police commissioner isn't allowing police officers to do their job, so they come to him for assistance. His reputation became known after the public fight.

The Saturday morning came early for him. The early morning sun shines through the bedroom window. He rolls over on the bed feeling the hangover from last night. Friday night was a late night for him and his personal assistant Jeremy. They spent the whole evening drinking at their favorite club.

Dirk rolls out of bed and sits there for a moment naked. He holds his head hoping the headache will go away soon. He doesn't remember much of anything last night. He just knows he and Jeremy picked up another guy and by the looks of him, they must have had a wild exciting time.

Dirk stands up off the bed and looks at himself in the mirror. The only thing out of place is his sandy blond hair; his body is perfect. He's got a chisel chest with abs that men love to explore with their lips, tongues, and hands. He stretches realizing he's not home; he's in the private apartment above his business office. This is where Jeremy stays.

Dirk picks up his clothes and walks towards the bathroom. He turns the water on and prepares to get a shower. He lays his clothes on the counter causing his phone to fall out of the pockets. He looks down to find that he missed a text message from his boyfriend, Paul Harris. He looks at the time and finds the text was sent during the night when they were having their wild party.

Dirk and Paul have been dating for several years now. It was Paul who helped calm Dirk down a bit. Even though Dirk was nice to his clients, he could be a real mean son-of-bitch to those he didn't like, which is a long list. They met on a case. Dirk was investigating the death of a navy personnel, and he and Paul's paths crossed each other. Paul works for the military police as an investigator; he's currently over in Paris investigating some soldiers who have been accused of a hate crime.

Dirk and Paul fell in love immediately even though Dirk was playing hard to get, but Paul proved to be a formidable opponent. They started dating, which shocked many of Dirk's friends, and they wonder why Paul puts up with him.

Dirk activates his phone to find that Paul sent him a picture of himself. He falls in love with him again every time he stares into Paul's gorgeous green eyes. Dirk notices his hair is getting a little long, but Paul won't let that happen. Paul also sent him a picture of his shirtless and smooth chest. Dirk begins to lick his lips and rub his hands over his nipples. Dirk continues to look through the pictures Paul sent him, but he stopped at his waist teasing him.

"You bastard," says Dirk with a smile on his face.

He continues until he finds a video Paul sent him.

"Hey beautiful," says Paul. "I miss you so much baby. Everything is going well here, slow, but well. I don't know how long it will be, but hopefully I will be done soon enough. I love you."

Dirk watches the video as Paul slides the phone slowly down his body and right before he shows his cock, Paul turned off the video.

"Damn it," says Dirk.

Paul has been in Paris for five months now investigating this case. Dirk is ready for him to come home.

Dirk climbs into the shower thinking about Paul's body. Those pictures and video alone get him harder than he was when he got out of bed. Dirk walks under the shower head letting the warm water cover his body. He takes the sponge and beings to wash himself off. He covers his body with soap and slides the sponge over his balls and erected cock. Once he rinses the soap off, he takes his hand and wraps around his cock and begins to stroke his cock thinking about Paul. His imagination takes him back to the first time they made love.

Once they discovered each other was investigating the same case, they joined forces to help each other. Once they resolved the case, Paul asked him out; Dirk didn't know what to do. He turned every guy away, but for some strange reason, Paul was different. Dirk told him he would go out on a date with him, which surprised him.

Paul took him to his favorite Chinese restaurant. They revealed everything to each other that evening; they were there so long, the manager had to kick them out. Dirk didn't know what happened; he's never felt this way before about anyone.

After they left the restaurant, Paul invited him back to his place for some coffee and dessert. They didn't spend much time enjoying either. As soon as they got into the house, they started kissing and undressing.

Dirk stands in the shower with his eyes closed thinking about that night stroking his hard cock. He remembers the first time they kissed; it was full of passion and heat. Dirk loved the feel of Paul's body, especially when Paul fucked him. They made love the entire night sucking and fucking each other. Neither one of them ever remember producing that much cum in their lives. They made love all over the house, which surprised both of them. Dirk continues stroking his hard cock thinking about his lover. He's sending chills all over his wet body as he rubs his nipples and strokes his hard cock. He guides his other hand over his balls playing with them when he shoots his entire load all over the shower all. The climax was so intense he falls to the shower floor catching his breath; he places his hands over his head fighting back the tears of missing his lover.

Everyone who knows Dirk has been surprised how he welcomed Paul in his life. Everyone is surprised that Paul is willing to put up with Dirk, but they do love each other, and Paul is willing to put up with Dirk's characteristics.

Dirk gets out of the shower and gets dressed. He doesn't worry too much about his hair today, but he makes sure his teeth have been brushed; he can't stand bad breath; he won't even kiss Paul if his breath is bad.

He walks downstairs to his office and turns on the lights. He hears a faint noise coming from the conference room. He walks towards the door as the moans get louder. He opens the door to find Jeremy fucking Clay, the guy they found last night. Clay is on his back on the table while Jeremy is fucking him hard; they can hear his balls smacking his hot ass.

"What the fuck are you doing?" asks Dirk.

Jeremy looks back showing off his hot ass to Dirk. "I'm sorry, did we wake you?"

"I think you woke up the entire city," says Dirk. He looks at them both enjoying the scene but wishing it wasn't happening on the conference room table. "You do realize we have meetings on the table."

Jeremy holds up Clay's legs and continues to pound his hot ass. "I will make sure it's disinfected." He closes his eyes and begins to scream as he cums in Clay's ass. He falls on top of him, and they both lay on the table.

Clay looks at Dirk and says, "Good morning, Dirk."

"Good morning, Clay," says Dirk. "I'm glad my table is getting plenty of use."

"Leave us alone, Dirk," says Jeremy. "It needed to get some action." He grabs Clay's cock and begins to stroke it. "What's on our agenda today?"

"It's Saturday, I'm taking the day off," says Dirk as he watches Jeremy stroke Clay's hard cock. "Jeremy, what did I do last night?"

Jeremy starts to stroke faster holding up his other hand. Clay begins to moan louder as he cums all over his chest. Jeremy licks up the cum and kisses Clay. "It's no surprised you don't remember. You had a lot to drink last night."

"Just tell me what I did," says Dirk.

"You didn't have sex with anyone," says Jeremy.

"Damn it," says Clay. "I plan to work on that. Jeremy says you have a big dick and know how to use it."

"That's quite enough boys," says Dirk. "Thank you Jeremy." He leaves them to clean up and prepare some coffee, but Jeremy jumps off the table and follows him. "Shouldn't you both get dress and clean off my table?"

"I want to know why you refuse to have sex with Paul gone," asks Jeremy. "He said you could fuck with anyone you wanted in his absence. What is wrong with you?"

"Jeremy, leave me alone," says Dirk. "I just don't want to sleep with another guy."

"I don't believe you," says Jeremy. "Most guys in a committed relationship would love the opportunity to fuck other guys, and you've been given permission to do so. I miss you fucking me. I crave your hard dick all the time."

Dirk playfully slaps Jeremy in the face and says, "Get over it!" He prepares his coffee. "I don't know, Jeremy. I just don't want to mess anything up with Paul. It would feel like cheating."

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you," says Jeremy as he looks back at the conference room. He finds Clay on all fours on the table. He rubs his cock and finds it still hard. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go fuck some more." He runs to the conference room and closes the door.

Dirk just shakes his head.

Dirk walks to the front of the office where everyone comes inside. He looks through his messages and finds potential new clients. He can hear Jeremy and Clay moaning, so he beats on the wall. He continues to look through his messages and mail when there comes a knock on the door; he looks up to find his best friend Trey standing by the door. He gets up and lets him in.

"You're up early," says Dirk.

"I had a lot of work to do today, and I wanted to come by and see you. How are you doing?"

"I'm good," says Dirk. "I have just a little headache."

"You should have a big headache after all the drinks you had last night," says Trey.

"Oh shit, did you see me?" Dirk asks.

"Jeremy called me after you were so drunk, they couldn't get you out of the club," says Trey. "I had to come down and help get you out. I tried to seduce you last night, but you wouldn't let me. Even when you're drunk, you won't cheat on Paul."

"It just wouldn't seem right, Trey," he says.

"He said you could," says Trey.

"What is with you people? You've bitched to me to find a good guy to settle down with and when I do, it's not good enough. What the fuck do you guys want from me?"

"It's okay, Dirk," says Trey. "I don't want you angry. I'm glad you are happy. You don't know how much it makes me happy."

"Thank you," says Dirk. "What are you doing today?"

"Brian wants to install a bird bath," says Trey. "The last thing we need is a fucking bird bath so fucking birds can shit on me."

Dirk just smiles; he loves Trey. He continues to look through his stuff when his cell phone rings. He looks at the caller id to find the number belongs to an older colleague he wasn't ever expecting to hear from again. "I don't believe it."

"Who is it?" asks Trey.

"It's my old Captain," he says. He answers the phone. "You are the last person I was expecting to call today."

"Hello Dirk," says Shane. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, Shane," says Dirk. "How are you?"

"I've been better," says Shane. "I wish I was calling under different circumstances, but I need your help."

"What is it? Your wife fined out that you fucked me."

"This is serious, Dirk," says Shane. "I have a dead body here at Welham College. It involves Senator Malcolm Fitzgerald's son. The commissioner is really nervous, and he's requested your assistance."

"How much is he willing to pay?"

"He's willing to pay you $500,000 plus expensive," says Shane.

Dirk wasn't expecting that. "How is he going to justify that to the taxpayers?"

"I don't know," says Shane. "Will you help?"

"Fuck yeah I will," says Dirk. "I will be there in twenty minutes." He hangs up the phone and looks at Trey. "I don't believe it."

"What did he want?" asks Trey.

"The police commissioner is willing to pay me $500,000 for this one case," says Dirk. "It involves Senator Fitzgerald's son."

"Oh shit, really? What's going on?"

"Shane didn't tell me," says Dirk. "It happened at Welham College."

"You better be careful, Dirk," says Trey. "Dr. Clayton Williams is the president, and he hates anyone who's gay. He's the one people go to when they want to run a campaign against same sex marriage."

"I don't care about him," says Dirk. "I just want the money." He checks his pocket for his keys and makes sure he has his phone. He bangs on the wall. "Jeremy, I'm heading out on a case. Give me a call later. Clean up my table."

Dirk's curiosity is peaked. He's wondering what would be so important that the police commissioner would pay that amount of money to do a job, especially when the commissioner doesn't even like him.

He says goodbye to Trey with a kiss and a hug. He climbs into his quad cab pickup truck and realizes he hasn't responded to Paul. He pulls out his phone and begins to text. "Hey gorgeous; I miss you too. I can't wait until you get home. I've got a shock this morning. I hope you are well, and I miss you. I love you, Dirk."

He puts the truck in gear and heads off on a curious journey not sure what to expect.

Next: Chapter 3

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