Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Oct 25, 2023


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 8 -

I kept on running as fast as I possibly could, not really thinking about where I was even heading. After I was about a half mile away from school I stopped in the parking lot of a liquor store to catch my breath. My heavy backpack was wearing me out, but I had nowhere to ditch it. I had no idea what to do next. I couldn't go back to school today, they'd crucify me there. If I went home my parents would do the same. Well, my mom would, she's the only one at home now. She's bound to get a phone call from them sooner or later too.

I think I have two choices right now, and I have an idea what I want to do. I could go hide out at the mall, in a movie maybe. Wait it out until my shift tonight. My school may hate me now, but my workplace has no idea yet. Unless Shannon has spread it there too. Fucking bitch.

My other option is to go find Craig at his school. It's not that far from here, within walking distance. What he would do for me is a mystery I suppose, but I think I'd rather see him. Above all, I need comforting. All the running and sweating almost made me forget that I was crying. Oh God, I can't think about it, about how fucked I am now. Oh shit.

No matter how hard I try to keep my mind off the subject of this whole fiasco it comes back. There are only two weeks left in school, which helps. The summer will provide me with some time to get used to it all and deal with the bullshit they'll throw at me. Maybe the other kids will get over it. Hopefully this is just something new for them to concentrate on. Sooner or later some quarterback or basketball player will do some girl or fuck up somewhere and snatch up their attention. I can't wait for that to happen.

My pants are vibrating. It's my cell phone. The caller ID says it's Shelly, so I answer.

"Hello," I say sheepishly. I may not have any interest in women, but I've begun to understand them somewhat. She's either going to unload a bunch of shit on me or be very concerned. Or both. Or something completely out of the blue. Maybe I don't know women that well yet.

"Oh God, Chad, where are you?" I can hear the sounds of a bunch of people talking in the background.

"I'm walking to Van Nuys." I'm going to be as brief as possible.

"Do you have any idea how worried we are about you? You can't just run off like that!" Yup, she's unloading a bunch of crap on me. How surprising.

"I'm sorry Shelly. I needed to get out of there. What's happened," I ask as I turn north on the street to Craig's school.

"You set off the fire alarm, so everyone was evacuated and the fire department is here now. We're all standing around in the football field."

"What happened to Dave," I asked. "Is he


"He's fine I think. He and Greg got in a pretty big fight with the other guys. Believe it or not more people were helping them than the other guys."

"I don't believe it," I said then faded into

silence. There was a brief awkward pause in the conversation. "Well, I'm not alright right now Shelly. What happened this morning was completely fucked up."

"I know," she said.

"I'm going to go see Craig, talk to him

about it."

"Who's Craig? Is he the guy Shannon was talking about," she says as I get the slightest bit enraged.

"Don't say that name Shelly, don't fucking say

it," I scream into the phone.

"Sorry. Sorry. But is that the guy?"

"Yes, his name is Craig. He works at the theatre with me," I can hear some shouting in the background.

"Oh really, is he cute," she asks as I

break a small smile. Girls can still make me

feel good somehow.

"Of course he is Shelly," I say as I hear more shouting in the background. The voice is coming closer and closer to Shelly until I can understand the guy yelling.

"Is that the queer you're talking to?! IS THAT HIM?!" The voice is screaming, and it sounds vaguely familiar. "Give me that fucking phone!" I can hear Shelly protesting, then the sound of the phone dropping or being thrown or something.

"Shelly? What's going on?" The phone is picked

up again and the mystery guy responds.

"Is this Chad?"

"Yeah, who is this," the guy sounds livid.

"This is Brandon, Craig's younger brother." That's why the voice sounded so familiar. We had lunch not too long ago, right after I met Craig. "You stay the fuck away from my brother you asshole. Craig is no fag and you're not going to make him one. I'll fucking kill you if you do anything, I swear to God-"

I hung up the phone and put it back into my pocket. I was coming up on Craig's school now. It's incredibly similar to my school, only larger. I realized I have no idea where to find him in there, or if I even can. There may be a guard of some kind. I reach for my cell phone again, find his name in my phonebook, and start a new text message.

"Something major has happened and I need to see you right now. I'm outside the main doors of your school. Please come out ASAP. I really need you. I don't know what to do. - Chad"

I sent it off and paced around the front of the school for what seemed like hours. The doors to the front burst open and I saw Craig standing there. I started crying again and started moving towards him. He ran towards me, putting his cell phone back in his pocket as he reached me, and wrapped his arms around me. I started sobbing into his chest as he squeezed me tighter and tighter, shushing me and laying his head on top of mine. This is exactly what I needed.

Then the police car pulled up.

[This is such a soap opera now isn't it? Something tells me though, that by the time this day is done, these two will be infinitely closer. It could just be me though. I don't know, what do you think:]

Next: Chapter 9

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