Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Oct 2, 2023


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 7 -

I spend most of the night reeling from the kiss, tossing and turning in my bed. I was as giggly as a schoolgirl. Only I'm obviously not a girl. Giggly as a schoolboy just doesn't have the same ring.

I digress.

I waltzed into work on Sunday hoping to find Craig somewhere, but he was scheduled the shift after me and I probably wasn't going to see him at all. In fact, I didn't see him at all that day. Just mountains of popcorn and vats of soda. Without Craig work is a bore, so I won't extend that to you.

My carpool pulled into the parking lot right on time Monday morning. The exceedingly large SUV we take has a bike rack on the back which comes in handy. This way I can hitch a ride to school but can still bike to work. I yanked my bike of the back of the car, rolled it over to the metal racks near the doors, and locked it up. A couple people standing outside the doors gave me an odd look, someone chuckled. I did a quick check of myself, made sure nothing was wrong. My hair was fine, my shirt wasn't inside out, my bag wasn't open, nothing was wrong. Nothing warranted laughing.

Walking down the halls to where my buds Greg, David,

and Shelly usually were did not go well. Most people

stopped and stared, some pointed, some whispered, though no

one would make eye contact. I rounded the corner to the

lockers by the library could see my gang off in the distance.

"Fag!" came echoing down from the hall behind me and I turned around to see who had said it. Too many people were walking around and milling about which made identifying the asshole impossible. I swallowed my anger and continued down the hall.

"So I take it you've heard the news," David called out to me as I came up to them. David was standing close next to Greg, as usual, and Shelly was fiddling with her cell phone.

"No, what are you talking about? What's going on?" Part of me already knew what had happened. Of course I didn't believe news like that could travel so fast, especially before class had even started.

"What do you think," Greg asked rhetorically. I got a little bug-eyed after he said it.

"I have no idea what you're fucking talking about Greg. All I know is I got to school and everybody here has been looking at me like I'm some kind of murderer. They're laughing and whispering, then some asshat calls me a fag. Whatever rumor is working its way through this fucking place hasn't hit me yet and I'm just a bit ticked off about it," I said while slowing raising my voice and waving my finger in his face.

"Dude, calm down," Dave said placing his hand on top of my still-pointing finger and pushing it down. All of a sudden Shelly's cell phone was in front of my face.

"Here, read this. It'll fill you in," Shelly said as I snatched the phone out of her hand.

There was a text message from Lori, one of Shelly's friends, dated just ten minutes earlier. It read:

OMG! Did u hear that Shannon caught Chad and some guy fooling around at the mall? In a changing room? WTF?!!1!!

"There's more," Shelly said. "Click the right arrow." I clicked the arrow, as instructed, and text message from Amber appeared. It read:

Shannon caught them on a date the next day too. She said they were holding hands n making out during a movie.

"Oh we had not made out by then!" I exclaimed. You could hear a small hush come from the people around us. I could actually hear the news spread down the hallway. After realizing what I had just said the blood immediately left my face and I felt a bit faint. I dropped the phone, brought my hands to my head, and leaned against the locker behind me.


That. Gossiping. Whore.

I'm going to kill her. Why was she spying on us during the movie? And how did she know about us being in the same changing room?

The faster the thoughts rushed through my head, and the more petrified I became the closer I came to fainting. I slid down the wall of lockers and sat against the floor.

"Chad, dude, you alright," Dave exclaimed as I sat down on the floor and put my head between my legs. Soon all three of them were kneeling and at my level. Shelly grabbed my head and tilted it back so she could see my face.

"Dude, are you gay or something," Greg asked. Dave slapped him upside the head.

"Are you alright," Shelly said in her most calming voice. I tried my best to make eye contact with her. I couldn't really concentrate on anything, or the small crowd forming off to the side of us. "Is there something you want to tell us," she asked. My eyes welled up with tears and I shook my head.

"No." I didn't want to tell them. I didn't want to tell anybody. I had never told anyone before, so why start now? I wanted everyone in that hallway to just die, go away, and leave me be. I looked back at Shelly, into her eyes. "No, I don't want to," I said as the first tear streamed down my face.

"Don't want to what," Dave asked.

"Say it," I shouted. I started to really cry so I stuck my head between my legs again.

"Say what," Shelly asked. "That you're gay." She tried to be as calming and friendly as possible. I appreciated it but couldn't take it. At that point I just wanted to stand up and shout it. To tackle all the assholes standing around watching and pummel them `til they bled. To get over this damn hump, admit it to the world, and then try my best to survive the rest of high school as a fag. But my legs didn't work and my voice was gone. Shelly rubbed my shoulder then came in to hug me. The more seconds that passed the harder I sobbed.

"Y-y-yes," I choked out loud enough for only her to hear. Greg stood up and turned to the ever-going crowd around us.

"Come on guys, give him some room here. He's having a tough morning and he doesn't need you crowding around," Greg commanded to the onlookers and motioning his arms like a police officer clearing a crowd from an inferno in a fireworks factory. "Nothing to see here people."

One of the guys standing at the front spit in my direction. "Fag."

Without hesitating Dave walked forward and punched the guy right in the face. He flew back against the wall clutching his nose. A small trail of blood leaked out around his hand. Dave walked towards him, gripped his shirt by the shoulders and pushed him into the crowd. "Shut the fuck up!"

I wasn't sure of what to do next, and with the crowd to one side of me getting angry at Dave, I panicked. I started to push Shelly off of me, though she resisted, and soon broke free. Dave stood in the hallway, blocking it off from my shocked classmates, and shouted some obscenities. Greg had turned around to provide Dave with some backup if he needed it. I looked around, down towards the library to my left and to the people on my right. I bolted to my left, sprinted through the library, and out the emergency exit.

I kept running in one direction as the sound of the fire alarm faded in the background behind me. This is not how I wanted to come out. And that's if I even wanted to come out at all.

[Oooooooooh. Drama. Please keep on sending me your thoughts, maybe even where you think it should go from here. Also, please excuse the delay. School happened.]

Next: Chapter 8

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